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The alarm for a secret laboratory fortress went off, the doors started closing quickly as someone was trying to break in. Now the scene shows a familiar enemy in a giant black mech - suit with arms and legs, jet wings, shoulder cannons, and had an A symbol on the right side of it's chest. It was Dr. Andross back in his android form after he escaped from the dark zone.

Andross: This is way too easy!! Let's see what my father was working before he died. A top-secret super experiment! The government imprisoned the experiment because they feared it.

The evil doctor jumped down a hole and started shooting a bunch of guard robots on the first floor. The platform that Andross was on, moved to the top of the laboratory fortress. As the platform stopped, he was in front of a huge door and it automatically opened. Now the evil doctor walked into the secret laboratory and noticed a huge safe with a caution sign on it.

Andross: Looks like I have to enter a password in order to see this super experiment. The password is KA-RIN. Karin! Now all I have to do is wait for this safe to open.

The safe door opened and showed a capsule with ice in it. Andross knew the super experiment was frozen. The door to capsule opened and the ice cracked.

Andross: Where's the super experiment?

Just then, a 19-year-old dalmatian that looked like Vector has a green reptilian eye with a black pupil on the left side, his right eye was red, spiky navy blue hair with silver trims, blue lighting scars on both sides of his eyes, and wore a midnight blue and silver trench coat with an iced skull with glowing red eyes on the back, dark blue shirt, midnight blue and silver pants, midnight blue and silver hover shoes that were similar to Shadow's from Sonic Adventure 2, cerulean fingerless gloves, and stood about the same height as Vector.

Andross: Who's there? Is that you Vector? Are you trying to ruin my plans for world domination again? Hold on a second... You're not Vector. This can't be right!!
Bronzer: My name is Bronzer. Thank you for releasing my master. I will grant as many wishes as you desire.

Just then, the security alarm went off again.

Andross: Now what's wrong?!
Bronzer: Behold the true power I posses.

A huge security robot showed up and Bronzer attacked it. He moved very fast on his hover shoes to give him a big advantage. The evil dalmatian powered up and thrashed the security robot like trash. Andross was amazed by Bronzer's brute strength and speed.

Andross: Destroying that robot was excellent and your skills are amazing! So Bronzer, YOU are my father's top-secret super experiment? But what did you mean you would grant me many wishes?
Bronzer: Bring Dark Rubies with you.
Andross: There's only one Dark Ruby! I didn't know there were more Dark Rubies. Bronzer wait!
Bronzer: I will meet you in a space fortress on the planet Saturn.
Andross: A space fortress?

Bronzer walked away from the scene. Andross was back stronger than ever withthe help from his dead father's super experiment, Bronzer.
Above the skies, there was a floating temple and it's guardian was Shadra Leon. He was chosen to watch over the Grand Ruby of which was more powerful than Lorg's Dark Ruby. Speedra showed up to see how he was doing.

Speedra: How's it going?
Shadra: Fine I guess... guarding the Grand Ruby isn't easy at all.
Speedra: I know, if anyone took that jewel with the gems and crystals, we would be in big trouble!
Shadra: Tell me about it.

Just then, a mechanical claw grabbed the Grand Ruby and went back to the hovercraft that Dr. Andross was in. He thought with the Grand Ruby, Bronzer would accept it.

Andross: This has to be the Grand Ruby, that way I can study it and use it to give to Bronzer.
Shadra: Get back here with that Grand Ruby!!
Speedra: It couldn't be, Andross! Vector trapped you in the Dark Zone for good!!!
Andross: He did, but I was lucky enough to have enough energy left to get back here. Now if you don't mind I got some studying to do on this jewel here.

Shadra jumped into the air and threw an energy disk at the mechanical claw to release the Grand Ruby. The jewel fell but Speedra grabbed it on time. Andross left the scene got back to the hidden base on time. Speedra started to feel funny and ran away for some strange reason to leave the Grand Ruby behind.
In Dr. Andross's hidden base, he was concerned about the other Dark Rubies and this space fortress on Saturn. The evil doctor turned on his screen monitor and noticed a very important newflash.

Andross: The Dark Ruby was stolen by who?!

The reporter on the television showed the one responsible was Vector Yamazaki, one of the heroes in the past and the undefeated champion of Future Rivals.

Andross: So, Bronzer was telling the truth, there were more Dark Rubies but the one in his hand is green.

A silver jewel landed on Dr. Andross's head and noticed that it was another Dark Ruby. He had to go up to that space fortress right away.
In the city of Australia, Bronzer was looking at the scene where a lot of police cars were surrounding the bridge. The evil dalmatian looked at the scene with a sinister look.

Bronzer: Look at them all, trying to stop me with their pathetic little toys!

Just then, Bronzer started to have a flashback from 30 years ago where on the space fortress, the military was trying to capture Bronzer.

Bronzer: KARIN!!!

Karin was Andross's little sister. She was 13 years old, she had long red hair, green eyes, and wore a light blue dress, and stood about 5ft 9in. She pressed a button to encapsulate Bronzer to keep him safe.

Karin: Bronzer, for all the people on the planet Earth... give them a chance. So long, Bronzer.

Now back in the present, Bronzer regains to focus on one thing.

Bronzer: Karin, I still remember that promise I made to you. For the people of this planet... I promise you... TOTAL HAVOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the snowy mountains of Australia, Vector and Havok were snowboarding. They were racing each other down the mountain to see who would and win. Havok made it to the finish line and Vector told Havok something.

Vector: Pretty cool, Havok. Maybe you might be a professional snowboarder one day.
Havok: Thanks dad and I plan on becoming a snowboarder when I practice hard.
Vector: Now that's the spirit. Let's go back home and have some lunch.

The two teleported back home to make it on time for lunch. Monnika made them a turkey sandwich when they got back home. Vector snapped his fingers and wore his new outfit. A white jacket and pants, blue sweatshirt, fingerless black biker gloves, light blue bandana, and silver sneakers. Havok and Vector started to eat their turkey sandwiches like crazy.

Monnika: Boy, you two must have been hungry.
Havok: You bet, that's what we get for getting a big appetite while snowboarding.

Jessica came into the kitchen with the newspaper in her hands. She gave it to her mother to see what fancy clothes were off sale. But instead, she looked at the section where it says about an evil dalmatian stealing a Dark Ruby. Monnika felt nervous because she knew that Vector wouldn't do a thing like that.

Monnika: Vector, what did you do last night?
Vector: Last night? We went out to dinner with the kids last night.
Havok: Is there something wrong?

She handed the newspaper to Vector and he looked. He was angered by this and had to find out who this evil dalmatian that looked like him was.
As Vector ran to the town, he encountered his friends Sarnie, Danni, Lioness, Smash, Nina, and even Shadra. They needed to talk to Vector about this event last night.

Danni: Vector, we wanna help you find this wannabe that framed you.
Sarnie: Yeah, who don't even know who this guy is!!
Smash: We'll help you in every way to stop this fake Dalmatian!
Vector: Thanks guys, looks like it's up to us to stop this evil Dalmatian no matter what.
Just then, a huge security robot lands and was programmed to capture Vector. The brave dalmatian shot a huge energy beam getting rid of it with one shot. Just then, Bronzer lands on top of the fallen security robot and Vector notices him.
Vector: What the heck??
Bronzer: It all begins with this Dark Ruby containing the ultimate power for destructing!!
Vector: That's the Dark Ruby but that ones green. I see what's going on, the people of Australia has mistaken for you.

Vector charges at Bronzer but the evil dalmatian yells out a technique called the "Dark Freeze" where he stops time and warps past Vector to uppercut him. He lands on top of a building and unfreezes time. Vector feels a lot of damage from himself.

Shadra: I had no idea that there was more than one Dark Ruby.
Danni: There's no way that he can move that faster than me!!!
Vector: No, it's not that... he uses the Dark Ruby to increase his speed and strength.
Bronzer: My name is Bronzer. I'm the world's first immortal super animal. Sayonara, suckers!!

He teleports by using the Dark Ruby to leave the scene.

Nina: Man, that Dalmatian looks pretty bad to the bone to me.
Vector: So his name is Bronzer... how on Earth are we gonna stop this guy?
Back at Andross's hidden base, Speedra enters it and breaks down the door to find the evil doctor.

Speedra: Where is that old geezer?!

She spots a screen where Andross has teleported. The huntress looks at the place where Andross is at and notices something.

Speedra: I know that space fortress, it's called the Death Destroyer. A place on the planet Saturn where a project was being worked on but the government shut down the research 40 years ago. Why would Andross go up there? I don't care, I'm gonna find out what that doctor is up to.

She steps on the platform to teleport to space.
Vector and his friends were thinking of a way to stop this evil and powerful version of Vector. And they needed more information about the other Dark Rubies. Shadra came wit the information about the other Dark Rubies.

Shadra: I discovered about the other Dark Rubies.
Danni: Go ahead and tell us.
Shadra: Lorg had these jewels once but they were worthless to him. The only thing to get the real Dark Ruby or better known as the Grand Ruby was more powerful. He needed all the crystals and gems to combine them with his Dark Ruby to become the Ultimate Emerald.
Sarnie: We already know about the Ultimate Emerald that grants you only one wish. But how many Dark Rubies are there?
Shadra: There's a total of seven Dark Rubies. Bronzer has one of the seven Dark Rubies.

Vector was leaning against a wall with his arms folded. He was thinking of something that kept on bugging him. Smash walked to Vector see if he could help his problem.

Vector: Hey Smash, what's up?
Smash: It's about Bronzer... I can't believe way he would steal a Dark Ruby for some mysterious reason.
Vector: I know, he said he was the world's first immortal super animal. We'll in the future I'm Dr. Cortex's ultimate experiment that's immortal as well.

Nina stepped on something by accident. It was a yellow jewel and she dug up. She thought it would look pretty on her and Vector noticed that familiar jewel. It was the Dark Ruby that Bronzer had in his hand to use the Dark Freeze technique. He snagged it from Nina's paw and looked at it.

Nina: Hey, what's the big idea!! That's my pretty jewel!!!
Vector: Wait a minute, Nina! This is a Dark Ruby here. We're just lucky that Bronzer didn't find this.

Everyone walked towards Vector and noticed that it was a Dark Ruby. But they still needed to find the other Dark Rubies.
On the planet Saturn where the space fortress Death Destroyer was, Andross was in his huge mech-robot and the doors opened to the control room where Bronzer was waiting for him. He was near the control grid with buttons, a holigraphic screen, and a huge metal container.

Bronzer: I've been waiting for you my master.

Andross jumped out of his mech-robot and looked at the huge container. The evi scientist was amazed by the technology that the Death Destroyer had.

Bronzer: This is the space fortress that the brilliant scientist, Professor Lawrence Andross has created forty years ago. The government didn't know that a super weapon was being. It's a half android and half living organism capable of destroying any planet code named.... the Omega Krauser!!
Andross: Destroying a planet..... was this my father's ultimate dream?
Bronzer: But the Omega Krauser has been sealed really good. To awaken it again we need very large amounts of energy.

Bronzer placed the green Dark Ruby into the huge container. Andross tossed his over to Bronzer and placed it into the container as well.

Andross: So that's why we needed the Dark Rubies!
Bronzer: Exactly, we NEED the seven Dark Rubies to reactivate it. Once you have the Omega Krauser awaken, he'll obey your every command and the ultimate tool for destruction. Then the entire world will be your's. Not only that, you can conquer other planets with it and you will be the ruler of the galaxy!!

The evil scientist was laughing so evilly that he hadn't laughed like this before. Bronzer was indeed not only Andross's father's immortal super animal but a super genius as well.

Andross: That's pure genius!!! I like the way you think Bronzer! I will get the other five Dark Rubies, use the Omega Krauser to destroy planet Earth, and become ruler of the entire galaxy!

Just then, Speedra dropped down into the center of the bridge of the control grid. She walked up towards and said something to him.

Speedra: It's not gonna be that easy you old geezer.
Andross: Oh, you think you can do better?

The beauty huntress stretched out her hand and showed Andross a blue Dark Ruby. Bronzer and Andross were amazed of what Speedra just did. The evil scientist looked at Bronzer and the evil dalmatian shook his head.

Andross: Alright, just tell us what you can do.
Speedra: I'm super fast and I can sniff out any item you want!
Andross: Most amazing, okay... you can be part of our quest for world domination.

Bronzer caught the blue Dark Ruby that Speedra had and placed it into the container. Now the dark trio's plans for world domination was reveiled. The Dark Rubies were a life support for the Omega Krauser and would obey the one who released him.
The gang picked up a report on the news where three mysterious criminals are terriorizing a sectret laboratory fortress in a restricted part of Australia. Lioness was daydreaming about Crash.

Lioness: Crash, I wish you were here to help us.
Sarnie: I know but we'll beat that Bronzer.

Vector felt like he was being ignored because Lioness only thought and talked about Crash all the time. He knew it would be a big risk. Smash came up to him and asked him about something.

Smash: You okay V Man?
Vector: Do you really think Lioness cares about me?
Smash: Of course she does, your her friend!
Vector: All she ever does is thing about Crash and not me. I know a way to get rid of Bronzer but I'll reveil the plan later but don't tell the others.
Smash: Got it.

He gathered the gang up and teleported to the secret laboratory fortress to stop Bronzer and the other two mysterious criminals.
At the secret laboratory fortress, Andross was concerned with Speedra's instincts with the other Dark Rubies being at this place. Bronzer was just only being serious about the situation because they needed to get out of the place quickly.

Andross: Bronzer, take this timer and place it on the dynamite packs.
Bronzer: Okay, let's pull this one off in two hours.
Speedra: Two Hours?? What for?
Bronzer: We need more time to find the other Dark Rubies and there's a power orb that the Omega Krauser needs besides the seven Dark Rubies!!
Andross: I see, alright... let it rip Bronzer!!

Bronzer teleported himself, Speedra, and Andross to his father's top secret laboratory fortress. But on the outside, Speedra saw all three Dark Rubies which were orange, purple, and red so she grabbed them. Now the villains had six of the seven Dark Rubies. Just then, Sarnie, Shadra, Nina, and Lioness spotted the evil trio.

Sarnie: We got you now Bronzer!!!
Nina: Just give up already!!
Andross: Sorry you pitiful fools, we already have what we want which is the Dark Rubies we just stole. You two leave and find that power orb.

Bronzer and Speedra left. Shadra now knew the truth that his love one was now working for Andross and Sarnie was stunned to see that Andross was alive this whole time after Vector trapped him in the Dark Zone.

Shadra: Guys, stand back and I'll handle Andross. Danni, Smash, and Vector are tracking them down now.

Andross charged up his accelorators to his giant mech-robot and floated into the sky with a barrage of missiles. Shadra simply used his staff to finsih the job and the evil scientist was defeated easily but he shot a laser beam at Shadra hurting him bad. They both stood there trying to rest to reach some of their energy.

Andross: I'm gonna let you go now. But next time we meet, you won't be so lucky.
Shadra: That laser he shot at me did a lot of damage but not that much.
Lioness: I hope the others can stop Speedra and Bronzer on time.
Through the hallways of the laboratory fortress, Bronzer and Speedra were racing down through the hallways to get to the power orb for the Omega Krauser. Bronzer thought to himself that once his revenge is complete, Andross would rule the world and avenge Karin's death.

Speedra: Your pretty quiet spotty!
Bronzer: Whatever.

Both of them ran really fast and stopped at the power orb for the Omega Krauser until they were stopped by Vector, Danni, and Smash.

Danni: Looking for something you two?
Speedra: Outta the way blondie, I have a mission to complete!!!
Smash: What on earth are you doing with Bronzer??
Speedra: I have my reasons so back off!!

Danni jumped towards Speedra with a leap kick but the evil lioness ran to get the power orb but Smash blocked her way. Bronzer leaped over the trio and grabbed the power orb and Vector grabbed his hand.

Vector: I want some answers you wannabe!
Bronzer: Wannabe? I think your the wannabe dalmatian around here! Your trying to compare yourself to me... ha! Your pretty dumb to be me!
Vector: I'll make you eat those words!!!

They both did a three punch combo to attack each other and were both evenly strong. Both were exhausted from fighting each other. A red flash came from Bronzer's walkie talkie and it had Andross's voice on it.

Andross: *speaking through walkie talkie* Bronzer, what are you doing? Get back here right now before the fortress blows up with you and Speedra on it!!
Vector: IT'S ANDROSS!!!! There's just no way he can be alive! I get it now, your working with that mad scientist.
Bronzer: We'll take care of this some other time dalmatian!

Danni was about to uppercut Speedra. Bronzer didn't care about anything happening to her but has a flashback about Karin before she was killed. He used his Dark Freeze technique to teleport himself and Speedra out of the laboratory fortress. Vector did the same thing to teleport himself and his friends out of this mess. Now Andross had six of the Dark Rubies but only Vector and his friends only have one.
Speedra runs as fast as she can to pick up the heroes with her animal instincts. As she stopped, she finally picked up their energy to where Vector and his friends are.

Speedra: Good, their nearby... now I can get revenge on blondie!!

Just then, a blue jet above her flew by and it was Vector's jet place. He took out her walkie talkie and contacted Bronzer that they were heading to his sector which was in the desert of Las Vegas. Andross's voice came through Speedra's walkie talkie.

Andross: *talking through walkie talkie* Did you find Vector and his friends?
Speedra: Yeah, they're heading in Bronzer's sector. I'll contact him right now.
Andross: Good, get to it right away.
In the mountains of Las Vegas, Bronzer was waiting for Speedra to contact him and that what she did. His hover shoes activated and he ran off. He jumped and flew through the rocky areas. He stopped at a high point near the edge of a mountain and contacted Andross with his intercom.

Bronzer: Master, they're heading towards your base. What now?
Andross: *speaking through intercom* Sit tight Bronzer. I've got them on radar and there's no way they can escape. I don't like what's going and they might be planning something but I got a surprise up my sleeve that will crush those pests!!!
In Las Vegas, Vector and his friends spotted Andross's casino fortress and teleported inside. They were at the entrance that was locked but Shadra used his staff to blast the door down.

Danni: Gool job there Shadra!
Shadra: No problem, now we need to find where Andross is hiding.
Nina: Hey, the platform is turning into an arena!! Now it's floating...
Lioness: This might be dangerous.

But nothing happened at all. The gang was fine and now they needed to find a way to get into outer space to find the Omega Krauser. Just then, steals doors started to open and Andross was in his giant mech-suit standing there with an evil grin on his face.

Andross: You'll never get out here alive! I'll take that last Dark Ruby and complete my plan for world domination.
Vector: Come and get some Andross! Just leave it to me.
Andross: I order you to destroy these pests!! Come out my servant!

A huge metallic jackal came up in front of Vector. He pounded his fists on the ground to squash Vector but he moved very quick. He stood out his light saber and sliced the robot of Andross for good. He teleported himself and his friends to a space ship and launched off. They were heading to the space fortress Death Destroyer. They landed out of the space ship and went into the space fortress.

Sarnie: What is this place?
Smash: I heard rumors about this place. This place was built thirty years ago and it was shut down because weaons of mass destruction were being built here. The space fortress is called the Death Destroyer.
Vector: We gotta find that monster that Andross released before and destroy it.
Shadra: Vector, I was able to make a fake Dark Ruby. If we find the control center to the other Dark Rubies, we'll be able to put that fake one in and if that creature comes out, it won't be at full power.
Danni: Good, than we can use that to our advantage.

The control central was clear and so our heroes had the chance to put the fake Dark Ruby into the container. Vector looked at the other Dark Rubies that Andross, Bronzer, and Speedra had stolen.

Nina: So it looks like Andross has six of the seven Dark Rubies.
Smash: Well, let's get this over with!
Vector: Okay.

Just then, Speedra showed up to stop them on time. Danni stopped her from getting anymore closer if the evil huntress stopped them.

Danni: You guys take care of this, I'll handle Speedra from here!!
Speedra: I still have a score to settle with you blondie.

Vector just threw the fake Dark Ruby into the container but it rejected the fake one and needed the real one. Speedra and Danni were teleported out of the Death Destroyer and the others were teleported into Andross's laboratory as prisoners. Now Andross's voice came through the speakers in the control center.

Andross: *speaking through speakers* Vector, if you want to see your friends again, come to my laboratory and give me the Dark Ruby!!
Vector: *thinks to himself* So the old doctor wants the Dark Ruby? Well he's gonna get a big surprise.

Outside of the Death Destroyer, Speedra and Danni looked at each other and Danni was concerned about something because her arch-rival worked for Cortex but she was working with Andross.

Danni: Speedra, why are you working with Andross?
Speedra: That ain't none of your business blondie!!!
Danni: I wanna help you but seeing how you won't reply then I have no choice to hurt you!
Speedra: I'll accept your challenge.

Both warriors stood in their fighting stances and attacked each other. Speedra used her claws on the brave female dingo who ended up having scratches over her body. Danni used her boomerang to knock Speedra out cold. The evil lioness got back up and both of them were exhausted.

Speedra: I'll give you the information you need.
Danni: Now you decide to talk...
Speedra: I only followed Andross to see what he was up to and I just need to stop him. But seeing how my mission is complete, there's no reason to go on. All I need now is to look up Bronzer's data and it's complete. Thanks for the challenge blondie and good luck.

She ran off and Danni did the same thing. Danni wondered how Bronzer was created.
Vector busted down the door and saw Andross with a laser bazooka aiming towards his friends. He was impressed that his old enemy would make up his mind.

Nina: Vector, just give Andross the Dark Ruby.
Sarnie: Yeah, there's no way we can beat him!
Andross: Let's just get down to business Mr. Yamazaki. Just hand over the Dark and I'll release your friends. Put the Dark Ruby right in the center of the room and back off!!

Vector walked towards his arch-enemy and was doing fine so far.

Vector: You've turned into a big-time villain Andross and I'm amazed.
Andross: Good, now place it right there.

Now the brave android hunter placed the fake Dark Ruby in the center but Andross trapped him inside a anti-teleport capsule to explode in space.

Vector: What the?!
Andross: Did you think you could trick me with a fake Dark Ruby? I knew it was fake because my scanner here can tell with jewel is fake or real.
Shadra: WHY YOU DIRTY RAT!!!!!!!
Vector: Shadra, I want you to take out Andross for me and guys, take care of yourselves!

Andross launched the capsule that Vector was in space and exploded for good. His friends looked outside the window and some had gasped and had tears coming down their eyes. Shadra had to keep his promise to Vector.

Andross: Let's get down to business, give me the REAL Dark Ruby!
Shadra: Vector...
Andross: What?
Shadra: For the first time he asked me to do something for him and I won't let him down!!!

He charged up his staff and fired a beam. Andross did the same thing and both beams collided. The gang was out cold and Andross was in bad shape but was able to walk. He walked towards the Dark Ruby that Shadra had and grabbed it. Finally, Andross teleported out of the scene with the last Dark Ruby with him.
Bronzer looked out the window and said something about Vector that he thought about him.

Bronzer: I guess he was a regular dalmatian after all.

In the control center, Speedra looked at the six Dark Rubies and adored them so much that she was saying that they were all her's.

Speedra: The Dark Rubies are mine and no one can stop me!
Bronzer: I don't think so you nosey cat.
Speedra: Bronzer??
Bronzer: So that was you plan all along. You used me and Andross as your puppets. I'll make sure your kicked off of this team.
Speedra: I say that's invasion of privacy but since my mission is complete, I'll take what's mine and get outta this place.
Bronzer: You are one stupid female you know that?
Speedra: Look who's talking. I've downloaded some this to read about this.

She took out a piece of paper saying "Project Bronzer" on it. Now she read it to the evil dalmatian and was curious about this.

Speedra: Here on this paper it says Project Bronzer the immortal super animal. But the real Bronzer in this picture is who or what is standing in front of me.

Andross's voice came through Bronzer's intercom and had important information for him to know.

Andross: *speaking through intercom* Bronzer, I have all seven Dark Rubies! There's someone trying to get to the point to the Omega Krauser, can you get there on time.
Bronzer: Yes sir, I'll get there ASAP!! If you want to live, leave the Dark Rubies where they are and the fake one's good enough for you anyway.
Speedra: Do you think your the real Bronzer?
Bronzer: No doubt about it!
Speedra: Even if your memories are not real, you were still created to do something.
Bronzer: Even though with or without the real memories, I'm still Bronzer and I must keep my promise to Karin!

He teleported out of the control center and tried to find the person who was getting to the point to the Omega Krauser.
The mysterious person who was in the hallways was Vector Yamazaki himself. He heard a familiar come towards him and it was a compliment that came from Bronzer.

Bronzer: You surprise me dalmatian. I thought that anti-teleport capsule you were in exploded in space.
Vector: Well it takes more than explosives to kill this dude! I thought it was you who saved but I wouldn’t have escaped if I had this.
Bronzer: There’s no way that you could have activated the Dark Freeze with a fake Dark Ruby. So, your more than just a dalmatian... what are you?
Vector: What you see is what you get. Just an animal that’s the ultimate experiment of Dr. Cortex that’s immortal and an android hunter from the future who loves fighting and adventure! I’m Vector Yamazaki the android hunter!
Bronzer: So you too are an immortal experiment like me. But you know, I can’t let you live, your android hunting days are coming to an end Vector Yamazaki!!

Both warriors ran down the hallways getting to the point of the Omega Krauser. Now both warriors respected each other in strength and this would be the final showdown to determine the best of the best.

Vector: All right Bronzer, time for me to finish this! VECTOR TORNADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bronzer: Before this is over Vector, I will soon show you the meaning of Dark Freeze. DARK ARROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector summoned a blue tornado and Bronzer gathered dark energy to make an arrow. Both attacks hit the two warriors and were knocked out cold. They were both laying on the falling platform but with a little energy, Vector used the Dark Freeze get himself and Bronzer out of this mess.
Back in the control center, Andross had the last Dark Ruby in his hand and walked towards the container to place it in.

Andross: This last Dark Ruby completes my plan to take over the world. Now I will mark myself as the ultimate genius in history and start my victory for the new beginning of the empire of Andross!!

The evil scientist threw the last Dark Ruby into the container. The last thing he needed to do was put the power orb into the container as well to activate the Omega Krauser. Now the ice started to melt and it revealed the Omega Krauser as a monstrous turtle that was a living organism and have machine with two cannons on it’s back, half of it’s face was cybernetic with wires hanging outside of it’s mouth, spiky shell, curly bull horns, and stood 100 foot tall.

Andross: Now Omega Krauser, destroy the planet Earth!

The Omega Krauser didn’t listen to Andross, instead he started to suck the negative energy from the Dark Rubies making it more powerful and it’s power level was up to 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! So no other power level could match up to the Omega Krauser’s and the monstrous turtle teleported out of the Death Destroyer and on to planet Earth. Vector and his friends rushed into the control center and were too late to stop Andross.

Shadra: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ANDROSS?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Andross: This is great, I release the ultimate weapon of destruction and the Omega Krauser is on Earth to destroy it!!!!
Danni: Oh no, there has to be a way.
Sarnie: Andross is right, it’s hopeless.

Just then, Speedra walked into the room and had her head down because her home was going to be destroyed by a cybernetic monster. Bronzer came into the room as well seeing how he blamed the whole thing on himself.

Bronzer: I can’t believe I would do such a hideous thing. The Omega Krauser has sucked all the negative energy to make itself powerful.
Vector: Wait a minute, Bronzer... this maybe a big risk but we do battle that thing together.
Smash: You out of your mind Vector?! That turtle could crush us!!
Nina: Yeah, it would take a lot of power to beat this thing.
Vector: True that’s why Bronzer and I need to harness the positive energy from the Dark Rubies to make us strong enough.
Bronzer: Okay, it’s worth a shot!

Vector and Bronzer summoned the Dark Rubies that surrounded them and focused their mind to become one with the Dark Rubies. Both warriors opened their eyes and glowed bright blue. They’re clothes and hair changed color. Vector’s jacket and pants were gold, his sneakers and sweatshirt were silver, his bandana was gold as well, his eyes were red and his hair was gold as well. Bronzer’s trench coat and pants were now light gold and red, his hover shoes were now copper, his sweatshirt was now maroon, red fingerless gloves, his spiky hair was light gold with red trims, and his eyes were now jaded green. Now Vector and Bronzer were in their super forms and were now Super Vector and Super Bronzer.
The citizens of Australia started to run away from the hideous monster. The Omega Krauser started firing huge beams of negative energy from the Dark Rubies he harnessed. Super Vector and Super Bronzer spotted the creation of Andross’s father.

Super Vector: There it is, now all we need to do is fine it’s weak point.
Super Bronzer: Remember, were in our super forms and this creature’s attacks can’t hurt us. The weak point is the red jewel on his head.
Super Vector: That’s easy.

Both of them flew towards the Omega Krauser and Super Vector shot an energy beam at the red jewel and it worked. The first hit was a success and Super Bronzer fired a beam as well. The Omega Krauser started to roar in pain after being hit by beam by the two super warriors. It summoned a huge shield of energy balls to fire at Super Vector but the energy balls had no effect on Vector and shot another energy beam at the red jewel.

Super Bronzer: Here I come you creep! DARK FORCER BEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He shot a black beam at the Omega Krauser’s head really hard making it roar while shaking the ground. Vector did his famous Blaster Wolf technique on the monstrous turtle’s head. Both warriors were ready to finish off the Omega Krauser until it shot a huge energy beam. Lioness and the others were on top of a roof being worried about Super Vector and Super Bronzer.

Lioness: I hope those two are all right.
Danni: Andross, did you make Bronzer?
Andross: No, my father Professor Lawrence Andross made Bronzer. He was the very first humanoid animal ever created forty years ago. He was able to harness the Dark Rubies power to increase it’s power. But my father made another immortal super animal called the Omega Krauser because it his friends and my sister were killed. Back then I only lived with my mom because she was sick. I heard the news that the space fortress Death Destroyer was shut down because a horrible monster killed many people and my father was killed by it’s own creation. The government thought it was Bronzer who did it but the Omega Krauser sealed itself in ice.
Sarnie: Nice story doc but what about Vector and Bronzer??
Nina: There okay and look.

The smoke cleared showing Vector and Bronzer unscratched by the attack. They both shot beams at the Omega Krauser’s red jewel and it exploded. Both warriors landed down on the surface and their super forms faded. The gang walked towards the heroes and congratulated them both.

Speedra: Not bad for two super warriors.
Vector: Thanks, so if we ever want to go back to our super forms again how do we do it?
Shadra: You still need the seven Dark Rubies to get to your super form.
Bronzer: So that means that the Dark Rubies are somewhere on Earth?
Smash: I wouldn’t say that.

Danni had a pouch with her and kept all seven Dark Rubies inside it. Vector and Bronzer were proud that they could use the Dark Rubies anytime they needed to. Andross walked towards Vector and told him something.

Andross: Vector, you have the right to arrest me.
Vector: What for, you helped us saved the Earth.
Andross: Not unless I made any new plans to destroy you.
Vector: I don’t know because Doppler’s on our side and Dynamo has betrayed your empire.
Danni: So you can be good for a while or you can go back to a boring old villain.
Lioness: She’s right you know.
Andross: All right, just for a little bit.

So the gang celebrated their victory but Andross stayed with them longer than he thought. Bronzer decided to live on his own. Speedra was her usual self, cocky and over confidant. Shadra kept on eye on the Grand Ruby. Andross is trying to make up his decision to become good or evil. Vector and his friends lived their lives normally and hoped to never go through that type of adventure again.

The End

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