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NOTE: This version is the edition shown at CrashCorner2, six months after its Crash Place equivalent. There is no difference between the two, aside from most of the cast and their personalities.


A dark mist surrounded a large red building, illuminating itself in the bright white light ahead that was the Sun. There were quite a few youngsters around there, and many of them went inside one by one. As it gradually begin to quieten down, only one girl remained outside. She had her long brown hair into a ponytail, tied back with a navy blue bobble. Her brown eyes scanned around the area, as well as looking down at her fresh looking denim jacket, a bright orange t-shirt and black pants. Footsteps were finally heard in the distance. Her ears pricked up as she finally saw a young lad came into view. He had short black hair, red coloured eyes that shone like rubies, a white furry trenchcoat, a green t-shirt and a pair of brown trousers. He had a look of sorrow on his face, as he held onto something onto his forehead. The girl finally spoke.

Girl: Hey Neo-dude! Over here!

The boy continued to make a run towards her, but he soon stumbled at her feet. He removed his hand, and he immediately saw a stain of blood on it.

Neo: Beverley... *pant, pant* I'm glad you're here... quick, take me to the nurse before... before...
Beverley: Before what?

She didn't know. The boy passed out right in front of her. Immediately she started to sweat with panic, as she looked down at him. And through her mouth, came an ear-piercing scream.

*camera goes through her mouth and it blurs into a navy vortex*

CrashCorner2 Pictures presents

A story written by Ms RexRock

*white particles merge in one to form the title*


*particles separate from each other and the scene fades white*

A blurred vision appears as the camera looks right towards the ceiling. As it turns towards Neo, he sits up and starts rubbing his forehead as he moans atrociously. He picked up a mirror, and looked at the cut, which was in the shape of a lowercase 'n'. Speaking could be heard in another direction. As he looked around over the aching eyes over him, he saw Bev and a hospital nurse in a corner.

Nurse: That boy seems cursed, and wrecked.
Beverley: I know. Frodo Baggins, you've got a rival.
Nurse: No, no, not in that sense! Well the only proper explanation I can think of for that scar is that he may have ran into a lamp post or something.
Beverley: But lamp posts don't cut, even I know that!
Neo: Uh, excuse me...

Both girls faced Neo quickly. They could see the pain on him already, and their facial expressions suddenly filled with curiosity.

Neo: I have a reason for why the scar got there.
Beverley: Oh, so you don't have amnesia after all?
Nurse: Uh, I'm sorry for the jump to that conclusion... please forgive me!
Neo: I'm not in the mood for apologies right now. It was no ordinary scar. It came from my dad.

They both stood back with a slight squeal.

Beverley: But that's impossible! I knew you since we were in kindergarten, and your father never did anything like that towards me.
Neo: That's exactly what I was thinking. Last week he was a normal daddy, keeping my siblings and I entertained. Today... he's turned into a monster. He tried to cut my head open with a bread knife.
Nurse: He did WHAT?!?!?
Beverley: Right, that looks like I'm donning my Sherlock Holmes costume for this investigation. Figure out why your papa's acting crazy, give him the old fine or prison sentence and we'll be back at school by lunchtime.
Neo: It's not as easy as that. Maybe he could slice your head open with cut glass!
Nurse: Whoa, scary.

As they continued to talk, Bev ran to a small wooden stool and sat down. She brought one leg over the other and placed her right hand onto her chin.

Beverley: Lemme see... unless your papa's a drunk I have no idea.
Neo: He's not, he said he's got an allergy to alcohol.
Nurse: You don't mind giving in a detailed comparison of what happened last night and this morning?

It struck him. The thoughts replayed him in his mind, and he held onto his hair as tight as he can. The frustration continued to echo through his mind. And then, the exact moments returned to play in his memory for one last time.


The moonlight was up high above a small terraced house in town. Through one of the windows was nothing much but a hint of candlelight. Around the floor were four children, playing BlackJack. Neo was one of them, and near to him were three others - two girls with short ginger hair and blonde hair in pigtails respectively, and a male with shoulder-length leaf green hair. Within no time at all, Neo placed down the Ace of Diamonds.

Neo: We change to Clubs.
Deksta: Whoa, for once you paralysed me! O_O

With the same widened eyes on her face, she picked up a card from the pack. The green haired male looked slyly towards the blonde girl, and drew out a vile weapon from his pack - the Jack of Clubs. That caused her to shreik as she stressfully picked up ten cards from the pile.

Neo: OK Lio, what did you do to poor Hallie?
Lio: I just took her for a ride, that's all.
Hallie: Well that's not very nice, bro! HMPH!

And so she stormed out of the room, placing her cards under the pile as she left. That caused Neo's expression to turn from light hearted to slightly rage-filled. He shifted his eyes towards Deksta's cards, and then, he knew his move. He placed another Ace down - the Ace of Clubs.

Neo: Change to Spades!
Deksta: Brilliant! *puts down the Jack of Spades* Blackjack! Pick up ten!
Lio: Neo, you CHEAT! What did you do?
Neo: We're taking you down to size!

And in a split second he placed down the 4 of spades! Neo won the night's session!

Neo: Hehe, eat my card dust, sucker!
Lio: Whoa, you beat me for once. o.O

The door opened again, and this time a tall and broad man came into view. Hallie was holding onto his shoulders.

Man: Children, it's 11:30. You should have been in bed by now.
Neo, Deksta & Lio: Yes dad...

And so they all split up in their jobs. Pax placed all the empty crisp packets in the bin, Neo packed the cards back into their box and put it away on a high shelf next to his prized Tolkien novels, and Deksta was into tidying her bed when... she found a series of CDs under her cover.

Deksta: Rod Stewart, Alice Cooper, Donny Osmond... what in the matter is all this?
Hallie: Uh, I should have said this earlier... when you guys were at the Chess Club I listened to my music in here.
Deksta: *tosses them into Hallie's arms* Here, take them back already. They don't belong in here for Pete's sake!

With that, she left the room. The others soon went into their beds in the room, and cuddled in.
Man: Sleep well, little angels.

The door closed behind them, as they started to drift towards a session of dreams for the night... for they didn't realise that it could be their last.

*scene fades into black, and opens again at morning with a scream*

The same man pushed a grown woman onto a double bed in another room. Her long dark hair and sparkling ruby eyes were shown in the light.

Woman: No Jason, don't...
Jason: LOOK HERE NINA! If I wanna make love to you then you have to be in it!
Nina: HELP!
Jason: No use crying for help, you raging rat! Just stay still!
Nina: HELP ME!

Down below in the kitchen, the cries were heard.

Hallie: What's wrong with mom?
Neo: That's what I've got to figure out. I thought this family was absolutely flawless in terms of two loving parents.
Deksta: Well they don't sound like it. They're acting even worse than Tiko with his behaviour problems at University!
Lio: I'll go check out what's going on.

So Lio left the kitchen table and an empty bowl with what had some strange porridge in there, and climbed upstairs. He looked through the doorway, and saw what happened. Before he knew it, the door opened in front of him, and there stood Jason in his rage.

Lio: Guys! Quick! Make your run to school!

No sooner than he said that, he was grabbed by the collar and hurled downstairs, landing with his back against the wall and his head on the floor. The three others jumped over him as they went past, and headed right to the door.

Neo: *opens the door* Hallie! Deksta! You just go! I'll catch up!

They both ran through the door, and he made his way back to Lio. Immediately he grabbed him by the collar, and tried to drag him to the door. But no sooner than he did, Jason finally came towards them.

Jason: Dare spy on our actions again and you are SO gonna get it!

He picked up a bread knife from the landing, and looked down at Neo, trying to pull Lio to the door. Within a squeal, he looked at it, and all he could do was cry with mercy...

*scene flashes white and fades in back at the hospital*

At this stage, Neo was now starting to cry a bit. He held onto his injury with pain inside him. Jason's first signs of his power crisis was revealed to his best friend and the school nurse.

Beverley: Uh, Neo-dude, maybe you should go see a psychiatrist about this.
Nurse: I don't think that will work. We'll deal with it another way... somehow.


A perfectly lighted classroom lied near the hospital wing, and inside were a group of other children, with questions sheets on their desks and their exercise books to write their answers. A tall female teacher with curly light brown hair stood in front of the blackboard, getting her log book from off her desk and placing it in her briefcase. The door to the classroom was knocked on thrice.

Teacher: Come in.

The door opened with a light creak, and in came Neo, Bev and the nurse.

Nurse: I'm sorry that Mr. Cortex and Miss Sanchez were late for class, as one of them suffered from an injury this morning.
Teacher: It's OK. Come on in, we've got a question paper on your desk.

They started walking up to the far end of the classroom, where their seats were situated. As soon as they got there, they slouched down onto their chairs.

Beverley: Oh brother, not another questionnaire... I mean, can't we have any practicals or something?
Neo: I don't blame you, teach can be pretty boring sometimes.

They both started on their question papers, tackling it at a gradual pace. No sooner than they got started, Neo looked to his right, and saw something... different, that wasn't in the classroom before.

Neo: Hey Bev, you seen this kid before?

She raised her head away from the questions and turned to her right, peeking over Neo's shoulder. They are facing a brown haired boy, with his hair in a shaggy style, but all of his hair was pointing down in arcs or drooping down. They started whispering to each other.

Beverley: I don't think I can recognise him. I haven't seen him in this school before.
Neo: Me neither...

Within time, the boy shuffled a bit in their direction. The two friends looked at each other, and it was almost like they knew what was coming to them.

???: You two look like you could do with a bit of help.
Neo: Actually, we...
???: You got to understand for question 2 that wind affects the surroundings, and that's how that a gale at force 5 demolishes some of the branches on the tree in the picture. For question 5, it's Berlin that's the capital of Germany, not Bonn. And at question 9, streams start in the mountains, not the sewers.
Neo: Uh, thanks... we could do with that really.
???: No problemo. Anyhow, I'm Gary Foster, and I just moved here from Boston. And you?
Neo: OK, I'm Neo Cortex, and this is my best friend Bev Sanchez.
Gary: She doesn't speak much doesn't she? Pretty much like your screaming siblings on the way here.
Beverley: What do you mean?
Gary: I mean I came across your sisters Hallie and Deksta on my way there, and they told me all about you and your dad.

It struck him. Neo's heart skipped a beat, as he saw that there is someone who has a connection with him... or was he?

Gary: I know people like that. They have a thirst for power, and that's why they go crazy sometimes.
Beverley: This is just bizarre, I mean... how can Neo's dad have a thirst for political strength?
Gary: That's what I want to investigate with. Ever since you two have a connection with him, you're coming with me. I know someone down town who could help us. Meet me over at the Town Square at four o' clock.
Neo: OK, I'll be ready for that.
Beverley: YEAH! All the women who independent, throw your hands up at me-
Neo: *slaps her on the back* Bev, if you want to act like that, go outside before you face a detention!
Beverley: Hehe, sorry.

In no time at all, they got back to their questionnaires. Even now, Neo started to struggle to write down the correct answers. All that went on in his mind was the taste of freedom. The problem with Jason was out, and several unofficial solutions were in. That was the day, when the Power Crisis officially began.


A tall building stood in the middle of town, eclipsing the sun at its afternoon position. Its marble decorations lied on the walls of this sculpture, and a set of antique curtains were right behind the double doors into that building. Sooner or later, they both opened, and we now see a beautiful hall, with paintings spanning the open walls, half of which being portraits of Paul McCartney. The left end of the corridor had another set of double doors near the end, and as they open up, we now see a beautifully decorated office. Blue silk curtains lied at the windows, with sunset wallpaper all over the place. On a mahogany desk was a gramophone, currently playing "The Long And Winding Road" by the Beatles, and in a nearby chair, nodding her head to the music, was a peaceful looking girl, with long ginger hair, tree brown eyes, a tight fitting white t-shirt with a flower printed on it, and a pair of slack jeans. A hand reached to press the stop button on the gramophone, and the young lass looked up at the figure.

Voice: Good afternoon, Miss Estrada.
'Miss Estrada': Uh, hi, er, whoever you are, and please call me Jenny, being formally called for is SO annoying!!!

The young lass looked up at two figures in front of him. One of them looked exactly like Neo's dad, but this time in army gear. The other was a punk dressed girl, about Jenny's age, but she was dressed in black, with spiked green hair and dark eyes.

Jenny: What do you want me for?
Jason: Jenny, I have come here to make a few negociations with you. You do see that the whole of Panama City is turning away from you and finding someone else to run the town, right?
Jenny: Uh, no I didn't. Clue me in.
Girl: I'll deal with this. In the past few elections, your votes received have started to decrease at a fall of between 10-30% each time. Your advertising schemes were always based around peace, and no one believes in that stuff anyway. And to make matters worse, you even cancelled the 500th Anniversary of the founding of this city just because you wanted to go to a stupid Elvis concert!
Jason: Joanna, my girl, please calm down when you speak next time.
'Joanna': Oh, right. And please call me Jo... -_-

The young lass continued to look up at them, as they seem to come to a closer conclusion.

Jenny: So is there any way that I can be able to deal with this problem?
Jason: I'm afraid not. Miss Venom and I will have to take the powers away from you.
Jenny: But... who's gonna run the town in my absence?
Jason: Just give us the power and we'll keep the town a safe haven for all.
Jenny: And your advertising scheme is...?

Jason rooted into his pockets, and pulled out something round. He placed it on the table, and it is shown... as a genuine grenade. Jenny gulped and looked back up at the visitors.

Jason: "Obey me now, ask questions later."

Back outside, a tall sculpture of George Washington stood nearby, and under it was what looked like Gary. He stood there in more casual clothing, and he kept on glancing at his watch every few seconds.

Gary: *sigh* Where ARE they?

He started to pace up and down, until a voice was finally heard.

Voice: We're here! Wait up!

He looked in that direction, and finally saw Neo and Bev coming into view. He started waving back, with happiness, until...


The marble building blew up. Gary begun to gasp at the sight of the explosion, and started to quiver too. While he did that, Neo and Bev finally came to him.

Neo: What's the matter Gaz?
Gary: Uh, you know that person I told you about, you know, who could help us?
Beverley: You look pale, mate. Are you referring to the Mayoress?
Gary: YES! I don't know what's happened to her!
Neo: Well, that old mini cooper down there... that's my dad's car. Surely he must have been inside too and dealt with this crap.
Beverley: That's exactly what I was thinking.
Gary: No time to lose, we have to get her out!

The Town Hall's beautiful marble buildings were nothing more than a pile of rocks collapsed together in one gigantic stone campfire. The flames continued to rise higher into the sky, and smoke was given off into the free air above them, surrounding many blackbirds hovering above them. The three of them stormed through the remains of the once-finely-polished-now-finely-burnt doors, and fought through the rubble to reach the main office. No sooner than the doors leading to it were opened, a pile of rocks and water came tumbling down on them.

Beverley: Ewww... now I know how Tarzan feels in the morning.

They cautiously stepped inside, and luckily enough, the stoned fog wasn't as bad as expected. An open window was seen on the right, with a torn curtain flying in the wind, carrying soot marks on it. More rubble fell onto a wrecked desk in front of them, and out from there popped out a scarred hand.
Neo: Is she... dead?
Gary: I don't think she is, but I'll take a look.

They went around the desk one at a time, and looked down at the hand. It was starting to seep with blood, and it trickled down onto the name plate onto her desk, which read in gold letters -

Mayoress of Panama City

Beverley: But... Gary, you're new in this town... how can you know the mayor?
Gary: It's a long story.
Neo: I've got time.
Gary: OK... well I knew her back home. When I was four she moved to Massaucchusets from London, and after an accident with her family she moved out. I still write to her tho'.
Beverley: That was aaaaaaaaaages ago! She probably won't recognise you right now.
Neo: We'll see about that.

The figure slowly started to pull herself up, and the whole body started to rise up to Neo's height. The peace suit was nothing more than rags on her body, there were bumps and bruises on the figure's face, and as she raised her head up to the group, there were large black eyes hiding under the even messier looking long hair, now shining a dim copper color.

Jenny: Oh great, more visitors.
Gary: It's OK man, it's me. Remember our times in good ol' Boston?
Jenny: Ah... Gary Foster! Yes, you look just as fine as you did in that birthday party photograph you sent us last week! Anyhow, what are you doing here?
Gary: I saw the Town Hall blasted into smithereens. What happened?
Jenny: Well there was this big man in an army suit... and a gothy escort girl... and they tried to make the big man mayor of the town, and... oh, we caught him on camera at least.

An old TV lied on the edge of the table. Jenny placed a video inside, and on the screen was the same encounter, but in black and white, and in one angle. When the main figure placed the grenade down on the desk, his escortee went round the back and tied her up secretly. Soon they both ran off, and as they turned into the camera... Neo took the remote and pressed the pause button.

Neo: If you're saying that's the guy who set off the place... oh no...
Beverley: *glares back at him* Now what?
Neo: It's... dad! *_*

They gasped.

Neo: I can tell that by his work uniform alone... it's true, he works for the United States army!
Gary: Right... looks like we have a problem here. We're going to the US Army sub-headquarters on the north of the city and confront them boy-to-man, and girl-to-man.
Jenny: *sigh* Hmph, how can Mr. Goody Gumdrops know so much about it?
Gary: Well how can peace filled wimps not take me for granted? Anyhow, we have to get over there before it's too late!

The four of them stormed out of the window, and onto the streets below. The streetlamps were starting to turn on slowly, as a sunset in the distance started to get into a shade of light orange. Their long shadows started to trail behind, as they ran away from the sun, to their destination.


A desert road lied across the area, but if you want this story to lean into a bit of car spotting then you'll be surprised, because we're not. Our attention is being turned to a small building in the distance. It sounded like there was a fireworks display over there, but as we come closer attention is shown to an obstacle course. A dangerous obstacle course. Young army cadettes are seen tackling the course, trying to protect themselves from bags of self-raising flour being flown right towards them. Over a spiked fence on the route, a grown soldier is seen making her way over to a large jade green tent. Her light brown hair was fixed together tightly, his hazel eyes shone in the sunset sky, and her torso is in of mint physical condition. She stepped inside the tent, where everything went dark. A dim light was turned on above them, showing her face to face with a tall and broad man, with lack of hair, pale grey eyes, a misshapen face, and a head too big for his body. The young soldier spoke.

Soldier: *salutes* Lieutenant Plato reporting for duty, sir!

The taller man looked down at the lieutenant with a smile on his face. Miss Plato's eyes soon enlarged, as this could be something gruesome, she thought.

Leader: Ah, Lieutenant Silla Plato, it's nice to see you again.
Silla: Yeah, now cut to the chase.
Leader: As you may have known by now, every year on one specific day, a selected few soldiers get promoted to higher rankings. You, Silla, have been a star to me in the past year, and as you begin your third year in the United States Army, I now promote you to Major status.
Silla: (surprised) I can't believe it! But... how did I get there?
Leader: In the past few months, your courage has astounded us all. I saw that you took down a single enemy fort in 5 minutes, while on our counterattack on Vietnam fairly recently. You have also risked your life to save other soldiers, having been captured by many of the enemy troops. This is how you got there.
Silla: Cool! So... what do I do now with this new rank?
Leader: I dunno, go ask Rexy. She wrote the story.

Eh... I don't have a clue either, so just get on with it!

Silla: OK, thank you very much!
Leader: And your first order for you is to dive deep into a serious investigation.
Silla: And what would that be?
Leader: Sergeant Jason Cortex of sector 17 has gone truant over the past few days. I tried to phone him, but all we get on the other line is his answering machine. If you can find him and ask him, I'll be very greatful.
Silla: Piece of cake.

Just as she was about to leave, four others came dashing right in. Obviously, they were not in uniform, and neither do they look fit enough to be part of the group.

Leader: Intruders! How did you get past the main gates?
Beverley: Ah, let's just say that them thugs just wanted to take a quick nap.
Leader: Hmmm... I really should beef up the security nowadays... anyhow, what do you guys want?
Gary: We've come here with the son of Sergeant Cortex. He wants to go see him.
Leader: Why cry to me? I don't have a damn clue either! He went truant for a week and a bit, how should I know?
Jenny: One of the reasons why was because he tried to take my title of Mayoress of Panama City away from me!
Neo: Yeah, and he injured me and several other members of my family for some strange reason!
Silla: Calm down all, just calm down! This is not acceptable!
Jenny: We even caught him on camera!
Silla: You don't say...
Leader: That's it! I want to put you all on a sacrifice mission! I want you to join forces and bring back Sergeant Cortex, dead or alive, and I'll sit here thinking of a suitable punishment for his actions.
Gary: It is as good as done!
Silla: I can only hope that these people seem friendly...
Neo: Don't panic, get used to it, just go with the flow.

Unknown to them, a much broader figure stood outside the tent, and nearby was a smaller and darker helper. They both stared at each other, for as long as possible, and gave each other the thumbs up. Sooner or later, they both stepped inside, ready to meet the others. Back inside the tent, there were still some slight negotiations being made. Silla, however, still seemed a bit unsure.

Silla: I still seem a bit unsure.
Leader: About what?
Silla: These people here... I know they want to help fight Jason off, but... they look awfully strange.

The four of them looked at each other with shocked facial expressions on themselves.

Silla: See?
Gary: Look here ma'am, we've got a power crisis on our hands here, and you want to treat us like we're strange bastards? Hmph! I sincerely hope not!
Neo: Silla, I know how you feel right now, but this is a war that has now started. Haven't you co-operated with strange beings before?
Silla: Well... actually, no.
Jenny: For your information, you need to learn to co-operate with others before setting things in practice, right?
Beverley: Give it a try man, and we'll smell what the Plato's cookin' in no time.

Silla continued to look down at the floor, as the thoughts of the coming battle started to roam in her mind. Whatif she gets killed? Whatif her companions get killed too? Whatif she ends up killing Jason by mistake? Finally, she looked up at the party ahead of her.

Silla: I guess I could, but whatever you do, don't make me do my tongue fu.
Leader: Excellent choice, soldier! Now you're ready to start your hunt for Jay, and make sure you bring him back alive, or-

A shadow came at the doorway. A broad shadow. And next to him came a shorter but rougher looking one.

Leader: -else... uh-oh...

They stepped into the room, and looked down at the group of comrades nearby. They soon emerged under the dim lightbulb, and light shone down on their faces. They were shown… as Jason and Jo.

Jason: Sir, I overheard your conversation, and I have a reason why I have done your so-called 'truanting'.
Leader: Well say it quickly, or else I have to fire you!
Jason: All I can say is that I don't need a stupid army to assist me. I can take things into my command by myself!
Leader: But you don't need all this hullabaloo! The Army is about serving for your country, not earning too much power for yourself!
Jason: What's done is done, you have to accept that. Besides, what's the benefit in helping others when you're not helping yourself?
Leader: But Sergeant Cortex-
Jo: Don't speak to him like that! You should have known how long Jay demanded respect here!
Jason: Jo, you stay out of this, and let me finish him off.

He raised a sword above the Leader's head... but all of a sudden, a bright flash occurred in the room. They all turned in that direction, and saw a feminine figure. A slim body. A beautiful hairstyle. And she has the legs to die for. Upon looking at her, Gary's jaw immediately dropped. The flash in the middle of the room continued to glow brighter, and brighter, and brighter, until everyone's eyes started to glimmer with a light flash in the pupils. Sooner or later, it started to die down, and her figure was finally seen. Bright white trainers were tied at her feet, a pair of long denim pants was around her, a jade green top was on her torso, and there was a strong fitness rate on the body in general. Coming up to the face, her chin was pointed, she had glimmering brown eyes, and a small yellow bow was tied on the top of her pink hair filled head. And she was only two foot nine.

???: Gareth, you have to come back now, it's almost dinner time.
Gary: Eh... look here, this is a life and death situation, Sara! I don't care if I'm late for tea, I just came to capture someone!
Sara: Well, you're not getting anyone like that!

She drew out a finger, with a sharp nail on it, and pointed it right at Jay and Jo. Before anyone knew it...


...they vanished in a puff of thrilly pink smoke. All that Sara did here, was look back at the smoke at the effort.

Leader: YOU IDIOT! We were so close to putting Ja into a detention zone, and what did you do? Put him in the wild!
Sara: Well that's where he belongs, right? There's no harm that an army soldier could do the the country, right?

She was very mistaken. A nuclear power station on the edge of town... collapsed into nothing. Screaming was heard in that direction.

Sara: You should have at least told me that he's a weapon of destruction.
Silla: Well he is, and thanks to you, we have to corner him all over again!
Jenny: Silla, please, not too angry now. I've got a plan that might work here. Half of us will attempt to track down Mason again...
Neo: It's Jason, ma'am.
Jenny: Whatever. And the rest of us should check out the power plant for survivors. If he does anything wrong, please call us.
Beverley: I'll head over to the plant. I have suspicions that Jay may leave a trail over there.
Gary: Hey, wherever she goes, I go too... *rubs his chin against her neck*
Beverley: Oi, watch it tiger.
Sara: Where Gareth goes, I'll go too, and I'll tell mom about this too...
Gary: Will you stop calling me Gareth?
Sara: Well will you stop being so rash in friend making within the first few weeks of stay next time we move?
Gary: Whatever. -.-

The others glared at each other, with more glimmers in the eye.

Jenny: Are you sure this plan will work?
Silla: Positive. The enemy forces in Vietnam were much more scarier than this Hitler thinkalike.
Neo: Yeah, and I think my family will rest easier if they knew that there are some people out there who are willing to help corner Florida's Public Enemy #1.
Leader: Very well, I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Good luck on your hunt.

The whole crew left the area, and now this leaves a quest on their lips. Neo, Jenny and new recruit Silla make a rush towards a desert area on their phase on the search. As that happens, Beverley, Sara and Gareth - uh, Gary, sorry - make their run to the power plant. But what kind of surprises will await in store?



Characters: Beverley, Gary, Sara

Scene: A destroyed nuclear power plant in townWhat kind of fate befalled Neo's best friend, the new kid in town, and his sister? And what kind of surprises did they find in the power plant wreck?


Beverley: Jay, if you can hear me, you're a right pinhead! You had to watch where you sent the wrecks of the plant! And to make things worse, you've ended up spilling toxic sludge in my shoes!

She bent down and untied the laces to her trainers, took them off, and the sludge covered the whole feet. They started glowing, and it faded out, showing the result.

Sara: WOW! You've got rollerskates that'll never fall off!
Beverley: Well there's one benefit...
Gary: Come on, we have to keep on looking for survivors! They should tell us where he is!

They walked their way through the blazes of the plant, and meandered in and out of the fallen metallic pipes surrounding them. They looked to the left, and then to the right. Sooner or later, they came across a middle aged man with torn clothes, and claws on his hands.

Gary: Excuse me sir...
Man: Sir? You guys are the only ones who treated me like this! Everyone else has mistaken me for a mutated monster!
Gary: Wear some gloves!
Sara: Gareth, stop it! Anyhow, have you seen any survivors around here, or any glimpses of whoever did it?
Man: Not that I know of, but as for the glimpses of who did it, I can tell you.
Beverley: Finally, we're getting some sense outta this moron.
Man: He went down to that ice cream store down the street if you want to see him.
Sara: eh... what did he look like?
Man: Fat, with a pink shirt, and blue pants.
Gary: He's flipped. Let's leave him.

They continued walking carefully up the route. Gary and Sara had no problem, while Bev... well, she had difficulty with the rollerskates, and kept on tripping up on bar after metallic bar.

Sara: I think you need a little help with walking with them things.
Beverley: If you please.

She brought out her hand, and there came a charge of white energy in there. She sent it down on the skates, and as she looked down... the skates were now supported by white sandals/platform shoes.

Beverley: That's amazing, how can you do that?
Sara: It's magic, silly!

Upon hearing that, Bev gave out a light squeal, and backed up a bit.

Gary: It's nothing dangerous! @_@
Voice: Eh... maybe that, but look at my situation.

They all turned to the direction of the voice, which was some rubble. They started searching in it...

Voice: A lil' to the right, you stupid morons!

So they shuffled a bit, and took off the panels one by one. They looked at the person with the voice, and they... were surprised with who they saw.

Beverley: *looks down* Oh my God...
Gary: Yeah, I don't believe it either, what's she doing here?

A survivor of the blast was found inside, but what they managed to realise, was that it was none other... than Jo, Jason's right hand woman.

Sara: Oh, so we searched through all that just to come across the goth here, eh?
Jo: Look, there's more to me than the black makeover here.
Gary: Shut up, I know what you want from us. *raises fist* And you are so gonna get it!

Jo started cowering in the corner of the rubble, with her limbs shaking like jelly and sweat pouring down the sides of her face. The fist was launched towards her, but before it could make contact... Bev pushed Jo out of the way, and took the hit on her belly.

Gary: What was that for, goth guard?
Sara: Hey, don't talk to him like that, Gareth!
Gary: I can do whatever I want, thank you!
Sara: Oh yeah?
Gary: Yeah!

The two of them start fighting nearby, forming a cloud of dust near them. Aside, Bev took Jo by the hand, and carried her up.

Jo: But... why are you helping me like this?
Beverley: Let's just say that... you... remind me of someone, OK?
Jo: I take that someone wears black too, right?
Beverley: You could say that. By the way, what happened to your...
Jo: Well I just had it done at that beauty parlor down the street.
Beverley: *sigh* Not your fashion sense, your alliance with Jason!
Jo: This is gonna be a long story, so you'd better prepare for it.



A swarm of smoke appeared around a small street. And a tall power plant stood on the left, with shops on the right. The smoke continued to gather, and they showed themselves... as Jason and Jo.

Jason: Jo, you imbecile! Why couldn't you fight the scrub like a man?
Jo: Because I'm not a man at all, I don't even have a-
Jason: DON'T SAY IT! *sigh* I don't care what gender you are, you should have at least been like me and put up a great fight!
Jo: I tried sir, but why don't you like the way I fight?
Jason: Because you're useless! You stay down here from now on! You are nothing more than a dark reject!
Jo: But sir, I-

Before he could say anymore, Jason took out a grenade, activated it and tossed it at Jo, then made a run along the southern side of the street.

Jason: Eat my blast dust, sucker!


Jo: And that's how the plant was blown up, and how I got neglected for who I am.
Beverley: It's OK, I'll help you with ease. Once we get back to the army base, we'll give you some spot up training.
Sara: No way Bev, have you seen the sign on the board that says 'No Anti-Christians Allowed'?
Beverley: No, it's because the termites ate it last week.
Gary: Sara's right, I don't think we should include Jo in our group, she still looks like she's got an evil streak.
Jo: I do not! I will prove myself as soon as we get there!

So the four started heading in the direction out of town, back to the Army Base.

Sara: I wonder how the others are doing with Jason right now...
Beverley: Don't panic about it, they'll come back with a bit of news on that, no worries.
Sara: I guess...
Gary: By the way, spook face, I know what you want to be, and I know that you want to help take on Jay, but don't think that we trust you on this count.
Jo: I'll take that as a 'you don't care about me at all'... *sigh*

End of Scenario 1



Characters: Neo, Jenny, Silla
Scene: Reading Badlands, between Panama City and the harbor town of Honesty Shores

Jason is back in the wild, and this means the start of a search across the area for him. But little did they realise that a roadblock lied ahead of them...


Jenny: Uh, Neo, there's one thing I don't understand. Exactly how can a normal human being like your father go into a rage unexpectedly?
Neo: Seems like a total mystery to me, but we'll find out soon.
Silla: I hope you people aren't tricking me to join his team of dorks. And since when was he normal when he always tosses flour on me every time I'm on the training grounds?

The other two looked at each other when she said that.

Neo: You think he wanted to become a colonel in the Army?
Silla: Maybe a real time commando... he too wanted to come on the fighter planes to Vietnam, but he was too strong to lift, even in the strongest plane.
Jenny: Serves him right for the eggs he eats for breakfast!

*snare-drum-crash-cymbal fanfare*

Neo: Shut up, or else I'll-

Before he could say anything else... he tripped up and fell flat on his face. He looked up from his position... and came across a tall bouncer.

Bouncer: What do you think you're doing here?
Neo: Uh... neighbourhood watch?
Bouncer: Just stay away from the set, OK?
Neo: What do you mean?
Bouncer: We're filming for a big screen hit with Reservoir Hogs. I want to make this a great movie, or else Zidane will be sacked!
Neo: What the... you're referring to the James Zidane? WOW! I gotta get his autograph! I simply adored I Know What You'll Bid Next August and I want to see a sequel! Anyhow... can you please let us through? We have to keep searching!
Bouncer: NO! We're not having any common people here!

The bouncer pushed Neo away a few feet. This gave Jenny a face filled with rage, and he stepped up towards him.

Jenny: I'm the Mayoress of Panama City! I have control over you whether you like it or not!
Bouncer: Well guess what? I don't!

He picked up Jenny, and tossed him on top of Neo, whose muscles started to clench into one another.

Silla: You're also messing with a recruit of the United States Army, sir! Let us through or face two ounces of hot lead!

She rooted into her backpack and got out a shotgun, and aimed it at the bouncer's head... but...

Bouncer: How about you face 3 kilos of Lactic Acid?

He kicked Silla in the shins, and sent her to the ground.

Silla: *sigh* It's no use, we're not going to get anywhere!
Neo: I have a better idea. Follow me.


The door opened to a darkened room. Light from the hallway shone down into a bedroom for three, with a tape player and a model Ferrari in one corner, a wardrobe in another, and posters everywhere.

Jenny: I take this is your room, is it?
Neo: Yeah, it would have been better if I didn't have to share it with two of my sibilngs.

They came into the centre of the room. Neo pulled up a persian rug, and revealed...

Silla: ...a trap door? But where will it take us to?
Neo: You'll see.

They all went down it one by one, and spent a long crawl up the tunnel. It almost seemed like forever, until the end was felt on the end of Jax's nose. He raised a hand up, and felt... a wooden door.

Neo: We're here!
Bouncer: *from outside* What was that?

Neo looked through a set of holes to the outside world, where he saw the very bouncer that tried to stop him, outside a tall caravan. He started making a walk in that direction.

Bouncer: Alright, whoever it is, come out with your hands in the air!
Silla: *meow!*
Bouncer: Just a lousy cat... *sigh*

The bouncer started walking back, and this time he went inside the caravan.

Jenny: *whisper* The coast is clear! Let's go!

They quickly made it out through the trap door, and hid behind a nearby trailer. As they gradually peered over, they saw the same bouncer in the window, and he started to take off something on him...

Man: OK, bring in the lights!

The shout brought in the attention of Neo, Jenny and Silla as they all turned to the right, looking at a desert film set. Above the scene, some stagelights shone down on top of them, giving in a feel of texture and tone. In another direction was a beautiful girl, with hair in a straight up ponytail, and a male stood beside her, sporting a bandana on his brown hair covered head and a black waistcoat underneath his mostly gray clothes.

Silla: Is this... who I'm thinking of?
Neo: Yeah, she's one helluva whore!
Jenny: No, that's the female. I doubt that James would do anything like that.

They continued watching the scene carefully, and soon, a few cameras came around the set. The same man came on again with a marker in his hand.

Director: And roll 'em!
Man: Right. This is Reservoir Hogs scene #22, take 19, marker. *snaps marker and goes out of sight*
Director: Aaaaaaaaand action!

The males continued to look over, as they saw the girl hugging James, crying her heart out.

Girl: *sniff* Oh, Eugene... *sob* It was horrible! I don't want to go back there!
James ('Eugene'): Okay, just calm down, I'll sort it out. It won't do much harm in this weather tho'.

He starts to make a walk towards a barn on the set, and he starts to open it... but he ended up getting thrown inside, screaming his head off.

Director: And cut!

There was an applause from the crew surrounding him, as James went out of the barn, with a surprised look on his face. The girl went over to him again. And from there, he spoke.

James: I never thought we'd finally get that scene right. Good job!

Just as when the girl was about to speak, there was something glowing somewhere.

Director: What in Pete's sake was that?

Camera man #6: It seemed like it came from James's caravan...
Make-up man: We need to investigate this matte-

Before he could say anything else... an explosion occurred. It covered the whole of the set, and there was an immense white light for a few seconds. Then it faded out, and all that was seen left, was rubble of the scene. The three collegues popped their heads up slowly, and saw another dark shadow nearby. It was standing near an object on the ground - a roll of film. Torn into pieces. Then it turned to the camera, showing his face.

James: That bomb has DESTROYED MY FILM CAREER!!!!!!!

His face starts to go red with envy... until he turned in the direction of the others, who were looking at him. Immediately he made a sharp run towards them.

James: Geez, thanks to you idiots here you have wrecked my profession! Now I'll never hit the big time! *kicks the roll of film on the ground*
Neo: *goes up to him and takes his hand* There there, it's OK, we'll find you something else...
James: I didn't ask for your comments! And lemme try and guess what the n on your head stands for... nitwit? Nincompoop? Nucklehead?
Jenny: Look here, I know you're having a hard time, but you can't take the blame on us. We didn't set any bomb here... or was it a bomb? We don't know ourselves...
Silla: Guys, there's one thing that we do know.

They all turn around, and face the remains of the caravan. They saw a lump, black figure inside. They go towards it, and eventually... they pull out a body. A familiar body.

Neo: I take your opinions seem right, Sill.
Silla: Yeah, Jason was behind all this. Looks like he didn't succeed on his escape though.
James: Hey, I've seen this guy on the news recently, something about the demolition of a nuclear power plant back at town.
Jenny: Well we've got some friends looking into that right now.
James: You mean to say that... you are trying to catch him?
Neo: Not only that, but we need to run a scan on him to see what kind of stuff inside him gave this world a power crisis, political or otherwise.
James: I'll help you guys.

The others jumped at the chance. Then they looked at each other, and raised eyebrows. A cinema superstar... working with a bunch of young detectives?

Jenny: We'll count you in.

They placed Jason inside a nearby wheelbarrow, and soon they started running out of the film set, back where they came from.

James: But... where are you going?
Silla: You'll understand when we get there.

End of Scenario 2


As we last left Bev and her group, they returned from the wreckage of the power plant with the betrayed survivor, Jo, in the direction of the army base, but as they continued running...

Gary: Guys, look to the right now!

They all did, and they saw six faces in that direction.

Sara: It's Neo's group!
Beverley: And they've managed to get hold of the big guy. But... where are they taking him?
Jo: Looks like they're on the path back to the city... but why?

A summoning whistle (sound effect - *WHOOOOOOOOOO-WHIT!*) was heard in their direction. Jenny brought her arm from the opposing team's to the cities, shouting at the top of her voice.

Beverley: OK, we're coming, don't get your knickers in a twist!

The four of them took a sharp right at an angle of 140º and started storming into the direction of the other group. Faster and faster they ran, heading into the city streets, bustling with the smell of groceries. Sooner or later, they met up with the others.

Leader: Ah, Miss Sanchez and squad, nice to see you all back! And... why have you taken a comrade of Jason's with you?
Jo: That bastard betrayed me, that's why I jumped ship.
Jenny: Oh, speaking of ship, mate, we've booked one to go to the island filled with magic.
Sara: You mean... Volcano Isle?
Neo: Yes, it seems like it. Somehow, the leader knows a Magi that originally lived in Wyoming to study the effects of Magic here. Now unless he's a penpal I have no idea.
Gary: And which ship are we taking when we get down to the harbor?
James: Well technically, that would be mine. Ever since that Jase moron has let my movie career go down the drain, I'll give you guys the freedom of using my showboat.
Leader: Sounds cool, can't wait to see it.

Another sharp left came to them, and then came two turns to the right, and they arrived at an area with a lot of yachts around, and speedboats, and a couple of ferries in the far corner. It looked like... the harbor.

Leader: I see all these ships, but there isn't a showboat around here.
Silla: Look to the left, you dimwit!

They all faced the told direction, and they soon faced a white ship, decorated in golden tinsel, and a ferry's bottom half. They knew, that they were going to face a glamorous ride.


That night...

On the decks of the ship, Silla looked right out to Volcano Isle. She started smiling, and her fists started tightening. Just when she could continue doing so, a figure came from behind, and started talking to her.

Jenny: I take you're pretty excited about the trip, eh?
Silla: What are you talking about? If you're referring to my smiling, then that's just me having a daydream of marrying James!

Silla walked off, and Jenny looked down with failure. As we go further among the decks, Bev and James were in one corner... for something entirely different.

Beverley: James, I really need your autograph! I'm your biggest fan!
James: Right, well can you tell me what my biggest film success was?
Gary: *from a window higher up* I know what it is! It's I Know What You'll Bid Next August! Or something on the lines...

James's face started to turn red, as he headed through a nearby door. What was heard next... was fisticuffs hitting flesh. All that Bev could do was look down with failure. On the other side of the deck, Neo and Jo were seen in training.

Neo: Right, all you have to do is whack that dummy as hard as you can.

Jo looked ahead at a dummy of a figure in dark clothing. She took grip of a baseball bat in her hand. But... she backed away.

Jo: Sorry Neo, but I can't knock a good friend down.

That made him shake his head and lower his head down... with failure. As he was about to continue, Sara stormed past, knocking Jo over, and leaning over the side of the ship.

Sara: Ugh... I think... I think I'm gonna... blech!

As she brought her head back up, her face was of a bright shade of green, and she slowly slid down a nearby door, before leaning over the side again, doing exactly the same thing. As she noticed it this time, Volcano Isle was just getting closer.


A soothing sunrise soon swooped over a small island in the middle of the sea. It stood tall, with a volcano slap bang in the center of it. The crashing waves came gently onto the shores, and a few hermit crabs came scuttling across the sand. On one area, a showboat was left alone, parked carelessly on the sand. Deep footprints were seen inside, and all that lead to a nearby village.

Gary: So this is the place of the Magi, eh?
Leader: Yup. It's a shame they don't want to live on the mainland though.

As the camera goes through the gates, we come across Neo and his crew, each of them with their own efforts of carrying Jason around the area. As they kept on going to a tall hut in the middle of the village, they took a knock on the door. The door opened, and the leader immediately went inside, dragging Jason on the floor. A few seconds went. Then some more... and a whole minute.

Neo: Something tells me that this Magi has to use all their magic just to scan one person...
Jenny: No Neo, they only use a few magic points, and that's it.
Voice: Hey, this seems like a great story for my newspaper!

They all turned around, and to the left of them stood a young girl at medium height, with light brown hair in a ponytail, small brown eyes, and is a bit overweight. She was shrouded in odd and dark clothing... no one could see her neck!

Beverley: Oh look here, a stranger... who the Hell are you?
Aurora: Hey, I'm Aurora Muse, newspaper reporter for The Daily Shout. I see you've caught PE#1 Jason Cortex here... how did you do that?
Silla: Let's just say that he tried to keep us out by dressing up as a bouncer at a movie set outside Honesty Shores, on the mainland. It seemed like he planted a bomb in the middle of the set or something, but he forgot to give himself time to escape.

As Silla started talking, Aurora brought out a pencil and started brushing it up and down the pages of a notebook in her other hand.

James: I hope you're taking down the right notes, because if you don't you've gone given me another heart attack!

She looked over Aurora's shoulder, and saw her... drawing realistic versions of Neo, Jenny, Silla, and James, almost like it was photo quality, and as she attempted to draw the bomb in the centre of it all...

*BOOM!* explosion from the notebook caused it to blow itself into ashes, and give Aurora and James soot-covered faces.

Aurora: Maybe I should just... set the timer first?
Sara: It's OK, at least you tried.
Jo: *sigh* How long is that leader doing with Jase? That's it... I'm going inside.

Jo opened the door, and took a few steps inside. Her eyes were focused on the leader, on Jason, and on a tall man, with a white cloak and some denim shorts, and a golden staff in his hand, holding an emerald on the top. As she came closer to them, she was surprised with what was about to happen.

A bright glow of white covered the room, and a blinding effect suddenly started to come across Jo's eyes... but she just shrugged, pulled out some shades from his pocket and placed them on. The glow continued to get brighter within the room, as the leader started to struggle to withstand the magic.

Leader: No, DJ... stop it! You can't bring in too much magic for a simple scan job!
DJ: Sorry Chester, but this guy's strength seems much more difficult to handle than I thought...
'Chester': I don't care! Just calm the pressure down a bit! Oh, and please don't call me by my proper name in public.
DJ: I can't help it! He's just too powerful!!!

The light kept on increasing more and more... a brighter flash came across the room, and caused a small explosion within a 2 metre radius. As it faded out... all that could be seen was ashes from one end to another. Rubble was seen from one end of the wreckage site to another, and within a couple more seconds... a head popped out... and another... and another. And sooner or later, eleven heads came out from the ground.

Chester: What in Pete's sake was that all about?
Silla: I don't understand it too, sir.
Neo: Neither do I. I thought this Magi here was meant to be a wise man.
James: Maybe he forgot that he didn't try for a high school diploma... sheesh.
Aurora: Anyhow, how did you do with Rax? I gotta take a few notes on the situation.
DJ: Let me see if I can go down and get him.
Chester: Good luck Mr Kujasagi.

He dived under the rubble, and for a few minutes there was a lot of shuffling. Bev's right hand started to shake, but Jo gradually took hold of it, and soon the pressure came to her knees. Sweat started to pour down the side of Jenny's face. Sooner or later, DJ popped his head back up.

DJ: I'm sorry, but... he's... gone!
Everyone else: *GASP!*
Beverley: Holy crud buckets, now we've just got another reason to get bloody grounded!
Jo: Don't take it that way Brownie, we'll find him sooner or later...
Jenny: I don't think you have to, because... he's still here! *points at the volcano* Force-crazed maniac at 2 o' clock!

The others turned towards the direction of the volcano. What they saw of Jason, was that he took a steep climb uphill, and reached the edge of the volcano. And then... he jumped inside.

Sara: Don't tell me... he's heading for the life source of the planet!
Silla: What do you mean by that?
Chester: Let me tell you something. The planet isn't held together by science, you know. An unknown substance at the core holds everything together, not gravity. The magi here, have defined it... as the life source of the planet.
Beverley: Big deal, this is one big ruddy myth. Who wants to believe in that kind of BS?
DJ: I do. Before industries kicked off, this world was as pure as it could be. But for some strange reason their beliefs stopped occurring.
Jenny: But... I thought this was nothing more than a bedtime story my dad used to read to me every night...
Neo: It doesn't sound like it now, sister. We'll try and take care of him, somehow.
Jo: Can I help?
Everyone else: NO!
Sara: Who cares? She's joining anyway. She may want to confront Jase too you know, for her own purposes.

Everyone looked at each other, and they had to shake their heads, with disagreement in them. And soon, they all turned in the direction of the volcano.


Smoke covered the rocky path that lied in front of Neo, and the rest of his crew. The steps started to get narrower, and it started to become so foggy even night vision goggles wasn't enough to see through the smoke. Sooner or later... the ground became smooth again.

Beverley: Well, here's where the trail ends.
Jenny: And I take that this is where the problems begin! Take a look ahead of us!

They brought their heads right forward, and their view was now sustained on Jason, who was then facing a gigantic bolder in the middle of the dusty platform.

Neo: What does that boulder have to do with anything?
DJ: It looks like something to do with the life of the planet. It is stored in a small crater, and the rock prevents it from leaking out.
Chester: I wonder what he wants with it...

Back at the platform, Jason started walking up and down. Sooner or later, he brought his fist onto the ball.

Jason: I sense something down here... but how do I get to it? Ah... I have a simple idea.

Another fist was brought back, and right before their very eyes... the rock was pushed away, and it rolled down a small hill, stopping only a metre away from the crew.

Silla: Oh my God, how did he do that?
James: That's what I wanna figure out!
Aurora: It's something like... this guy's got surprassing strength... say, has he been working out a lot while he was with the Army?
Sara: I don't think it'll be that, but we don't want to stick around and let all heck break loose, don't we?
Jo: I'm going in.
Gary: Jo, just be careful OK?

So this meant that Jo started walking up the hill, carefully as she might. After a long and exhausting walk, she reached the top, and brought her head up to her old senator's level.

Jo: YOU!
Jason: Me what, you octowussy?
Jo: Why did you release the life of the planet? Now you're gonna destroy the world as it is!
Jason: Look, all I want is just one little drink of the life stuff.

Jo's face started to turn with curiosity. Then he heard a cry down below.

DJ: Jo, whatever you do, don't let him take it! If you let him drink it, he'll use his new found strength to push his way to the ruler of the world!
Jo: What do you mean?
DJ: I've worked it all out! I'll explain once this is over, OK?
Beverley: Jo, don't leave us all behind! Just stop him from getting the life!

Jo's face became that of courageous hope. He looked on at Jason, and immediately took out something from her pockets - a swiss army knife. He used her other hand for a threatening pose, with her fingers tucked inside one another. They both started walking around in a circle, wondering on who should attack first. Back below, DJ worked hard in pushing the boulder up the slope. Sweat started pouring down his face, as he struggled to get it up to the top. As they continued doing that, a rumble started to occur.

Jenny: Oh man, what's happening here?
Aurora: I can sense it! Because the plug was - ahem - unplugged, the life is seeping up to the surface!
DJ: Just don't panic about it now guys, I'll block it off! You just go! Jo, make sure you don't let Jason live to see this!

The vibrations in the ground started to shake madly, and the team started making their way back through the tunnel. It was a tougher climb this time, with rocks falling down from the ceiling, attempting to block some routes off. At one time, Chester fell to his feet.

Chester: I can't make it any longer!
Silla: We won't let you down, sir!

Immediately, Silla dashed back, and pulled Chester back up. In fact, he ended up carrying him on his back. There was a blaze of light up ahead.

Gary: There's the end of the tunnel! Do you think we should escape?
Neo: We have to wait for DJ and Jo! We don't want to end up without them, don't we?
Sara: Don't panic, there's a way out of this, trust me!

The whole group made their way through the opening back to the path leading down to Ragetown. They took a slide down the slopes, and once down, James immediately looked behind him. Once there, he managed to come across DJ and Jo, both on their exit.

DJ: We're back!
James: Guys! Did you seal the crater, and did you stop Jason from getting it?

They both looked at each other. The events were horrific as they were back in the volcano - the life stream bubbled its way out of the surface, and started filling up the cone-shaped danger. Within no time at all, it seeped out of the sides, and started spilling down on the town. What we see from above, is a red island, suddenly turning a shade of silver. Ragetown was totally destroyed.

Silence surrounded Volcano Isle. The whole surface glimmered with shining silver. Over a matter of time, it turned to hard crust, onto the surface, and a few cracks remain. Deep inside one of the cracks, was a large tunnel underground. The air tasted so icy and stuffy inside, and it was covered in pitch black darkness.

Jenny: OK, first things first - how on Earth do we get outta here?
Neo: Calm down Jen, there's a way around it somehow.
James: But how can we when we can't see in here or anything? This is just driving me insane!!!
Gary: Just calm down! We'll get out of this place! Trust me!

No sooner than Gary said that, a spec of light was seen. They all gasped, and faced its direction. They started running as fast as they can towards it, as the light became bigger and bigger.

Sara: There's a light at the end of the tunnel! wait, it's just another flashlight.
Beverley: Yeah peeps, that's mine.

She continued running, and stopped with a halt in front of the rest of the group. Their faces can be fully seen, as they have scars and burns all over the place.

Aurora: OK, whatever you do, please do not tell me that you're trapped down here too, right?
Beverley: Nothing of the sort, but I do carry some bad news, unfortunately. I hate to say this to you, but we've got a problem at the surface.
Silla: What, Jason is here?
Beverley: No, it's much worse. We've found Chester, but he's not looking too good. If you guys can follow me, we'll reach the surface and find him from there.

They started running their way through the tunnel, but... not all of them went through straight away. Silla was on the edge of going, but that was suddenly stopped.

DJ: Ugh... just go on without me... just go!
Silla: *picks him up* A good soldier never leaves a soul behind!

She makes her run up the tunnel, and sooner or later... they came across some broken lifestream rock, leading to the outside. Immediately she jumped through it, and made her way to the original site for Ragetown. A crowd of people were there, surrounding Chester, who was on the floor with a large series of cuts. Jo was there too, looking over him, with painful expressions in her eyes.

Jo: Chester... are you still there? Please, respond to me!

Slowly, and gradually, he opened his eyes. One, then the other. And finally, he managed to speak.

Chester: (very faintly) Guys... there is something that I have to tell you...

They waited on, anticipating his words.

Chester: I hold... the truth about Jason's power and thirst for it.

They all gasped at that remark... all except for one person.

Silla: Oh come on, what's the surprise? Jason worked for the army too, you know.
Neo: Yeah, but I thought that once we calm him down he'd tell us!
Chester: Not tonight. You see, his ambition for power has come from one thing on this very island.
DJ: The lifestream?
Chester: Yes.
DJ: But what does that have to do with anything? I mean, why would he go inside the volcano in the first place?
Chester: It was all because of one minor thing. Something that happened last week, during a visit here to see you.
Aurora: This better be good.

There was more silence. Finally, he spoke again.

Chester: I... am a magi.
Aurora: A WHAT?!?!?
Chester: It's true, I was born on this very island. I kept my magic a secret on the mainland so that no one will find out.
Aurora: DJ said it once, so I say it - what does that have to do with anything?
Chester: Well, to cut a long story short, I went out drinking a couple of hours before army training, and on the way to work, I ended up bumping into Jason.
Jo: So?
Chester: If a magi makes uncontrolled contact with any non-magi, then they will end up with a small part of the magi's power. Usually it washes away, but because I was drunk...
Jo: Yeah?
Chester: ...because I was drunk, it didn't work on Jason. That's why he suddenly woke up with a rage. It was all because of me.

They all started looking down at him with utter guilt. Jo crouched down, and stroked his cheek.

Jo: Calm down, is there any way to reverse the effects?
Chester: I'm afraid not. You either have to let him go and cause more destruction, or kill him and make Neo here a bereaved youth.
Neo: I don't want to see either thing happen! I love my dad! And there's gotta be something else we can do!
Chester: I'm sorry, but... *cough, hack* That's all we can do. *cough, cough*
Beverley: Chester! What's happening?
Chester: I'm sorry, but the attack of the lifestream has caught me. I need to lie down, and rest.
Beverley: No, please! We can't go back and finish this off without you!
Chester: Well, please take this.

Chester's body started to glow blue, and an aroma of light suddenly went through the air. It circled around the youths, and was absorbed inside their bodies.

Chester: My power, is now yours. Use it wisely... *starts breathing deeper*
Jenny: But please don't go! We still need you!
Chester: Good... luck... on... the... rest... of... your... jour... ney...

With that, his eyes closed, and he was slouched on the ground. He wasn't breathing, and his heart didn't pulse either.

Jenny: Chester! Chester! We stil need you!!!
Gary: We're sorry... sir...

*camera goes up to the sky*


*black screen, and it fades back in*

At this stage, Jenny was sitting on the floor, looking down at the man that lead them so far into their journey. A few tears started to come down her face. The same thing suddenly started to happen to Silla too.

Gary: I know your feelings, but putting it this way, he will rest a lot easier if he knew that the world was in safe hands.
Sara: Speaking of which, how do you think we should find him now?
James: I think we should go back and try again. Besides, my ship's still here.

They looked ahead, and there was James's showboat. It looked a bit torn apart, but it still looked fit enough to ride. They all started climbing on. However, that left Silla and Jenny behind.

Neo: Well are you two coming or what?

They looked at each other, and they made a run back to the ship. Once on board, the engines started sailing them back to the mainland. The showboat made its sailing progress across the area, slighly drifting through the calming waves of the sea. On deck, Neo was seen looking out for Honesty Shores, with his comrades surrounding him.

Sara: I can see the docks from here! Guys... it looks like we're almost home.
DJ: The time of triumph awaits! Jason will be under our grasp once we get hold of him!
Jenny: Will you guys be quiet? Can't you see that we have absolutely no chance in finding a man like this now? He's always hiding out!
Aurora: Empire State Building at 1 o' clock! *points up*

They all looked up at a tall skyscraper. Their eyes started pounding with all sense of awe inside them.

Jo: That's funny. I never saw that house before.
Neo: Neither have I.
Silla: And look! It pierces right through the clouds!
Neo: Now that IS a strange feat.
Gary: For some strange reason, I think this will give us some clues on Jason's whearabouts.
Jo: I can tell, it's pretty irrational to me.

The boat came towards the dock, and sooner or later the crew left it. This lead them past the badlands, and back into Panama City, where they stopped in front of the building.

Neo: No wonder why it lead to something like this... this is MY HOUSE!!!
Gary: Crikey, that's freaky.
Silla: Do you think we should go inside and check this out?
James: Yeah, but we're too crazy to tackle this alone! Well, maybe Bev, but not the rest of us.
Beverley: What do you mean?
James: I'm basically saying that no one - I repeat, NO ONE - goes in there without a crew mate. They'll get lost in the first five seconds.
Beverley: Oh, so I take you basically took that from the script to Reservoir Hogs, eh?

James's face suddenly turned pink, and he started blushing.

Sara: James has gone cuckoo.
Aurora: He's right, though. We should start scaling the building right away.
DJ: Good idea.
Jo: We'll cover ground, no worries.

The crew went inside, and ran through the building. Once inside, something mistaken seemed to occur - the bottom floor looked like a multi-storey block reception! And the room was vacant.

Neo: It's quiet. *looks to the left* Too quiet. *looks to the right* Where is everybody?
Silla: Knowing your dad he'd be likely to enjoy luxury, and I have a strange feeling that's on the top floor.
Aurora: How did you know that?
Silla: Just a guess. *shrugs*
Sara: Yeah, but... how do we get up there?
Aurora: We take the lift. That's all there is.
Jo: You can borrow my binoculars if you want.
Sara: No thanks.

They all went inside, and pressed the button with '42' on it. The lift started budging higher and higher up the block.

Gary: Heh, Bev, er, if we survive this war, I have a wish for you to make... *gets out a cold onion ring* Will you marry me?
Beverley: Bah, I'm a grade B grade school student, not some love-starved twit!
James: Cold as ice.

Within a minute, the lift reached floor 25, and they all looked at each other with more curiosity.

Jo: Guys, I have to forgive myself for all the stupid things I did in my past. I'll toss down my past and fight like I should do. Do you believe me?
DJ: Sure we may believe in you, but don't think that we still trust you on that count, though.

With that, she looked down. Then, there was a *ding!* heard overhead. The doors were open, and what was there was a ladder.

Aurora: Oh great, don't tell me we're not there yet!
Beverley: OK, so we won't. Sorry.
James: Sheesh, it's suddenly gone cold up here! Do you think there would be a blazing fire somewhere?
Sara: You want fire? You can have it!

She brought out her hands, and sent a red bubble around James, emitting flames every five seconds.

James: Thanks.
Sara: No problem, Jimmy-Bob.
Neo: Right, this is the monent of truth. This ladder could lead us to life, or death.

The crew started shaking as they held hands as they climbed up. The metal bars started to dim down from rust, as they climbed further and further. A light was finally seen at the end of it all. Neo was the first to stick his head out, and the visions surrounding him have given him a jawdropped expression on his face. Surrounding him was a yellow turf on the ground. And around the area were mountains established in a circular motion.

Neo: Hmmm... is it me or has he changed Heaven for the worse?
Voice: Welcome my child... do come in.

He started shaking, and took his footsteps onto the withered ground beneath him. A black figure stood in the centre, and as he managed to come half a metre towards him... he brought his face into the light.

Neo: Dad! Did you do this?
Jason: No time for your foolishness boy! The world is now under my complete control. And it's all thanks to the love of magic!
Neo: What?!?

He went to the edge of the grass turf, and took a look down at the world below. A bustling traffic jam was there outside the block of flats that he just climbed up. Then sooner or later... came a white bolt, and that caused an explosion on the street, causing debris to fly onto the buildings.

Neo: What's wrong with you? You hurted innocent people! Honestly, they're only coming home after a long day at work!
Beverley: He's right!

From behind him, came Bev. She stepped on the side of the arena and looked at the two.

Beverley: Jase, what you're doing is wrong. You have to know that even if you hold power in this world, the people out there still prefer their bonds of love rather than who's the President of this goddarn country.
Jason: I... don't know what you're talking abou-
Gary: *stands next to her* Do you think that holding power in your hand is all that important to you?
Sara: *follows him* You should think about the lives that you've damaged within this past week!
Jo: And that included mine, you sicko! You don't have any love inside you, and that's why I never stayed behind.
Jason: Uh... Jo... I neglected you.
Jo: Whatever.

And on the other side, came the others.

Silla: You also killed Chester, and it's a good thing he told you about your thirst for power before his passing away, you freak!
Jenny: Yeah, and your outcome will not sound very nice either, whether you think it'll be worse or better.
James: You destroyed my film career! Now thanks to you, I'm out on the streets when this mission's over.
Aurora: And can we think of any good things about him...
DJ: I don't think so... nah, there ain't anything good.
Aurora: And you know what this means, eh?
DJ: We're gonna send him out into the ocean, sleeping with the fishes.
Aurora: That's what I wanted to hear.

They started closing up on him.

Jason: AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!! Show me all the weaponry you've got!
Silla: Why need ammunition when I can show you my Tongue Fu?
James: Who cares about that! Get ready for a fight, for death!

He stepped on the ground, causing an Earthquake that lasted 2 seconds. They all started screaming.

Beverley: This is sounding much worse than I thought it would be! Hey Neo-dude, now's a good time to send in your moves!
Neo: But I thought-
Beverley: Ignore the rules! Just fight dirty! Anything to protect our lives! And for the people of our country too!

Neo once again looked down at the site of the traffic jam, now with ashes all over the place. He brought his head up once again, and stood broadly, with his shoulders straight, his chest up, and his eyes filled with anger. He leered into his father's eyes. He had to take care of him because he was a criminal. However... something held him back. He was his father, and he couldn't swear to hurt him. But then... he loosened himself up, and posed like a tennis player, with his red eyes now blazing like fire.

Neo: This is for the United States of America!

*thunderclap occurs. Ratchet & Clank final battle theme is played at this point*

The skies suddenly turned dark, as lightning suddenly begun to strike at the world up in the sky. Small raindrops started to form on the dusty ground below. As of now, both Neo and Jason were side-stepping in a circular motion, leering at each other.

Sara: *sniff* I can't believe he decided to go for him... why... why?
Gary: Calm down, I know how it feels like. But what had to be done was done.
Beverley: If only if he can prevail... if not, what will the world be like?
Aurora: I got a thought about it, and it isn't amusing either.

Back in the fighting area, Jason took out something from his pocket. It started ticking vigorously, and then he exposed it into the light... it was a grenade.

Jason: Chew on this, dirtbag!

He tossed it in Neo's direction... but it exploded right in the middle of them, with a blast radius of a wimpy 10 inches.

Neo: Hah! Is that the best you've got?
Silla: I don't believe this... Neo has got more courage inside him than Adolf Hitler and Clint Eastwood placed together!
James: Yeah, but does he have anything to attack with tho'?

Silla's face became blank. At the same time, something started charging in the son's hands. It turned from blue, to red, then to white, and back again in a loop. He looked down at them with curiosity.

Neo: Eh... what's happening to me?

Suddenly, a voice started coming in his head.

~Chester: My power is now yours... use it wisely...~

Neo: I got it! Guys, give in everything you've got!
DJ: What do you mean? We have nothing to attack with!
Jo: Remember what Chester said back at Volcano Isle! We have something inside us!
Neo: Just use it!

They all nodded their heads, and projected light beams up into the air, and they closed in on Jason. Then Neo's light energy was triggered at a powerful pace, causing him to move his hands away from each other in a panic. A multi coloured ball surrounded his opponent, and after 10 seconds... it vanished. However, Jason just stood there.

Neo: Damn! It didn't work!

Jason just stood there with evilness in his eyes. Then he triggered out an immense light beam from his own hands, therefore blasting his son down onto the ground, near where Jenny was standing. He looked to be unconscious from that angle.

Jenny: Hey Neo! You can't give up at this angle! You have to keep on going!!!

With that he raised his head, and looked at his opponnent, whom was suddenly making a charge right towards him. His fists were glowing green, and he brought them both back as he ran. He lowered his back and his charge was now similar to a footballer. Time was running out. There was no way to escape... from the wrath, of Sergeant Jason Cortex.

*screen goes white*

The scene instantly changes to the inside of an asylum. The windows were high up, and there were steel doors in every direction. Footsteps were heard down an isle, running down the centre of it all. As they come closer towards us, they are seen as Bev and Gary, and a police officer. They stopped at one of the doors, and it was open for them. Inside, was a figure, covered in bandages, holding crutches with both hands, and has casting on his head. Blood stains were visible too. The two youngsters came inside, and there followed another two figures, instantly revealed, as Neo, and his mother Nina.

Neo: Dad...

The bandaged figure looked up at the two of them, and the eyes only just made out the vision through the bandages. And then... he spoke.

Jason: I feel so... sorry...
Neo: Dad... there's no need to be sorry for...
Jason: Yes there is. It was my fault I ever came across Colonel Tervasky in his poor state. If he didn't transfer the power of the Lifestream to me, then...
Neo: Don't feel sad about it. But there's one thing I still don't get... why did you jump off the building before you could attack me?
Jason: I didn't want this pain anymore... as you are my son, and I'd never let you down, really.
Nina: I'm still ashamed of this. I would NEVER forgive that morning when you tried to rape me!
Gary: Mrs Cortex, calm down-
Nina: Besides, two years in prison isn't long enough! You should spend your lifetime in there!
Gary: Well that's what the sergeant said.
Beverley: Besides, knowing him, he'll be back out before you know it.
Gary: You think he'd be back with more damage?
Beverley: Five words, mate - I very much doubt it.

At those words, Nina's face suddenly turned bright red, as she forced her way towards them... but Bev and Gary took hold of her by the soldiers and dragged her out.


Her screams faded out, and all that remained now, was Neo.

Neo: I'll still come by to see you every weekend.
Jason: That's a relief. Thanks, Neo. Besides, do you think your mother will get over it?
Neo: That's uncertain. Sometimes her annoying faults last for five minutes, and sometimes for months. I'll tell you more this Saturday.
Jason: Thank you again.

The officer placed the keys in the lock, and Neo walked out of the cell. Once out, the door was slammed shut. Neo took one last smile at his father through the hatch, which was snapped shut five seconds later.


Sunset arrived, and the three youngsters were sitting on a hill, looking over the town. A birch tree was guarding them, like an umbrella. The view was spectacular - down below, the town was seen, and the waters of the bayside were glimmering a crystal pink.

Beverley: Gary, I'd like to thank you for what you did to help us stop the world from turning into a junk heap.

She leant over... and kissed him on the cheek. At that, he started blushing.

Beverley: Well, does this mean that you're returning to Boston?
Gary: Not exactly. My parents have blended in nicely with the locals around here. And besides, the lifestream could return to the surface at any time.
Neo: Well the main thing is, my dad's still alive.
Gary: Yeah, we know.

They all smiled into each other's eyes, and the skies suddenly became darker.

Gary: It's getting late. Do you think we should discuss this at school tomorrow?
Neo: Be my guest.
Beverley: Yeah, as long as the teachers don't find out about it. Joking, of course.
Neo: Thank you so much, Gary. It's been a pleasure seeing you here.

The three started running down the hill, and onto the path leading to town. The world is now a safer place to live in. However, the talk of the lifestream means something to look out for in the distant future... or would it?

*The camera goes up into the sky, and the screen fades to black*


*Epilogue run alongside Moby - "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?"*

Sara Foster took her magic at one further step, and set to work on rebuilding Ragetown. At this day, it's incomplete, but there are new features that are to be added that were bigger and better before.

Jennifer Estrada reigned as the mayoress for a couple more years, until he turned down the position for someone else. Today, she is working hard as a tour manager for several pop artists, including O-Town, S Club, and Shakira.

Silla Plato moved herself into the health division of the United States Army, and it wasn't only just for the handsome doctors. Once there, she established the Chester Tervasky Trust, dedicated to helping the handicapped around the world.

James Zidane was hired by Paramount, therefore restarting his film career. After several rowls, Reservoir Hogs was back in filming once again, and has now been penciled in to be released next Summer.

Jo Venom stayed at Honesty Shores, and became a talk show host, by some surprise. The TV series, simply entitled Joanna, became one of NBC's biggest hits of the year, and rumours say that it could take Jerry Springer off the air.

Aurora Muse took her post as an artist, and started painting colorful masterpieces. But one of her pictures, entitled "Jaws of Death", was responsible for the disappearance of hand luggage and hair for two weeks, and was therefore removed from its display.

Daniel J Kujasagi took the Daily Shout newspaper to Honesty Shores, and it started kicking off a trend over there. Millions of copies were sold around the US, and that was a year since bases were placed all over the country.

No one knows what happened to Neo, Bev, or Gary after their continuation with their lives... but what we do know is that they have a grand future right ahead of them.



Jo (Spin Wolarcoot), DJ (Kuja the Dark One) and Jenny (Lioness Bandicoot), for their roles in the story!
James Dingo II, for his role, reading, and voting in the January FFOTM!
Kitty Coot, Megaman X and Trunks, for reading!
Aurora, for reading, having a role in the story and drawing a fabulous screenshot ^_^
Priestess Sillabub, for her role and reading!

And you, if your name hasn't been put down, it will be now because you've finally read it.

I want to thank you all for reading this story, and making this a powerful success at CrashCorner2. Before even writing Schoolhouse Rock, I thought these kind of stories may not work... but I thought wrong. Everyone deserves some credit with this work, and who knows... maybe we could have some CC members returning for the sequel this Easter. But it'll depend now.

Anyhow, thank you once again, and good night.

~The Rexmeister~

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