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It's late in the day..and the sun is starting to dissapear over the horizon. Danni is eating ice cream.

Coco: Danni...are you feeling alright?
Danni: Of course Crash...why?
Coco: have been using the bathroom the same time every day. I listened to you in there today..and it sounded like you were...gagging.
Danni: Morning sickness Coco..I'm fine.
Coco: And these odd foods you've been craving. Not to're um...stomach's..a bit bigger.
Danni: Uh.....I'm gaining weight Coco. It's hereditary mate.
Coco: and my brother weren' know..involved in any..sort know... activity.
Danni: What do you mean?
Coco: I'd rather not say..but seem to be as if you were..were...
Danni: Were what?
Coco: ...Pregnant.

Danni dropped her spoon and stared at Coco in disbelief.

Danni: Of course not mate. and and your brother weren't involved in anything.
Coco: Are you...sure? You show all the symptoms of pregnancy. I'm getting concerned.
Danni: Bloody Hell Coco...don't say such a thing. Me and Crash are perfectly fine. We didn't do anything you thought we did.
Coco: Alright then....but um....I'm gonna keep a close watch on you. You see....I'm still concerned no matter what you say.
Danni: (Rolling her eyes) Yes mum.

When Coco exits the room...Danni silently knew what had happened. And..she knew eventually... it would be revealed. She got up from her seat..and walked over into the garden. Crash was busy in martial arts training with Cobraz..while Shen was eating some Wumpa fruits with Sarnie. Crash then gazes into Danni's eyes.

Crash: Hi are ya?
Danni: Oh....fine as usual mate.
Crash: good. (Giving Danni a quick hug) Say Danni....Wanna join me? Cobraz is showing me the art of Tai-Quon-Do.
Danni: i'd love to..but I don't feel very good.
Crash: you sick?
Danni: Sorta..I need to ly down.
Sarnie: Danni....are you sure you're okay?
Danni: I'm fine.
Shen Lo Ken: Don't've been acting odd lately.
Danni: I am not!!

Danni storms off back into the house.

Sarnie: she's been real edgey lately.
Shen Lo Ken: yo Cobraz...what's the deal with her?
Cobraz: I can't explain. She's usually percky and always smiling. Lately..she seems real depressed..not to mention all the weird stuff she's been eating and doing.
Crash: Uh.....right. Well uh..I'm just gonna..go inside.
Cobraz: don't you wanna continue?
Crash: Later.

Crash goes back into the house.

Sarnie: so you don't know Cobraz?
Cobraz: Well....I can't really say.
Shen Lo Ken: C'mon man. (Taking a bite out of the Wumpa fruit) You and I both know Danni's pregnant.

Sarnie punches Shen hard in the arm. Shen drops the Wumpa fruit..and holds his arm.

Shen Lo Ken: OW! What did I say?
Sarnie: Shame on you Shen! Danni pregnant!! That's absurd!! You and I both know she and Crash would never do anything like that!!
Shen Lo Ken: Oh yeah? Did ya look at her lately? She's getting a bit chubby. She used to be lean.
Sarnie: Are you calling her FAT!?!?
Shen Lo Ken: Hey's jsut something I'm surprised you haven't noticed.
Sarnie: I noticed. She said it was herditary.
Shen Lo Ken: What about all the strange food she wants.
Sarnie: SO!?!?
Shen Lo Ken: C'mon!! Pickles and ice cream? Chinese food and watermeleon? These things don't mix!
Sarnie: Look..Shen..she's..Cobraz tell Shen he's wrong!!
Cobraz: I really don't know! There's a chance he's right..but there's a chance he's wrong. But..I am sure that eventually..Danni would give birth..I didn't know when. Whatever the case..and whenever the time comes..I would envy her offspring.
Sarnie: Uh...why?
Cobraz: (With a heavy sigh) I never knew my mother! All I ever had was my evil father..Veanom!!
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah!! Sucks that your dad's a memeber of the Dark Animal Court.
Cobraz: My mother probably died when I was very small. But deep down..I knew it was my father's will to have her dead!! And I saw nothing but hatred for me in his heart!! He hated me..and I still don't know why!
Sarnie: So you wish to fight him on account of him hating you?
Cobraz: Partly that reason. But also..because he was a former ally with Shadra....long before Lorg was defeated.
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah..who could forget that day?
Cobraz: Now Shadra and I are enemies well as my father!!
Sarnie: Will you ever fight Veanom!?
Cobraz: Some day.

Just then..the sun disspappeared..and the stars began to show their bright lights as they scattered across the sky. The cold night air crept through the shadows.....and the night sky was a black and blue aray of stars showing their light. Cobraz was about to walk back..but then..noticed a glowing image getting closer to him. Looking was in the shape of a female vixen with a robe. It was Kitsume.

Cobraz: Kitsume!?
Shen Lo Ken: She's here?
Sarnie: Kit!!

The three warriors gather around her.

Kitsume: Greetings Cobraz..I have urgent knews for you.
Cobraz: WHat is it Kitsume?
Kitsume: I'm afraid to say it..but your father Veanom..was sent to the temple..which leads to the portal to Lorg's dimension. The Dark Ruby still lies there...and he was sent to retrieve it. I need you and two partners to stop him.
Shen Lo Ken: So Shen..looks like you're gonna face your dad tonight after all. I'm in!!
Sarnie: We'll help Shen. Your dad's a tough one!! Count me in!!
Kitsume: And I'm going with you. Cobraz..I know you've been waiting for a showdown with your father!! Tonight may be your night.
Cobraz: So sudden. But..I have been awaiting this day. And my hatred for him is ever so great. As he despises me..I despise him as much. Lead the way Kitsume..I am anxious to fight him!! I fought wish to fight evil father!!
Kitsume: I know it will be painful for you to fight him...even though you despise him.
Cobraz: I don't have any pain whatsoever!! I know he killed my mother..and I know he always hated me for some reason!! Well tonight..he's gonna tell me why!! After all these years of silence..he will finally stell em why he hated me!!
Kitsume: You never bothered to ask him?
Cobraz: I was small..and he could easily overpower me!! But now I'm strong..and he's going to answer me!!
Shen Lo Ken: shouldn't we get Crash and the others?
Kitsume: No need. We will make this as quick as possible.
Cobraz: Enough talk!! LET'S GO!!!

Kitsume illuminates her sword..and leads the three warriors through the grasslands. At night..the grasslands were nothing but dark fields with virtually nothing. The moon shone on the path..which offered abit of light. Crickets chirped, and in the distance, dingoes began to howl. The trees appeared alien at night.. like dark pointy shadows that swayed in the wind.

Sarnie:'s always creepy at night.
Shen Lo Ken: Tell me about it!!
Sarnie: you afraid too Shen?
Shen Lo Ken: A little!!
Kitsume: Stay close by. We will reach our goal soon enough.

After about 30 minutes of walking through the forboding night..they reach a rocky stone path. Ahead..they could see a giant shadow! In the was the temple! The temple which was a gateway to Lorg's dimension.

Kitsume: Here it is! i'm sure Veanom hasn't left yet.
Cobraz: I know Lorg's dimension. Veanom can't get the ruby wihtout a certain password.
Sarnie: Suppose he knows it?
Cobraz: Impossible..even I don't know it. Even Lorg's most trusted man, Kantora,didn't know it. Lorg always kept it a secret.
Kitsume: a brilliant move. I'd imagine how badly one would turn against him.
Cobraz: As loyal as his subjects are right. Me and Shadra were considered his misfits! But enough talk..come!! I'm anxious to rid my life of my no good father!
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah! We're right behind you Shen!

Kitsume leads the trio up the stone stairs..and into the dark corridors of the temple. The chilly wind echoed through the corridors, and small spiders and rats scurried through the darkness. Ahead..there was a giant the shape of a alrge demon.

Cobraz: That's it!! I know how to get in! Sarnie..Shen...hand me two torches!!

Shen and Sarnie grab two torches from the temple wall. Handing them to Cobraz...Cobraz lights the Demon's hands!! Immediately.....the entire temple lights up with fire. The statue then splits into two, and a scret tunnel is revealed.

Cobraz: alright...follow me. i know where we're going. you have a gold coin with you?
Shen Lo Ken: Why?
Cobraz: to pay the toll.
Sarnie: um...what toll?
Cobraz: For the ferryman! He'll row us to the other side.
Kitsume: Ferryman? You mean..Charon.
Cobraz: No....this one is different..but similar in shape. You must give him a gold coin in order for you to ahve him row you across.
Sarnie: gotta coin?
Shen Lo Ken: Uh..I think so! (She reaches into his pockets. He pulls out a shiny coin) OH..not this one!! It's my grandmother's!
Cobraz: I'm sorry Shen..but if that's all you'll have to do! Give me the coin!
Shen Lo Ken: NO!! It was my grandmother's!!
Kitsume: Do as Cobraz says. This is important Shen. Do it...for everyone's sakes!
Shen Lo Ken:
Sarnie: C'mon Shen!!!
Shen Lo Ken: Uh..OH OKAY!!!

Shen reluctanly handed Cobraz the coin. He jsut stared at Cobraz with a deep grimace on his face (Like he usually does).

Cobraz: don't worry Shen...I will repay you!!
Sarnie: Yeah..just don't take his stamp collection. *Giggling
Shen Lo Ken: (In a deep low disgruntled voice) Shut up Sarn!
Sarnie: I HEARD THAT!!!!!
Cobraz: enough of this!! LET'S GO!!!!

Cobraz leads the three into the long tunnel, decending down a very long stairway. Upon reaching the exit..they come to a large cavern!! A long dark river runs through it. Throughout the cavern..staligmites and and huge cave walls support the area like pillars. It seemed like a long way indeed.
Sarnie: so where's the ferryman?
Cobraz: Shen..hand me that bull's horn over there.

Shen then sees a bull's horn with a leather strapa round it hanging on a dead tree. Shen grabs it..and gives it to Cobraz!

Kitsume: I suppose it's a type of horn to summon the ferryman!
Cobraz: Yes! Oh..and don't be shocked at his appearance.
Sarnie: uh..shocked?
Shen Lo Ken: um..what do you mean?
Cobraz: Just'll get the idea.

Cobraz then blows on the tip of the bull's horn. The loud low humming of the that of a Hawaiin blower with a conch cell....echoes through the caverns. Evn after Cobraz stopped blowing the horn...the noise still echoed through the caves. Everyone stood motionless. For a seemed nothing was there. Then..a dark figure appeared over the horizon of the river. It was a long thin boat..and a dark figure in a black cloak was rowing it with a long staff. It then docked near the shore where Kitsume, cobraz, Sarnie, and Shen were standing. The ferryman's appearance seemed normal. His hands and arms were visible..and were made of grey fur and flesh. But his hood...seemed to cover his face. None of the warriros could see his face. It was pitch black in his hood. The ferryman then notices the coin in Cobraz's ahnd. He outstreches his hand..and opens his palm..expecting to recieve the coin. Cobraz gives him the coin.

Ferryman: (In a deep low scary voice) Thank you!!
Cobraz: will you take us to the other side?
Ferryman: I will indeed!!
Shen Lo Ken: so this is the shocking thing? I'm not scared! He probably has a face under his hood. You wanna show us Mr. Ferryman?
Ferryman: As you wish!

The ferryman pulls back his hood. Sarnie looks at Shen's face. What was once a look of smugness..sooned turned to fear. Shen lokced shocked, and even afraid. Sarnie then looked at Kitsume..who seeemed to show a little sign of horro. Then..Sarnie truned to look at the ferryman! She too then had a shocked expression on her face. She gazed in horrified wonder. For what was under the ferryman's hood..was indeed a face. But it wasn't quite a face at all. It was nothing..but a skull!! A wolf's skull!! The sinsiter dark sockets gazed at Sarnie..and the yellowish grin of the skull's teeth seemed to make it look like it was smiling.

Ferryman: Climb aboard!!

Sarnie nearly freaked as the ferryman's jawbone moved up and down as he talked. Cobraz motioned for the others to climb aboard. They did...but stpeed onboard a bit cautiously. Sarnie couldn't help but keep looking at the ferryman's skull. As soon a shte four warriors sat in the boat..the ferryman pulled away from the shore..and began to row towards the horizon. Along the way..Sarnie and Shen looked around. They saw sharp staligmite hanging from the ceiling..dripping and making eerie sounds as they hit the water. Then..Sarnie squinted in the disance..and saw what looked like ginat statues. They were indeed statues....that looked like foxes in tunics..with wings. And below them..were piles of bones skulls and bits of cloth.

Cobraz: Interesting place..isn't it?
Sarnie: Uh..yes..interesting. Say Cobraz..this isn't Hell by any chance is it?
Cobraz: Of course not. It's merely another small dimension.
Kitsume: this river seems to be going on forever.
Cobraz: We're not even half way there yet.
Shen Lo Ken: but it's been twenty minutes!
Cobraz: Hang on. We'll get there!! Don't worry.

About an hour passed...and finally..through the dense thick fogs of the caves..a landing cam into view. A long narrow cave entrance was at the landing. The boat sooned docked there. The four warriros then got off.

Shen Lo Ken: That...was a long trip.
Sarnie: i'm going!!!
Cobraz: Pardon me ferryman..but did a king cobra who looked kind of like me come this way?
Ferryman: No..I'm afraid not. you're the only ones I've had!!
Cobraz: Really? He msut have used another way.
Ferryman: Come to think of looked familiar.
Cobraz: I am Cobraz. you've been here a long time indeed.
Ferryman: Ah yes.....I have. And you escaped have you not?
Cobraz: Yes.
Ferryman: realize that if you take the Dark ruby..though i know it's impossible...that ym existence is no longer needed here. I am to simply disspear!!
Cobraz: I see. i'm more interested in fighting my father. He's here..and i'm ready to do battle with him.
Ferryman: Battle with your father?
Cobraz: Yes. I inherit his magic through my viens..and I was once his ally..once helping spread evil through the world!!
Ferryman: Like father like son.
Cobraz: Yes,indeed. Your service has been most appreciated!! Farewell.
Ferryman: Goodbye.

And within the mist..the ferryman dissapeared.

Sarnie: Uh...let's go!!

The four warriors then head into the go and confront the mighty Veanom! Deep in the dark dimension...a giant clawlike hand holds a giant glowing green orb. Near it..a certain king cobra edges closer to it. It was Veanom.

Veanom: Yes..this is what Master Batterson wanted. Inside the orb is his ticket to gain eternal strength. It's lucky for him he gave me the password.

Veanom readies to speak the password.

Veanom: Hexen, Hexus, Heretic, Harper!!!!

As soon as the four dreaded words spewed out of Veanom's mouth...the orb began to glow brighter. The giant clawlike hand began to uncurl it's fingers. The orb then shattered into tiny fragments. And right in front of Veanom's eyes..was the Dark Ruby.

Veanom: At last...Batterson will reign supreme.

Voice: FATHER!!!!

Veanom turned around, and saw the four wariors standing before him.

Veanom: Son.....whatever are you doing here?
Cobraz: I've come to prevent you from getting the Dark Ruby. How did you ever get ahead of us?
Veanom: A certain teleportation. There is a warp pad here.
Sarnie: A warp pad?
Veanom: would take you right outside the temple.
Cobraz: Where was that?
Veanom: Oh...somwhere right behind the temple. Don't tell em you took the long way!!
Shen Lo Ken: WHAT!?!?!? said you knew this place!!! And now you gave my grandma's coin to that ferryguy. YOU..YOu....
Cobraz: Warp pad!? There was no warp pad here when I lived here..even when I escaped.
Veanom: Yes my boy...but you see...over a period of time...these strange phenomeanas occur around this temple. It's as empty as a graveyard. But..when the stars align, as well as the planets and the sun...the extraterrestial lights of the temple give of the glowing beams of teleportation.
Cobraz: and they create warp pads?
Veanom: Yes. I merely took the back entrance!
Cobraz: Then how did you get the password?
Veanom: Oh...a little bird told that was killed. A former assassin of Batterson's somehow maintained the password!
Cobraz: You mean Armnikron?
Veanom: Yes! Before he betrayed us...he was not only an assassin..he was an expert spy.
Cobraz: Yeah..but then a little bandicoot named Coco got him.
Veanom: Yes..I know!
Kitsume: I'm sure now you do indeed fear the 'White Dove' Veanom. Much as Demona!
Veanom: Demona, Batterson, Cortex, Lorg....they all stride for power!! It seems like you have more enemies than friends!
Sarnie: Well..when you're a world gotta expect that!
Veanom: Yes...every enemy has yet another enemy! It's a vicious cycle! In the seems like we all ahte each other.
Cobraz: As much as I hate you, and as much as you hated me?
Veanom: Still moaning about my despising you?
Cobraz: I have reasons!!
Veanom: Such as.....?
Shen Lo Ken: Come on pops....he told us. You killed his mom didn't you?
Sarnie: Yeah..I can see why he hates you!!
Veanom: Me? Cobraz..why would you tell a lie like that?
Cobraz: What lie!??! It's the truth!!
Veanom: It's an open lie!!
Kitsume: covering up the obvious Veanom? Very unwise mauneuver!
Cobraz: Yeah..and you're gonna pay!! This is for the world and my mother!
Veanom: Why would YOU, this for the mother you killed!!
Cobraz: I....wait....what do you mean the mother I killed?
Veanom: come on Cobraz..the obvious aanswer was laid bare!!
Cobraz: What!?
Veanom: It was not I...but you..who killed your dear mother!
Cobraz: ME?!?!?!
Veanom: YES!! Cobraz..I loved your mother! She was a fine thing..I never wanted her to be harmed!!
Cobraz: HA!! I was still a newborn when she was dead!! How could I have killed her?
Veanom: were a murderer before you were born! There was an irregularity in her stomach when she was in the process of having you develop in her stomach. I could have saved her, but YOU Cobraz..had to be aborted!!
Sarnie: you planned to perfom an abortion on Cobraz's mother!?
Veanom: It was the only way from having her life spared. She coudln't give birth right...and she would therefore die!
Cobraz: so why didn't you have her abort me?
Veanom: ME!?!? It was HER who didn't want you aborted!! She wanted to give birth to you before she died! She would rather die knowing she saved the life of a pathetic creature..which is you!!
Kitsume: my word. What an admirable sacrifice!
Veanom: ADMIRABLE!?!?!? She gave birth to the disrespectful son who strayed from Batterson's flock..and fell into the clutches of the wolf, Lorg!! If I had known this....I would have killed YOU Cobraz..and your mother would still be alive!! She died in childbirth!! THAT'S why I despised you..and still do!! You killed your own murderer!!!
Cobraz: Me? So why did you never tell me?
Veanom: You would never understand!! You were as stupid as are today!! I never mentioned it to you..because my hate for you made you stronger!! If I told would be all weak and helpless knwoing you were the murderer all along!!
Cobraz: Well....I know everything now!! But that still doesn't mena i'm not going to destroy you!
Veanom: HA!! You would kill your own mother..then the man she loved!! Who's next..your friends!?
Cobraz: I...I...I...

Cobraz hung his head low. Veanom's words were like acid to him.

Shen Lo Ken: Uh..Cobraz? Everything okay man?
Sarnie: i'm sorry Cobraz. But keep in wasn't your fault!
Cobraz: Yes it was. If I died..she would still be alive. And maybe Veanom wouldn't be as evil as he was today!!
Kitsume: The truth hurts...but...I'm sorry. We must finish this!
Cobraz: Right. (Looking in the sky) I'm sorry mother..but I have to.

Cobraz walks slowly towards Veanom!
Cobraz: Well Veanom..maybe you can join my mother..wherever she is!!
Veanom: so you're willing to fight my son?
Cobraz: I'm ashamed to be the son of a hateful father!! I left Dark animal Court because I knew you hated me for other reasons besides the death of my mother!!
Veanom: Yes...dissapoinment, disrespect,and the traits of a filthy traitor!! i knew you would inherit these traits!! you take your mother's side!! You betrayed me..just as your mother did! She betrayed me with her death..and in return..I got YOU!!! A horrible bastard son!!!
Cobraz: So you knew I was a failure from the start!!
Veanom: Yes..and a good for nothing speck of dirt...who i am asahmed to call my son!!
Cobraz: It's oaky..I'm ashamed your my father!! You could had killed me..and save my mother!! And blame me..cause you gave in to her demands!!
Veanom: i would do anything for her!!
Cobraz: Even let her die!?!? NO VEANOM!!! If that's the case..then we're both murderers!!
Veanom: WHAT!?!?!
Cobraz: Like father, like son!! I killed her because of the disease..and you killed her..because YOU let her die!!
Veanom: I...
Cobraz: She would still be alive if you had jsut killed me during the pregnancy!! So we are both guilty!! I have no remorse now!! I will take you down!!
Veanom: think you are right!? Well..we will see fi there is iron in your words!! I'll send you to Hell where you belong..and have you say hello to soem old friends of know...those filthy followers of Lorg!!!
Cobraz: enough of this!! I'm going to do a final bout with you!
Veanom: Good!! I will enjoy watching you die.....I have been waiitng for this moment!!
Cobraz: That makes two of us!!
Shen Lo Ken: Cobraz....we're right behind ya!
Kitsume: We'll be glad to help!!
Cobraz: NO!! This is just between me and my father!! Take the ruby..and destroy it!!
Sarnie: Okay!! Go get him Cobraz!!

Cobraz stands before Veanom..and the two of them begin to sway their heads back and forth..with their hoods out..and they begin to hiss like the sound of acid boiling on lava!!

Veanom: remorse!!? Well...this is for your mother you killed!!
Cobraz: Same here!! we do have the same in common!
Veanom: Just as you father like son...except for the fact that I'm NOT the failure!!
Cobraz: That's it!! you're going down!!
Veanom: good...we will now se if you improved!! HAVE AT YOU!!!!!

Veanom jumps into the air..and lands behind Cobraz!! Cobraz looks behind him to see Veanom forming large black electric circles in his hands!! he tosses them at Cobraz!! Cobraz jumps form side to side..And prepares to fire a shot from his hands!! But Veanom lashes out his long tail. Cobraz ducks in time..and begins to strike at Veanom! But Veanom quickly jumps into the air!! Cobraz, posed ready to strike, searches the ceiling for his father!! His father then appears behind him..firing three flame fireballs at Cobraz. Cobraz manages to repel them, and jump into the air! Forimng a large beam of light in his hands...he fires it at Veanom!! Veanom dodges and flips backwards near the corner of the temple!!

Veanom: Impressive!! Maybe you do inherit my skills!!
Cobraz: Yeah..but unlike you..I have a heart and soul!!
Veanom: Really!? HA!! You jest!! EAT THIS!!!

Veanom forms a glowing green ball, and throws it towards Cobraz. Cobraz dodges..but then, notices the ball is following him!! Veanom gets ready to catch Cobraz at the right moment to strike him down. Cobraz jumps from side to side...dodging the green ball's moves!!

Sarnie: Yikes..we better get the ruby!!
Kitsume: YES!! Grab it Sarnie!!
Sarnie: right!!

Sarnie rushes over to the claw alter!! Veanom then notices Sarnie rushing towards it!

Veanom: OH NO YOU DON'T!!!!

Veanom fires a large red orb towards Sarnbie with his hands. Sarnie stares as it comes closer. Cobraz jumpos inf ront of her..and bats it away with his hands!!

Cobraz: Grab the ruby Sarnie!!

Sarnie grabs the ruby and runs back to Kitsume and Shen!

Veanom: you shall regret letting her go!!

Cobraz still doges the glowing green ball following him. Veanom then strikes. Lashing out his tail.. he whips Cobraz int he abck..sending him into the wall. Cobraz gets up..and then starts froming abright light in his hands! He fires a alrge bright beam at the green ball!! The beam hits the ball..and the ball is destroyed!! Then, Veanom sees his chance..and runs towards Cobraz!! He immediately pins him tot he wall..pounding him senseless with his fists!!

Veanom: you good....TRAITOR!!!!
Cobraz: UGH!! OOF!!! (Absorbing Veanom's blows) Kit....sume...OOOFFF...Shen..AUGH!! SARNIE!! GO!!!!
Kitsume: Come...the portal is this way!
Sarnie: What about Cobraz?!?
Shen Lo Ken: Look...I'll stay!! Get the ruby back safely!!
Sarnie: But....
Shen Lo Ken: do it!! It's time to participate in a battle worht fighting!! You'll understand!! Just go..and take the ruby with you!!
Sarnie: .........Alright.
Kitsume: I'm sure they will be fine...let us go!!

Shen runs towards Veanom..and does a roundhouse kick in his face...sending him flying into the wall.

Veanom: UGGGHHHH!!! You flithy fox!! YOU DIE TOO!!!!
Cobraz: SHen..this is MY fight!!!
Shen Lo Ken: It's mine too!! Let me help!!
Cobraz: But..he's my father!! I can only settle this fighting by myself!!
Shen Lo Ken: you and I can be one!!
Cobraz: LOOK OUT!!!

The two warriros duck as a long blue beam rushes towards them. It hits th temple wall causing to shatter!!

Veanom: Damn..missed!!!
Cobraz: Big guy huh? Hmmm.
Shen Lo Ken: Let's go!!

Cobraz pushes Shen aside!

Cobraz: Stay out of this!! This is MY fight!!
Veanom: Fighting solo eh? I like that!!
Cobraz: C'mon father..I haven't got all night!!

Cobraz and Veanom strike at each other. Each throwing wild punches at each tohers' bodies..each punch barely missing them. Veanom then prepares a death blow..but Cobraz swerves out of the way..and whips Veanom with his tail. Veanom then retaliates with a another blue beam fired from his hands! Cobraz flips high into air..avoiding the beam..and fires a series of bright orange balls from his hands!! Veanom dodges each one!!

Veanom: Very well done!!
Cobraz: This fight'll take too long!!
Veanom: Because we are identical in strength and power!!
Cobraz: I see..the only way to to kill the one with identical strength!!
Veanom: father like son indeed! You are indeed worthy of my power! I guess there was one success from you after all!!
Cobraz: Grrr....more like a curse!!
Veanom: Is that right!! Well then..let's see if you endure this next trick!!

Veanom begins to glow a bright yellow. Power ebgins to swima round him...and he lights up. Cobraz does the same thing...and father and on meet each toher face to face.

Cobraz: We could die together..and see who survives!!
Veanom: Like two rams in a contest!! alright then...we will see who is the superior!
Cobraz: One of us will die..and it won't be me!!
Veanom: HHA!! I would have said the same thing!!
Shen Lo Ken: Cobraz!?
Cobraz: Stay out of this!! GO!!

The two snake warriors start glowing even brighter. They back up like two rams ready to make the blow!
Cobraz: I will have my revenge!
Veanom: Over my dead body!!
Cobraz: Have it your way...father!!

The two cobras then fly towards each other with such great speed!! Their loud war cries echo the temple as they fly at each other. Then..before Shen Lo Ken's eyes..the two warriors collide!! The collision makes a alrge explosion..which send sShen flying into a nearby wall... knocking him out cold. The explosion then makes the temple caves collapse!! The temple begins to fall apart!!! The entire temple quakes..and starts crumbling into dust!! Then....the entire temple is nothing but rubble. The evil temple which was once a gateway to Lorg's dimenison..was gone..and it were the warriors.

At home..Kitsume and Sarnie just reach the entrance of Crash's house.

Sarnie: LOOK!!!
Kitsume: The's disentergrating!!

The ruby crumbled into tiny pieces before Sarnie's eyes.

Sarnie: What does it mean?
Kitsume: It means the temple has been destroyed.
Sarnie: What about Cobraz and Veanom..and Shen?
Kitsume: I don't know! I'm not sure what happened to them.
Sarnie: I hope Cobraz and Shen are oaky!!
Kitsume: well..we amy find out..someday.
Sarnie: Some day.
Kitsume: Even if they're alive...perhaps Veanom is alive too..and they may very wellbe fighting at this moment!
Sarnie: well...we'll wait then. Let's go inside!

The two walk inside.....there they see Crash and Danni hugging each other on the couch. Danni seems to have tears in her eyes!

Kitsume: anything the matter Danni?
Danni: wha...OH!! NO!!!
Sarnie: No? Looks like you were crying.
Crash: She was not. We're fine.
Sarnie: Ya sure?
Crash: Yes! Where's Cobraz and Shen Lo Ken?
Kitsume: They are probably still fighting Veanom at the moment..i'm not sure what happened!
Danni: What if they're dead?
Kitsume: One thing's for sure..I know they're alive.
Sarnie: Really?
Kitsume: Yes! They'll come back....remember..they don't live here. They'll be day.
Crash:'re right!!
Kitsume: good night Crash. goof night Danni.
Sarnie: Yeah..good night all.
Crash & Danni: Good night.

Kitsume and Sarnie exit the other direction.

Crash: That was close.
Danni: Crash...why should we delay the inevidble. They will eventually find out.
Crash: i know. But hey..whatever'll be a great mother.
Danni: Yes. I hope you're right.
Crash: Yeah. I know I'm right in this case. Don't worry Danni. We won't get rid of it. your babay will come..and we will raise it properly..and love it.
Danni: Yes Crash...I never want anyhting to what happenend to Cobraz when he was born.
Crash: What!?
Danni: oh nothing. It's time to go to sleep. Let's go.

The couple make their way up the stairs. As the stars shone through the night....there was till a bit of wonder. The desintigration of Dark Ruby meant the temple was destroyed..but doid that mean Cobraz and Shen went with it? They never were discovered....even years alter..when Danni ahd her ofspring. But one Kitsume said..they would reappear soon as Cobraz had his revenge..on his hated father. Both of which..were the murderers of their mother. father, like son!!!


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