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Episode 13 – Missing

Scene: The rooftop of a block of flats, showing in a beautiful sunrise

As the sun starts rising over the horizon, a sweet guitar sound could be heard among these rooftops. When everything was once shadow, things could now be picked up in the light. The light shone down on the minstrel, showing herself as Corona.

Corona: (sings) My tea’s gone cold, I wondered why
I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can see it all
And even if I could it’ll all be grey
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it’s not so bad
It’s not so bad… (echo on last word)

She continues playing further, and soon she placed a keen smile on her face.

Corona: (sings) I drunk too much last night
Got bills to pay, my head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there’ll be hell today
I’m late for work again
And even if I’m there
They’ll all imply that I might not last the day
And then you call me and it’s not so bad
It’s not so bad
And I want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life…


Corona: (stops playing) What on Earth…

She placed her guitar back in its place and started dashing down the steps, towards her apartment. Within that, she managed to trip up and as she landed… she was looking straight up at Bubble.

Bubble: Whoa there, slow down. Don’t get too excited, furry!
Corona: (stands up) I just want to know what’s going on! The thud sounded like it’s something bad.
Bubble: It IS, you dimwit! Gadget fainted as soon as she entered her bedroom to check if Neo was up yet.
Corona: Why?
Bubble: We haven’t seen him all morning! I’ve been right after her, and you know what?
Corona: What?
Bubble: He’s… missing…
Corona: (gasps) OH NO!!!!!!!
Bubble: Don’t panic – they call me the Big Brother of the house, meaning that I… (gets out a video tape) …have been watching everyone.
Corona: Hey, you seem pretty protective. Have you seen it yet?
Bubble: (laughs) I always check them before you wake up!

Corona had a sweat drop coming down her face, and was blushing anime-style.

Bubble: The ultimate scene of this crime shows how he escaped… or was rather… KIDNAPPED!!!! (gets out a photograph) This girl here carried him out of the room, using psychic power! Any ideas on this one?
Corona: What’s the matter with you? It seems like you can’t recognise her. _
Bubble: OK. Tell me who it is.
Corona: Right – it looks like Ms. Cheese!
Bubble: What?

Another thought came in his head –

Chad: Soup and the others don’t know where we all live!

(thoughts stop)

Bubble: (gasps) ACK!!!!!! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!!!!!!
Corona: Don’t panic – we’ll gather everyone around and tell everyone.


[Music restarts – Ed Case and Sweetie Irie – “Who” (Instrumental)]

It wasn’t long until everyone gathered around the breakfast table in the kitchen and heard Bubble and Corona spill the beans.

Bubble: …and now all we gotta do is track her down and re-claim him!
Snappy: You must be joking me!
Corona: He’s right! We haven’t heard from him all morning, and Bubble has a videotape to prove it!
Chad: Oh I can see what’s coming… let’s just fast forward to how to find him.
Kiwi: I’m telling you now that it’s not gonna be easy.
Brio: Why not?
Kiwi: Because we don’t know where their hideout is!
Travis: (sighs) Looks like we’re gonna do it the hard way…

He went to the back door and opened it, but despite being a beautiful day already, some of the snow from last night has remained there.

Travis: (gasps) Hey guys – we’re in luck!

Everyone quickly rushed over to him, with the evidence in front of their eyes.

Kiwi: (gasps) Footprints!!!!
Snappy: Yep – they’re footprints of high-heeled shoes all right.
Kiwi: Maybe we should track them down and find our target.
Gadget: Good idea. If we lose him now, then now what are we gonna do?
Chad: Don’t panic. We have to move fast!

Quickly they followed the footprints by foot towards their target. Little did they know that their journey was going to be tougher, now that the temperature is coming towards 100ºF, and this means that the snow could vanish.
Episode 14 – The BeachWorks

(Screen is currently black)

Voice 1: Zzzzz…
Voice 2: Come on sunshine, wake up and smell the fear.
Voice 1: Wh…where am I? I can’t see a thing…
Voice 2: That’s what they all say. (giggles vilely)
Voice 1: And… what’s with my body? I can’t move!
Voice 2: You wanna know why?
Voice 1: Please, if anything!!!
Voice 2: Be prepared to see the light!

(The “blindfold” was taken off the camera, showing the inside of an abandoned factory. Music starts – Chemical Brothers – “It Began In Afrika”)

Mozzarella: (immediately zooms down close towards the camera) Now what have you to say to that?

(Camera switches to between the two)

At this stage she was leaning on top of Neo, who was in fact handcuffed to a conveyor belt on the feet, hands and neck.

Neo: For a person named after a dairy product, you’re just plain rotten!
Mozzarella: Thank you. :)
Neo: (rolls his eyes) Hoo boy…
Mozzarella: Well you’re probably wondering your purpose now, are you, Corty-boy?
Neo: Shoo fly. Don’t bother me.
Mozzarella: Corty-boy! Corty-boy! Corty-boy! Oh… how many times have I said that? (glares at him vilely)
Tiko: (from further back) Just show him the termination weapon!
Mozzarella: OK! (moves out of the way)

(Music kicks in)

Now in front of his eyes, there was a grinding machine up ahead, where the conveyor belt passes just half a centimetre under a massive steel wheel.

Mozzarella: This is what I call… the Iron Maiden!
Neo: That’s a nice name and all but… why the lack of originality?

The enemies in the room had large sweat drops down the sides of their faces.

Mozzarella: Was there? I never knew… (turns to the machine) As soon as I start the machine the conveyor belt will carry you towards the wheel, and grind you in half! (looks at a lever) Which will be too easy!

She walks up to the wheel and grabbed onto it, but… it never budged!

Mozzarella: Oh bloomin’ ‘eck! (kicks the machine) I forgot the most important thing of all! (turns to Tiko, Sgt. Soup and Deksta) Give me a tee.
Tiko, Sgt. Soup and Deksta: (all align their arms horizontally) T.
Mozzarella: Give me a tee!
Tiko, Sgt. Soup and Deksta: (all align their arms horizontally) T!
Mozzarella: I SAID GIVE ME A TEE!!!!!!!!
Tiko, Sgt. Soup and Deksta: (all align their arms horizontally) T!!!!!!!!!
Mozzarella: (sighs) You guys are as thick as milkshakes, you are. (leaves the room) We’re not gonna get this thing working without a golf tee…
Tiko: (follows her) Oh right…
Sgt. Soup: (follows him) Call me thick? I’m a criminal mastermind!
Deksta: (follows him) Yeah, and I’m one of those people who got six high school diplomas before moving onto a career in the movie business…

The secret was out, but even with that in mind, there still had to be a way to escape. The handcuffs were already known to be tough to beat, as well as escaping without the others noticing. After looking around the room, he then heard some waves of water from outside, and with that, he gave out a promising smile.

[Scene changes to Miami Beach. Music changes – Gorillaz – “19-2000” (Soulchild radio edit, intro to first chorus)]

The sun was already at its mid-morning position, and the golden sands started glimmering like precious jewels. Even at this stage this area was packed with people as far as the eye could see. The babies and toddlers were crawling about in the sand, most of the children were building sandcastles close to the sea, the teens and young adults were romancing themselves with their big muscles (in the male case) and eye-popping thongs (in the female case) with some of these surfing and swimming in the sea, and the adults were lying down on beach towels, soaking up some sun. Near one of them, there were some familiar footprints, and as we look on, the search team have ended up around here. Misty was panting her socks off at the back of the line and eventually fell on the sand.

(Music turns instrumental)

Bubble: (turns to her) Come on slowpoke!!!
Misty: (leers at him) Hey, it’s not MY fault I take less exercise than all o ya…
Snappy: (pulls her up) We know, but we can’t give up now!
Misty: (sighs) You don’t realise that I really didn’t want to do this…
Snappy: What did you say?
Gadget: (steps on his foot, causing him to scream and hop up and down) After nearly a day of being together you don’t even know about Misty’s relationship with your friend?
Snappy: What was it?
Gadget: (sighs) You’re as thick as a milkshake, you are…

(Music stops)

Voice: You guys are as thick as milkshakes…
Snappy: Déjà vu…
Travis: More than that – that voice is from Mozzarella Cheese!
Kiwi: I think we’re getting close here…

[Music restarts – Prodigy – “Firestarter” (Intro)]

Corona: You’re right! They’re right next to that abandoned warehouse over there!
Chad: And I think we have found their hideout!
Brio: (laughs) That was toooooo easy!
Boron and Goliath: RUFF!!!!!!
Chad: This one is ours for the taking, I guarantee!

They quickly dashed towards the entrance of the warehouse, unexpected of the surprises up ahead. Having been an ABANDONED warehouse, they may consider themselves lucky in there… or will they?
Episode 15 – Smash Everything

Scene: The darkened areas of the abandoned warehouse, close to Miami Beach
Music: Darude – “Feel The Beat” (JS16 remix)

From a bright red locked door, the vault started to open slowly, and through the door came Tiko and the others. Mozzarella, leading them, had a vicious smirk on her face, and one of her hands carrying something that can’t quite be identified yet. Finally she came towards the Iron Maiden with determination spelt across her face (no pun intended)! She got a towel and rubbed it off her face, and then leered down to her target.

(Music stops)

Mozzarella: (reveals the golf tee towards the camera) Finally I have what I want!
Neo: (gulps) I have a bad feeling about this…
Mozzarella: HA! It’s too late, Corty-boy! (glares at him vilely)
Neo: Grrr…
Mozzarella: (looks at the tee) Once this is in place your life is over.

[Music restarts – Redman and Adam F – “Smash Sumthin’” (Instrumental)]

She goes up to the machine and slots in the tee, and then pulls the lever down with ease.

Mozzarella: Farewell Neo Cortex, the so-called Chosen One – you will have that title… no more!!! (laughs vilely)
Tiko: Way to go, Missy Mo!

The conveyor belt started moving gradually, but the wheel spun around as mad as it possibly could. With the pressure of the handcuffs squeezing down alongside, it seemed like there wasn’t a chance to escape. Time was ticking away, and at this stage he passed just a quarter of the journey.

(Beat kicks in)


One of the windows shattered and through it… came the others! There could be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Mozzarella: What the…?
Snappy: Stop that thing now!
Mozzarella: Oh, shall I? Let me demonstrate something!

She goes up to the lever and tries to pull it back up again, but… the lever snapped!

Mozzarella: Sorry, but once it starts, it never stops! (glares at them vilely) Well, unless something happens inside the machine.
Snappy: AH! (turns to the others) Corona, Travis, Bubble and Brio, you try and destroy the… (turns to Mozzarella) …what’s it called?
Mozzarella: Iron Maiden.
Snappy: I think SHE’S as thick as a milkshake. (laughs, then turns to the others again) Kiwi, Boron and Goliath, you guys try and free Neo from the…
Kiwi: But the handcuffs are made outta steel! How am I gonna peck through that?
Snappy: My claws may be a teeny bit fragile but they’re still tough. Think about it.
Kiwi: Oh right!
Snappy: The rest of you will come with me and take on the jerks!
Mozzarella: Get ready guys… (turns backwards) …what?

No one was behind her at all!

Mozzarella: Chickens!
Snappy: Change of plan – I’ll help you guys destroy that thing and Gadget, you help the pets set Neo free.
Gadget: No problemo!
Snappy: Let’s go!

Time was already slipping further and further away as the conveyor belt brought Neo a half of the way to his doom. Even though the good alliance has the upper hand at this stage, the Iron Maiden, as well as Mozzarella, will be tough bosses to take care of. How they will punish Ms. Cheese, even though she wasn’t a member of Tiko’s gang in the past, is yet to be decided.
Episode 16 – The Magic Touch

Scene: The abandoned warehouse at Miami Beach
Music: Foreigner – “Cold As Ice” (Intro instrumental)

Within no time at all everyone quickly reached their battle stations. Snappy and his party were slashing away at the machine furiously but at this stage there was no damage. Meanwhile Gadget and the others had a few problems on how to break the handcuffs, or stop the conveyor belt from moving any further. But Misty and Chad however… didn’t come in with an attack as yet!

Misty: Yeah! You never know what she’d come up with.
Chad: What, after a while of battling against her? You know that she has the…
Mozzarella: …magic finger? (laughs and shows her index finger on her right hand) Once this is triggered you guys are mincemeat.
Misty: If you wanna make someone mincemeat… (turns to Neo, now two thirds of the way to his doom) …try that pig for size.
Chad: MISTY!!!! LIVEN UP FOR ONCE!!!!! (leers in her face angrily)
Misty: Why should I?
Chad: Because if you don’t, we’re easy targets…

[Music changes – Planet Perfecto – “Bullet In The Gun 2000” (Solar Stone remix, intro)]

And easy targets he was right – Mozzarella quickly fired a white beam of power towards the two of them… but they barely escaped it… and struck the side of the Iron Maiden!

Snappy: Come on people! (sings) Things can only get better…


Snappy: What the… (peers over the side of the machine) !

What he saw in front of him… was the conveyor belt getting faster! Now the conveyor belt has moved to its three-quarter point… and yet there hasn’t been a single scratch on the handcuffs!

Snappy: (gasps) OH – MY – GAWSH!!!!! (turns to the others) SPEED UP GUYS – WE’RE IN MORE HOT WATER THAN WE THINK WE ARE!!!!!
Corona, Travis, Bubble and Brio: Yes sir!!! (speed up)

Whilst this was going on, the power of the magic finger was spread about all over the place, tearing down some parts of the warehouse, ranging from water pipes to electricity cables. The sirens started going red, and the whole area started to cave in.

Misty: (gasps) WE NEED TO GET OUT – QUICK!!!!!!
Chad: But what about Neo? Without him we can’t…
Gadget: A good soldier never leaves a man behind!

(Scene changes outside. Music stops)

The beach activities were going on as normal until…


The whole warehouse went up in smoke and everyone panicked as they saw this occur. Within a few seconds a black shadow could be seen from the smoke. Sooner enough we see her… as Misty.

Misty: (stops and pants, then turns back) Who needs them?

[Music restarts – David Gray – “Sail Away” (Intro instrumental)]

She starts walking off, but sooner enough, she came to a stop. She then looked to the sky… with more of a concerned expression across her face. Then a few thoughts came in her head.

Bubble: We heard that the Chosen One could do totally different things to what normal people could do.
Corona: We can’t win the wars without him!
Snappy: Way to go Neo dude! :)
Gadget: Yeah – where could we be without you?
Misty: He’s just a downright show-off! (echo on last word)

(thoughts stop)

She then started to feel much more uncomfortable, and started shaking. Finally she turned back into the now ash-ridden warehouse… and saw no signs of life… but then…

[Music instantly changes – Zero 7 feat. Sia and Sophie – “Destiny” (Instrumental)]

Voice: HEY!
Misty: (gasps) OVER HERE!!!!!!

It wasn’t long until eleven more shadows could be made out from the smoke, one of them limping as he ran – the rest of the gang survived the blast!

Misty: WHOA – YOU’RE ALIVE!!!!! (meets up with them) Ah, where would I be without you? (starts crying with happiness)
Kiwi: (grabs her on the collar) Never mind that – how about where YOU would be without your head!!! (leers at her angrily)
Misty: Yeah right.
Kiwi: Chick, I’m for real! Shut your mouth you dirty girl! You know you want it in your world…
Neo: (separates the two) Ladies, please don’t fight – we’ve been involved in too many already. (turns to Misty) Speaking of which, I’d like to thank you for sending your crew out there into saving my life.
Misty: (turns away) I was just doin’ it for myself.
Neo: But Misty…

She started looking around the beach… and saw a tipped over crate of Brussels sprouts at her feet.

Misty: You don’t understand mate – us turtles… (picks one up) …are like sprouts!
Neo: They stink? :/
Misty: Yes… (suddenly realises) I MEAN NO!!!!!! Look at them – they’re green, and that’s my colour all the time…
Chad: Be careful with her – she’s always moody… OW!!!!! MY ANKLE!!!!!
Misty: WHAT?!!?
Snappy: (rushes over to Chad) He said that she’d like to pose as a nudie!
Misty: Ugh…
Chad: (stands upright, with support from Snappy) By the way, did any of you see Cheese on the way out?

Everyone shook their heads and said a moan-like “no”.

Brio: Well that’s OK. Looks like she’d be out of the road for a long time.
Gadget: I’m not sure, because her psychic power can teleport her to safety. Who knows where she’d be.
Travis: I’ll be on the lookout when we get home.
Bubble: That’s my boy, always prepared! :)

The golden sands blew in the wind pretty rapidly as they left the beach back to their apartment, but a bit slower, due to Chad’s ankle. Back at the ruins a black hand started to rise from it, as a set of police cars surrounded it. The good alliance had taken care of half of the evil alliance, but with that in mind they know that the last three will be the hardest to annihilate, yet the location for them is yet to be known.
Episode 17 – Pickled Problems

Scene: Travis’s bedroom
Music: Dido – “Hunter” (Instrumental)

Travis was sitting on a stool by the window looking through a powerful telescope, with Goliath standing by his side. At some intervals he started biting into his pickled jelly sandwich (!) and chewing on his bites for nothing more than a few mere seconds. But at one stage… he looked to his left… towards a picture of a happy cat family, with the town of Artesia in New Mexico in the background. He started to shred a few tears down his face slowly.


Travis: (faintly) Come in.

The door opened, and Brio came in with a suspicious looking face.

Brio: I have a question to ask you.
Travis: Sure. Fire away.
Brio: You know your last name’s “Tortoiseshell”, right?
Travis: Right…
Brio: I was one of those people who knew your father. What happened to him after his defeat?
Travis: (starts sobbing again) You don’t wanna know.
Brio: Come on – I can take it!
Travis: OK… (sniffs) …all I can tell you… was that… my parents got divorced… and… (sniffs and sobs) …my dad left the town… with me and my twin brother… (sniffs) …and then… (sobs) …you don’t wanna know…

There was silence in the room for a few seconds. Then there was a response.

Brio: I understand.

Goliath climbed onto the workbench and started stroking Travis on the head with one of his front paws, giving out a few moans.

Travis: Thanks Golly… (hugs him) I’m afraid nothing will make me overcome this problem.
Brio: Don’t panic though – a good movie always does it for me. Maybe after this crisis is over, your flatmates could take you out to see a film or something.
Snappy: (from the corridor) Yeah, go see Tomb Raider! ^_^
Brio and Travis: What?!?!?
Snappy: (from the corridor) Er, maybe I’m thinking a bit TOO far ahead.
Travis: (turns back to Brio again) I… guess it could work. Thanks. :)

Then they remained silent again… until some voices were heard in the distance. Immediately Travis looked through the telescope… and gasped.

(Camera shows the telescope’s view of the action)

Tiko: If we can’t capture this town in THIS dimension, how about we do it in another!
Deksta: Good idea.
Sgt. Soup: But how are we supposed to travel by different dimensions?
Deksta: Remember when we kidnapped Neo earlier this morning?
Sgt. Soup: Right…
Deksta: Well I found a gadget in the lab! (draws out a remote-like device) We just turn the dial… and there we go!
Tiko: Prove it!
Deksta: OK! (turns the dial)

And through our eyes, we see them go out in a puff of smoke.

(Camera is restored back to normal)

Travis: (screams) I FOUND THE OTHERS!!!!!! (runs out of the room)
Brio: Whoa!

[Scene changes to the lab. Music changes – Aaliyah – “Try Again” (Instrumental)]

Most of the group (this time excluding Neo and Bubble) were around in a circle, listening to Travis’s comment.

Travis: …and now they’ve taken it into another dimension!
Gadget: Could you remember which way she pulled it?
Travis: I think it was a 90-degrees turn clockwise…
Chad: You seemed pretty good for a smart kid like yourself! Luckily enough, we have another dimension travelling machine there.

There were some cheers among the people.

Chad: Unfortunately it’s still in progress right now, so who knows how it’s gonna work out in the end.
Corona: Don’t panic – I see a lot of good in it.
Chad: And I have even worse news…
Kiwi: What now?
Chad: (points to his leg) Ever wondered why I was limping on the way back? I think I twisted an ankle back at the warehouse. I’m afraid that I can’t come with you.
Gadget: (stands near him) Same here – I’ll try and heal it for you!
Misty: Ditto! If we let you go now then chances are that you’d die in battle!
Chad: Thanks. (turns to the others) Good luck!

The others quickly walked down towards the depths of the lab, where their method of transportation awaits. The dimension they’re about to travel in is yet to be predictable, but who knows what it could be like! A new world is a cometh!
Episode 18 – A Whole New World

Scene: A space-like dimension, at an open field with a metallic floor
Music: Chicane – “Autumn Tactics” (Chicane’s End Of Summer remix, instrumental)

The whole place seemed dark to start with, what with only the stars in the sky making any light whatsoever. Despite this, the steel floor showed some great reflections of these bright lumps of rock. But within the mostly darkness, a slight sound could be made out.

Voice: (in the distance) HEEHEAHHARHAEHAHA!!!!!!!!

With that style of laugh, chances are that you’d mistake that for Hitler (!)…

(Camera zooms in to three shadows)

…but the laughing shadow was too big to be him!

Voice: YES!!! Thank you Chad for giving me an easy getaway!

He soon stepped out of the darkness, letting his armour glimmer with the metal floor, and revealed himself… as Sgt. Soup! The others soon came out from behind him, being Tiko and Deksta.

Deksta: Hey, I was responsible for the work, not him!
Tiko: I know, but he let the travelling device go too easily!
Sgt. Soup: (looks down at the device, which is still in Deksta’s possession) You got any ideas for what to do next?
Deksta: (speaks with a strong and higher toned English accent) It’s funny you should say that sir, for I have a cunning plan. ;) (speaks properly) From here we can transport the rest of the city into this dimension and convince them all to join our side.
Tiko: This may seem a bit tough… but it’s worth a try.

[Scene quickly changes to the darkened areas of Chad’s Lab. Music changes – Gorillaz – “Tomorrow Comes Today” (Intro)]

White energy beams could be seen glowing down everywhere, and the sound of clanging with metal can be heard in the corner.

(Camera zooms to the left a bit)

At this stage we see Bubble putting the finishing touches to a golden metal box of some sort, with a handheld polishing machine in operation. As soon as he turned it off he picked up an old scrapbook from the floor, looked inside it, and then at his creation. Having seen the result, he gave out a proud smile. But the silence was interrupted by a wolf whistle in another area. Immediately he turned in that direction… and saw Neo near the front door, admiring it from a distance. With the raise of an eyebrow and a shine from his teeth, Bubble gave a wink back.

(Music fades out)

Neo: That’s a nice machine you’ve got there!
Bubble: Thankie :)
Neo: (eyes focused on the scrapbook) You don’t mind if I… take a peek inside?
Bubble: (tosses it) Here you go!

He caught it quickly, but when he opened it in the middle… he saw that the writing looked like spider tracks. It was totally unreadable…

Neo: I have another question to ask… how can you understand what to do when you can’t read the awkward handwriting?
Bubble: Ah, I’ve gained experience by handling quite a lot of Airfix models in my time. They don’t call me the Technical Starfish for nothin’!

[Scene changes back to the space dimension. Music restarts – Destiny’s Child – “Bootylicious” (Instrumental)]

Meanwhile, Tiko and the others were looking on as Deksta was about to teleport the whole of the town from one dimension to another.

Tiko: Are you sure this is gonna work?
Deksta: Positive. I may have botched it a few times, but this baby’s not gonna fail me. (turns the dial) Come on Miami - come to me!

But within the next few seconds all sorts of things came in, including flying pigs, white elephants and the Titanic!!!

Deksta: This wasn’t quite what I had in mind…

She turned the dial again and sent them all back. As that happened a glowing vortex could be seen in the distance.

Tiko: Did you send Hurricane Kevin in here?

The others shrugged.

(Scene changes to the area of the “vortex”. Music stops)

Sooner enough, the vortex stopped and this caused a golden metallic box to come in. As soon as it stopped the door opened… and the good alliance came out.

Snappy: So, this must be the other dimension, huh?
Bubble: I hope this is the one that Tiko and that were in… if not, we’re mincemeat.
Neo: Speaking of which… YOUR ENGINE’S ON FIRE!!!!
Bubble: (turns back to the dimension travelling machine) Wha…?

Quickly he dashed back and opened up the boot, and out came a whole batch of smoke! Soon it cleared up and he looked into the problem.

Bubble: I don’t understand – somehow the fuel cells have gone dry.
Corona: In other words?
Bubble: We’ve taken too little diesel with us!!!
Kiwi: ACK!
Brio: (looks out into the distance) What’s worse, we’ve got company… and they’re coming right towards us!!!

Everyone else stood near him, and looked on… at a metallic tarantula-like machine coming towards them. They took a step back… and looked on at this peril.
Episode 19 – Twisted Metal

Scene: The space dimension
Music: DJ Tiesto – “Urban Train” (Original radio edit)

Time was closing in too soon, as the Tarantula creature came walking slowly towards them. As it stepped further and further into the light… we saw it more of a robot. Finally… it stopped about 10 metres in front of our heroes. A hatch soon opened, and out came Deksta! Tiko and Sgt. Soup soon followed her shortly after, and both gave out evil smirks directly at them.

Kiwi: They’re up to something. I just KNEW that they’re up to something.
Corona: They always are!
Deksta: Well well well, if it isn’t the big-headed brat and his clown circus… (glares at them vilely)
Neo: Big-headed?!?!? I’ll show you who’s the big headed one…
Snappy: Yeah – it’s Albert Einstein!
Everyone else: _
Deksta: I never realised that you would come and cause the roadblock on our highway to our dream.
Bubble: Oh for Pete’s sake, it’s more of a nightmare to us.
Deksta: But from this distance, I’ve seen you guys suffer. (smiles vilely)
Corona: Hoo boy… she’s gonna be nice for a change.
Brio: I hope not – she’ll betray us too easily.
Deksta: Which is why… I’m pitting you in an ultimate challenge!
Neo: (steps forward) OK, what is it?
Deksta: You guys and us guys… (gulps) …are gonna be in a war together.
Snappy: Hey look – we have a party three times bigger than yours!!! (laughs) Piece – of – cake! (sticks his tongue out)
Deksta: Having seen that you’re unarmed, things are gonna go… MY WAY!!!!!!

She got out a remote that was different to the dimension-travelling device and pushed a few buttons. The “tarantula” moved its legs to the left, then to the right, and then its front legs moved up into the sky.

Most of the good alliance: YOWL!!!!!!!!

(Music stops)

Neo: Is that it? :/

Sweat drops appeared on everyone else’s faces as they fell over.

[Music restarts – “Thunder Child” (Taken from Jeff Wayne’s “The War Of The Worlds”)]

Deksta: What, that doesn’t impress you, eh? Well this thing has a lot more than meets the eye. ;) We will all fight to the finish. If you win, you can do whatever you want with us, depending on the outcome.

After hearing that, Snappy started whispering in Corona’s ear, who passed it on to the others carefully. Once it got to Neo, he raised both eyebrows twice and made an agreeable smile.

Neo: (turns back to Deksta) And if we lose?
Deksta: To put things simply, you won’t be seeing the light of day for a long time, as well as being without a funeral. (smirks vilely)
Tiko: Yeah, that’s using the old doodle.
Sgt. Soup: Perfect! Mind you, it doesn’t matter if she loses or not - we have more danger than you can think of.

Deksta picked up her dimension-travelling device and fired it onto Tiko and Sgt. Soup… and they were transported out of the area!

Deksta: (puts down the device and picks up the remote control) Come on – bring it to me!

(Beat kicks in)

She grabbed onto a pulley on the remote… and that told it to fire an energy beam that was a metre in diameter!

Brio: LOOK OUT!!!!!!!

The beam was shot… and they were all sent on the run! Neo, Brio, Boron and Goliath went in one direction, while the others took another.

Neo: (calls out) Remember the plan – Snappy and Kiwi, go for Deksta! Bubble, Corona and Travis, you guys try and keep the metal beast busy! We’ll go for the cockpit!
Everyone else: YES SIR!!!

The energy beam continued shooting rapidly, as Neo and his crew were out of its sight, alongside Snappy and Kiwi. This left the others suffering the effects of a chase by the largest energy beam they could find! Eventually… the beam struck Corona, sending her down to the floor unconscious.

Bubble: (gasps) CORONA!!!!
Travis: (screams) Hang on!!!!!

They tried to reach her body… but the energy beam was stopping them from reaching her!
Episode 20 – To Reality And Beyond

Scene: The space dimension
Music: Anjelic – “Can’t Keep Me Silent” (Judge Jules remix, instrumental)

It had been a long while since this war got underway, and at this stage the split parties are starting to suffer. Round the back of the machine, Neo and his crew were struggling to break into the engine area, due to the wolverines unable to break the tough armour, Bubble and Travis were also suffering in getting Corona back… but Snappy and Kiwi had something geared up in mind on the way to the top of the machine. Both hiding in an unused gun arm, they waited in ambush for their attack.

Kiwi: So you’re sure that the only way to stop the gunfire is to steal that remote thing from Deksta?
Snappy: Uh-huh, and when we get it, we’ll be able to destroy it, and we’ll get the invention she stole from us.
Kiwi: Like you said before, this is gonna be a piece of cake.
Snappy: Yum!
Kiwi: Well then, it’s time for action! (flies off)
Snappy: No, wait-

It was already too late – Kiwi made a high fly towards Deksta… and landed carefully on top of her head!

Deksta: (giggles vilely) Soon you will somehow face the dangers of…
Kiwi: (hangs over her head and looks into her eyes) PEEKABOO!!!!!!
Deksta: AAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!! (gets out her buzzer) Time to make you a lump of Miami – as proposed to Southern – Fried Chicken!
Kiwi: But I’m a parrot!

Deksta didn’t take notice. She immediately struck her buzzer down towards her hair…

Kiwi: Power surge at 10 o’ clock! (quickly flies off her head)

The electrodes touched her hair… and within the next few seconds we saw her getting fried to a crisp, with her skeleton showing through the light! A bad aroma also filled the area, with Bubble and Travis holding their noses as they ran…

(Scene changes to round the back)

…while the others were wearing gas masks!

Neo: (slightly muffled) Are you sure that these would come in handy? They feel a bit cramp…
Brio: (slightly muffled) Don’t blame me – it’s the only thing that Golly here has, right?
Goliath: (slightly muffled) RUFF!!!!!!!

(Scene changes to round the front area)

The electric shock also caused the power beam… to move out of the way!

Travis: (gasps) We’re free!!!!!
Bubble: Quick – we gotta take her back inside!

And finally they grabbed onto her arms as firm as they could and dragged her into the golden box. Finally, the thunderbolt stopped.

Deksta: (sees stars and walks dizzily, not to mention talk dizzily too) Now to… destroy my colleagues and help the town… (falls into the machine)

That caused the tarantula to glow red, and as soon as Travis and Bubble stepped out of the machine, they both gasped with shock.

Bubble: QUICK, BACK HERE!!!!!!!!
Boron: (from round the back) YAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Steam was now hissing out of the machine, and some of the nuts and bolts were coming out. As the machine started to swell, Snappy started panicking and jumped down from his spot, while Boron and Goliath came out from round the back, grabbing hold of Neo and Brio as they ran on all fours – threes rather. Kiwi squawked madly as a rush of steam went in her face, and she too started making her journey back.

(Music stops)


The machine finally exploded into millions of pieces… and luckily enough, they managed to escape it alive. Finally, when it faded out, they all looked into each other’s eyes and headed back to the wrecks. They started digging in for Deksta’s body… but after clearing the heart of the wrecks, nothing was found.

Neo: Strange. I thought she didn’t stand a chance of escaping this event alive.
Brio: Yeah, wonder where she went.
Travis: GUYS!!!!!! Come over here – I’ve found something!

Everyone quickly dashed over to see Travis in possession… of a broken dimension-travelling device, and Deksta’s buzzer.

Travis: I hate to say this, but I have a bad feeling that she has escaped this event… alive.
Bubble: Yeah, but where to? :/
Neo: I hate to say this, but this is a question that will remain unanswered for a long time.

(Scene changes to a familiar countryside)

A white warp appeared in the middle of a cute looking road, with lollipop trees and unrealistic scenery. Finally the warp faded out, and Deksta was seen looking fried.

Deksta: (sighs) Thank goodness I’m outta that peril but… where am I?
Voice 1: CAN WE FIX IT?
Voices 2-6: YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!

(Music restarts – Theme from “Bob The Builder”)

Along the horizon, she saw a man in shadow on top of a scoop truck, with four other construction vehicles coming down the road with it. As soon as they came into the light… they came into view as Bob The Builder and his crew.

Deksta: (screams) Bloomin’ heck – not here! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Music stops. Scene changes back to the space dimension)

Snappy: Well no matter what, the main thing now is to try and find a way back.
Kiwi: Unfortunately we have two problems people. Problem A – the transportation box ran out of fuel on arrival. Problem 2 – the dimension-travelling remote is busted.

Everyone sighed and looked down as they now thought that a way out will never be possible.

[Music restarts – Destiny’s Child – “Survivor” (Intro)]

But as Bubble looked down… he then looked up and smiled! Quickly he dashed over to Corona’s body, stole her guitar and took her flamethrower out. But he wasn’t the only one aware of this.

Neo: (turns to Bubble) Bubble, what are you doing-
Bubble: Just hang on!

He opened a fuel hatch, emptied most of the contents in there… and used the rest to start the machine!

(Music stops)

Bubble: YES!!!!! (turns to the others) Quick guys – inside!

Within a split moment, everyone came inside, with the wolverines carrying Corona’s body in there, and placed her on a small (but wide enough) shelf.

Brio: Well done, Starfish!!!
Neo: You did it!!! Next stop – Miami!
Kiwi: Wait a minute – we just lit a big pile of flamethrower fuel… (gasps) What if it’ll explode-

[Music restarts – Offspring – “Want You Bad” (Intro)]


Quickly the transportation box went up into the sky at light speed, with everyone inside grabbing on for dear life. Finally it broke the sound barrier, caused a sonic boom and started to glow white. Then it faded out.

(Music stops)

Back inside, the speed suddenly decreased.

Kiwi: May I have your attention please – you can now remove your seatbelts and let go of the handrails. We should arrive back in Miami in the next 10 minutes. Thank you.

Everyone released their grip of whatever they were holding and sighed.

Kiwi: By the way, do you think that’s enough fuel for the return journey?
Bubble: Course it is. That’s double the amount that I put in, so whatever’s left will go back in the flamethrower.
Brio: Problem is, it’ll be hard to put out the fire on burning oil…
Neo: Not necessarily. Maybe we should go for a fire extinguisher filled with carbon dioxide. That would restore the rest of the oil back to normal, as well as blocking the fire’s oxygen supply.
Snappy: Yeah, that seems good! But… how are we gonna get the oxygen supply back?

(A string section starts)

Neo: (punches Snappy on the jaw) Get some sense into yourself – that question you asked was a stupid one. And besides, when the fire goes out, the gas spreads out along the room.
Snappy: Oh yeah… how come I didn’t think of that? Oh… because I never graduated at elementary school, that’s why!

(String section drains out the speech)

Everyone else rolled their eyes, and as this happened, Corona started to regain consciousness. As she looked around the room, she saw herself… with a team celebrating victory. Finally she looked up again.

Corona: (sings) Push the door I’m home at last
And I’m soaking through and through
Then you handed me a towel
And all I see is you
And even if my house falls down now
I wouldn’t have a clue
Because you’re near me…

(String section stops for a while, and then a light drum rhythm starts)

She looked to the others again, and they were sharing champagne among themselves – except for Travis, who had a glass of cream soda in his hand. She smiled sweetly.

(String section comes in again)

Corona: (sings) And I want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life
And I want to thank you
For giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you
Is having the best day of my life… (echo on last three words)

She finally looked up again, and did a last smile before closing her eyes again. It won’t be long before they arrive back in Miami, where Tiko and Sgt. Soup will be in wait. But the question is… how are they gonna find them?



Corona: (stops playing) What on Earth…

She placed her guitar back in its place and started dashing down the steps, but she tripped up into the camera…

Now in front of the eyes, there was a grinding machine up ahead, where the conveyor belt passes just half a centimetre under a massive steel wheel.

Mozzarella: This is what I call… the Iron Maiden!
Snappy: (from off-stage) IRON MAIDEN!!!!!!! (mimics heavy metal sounds)
Mozzarella: SNAPPY!!!!!!!! (goes up to him) That’s the ninety twelfth time you’ve done that already! Can you please close your pie hole when we do the next take?
Snappy: Oh come on, I’m here for humour…
Mozzarella: (slaps him) Wait until YOU’RE filming a scene, and I’ll interrupt YOURS with a stupid comment…
Snappy: AH! (turns to the others) Corona, Travis, Bubble and Brio, you try and destroy the… (turns to Mozzarella) …what’s it called?
Mozzarella: Iron Maiden.
Snappy: I think SHE’S as thick as a milkshake. (turns to the others again) Kiwi, Boron and Goliath, you guys try and free Neo from the…
Kiwi: But the handcuffs are made outta steel! How am I gonna peck through that?
Snappy: My claws may be a teeny bit fragile…

But as he said that… his claws started crumbling too much that… they deceased into rubble!

Snappy: It’s true! (turns to the director) Hey, I need plastic surgery before we move on…
Misty started looking around the beach… and saw a tipped over crate of Brussels sprouts at her feet.

Misty: You don’t understand mate – us turtles… (picks one up) …are like sprouts!
Neo: They stink? :/
Misty: Yes… (cracks up) Sorry – I can’t get over that line! I now have guilt for putting that in the script…
Snappy: Next time… leave the humour for the OTHER scaled creatures. ;)
Travis: OK… (sniffs) …all I can tell you… was that… my parents got divorced… and… (sniffs and sobs) …my dad left the town… with me and my twin brother… (sniffs) …and then… (sobs) …you don’t wanna know…

There was silence in the room for a few seconds. Then there was a response.

Brio: I understand.

Goliath climbed onto the workbench… but…


Goliath: (looks down) AH!

Within a split second the workbench snapped, taking him down onto the floor and have pieces of wood falling on top of him.

Goliath: (suffering pain) OOF! AH! OW!
Travis: GOLLY!!! (turns to the wrecks) Don’t worry – I’ll get you out…
Neo: That’s a nice machine you’ve got there!
Bubble: Thankie :)
Neo: (eyes focused on the scrapbook) You don’t mind if I… take a peek inside?
Bubble: (tosses it) Here you go!

The book was sent flying… but it landed in an electric beam and fizzed out.

Neo: BUBBLE!!!!!!!!
Bubble: I know, maybe the people here made the special effects way too effective…
Deksta: You guys and us guys… (gulps) …are gonna be in a war together.
Snappy: Hey look – we have a party three times bigger than yours!!! (laughs) Piece – of – cake! (sticks his tongue out)

But just after he spoke… a cream cake went flying across the room, and landed on Deksta’s face!

Deksta: (takes the cake away from her) Ugh… who did that?
Krusty The Clown: (comes on stage) HEY HEY KIDS!!!! (laughs goofily)
Deksta: Krusty, this is NOT the set for the Simpsons! (speaks in a calmer and faster tone) It’s the NEXT one to the right.
Krusty: Whoops… oh, thanks! (leaves the studio, then sighs) I need to give Sideshow Mel a good beating for the wrong directions… (lights a cigarette and starts smoking)
A white warp appeared in the middle of a cute looking road, with lollipop trees and unrealistic scenery. Finally the warp faded out, and Deksta was seen looking fried.

Deksta: (sighs) Thank goodness I’m outta that peril but… where am I?
Voice 1: CAN WE FIX IT?
Voices 2-6: YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!

Along the horizon, she saw a man in shadow on top of a scoop truck, with four other construction vehicles coming down the road with it. As soon as they came into the light… they came into view as Bob The Builder and his crew. As they came towards her… Lofty rammed himself into Scoop, causing Bob to fall off and into a manhole.

Bob: HELP!!!! GET ME UP!!!!!!
Scoop: (turns angrily to Lofty) What was that for?
Lofty: (looks worried) Er… ACK! (drives back)
Scoop: (sighs) So much for having a clumsy crane about… (rolls his eyes)

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