Place md3-sonic.pk3 file into the baseq3 folder. Also you may need to create in the Baseq3 a folder called "models/players/sonic" if you are having problems seeing the icons in the characters setup select screen. NB: Quake 3 has a limit of 64 bots April 6, 2001 =================================================================== Model Name: Sonic Pack file: md3_sonic.pk3 Modeler: Ryan "Kaos" Daniel Skin Authors: Ryan "Kaos" Daniel: Super Sonic Matt "Arco" Ferguson: Shadow Nick "Limbo" Kalwitter: Bionic Sonic Ansel "Ansel" Christensen: Sonic Evan "Caleb" Johnston: Aquatic Sonic CTF Skins: Nick "Limbo" Kalwitter Sound: Ryan "Kaos" Daniel Animator: Ryan "Kaos" Daniel Bot support: "Sundance" Email Addresses: ICQ Number: 83816678 =================================================================== * Play Information * -------------------- Skins: Yes Bot support: Yes New Sounds: Yes CTF Skins: Yes * Construction * ---------------- Poly Count : 938 polys Vert Count : 513 verts Skin Count : 7 Skins Base : New Model Shaders : Yes Editor used : 3D Max 3.0, Character Studio, Photoshop 5.5, BotStudio Known Bugs : None Known Build/Animation time : About 3.5 months, at a casual rate, a few hours a week. ================================================================ **Description: -------------- Sonic is the world's fastest, hypersonic hedgehog. And now the blue blur is finally ripping up the floor of Quake 3 with his Super Sonic Speed Shoes. ================================================================ **Extra Description: -------------- The story so far... Sonic lives on the planet Mobius and is blessed with the special ability of super speed. Also on Mobius was a brilliant and talented scientist. During a freak snow storm Sonic asked the scientist for help and protection from the storm, the scientist graciously offered to help. While the scientist was working away in his lab Sonic accidentally tripped and knocked over a vat of chemicals, which spilled and covered the working scientist, scared Sonic ran away leaving the man helpless and scared. With great disfigurement the scientist rose up to become Dr Ivo Robotnik. Dr Robotnik was forced to operate on himself in order to survive and he eventually became a human/machine hybrid. Dedicating his life to revenge against Sonic and to destroy the world that loves him. Sonic battles against the evil Ivo Robotnik, to protect the creatures of Mobius from becoming robotisized. (Which is a device that Robotnik created that is capable of transforming the electric energy that resides in organic life into metallic machines, thus turning all life into robotic slaves to serve him) Sonic traveled all over Mobius in pursuit off the evil Dr Robotnik (whom he called Eggman). Sonic came across many Rotosism Capsules with helpless animals trapped inside ready to be robotisized for use in Eggmans robotic army. Sonic also found 7 mystical emeralds scattered across the surface of Mobius, known only as the Chaos Emeralds. Chaos Emeralds have unlimited power, and can restore life to Mobius. When Sonic combines all seven emeralds with a large amount of special Golden Rings and his own unique abilities, he transforms into what is only known as Super Sonic an unstoppable force. Whilst in the woods sonic came across a young fox that had been mutated by Dr Robotnik's toxic waste, however Tails had the ability to use his tails to both fly and move at incredible speeds. Robotnik soon became aware of the powers of the Chaos emeralds and he to began a search for them. Both Sonic and Tails where forced to find the emeralds, and go on to destroy Robotniks "Egg Carrier" which was a huge floating vessel Robotnik used to scavenge the surface of Mobius. Robotnik did not give in quite easily though he had built Silver Sonic, an evil robotic version of sonic, but it failed against Sonics super strength. After his defeat, Robotnik came across a floating island known as "Angle Island" it too had its own emerald known as the Master Emerald, which had enough power to keep Angle Island floating. When approaching the emerald Robotnik was confronted by Angle Islands only defender, Knuckles the Echidna. Robotnik tricked Knuckles into believing Sonic was trying to steal his emeralds. Robotnik set a base on Angel Island and started construction on the "Death Egg" a floating vessel of mammoth size capable of destroying an entire planet from space. When Sonic learned of robotniks evil plans he found his way to Angel Island but was stopped by Knuckles, who stole the Chaos emeralds off sonic. Sonic had to evade Knuckles and re-collect all the emeralds, Sonic managed to destroy Robotnic's Death Egg as it was launching, it crashed into a dormant volcano. Whilst Sonic and Tails fought against Knuckles, Robotnik stole the master emerald to re-power the Death Egg. Angel Island began to fall, realizing his mistake Knuckles helped Sonic reach the Death Egg, but as sonic was almost there he was confronted by a new Mecha Sonic although more powerful than Silver Sonic, Sonic was able to destroy it and reach the Death Egg (which was ascending into space) intact. Once Sonic finally caught up with Robotnik he was too late, Robotnik had already harnessed the power of the Master Emerald and was using it to prepare to fire at Mobius below. Sonic dodged the laser fire from Robotnik just long enough for him to reach the Master Emerald and transform into a new form, Hyper Sonic. This sudden loss of power caused the Death Egg to collapse in on itself. Sonic was able to damage Eggman's escape pod but Sonic lost track of it amongst an asteroid field, and Robotnik was thought to be dead. The Master Emerald and Hyper Sonic fell back down to Mobius, Tails intercepted them in the Tornado (A plain built by Tails) and returned the emerald to its rightful owner, Angel Island lifted back into the sky along with Knuckles. Peace had returned to Mobius for quite some time, until a huge shadow covered the land, Robotnik, was back. He had rebuilt the Egg Carrier a third time, with drastic improvements. Robotnik returned to Angel Island after discovering the hidden secret of the Master Emerald. Instead of stealing the emerald he used his robots to smash it open and free the ancient life form that was banished to live inside the emerald. This mysterious liquefied life-form did the bidding of the evil Eggman, and had the ability to consume the Chaos emeralds with ease, Sonic first set out to collect the emeralds before Chaos had consumed them, but he was stopped by Knuckles who had been tricked again be Robotnik. While they fought, Chaos went on to devour all of the Chaos emeralds, and Robotnik rein of terror was at hand, Chaos had absorbed all the negative power of the emeralds but turned on its master, and destroyed the Egg Carrier. It discarded the empty emeralds. Realizing this Sonic absorbed the positive Chaos energy and transformed into Super Sonic, and had to dodge Chaos's fury long enough to ram into Chaos and neutralize both their powers. All the evil that was in Chaos was destroyed and Chaos left to care for its children. Dr Robotnik realized that the Chaos emeralds where not powerful enough to destroy Sonic. Robotnik became aware of a power source that wasn't as strong as the Chaos emeralds, but had the mysterious ability to multiple any power source by roughly four times, it was only known as "Quad" and if he could get his hands on both it and the Chaos emeralds he could destroy Mobius once and for all and build in its place Robotnik land. Unknown to Robotnik, he was being followed closely by Sonic. Sonic was unaware of Dr Robotniks plan. Robotniks quest for Quad led both him and Sonic into an uncharted part of Mobius, and it wasn't long before Sonic lost Eggman amongst the debris that scattered the land. Sonic sensed the evil around him, and shadows moved all around him. Then he found himself in battle against many others all fighting for themselves, Sonic knew that if he where to live, he must fight against these new foes and make his escape from, The Arena............. **Acknowledgements: ------------------- Sonic is the very first model I have ever made, and it would be very minimalist if I didn't have help from some talented skinners: Arco, Limbo, Ansel, Caleb, Thank you, and take a bow. Not to mention Sundance for his Bot contribution. Also thanks to all the positive support and advise from the members at the message boards at And thanks to you for downloading this model. ^_^ **Construction: --------------- This was my first model, so it took some time. Construction started late Dec 2000. Sonic started in Photoshop where a 2D profile of Sonic was made. Max3.0 it was traced with line splines, and splines were then extruded, and refined further until the model was completed. Animations were done with Character Studio. I found some limitations to the Biped system, but adapted for minimum crunching. I imported the animations off the Grunt model, but heavily modified the animations, the timing remains identical however. Once Animated, Sonic was UV Mapped, Once mapped it was teletexed into tga. format. I then turned to the polycount message boards for help with skins, whilst several others worked away at their own skins, I created a supersonic skin, and the power skins, I guess that makes supersonic the default character. The skinners sent in their work. During the construction I was forced to disconnect from the Internet for a month due to relocation to another address. Construction was almost paused, but whilst this was occurring I had also created several other variations in the animations, after deciding on the best one it was exported for good. Bots where done by Sundance, who graciously offered help. Sounds where downloaded from the web, as well as from an external source. (A copy of Sonic & Knuckles for Megadrive, and a copy of Sonic Adventure for Dreamcast where used to input sound files) I was then forced to play through every Sonic game and make a story out of it. As well as doing a bit of research into Sonic (So much hard work) And that's it. Sonic was wrapped up with a blue bow and sent off to Polycount hope you enjoy it, thank you. Construction finished mid March 2001. ============================Sonic Bot============================= *Sundance* Sonic bots for the Sonic model by kaos bots by sundance thanx to: the sonic model development team (kaos, arco, limbo, caleb, ansel and the other guy :D) doktor for bot studio polycount for the forum for this to be released id for their great games quake 2 and 3 sega for the sonic games you for dling the model kaos in particular for asking me to do these. if anyone wants to make amy rose, knuckles, metallix, the chaotix crew, or robotnik, get in touch i got plenty of ref pix from the uk sonic comic and i would love to help make bots for them too. these bots are dedicated to the freedom fighters on Mobius, dedicated to ending the menace of Dr Robotnik. :P ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * --------------------------- SONIC(R) is a registered trademark of Sega Enterprises, Ltd Doom(R), QUAKE(R) and QUAKE III Arena(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc. Please, if you use any part of this model/skins/bots (this includes for use in a mod/pack, as a base model, as a conversion to a game other than QUAKE III Arena, or distribution by a person not designated by the author) contact the respective authors. And thank you for respecting all the hard work that went into this model.