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Episode 21 – Runner Beans And Has-Beans

Scene: Gadget’s apartment
Music: Moby – “Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?”

It had been a couple of hours since the dimension travellers returned safely, and are now starting to gear up for their battle. Those that didn’t go and help Chad’s injury heal up are still working on it right now. As this was happening, some footsteps could be heard on the corridor as a black feminine figure came into one of the rooms with a service tray. Once inside she came to a stop, and looked on at Chad and Gadget. Then she came out of the darkness.

(Music turns instrumental)

Misty: Hey look – medicine is served!

They both rose and looked down… at a bottle of cod liver oil and a teaspoon.

Misty: :) And after that there’s a treat… (lifts a metal bowl over a china plate, which had something appetising – or not - on it) …runner beans on toast!
Chad: Yum!
Gadget: Ugh…

Upon that sight, Chad rose and started dashing towards the tray. When he got there…

(Music stops with Chad)

…he looked down at his leg and smiled.

Chad: (gasps) Hey, I can finally run again!
Gadget: (sighs) All that for the most gruesome snack on Earth… (rolls her eyes)
Misty: Ditto. :/ By the way, I heard that Travis is making good progress with the detection for Tiko and Sgt. Soup.
Chad and Gadget: Really?
Misty: Yeah! I heard that he built a radar to find him - with the help of Bubble, of course. ;)
Chad: So what’s it meant to be – a metal detector?
Misty: How did you guess?
Chad and Gadget: YOWL!
Gadget: Er… to detect Soup’s armour?
Misty: Correct, brain-dead! Once we’ve found them then it’s gonna be a free-for-all when we get to them!

[Music restarts – Silicone Soul – “Right On” (Instrumental)]

Travis: (from the distance) Hey people – I’ve found them!
Misty: What the…?

The other members of the gang started speeding down the corridor towards Travis’s room, where he and Goliath have come across a hidden surprise. Quickly Misty and her lot made it over as well, seeing the amazing discovery.

Brio: OK kitty, what is it this time?
Travis: You’re not gonna believe this, but they’re hiding over at Miami Beach.

Everyone gasped.

Snappy: Isn’t that where Neo dude here nearly got grinded in half?
Neo: Well where else can it be – the scrap yard???
Snappy: (blushes) Sorry there… :/
Gadget: Back at Miami Beach, you say? (rubs her chin with one finger) Hmmm… (raises an eyebrow) Now I don’t like the road that this is going down.
Bubble: Neither do I, but it’s our only hope. I mean, what if they have a more dangerous machine in there?
Kiwi: Yeah like… c’mon people, there’s always something better than that so-called “Iron Maiden”.
Travis: Well think about it this way – we know for sure that Tiko and Sgt. Soup are tough criminals as they are already, but we need to be really careful with them, as well as paying our full potential, even with our Chosen One with us.
Neo: (raises an eyebrow) Travis, for a kid you’ve got some serious thinking power here. ;)
Travis: Thank you! :)
Misty: (starts to leave the room) OK people – now that the basics have been ruled over for one last time… LET’S MOVE!!!!!!

She slammed the door open and ran out of the room, and the others soon followed her. Who knows what kind of surprise awaits the corner. Like Kiwi said, it could be more gruesome than the Iron Maiden, but gruesomeness isn’t the main fear of heroes.
Episode 22 – Weapon Of Choice

Scene: The warehouse in Miami Beach
Music: Linkin Park – “Paper Cut” (Instrumental)

Along the tinny surface, a set of feet, with black strong boots, were thumping away at the floor in one direction… and then another… and back again.

(Camera goes a bit higher)

The anger starts to increase a bit more as a powerful-bodied soldier could be seen walking around the area. But wait – he sooner enough revealed a tail from behind him – an ox’s tail.

(Camera goes higher still)

The face can be easily recognised now – it’s Sgt. Soup, with a face filled with envy.

Sgt. Soup: (growls angrily) HOW I HATE THAT CHOSEN ONE!!!!!! ALWAYS FOILING OUR PLANS!!!!!!
Tiko: (follows him) Hey hey, calm down…
Sgt. Soup: WHY SHOULD I, BLUE BOY???? Our business is gonna be ruined… AND IT’S ALL THAT BROTHERLY BULLY’S FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiko: Please Soup, let’s not lose our heads here…
Sgt. Soup: LOSE OUR HEADS?!?!? (panics) HEEEEELP!!!!!!!!

Tiko gave out a sigh of disgust behind his back, as well as covering his eyes with his hand and shaking his head.

Tiko: I know you seem pretty angry right now, and very outnumbered, but we can’t lose now.
Sgt. Soup: Screw your backside – you’ve said that all the way and it never worked!
Tiko: I know, but having seen that we’re the toughest members of the crew, they’re never gonna stop us now!
Sgt. Soup: But what if they find us? And eliminate us BOTH????
Tiko: Hey, just chill, my friend. I know you seem depressed and all, but we have an easy way to get through. (picks up a wrench from off the floor) Remember – I’m the Master of Machinery here. Alone, I’ve constructed a truckload of robo-soldiers, and with them… we’re gonna beef up the security.
Sgt. Soup: Now that’s the plan I’m talking about!
Tiko: Yeah – the good alliance have to be INVISIBLE to get in!

There were silence for a couple of seconds, and then they both started vilely, quietly, and then the volume kept on getting increased, and the echoes could be heard throughout the building.

[Scene changes to outside the building. Music changes – Fatboy Slim – “Yo Mama” (Instrumental)]

From the inside of the building, two known eyes could be seen looking through some holes in the building.

(Camera shows the watchers outside, who are in fact, the good alliance.)

Neo: I hate to tell you this, but if we have to get in we have to be invisible!
Misty: Oh stop being such a wuss over things, will ya? (pushes him out of the way) Lemme take a look.

She looked into the holes, and in front of her eyes… were a truckload of robo-soldiers patrolling the main hall.

Misty: Yikes!
Neo: Told you!!!
Misty: (moves out from the spot) So who cares if you were right and I was wrong? (turns to him) Watch my wrath, jumbo-head – you’re soon gonna…
Gadget: (steps in front of her) Don’t think about it. Even now we need him here – you never know how tough Sgt. Soup will harm us. Every battle we’ve had someone killed, including your recent boyfriend, Goliath’s brother and last time it was my mother. I want this to change when we come in here. Right guys?
Everyone else: YES!!!
Gadget: Excellent! (looks at the front door) Now the only problem is, how on earth are we gonna get in?
Brio: (gets out a pistol) Leave that to me!

He stuck the end of the pistol inside one of the holes, and took out several magazines filled with bullets. He pulled the trigger and…


He kept on firing for a while, looking in a top hole for accuracy, and after a minute or two… the firing stopped.

(Music stops)

Brio: :) All clear!
Snappy: (wolf whistles) Hey Brio dude - that was excellent work there! You deserve it!
Brio: Ah, it was nothin’. (takes the pistol out of the hole and blows into the end, which had a fair amount of smoke coming out.
Corona: Now that that’s been sorted, how are we supposed to get past the steel door?

As she stopped speaking the door immediately opened in front of their eyes, causing them all to gasp.

Kiwi: Oh my gosh, how did that happen?
Brio: I’m thinking that it could be one of my bullets that went for a long distance run.
Chad: (laughs) You’re a good shot!

(Music restarts – Moby – “Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?” (Red Jerry’s String And Breaks mix, intro)

Neo: (steps in front of the door) There it is – the main corridors, free for us to run in! (looks at the others) Well come on people – let’s go!
Bubble: Yes, but please, for the love of Pete… be careful in there.
Neo: We will, and that’s a fact. ;)

So they started walking through the corridors carefully, and with caution. Snappy, Brio, Boron, Goliath, Corona, Misty and Travis were briskly walking (and racing) their way to the front of the queue, as they know that they could never be too careful.
Episode 23 – Beyond The Doors

Scene: The dark corridors of the Beach Warehouse
Music: Louise – “Stuck In The Middle With You” (Instrumental)

It wasn’t long until the whole gang came across a junction in the main corridor, where there were two wooden doors, each of them slightly open.

Gadget: I suppose this is where we find out where the baddies are then… :/
Travis: What, after just three minutes and 27 seconds of running down the corridor?
Gadget: I don’t know.
Snappy: Hey, how about we check out what’s behind those doors!
Brio: Good idea. :)

So both of them went up to the doors and peaked through them. Then they closed them… with surprise spelt all over their faces.

Neo: Don’t panic, please! Stop!

(Music stops)

The screaming stopped.

Neo: Thanks. Now that we’ve come across the two important pieces of the puzzle, we now should be ready to go in and close down the warehouse like we did last time.
Misty: It blew up last time because of a careless Mozzarella, NOT our strength! Ha! (laughs) I’m right and you’re wrong! Ha-ha-haha-ha!
Bubble: (pulls her back) Wait until he finishes, woman!
Neo: (gives out a short sigh) Yes, now can you please be silent while I give out the team plan?

There was silence.

[Music restarts – Dido – “Hunter” (Instrumental)]

Neo: Good. (turns to the route to the Boiler Room) There’s the route to the Boiler Room over there, and we need some of the toughest in the team to try and destroy that, in which will eventually destroy the warehouse. (looks back at the gang) Brio, Bubble, Misty…
Misty: (aside) Good riddance.
Neo: …Chad, Kiwi and Travis, your job is to try and destroy the machinery in there. But be careful in there!
Kiwi: YES SIR!!!!!!!!
Neo: The rest of us should go next door and make a good attempt at slaughtering Sgt. Soup and his crew.
Gadget: Yeah, but I’m not sure if we could defeat him, what with his club and that.
Neo: Don’t worry about that – there’s always a way to get round everything.
Gadget: But… (sighs) …never mind.
Neo: OK, now that you know your objectives we’d best get to action quickly!
Everyone else: RIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Then they split up from the group into the two teams and headed into either door.


[Music changes – Dusted – “Always Remember To Honour And Respect Your Mother” (Skip intro)]

Sgt. Soup sat alone in the darkness. He knew that he had a chance of winning, much higher than the others, but what if after all these years he finally gets defeated and taken to jail? After teaming up with a punk that had hardly any experience in crime, he had thoughts around his head that his end could be very much nearby.

(Music stops)

But the thoughts… were interrupted by a set of footsteps coming across the room. He looked up… and saw one half of the good alliance right before his eyes.

Sgt. Soup: Huh? (breathes in heavily) YOU?!?!?
Neo: What’s the matter? Are you scared?

[Music restarts – DJ Tiesto – “Urban Train” (Club Version Intro)]

Sgt. Soup: AAAAARRRGGGGHHH!!!!! (grabs hold of his head in a rage) NO I’M NOT SCARED AT ALL!!!!!!! (sighs angrily) Look at me – am I glowing red in rage?
Gadget: I doubt it yet, but you will be soon… so EMBRACE YOURSELVES – WE ARE THE SAVIOURS OF THE 20th CENTURY!!!!!!

(Lights start changing colours)

Neo: (steps forward) The name’s Neo Cortex – pure and simple leader… and the Chosen One!
Gadget: (goes in front of him) Gadget Medulla – up and ready to kick your butt!
Corona: (jumps over them and points her flamethrower at Sgt. Soup) Corona Grizzly – the bear with the fiery attitude!

Boron and Goliath rushed to the front and started guarding the three of them.

Neo: That’s Sir Goliath and his son Boron – the deadliest wolverines in town!
Snappy: (rolls in front of them, and speaks in a sexy voice) And Snappy Gator, the loooove machine of the United States. ;)
Sgt. Soup: HA! You don’t scare me! You’re just a crew of street rats!!!
Gadget: Wanna bet, skint? (laughs)
Sgt. Soup: OK, but it’s not gonna be pretty.

He rushed to the back of the room… and pulled out a long steel club!

Sgt. Soup: (swipes it) En guarde! Touché!
Neo: Oh, that is SO cliché. (rolls his eyes)

This could be it – Sgt. Soup is now alone, and is now outnumbered against six others. But his weapon could come in handy – you never know.
Episode 24 – Canned Heat

Scene: The boiler room
Music: OPM – “Heaven Is A Half Pipe” (Instrumental)

The lighting in the room seemed perfectly lit as the remainders in the gang saw the boiler right ahead of them… plus a lot of boxes around them.

Kiwi: Er, Brio, I think you’ve found a lot more than just the boiler.
Brio: What do you mean?
Kiwi: Look at Travis – he’s trying to break the boxes open! I have a bad feeling that he’s getting really suspicious right now.
Travis: (turns to Kiwi) Stick your beak out of my business!
Kiwi: Sorry…

He kept on hacking away at the crate…


…and a part of the wood snapped off! From there he tore the rest away and saw… goodness-knows-how-many bottles of milk!

Travis: Yummy!!! Hey, can I take one home?
Bubble: No, because they’re part of Tiko and Soup’s plans.
Chad: Really? :/ How can milk get involved at a time like this…?

[Music immediately changes – Limp Biskit – “My Generation” (Instrumental)]

Voice: That’s for me to know - and you not to find out!
Bubble: Uh-oh…
Misty: Watch out people – this dude’s gonna mean some serious harm!

From the shadows, the person with the voice showed himself as… Tiko! Immediately he was showing off his teeth with a vile looking smirk.

Kiwi: I’m afraid. I’m very afraid.
Misty: RUN!!!!!!

Immediately, Tiko made a fire with a shotgun in his hand…


…and as that happened, Misty escaped from the clutches and dashed out of the room, regardless of what could be behind her. All she could hear were more footsteps, as she made her way down the main corridor towards the main entrance. Finally she stepped out into the light, and onto the smooth sandy shores of Miami Beach. At this point sweat was pouring down her face, and as she looked back… she saw Chad and Brio following her. Finally she stopped and panted for air.

Chad: (stops at her feet) Did we lose him?
Misty: (pants) I think so…
Brio: What about the others?

Back inside, Tiko was on a ladder on the way up the boiler, holding onto Kiwi’s feathers as tight as he could.

Tiko: (reaches the top) How about I put the parrot into the Birdie Boiler! (sticks her in the top of the boiler, which started turning red)


Kiwi was sent flying high in the room, screaming as loud as she can… but as soon as she reached the ceiling… she banged her head and was sent plummeting to the floor. As that happened, Tiko started laughing vilely.

(Music stops)

Bubble: HEY YOU!!!!!!
Tiko: (turns around) Hey you what?
Bubble: Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size?
Tiko: Like… you?
Bubble: Oops…

[Music restarts – WWF – Tazz’s theme (“If You Dare”) (Intro)]

Travis: Oh Bubble, you’ve BLOWN it!

Tiko leapt from the top of the boiler down towards the floor below, ready to body slam on top of Travis and Bubble. Both of them cowered in the corner, screaming their heads off.


[Music changes – Fragma – “You Are Alive” (Club mix)]

As all this was going on, things were not looking too good for the others. Snappy and Corona were sent flying across the room into an air vent… and the shutters closed as soon as they came in.

Gadget: (gasps) Oh no!!!
Sgt. Soup: Oh YES!!!!!!! (shows his muscles) Is that skill or is that skill?

The wolverines shook their heads.

Sgt. Soup: What?
Neo: You may have more muscle than Hulk Hogan, but that doesn’t mean that you’re skilful, you big headed brute!
Sgt. Soup: Awww, thank you! That’s the nicest thing anybody has said about me!

Everyone else rolled their eyes.

Sgt. Soup: (swings his club down) So what are you waiting for? Bring it on!
Snappy: (from the air vents) Yeah – we were just the appetisers!
Sgt. Soup: Appetisers?!?
Neo: (nods) Here comes the main course!
Gadget: You bet!

The wolverines leapt towards Sgt. Soup and landed on all their feet. As soon as they touched down, they started growling.

Sgt. Soup: (aims his club at them) Stay away from me, you miserable mutts!

He immediately swipes his club down… but this caused both wolverines to split up. He looked confused for a while… until Boron jumped on his back… and removed his helmet, showing him with curly hair! This caused everyone else in the room to laugh in his face… and him to grow red with fury!

Sgt. Soup: (explodes in a rage) GET OFF MY HELMET!!!!!!!

He tried to hit Boron on the head… but missed and hit HIMSELF on his head! This made him collapse in a crumpled heap.

(Music stops)

Boron pinned him down, and Goliath came near them!

Goliath: (taps on the floor as he counts) Ruff… whoo… WHEE! (One… two… THREE!)

[Music restarts – Limp Biskit – “Rollin’” (The Undertaker’s entrance edit)]

Boron: (jumps up and down) WHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! (does a cartwheel across the room) TA-DA!
Gadget: (laughs) Give it up for the new WCW champion!
Corona: (from the air vents) Yeah yeah, now can you PLEASE get us outta here?
Gadget: (looks up) Don’t panic – we’ll go through it.

[Music fades away and changes – Apollo 440 – “Charlie’s Angels 2000” (Intro)]

But behind their backs, Soup opened one eye and took an angry look for them.

Sgt. Soup: (aside) You may have won the battle… but not the war.

While the others were trying to free Snappy and Corona, he rose to his feet and held his club in a fighting pose. Now it started glowing a pale blue!

Sgt. Soup: Hard luck, wimps – you’re outta this place for good!

He came rushing with the club in his hand and was about to cause a smash to the ground with it, at their feet. But luckily enough, Neo turned to him just in time!

Neo: (gasps) GUYS! LOOK OUT!!!!
Gadget: (turns around) What the… (gasps) RUN!!!!!!!!

(Scene fades white and restores on Miami Beach. Music stops)

At this stage, the sun was already starting to set in the sky, and Misty, Chad and Brio were the remaining three on the beach. Chad was looking back at the warehouse, where no one came out for a long while. Misty sat in the sand alone deep in her thoughts. And Brio, with a twig in his hand, was drawing some technical diagrams on the sand. As the time flew further, Chad gave out a long sigh and turned back, facing the sea. As this was happening, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

(Music restarts – Kinobe – “Slip Into Something”)

Chad: AH! (turns around) Oh… it’s you guys! (turns to the others) Hey everyone! Neo and Gadget have escaped alive!
Misty: (not too interested, but tries to be) Oh goody.
Brio: WOW! (rises and rushes over) But what happened to the others?
Neo: You mean the remaining four from our crew? I’m sorry… but after the attack we couldn’t find them.
Chad: Any sign of Bubble, Kiwi and Travis?
Gadget: I haven’t seen them at all since we split up.
Misty: Huh, you call that an apology huh? Mark my words – ever since they’re still inside, it’ll be easy to get ‘em out! (tries to walk over to the warehouse)
Neo: (blocks her way) But if we go back now in the state we’re all in someone, or everyone, is gonna die! :(
Chad: You’re right. We need to rest over this for the night. We’ll attack when they least expect it.

So the remaining five left the beach quietly under the red skies they’re under. One sleep could be good enough to restore health… but can it be one too many? And when they go back in there, will the others be in there still alive?
Episode 25 – The Final Sunrise?

Scene: The rooftops of a set of apartment blocks in Miami Music: “Forever Autumn” (Taken from the soundtrack to Jeff Wayne’s “The War of the Worlds”)

Sunrise came through the blocks quickly and already shone a cascading blue colour. But a figure could be made out on one of the blocks, which was easy to make out.

(Camera zooms in to the figure – figures rather. Vocals start)

Neo sat among the carrier pigeons in deep thought. The upcoming mission against Tiko and Sgt. Soup… exactly how could he cope with it? Sure he needed a positive attitude as that could make a big difference between life and death. Speaking of which, what about the others – Snappy, Boron, Goliath, Corona, Travis, Bubble and Kiwi? They’ve spent a whole night inside that old warehouse, but could this be one night too many? And what about his party of five? He knows that he wants to make them escape alive, but as Gadget said last night, “every battle we have someone killed” and for everyone to make it out alive would be a miracle. He looked out to the skies again, with that same concerned look, and gave out a long and worried sigh. Finally he looked down concentrating on the thoughts. Then… there were some footsteps coming up the rooftop, and out from the stairs… came Gadget.

(Music reaches the instrumental area, as well as turning instrumental)

Gadget: (calmly) Hi.
Neo: (turns around and gasps) Gadget!!! (rises) What a surprise!!!
Gadget: What exactly are you doing up here at half past six in the morning?
Neo: (shrugs) I’m not sure, but the thoughts about everyone else were the cause of this.
Gadget: Don’t panic about your friends…
Neo: Does it look like it? :/
Gadget: Now mark my words – I can see a guarantee that you will be as safe as can be.
Neo: (faintly) Gadget’s a poet, and I didn’t know it.
Gadget: I heard that! Now back on topic… remember last night that I told you that someone gets killed in every battle?
Neo: Exactly. That thought’s been on my mind for a while now.
Gadget: Well forget it this time – we will ALL survive!
Neo: But I thought…
Gadget: Think about it – if you wanna fight well, you gotta have the attitude for it. Think positive thoughts, my friend. ;) It’s the easiest way to win. And don’t worry about the tricks that Tiko and Soup have in store – it’s the weaknesses that count. We’ve already learnt about Soup’s weakness that he always aims for his target, even though he doesn’t watch himself for his own safety. But Tiko… I’m not sure about.
Neo: Neither do I – I haven’t seen him in a long time.
Gadget: Remember – focus, and have a positive attitude at all times. What have you got to say to that?

There was silence for a few seconds, until out came a rather dodgy remark.

Neo: (in a lower-toned sexy voice) Baby, you can lift my spirits any day of the week.
Gadget: Oh my goodness, you just said THAT?!?!? :) How sweet! (takes his hand and pulls him closer to her) Now come on. It’s gonna be a while before the others awaken, so how about we go for a one-on-one game of Scrabble?
Neo: You bet!

So they both left the rooftops towards the main hall, where they should take their time unwinding themselves before the battle.

(Music stops)


At this stage, everyone else was up and around the breakfast table… along with empty bowls of cereal in front of them.

Gadget: OK, today’s the big day, so try and look the part! (rises) I know you may seem afraid that we may lose someone again, but if you have a very positive attitude, it’s not gonna happen.
Misty: That’s what you said in the other missions, yet we always lose someone in battle.
Gadget: (goes up to her) Hey, turn that frown upside down!
Misty: (turns away) I know what’s gonna happen, believe me. And if that’s the case, make me the one to go.
Chad: No!!! Misty – don’t do it!
Misty: What’s the point? I’m living in a world where I’m not getting any attention from anybody, someone in this room is being so big headed and the toilets are being mucked up all over the place!

[Music restarts – Planet Funk – “Chase The Sun” (Ambient radio edit)]

Neo: Well we can’t blame your overdose on alcohol from last night, can we?
Misty: Look at me – I’m a grown girl! I can drink all the beer that I want! (folds her arms) So there!!!
Brio: Now listen – without your input we can’t survive this mission.
Chad: Yeah – you were the reason why we failed in recent fights!
Misty: Trust me – there’s no way you can beat Sgt. Soup. Not even Spiky over there can slaughter him.
Neo: (leans over the table) It’s not Spiky, it’s Neo. Now read – my – lips! I know that you think there’s no way of getting out of this mess…
Misty: (aside) Other than a time machine. :/
Neo: …but if you co-operate properly this time, we’ll ALL be survivors! One slip, and you’ll be facing this problem for time to come.
Misty: But…
Neo: So which world would you rather live in – a pain-infested world thanks to the “Terrible Two” or a peaceful world like the one before, even though some of us could be dead?

She thought long and hard through this, but she had different thoughts through it. Even though she hates him, she doesn’t have a choice but to let them see the dreaded future up ahead. She then looked up… with a confident smile.

Misty: Let’s get ready to rumble!!!!!!! :)

The remaining four cheered and looked on at the path ahead.

Chad: Hey, now that you seem more confident, how about we go show them what we’re all about!!!

So they stormed out of the back door pretty quickly, and raced on towards Miami Beach. Time is running out already – what are the others doing if they are still alive? And if not, how did they end up in the situation they’re in? Either way, Tiko and Soup are now on the road to punishment.
Episode 26 – The Sergeant’s Rage

Scene: The warehouse at Miami Beach
Music: Redman and Adam F – “Smash Sumthin’” (Intro instrumental)

The door to the main room opened once more, and this time it gave out a fair bit of dark light. Then two feet stepped into the room – one of them with a dark boot, the other with a brown hiking shoe. Finally the door opened widely, and Tiko and Soup stepped into the room and made their way to the other side. The lights were turned on, chasing the dark shadows away from their spots, and now in the light… the remaining people in the good alliance were sitting on metal chairs, all tied up! Sgt. Soup got out his club once more and started taking his time to going up to them. With that, some of them were nervous, Travis being no exception – his head was shaking and sweat was pouring down the side of his face!

(Music stops)

Finally he came to a stop a metre in front of them.

Sgt. Soup: Any last words?
Bubble: Grrr… TELL ME YOUR PLAN, JERK!!!!!!!!!!
Sgt. Soup: ACK!

He held the club high above his head and was about to hit Bubble on the head as hard as hard can be when…

Tiko: (holds the club back) Not yet – before their punishment they’d better learn about our evil scheme. Then when we slaughter them, they can’t tell anyone about it!
Sgt. Soup: Ah yeah! :)

[Music restarts – Zero 7 feat. Sia and Sophie – “Destiny” (Photek remix, instrumental)]

Travis: What was the milk for?
Tiko: I plan to smuggle these across the town, and when they drink out of it they will turn to the dark side. And after that, they will bow down to me as their ruler!!!!!
Kiwi: So? One city isn’t good enough. :/
Sgt. Soup: Ah, but this is where the clever part comes in – from this town we will build an army and using that, no one will stop us from travelling around the world and taking over the world!!!
Tiko: Yes, our first stop will be the northern city of Washington D.C. The president will suffer from our wrath! (laughs vilely)
Snappy: Hey, just because you’re master criminals it doesn’t mean that your plans are good.
Sgt. Soup: WHAT?!?!?
Snappy: If I’d classify you as a criminal, I’d say that you’re King Kong.
Corona: Why?
Snappy: Because both of them have a brain the size of an electron!
Snappy: Sheesh, don’t get your underpants in a twist. (turns to the camera) If you want to do a situation like this, don’t try this at home! (pauses for a while) Do it at school. ;)

(Music immediately changes – Orinoko – “Island”)

Tiko: THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!! (turns to Sgt. Soup) Give him the club!
Sgt. Soup: Yes sir!

He takes the club and lifted it up to a high height… and aimed directly for Snappy’s head!

(Scene changes to the main corridors. Beat kicks in)

Whilst all this was going on, a sound of footsteps could be heard from further up the path. They came closer and closer… and we saw them as the remaining five!

Misty: There are the wooden doors up ahead!
Chad: Excellent job! (turns to her) I’m glad we’ve finally knocked your sense into you…
Misty: Oh, it was nothing. (looks up suspiciously)
Gadget: Now all we have to do is get in, find the others, take them out and…

(Music stops)


Everyone panicked at that bang, and came to a sudden stop.

Neo: (gasps) Gunfire!!! (starts sprinting to the door) You just wait – I’ll try and find out what they’re doing!
Brio: Yes, but keep your wits at all times!!!

As soon as he reached the fork, both doors were slightly open again, and as he turned to the door to the conference room… he peeked in and saw something unfold. Then he gasped.

Gadget: (goes up to them) What is it? Is there something wrong?
Neo: (turns to her slowly, and with a depressed look on his face) I’d hate to tell you this, but…

[Music restarts – Richard Ashcroft – “A Song For The Lovers” (Intro)]

Tiko: (from the room) YOU DOWNRIGHT PLONKER!!!!!!!!!!!
Neo: (points to the door to the conference room) They’re in there, and they’re still alive!
Gadget: YEEEEEEE-HAWWWW!!!!!!! (jumps up with a smile, and then turns back in the direction of the others) Hey come on – we’re home free so far!!!
Brio: (stunned) What?!? YES!
Misty: So much for the Death Parade…
Chad: Quick – if we go in now then we’ll be able to make it through! Let’s go!!!

So they quickly headed through those double doors on the road to destiny.
Episode 27 – No Way Out

Scene: The conference room of the Miami Beach warehouse
Music: Inner City – “Good Life (Buena Vida)” (Ian Pooley’s La Buena Vida En Notas mix, intro)

The doors swung open violently, and in came the good alliance, ready for a good fight. As they looked around the room, they saw Tiko and Soup quarrelling at each other, and the remaining seven, all tied up. Then they saw shattered pieces of black metal on the ground. They all looked at each other… and winked.

Neo: (gasps) SNAPPY!!!! (runs over to them)
Chad: Careful m’lad – you never know what they could have done to him!

But he didn’t pay any attention. He just continued going across to the others, and when he came to them he went in the darkness, so that he could hardly be seen. Neo: Listen guys – now that we’re here we’ll try and take you guys out one by one.
Travis: But what if they stopped quarrelling and noticed us making our escape?
Neo: Calm down Travis – if they notice us, we’ll be ready for an attack. Now just hang on… (gets out a big pair of scissors) …we’ll have you out in no time.
Bubble: Yeah, the sooner the better! I can’t bear to put up in a dark atmosphere like this!

There was silence between them all for a while, and as he looked on, he saw the others waiting for their cue. He stuck his thumb up, and then the others came over, with great stealth.

(Music stops)

But as they ran, Chad accidentally tripped up, causing a loud clang on the floor, and for the enemies to be silenced.

Tiko: (speaks eventually) Did I hear something?
Sgt. Soup: If that’s the case, it has to be in the form of a… (turns around, facing Chad) …TRAITOR!!!!!!

[Music restarts – Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan – “Silence” (Airscape remix, instrumental)]

Tiko: (gets out his gun) And any traitors on our land will be immediately… (speaks in a lower tone) …terminated!

There was the pull of the trigger…


…and it got Chad directly on the chest! He started suffering from a bad injury, but he eventually managed to stand up.

Misty: CHAD! (goes up to him)
Tiko: (gasps) ANOTHER ONE!!!!! (fires again)


Quickly Misty grabbed Chad and dragged him back into the main corridors, avoiding the gunfire on the way.

Neo: I have a bad feeling that they’ve spotted us…
Snappy: Don’t panic. Free us and we’ll be able to help you out!
Gadget: We’ll try!

She immediately grabs hold of the ropes, and cuts Snappy out… with her teeth! Then she came over to Bubble and freed him with the same method. Finally she went for Travis, who got out easily! Having seen that, Neo looked on at Boron, Goliath and Corona, and freed them with the scissors. Brio saw Kiwi on the smallest chair, in the middle of them all, so he grabbed her body and pulled her out!

(Music kicks into the middle 8)

Kiwi: Mind my rib cage – it’s delicate!
Brio: Sorry…
Sgt. Soup: Don’t squeal at me – I’ll take them out!
Tiko: (puts on a jet pack) You best do, or else! I’m outta here – I’m gone from this state for good!

So he blasts out of the building from the roof, and this left Sgt. Soup to take on the others.

Neo: Careful guys – this means business.
Boron: (goes up to him) RUFF RUFF!!!!
Neo: I know you want to take him on, but he seems tougher than last time.
Goliath: UH-UH!!!!!! (leaves the room)
Gadget: Hey, where are you going?
Boron: (follows him) WHOO!!!!!!!!!
Corona: Hoo boy… I bet those hound dawgs are gonna suffer.
Neo: For now… I guess it’s up to the rest of us.
Gadget: (comes towards them) And this time, we’re tougher than ever before! (charges at Soup)
Brio: No, wait–

(Snare starts)

But it was already too late, as Gadget immediately tackled Soup with a head butt and then jumped right over him! He then grabbed Tiko’s gun, and started shooting that, but she picked up a piece of the floor and blocked the shots from it, and when the fire stopped… she tossed it like a boomerang… and hit him on the head, as well as breaking the helmet!

(Music kicks into the outro)

Sgt. Soup: OH NO!!!!!!! (turns to Gadget angrily) You’ve got a price to pay!

He loaded his gun again, and this time she had no chance of escape. Cornered in, the guns quickly were fired, and she started cowering.

[Music changes – O-Town – “Liquid Dreams” (Instrumental)]

But… a few seconds later, she still didn’t feel a single shot to her body! She looked ahead of her… and saw Neo with the piece of the floor in his possession!

Gadget: WOW!!!!!!! You’ve saved my life!!! :)

Neo: No problem Gadget – I’m here to stick up for everybody no matter what happens!
Sgt, Soup: DARN!!!!!!!! (kicks his gun on the floor)
Neo: I’ll take the control from here. Watch out, because I have a way to get round all this!
Gadget: Thanks!
Sgt. Soup: Hey, two can play at that game!!! (picks up another piece of the floor)

As they looked on at each other, the others made their escape quickly…

(Music stops)

…but it was all interrupted by a rapid shaking in the room, followed by the room caving in.

Neo: I wasn’t expecting THAT coming in play.
Sgt. Soup: EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!!

(Music restarts – Barthezz – “On The Move”)

They both raced each other for the door, trying to hit each other with their floorboards. Within the time… they both failed at hitting each other, and they were both neck and neck! Finally they reached the door, and only just… Neo came out of the door first, and slammed it in Soup’s face, showing his face print on it! He slipped his floorboard through the lock, so that… he can’t get out! Then a fire erupted from the boiler, causing him to panic a bit more! As he ran, another figure could be made out - two figures rather – they are Chad and Gadget!

Gadget: (waves her hand) Hey Neo! Over here!!!

(Beat stops for a while)

At this stage, they were a fair distance between the erupting fire, and with that, Neo slowed down to reach the two of them.

Neo: What happened here?
Gadget: Boron and Goliath destroyed the boiler, and are out there safely, with the others. We’ve tried to make our escape, but my dad’s been limping behind for a while now.
Chad: (faintly) I… can’t go on like this…
Neo: Stay calm soldier – we’ll take you out!
Gadget: Be careful – the fire’s coming this way!
Neo: (gasps) Best make a run for it!

Quickly he placed Chad in his arms, and dashed out of the area, and Gadget soon ran and followed him.

(Beat kicks in again)

The fire zoomed past the camera, and they were both up close to the exit, but… they don’t seem to be going anywhere! They looked down… and a conveyor belt is carrying them back towards the fire pretty quickly! Gadget hung onto Neo’s shoulder, as they struggled to get past the area. Then by some surprise… it quickly stopped, and they started running again, with the flames up close to them!

Gadget: (starts suffering) I can’t hold on much longer…
Neo: GADGET!!! HANG ON!!!!!!!!!

But as soon as he finished speaking, she slipped behind, but she managed to dodge the flames, and sped up, overtaking the others. Then as they came to the exit… the door closed on them!

(Beat stops for a while again)

Quickly, Gadget jumped into a small opening above the blocked exit, and as soon as she jumped up, a stream of fire can be seen throughout the area. She looked down, and had worry spelt across her face. Are Neo and Chad still OK down there? She had to find out!

(Beat kicks in again)

And the question was soon answered, as they came up, with sweat pouring down their faces! That way, they made their run again, and this time… the fire came up the passageway! But she didn’t realise the danger from behind her.

Neo: GADGET!!!!!!!
Gadget: (gasps and turns around) What the…?

He was slowing down and was no more than a centimetre away from the flames!

Gadget: Hang on…
Neo: NO! It’s too late!!!
Gadget: But…
Neo: If you see Tiko again, take care of him for me!!!

And after that, they both went into the flames, and they couldn’t be made visible from there. Quickly she continued running further and further.

(Action slows down)

There was a light at the end of the tunnel, and she was no more than a few inches away from the flames, and as she quickly stepped her foot out, the fire seemed like it was touching her…

(Music stops, and screen fades white)

Tiko: (on a phone) Soup? Soup, can you hear me? SOUP?!? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Episode 28 – A Time Of Farewells

Scene: Outside the Miami Beach warehouse

The midday sun can be seen through here, as the warehouse can now be seen as a worse wreck than it was to start with! Through one of the holes, Gadget was seen running across the shores, towards the others, whom were all waiting. Finally she stopped at their feet.

Misty: Hey Gadget – nice to see you out! :)
Gadget: Yeah, but… I’ve got some good news and some bad news.
Corona: What’s the good news?
Gadget: The good news is that the building has been burnt out, telling us that Sergeant Oxtail Soup… we think… is now dead.

Everyone started cheering and celebrating.

Gadget: But the bad news… is that Neo and Chad didn’t…

[Music starts – Moby – “Porcelain” (Intro instrumental)]

Neo: (from the distance) OVER HERE!!!!!
Gadget: (gasps) YOU’RE ALIVE!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!

Everyone turned to him, and they saw him with Chad in his arms this time around! The cheering went wilder and wilder than it ever has been before!

Corona: I knew we would do it with his help!!!
Misty: Yeah, and for some reason… I feel happy for him.
Bubble: What?
Misty: It’s best living in a world where the enemy is down rather than where he’s up. So I’d like to congratulate him. ;)

As they spoke, he came closer and closer to them, with a proud look on his face.

(Music stops as soon as he comes to them)

Finally he made a stop, and he placed Chad down on his feet… who collapsed as soon as he was let go.

Gadget: (gasps) DAD!

He tried to get up, but he just couldn’t. Gadget started to have a worried look on her face now.
Gadget: Please… what’s wrong?
Chad: (very faintly) The gunfire…
Gadget: What?
Chad: (very faintly) Give me somewhere to rest. The gunfire has caused a bad effect on me…

The tears came down a bit faster.

Gadget: No… don’t rest now – stay awake. Please… don’t go…
Chad: (very faintly) Yes… but I’ll wake up.
Gadget: Good.
Chad: (very faintly) In heaven…
Gadget: (sniffs) What?
Chad: (very faintly) I have lived long enough to see my dream come true… and now… like Dr. Brio before me… I shall move on to a new mission…
Gadget: (breathes in, mourning) No… please…
Chad: (very faintly) Remove… my bandana.

And so she did, slowly but carefully.

Chad: (very faintly) If there’s any chance of evil returning… I am counting on you to make the dreams… come true…
Gadget: (sobs) No…
Chad: (very faintly) And finally… Neo… I want to thank you… for your courage in helping us… it’ll be great to have you… to be a great help in the future… and your cub Boron… I’ll be happy… to classify him… as a Private… he showed bravery in the previous mission… and now he’d be happy to have the title.
Neo: Any time. But… (sheds a tear) …it’ll be horrible to see you go. Please don’t…
Chad: (very faintly) Sorry… but now… it’s my only choice… I’ll be looking up to you… in the city in the sky…
Gadget: (sniffs) Please no…
Chad: (very faintly) I love you all…
Gadget. (breathes in, mourning) We all love you too…
Chad: (very faintly) I’ll remain in your heart for time… to come…
Gadget: No… (sniffs) Dad!
Chad: (very faintly) I’ll… be… by… your… siiiiiiiide… (limps on the ground and closes his eyes)
Gadget: (sniffs) Dad?

There was no response. She lifted his arm, and it dropped down. She placed her ear to his mouth… but he wasn’t breathing. Then she placed her ear to her heart… and there was no pulse. Her crying went from bad to worse – she buried her head deep into his chest, and tears can be seen dripping down terribly. Charles Medulla IV… is dead.

[Scene changes to the back streets near their apartment. Music restarts – Craig Armstrong – “Weather Storm” (Without percussion and bass)]

It was that same night, and darkness has overlapped the area, with smoke being seen coming through the atmosphere.

(Camera dips down)

Everyone living in the block were surrounding a bright fire, and this was no ordinary fire. Now, Chad’s body is being cremated. Everyone looked on with mourning looks on their faces, especially Gadget, who was shredding tears in her eyes.

Neo: I know your feelings… (strokes her on the back) …but I’m afraid everyone has to lose a special person at some stage of their lives.
Gadget: (sniffs) Yes, but… (sobs) …you don’t understand. My father… (sniffs) …was the closest relation to me since my mother and my siblings… (sniffs)
Neo: I know, but… (sighs) I know for sure that Chad was a nice man who lived a great life, fighting crime and defending the state. Having used speed as much as he could, he was a perfect icon, serving the city well. But now, he’s gone… and he’s achieved a dream of clearing the toughest enemies around.
Gadget: (sniffs) Why do you say that?
Neo: Now that Sgt. Soup is gone, he can’t kill anyone else.
Gadget: (sobs) As for Mozzarella Cheese?
Neo: She’d be in jail by now. I know that she has a magic finger and all, but what we know is that she’s physically weaker than she was before. So no matter what… she can’t go and kill you.

Gadget didn’t take any notice. She continued sobbing at the sign of her father’s burning body.

Neo: (sighs) I know this mission is over, but how about we stay with you for another week, just to help you calm your nerves.

Gadget sniffed again, but turned back towards him, with tears in her eyes. Even though it’s all over now, there is still a heart out there to save her soul.

[Scene fades out, and restores on the road outside the apartment block, on a sunrise. Words show up on bottom right hand corner of the screen in futuristic writing – “One Week Later”. Music changes – Planet Funk – “Chase The Sun” (Ambient radio edit, instrumental)]

The same cream coloured jeep can be seen outside, parked on the road. The main doors opened from the apartment block, and out came Snappy, with two suitcases full of luggage. He came to a sudden stop at the back of the car, and tossed them in the boot. As he was placing the luggage inside, Bubble came out through the doors, rushing over to him.

Bubble: Snappy, you can’t go yet!
Snappy: (turns to Bubble) Why not?
Bubble: I know that you’ve been here for over a week now, but you’ve still to try and help me catch Goliath and evolve him!
Snappy: Hey, relax. I know that you like evolving animals, but think about it. What’s the point at the end of the day, when there’s no Sgt. Soup anymore?
Bubble: Er…
Snappy: Think about it. What else do you need him for – a butler?
Bubble: (turns around) I guess you could be right there. If Boron gets a chance of seeing him again, then I don’t think he likes the sound of evolved animals in an area like this.
Snappy: What about Corona and Misty?
Bubble: Well, with the exception of the *ahem* Florida Freedom Fighters.
Snappy: Nice alliteration. ;)
Bubble: Thanks!

As they spoke, everyone else came out from the building, seeing the goodbyes unfold.

[Music changes – Energy 52 – “Café Del Mar” (Michael Woods remix)]

Well, not quite everyone. As for Neo and Gadget… they were round the back areas, where they were now standing next to a plot of grass with a wooden Christian cross on it.

Gadget: Now… I’m not the best of goodbyes, but thank you for making this week a lot easier for me.
Neo: No problem. Why?
Gadget: First you helped me get over my feelings for my father. (looks down at the cross) As a matter of fact, he’d be with us in this apartment for time to come. Secondly… (looks down at her belly) …I’d like to thank you for a future gift.
Neo: Any time. Remember the method – take a male and a female, put them together and in nine months all your dreams will come true. ;)
Gadget: (laughs) You sweet thing! And thirdly, you’ve been a bigger help to everyone else’s lives as well. As you said, no one can slaughter us, now that Sgt. Soup is gone.
Neo: Don’t give all the credit to me – you need some as well.
Gadget: Really?
Neo: Exactly. If it weren’t for you, my time in defeating Tiko and Soup would be much more difficult.
Gadget: Oh, thank you! :) (brings him closer, but not too hard) Hey, how about we go for a couple of good luck presents before your departure.
Neo: I’d be more than happy to!
Gadget: First I’ll give you this as a token of my greatest gratitude.

She hands him… a suitcase. As he opened it he saw a blues guitar, looking finer than ever.

Gadget: You need this more than I do. I can’t even play the thing.
Neo: Neither can I, so why bother? :/
Gadget: You’ll soon learn from the instruction manual inside the case.
Neo: Thanks. And what’s the second gift?
Gadget: (brings him closer) Embrace yourself, because you’ll be thinking all about this. ;)

(Beat kicks in)

And with that, the wind blew further and further towards them, until it formed a cyclone around them. Their heads come closer as well… until their lips touched and they performed a lengthy kiss under the gust. Gadget’s hair was moving in the wind, as well as a few blades of grass from underneath them. Finally, the gust faded out, and the lips left each other.

(Beat stops for a while)

Neo: Now I DEFINITELY won’t be forgetting that!
Gadget: Really? Hey, I see a future ahead of us. Misty told me… that you could be the man of my dreams.
Neo: You’re joking!!!
Gadget: No I’m not. I know that you’re leaving the area now, but I can sense that someday… you’ll be back.
Neo: Thanks. (sighs) Looks like I have to go and finish off with my life long dream.
Gadget: Which is?
Neo: To imprison my siblings for life.
Gadget: Good, good! (glances in his eyes) Good luck!

(Beat gets back in)

They both shook hands, and with that, Neo finally turned away from her and walked slowly towards the front of the block. After a few steps he took a mischievous glance over his shoulder, to see Gadget, looking depressed. After 20 seconds he turned back towards the vehicle, where everyone else was crowding round. As soon as he got there, everyone moved out of his way, and the others hopped in first. Finally he came in to the driver’s seat, started the engine, stepped on the gas, and left the area at so far 20km/h. Meanwhile, Gadget looked on, and saw them leave the area. She looked up, and saw a metal ladder leading to the rooftops. So she immediately climbed up it, and whilst she was half way up, she could already see her hero, driving off into the open roads of the state.

[Camera goes up to the car. Music changes – Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan – “Silence” (Michael Woods remix, intro)]

As they were driving off to another location, there were still a few doubts about where to go.

Neo: How far is it to Columbus?

Another sign came across, revealing the answer.

Brio: About 1150 km from here.
Snappy: Here we go again…

Boron gave out a worried howl.

Neo: Hoo boy… (sighs and remains silent for five seconds) How far is it to Los Angeles?

Snappy couldn’t help but laugh. Then the sign came up saying the answer… and a little more.

Brio: About 2795km from here… (turns to Snappy) …and it’s not funny.
Snappy: (laughs) Who wants to go to LA at this time?
Brio: Oh come on, the day’s still young. (turns to Neo) Ain’t that right?

Even though his control on the road was still as good, there was a sign of depression on his face.
Brio: Awww, I know that you miss your home, but what else can we do?
Neo: It’s not my home – it’s… Gadget…
Brio: Say what?
Neo: I’m afraid that I might never find a girl like her ever again…
Brio: Oh cheer up, there’s still plenty of fish in the sea. There’s bound to be one for your needs, right?

No response.

Brio: RIGHT?

Still no response. What he didn’t realise… was that Neo was lost in his own thoughts, though he’s driving OK.

(Screen turns white and as soon as the vocals start, it then fades out on the highlights of the venture, each of them highlights with Gadget in it – from the start, where they first met, to the end, where they last did their handshake. As soon as the beat stops, the screen restores itself back to its position.)

Brio: Earth to Neo! (waves his hand over him)
Snappy: Houston, we have a problem.
Neo: (suddenly snaps out of it) Wh… what?
Snappy: Never mind.
Brio: As I was saying, there were plenty more fish in the sea where that came from.
Neo: I know, but she’s the one for me… I’d never find anyone like that again.

(Music fades out)

A sign came past, saying “Cheer up, bud!”

Snappy: Told you those signs can talk to us! ;)
Neo: Er, thanks.

[Music restarts – Robbie Williams and Queen – “We Are The Champions” (Intro instrumental, taken from the soundtrack to “A Knight’s Tale”)]

Brio: Look at things this way – we have a dream to accomplish here, and that’s to make sure your siblings are at rest, and that’s what we’re here for, right?
Neo: Good point. ;)
Brio: O_O
Neo: I know that we may have lost a hearted soul, but we’ll lose a million more if we’re not careful.
Brio: Why’s that?
Neo: From this experience, I have learnt one thing – one can make all the difference.
Snappy: So?
Boron: Huh?
Brio: Why one?
Neo: You never know what could happen when we have a few additions to our side, and they made a difference to me. (looks on) For now, we need to complete the dreams and see the differences that lie ahead… as the foursome we are. :)

(Camera zooms out)

And so they continued driving up the deserted highway, looking forward to the challenges ahead.

(Scene changes to the rooftops of the apartment block. Music kicks into the last chorus and turns vocal)

Gadget was looking over the top of the building, seeing her dreams vanish over the horizon. She also had a few tears in her eyes, but then again, she can’t help it. She pulled out Chad’s bandana from her pockets and waved it high in the air, then a few seconds later she removed her headband and put it on. She then saw a can of lager at her feet, and showing how broken-hearted she is inside she kicked it off the building and looked back at her belly. Finally she looked up at the sky, and smiled. Neo has a future ahead of him, and it looks bright. Gadget also has a future ahead of her… and it’s destined to make her a proud woman, with a future filled with her own signs of destiny.

(Scene fades to black and the music stops. Then the top of a swirling navy vortex can be seen in the background, and a slideshow of Gadget’s life from there until the present can be seen at the bottom right hand corner. The credits run alongside it, as well as Staind – “It’s Been Awhile”.)


Credits –

Cast (in order of appearance) –

Minnie Driver as Misty Terrapin and Kiwi
Whoopi Goldberg as Mozzarella Cheese and the TV reporter
Arnold Schwartzneger as Sergeant Oxtail Soup and the staff employee
Cameron Diaz as Gadget Medulla
Dido as Corona Grizzly
Jake Lloyd as Travis Tortoiseshell and Boron
Dana Gould as Tiko Cortex
Toni Braxton as Deksta Cortex
Claire Danes as Hallie Cortex
Neil Morrissey as Lio Cortex and the cast of Bob The Builder
Clancy Brown as Neo Cortex and Sir Goliath
Brendan O’ Brian as Nitrus Brio and the Mayor of Miami
Steven Williams as Snappy Gator
Michael Caine as Charles “Chad” Medulla IV
Tim Allen as Bubble Starfish

Songs –

“Mr. Writer” performed by the Stereophonics
“Starlight” performed by the Supermen Lovers and sung by Mani Hoffman
“Silence” (Michael Woods remix) performed by Delerium and sung by Sarah McLachlan
“Sunset (Bird Of Prey)” performed by Fatboy Slim
“Destiny” performed by Zero 7 and sung by Sia Furler and Sophie Barker
“Ms. Jackson” performed by Outkast
“Thank You” performed in the story itself by Dido
“19-2000” (Soulchild radio edit) performed by the Gorillaz
“Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?” performed by Moby
“Rollin’” (The Undertaker entrance edit) performed by Limp Biskit
“We Are The Champions” performed by Queen and sung by Robbie Williams
“It’s Been Awhile” performed by Staind
The soundtrack to “The War Of The Worlds” © Jeff Wayne
The theme tune to “Bob The Builder” © BBC Worldwide Ltd.
Instrumental tracks chosen by Bev Wooff (RexRock)

Special thanks for reading the story -

SSJ Crest
Kitty Coot
Megaman X
Dr. Neo Cortex II
Lady Kagato

Very special thanks for voting for/nominating this in the FFOTM for the CC/Ezboard poll and for Crash Place–

Electricgold Unlshed
SSJ Crest
Dr. Neo Cortex II

And the most important thanks go to Naughty Dog for the two Crash characters (Neo and Brio) for the story

Directed by Bev Wooff (RexRock)

Dedicated to anyone who lost friends and relatives too quickly, regardless of the situation

Travis: (from the distance) Hey people – I’ve found them!
Misty: What the…?

The other members of the gang started speeding down the corridor towards Travis’s room… but Misty tripped up over the service tray, sending the contents flying. As she landed on her belly, two plates, the medicine and the “gruesome snack” went falling on her head.

Gadget: (turns around) Oh, you all right?
Misty: Let’s just say that I feel like I’m ready for a part in “ER”. :/
Gadget: Now the only problem is, how on earth are we gonna get in?
Brio: (gets out a pistol) Leave that to me!

He stuck the end of the pistol inside one of the holes, and took out several magazines filled with bullets. He pulled the trigger and…


He kept on firing for a while, looking in a top hole for accuracy, and after a minute or two… the firing stopped.

Brio: :) All clear!

But just as he finished speaking… a rifle got him in the head, sending him down, suffering.

Brio: (suffering from some serious pain) Ow… life flashing before my eyes…
Neo: (sighs) Come on, I thought we told you that we were just gonna use blanks for this scene.
Brio: (rises) What the…? I never knew…
Sgt. Soup sat alone in the darkness. He knew that he had a chance of winning, much higher than the others, but what if after all these years he finally gets defeated and taken to jail? After teaming up with a punk that had hardly any experience in crime, he had thoughts around his head that his end could be very much nearby. But a family of flies roaming around his head interrupted the thoughts, and as soon as they landed on his helmet…

Sgt. Soup: HEY!!!!!!! (rises and swipes around him) GERROFF!!!!!!!!!

The flies quickly went away from him.

Director: (sighs) Come on – insects don’t bother you, right?
Sgt. Soup: I know, but is this why I’m called Sgt. Soup – flies around me?
Snappy: (from backstage) They’re doing the Backstroke sir!
Sgt. Soup: Grrr…
The wolverines leapt towards Sgt. Soup and landed on all their feet. As soon as they touched down, they started growling.

Sgt. Soup: (aims his club at them) Stay away from me, you miserable mutts!

He immediately swipes his club down… but this caused both cubs to split up. He looked confused for a while… until Boron jumped on his back… and removed his helmet, but ends up pulling it off with too much force, and fell off his back… on top of Goliath!

Director: CUT!
Goliath: (pushes Boron off) Hey, what’s the big idea? You nearly had me big time!
Boron: Er…
Goliath: (leaves the set) If you want me, I’ll be in my trailer. (leaves)
Gadget: He can talk? :/
Director: Well, in the stories themselves he can’t speak – only communicate in barks and growls, like Boron.
Gadget: Ah, I geddit now! :)
Neo: (in a lower-toned sexy voice) Baby, you can lift my spirits any day of the week.

Gadget: Oh my goodness, you just said THAT?!?!? :) How sweet! (takes his hand and pulls him closer to her) Now…

But as she pulled him, she screamed as they ended up falling down… with Neo on top of Gadget as they landed!

Snappy: (from his chair) Heehee! They’re doin’ it on the set!
Neo: SNAPPY!!!!!!!!!
Snappy: Oh brother…

With that, he was chased around the studio (again!), this time screaming his head off!
Snappy: If I’d classify you as a criminal, I’d say that you’re King Kong.
Corona: Why?
Snappy: Because both of them have a brain the size of an electron!
Snappy: Sheesh, don’t get your underpants in a twist. (turns to the camera) If you want to do a situation like this, don’t try this at home! (pauses for a while) Do it at school. ;)
Tiko: THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!! >: (turns to Sgt. Soup) Give him the club!
Sgt. Soup: Yes sir!

He takes the club and lifted it up to a high height… but it slid out of his hand and dropped on Tiko’s feet!


Tiko: OOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! (jumps up on both feet, but falls on his back, and grabs his feet in pain) AH, THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!
Sgt. Soup: (lifts up the club) Er, maybe we should change clubs for this scene, in case something else happens.
Neo: For now… I guess it’s up to the rest of us.
Gadget: (comes towards them) And this time, we’re tougher than ever before! (charges at Soup)
Brio: No, wait–

But it was already too late, as Gadget immediately tackled Soup with a head butt and then jumped right over him! He then grabbed Tiko’s gun, and started shooting that, but she picked up a piece of the floor and blocked the shots from it… only to see them drilling right through the metal!

Gadget: Yikes!
Sgt. Soup: What, were they too powerful? :/
Neo: Hoo boy… (sighs and remains silent for five seconds) How far is it to Los Angeles?

Snappy couldn’t help but laugh. Then the sign came up saying the answer… and a little more.

Brio: About 2795km from here… (turns to Snappy) …and it’s not funny.
Snappy: (laughs) Who wants to go to…


Snappy: Oh no… a popped tyre!!!
Bubble: (from the horizon) Hey, let me come over there and sort that out!
Neo: (sighs and speaks sarcastically) Thank Jimmy Carter for the Technical Starfish… (rolls his eyes)

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