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Episode 1 – Lost And Found

(Screen is currently gradually fading in a loop from black to red, with crimson bubbles going up the top as these words come up on screen in pink-)

Hair of black and coat of white,
He once stopped a gruesome fight.
Girl with coat and hair of brown,
She helped this man knock them down.
After it all he went away
Leaving the girl sad on the bay.
But he knew he’d see her again:
Will they have pleasure…


(As soon as the final line comes to the middle of the screen it flashes white and blurs into the title. Music starts – N-Trance – “Set You Free”. As the song runs, the opening credits go across a rainy town, followed by a peaceful jungle, and back to that rainy town. As soon as the song comes to the outro, the camera focuses on a prison, where a black hand was escaping from the gravel, very slowly. Then when the song stops, lightning flashes and the screen shows a familiar apartment block. Thunder strikes.)

Rain was hurling further and further down the area as the skies gradually grew darker. And through one of the windows, a small boy looked out of the window, and sighed with loneliness. He left the glazing and then slumped on a rather spacious double bed.

(Camera sees him inside)

He looked towards a picture frame on a bedside cabinet, and picked it up. When looking through it he saw himself, with three familiar females, as well as a green parrot, a pink humanoid starfish, a wolverine, a brown cat, two young children – being a turtle and a bear – and a little human girl. He glanced further into that picture, and already, a few tears were coming down his face. He couldn’t do anything to stop them. But whilst that happened, the door opened, and in came the shadow of one of the people in the photograph. Gadget Medulla.

Gadget: (faintly) Rocky…

The boy didn’t respond. She closed the door behind her, and decided to sit on the bed with him.

Gadget: (rubs the boy on the back, gently) I know you seem disappointed about your sister’s disappearance, but…

(Rocky sounds a lot like Stan from “South Park”)

Rocky: (sniffs) Always has to be that way… she’s the nicest person I ever knew.
Gadget: Let me finish.
Rocky: But mom…
Gadget: Listen – I heard about there being a hope for her.
Rocky: (looks down) You’re just saying that to calm me down, and it ain’t gonna work.
Gadget: Come on – I know it’s your bedtime over here, but there’s something that I found out today.
Rocky: And your point is? (wipes tears from his eyes)

There was silence for a while, until the door slammed open again and a young turtle came into the room, with Sir Goliath, a wolverine, following him.

(Music changes – Daft Punk – “Aerodynamic”. The turtle sounds like Bart from “The Simpsons”)

Turtle: (at the top of his voice) WE’VE FOUND HER! WE’VE FOUND HER! WE’VE FOUND HER!!!!!!!!!
Goliath: YAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Rocky: (gasps) Bianca’s ALIVE? But… how can it be?
Gadget: Calm down Buzz – you nearly scared the living daylights out of us!
Buzz: Sorry… (blushes)
Gadget: It’s OK. Please continue.
Buzz: We heard about her being washed up on the beach a few weeks ago and a batch of dudes on an island in Australia made contact with her. They were humanoid animals, I guess.
Gadget: Humanoid animals?
Voice: (from further on) I think I have an idea on this one!

The person with the voice pops his head around the corner, showing him as Bubble Starfish.

Buzz: What is it?
Bubble: I remember passing down my book with all the evolution machine sketches to your children’s father. I forgot what he’s called… Neo… Cortex, was it?
Rocky: (gasps) He’s that guy you’ve been telling me about! My dad!

(Music stops all of a sudden)

Rocky: Or our dad… as he was… (looks down)
Bubble: Look – we’ve now come across a little bit of luck, right?
Gadget: Right…
Bubble: Well I’ve been thinking that we should travel down to Australia and try and find that island where they’re stuck on.
Buzz: (rolls his eyes) We don’t know WHICH island.
Gadget: Come on – we gotta keep trying before our time runs out.

[Camera shows the action from outside, through the window. Music changes – Craig Armstrong – “Weather Storm” (Intro)]

Gadget: And how about we start it off right now? I know you kids seem tired, but you can sleep the journey.

(Camera goes away from the window into a darkened alley)

A black shadow can be seen climbing up a wall, on a pipe, up towards that window. Then it came to a stop. After that he spoke. The voice can be immediately recognised… as the Cerulean Wizard himself – Tiko Cortex.

Tiko: So those nitwits from 12 years ago are still alive, are they? Well, other than the elder of course. :/ They must be the cause of my brother’s weaknesses… (raises an eyebrow) Those sick morons are gonna see a day – night, rather – like no other.

He leans forward, exposing his cruel face into the light. He showed determination in his eyes, and knew that he was up to something…

(Music stops)


Tiko: (looks down) Uh-oh…

But what goes up must come down, and the pipe fell to the ground too quickly, causing Tiko to land on his back, and suffer the effects of the pipe… across his stomach.

Tiko: OOF!

He remained with a painful expression for a while, but then he leant to the side and closed his eyes. There he remained unconscious… but for how long?

[Scene changes to a raining area. Music changes – Depeche Mode – “I Feel Loved” (Danny Tenaglia Labor Of Love edit, first verse)]

A black figure can be seen going across the area, struggling to walk as she could. Only her body can be seen in the light, and that meant a small physique, and really long hair. A pleated skirt can also be recognisable. Then at one area, she started to slow down… and collapsed on the floor, on her face.

(Beat kicks in as she collapses)

The rain starts going from bad to worse as mud starts piling onto her back and more drops fall onto it, making things start to run off. Lightning flashed again, and another thunderclap occurred, as the storm started to go terribly. Meanwhile, a ginger-haired girl was running across the area in a black top and blue jeans, but as soon as she reached the girl… she tripped up and landed in the mud on top of her, sending more mud flying. She quickly rose, and looked down at her. She seemed curious for a while, but she turned her onto her back… and saw grazes everywhere, as well as her skin starting to turn a deathly purple.

(Repetition of first verse followed by chorus)

She then had a gasp of horror on her face, and had a sign of panic. Therefore she picked her up, onto her shoulder, and looked around the area for anywhere to treat her condition. Only one place can be good enough – Cortex Castle. She cringed at the sight, but if she wants to help her, she had to be quick, although she seemed afraid.

(Another instrumental area starts)

And so she started running across the spoilt lands, through the trees and past a batch of neighbourhoods with the injured girl in possession. Finally the girl could be exposed to the light, showing her as the same girl in the photograph. She tried to hang on to her tightly, but after leaping across many open tree trunks and climbing some of them to reach higher areas (with one hand)… she was starting to struggle herself.

(Second verse and chorus starts)

Luckily enough, the castle wasn’t far off, and all that was left was a rocky road up towards the highest point on the island, surrounded by spooky clouds and much more rain. Her luggage began slipping out, but she still maintained good grip on her. Wind currents also blew madly, causing her to occasionally slip a few places, and nearly fall of the edge.

(Music kicks into the outro)

It wasn’t long until the hard effort paid off as she finally reached the door of the castle, and as soon as she got there she grabbed the knocker, and banged on the door three times. There she waited for a while to come, but it wasn’t long until the door opened, and out came… a rather monstrous figure. She knew that there was no turning back – she had to suffer the effects of the mystery resident.
Episode 2 – Safe And Drowned

Scene: The front door of Cortex Castle
Music: Coolio feat. LV – “Gangsta’s Paradise” (Intro)

The black shadow came towards the ginger haired girl, rather slowly. She knew that she was terrified, but what she knows is that there’s no turning back. But in disgrace, she took a step back, letting the monster step forward a bit more. Then he came into the light…

(Music fades away)

…but the beast turned out being a friendlier face!

Robot: Who goes there?

The girl cowered a bit, and then spoke.

Girl: (looks a bit scared) It is I, Lioness Cougar.

[Music restarts – Gorillaz – “Rock The House” (Intro)]

Robot: Cougar? Hey, nice to see you there!
Lioness: Who are you?
Robot: They call me Rusty-R1D8, android of the future and lover of all!

As he spoke, Lioness gave out a sigh of relief.

Rusty: How can I help you?
Lioness: While I was in the forest returning to my home after a night visit to a friend’s, I found this girl lying about in the muddy areas.

Rusty looked into her arms and saw the victim. He remained silent for a while.

Rusty: Now that babe looks familiar… Hey, how about we take her inside and heal her up!
Lioness: But what about Dr. Cortex?
Rusty: He’s fast asleep, like all the others.
Lioness: So I’m safe to come in?
Rusty: But of course! :)

(Raps come in at the first verse)

He took her by the hand and went into the castle with the victim still in possession. They walked up towards a long corridor, through a set of main doors, and into a lightened library/living room with a rather expensive 3-piece suite, and a glowing fire in the heath. Immediately they placed her down on the sofa and covered her up in a blanket, and then they stood upright and looked down at her.

(Music kicks into the outro)

Rusty: I guess that’ll do for now.
Lioness: But what are we going to do for treatment?
Rusty: Hey, we’ve got plenty of concoctions downstairs! Too bad I can’t read the master’s handwriting.
Lioness: And I’m not one for science either. :(
Rusty: OK… er… (scratches his head) I think the only way round this will be to alert the master by all this.
Lioness: But why?
Rusty: Because this girl is in a critical condition, and she needs the right treatment right away! Now if you excuse me, I’ve got someone to find!

(Music finishes)

And with that, he hovered up a set of stairs towards another destination. Having seen what he was doing, she immediately hid herself inside one of the armchairs.

[Scene changes to a stormy area of the Florida deserts. Music changes – Dusted – “Always Remember To Respect And Honour Your Mother” (Instrumental)]

Meanwhile, back in America, Gadget and her party have problems. They’re now travelling across the deserts in a wrecked jeep that looked like it failed its MOT. Misty took control in the driver’s seat, but was having enough problems as it is.

Misty: Julia, can you move that umbrella out of my way? I can’t see a thing.

(Julia sound like Susie from the “Rugrats”)

Julia: Sorry… (moves her umbrella out of the way)
Corona: Look here Misty – that’s my daughter you’re dealing with here, and she just wants to help you.
Misty: Well how come she didn’t get us any money so that we can take the plane to the lands down under, ey?
Corona: She’s only six!
Misty: So?
Corona: It’s not her responsibility!
Kiwi: (flies onto Corona’s shoulder) Yeah – you should have at least got something better than this smelly thing!
Corona: (grabs Kiwi’s beak and screws it, looking curly) You keep your beak out of this. (lets go)
Kiwi: Sorry… (grabs hold of her beak and jumps back)
Misty: Come on, this is the only decent thing there is!
Rocky: No there wasn’t – there was a flashy sports car to the left of that wrecked warehouse that we could have bought for £80!
Misty: All there was in that direction was golden sands and nothing else.
Rocky: But…
Gadget: Relax – she still doesn’t know her left from her right.
Buzz: (sighs) Oh fine, let’s just make do with this horrible thing. :(
Gadget: Don’t panic – we’ll find luck somewhere.

(Music stops)


Julia: (screams) What happened?

The car suddenly slowed down, and eventually came to a halt.

Bubble: (unfastens his seatbelt) I’ll go take a look at this.

So he got out of the car and looked to the side of the vehicle, when he saw…

Bubble: (gasps) Paint me brown and call me Beyoncé from Destiny’s Child – one of the tyres has popped!

Julia: NO!!!!! (cries into Corona’s chest)
Corona: Now Julia, just calm down – we’ll get out of this place.

[Music restarts – Prodigy – “Breathe” (Intro)]

Voice: Oh really?
Rocky: Who was that?
Gadget: That voice… it’s so familiar…

Then as soon as she finished speaking, a black shadow came over them, causing them all to huddle in together and scream.
Episode 3 – Here Comes The Family

Scene: The library/living room of Cortex Castle
Music: Dido – “Hunter” (Intro to first chorus)

Lioness remained inside the same armchair in the corner, looking afraid of what would happen when Cortex eventually comes down. Horrid thoughts roamed through her mind – she could be immediately killed by one of his creations, imprisoned for life, or worse still, transformed into a minion! With those bad visions in her head, she cowered further into the armchair. But… a few seconds later, she poked her head out a bit, and turned in the direction of the victim of the storm. The girl, she thought, looked rather familiar to her. But then again… it can’t be.

(Music kicks into the outro)

Just then footsteps could be heard, and she quickly made a dive for it back in the armchair. Only her green eyes can be seen inside the furniture, camouflaging with the external colour on it. The double doors opened, and finally, Rusty came through, with Cortex, looking half-asleep, following him in a long red dressing gown. She hid deeper into the chair, as they saw them both approach the girl.

Rusty: (makes a stop in front of her) And this… (looks down at her) …is what the cat brought in. (looks around) Speaking of which… where is she?
Lioness: (gulps and speaks extremely faintly) Eap!
Cortex: There’s no need to matter right now – she can wait. (looks down at the girl) Believe me, she looks so familiar… no, it can’t be.

(Music stops)

Rusty: Well how about we ask her a few questions as soon as she’s revived, ey?
Cortex: Good idea.

As they were talking, the girl slightly opened on eye, and looked in their direction.

Rusty: On second thought, how about we try right now!
Cortex: I don’t think so. She’d probably have amnesia or something like that.

(The girl has a voice like Noodle from the Gorillaz, but with a strong American accent)

Girl: (faintly) Excuse me sir…
Cortex: SIR?
Rusty: I wish! (laughs)
Girl: Where exactly am I? What happened?
Rusty: Let’s just say that someone found you unconscious in the storm and took you in here. Maybe you were getting a bit tired.
Girl: Yeah, that’s me. Sorry. I wish my mom was here…
Cortex: (kneels down and strokes her long hair) It’s OK. As long as we find your home, we’ll be able to take you back.
Girl: That’s the problem. It’s thousands of miles away, and I don’t want to go back.
Rusty: A runaway, eh?
Cortex: But for your sake, we need to take you back…
Girl: But I said…
Cortex: I know what you said, but… (sighs) I’ll discuss things with the people there.
Girl: (pauses for a while) Thank you. :) I can only hope that my flatmates would listen to you, but… anyhow, I really need to catch your name – you’re a lifesaver. ;)

Rusty couldn’t help but laugh.

Cortex: Saviour? Now that’s new. Anyway, I’m Dr. Neo Cortex, resident science master of the Crash Archipelago.

[Music restarts – Gorillaz – “Clint Eastwood” (Video edit, intro)]

There was silence in the room for a while.

Rusty: Resident science master? Now THAT’S new. (laughs)

Then there was more silence. After that the girl slowly sat up, and looked straight into his eyes. They were now several inches apart. As that happened, her straight face suddenly turned… into a grin!

Girl: (screams and jumps up) DADDY!!!!!!!!

(Music suddenly stops)

This gave him a shocked reaction – he stepped back from her, but he rammed into a loose shelf! This caused a thunderstorm of books to fall from their shelves, as well as Lioness diving further into the armchair to save herself from getting harmed. Finally, when it stopped, she poked her head out, to see a total wreck. The fire was still burning, but the room was now a metre deep with books! Finally she got back in her position, seeing the others come out from the wreck alive.

Girl: Sorry – I was a little… well, actually a LOT on the hyperactive side.
Cortex: It’s OK. I don’t blame you. (looks down) It’s my fault for not coming over. In fact, I felt that I forgot about you!
Girl: No, it’s not that. I mean, come on – children love their dads more than anyone else, right?
Cortex: I know they do, but I have no idea where you came about. (gasps) Unless it’s…

[Music restarts – Faith Hill – “The Way You Love Me” (Intro instrumental)]

He had a couple of flashbacks in his mind –

*flashback 1 takes place in a back street in Miami*

Gadget: (looks down at her belly) I’d like to thank you for a future gift.
Cortex: Any time. Remember the method – take a male and a female, put them together and in nine months all your dreams will come true. ;)

*flashback 2 takes place in a space lab*

Rusty: (cracks up) Cortex and Gadget sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!!! (guffaws)

*flashbacks stop and return to the original scene*

Cortex: (panics) I FORGOT!!!!!!
Rusty: Forgot what?
Cortex: I… forgot… to ask Gadget… her phone number!

(Music stops)

Everyone else fell over with a massive teardrop down the side of their face.

Girl: It’s OK. At least I know whereabouts I live.
Cortex: Thanks! :) Er, what’s your name again?
Girl: I’m Bianca, and I’m pleased to finally meet you.
Rusty: Ah, family reunions back again! :)
Cortex: Maybe something bad is happening at your home. I’ll call a few of my friends and start a journey back there first thing tomorrow morning.
Bianca: Thanks so much! (hugs him)
Cortex: Now you lie down and get some rest. We have a big journey ahead.
Bianca: Gotcha. (lies down)

[Music restarts – Zero 7 feat. Sia and Sophie – “Destiny” (Instrumental)]

And with that, Cortex managed to wade through the books out of the room through the same double doors he came in at, and the footsteps suddenly faded away. Finally… they couldn’t be heard. Lioness poked her head out… but looked in Rusty’s direction.

Rusty: It’s OK – you’re safe to come out now.
Lioness: (gets out with a struggle) I’ve been thinking if I can go on the journey with him – that’s if Crash is coming with him.
Rusty: The bandicoot? What’s he gotta do with it?
Lioness: Firstly I want to protect him as much as I can in the journey, and can be a tough match for them tough spots. And secondly… I LOVE HIM!!!!!!! (laughs)
Rusty: Well how about you leave the place with the morph tablets on the mantelpiece?
Lioness: You said you couldn’t read his handwriting.
Rusty: I know, but I can recognise the colour anywhere.
Lioness: (takes them) Thanks Rusty! I’ll be here at the crack of dawn!

And so she left the area through the single door at the back of the room. Rusty looked on and smiled at her. Then he looked down at Bianca, who by now was sleeping peacefully.

Rusty: (looks up) I presume we have a big venture lined up tomorrow…

[Scene changes to what looks like the Garden of Eden. Music restarts – Energy 52 – “Café Del Mar” (Michael Woods remix)]

In this beautiful and vast garden area, the storm suddenly started to calm down and was nothing more than spitting rain. The area may look damp, but it was still fine to run about in.

(Camera focuses in on a cave)

But in one of the caverns in the area, something terrible had to strike here. 9 figures can be made out in the shadows, and one of them was about to leave the area. Yet, they all seem familiar.

Gadget: (comes out) You guys wait there – I’ll try and find a way outta here.
Misty: Yes, but be careful out there – mind you don’t hurt yerself.
Rocky: Will you be all right?
Gadget: Calm down. Calm down. I’ll find a way out in no time.

And so she quickly left the area, roaming across the vast country areas. On her exhibition, she climbed every single tree, crawled under all the bushes… even tunnelled her way through the soil with any chance of escape! Within no time at all…

(Beat starts)

She finally reached a barb-wired fence. Immediately she picked up a long stick from the ground, stuck it in the grass, took a bright white handkerchief from her pocket and tied it on. Then she ran around the direction of the wired fence, hoping for a chance to escape.


She continued running as fast as possible, but she tripped up. When she looked up… she saw her stick and her handkerchief in front of her, in the position she left them!

(Beat stops for a while)

Gadget: (sighs) That’s just terrible! (looks down) I know for sure that I’ll never make it out alive…

Depressed and humiliated, she started walking her way back when…

Gadget: (comes to a stop) But wait – ever since this is a big area… (pauses for longer) I’M LOST!!!!!!!!

With that, she collapsed on the ground and started sobbing her heart out. She now knows that she is trapped in a world where her life is limited… for a long time. But then, a voice was heard.

(Beat comes back in)

Voice: Gadget…
Gadget: (looks up) Is that… no, he’s dead.
Voice: Gadget…

The rain suddenly stopped, and the clouds started to gather at a point in the sky that she was looking at. Then they swirled, and the figure of her father could be made out.

Chad: Gadget…
Gadget: No… it can’t be…
Chad: I have seen you suffering in this area of sorrow. But listen to me – all is not lost.
Gadget: How can I find a way out when there’s barbed wire wherever I go?
Chad: Think about last time when you suffered. The Chosen One may yet come back and help you.
Gadget: Chosen One? You mean Neo, right? No, he can’t – he’s never moved away from Australia for a long time unless it’s something REALLY important…
Chad: Gadget, have confidence in yourself. Remember who you are. You are my daughter, and the one and true saviour of your pack. Until that day arrives, all you can do is to find a way out yourself. But remember who you are.

After saying that, he starts to vanish in the clouds, and they went away from her.

Gadget: No, please! Help me now!
Chad: Remember…
Gadget: I need your help!!!
Chad: Remember…
Gadget: Father!!!!!!
Chad: Remember…

(screen flashes white and the music reaches the outro)

All of a sudden, she can be seen back at the cave, where everyone else was. Immediately she came to a stop in front of the fire, and scratched her head, looking confused. Then she looked down at the rest of the group, now huddled up together fast asleep, with some light snores being made out.

Gadget: (faintly) I promise… I will find a way out… and Bianca.

She then turned to the opening of the cave and looked on the horizon. But what she didn’t realise right now, was that the horror has only just begun.
Episode 4 – The Sunshine After The Rain

Scene: The dark areas around the large garden in the middle of nowhere
Music: Faithless – “God Is A DJ” (Instrumental)

A black figure was quickly roaming across the damp grounds of the garden, towards the tallest tree in the complex. Finally, it stopped in front of it, and moved a tall finger inside one of the holes inside. Sooner enough, a wooden ladder fell down, and so it started climbing up fairly quickly. When it reached the top there was what seemed like a tree house right in front of the eyes, so it came to the door… and opened it gently.

(Beat stops)

The figure came walking inside carefully, and closed the door gently. Now it seemed that there was total darkness inside… until light shone from a candle in the black figure’s possession, whose green eyes can now be seen. It walked towards the middle of the room, where it saw four other figures on top of each other… and another on a worktop. He placed the light on a small table and looked down at them all. The light now shone a bit stronger, and now… the face of Tiko can be made out, and he’s looking down at most of his companions, asleep in a huddle.

Tiko: Psst! (whispers) Hey guys!

There was a stirring in the pack, and Deksta weakly pulled her head out underneath her siblings’ arms.

Deksta: (yawns) Why do you need us now? It’s… (turns to a clock on the wall) …3 in the morning…
Tiko: I know, but have I’ve got news for you.
Deksta: What?
Tiko: I think my face explains it all.
Deksta: Hmmm… you look like you’ve seen a ghost.
Tiko: That’s because I HAVE, ginger! I was looking over from a hill, on patrol duty, when I saw the clouds come together as one… and a familiar figure formed there.
Deksta: Who was it?
Tiko: I don’t know… but I remember seeing him before…

With that, Deksta quickly rose and slapped him across the face.

Tiko: Chad Medulla! I shoulda known!
Deksta: I thought he was dead.
Tiko: I know, but… I have a cunning plan with him.
Deksta: Really?
Tiko: Yeah, lemme tell you about it!

As the talking took place, the others soon awoke one by one – Hallie, Lio and Oxide from the heap and Moe from the tabletop. Then at this stage he started whispering something into Deksta’s ear. After a while, she vilely smiled at it.

[Scene quickly changes over to a jungle area of the Australian Outback. Music changes – Theme from “Survivor” (UK version)]

The sunrise came swooping over at a rather peaceful rate, and the immense light coming through swallowed the dark shadows of the night. Within the glow, six figures can be made out in all sorts of directions, each of them being totally familiar. But their target was all the same – Cortex Castle. At this point, that location was eclipsing the sun, no matter where you look. The torsos of the figures can now be recognised – they were Crash Bandicoot, Monnika Yamazaki, Ryane Platypus, Trigger Tortoiseshell, Private Boron, and Lioness from the night before, except that she’s now in her Lioness form. As they started walking up the long path up there, even the backs of their heads can be seen in this bright light. Finally they reached the door… but they went AROUND the building to the back! When they finally got there, three others welcomed them. At this point, it was now obvious who them three were.

(Music stops)

Cortex: OK, I’d like to thank you all for coming – if you guys weren’t with us on this occasion, then the soul we have here will be heartbroken forever.
Crash: You mean the girl, right?
Rusty: Yeah – that’s his daughter!
Monnika and Ryane: WHAT?!?!?
Rusty: No offence – he’s a family man!
Trigger: Whoa! :) I’m pleased with you!
Cortex: No, you can’t be – you see, she’s been heartbroken after regretting running away from home.
Everyone else: Awww…
Monnika: (looks down) Now I know how it feels like to be separated from your old home… :(

[Music restarts – DJ Pied Piper and the Masters of Ceremonies – “Do You Really Like It” (Club version outro)]

Crash: Hey, let’s get back to business here! Does this have anything to do with Tiko, by any chance?
Cortex: We are not sure as yet, but if it IS so, we’ll be ready for him.
Bianca: (jumps on Boron’s back) Don’t forget the backup!
Boron: WHOO!!!!!!
Crash: Right. Now that we have a crew with us, all we need are the directions to her home.
Bianca: I’m sure to remember. ;)
Rusty: (looks up) And a mission we have is a mission that we will solve correctly!

So with that they quickly went in one of the blimps in the area, and it soon took off from the tall mountainous area towards the Sun. Beyond the glowing horizon, a destiny awaits them.
Episode 5 – The Dawn Of All Dawns

Scene: The mysterious garden, now breaking into daylight

The sun started coming over the hills, giving off a bright light, indicating the day in America has just begun.

[Scene changes to one of the hills. Music starts – Mis-teeq – “One Night Stand” (Sunship remix, music taken from the video)]

At this stage, Tiko started making his way over the hills with a familiar gun in his hand. It was a long and hard climb, but he eventually made it to the top. Then he looked at the sky – there were still clouds up there. Armed with the gun he pointed it up, and within no time at all… a white light came from the mouth of it! Then it seemed as if a brown spark was being carried down to Earth, slowly. Finally it entered the gun, and he looked at it with a vile smile on his face.

(Music finishes)

Tiko: Stage one complete. Now for stage 2!

[Scene changes back to that cave. Music changes – City High – “What Would U Do?” (Instrumental)]

Whilst all this bother was going on, Gadget was already in the meadows, gathering the longest pieces of grass she could find. As she worked her socks off with this, someone came to her from behind.

Rocky: Mom…
Gadget: (stops what she was doing and turns to Rocky) Yes?
Rocky: What exactly are you doing?
Gadget: I’m trying to get us outta this joint.
Rocky: But you aren’t going anywhere!
Gadget: I know I’m not – I’m taking another way round to it.
Rocky: Then why are you picking grass off the ground?
Gadget: SOS signal.
Rocky: But you can’t do that!
Gadget: Why not?
Rocky: Because it’ll camouflage with the turf and no one will see it.
Gadget: You don’t get what I’m coming to. Just do it. You’ll find out how they’ll get involved.
Rocky: Yes Mom.

So they quickly started pulling the grass out, hoping to get a great amount from there. But it was soon stopped.

Rocky: Er, how exactly will it work?
Gadget: Well, Corona has something that would work out fine. With that and the grass together we’ll easily be seen.
Rocky: Ah! I know what you’re talking about! :)

[Scene changes back to Tiko’s tree. Music changes – Sunshine Anderson – “Heard It All Before” (Instrumental)]

At the top of the tree, Tiko started carving away at the bark on the outer ring, trying to cut a shape out from it with Moe’s samurai sword. It took a while, but it wasn’t long until the shape was free to move… but it also started a fall down to the floor.

Tiko: TIMBERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!


Hallie: OW!
Tiko: Sorry sis…

He then grabbed some of the branches and began a climb all the way down. It was a hard effort, but he finally made it.

Hallie: (turns to Tiko angrily) Next time watch where you toss your trash!
Tiko: I said I was sorry…
Oxide: Still, the main thing is that we’ve got what we want.
Lio: (sarcastically) Yeah - a chunk of bark with a red squirrel’s tail in the middle.
Tiko: (pulls the tail out) Now all we have to do is decorate it.
Oxide: But that’s child’s play!
Lio: Uh-huh! What do you think this is – the New York Art Gallery?
Tiko: (turns to him) You’ll see.

So he climbed back up the tree and made his way back into the wooden house at the top.
Episode 6 – Evil’s New Comrade

Scene: The caves in the mysterious garden

Everything seemed peaceful inside the caves, what with Misty and Buzz still asleep, Goliath messing with rats and the others remaining outside. This was where Corona was tuning her guitar, with the others watching her.

Bubble: No, not like that… (turns one of the knobs to the left slightly) …like that.
Corona: I know what I’m doing! (turns the knob back) Now I have to re-tune it…

She kept on fiddling with it for a while longer… and moving the knob in all sorts of positions.

Julia: What sound are you trying to find, mommy?
Corona: It’s meant to be a purified B flat.
Julia: Can I help?
Corona: No, you’re probably a bit too young.

At this time, a bee came buzzing around Julia’s feet.

Julia: Get ready with your string again and see if it can match the sound.

So Corona pulled the string and released it, giving off a fine B flat… while at the same time Julia stepped on the bee.

Julia: Not quite – needs to be a bit lower.
Corona: But what kind of sound was that?
Julia: A bee, flat. (giggles)
Corona: (sighs) Hoo boy…
Rocky: (from the distance) HEY!

[Music starts – Britney Spears – “I’m A Slave 4 U” (Instrumental)]

Kiwi: Check it out – Gadget’s comin’!

After she spoke, Gadget and Rocky came running straight towards them, with heaps of long grass in their possession. When they reached them, they came to a stop and put them down.

Corona: What’s the grass for?
Gadget: We need all this for an SOS signal. It’s the only way to get access.
Corona: But it’ll camouflage with the turf, and nobody would see it.
Rocky: That’s where you come in! Open your guitar and let’s bring on the heat!
Corona: (turns to Julia) I think we know what we’re talking about! :)
Julia: YAY! (goes back in the cave) I gotta tell the others!
Corona: Careful – Misty gets groggy when she…

(Music stops)

A hole was busted through the wall and as it occurred, Julia went flying out, screaming, and landed in the grass.

Corona: …wakes up.

(Scene changes back to Tiko’s tree house. Music changes – Faithless – “God Is A DJ”)

It was a long, hard climb, but Tiko managed to climb up through the window and into the hut. And the first person he came across was Komodo Moe.

Tiko: I’ve got the prizes on me!
Moe: Yeah, yeah. Now give me my ssssssword back. I can’t afford to lossssssse another one.
Tiko: (hands the samurai sword back in) Consider it done.

(Beat stops for a while. Voice sample starts)

After that he came to an empty desktop and placed the bark down. Then he got out a tub of PVA glue and slopped it all over the front. And after that he placed a batch of small twigs, bigger sticks, wood chips and a wide variety of leaves onto it. He then took a few steps back and brought out his gun.

(Voice sample finishes and the beat starts to kick in)

Moe: Are you ready to expose the spirit?
Tiko: Aye! :)

He clicked his finger and all windows were closed, leaving darkness. Then a whole batch of black candles was lit, showing dark flames around the room.

Tiko: Spirit of light shall be no more
As darkness comes throughout these doors;
In the heart the soul turns black
And evil tackles behind the back!

A navy cloud was sent forming around the room, and at this stage he aimed the gun at the decorated bark. The trigger was pulled, and from there, the cloud was attracted onto it, and seeped inside. Sooner or later a red light was given out from it, and it was lifted directly into the air!

Tiko: Yes… yes… YES!!!!! The masked spirit… is ALIVE!!!!!!!! (echoes)

(Camera zooms out from the tree house)

The echoes can be heard for miles upon end, and the bright red light can still be seen as a large spec from this distance. With this new power by his side, Tiko now seems unstoppable!
Episode 7 – Together Again

Scene: Some point above the garden, 6000 feet in elevation
Music: Blue – “Too Close” (Instrumental)

A blue dot can be made out in the sky, and it gets closer and more known quickly as a blue blimp. On either side of the ship, the Cortex Coat of Arms can be made out easily, as well as a small glass window on one of the sides.

(Camera zooms through the window)

And this is where we see the travellers from Australia. Crash and Boron can be seen sleeping in the middle, Monnika, Bianca and Lioness were in one of the corners having a chat about their dream boys (that’s what girls do!), Ryane spent her times sitting by a wall, trying to fit in with the girls, and Trigger was writing into an old scrapbook. It wasn’t too long until she gave up when everyone else seemed to ignore her, but Trigger noticed, and therefore he placed his book down, grabbed his walking stick and went towards her.

Trigger: You seem a bit down, love.

She didn’t respond for a few seconds. Then she rose and went away from him.

Trigger: No, you don’t understand… (sighs and goes up to her) Surely you seem like you’re having a hard time…
Ryane: More than that – sure, I’m a parent of a bouncing baby boy, but that doesn’t mean that there’s a father for it.
Trigger: But…
Ryane: The three of them have romances of their own! (faces them) I know that Monnika married Vector Yamazaki not so long ago, Bianca believes that she’ll be the wife of Jake Lloyd, which I doubt, and Lioness has a craze for Crash. I just wish I had someone to love.
Trigger: But please face it – you can’t just be depressed because you don’t have a man. There are quite a lot of single parents out there.
Ryane: No, it’s not true! I’m always being left out of everything, even though I’m the eldest lass in the group.
Trigger: See? That’s why – you’re a bit too mature for their liking.
Ryane: (walks off) Shut up.
Trigger: (sighs) Fine. Have things the way they end up being like…

(Music stops)

After he stopped speaking, Rusty quickly came out of the cockpit and stopped by the door, leaving it wide open.

Rusty: Guys, you are not gonna believe this! We have found a red light down below, and I think that’s a bad thing.
Trigger: Why?
Rusty: I sense a bad presence in the form of a past saviour.

All eyes focused on Cortex, who’s piloting the ship. He soon notices, and turns right towards them.

Cortex: It wasn’t me, I swear!
Rusty: I know, but I don’t think they do.
Monnika: What do you mean?
Rusty: I mean another past saviour, but very few of you really know about him. We’ll see about that when we come back. Crash?

No response.

Rusty: CRASH!
Crash: (begins waking up, and speaks tiredly) Now what?
Rusty: Where are we on the map?
Crash: How should I know?
Bianca: You were meant to be the navigator, you dipstick!
Crash: Yikes!

He jumped up and made a run to the window, where he looked out. Meanwhile, Boron was also starting to wake up.

Crash: We are now hovering just above one of the states in the United States. And the time? (gets out a piece of wumpa fruit) Lunchtime! (starts eating)
Bianca: (sighs) I can’t bear with this…

[Music restarts – Liberty – “Thinking It Over” (Intro)]

Cortex: I think we can – I can see a smoke signal right in front of us!
Rusty: (hovers back) Lemme see!
Bianca: Me too! (follows him)

(Scene changes back down on the surface)

The cause of the smoke signal can already be seen – Corona was running about with her flamethrower and firing the flames across the grass mounds.

Julia: Keep on going mommy – you’re doing great!

(Scene changes back to the blimp)

Rusty: It’s like some sort of call…

Rusty’s hair moved out of the way and a camera came out.

(Camera goes to the cam’s view)

Cortex: What does it say?
Rusty: It says “S. O. S.” and it’s on fire!

(Scene changes back to the surface. Beat kicks in)

Gadget: Go Corona go – we need to bring someone down here to save us!
Misty: Come on, how can we be found in the Middle of Nowhere?
Bubble: Think positive, my friend…
Misty: (slaps Bubble across the face) I wasn’t asking you.
Kiwi: (starts going away from them) No wonder why Buzz isn’t doing well at school…

(Scene changes back to the blimp)

Cortex: But what if it’s my brother? We need to zoom in to the target just in case.
Rusty: Now I don’t think he’d be here, but… I’ll do it anyway.

(Camera goes back to the cam’s view, now zooming in on the objects)

Rusty: Now this is unbelievable! I’ve found your lover/mother!
Cortex and Bianca: WHAT?!?!?
Rusty: No lie! I can see Gadget down there, with all of her crew!

(Camera switches back to normal)

Bianca: (looks down) OK. I’m afraid.
Rusty: You don’t have to be. They seem real enough to me, and this means that we’ve got an instant accomplished mission here!
Cortex: Right. (grabs the gear stick down) We’re going in!

(Music kicks into the chorus and repeats)

The blimp started coming down to Earth and everyone else in the other room grabbed onto a nearby object. The floor started moving steeper as the blimp came hurtling down towards the ground. Now that the people have now been found it will be a lot easier to complete the mission!

(Scene changes over to the surface)

The sound of the blimp can now be heard, and so Corona stopped firing the flames and looked up. Now it was just 1000 metres away! Therefore they moved quickly out of the way, giving it room to land.

(Music kicks into the outro)

The wheels came out, and as soon as they touched the ground the vehicle started to slow down. Then it finally came to a stop.

(Music finishes)

And through the metal doors, everyone came out one by one. Looking around, they already knew about something wrong.

Lioness: (puts her hands on her hips) This place is too much paradise to call for an SOS signal.
Monnika: I can’t agree more.

As Rusty came out, he had a red light on his head, shining around the area, and soon he put it back.

Rusty: I know why! There’s an evil presence here!

All eyes fixed on Cortex again.

Cortex: (sighs) I said it wasn’t me!!!
Rusty: No, not him – someone else! THAT’S why the place is too good to be true.

Just then, a footstep was heard.

Crash: (gasps) What was that?
Trigger: Careful, m’lad – it could be the evil!

Quickly, everyone drew out their weapons and action stances – Crash with a bazooka, Cortex with a laser, Rusty with missiles in his arms, Monnika with an ice charge, Ryane with a fireball in her hand, Lioness morphing into… Werioness… the were-lion form… Trigger with his pistols, Boron with an old crossbow and Bianca with some sort of black and white voodoo stick.

[Music restarts – S Club 7 – “Have You Ever” (Intro)]

The shadows came closer, as they were now 100m away. Finally… their bodies were exposed in the sunlight.

Monnika: Who are they?
Ryane: It looks like the bods that the doc’s told us all about!!!
Bianca: (gasps) MOM!

(Music kicks into the chorus)

Both parties started running towards each other, approaching each other closer and closer. It didn’t take any more than half a minute for both sides to unite. Immediately, Bianca came in with a hug across Gadget’s belly. Her happiness has now been restored.

(Music turns instrumental)

Gadget: Bianca!!! You’re back!
Bianca: (sheds a tear) I’ve missed you!!!
Gadget: (looks on at the other party) And I’d like to thank all of you for bringing my daughter back. Believe me, two of you look familiar…

Goliath went up towards Boron and sniffed at him. Then he turned to his group with a smile!

Corona: That’s Boron all right!

(Music fades out)

Bianca: But the person I really want to thank for this… is my dad.
Gadget: But he’s not even here…
Cortex: Ahem…
Gadget: What?

Immediately, Cortex lifted up the left eyebrow… showing the same birthmark under it.

Gadget: Neo Cortex? (pauses) Is that really YOU?!?
Misty: Oh brother…
Bubble: He’s certainly changed since we last saw him.
Gadget: But it’s not the outside that really counts – he still has the same 1989 attitude on the inside. And what’s with the face change and the scientist gear?
Cortex: Let’s be quick with this – the tattoo was a result of…

[Music restarts – Outkast – “So Fresh So Clean” (Fatboy Slim remix, intro instrumental)]

Voice: Hehehehehe…
Gadget: (gasps) The voice!
Crash: No – it’s Tiko!

And Crash was right – he and the other six members of his group made a step out into the light.

Rusty: Told you this place didn’t seem right.
Trigger: Ah, shaddup ya face. _
Tiko: Sorry to interrupt your escape attempt! How about I keep you all in there with a surprise that I call my own!

A red light started to glow from behind him.

Rusty: (gasps) That’s the light I mentioned earlier!

It started going over his shoulder and in front of the group in the form of what seems like a red orb. Unaware of what could be happening the action stances were retaken, as they never know what could hit them.
Episode 8 – Unmasking The Secret

Scene: The mysterious garden
Music: Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan – “Silence” (DJ Tiesto In Search Of Sunrise remix, intro)

The “orb” continued hovering in front of everyone’s eyes, and as it continued glowing, the colour of its glow became brighter and more powerful. Eventually… it gave off a strong flash!

Crash: ACK! (covers his eyes)
Monnika: (struggles) Can’t… see…
Trigger: (struggles) It’s too… powerful…
Ryane: (looks towards them) Wimps. (looks back at the flash normally)

After thirty seconds the light finally faded out, and the focus on the eyes began to restore. The red glow also stopped, and the glowing figure can now be seen… as a floating mask!

Tiko: People, I would like you to meet… my little friend!!!
Crash and Cortex: Another masked spirit?
Gadget: But… where did you get ‘im from?
Tiko: You’ll see!

The mask continued to hover towards them, with the look of evil in its eyes, and then it stopped in front of Gadget, who was starting to look worried.

Mask: What for Satan’s sake do you think you are doing?
Gadget: W… wh… wh-h-who are you?
Mask: (doesn’t listen) And why on Earth did you want to go near the knucklehead from the past? (turns to Cortex)
Cortex: Knucklehead? What are you talking about?
Mask: I demand you stop coming near her forever!
Cortex: (rushes towards Gadget) But she’s not yours at all…

(Music immediately stops all of a sudden)

Mask: (charges up) STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!

He fires a jolt right at the gang, causing them to run in all sorts of directions.

Crash: Your GIRL?!?!?
Misty: Hang on a sec – that voice sounds familiar.
Mask: (turns to Gadget) Maybe this should help!

[Music restarts – Redman and Adam F – “Smash Sumthin’” (Intro instrumental)]

He fires a spark at her and gives her a powerful shock that sends her up into the sky two metres from the ground!

*story moves on to her thoughts and highlights from a past battle are now seen on the screen*

Gadget: (thinks) The visions of the past have now come back – back at the wars of 12 years ago, when we’ve all suffered from the wrath of Sergeant Oxtail Soup and his evil doings! It was also the last chance that I saw my dad in person. After that, most of us have forgotten our past. But now…

*screen now shows Heaven that morning*

Gadget: (aside) …it’s costing our future, and even someone’s soul.

In the clouds of Heaven, the floors are still leaking like mad, and we now see Chad with a dry mop, trying to drain it all out. As this happened, the soul of young singer Aaliyah came from behind.

(Music stops)

Aaliyah: I’m still confused about where all this came from.
Chad: It’s a long story. I don’t have time to explain.
Aaliyah: Please?
Chad: (sighs) OK. All this was the result of a flood in the summer months, in which went so high it reached here! There.
Aaliyah: But it still seems a bit odd.
Chad: Well let’s face it this way – if it weren’t for the Cerulean Wizard down on Earth I won’t have to do this mess.
Aaliyah: But you volunteered to clear it up.
Chad: And that was the result of Freddie Mercury tickling my armpits. _

Aalyiah couldn’t help but smirk to herself.

Chad: It’s not funny, woman!
Aalyiah: Sorry about that. But take my advice - there was one lesson that I learnt when I had something tough in possession. “If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again”.
Chad: Thanks.

[Music changes – Energy 52 – “Café Del Mar” (Original Three in One radio edit, intro)]

Chad: What the…? (drops the mop)

A white vortex opened up in the clouds, and started to bring a high wind velocity in!

Chad: NOT AGAIN!!!!!!
Aaliyah: Why?
Chad: This happened to one of my companions at this stage 8 years ago!
Aalyiah: What?
Chad: He came in, and last year he returned to live the tale! (turns towards her) If I come back, I’ll do the same!
Aaliyah: No! Don’t go!

She tried to reach for Chad’s hand… but it went straight through his body! Then quickly, he went through the vortex, going further down.


On his last words, he changed into the brown spark and vanished.

(Camera zooms back into reality)

And at this stage, the shock finally stopped, and Gadget hit the ground pretty badly.

(Music fades out)

Gadget: OW!!!!!!!!!

The mask then approached her carefully, and leered into his eyes.

Gadget: (gasps) Dad?
Mask: Correct, though I am now… the great Chadda Chadda!!! Now as you can see, I feel a changed person, and this time, you’re not taking any prisoners!

[Music restarts – Sum 41 – “Fat Lip” (Instrumental, intro)]

Gadget: (gasps) Oh no!!!

He fired another beam directly at her, but…

(Drums start)

Lioness: (steps in front of the beam and reflects with a claw) Take that!

The beam was sent charging back to Chad/Chadda, but he reflected it with a blue energy shield around him! That was sent back to Lioness… which struck her brutally in the chest! She screamed with pain, and was sent to the floor, where the injury caused her to change back into her lioness form again, and turn unconscious.

Crash: (gasps) Lioness!!!

He starts rushing towards her, and placed his ear on her chest.

Crash: (sighs) Thank the Lord - She’s still alive!
Rusty: Yes, but we’ve to deal with that mask over there!
Gadget: Be careful, whatever you do – no matter what state he’s in, he’s my dad, and I don’t want to lose him again!
Cortex: Hoo boy… (looks down)
Oxide: What’s the matter? Are you stuck for ideas? (laughs)
Ryane: Shut it Oxide! Or else I’ll give you the same treatment I gave you last Winter!
Oxide: (sarcastically) Yeah – Insult fighting.
Cortex: Wait there – I’ve got it! (turns to the other members of his group and whistles)

Everyone else in the group went into a huddle. Each of the evil ones tried to break in, but Crash kicked them whenever they approached them.

(Music stops)

Gadget: I presume we’re in a serious dilemma – even though you’ve found us, we’re now being stopped by your siblings, an alien, a sword fighting lizard and my now changed father. :(
Crash: To make things worse, Lioness has been KO’d already, and if we kill Chad what seems like the future Mrs. Neo Cortex will commit suicide!
Cortex: Don’t panic – I’ve got a strategy in mind! (looks around the group) Let’s see… there’s 18 of us here, minus Lioness…
Corona: Don’t involve Julia – she’s too young to fight!
Misty: Or Buzz – without him, who can I love?
Kiwi: You don’t even love anybody.
Corona: (grabs her by the beak) For the last time, keep out of this business!
Cortex: Ladies, please – calm down. Er, where was I? Oh! Right…

[Music restarts – Gorillaz – “Tomorrow Comes Today” (Intro)]

Cortex: There are 15 of us here that are suitable to take on the enemies, and seven forces of evil here. We need to be careful with whom to choose to battle whom. (looks around) Ready? Ryane and Boron, you go for Moe.
Ryane: Piece of cake!
Boron: WHOO!!!!!!!!
Cortex: Goliath and Misty shall go for Oxide – you know, the alien.
Misty: So that’s what ‘e’s called…
Cortex: Kiwi and… your name, young man?
Rocky: Rocky Cortex – Bianca’s sister.

(Music pauses)

Cortex: (astounded) What – another child?
Rocky: I’ll explain later.
Cortex: Right… you go with Kiwi to deal with ginger-haired Deksta.
Kiwi: (to Rocky) I’ll help you – I’ve been through this before.

(Music resumes)

Cortex: Bubble and Rusty should go for Lio, Corona and Monnika shall go straight towards Hallie, Trigger shall stay behind to look after the weak…

Trigger didn’t at all look pleased.

Cortex: Gadget and I shall head towards Tiko, and this leaves Crash and Bianca for “the great Chadda Chadda”.
Crash: Ready when we’ll ever be!
Cortex: OK, let’s move out, quickly!

The huddle was broken, and so was the truth behind the mask. With this stage, the others started making their journeys into battle positions and reached their targets.
Episode 9 – Fireworks!

Scene: The mysterious garden
Music: Limp Biskit – “Boiler” (Intro to first chorus)

At this stage the sun was already setting in the sky and the colour of the clouds started to shift from white on blue to pink on yellow. The shadows in the area grew much bigger, as both parties made their way towards each other. Hovering fireflies gathered together in small batches to form fog lights across the area. Finally, when they were about two inches from their faces, they were all keen to grab their weapons… but then again, drawing early can prove to be a problem.

(Music turns instrumental)

Tiko: (leers into the camera) Well well well, if it isn’t the Beauty and the Beast…
Gadget: You’ve seen enough.
Tiko: Yeah, and pigs can fly.

[Music blurs and changes – Prodigy – “Out Of Space” (Instrumental, intro)]

There was the sound of grunts and squeals in the air, and as they looked up they saw a heard of flying pigs, hovering over the tree house.

Cortex: We know what you want to do to this planet… and we will not be the ones to give it to you.
Tiko: So who cares? You still need justice for the childhood trauma! (grabs onto his gun and aims it towards them, as well as speaking in a fake British accent) You are the Weakest Link. Goodbye!
Gadget: NO!

(Beat kicks in)

She took a tight grip onto Cortex’s hand and started making a run, causing the blast from Tiko’s gun to miss and reflect off a rock into the sky! He started cursing for a while, and therefore made it on the run for them. Meanwhile, with the others, the wars began with them too. With the exception of Misty and Goliath on Oxide, each of them was doing great in battle. But leaning towards Crash and Bianca, both of them were confused, as well as cornered in.

Bianca: Gee, how can we get out of this mess? We’ve tried all sorts of attack combinations, yet he hardly gets harmed at all!
Crash: Hang on…

*Screen now shows highlights from previous wars*

He had thoughts roaming through his mind about similar encounters with evil mind-controlling spirits at this time throughout the year. Last November was when Tiko came with harmless spirits changed to the side of evil and took over the minds of an army of palm trees… as well as that of his own brother. In January, Boron ended up getting possessed, and was nearly killed from the cause. And in June, the same technique was used to take over Barbados in the West Indies! And just recently he caught the minds of Dingodile, as well as his girlfriend Tawna. Good thing those two saw a happy ending.

*Screen restores to normal*

The thoughts soon stopped, but he still panicked, feeling like he had a headache.

Bianca: What’s the matter? Have you got a headache?
Crash: No – I’ve found a solution! (starts whispering in her ear) Just keep fighting, but make sure you knock him out!
Bianca: Aye aye skipper! (waves her “stick” in the air)

As that occurred Chad/Chadda came much closer to them with a yellow glow around him. Both of them looked in his eyes, and then he attempted to fire at them… but they made a run for it quickly! It was more like a fireworks display more than anything – the Plank with his own power, the Bandicoot with the bazooka and the Maiden with the magic from what can now be made out as a wand! The brightness started shining around Trigger’s area, which then started to revive Lioness, as well as getting Buzz and Julia excited.

Buzz: What’s happening down there?
Trigger: I can’t tell – it’s too bright!
Julia: Please tell!!!
Lioness: (stands) I think I can!
Trigger: (looks towards her) What? How did you revive so fast?
Lioness: (glances towards the crew) They don’t call me the Lone Lioness for nothing! :)
Trigger: Well if that’s the case, what’s going on?
Lioness: Nothing much.
Trigger: Oh…
Lioness: Oh, wait – something wrong’s happened to them!
Buzz: What?
Lioness: No matter which enemy we look at, all OUR crewmembers are cornered!!!

The “fireworks” died down and now all we can see is the others, defenceless, cornered near the enemies.

Lioness: I gotta go help… (moans with pain and grabs her leg)
Trigger: No – you just rest. They will survive, you’ll see.
Julia: (is about to cry) I hope so…

The timing is now critical for the powers of Crash and co. as they are now cornered on a curvy cave wall with nowhere to escape. Lioness managed to revive, but she still hasn’t fully recovered. As for Trigger and the kids… well they can’t fight much anyhow. Hurry guys, hurry – timing is now running out!
Episode 10 – The Final Blow

Scene: The mysterious garden
Music: Inner City – “Good Life (Buena Vida)” (Ian Pooley’s La Buena Vida En Notas mix, intro)

The windy breeze started sweeping faster and faster as this critical moment arrived. At this stage in the proceedings Tiko and his crew cornered much of Crash’s party onto a rock face. There was no way out at this stage, and even back with Trigger, things don’t seem healthy.

Trigger: Hoo boy… we’ve got 14 hostages in there, an injured lioness and two kids. Guess it’s all down to me now.

He grabs his pistols and aimed directly at Tiko and his lot. The triggers were pulled… but nothing happened!

Trigger: Huh?

He tried them both in the air a few times, and then they failed too. So he opened them both up and realised…

Trigger: (gasps) I forgot the bullets!!!!!!
Buzz: (sarcastically) Thanks a lot Trigger – you really helped us.
Julia: NOT! (sticks her tongue out)
Trigger: Hoo boy… now we have a worse struggle to deal with…

(A whooshing sound starts to drown out the music)

At this stage, a white flash was seen in the sky. Then it started getting brighter and brighter. Eventually it came towards the ground… as one of Tiko’s laser fire shots! And it’s heading bang in the middle for the gang! At this stage they are unable to notice!

Buzz: (screams) Guys!!!
Julia: MOMMY!!!!!!!

They both started running off towards the “hostages”.

Trigger: No, wait – you’re too young to do so!

They started running at their fastest towards the gang, and as they reached them, the spark eventually touched the ground.


(The boom fades out, and when it does, the music didn’t play)

It also gave off an immense white light and caused the ground to shake for a few seconds. After that it faded out, and all that was left… was smoke.

Trigger: (bows his head) I guess they’ve gone for good…
Julia: HEY! OVER HERE!!!!!!

[Music restarts – Dido – “Thank You” (Intro)]

Everyone turned towards her direction, and saw her… with the rest of the gang in possession, all in one piece! They were quite a distance away, but it didn’t take them long to reach Trigger again.

Trigger: GUYS!!!!!! Wheeeew… you made it!!! :)
Lioness: WAY TO GO EVERYONE!!!!!!!! (jumps into Crash’s arms)
Crash: Hey, don’t give me all the credit – you need to save some for the other fighters too!
Gadget: (gasps) That reminds me… DAD!!!

She turned back towards the rubble, and made a run through it. The fog was starting to clear up now. A few seconds later, she stepped on something – a piece of wood. She looked underneath her… and saw the mask, broken.

(Music fades away)

Gadget: (faintly) Not again… (sheds a few tears)

Some of the tears managed to touch down on the floor. In the meantime, behind her back, another flash can be seen.

Voice: You don’t have to take pity on yourself.
Gadget: (turns around) Wha…!

[Music restarts – Craig Armstrong – “Weather Storm” (Skip intro)]

The flash started to fade out, and right in front of her eyes, she was face to face again, with Chad’s ghost!

Chad: You and your comrades have done well in defeating the evil powers of Tiko and his crew, as well as slaughtering my new body.
Gadget: But I didn’t want to do that – I didn’t want to lose you once again…
Chad: I know, which will explain the reward I shall give you. It’s to be based upon a wish of your choice.

She looked over at the gang, and immediately into the eyes of Cortex – although she hasn’t seen him for 12 years, she had a desire in her heart to reunite with him. But as for her dad, she still feels worried inside that she may still never be able to see him again.

Cortex: Gadget…
Gadget: (turns to him) Aye?
Cortex: I know we haven’t seen each other for a long time, but… everything’s under control. ;)
Gadget: (remains silent for a while, and then smiles back) It’s OK with me. (turns back to Chad’s ghost) I wish for you to be restored back to life!
Chad: OK, if that’s what you want! But ever since you cremated my body on the night of my death, seeing me back in my human form will be nigh on impossible.
Gadget: (looks down with disappointment) OK… farewell Dad. It’s been nice knowing…
Chad: Don’t take it that hard – there is another way. (starts glowing) I’ll still be close to your heart.

From the glow, a bright flash was given off, and within two seconds, she felt a slight pulling force round her neck. She looked down… and saw a medallion around it, made from pure platinum! And from there, it started glowing.

Chad: (from the medallion) I told you that I’d be close to your heart.

She starred down at it, and saw it as a prize that she may keep forever. But having seen one piece of pride unfold in front of her she then realised that there were two others to deal with.

Gadget: (turns to her crew) OK everyone – let’s go home.

Everyone from her party emerged from the pack – Bubble, Goliath, Corona, Julia, Misty, Buzz, Rocky and Kiwi. But… Bianca remained behind.

(Music fades away)

Ryane: (turns down to her) What’s the matter?
Monnika: (turns down to her) Yeah – why aren’t you going with her?
Bianca: I know the reason why I felt depressed back home in the first place. There was something missing in my life that made it extremely difficult. I know that the same was for Buzz, Julia and my twin brother Rocky…
Rusty: TWIN?!?!? (head spins around lots of times) Oh my God – this is getting as bizarre as it is!!! No wonder where he came about…
Bianca: As I was saying, I know that the same was for the three of them, but for some reason I couldn’t grow out of it.
Trigger: And what was the thing you were missing?
Bianca: It was an adult male. I know we had Bubble, but he hardly saw him, ever since he spent too much time in the lab.
Bubble: Hey – my material are pretty valuable!!!
Bianca: I know!!! (turns back to the girls) But I think I finally found the person I’ve been looking for.

[Music changes – Energy 52 – “Café Del Mar” (Michael Woods remix)]

She started walking through the crowd of the whole crew, and eventually… she stopped in front of Cortex, who at this time was looking at her with concern.

Bianca: All that I really wanted in my life… was a chance to see my own father.

That remark caused Gadget and her lot to turn back, and see her with happiness once again. Now they started running back.

Gadget: You didn’t tell me this!
Bianca: I know, but… I just felt a bit isolated in there.
Gadget: Aw, calm down – if you miss him so much, how about we take him round to…
Cortex: Actually, I’ve been thinking that it would be better if you come over to my place.
Rusty: Yeah – it’s got a massive lab in the basement, a massive amount of humanoids living nearby and… well… EVERYTHING is pretty darn massive!!! (chuckles)
Rocky and Buzz: COOL!!!!!!!
Gadget: Wow – it seems pretty good!
Bubble: Yeah – I’d love to help with your research over there!
Misty: Although I disagree with everything you think, I’ve always wanted to live in Australia!
Cortex: Well…
Rocky, Bianca, Buzz and Julia: (all go up to him and smile as they speak) Pleeeeeeease?
Cortex: It’s OK with me, but it’s not big enough to store the lot of you so some of you need to build your own homes.
Corona: No problem.
Misty: That’ll be easily sorted!
Bubble: Can I be a lab assistant?
Goliath: RUFF!!!!!! :) (starts running towards Boron)
Kiwi: I hope the place will be just as good as in fairy tales!
Gadget: Course it will! (grabs Cortex’s hands) Looks like we’re back together again. Although you look different than you were in the past, you’ve still got the same spirit in the heart. Because of this, the bond between us has seemed to grow stronger.
Cortex: And this time, this bond will certainly be there for the future. :)

(Beat kicks in)

Their heads started coming closer towards each other, and eventually, the lips made contact and were held in place for a while to come. Everyone else looked at each other with great respect.

Monnika: Aw, sweet love!
Trigger: Yeah – it’s so good to see them back together again. (looks up) Wish the same can be said for MY dearest partner of greatness…
Ryane: Don’t panic about that – it’s as long as dreams have been accomplished here, not about romance. Everyone has different dreams in their life, and yet they still struggle today, but what we know is they’ll eventually get there. Like these two have done so.

(Music stops)

Bubble: What about Snappy’s dream about driving around the world in a Ferrari and wearing only Calvin Klein underpants?

Everyone fell over as sweat drops formed on their faces.

[Screen blacks out and reforms at the Great Wall on one of the Crash islands. Music restarts – Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman – “Come What May” (Intro instrumental, taken from the soundtrack to “Moulin Rouge”)]

On top of the wall, bright fireworks can be seen going off in a night sky, with the moon shining brightly.

(Camera zooms out)

And among the background, we now see Crash and Lioness on top of the wall, talking to each other. Lioness has now been restored back into her human form.

Crash: I guess we’ve seen a pretty adventurous time there.
Lioness: Yeah – it was like a fairytale come true. I wish the same could have happened to the two of us as well, but… you’ve had children with several other women.
Crash: I know, but think of it this way – at least I know that Henry VI of Scotland had 8 wives…
Lioness: You’ve got it the wrong way round – Henry VIII of ENGLAND had SIX wives!
Crash: Whoops…
Lioness: So what’s your point?
Crash: If he can have a lot of lovers, so can I!
Lioness: (giggles) I like the sound of that! But I’m still worried about love for each other – I know that we’re crazy for each other, but… you’re a humanoid bandicoot, and I’m just a human.
Crash: But think of it this way – it doesn’t matter what we are on the outside – as long as it’s a strong bond on the inside.
Lioness: Just like with Cortex and Gadget!
Crash: Exactly. And I can feel something powerful coming on!
Lioness: I know – and we know we like it.

(Music kicks into the chorus and vocals come in)

At this stage, both of their heads started coming closer and closer. Then they both lifted, and lips were about to contact when…

(Screen fizzes and changes to what seems like a news channel, showing Rusty in an old journalist suit. Music changes straight to a news jingle)

Rusty: We interrupt this fanfic to give you an urgent news bulletin.

(Jingle fades away)

Rusty: In the early 1990s, Neo Cortex went on exile from his home country and claimed to never come back. No one knew why, but it was heard that it could have been a side effect from an explosion in the middle of Hollywood, near Los Angeles in California. But today, he made a welcome return back to the United States to reunite with long-lost love, Gadget Medulla, as well as sorting out a problem led by a gang lead by his brother Tiko, whom escaped from Alcatraz prison in San Fransisco at this time last week.
Buzz: (from behind the camera) Come on – send in the real juicy stuff, like how Godzilla fought against the Yeti in Seattle yesterday evening!
Rusty: I told you to remain silent, even in the rehearsals! And yet, you still don’t listen to me. (pauses for a while) NOW GET OUT!!!!!!!! (pauses for longer) *ahem* We’ll unfold more on this gripping story after the commercial break! This broadcast was brought to you by…

(Screen fades to black and after a second or so, the Universal title formation occurs. Then when that’s over the screen fades to black again and the credits run alongside Ricky Martin and Meja – “Private Emotion”)


Credits –

Cast (in order of appearance) –

Matt Stone as Rocky Cortex
Cameron Diaz as Gadget Medulla
Nancy Cartwright as Buzz Terrapin
Clancy Brown as Dr. Neo Cortex and Sir Goliath
Tim Allen as Bubble Starfish
Dana Gould as Tiko Cortex
Miho Hatori as Bianca Cortex and Julia Grizzly
Anna Kumbly as Lioness Cougar and the ghost of Aaliyah
Orville Burrell as Rusty-R1D8
Minnie Driver as Misty Terrapin and Kiwi
Dido as Corona Grizzly
Michael Caine as the ghost of Charles “Chad” Medulla IV and The Great Chadda Chadda
Toni Braxton as Deksta Cortex
Claire Danes as Hallie Cortex and Monnika Yamazaki
Neil Morrissey as Lio Cortex
David Spade as Crash Bandicoot and Nitrous Oxide
Michael Connor as Komodo Moe
Christina Aguilera as Ryane Platypus
Danny John-Jules as Trigger Tortoiseshell
Jake Lloyd as Private Boron

Songs –

“Set You Free” performed by N-Trance
“I Feel Loved” (Danny Tenaglia Labor of Love edit) performed by Depeche Mode
“Rock The House” performed by the Gorillaz
“Hunter” performed by Dido
“God Is A DJ” performed by Faithless
“One Night Stand” (Sunship remix) performed by Mis-teeq
“Thinking It Over” performed by Liberty
“Have You Ever” performed by S Club 7
“Boiler” performed by Limp Biskit
“Come What May” performed by Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman
“Private Emotion” performed by Ricky Martin and Meja

Special thanks –

*All are for reading except for Lioness, who provided Lioness Cougar for the story*

Lioness Bandicoot
Megaman X
Electricgold Unlshed
Master 2 Scoops
Donut Dunker
And you for checking it out!

Directed by Bev Wooff (RexRock)

Tiko: So those nitwits from 12 years ago are still alive, are they? Well, other than the elder of course. They must be the…


Tiko: NOT YET-

But the pipe fell to the ground too quickly, causing Tiko to land on his back, and he quickly rolled out of the way to avoid damage.

Tiko: Whose idea was to snap it when I didn’t finish my speech?
Deksta: (from backstage) Yours! I think you should go to the gym.
Tiko: (looks angrily at Deksta and speaks in a deep voice) You cheeky little bugger.
Meanwhile, back in America, Gadget and her party have problems. They’re now travelling across the deserts in a wrecked jeep that looked like it failed its MOT. Misty took control in the driver’s seat, but was having enough problems as it is.

Misty: Julia, can you move that umbrella out of my way? I can’t see a thing.
Julia: Sorry…

As she tried to move it out of the way, one of the ends accidentally… went up one of Misty’s nostrils!

Misty: Oi! Gerroff now!!!

Eventually, it was pulled out of the way, but something slimy and green came out with it.

Julia: Ewww! Grosse! :(
Buzz: You’ve got snot on your brolly! (laughs)

At this point, Julia looked like she was about to break into tears.

Corona: Quick! Cut!
Rusty: It’s OK – you’re safe to come out now.
Lioness: (struggles to get out) I’ve been thinking if I can go on the journey with him – that’s if Crash is… er… can we cut?
Rusty: Why?
Lioness: Because I’m stuck!!!!
Rusty: >_<
A black figure was quickly roaming across the damp grounds of the garden, towards the tallest tree in the complex. Finally, it stopped in front of it, and moved a tall finger inside one of the holes inside.


Tiko: OW!!!!!!! (moves his finger out, now throbbing red)
Director: Now what?
Tiko: (walks off-stage) You said you wouldn’t bring any stupid squirrels in here…

As he walked off, a grey squirrel came out from that hole and laughed behind his back.
At the top of the tree, Tiko started carving away at the bark on the outer ring, trying to cut a shape out from it with Moe’s samurai sword. It took a while, but it wasn’t long until the shape was free to move… but it also started a fall down to the floor.

Tiko: TIMBERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!


Hallie: OW!
Tiko: Sorry sis…

He then grabbed some of the branches and began a climb all the way down, but…


Tiko: Not again…

The twig fully snapped and this time he was sent plummeting down to the surface below, landing on top of Hallie!

Hallie: (faintly) Next time watch where you dump your SELF.
Tiko: (suffering pain) I said I was sorry…
Julia: Get ready with your string again and see if it can match the sound.

So Corona pulled the string and released it, giving off a fine B flat… while at the same time…

Julia: OW!!!!!!!!
Corona: Now what?
Julia: (crying) The bee stung me!!!
Bubble: I suppose that was a B [i]Sharp![/i]
Everyone else: _
Gadget: Go Corona go – we need to bring someone down here to save us!
Misty: Come on, how can we be found in the Middle of Nowhere?
Bubble: Think positive, my friend…
Misty: (attempts to slap Bubble across the face, but hits the cave instead) OW!!!!!!!!!

She now showed her hand to the camera, showing a fresh scar with a few drips of blood dripping out.

Corona: Please cut – if we need out-takes, they need to be at PG, never mind 18!
Cortex: Bubble and Rusty should go for Lio, Corona and Monnika shall go straight towards Hallie, Trigger shall stay behind to look after the weak…

Trigger didn’t at all look pleased.

Cortex: Gadget and I shall head towards Tiko, and this leaves Crash and Bianca for “the great Chadda Chadda”… (starts to smirk) Sorry – I can’t get over the absurdity of that name!!! (laughs wildly)
Crash: Well you placed it in the script! Come on… (sings to the tune of City High – “What Would U Do?”) What would you do if your humour’s left home, laughing out loud on the studio floor…
Cortex: We know what you want to do to this planet… and we will not be the ones to give it to you.
Tiko: So who cares? You still need justice for the childhood trauma! (grabs onto his gun and aims it towards them, as well as speaking in a fake British accent) You are the Weakest Link. Goodbye!
Anne Robinson: (comes into the studio unexpectedly) What are you trying to do – take the Mickey out of my kind of people?
Tiko: Er…
Anne Robinson: What a shameful effort you’ve done here. You are the Weakest Link. Goodbye!

(Lights fade out as Tiko walks off the set, and as he walks off the screen flashes white and fades out on him talking to the camera in a small studio)

Tiko: I am absolutely disappointed with my effort back there – maybe I didn’t necessarily get the tone right or sumthin’. If I did, I won’t suffer this horrid humiliation. I would like to see Crash Bandicoot voted off next – he’s not even smart enough to write down the 2 times table. :/
Crash: I guess we’ve seen a pretty adventurous time there.
Lioness: Yeah – it was like a fairytale come true. I wish the same could have…

Before she could finish speaking, a firework headed straight towards them, and knocked them off the wall!!! They both hit the floor and suffered pain.

Director: Relax – it was just a 1-storey drop…

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