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Episode 1 – It Began In Florida

Scene: A darkened room
Music: Stereophonics – “Mr. Writer” (Intro and chorus)

(Camera goes across the room)

The room was dimly lit and there were very few details on the wall that we could ever make out. Silver chimes shone from a dimly lit candle in the middle of the room and a wooden skeleton was dangling under a small picture that couldn’t be made out.

(Camera zooms out a bit)

In the middle of the darkened room, two people were sitting in front of each other on a round table with the silky covering only just be shown. One of the people were moving their hands around a round glass object and glaring into it, while the other was waiting patiently. As the people came towards the light they showed themselves as a psychic and a turtle without a shell, but wears leather.

(Music kicks into middle 8. The psychic has a voice like a typical woman in the West Indies)

Psychic: Only two of the gentlemen made it out alive… cruel and selfish, and then they got shipwrecked after a thunderstorm… the third was thrown in prison for helping the evil… and the final one died a terrible death… and was never…

(The turtle sounds like Minnie Driver, but with a Scottish accent)

Turtle: (sighs) That’s it. I’m outta here. (rises) I wanted to see MY future, not theirs! (leaves)

(Music stops all of a sudden)

There was silence in the room for a while.

Psychic: Next please!

What looked like a knight on steroids entered the room with a jolly smile on his face. Once again the psychic “focused” on the glass ball.

Psychic: I see… I see… I see four young gentlemen…

(The knight sounds like Arnold Schwartzneger)

Knight: Ahem…

(Scene changes outside)

The atmosphere was more than just friendly – roller coasters can be seen for miles, the kids were screaming and the aroma of candyfloss was everywhere. That’s right – this is a fun fair. The turtle came out from a blue and yellow striped tent with an angry look on her face. She came towards three beings standing nearby – a human girl, a female bear and a young cat.

(The human sounds a lot like Princess Fiona from “Shrek”)

Human: How did it go, Misty?
Misty: Not too good. She told me the future of an N-tattooed jackass, not mine! >:

(The bear sounds like Dido)

Bear: Ah, it doesn’t matter – not all psychics are perfect. No one knows what’s in your future. Not even God.
Misty: But Corona…
Corona: I know you want to see what kids you’ll end up with, but we need a man first. And don’t pull that angry face at me – it’s not gonna work. He’ll come when you least expect it. (turns to the human girl) Right Gadget?
Gadget: Yeah – I’ve had 19 boyfriends on the trot and yet I never kissed one. :(
Corona: See – it’s not so bad.
Misty: Yeah. I bet Travis here will have better luck.

(Travis sounds like Anakin Skywalker from “Star Wars Episode 1” because he’s only a child)

Travis: I hope so. Now can we pleeeeeeease go to the shooting thing?
Gadget: Hold your horses – we’ll be ready to take you there when…

It was too late – Travis already ran off towards the other side of the fairground.

Misty: Hey, wait for me! (starts running)
Gadget: (starts running) Slow down – I can barely run in these shoes!
Corona: (starts running) Oi! Don’t leave me behind!

(The camera goes into the sky and then comes back down in the town centre, passing a sign saying “Welcome To Miami”. A virtual tour of the city runs alongside the opening credits, with Supermen Lovers – “Starlight” being played in the background. When the camera goes into a darkened alley the title shows up on the screen instantly and the outro is played. After a few seconds the title vanishes and the camera leaves the valley and focuses in on the fun fair, which was through some white wooden gates. Music stops and the following words could be made out in green futuristic writing – “July 4th 1989, 4:29pm”. It focuses further and then stops at a shooting gallery.)

Travis was the first to make it over to the games area, while the others had problems getting there. They were gasping for air madly as soon as they got there.

Corona: (puffs) Next time Travis… not so fast…
Travis: Sorry…

(The staff employee sounds like a basic circus ringmaster)

Staff employee: Get yourself lucky at the shooting gallery! Knock all the cans down with two shots and you win a prize, one shot and you get a more expensive gift.
Travis: (goes up to him) How much?
Staff employee: A dollar a turn!

Travis quickly paid for his turn and grabbed a shotgun with a foam rifle stuck in it. He took aim for a few seconds…


The cans were knocked down in one shot.

Travis: YAY!!!!!! I WON! I WON!!!!!!
Staff employee: Here’s your prize, young man!

Travis received a Game Boy from the employee. His eyes lit up and as he turned it around…

Travis: WHOA – I’VE GOT DONKEY KONG!!!!!!!!!!
Corona: Hey, I know that you’re excited young man, but how about you keep it nice and safe from the bad guys. (takes the Game Boy off him and puts it in her rucksack)
Travis: But why?
Gadget: Because Sergeant Oxtail Soup may strike this place when we least expect it, and he may steal the prize from you.
Travis: What does he want a Game Boy for?
Misty: The kid’s got a point.
Gadget: Well you never know what that vicious strongman will do to us. Remember what he did last week to Misty’s friend Bubble? He stole over half of his hat collection!
Travis: Oh yeah…
Corona: Well you have to keep your precautions. Who knows when he could strike…

[Scene changes to outside the psychic’s tent. Music restarts – Gorillaz – “Clint Eastwood” (Intro instrumental)]

The psychic and the steroid knight emerged from the tent. Then they glanced at each other.

Psychic: Are you sure this plan is gonna work?
Knight: Of course it will. As soon as Gadget’s forces are down there is no one left to stop me. (smiles vilely)
Psychic: What about the others – Chad, Bubble, Kiwi and Goliath?
Knight: They’re weak targets, we already know that. Once they are ALL out of the way, the US State of Florida will see a day like no other.

A mysterious yet familiar figure came close to them, followed by three others.

Mysterious figure: You there! If you want to take over the State, let us be of your acquaintance.

The knight and the psychic faced each other in the eyes, and nodded at the same time.

(Scene changes back to the other side of the fairground. Music stops)

Gadget: I’m sorry but it’s getting close to 5pm. We have to leave.
Travis: But Gadget, I wanna ride the Terror Coaster!!! :(
Corona: Look here – this fun fair is only 10 miles from home, so we can ride on it tomorrow.
Travis: But…
Misty: (sighs) Maybe we should cheer ‘im up with a trip to KFC.
Gadget: Good idea!
Voice: You’ll be fried chicken in a minute!

[Music restarts – Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan – “Silence” (DJ Tiesto In Search Of Sunrise remix, instrumental)]

There was an explosion from the dodgems. As it cleared out, the ride was destroyed.

Misty: Darn! That was my favourite! >:

And from through the smoke the familiar figures came into view, with the knight and the psychic coming near them.

Corona: Oh no… Sergeant Soup!
Gadget: And Mozzarella Cheese!
Misty: And… who the hell are THEY?
Sgt. Soup: Girls… I’d like you to meet the Cortex siblings. (smirks vilely)
Tiko: That’s right – I heard about you guys from these generous souls…
Sgt. Soup and Mozzarella: HEY!
Tiko: …and now I’m happy to help them take you out once and for all!
Travis: (screams) I WANNA GO HOME!!!!!!!
Corona: I know, but these freaks will follow us!
Misty: It’s gonna take a miracle to get out of this one… wait a minute – the Cortex siblings… that rings a bell…
Misty, Corona and Travis: AYE!!!!!!

All four of them charged towards the newfound six, but little did they know they were outnumbered. Misty said that it will take a miracle to break out, and a miracle it could be.
Episode 2 – Four Familiar Faces

Scene: The desert areas of Florida, about 20 kilometres from the outskirts of Miami
Music: Aaliyah – “We Need A Resolution” (Instrumental)

The temperature is 90ºF in the shade, yet the vision of the area is still perfect. On a desert freeway up ahead, only one car can be seen, travelling in the East direction.

(Camera zooms in on the car)

At a closer range we are able to see a cream-coloured jeep, and yet some familiar heroes from a while back were travelling in it. Two of them were at the front, yet a further two were at the back. We finally recognise them as Neo Cortex (in the driver’s seat), Snappy Gator, Boron and Nitrus Brio – the original “Take Down Tiko” team.

Neo: How far is it to Washington?

The jeep went past a green sign, telling the answer.

Brio: About… (reads the sign) …1580km from here.
Snappy: Bummer!

Boron gave out a worried howl. Then there was silence for a few further seconds.

Neo: How far is it to Chicago?

Another sign came up and told the answer.

Brio: About… (reads the sign) …2125km from here.
Snappy: Major bummer!

Boron gave out another worried howl. Then there was an oozing-like sound. Snappy looked down at his belly with a puzzled look.

Snappy: Uh-oh… (leans towards the front) How about supper?

Three signs came one by one, with these messages –


“You just ate your dinner”

“Fat boy”

Snappy: But I’m an alligator!

Another sign came up with an unnecessary remark.

“OK, fat gator then”

Snappy: Er guys, the signs are talking to us!
Neo: Ha ha, and I’m David Bowie.
Brio: (gasps) LOOK UP AHEAD – THERE’S CIVILISATION!!!!!!!!!!

[Music changes – Azzido Da Bass – “Dooms Night” (Stanton Warriors remix, instrumental)]

A city skyline came into view, and by the first sight, everyone’s eyes started to light up.

Neo: Unbelievable! We’re back home!
Snappy: No we’re not – this looks nothin’ like Panama…
Neo: I know, but I can recognise the state like that skate-park near my old home. Gentlemen, welcome home to Florida!
Snappy: Lemme guess the town – it’s Miami!
Brio: How can you tell?
Snappy: I can recognise them skyscrapers! I used to live in one of those!
Neo: OK, if that’s the case, maybe you should try and lead us to somewhere to stay for the night.
Snappy: Fine. I will.
Brio: But we’re just… er…

Another sign came up.

Brio: …17km away from the suburbs.
Snappy: Hey – these signs seem pretty friendly. ;)


[Music changes – Ian Van Dahl – “Castles In The Sky” (Club version intro)]

A series of missiles, rifles and whatnots were being fired every second, and yet, the forces of Tiko and Sgt. Soup have the others on the run. Within the next few seconds, Mozzarella gave Gadget the Stone Cold Stunner to the ground, Hallie came up to Misty and pinned her down with her whip, Lio tossed his ooze over at Corona, who didn’t have time to escape, and Deksta got out a buzzer and electrocuted Travis at the highest voltage possible.

Gadget: (screams) TRAVIS!!!!!

She got up from her feet and dashed over to him.

Gadget: (stops at his feet) Are you all right?
Travis: (faintly) Urgh…
Gadget: I know you’re suffering, but we’ll get you out of here – I promise.

Then two thoughts came into her mind –

*thought 1*

Travis: What does he want a Game Boy for?
Misty: The kid’s got a point.
Gadget: Well you never know what that vicious strongman will do to us.

*thought 2*

Misty: It’s gonna take a miracle to get out of this one…

(Thoughts stop)

She leered into the crooks’ eyes and stood there while focusing her energy.
Episode 3 – The Chosen One?

Scene: The city centre of Miami
Music: Mya – “Case Of The Ex” (Instrumental)

At this stage the cream-coloured jeep stopped in a small outdoor parking lot and soon after, the whole crew stepped out.

Neo: Now are you sure this is a good idea?
Snappy: It’s the only way if you’re lost, which we are.
Brio: What, a tourism office? We need a hotel, not one of those!
Snappy: But that way we can get a guide to the city…

They stopped outside a box labelled “information”, and there is a lever that says, “pull”.

Brio: Looks like this is our bundle of tour guides. Boron, you know what to do.

(Music stops)

Boron went up to the lever and pulled it down. After rushing back with the others, the doors swung open and a set of dummies popped out in a model of Miami Beach and some chimed music was played.

Dummies: (sing to the tune of “It’s A Long Way To Tipperary”)
Welcome to the city of Miami
Where your smiles shine there
Welcome to the city of Miami
Where there’s fun for all to share
Watch the Dolphins football team
Lie on the beach catching solar beams
Or do whatever you like in Miami
‘Cause your smiles shine there!

As soon as the dummies stop singing they get brought to the sides of the box out of the way and into the darkness and the chimed music stops. Then a temporary flash blinded everyone and the doors quickly closed. Finally a photograph came out from a slot underneath the doors, showing a picture of the gang and a message underneath it saying “I’ve Been To Miami”.

Snappy: (picks up the photograph) That was fun! Let’s try it again! (attempts to go back to the switch)
Neo: (grabs Snappy by the shoulder) No Snappy – we’ve got to find somewhere to stay. And besides, when we finally get rid of Tiko, you can visit this place all you want!
Snappy: But it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
Brio: But you said that you once lived here.
Snappy: (suddenly realising) Oh yeah… :) I haven’t heard a word from the folk that lived with me here for a while yet, but I hope they’re still around.
Brio: Well I’ve heard in the papers a lot about your “friends” you told me about, so they still could be here.
Neo: If that’s the case, there’s no time to lose! (turns to Snappy) You lead us the way to your childhood home.
Snappy: Aye skipper!

[Music restarts – Pink – “Most Girls” (Instrumental)]

As they started dashing down the sidewalk, two black figures could be made out on top of one of the skyscrapers.

(Camera focuses in on them)

We finally see them as an old man dressed in young adult clothing and a red bandana, and a green-bodied parrot with a goldenrod mohican hairstyle.

Man: Kiwi, are you sure it’s them?

(Kiwi has a voice like Sonia from “Sonic Underground”)

Kiwi: Of course they are, Chad my boy! I spotted them when I was flying around the town, and the black-haired one matches the exact specifications.
Chad: You mean… HE is the Chosen One?
Kiwi: Who do you think he is, Brian May from Queen?
Chad: I don’t think so. He’s got curly hair, and the one we’ve got here has spiked hair. Did you find the birthmark?

(Music changes – David Morales presents The Face – “Needin’ U”)

Kiwi: Oh sure! And it’s in the same location every time – between the skin and the left eyebrow.
Chad: We’ve got to find out just to make sure.

Kiwi grabbed onto Chad’s jacket and they both flew down towards the gang.

Chad: Howdy… whoa, stop!

(Music stops)


Neo: What in the world…
Snappy: That voice sounded so familiar.

[Music changes – Dusted – “Always Remember To Honour And Respect Your Mother” (Paul Van Dyk remix, instrumental)]

Boron came up to a knocked-over trash can and started sniffing it. Then he pulled out Chad and Kiwi from under a pile of steel cans, empty crisp packets and fish bones.

Chad: (coughs madly) Nice to… (wheezes) …see you all here…
Neo: (goes up to him) You OK sir?
Chad: (gets up) Perfectly fine – I’ve been through worse situations than this. By the way, are you the Chosen One?
Neo: What do you mean am I the Chosen One? I’m Neo Cortex, not the…
Kiwi: Just lift up your left eyebrow!

He did so, and from underneath they saw a red scar.

Neo: So? That’s my birthmark.
Kiwi: I know, but it’s the key for the only way to eliminate the powers of Sergeant Oxtail Soup from the city.
Brio: Oxtail Soup? Who’s…
Chad: What’s worse, he’s teamed up with four other master criminals, the leader of these having blue hair, green eyes and a monkey’s tail.

(Beat kicks in)

Neo, Snappy and Brio: (all gasp) TIKO!!!!!!!
Kiwi: Who?
Neo: We’ll help you out in this mission! (goes up to them) Where are they?
Chad: They’re at a funfair round this corner!
Snappy: You don’t say! :)
Chad: By the way, who are the others?
Neo: Oh, they’re just some companions of mine – Snappy Gator, Nitrus Brio and Boron, my wolverine.
Chad: You’re back!!!
Everyone else: Huh?!?
Chad: Er, never mind. By the way I’m Charles Medulla IV, but you can call me Chad, and this is my parrot Kiwi.
Kiwi: YOUR parrot? I belong to someone else!
Chad: Oh yeah… back in business then - This is our chance to eliminate Sgt. Soup for good!
Neo: And this is our chance to annihilate my siblings – they’ve been on the run for years!
Kiwi: (flies onto Neo’s shoulder) You can explain on the way!

So they all started dashing down the sidewalk once more, ready to see their destiny at the funfair. Tiko has finally been located and at this stage their war recommences.
Episode 4 – Destiny Awaiting

Scene: The city centre of Miami, just a few hundred metres from the funfair entrance
Music: Fatboy Slim – “Sunset (Bird Of Prey)” (Intro)

The beautiful city landscapes started to darken as the sun began to gradually drop over the horizon. Shadows grew larger and the amount of birds hovering around the area decreased steadily, and the amount of cars in the area grew as many were leaving their destinations for home sweet home. But out from the cars, the sound of running feet could be heard on the sidewalk, and some recognisable figures could be seen there.

(Music turns instrumental, and the beat starts to kick in)

Snappy: So what you’re saying is that Sgt. Soup has been up your backside for the past few years? Why?
Kiwi: We were the only ones capable of dealing with crime in this town. The Police are even scared!
Neo: Now I know how Batman feels like…
Brio: I’m thinkin’ the same. Seems pretty tough.
Kiwi: Yeah, but we could still handle it, what with those toned muscles! Wish I could show mine, but parrots can’t bend their wings like humans can.
Neo: I’m sure that your wars had to have a beginning. Can you remember what caused it to start?
Chad: Gee, my brain cells may not be what they used to be, but believe it or not, Soup was my earliest creation. I was expecting to follow from my mentor, Dr. Newton Brio.
Brio: You mean… my father used to live here?
Chad: Sure he did. He spent his time here studying animal evolution, but he had only one humanoid.
Snappy: And who was that?
Chad: (ignores him) When he left us 30 years ago I spent time constructing an evolution machine that matched the one in his sketchbook. Five years ago I finally finished and I tested it on the corpse of a human and a live ox. I was expecting a humanoid animal, but he ended up with the tail and a whole lotta steroids!

Brio: I never knew my father was a scientist… Oh wait – I spent the early years of my life in New Mexico. (sighs)
Snappy: What about Ms. Cheese? Where did she come about?
Chad: She was just another street rat looking for an opportunity to get rich quick and earning a position of responsibility.
Snappy: In other words, ruling the world.
Chad: Maybe, but we’re not sure. Luckily though I never gave up in my research. Three more animals were tested, each of them being successful. My aim is to keep on going with a dream to have a humanoid army that can help the poor security, placing myself in the history books.
Neo: So you’re saying that you’re the one who started this mess?
Kiwi: He always had regret over it, and always will do.
Snappy: Well hopefully that Soup character and that bloomin’ gypsy should be no match for us. (giggles) Make way for Mr. Crocodile Shoes!

The gates for the funfair came into focus and they soon stepped into it.

(Music fades out)

And the first thing they saw was fire. All the rides were burnt to bits and there was no sign of life anywhere.

Kiwi: (panics) I hope Corona’s all right – I haven’t done all my music lessons yet!

There was a vicious laugh in the distance – a deep male laugh.

Chad: (gulps) I’m afraid about all this…
Brio: About what?
Chad: My daughter. I’m worried for her safety…

There was a female scream.

[Scene changes to outside the dodgems. Music changes – Outkast – “So Fresh So Clean” (Fatboy Slim remix, intro)]

Gadget was already held to the floor thanks to pink ooze, rope tied around her body, an electric current wearing her down and booby traps surrounding her. She was paralysed from the chest down and was struggling to breathe. Tiko and Sgt. Soup were on the outskirts of the traps with vicious smirks on the faces, with the others behind them.

Sgt. Soup: (laughs vilely) I bet we’ve outsmarted you this time, Miss Medulla…
Gadget: (struggles to break free) You won’t get away with this, stinky!
Sgt. Soup: Oh, but we can. (looks down at the booby traps) Once one of these go off, you’ll be going down to see the devil and be tortured for eternity!

He picked up a twig from the ground and was about to use it to set one of the traps when…

(Music stops)

Voice: HOLD IT!!!!!
Tiko: What the…?
Sgt. Soup: Oh no – not the elder!
Chad: Leave my daughter alone!
Mozzarella: (in the background) Or else what, Grandpa?
Chad: Or else I’ll send in some of my friends…

Sgt. Soup instantly cracked up.

Tiko: Fine! Show me your “friends”!

And so he did – They came behind him one by one, saving Neo till last. At this sight…

[Music restarts – Dane Bowers – “Shut Up And Forget About It” (Instrumental)]

Tiko: (gasps) OH MY GOSH! HOW DID HE GET HERE????
Neo: Never mind that – how did YOU get HERE?

Tiko had sweat coming down his face, and started shaking.

Sgt. Soup: What’s the matter with a puny little runt like him?
Neo: Ah, nothing much except that… I’m the Chosen One.
Sgt. Soup: (gasps) YOU… the ch-ch-ch… CHOSEN ONE?!?!?
Mozzarella: Bloomin’ eck – I wish I told you guys earlier…

And so they quickly left the area.

(Music stops)

Snappy: I guess that steroid dude has been… all souped up!

There were signs of laughter around the area.

Kiwi: (giggles) I’ve never seen him so scared in my life!
Brio: Yeah but… why?
Chad: Two years ago we learnt that only the Chosen One would have enough power to eliminate the enemy. Now that we have him in front of us, victory will be in our grasp, for your crew and for ours.

[Music restarts – Zero 7 feat. Sia and Sophie – “Destiny” (Intro)]

As that was going on, Kiwi flew off Chad’s shoulder with a potion bottle in her grasp and shared it between Gadget and the others. Then she managed to cut them free with her beak.

Chad: I’d like you to meet some comrades of mine – Travis Tortoiseshell, Misty Terrapin, Corona Grizzly and my daughter Gadget.

(Music kicks into the chorus)

Gadget finally stood upright, facing Neo, both gazing into each other’s eyes. For almost half a minute they didn’t lose eye contact, but soon enough they smiled at each other.

(Music kicks into the outro)

Gadget: I’d like to thank you for saving my life. :)

There was no response to it, but soon they both shook hands.


Both of them turned into the direction of the beeping noise quickly and rushed back to the entrance, where the whole lot were in their jeep, with Misty in the driver’s seat!

Misty: Hey come on slowpokes – get in the car!
Neo: ‘Scuse me turtle, but this is MY jeep, not yours!
Misty: Well who gives the monkey’s nuts about that?
Corona: (yanks Misty on one of her pigtails) Stop it! Can’t you do something nice today for once?
Misty: (sighs) I guess you’re right… (mumbles and grumbles)

Misty quickly jumped into the back seat and Neo and Gadget eventually hopped in.

Travis: Oh boy – the Chosen One has arrived!
Chad: Yes, but we still need to play our full potential in case something terrible happens.
Snappy: Yeah – we’re not takin’ any chances! ;)
Neo: (chuckles) Brotherly revenge… (steps on the gas) …here we come!!!!!

Within a few seconds the jeep was out of sight and was heading towards the Southern direction. Who knows what dangers could be on the horizon…

(Music fades)

Misty: (from the distance) YOU’RE GOING THE WRONG WAY, FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!!!
Episode 5 – Lost And Found

Scene: A hidden laboratory
Music: Gorillaz – “Tomorrow Comes Today” (Intro)

A power surge was running all over the lab and in the darkest corner a strange being stood there, shrouded by darkness. He was about to come into the light, with his blue eyes glowing, towards a dog-like creature at the other side of the room, also shrouded in darkness. He got out his hands and caused a tight grip with four fingers and two thumbs shared between them, and was about to grab it…

(Music stops)


This caused the humanoid figure to dash back into the corner.

Voice: Hey Bubble! We’ve got company!

(Bubble sounds a lot like Buzz Lightyear from “Toy Story”, but with a strong cockney accent)

Bubble: (sighs) Drat! I was sooooooo close too! >:

He finally emerged from the darkness, showing himself as a humanoid starfish! Looking down at the dog-like creature, he showed regret in his eyes.

Bubble: Don’t tell him, Goliath. Or I’ll be mincemeat again, and so will you next time they leave us.

And with that, Bubble headed up a dusty set of stairs and through a brightly lit hall, where Chad and the others stood near him.

Bubble: Oh hey there, Chad! How’s it going?
Chad: Absolutely brilliant – we have found success!
Bubble: As in…?
Corona: We have brought you a gang of four lead by Neo Cortex, AKA the Chosen One.
Bubble: (gasps) HE’S ARRIVED!!!!! :) Oh… sorry if I didn’t get to introduce myself to you four. I’m Bubble Starfish, Chad’s apprentice and Misty’s best friend.
Neo: Oh, I see – you try to help him achieve his goal! ;)
Chad: (giggles) Where would I be without him?

The basement door swung open and out came the dog creature, showing himself… as a blue wolverine! He started barking quickly at the others.

Gadget: (gasps) Have you been tested by Bubble again?
Bubble: (sighs) I’m sorry. I wanted to help you get an army of humanoids…
Chad: Yes, but not by placing my wolverine on the evolution machine! >:
Brio: Ah, he looks just like Boron, but the fur coat is different. What’s he called?
Chad: He goes by the name of Sir Goliath!

[Music restarts – Boyzone – “Father And Son” (Instrumental)]

Boron: (eyes lit up) WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! (goes up to Goliath and jumps on top of him)

As they played about, Goliath’s pendant dropped off, and Neo picked it up. After looking inside he saw his family… and a familiar looking cub…

Neo: (smiles) I think I know why he’s so excited.
Travis: What?
Neo: It seems like both of them… are father and son!
Everyone else: Aaaaaah… :)
Snappy: This place seems to get weirder by the minute… oh wait – now can you tell me who was Newton’s creation?
Chad: (chuckles) YOU were his tested animal in his research for animal evolution. You’ve been that way since the day you were born!
Snappy: (gasps) WHOA!
Chad: And after that… his old machine was blown up by a power surge, after just a few days of life. :o He was still happy because he was a pro at this, and so he had to leave for a bigger challenge. Where is he now?
Brio: He’s dead.
Chad: (pauses for a long while) I never knew… (looks up) …but this mission will be set in memory of him! Soup, you’re mine!

(Music stops)

A TV was running in the room next to them.

TV: (news jingle runs) We interrupt this programme to give you the following newsflash. (news jingle finishes)

With that, everyone peeked into the room and saw what was going on.

TV: A few minutes ago a criminal group of six have broken into the Town Hall and are holding the mayor hostage.

Everyone else soon gasped.

TV: We are unsure about the criminals, but through the security cameras inside the mayor’s office we can see them clearly.

The TV showed the situation… and the crooks were instantly recognisable!

Neo: (gasps) TIKO!!!
Gadget: And Sergeant Soup!!!
Snappy: And all the others that we don’t need to go through.
TV: If you can recognise the criminals, please contact the Police on the following number on the screen. They will do the job, so we advise you to stay indoors until it’s all over. We will now return to the advertised programme.

[Music restarts – Geri Halliwell – “Scream If You Wanna Go Faster” (Intro instrumental)]

Having heard about that, Chad closed the door.

Chad: Did you hear that? The next battle has only just begun! If they conquer the Mayor’s office, who knows what they’d do next!
Bubble: Ey, you’re not gonna take him out, aren’t you?
Neo: Chad told us that you guys are stronger than the Police force, so we don’t have a choice!
Travis: Awww… do we HAVE to?
Snappy: (sighs) Would you rather have your lives wrecked by this monster or live a happy life?
Travis: Er… (sighs) OK, let’s deal with him before anything bad happens.
Corona: That’s the spirit, Travis my boy! We can’t wreck your life any further than this!

So they quickly headed out towards the Mayor’s office. Who knows what could happen next – it could be really good or really bad for them. But who knows – the fate of the town is in their hands, and in a situation like this, anything can happen!
Episode 6 – Political Peril

Scene: The Mayor’s office in Miami city hall
Music: Gorillaz – “Clint Eastwood” (Instrumental and near the end)

Inside the office, all hell seemed to have broken lose – the city’s Mayor was tied up in the corner, and struggling to break free, but the only areas of security that he can’t escape… are the clutches of Tiko’s crew.

(The mayor has a voice like Bill Clinton)

Mayor: Ey, please let me out, you ignorant jerks!!!!
Tiko: (turns to the others) Shall we?
Lio: No way José!
Hallie: His name’s not even José, bro.
Mozzarella: We need to do a bit more reasoning with him.
Deksta: Don’t let him escape – chances are that he’d send that brotherly Chosen One on us! (giggles)
Sgt. Soup: Well no matter what we’ve got enough power combined to eliminate this so-called Chosen One.
Tiko: OK… ;)
Mayor: No please – you don’t understand! I’ll do anything for you guys if you let me go!
Tiko: Anything?
Mayor: Anything.
Tiko, Sgt. Soup, Deksta, Mozzarella, Lio and Hallie: (slowly and altogether) Anything?
Mayor: Absolutely anything!
Tiko: (smirks vilely) I have something in mind… (smirks vilely) I want you to turn down your position of Mayor of Miami…
Mayor: No… please… anything but that!
Tiko: …and send it to us! (laughs vilely)


[Music changes – Outkast – “Ms. Jackson” (Instrumental)]

(Camera shows Gadget’s legs standing far apart)

Gadget: Thar she blows!

(Camera goes a bit higher and turns around, showing her face)

Gadget: Now before we get inside, do any of you have any questions to ask?
Neo: I do – what’s so different about being the Chosen One?
Misty: Hoo boy… you don’t wanna know. (leers into his face)
Bubble: Yeah he does! (pulls Misty back a bit) We heard that the Chosen One can do totally different things to what normal people could do.
Snappy: Oh, get a grip – he can’t fly, breathe fire or attract a dragonfly to go with him everywhere.
Corona: (sighs) For the last time, I know that the Chosen One possesses hidden power, but that doesn’t necessarily mean Dragon Power, OK?
Snappy: OK…
Kiwi: Well I heard that the Chosen One is born with a high health rating, so this means that he can’t get defeated.
Misty: But the gypsy told me about your de…
Brio: Don’t take the mick out of him – I’m thinking that you’re jealous.
Misty: No I’m not!
Bubble: Hey, let’s just wrap this up with one simple sentence – the Chosen One is stronger than many normal people.
Snappy: But I want more of an explanation…
Gadget: Any more questions, boys and girls?

There was silence.

Gadget: Good. This is gonna be too easy. ;)

(Music turns vocal and kicks into the chorus)

So they quickly stepped through the doors of the city hall and dashed down the corridors towards the mayor’s office…

(Music kicks into the outro and turns instrumental)

Neo: Misty, you told us to go right…
Chad: Ignore her. For a girl her age she doesn’t know her left from her right. Remember – do the opposite direction to what she says. She’s always been crabby at Geography, explaining this lack of direction.

Finally they reached the doors and glanced at them. There was silence for a while and then Snappy kicked the door down, without suffering pain. Sooner enough they embraced themselves and stepped inside, with Travis hiding behind Chad’s back. Time was slowly slipping away, and bearing that in mind, who knows what could occur inside the most important area of the whole city.
Episode 7 – Fake And Female

Scene: The Mayor’s office in Miami City Hall
Music: Limp Biskit – “Take A Look Around” (Instrumental)

(Camera is focused to the floor)

A whole set of feet stepped into the office and after a few steps they came to a halt.

(Camera shows a view of the office)

And all that they saw… was just a normal, quiet mayor’s office. There was nothing suspicious anywhere.

Neo: I have a bad feeling that Mozzarella was the TV reporter back there…
Travis: What are you talking about?
Neo: Look – I think we’ve been fooled…
Misty: (sighs) Oh for God’s sake, I still think that them jerks are hanging around in here! Now shut yer pie hole and listen.

There was silence, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of rustling behind the mayor’s desk.

Snappy: Heehee!!! They’re doin’ it in the back!!!!!
Neo: (slaps Snappy across the face) Snappy!!!!!
Bubble: Hoo boy… where did you get him?
Gadget: Don’t explain now – I think I’ve found an important piece of the puzzle.

She climbed onto the desk and peeked around the back, trying her best to avoid her long tree brown hair getting down there. She finally smiled.

Gadget: And an important piece it was too – I’ve found the Mayor!
Chad: (gasps) You have?!?!?
Kiwi: (flies up from the ground and onto the desk) Lemme take a look!

Corona came round the other side of the desk and grabbed Kiwi’s beak…

Kiwi: OW!
Corona: Sorry, but you’re essential for help here. Now open wide and say “ah”.
Kiwi: Aaaaaaah…

Quickly she places a rope in between her upper beak and lower beak, and when they closed sooner enough it snapped the string! Within no time at all, the mayor was able to wiggle free within a few seconds.

(Music stops. The mayor had a totally different voice, but as this part progresses, you’ll see why.)

Mayor: Oh, thanks for rescuing me! (shakes all the ropes off) Hmmm… how can I be able to thank you guys? Maybe by making all your dreams come true?
Snappy: My dream is to drive around the world in a Ferrari and wear only Calvin Klein underpants!

Everyone else rolled eyes.

Mayor: Maybe I should try and give you something that you want for a long time…
Boron: YEAH! YEAH!
Mayor: (laughs vilely) How about a NASTY AND DIRTY FIGHT!!!!!!!!

[Music restarts – Eddy Grant – “Electric Avenue” (Ringbang remix, instrumental)]

The Mayor removed his mask and tall hat, and showed himself – herself rather – as Hallie!

Hallie: SUCKER!!!!!!
Everyone else: OH NO!!!!!!
Bubble: (goes up to her angrily and pins her onto the wall) Tell us where the real Mayor is, or else!
Hallie: Bad guys never reveal their plots to the good guys, so why bother?
Bubble: (rams his knee into her groin) Show – us – the – mayor!!!!!!

Hallie’s eyes soon started to glow as bright as burning bluebells and with that she drew out her whip and leapt into the air, and caused a slash across the whole room, regardless of who she hits. When her attacks finished she looked around the room… and saw that Brio and Corona are the only ones standing!

Corona: I’m afraid that something bad like this could happen…
Hallie: (smirks) Well well well, if it isn’t the bear and the white boy… (laughs vilely)
Brio: Who are you calling white boy?
Hallie: That’s all I CAN call you, ever since you don’t seem familiar to me at all…
Corona: (guards him) Stay away from us – we’re tougher than you think!
Hallie: (giggles) Show me what you’ve got!

Unexpectedly, from right behind Corona, Brio’s eyes started glowing a bright red, and the skin colour gradually changed. There was no notice of this, as the girls made their way into the middle of the office for a catfight, although they’re not cats.
Episode 8 – Monster! Monster!

Scene: The Mayor’s office in Miami City Hall
Music: Fragma – “You Are Alive” (Club Mix)

As the girls leered at each other as mad as they could, they still couldn’t notice Brio behind them, trying to drag everyone else out of the room while suffering the effects of changing shape, skin colour and eye colour, not to mention species. He then gave out a light squeal that was a crossover of his own and a wolf’s. The girls failed to notice.

Corona: Look – I may be a girl, but bears are more ferocious than you think, no matter what sex they are.
Hallie: Who cares about that? All that you’ve got on you is just a puny little guitar, and what can you do with that? Absolutely nothing!
Corona: (gets her guitar out) We’ll see about that!
Hallie: Prove it!

With Hallie’s evil smirk spread across her face, Corona opened up her musical instrument and… pulled out a flamethrower! She took aim, and instantly fired it onto her opponent! She tried to block it… but…

Hallie: (screams) FIRE! FIRE! FIIIIIIIIIRE!!!!!!!!!!

But she stopped running around for a while and then a thought came into her head –

Fireman: Stop, drop and roll.

(thoughts stop)

So quickly she dived down and started rolling on her back across the room, and a few seconds later…

(Music stops)

…she looked fried and burnt to a crisp. Finally, Corona stepped slowly towards her, with her flamethrower pointed at her.

Corona: Any last words?
Hallie: (sings) My tea’s gone cold, I wondered why…
Corona: (rolls her eyes) That sadistic trick is not gonna work.

With that she pulled the trigger of her flamethrower… and nothing came out!

Hallie: WANKER!!!!!!!

[Music restarts – Sonique – “I Put A Spell On You” (Quo Vadis Sonique Boom remix, instrumental)]

Despite looking sizzled round the edges, Hallie made a jump back up onto her feet and landed perfectly. She got out her whip, and then started slashing it towards Corona, who was now on the run so badly. The chase occurred for a while, yet there seemed like there was no chance of escaping. Finally she was cornered in the far back of the room, which was far away from the door and the window, and it seemed like she was done for. A final whip slash was about to come down when…

(Music stops)


Hallie: Grrr… MISSED!!!!

As she reclaimed it, she saw… that the end of her whip had been chopped off!

Hallie: Hoo boy…

[Music restarts – Baby D – “Let Me Be Your Fantasy” (Rank 1 remix, instrumental)]

A black shadow lurked right behind her as her eyes were focused on the broken whip. It came closer and closer… and closer! It showed claws like a werewolf, and a face that could strike fear into the hearts of all men!

Corona: Ahem…

And women.

Corona: Better. (pauses for a few seconds, then screams)

This caused Hallie to turn around, and then scream right in front of him, and was chased across the area. Gradually she became much slower as her strength gradually slipped away as she ran, giving time for Corona to check everyone else signs for life. Meanwhile, the chase continued near the window, and there was no way of escaping. Back with Corona, most of her companions were beginning to regain consciousness already! Whilst she ran over to Kiwi to check on her…

(Music stops)


Corona: (turns to the window) What the…!

She quickly dashed across to the now broken window and looked down at the two. In fact, it was just a 1-storey drop! Both of them had cuts of glass in their bodies, with the beast being the most effected. Gradually, Hallie regained consciousness.

Hallie: Ow…
Corona: Now before you DARE do that again, don’t bother. (jumps down)
Hallie: No, please… you don’t understand…

But before she could do anything else, Corona quickly gave her a strong kick so strong it booted her out of the city, screaming her head off.

Corona: Guess we won’t be seeing her for a long time…

Behind her a yellow glow occurred. This finally caught her eye and she turned around, looking at the beast changing shape. Within a few seconds she saw… that it was Brio who was the beast!

Corona: (stunned) I don’t believe it…

[Music restarts – Madonna – “The Power Of Goodbye” (Instrumental)]

Voice: You should do. He told us he’s been like that all his life.

Corona turned to the window, to see everyone else fully revived.

Snappy: Where did Hallie go?
Corona: Oh, I just… kicked her out of town… er… am I in trouble?
Neo: I don’t think so. Although she didn’t end up behind bars…
Snappy: And we don’t mean serving cocktails! (laughs)
Neo: …I think you showed a pretty good fight with her.
Corona: Thanks! But… wait a minute – weren’t you knocked out?
Neo: Close, but not close enough. :)
Corona: (eyes lit up) Ah, I see where you’re coming from! ;) (picks up Brio from off the tarmac) Come on – we have to progress back quickly. Who knows what could happen to him.
Gadget: Good idea. We don’t want to lose someone at this stage, don’t we?

And with that they quickly dashed back down the streets towards the parking lot, with the real mayor starring at the window with a proud smile on his face. But as that happened… a snowflake touched the ground unexpectedly. For the alliance of Neo and Gadget, it’s going to be a cold summer with what they’re doing. Fortunately it’s six-become-five and they’re now one step closer to weakening the forces of their archenemies.
Episode 9 – Snow In July?

Scene: A lightened bedroom in Gadget’s apartment
Music: O-Town – “All Or Nothing” (Intro instrumental)

(Camera’s magnification starts out blurry but gradually focuses a lot better)

Neo: Brio… (lightly breathes out and in) Brio, are you OK?

(Camera goes behind Neo’s back)

We now see Brio in a comfy bed, with an icepack on his head, a thermometer in his mouth and a Womble teddy next to him (don’t ask.).

Brio: Ow… what… happened?
Neo: Let’s just say that you’ve returned into your beast form again.
Brio: My beast form? (grabs his forehead) OW!!!!!!!
Neo: Don’t panic – it’s not all that bad. With Corona by your side, you’ve managed to clear her out of the city.
Brio: Really?
Neo: Really! Now that’s one down and five to go.
Brio: That’s good!
Neo: But you HAVE to stay behind if another one gets located around here tonight. You’re badly injured.
Brio: That’s bad.
Neo: So this means that you’ll gain your strength back by the morning, which isn’t too far from here. (turns to the right) It’s now getting towards half past ten at night.
Brio: That’s good… or is that bad?
Neo: Who bothers about which? The main thing is that you’re alive and well, and will be fully recovered by sunrise tomorrow.
Brio: Thanks. Guess I’ll leave you to it then.
Neo: No problem. (leaves the room)

(Scene changes to outside the bedroom. Music stops)

In the main hallway, the remaining ten were around a small coffee table playing a game of “Scrabble”. On the board were words that were no more than four letters long.

Gadget: OK then – my turn! (places down the word “Homer”)
Bubble: D’OH! It’s not even a real word!
Gadget: Very funny… now look – a homer is another term for a home run in baseball, so that’s a high score I’ve got there! ;)

[Music changes – Limp Biskit – “My Way” (Middle 8)]

The window at the end of the hall way suddenly swung open… and a terrifying mix of wind and snow came in, blowing the game and contents upside down.

Gadget: So much for our game… (goes up to the window)

With all her might she tried her best to close the window and lock it. Within a few seconds she finally did so.

(Music stops)

She turned to face the crew again… and she saw them all covered in snow from head to toe!

Gadget: (gasps) What’s with all this…
Neo: (comes in) Guys, I have some news about… (gasps) …wait a minute… snow… in July?
Gadget: That’s exactly what I was thinking. (glances into his eyes) Hopefully you’ll be the flamethrower for the job… (smiles lovingly)
Neo: (lightly laughs) Well we’ll have to see what’s causing it first…
Kiwi: (pops her head out from the snow) I think I’ve an idea. While we were going home I spotted a very peculiar machine firing ice-white beams inside the Joe Robbie Stadium, the home of the Miami Dolphins football team. It also felt pretty cold for a summer night over here – much colder than I expected. Maybe that thing may have caused it.
Neo: We’ll take a look inside.

[Music restarts – Mash Out Possé feat. Busta Rhymes – “Ante Up” (Instrumental)]

Corona: (pops her head out) Count on me – I re-filled my flamethrower and I’m ready to take this snow problem outta here!
Misty: (pops her head out and looks moody) Just make sure you go the right way this time…
Chad: (pops his head out, and rolls his eyes at Misty) He always does! You still don’t have your sense of direction.
Goliath: (pops his head out) Grrr…. RRRRRRUFF!!!!!!
Boron: (pops his head out) WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Snappy: (pops his head out) Heehee… make way for the Snap!
Travis: (pops his head out) Whatever he wants, he will get it!
Bubble: (pops his head out) Yeah – and they’d best watch out for the Technical Starfish!
Neo: So you ALL want a piece of him do you? Let’s hope we get there fast before we’re back in the Ice Age!
Gadget: (giggles) Well put!

Within seconds they all dashed out from the corridors towards the front doors of the block. After that their attempt to beat the cold will somehow begin.

Brio: (looks out from his sitting position and speaks faintly) Good luck guys…

He then leant his head onto the pillow and went to a peaceful sleep very quickly. But as for the ventures ahead, there will be no rest for Tiko and the others!
Episode 10 – A Cold Hearted Scheme

Scene: A snowy street

The snow current drifted further and further across the street, blowing harder as time progressed. Deep footprints could be seen inside it, and up along the trail a large struggle could be seen.

Neo: (struggles to walk) Maybe them guys were wrong… (steps further) …I think I’m the FROZEN One! (collapses)

Within no time, the wolverines popped out of the snow like moles in the countryside and helped him up.

Neo: Thanks. (looks down) Unfortunately it’s going to be a bit tougher from now on.
Boron and Goliath: O_O
Neo: If we don’t move any further then this means that the snow will grow deeper until we’re buried inside.
Boron and Goliath: YOWL!
Neo: We need to be quick to get inside! By the way, how are the others doing?

[Music starts - Baby D – “Let Me Be Your Fantasy” (Intro)]

Boron pointed back along the footprint trail and saw the others, whom have managed to catch up. Corona however had no problem, what with her flamethrower clearing a small path for her and the others. Kiwi tackled against the wind but she managed to fly faster than the current. Within no time they managed to catch up at the gates to the stadium. In an instant, Chad and Bubble started fiddling about with the padlock.

Travis: I’m worried about getting frozen to death…
Corona: Don’t panic about the heat now – I’ll keep you all warm on the way.
Misty: Yeah – make sure that your so-called Chosen One don’t get it.
Corona: Why not? We can’t win the wars without him!
Misty: Because he’s just a downright show-off!
Neo: And what have I done to make you jealous?
Misty: You’ll be all over the front page when we’re through with Sgt. Soup and co. and we won’t get any of it!
Gadget: Course we will! Now stop talking utter nonsense and let’s get inside…

(Music stops)


Bubble: Good timing! We got it open!
Gadget: Great! :)
Corona: (lights her flamethrower like a flashlight) OK, let’s check it out, and let’s all stick together. We don’t want to lose anybody.

[Music restarts – Crazy Town – “Butterfly” (Instrumental)]

So they went inside and started walking around the area in search of anything suspicious. After a while…

Snappy: (sighs) I feel like there’s nothing much in here at all. (turns to Kiwi) Are you sure we’re in the right stadium?
Kiwi: Of course we are – look! The club’s logo is quite literally all over the place!

Snappy turned to the right and then to the left, and saw that Kiwi’s statement was right.

Snappy: (sighs) I just know that it’ll be better if we all split up. That way we cover more ground.
Neo: It’s not going to work. If we lose anyone at this stage then this means that they’re gone for good…

(Music stops all of a sudden)

Gadget: Oh wait – lemme check if everyone’s here… (turns around and starts counting) …9? Two of us are missing… (gasps) Where’s Travis and Bubble?
Chad: I thought I held their hands for safety… (looks at his hands) …cold hot dogs?
Everyone else: CHAD!!! >:

Misty quickly punched him in the face, sending him into a wall.

Chad: x_x (sees stars)
Misty: What have you done to them, you old-aged maggot?
Gadget: Hey! Don’t talk to him like that!
Misty: Sorry…
Gadget: Wonder what happened to them…

[Scene changes to a darkened area in the stadium. Music changes – Foreigner – “Cold As Ice” (Intro instrumental)]

Travis: Where are we?
Bubble: I’m not sure but I don’t wanna find out.
Travis: Have you got a flashlight?
Bubble: Luckily I do.
(Beat starts to kick in)

He turned on the flashlight and the room revealed itself as a power warehouse, with a gas tank right in the middle, and several computers all around it.

Travis: I don’t like the sound of that…
Bubble: I know, but there’s no way out. We can’t escape this from the way we came in.
Voice: As a matter of fact, you can’t escape anywhere!

From the ceiling, a black figure came down quickly and stood with legs far apart. Travis cowered behind Bubble, who managed to stand his guard.
Episode 11 – Down Down, Deeper And Down

Scene: The dark corridors of the Joe Robbie Stadium
Music: “The Eye of the War” (taken from the soundtrack to Jeff Wayne’s “The War of the Worlds”)

Within these dark depths the others were going… back the way they came?
Kiwi: Are you sure that Bubble and Travis were last seen down here? I can’t see a secret switch anywhere.
Snappy: Or anything suspicious for that matter.
Gadget: Well let’s just think about it this way. (turns to Kiwi) Like you said before, the whole place is littered with Dolphins merchandise. There’s gotta be something that stands out above the rest…
Misty: But we couldn’t see anything suspicious at all since we first stepped into this place…
Corona: That’s because it’s too dark, dufus. (lights her “flashlight” on her flamethrower at a higher brightness level) If we get more light then it’ll stand out a lot more…
Neo: (from further back) Guys! Come over here!

(Beat kicks in)

The others quickly dashed over to Neo, who was standing in front of a picture of a peculiar-looking trophy.

Neo: If you’re looking for something that stands out, then try this one for size.
Misty: Oh puh-lease, it’s just a picture of a sporting trophy. There’s nothing wrong about that, is there?
Corona: (yanks Misty on one of her pigtails) Think before you speak, woman.
Chad: (goes up to the picture) If I’m not mistaken this trophy has no link to football whatsoever.
Misty: As if…?
Chad: This is a picture of the original soccer World Cup prize – the Jules Rimet trophy. (lifts the picture off) And I bet that they may have ended up down here somewhere!

A button could be seen on the wall, and he immediately pressed it down. The wall turned around and shows a dark passageway.

Snappy: Way to go Neo dude! :)
Gadget: Yeah – where could we be without you?
Misty: See? Just like I said he’d get ALL the glory and…
Kiwi: (pecks her on the head) Stop whining and let’s go!

They started dashing down, but on the first second…

(Music stops)

Gadget: (slips up) Whoa… AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

At this moment she started plummeting down a deep hole, lightened by neon lights.

Chad: (gasps) GADGET!!!
Neo: Don’t panic – we’ll get her at the bottom of the pit, we’ll see. Start climbing!
Kiwi: But I’m a parrot, so I can do it the other way round…
Everyone else: _


[Music restarts – Eddy Grant – “Electric Avenue” (Ringbang radio edit, intro)]

Gadget made a bumpy landing on a cold, hard surface, landing on her belly. Eventually she looked up… and was blinded by several lights all at once. Eventually they started to fade out… and she saw herself in a recognizable power chamber! At this stage blobs of pink ooze were blowing up quite a few computers and three figures could be seen at war. She got out her binoculars and looked closely in from her position.

(Beat kicks in)

Gadget: (gasps) I don’t believe it! (puts the binoculars down and shouts at the top of her voice) GUYS!!! I’VE FOUND THEM!!!!!!!!

There was no response.

Gadget: Maybe they’ve gone another way round…

She looked on at the battle and saw how things were going. But a white flash soon interrupted it.

Bubble: (gasps) TRAVIS!!!!!!

Travis was now stuck in the wrecks of another computer and the current was shocking him. The fried smell and the fear in his throat made things worse.

Bubble: I know you’re hurt – just hang on! Let me deal with this one first!
Travis: Please… OW!!!!! Go on without me… (squeals further)
Gadget then showed worry in her eyes and was trembling all the same. It was only a few years ago since she rescued the boy cat from an experience that he’d never forget. Now it looked like she was ready to do it all over again. She started walking slowly to the scene of the crime, armed with a pistol in each hand, aiming them towards the black figure.
Episode 12 – A Brand New Start

Scene: The drop to the Power Chamber
Music: Destiny’s Child – “Jumpin’ Jumpin’” (Instrumental)

Further up the tunnel, the others were making steady progress climbing down safely, unaware of the condition of the battle down below. Regardless of that, confidence was purely shown across everyone’s faces.

Neo: I can see a shiny metallic floor from here. (turns to the others) We’re almost there!
Kiwi: Uno momento por favor* – what if Gadget down there has broken a few bones? How are we gonna take her up?
Snappy: Hey birdie – there could be another way out, you know. ;)
Corona: Good point, Gator!
Snappy: That’s my surname - don’t wear it out.

But from directly underneath them, a blob of ooze struck the side of the landing.

Neo: (gasps) Oh no…

(Music stops)

Misty: (leers at him) Now what?
Neo: I hate to tell you this, but… LIO’S DOWN THERE!!!!! Pinkeye Fiend at 5 o’ clock!!!

[Music restarts – Texas – “Inner Smile” (Stonebridge classic house remix, intro)]

Kiwi: Let me take him on! (quickly flies down)
Corona: No, wait –

It was too late. Kiwi already flew inside and saw the bad events happening down there. Travis was trapped in a computer wreckage, Bubble was trying to help him out and Gadget was already cornered by Lio, who’s now in the light. He got another blob of ooze in possession and was about to fire it directly at her…

Lio: (smirks vilely) Say your prayers, missy!

But just before he was about to toss it…


Lio: (accidentally tosses the ooze in the air) OW!!!!!! MY BUTT!!!!!!!!
The ooze went flying up and tossing over like a pancake, and eventually it got stuck on the ceiling. He turned around furiously and saw Kiwi looking sweet and innocent.

Lio: YOU!!!!!!!
Kiwi: Uh-oh…
Lio: (grabs Kiwi by the neck) What on Earth do you think that was for?

As this was going on, this gave Gadget some time to escape.

Kiwi: Er… it was an accident…
Lio: Accident? I’ll show you accident!

He drew the arm back and was about to toss it right into the boiler… but coming from behind his back, a yellow beam went crawling up his back and sooner enough he started squealing his head off and let go of Kiwi, who managed to dodge the attack. His X-Ray could be seen through it and sparks could be seen flying all over the place. And his baseball cap fell off, giving room for his hair to stand on end, and finally an explosion occurred at the centre of the room!

(Music stops)

At the same time there were some footsteps from the pit of the Pit, and she soon flew towards them.

Chad: Head into your battle stations, people!
Neo: I don’t think we should bother.
Chad: But…
Kiwi: And besides, we’re not supposed to be here…

[Music restarts – WWF – Kane’s theme (“Out Of The Fire”)]

The smoke of the explosion fogged up the entire room, with all the machines in the room destroyed. Meanwhile, from the smoke, a small figure came in, carrying two others.

Snappy: (speaks like a Jedi knight) I have a bad feeling about this…

As soon as the figure came near them, he dropped his luggage on the ground, both of them struggling to get up.

(Music fades out)

Chad: (gasps) Bubble!
Neo: Gadget!!!

It seemed so hard they couldn’t even stand up. Finally, they were both pulled up.

Chad: Are you guys OK?
Gadget: (weakly) I… I… I don’t know…

[Music changes – “Forever Autumn” (Instrumental, taken from the soundtrack to “The War Of The Worlds”)]

Bubble: (weakly) That… figure…
Neo: (grabs Gadget around his chest, causing her to lean on his shoulder) Don’t panic. We’ll be out of here in no time. Oh… by the way, who saved you guys?
Voice: I did.

The figure came out of the fog… showing himself as Travis!

Corona: (gasps) How did you do that?
Travis: I think… while I was in the computer I felt a strange feeling…

A yellow current surrounded him quickly.

Travis: Oh no…
Snappy: HIT THE DECK!!!!!

They all ducked, as Travis sent out an uncontrolled… electric attack right above their heads! As soon as it stopped, the others stood up again.

Travis: That’s my problem. I feel that I’ve got something new inside my body…
Corona: (goes up to him) Don’t panic about failing to control it. It’s just like when you’re in nappies, and you can’t control your digestive system properly. Give it time. You’ll get used to it.
Travis: Still, I’m pretty lucky I had that really, or else we would all be mincemeat!
Corona: There you go my sweet! (cuddles him)
Travis: Now be careful – I might shock someone in my sleep tonight.
Corona: Course we will. That’s my boy!
Snappy: One more question – what are we gonna do with Gadget and Bubble?
Chad: They should be healed by the morning. Luckily enough, Soup and the others don’t know where we all live! This means we can rest easy tonight!
Travis: Awww… do we have to? (yawns) I’m not tired…
Corona: Come along.

She gets out her flamethrower and aims it towards the side of the wall, where the snow is now melting away. The plan of turning Miami into a snow park has now backfired thanks to these guys! Today they’ve gained a quick start in taking care of the evil in the area, but tomorrow they need to try and take care of them once and for all!

TO BE CONTINUED ******************************* OUT-TAKES OF THE CHAPTER

Staff employee: Get yourself lucky at the shooting gallery! Knock all the cans down with two shots and you win a prize, one shot and you get a more expensive gift.
Travis: (goes up to him) How much?
Staff employee: A dollar a turn!

Travis quickly paid for his turn and grabbed a shotgun with a foam rifle stuck in it. He took aim for a few seconds…


The rifle bounced off the wall and smack into Travis’s face, sending him to the floor.

Corona: (screams) Travis, you OK?
Travis: (shakes his head) I think I got a nosebleed…
Corona: No you haven’t – you’re OK. Just make sure you aim properly on the next take and we’re safe.
Then there was an oozing-like sound. Snappy looked down at his belly with a puzzled look.

Snappy: Uh-oh… (leans towards the front) How about supper?

Three signs came one by one, with these messages –


“You just ate your dinner”

“Fat boy”

Snappy: But I’m… (laughs) Sorry – those signs are a fun to laugh at!

Another sign came up with another remark.


This caused Snappy to reach out and turn off the camera.
Kiwi grabbed onto Chad’s jacket and they both flew down towards the gang.

Chad: Howdy… whoa, stop!


Neo: Oh Kiwi, you’ve flown too far again!

Both Chad and Kiwi were seen flat on the wall 10 feet in the air, looking paralysed, and then after a few seconds, they both fell into the trash can.
Chad: I’d like you to meet some comrades of mine – Travis Tortoiseshell, Misty Terrapin, Corona Grizzly and my daughter Gadget.

Gadget finally stood upright, facing Neo, both gazing into each other’s eyes. For almost half a minute they didn’t lose eye contact, but soon enough they smiled at each other… but Gadget cracked up soon after!

Neo: What?
Gadget: (still laughing) You’ve got something on the left side of your nose!
Neo: (turns towards the camera) What is it?
Gadget: MAKE UP!!!! (continues laughing)
Neo: (sighs) And I thought that she never did anything wrong…
Snappy: Never mind she – to be honest I came in dressed up as a make-up lady and I went off-target for a bit when I did the blusher.
Neo: SNAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! >:

Within that, Snappy soon panicked and was chased around the studio.
TV: (news jingle starts) We interrupt this programme to give you the following newsflash. (news jingle finishes)

With that, everyone peeked into the room and saw what was going on.

TV: A few minutes ago a criminal group of six have broken into the…

The screen fizzed so much the channel was out of tuning.

Snappy: I told you it doesn’t work too well on Cable!
Neo: Misty, you told us to go right…
Chad: Ignore her. For a girl her age she doesn’t know her left from her right. Remember – do the opposite direction to what she says. She’s always been crabby at Geography, explaining this lack of direction.

Finally they reached the doors and glanced at them. There was silence for a while and then Snappy attempted to kick the door down… but it bounced back into his face, sending him to the floor.

Travis: Oh, you OK? (looks down at him)
Kiwi: (pecks into the door) No wonder why the foot bounced off – it’s made out of rubber!
Snappy: (sees stars) Now she tells us…
Gadget: Don’t explain now – I think I’ve found an important piece of the puzzle.

She climbed onto the desk and peeked around the back, trying her best to avoid her long tree brown hair getting down there. She finally smiled.

Gadget: And an important piece it was too – I’ve found the Mayor!
Chad: (gasps) You have?!?!?
Kiwi: (flies up from the ground and onto the desk) Lemme take a look… (slips on the desk and onto her face, sliding off the edge)
Corona: (gasps and catches Kiwi safely) You OK?
Kiwi: Yes, but next time we should put a sign up there saying, “Caution - Wet Desktop”.
Corona: Any last words?
Hallie: (sings) My tea’s gone cold I’m wondering why…
Corona: (sings) I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can see it all…
Director: CUT! You’re not supposed to sing that track until later on in the story!
Corona: Oh yeah… (scratches her head) …kinda got carried away…
Neo: (comes in) Guys, I have some news about… (gasps) …wait a minute… snow… in July?
Gadget: That’s exactly what I was thinking. (glances into his eyes) Hopefully you’ll be the flamethrower for the job… (smiles lovingly)
Neo: (laughs lightly) Well we’ll have to see what’s causing it first…
Kiwi: (pops her head out from the snow) I think I’ve an idea… (screams and covers her eyes)
Neo: What now?
Kiwi: (panics) I’ve got snow in my eyes, and I can’t wipe it off!
Gadget: (picks up Kiwi from the snow) Here – let me take you for a quick defrost…
Corona: Don’t panic about the heat now – I’ll keep you all warm on the way.
Misty: Yeah – make sure that your so-called Chosen One don’t get it.
Corona: Why not? We can’t win the wars without him!
Misty: Because he’s just a downright show-off!
Neo: And what have I done to make you jealous?
Misty: You’ll be all over the front page when we’re through with Sgt. Soup and co. and we won’t get any of it!
Gadget: Course we will! Now stop talking utter nonsense and let’s get inside…


Bubble: Good timing! We got it…

But the gates rammed right on his back, sending him in the snow.

Director: Now what’s happened?
Bubble: (lifts his head up and spits out snow) Maybe I was obstructing the gates… (sighs)
Misty: Oh puh-lease, it’s just a picture of a sporting trophy. There’s nothing wrong about that, is there?
Corona: (yanks Misty on one of her pigtails) Think before…
Misty: OW!!!!! NOT TOO HARD!!!!! (turns to Corona angrily) I nearly lost my hair because of you!
Corona: But… hoo boy… (looks down)
Gadget was already cornered by Lio, who’s now in the light. He got another blob of ooze in possession and was about to fire it directly at her…

Lio: (smirks vilely) Say your prayers, missy!

But just before he was about to toss it…


Lio: (accidentally tosses the ooze in the air) OW!!!!!! MY BUTT!!!!!!!!

The ooze went flying up and tossing over like a pancake, and eventually it got stuck on the ceiling… but it soon dropped off and trapped Lio’s foot!

Director: :lol Relax Lio – it’s just plasticine…
*translation (for those who don’t understand Spanish) –

Kiwi: One moment please…

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