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One afternoon Crash and the others were training in the park until someone comes up to Yarra and Casey. The young dingocoots were scared by this creature's appearance. He looked like a Dalmatian that was 6ft 5 inches tall with no spots except the black spot on his eye, black ears, light blue eyes, two golden yellows scars on his eyes, Trunks’s eye structure from DBZ, and wore a blue jacket and on the right side of his arm was an uppercase N, black sweatshirt, red bandanna, dark blue pants, silver and black Nike sneakers with red trimming, yellow strap that was metal to hold that scabbard, and his main weapon was a beam sabre that was similar to Zero's from Mega Man X .

Yarra: DAD HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crash: What is it kids?!
Casey: It's one of Cortex's minions!!!

The two dingocoots get behind their father for protection. The warriors look at this 18-year-old Dalmatian as a threat since he has an N symbol on the right side of his jacket.

Crash: Who do you think you are scaring my kids like that?!

Note: The Dalmatian has Trunks’s voice from DBZ.

Dalmatian: I'm really sorry about scaring your kids. Allow me to introduce myself... my name is Vector Yamazaki and I'm an android hunter.
Danni: I've got a question Vector.... what's with the N symbol on your jacket?! You work for Cortex!!?
Vector: I can't tell you the N symbol on my jacket is for.
Sarnie: Then why are you here Mr. Yamazaki?
Vector: I need your help battling these enemies in my future.
Shen Lo Ken: How can you be from the future? You could be one of Cortex's minions!!
Crash: Guys... let's huddle up!!!

Crash and his friends huddle up to make a decision to see if they can trust Vector or not. Kitsume told Crash something about Vector.

Kitsume: Crash there's something you want to know about him.
Crash: What?
Kitsume: I sensed his power rating and it's very enormous!
Coco: I sensed it too. He seems very evil to me!!!
Danni: Vector doesn't look that evil. Okay maybe a little but he's young.
Sarnie: Well he does look very cute and he seems nice.
Crash: Okay fine!!!!!

Crash and the others agreed to trust Vector and Crash told him that he can...

Crash: Okay Vector... you can be part of the team!
Vector: Thanks guys... I knew I could count on you. But first we need a name for the team. How about we call ourselves the C Fighters.
Coco: What's the C stand for?
Vector: The C stands for your brother named Crash.
Danni: The C Fighters. Sounds perfect!

Everyone agreed to call themselves the C Fighters and now they plan to head to the future.

Kitsume: So who is the enemy we are going to battle?
Vector: The Dark Jesters. They're four powerful rulers that will destroy anything that gets in their way. They killed you guys as well. I wanted to help out but they seemed very stronger than me. I came here in a time machine to travel back into the year 2000 to get you guys.
Yarra: Then what year are you from sir?
Vector: I'm from the year 2959.
Casey: What about Yarra and I? Do we exist in the future?
Vector: Yes, you do exist in my future. You two are my trainers but both of you died of a heart attack. Your last words were... good luck Vector, defeat the Dark Jesters with everything you've got. Now I'm Earth's last hope to protect the world.
Kitsume: What are their names?
Vector: The Dark Jesters names are Thunder Seadragon, Machine Rex, Brainiac, and the leader of the Dark Jesters is Kaizer.
Crash: Let's go to the future and defeat those Dark Jesters! Our mission starts now.

Vector led Crash and the others to the time machine and they all went inside. Everyone seat down in a chair to make themselves comfortable. Vector started the engines and a blue vortex appeared in front of the time machine. The time machine went into the vortex and started heading to the future. Now the C Fighters come face to face with the ultimate enemies called the Dark Jesters.
Mean while in the future, the leader of the Dark Jesters named Kaizer was looking through his giant telescope looking at the time machine that's heading towards the future. He turned his throne around and unveiled what he looked like. He looked like a hawk with black feathers, yellow eyes, bright orange hair that was slicked back, and wore a dark red long rider with purple trimming and pants, black shirt, gold sash around his waist, dark blue cape and the background of it was silver, black top hat, and two scabbards crossed like an uppercase X behind his back with fours swords.

Note: Kaizer has Piedmon's voice from Digimon

Kaizer: (smiling evilly) Our day has come... to battle Vector and his little friends from the past.

Just then a large sea dragon that was 11ft 8 inches tall popped out of a pool of blood. He had red eyes, purple hair, and wore gold and silver on and electric rods on his back. It was Thunder Seadragon, the sea king of lightning!!

Note: Thunder Seadragon has Dr.Kouchin's voice from DBZ: The World's Strongest.

Thunder Seadragon: That mutt won't know what will hit him and then we'll make them seek to the bottom of the bloody sea!!!

A midget Doberman that was 4ft 6inches landed on Thunder Seadragon's head. He looked like Blitz from Road Rovers, green eye, his left side of his face was metal with a glowing red eye and a nuclear missile stuck in his head, and wore a purple lab coat, light blue shirt, red tie, yellow lab gloves, silver boots with orange trimming, blue pants, a jetpack behind his back, and his main weapon was a bazooka. This was Brainiac, the master of technology!!!!!

Note: Brainiac has Noxic's voice from Big Bad Beetleborgs.

Brainiac: Even more better my friend, we'll use them like toys to pull them apart.
Thunder Seadragon: Like dolls?
Brainiac: Exactly!!!

Then a robotic dinosaur that was 10ft 11 inches interrupted Brainiac and Thunder Seadragon's conversation. He looked like T-Bone from Extreme Dinosaurs, the left side of his face was black metal, glowing metallic blue eyes, silver wires hanging out of his mouth, and the androids body parts but the were much larger now. He had Frost Walrus's body, Volt Catfish's tail, Magma Dragoon's legs, Slash Beast's arms, and two cannons on his back. It was Machine Rex, the ultimate robotic reptile.

Note: Machine Rex has Dr. Wheelo's voice from DBZ: The World's Strongest.

Machine Rex: I'd rather blast them with my cannons to get the job done easily!
Kaizer: Easy, Machine Rex... we'll get a chance to destroy Vector and his friends when they get here.
Thunder Seadragon: This will be easy as pie!!
Brainiac: Don't forget it will be a piece of cake!!!!
Kaizer: Those fools we be heading for Doom Mountain soon enough. We will give them a show for their life! IT WILL BE THE FINAL PERFORMANCE!!!!!!! Starting Thunder Seadragon... Brainiac... Machine Rex... and myself.... Kaizer, leader of the Dark Jesters!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our heroes finally made it to the future but Shen Lo Ken sees a strange thing.

Shen Lo Ken: What the heck is that thing?
Vector: It's Doom Mountain.
Crash: Doom Mountain?
Vector: Doom Mountain is the Dark Jesters lair.
Sarnie: I get it now - there's four Dark Jesters and the four colours in the spiral are in a pattern.
Vector: You’re right but I don't know which land the Dark Jesters clam.
Yarra: Dad I'm hungry and tired!!!
Crash: Don't worry Yarra - we'll find someplace to eat. Right Vector?
Vector: I'm sorry Crash... ever since the Dark Jesters came here they forced everyone to give up their food.

Just then a blue orb appeared floating in front of the C Fighters. Then there was a red flash showing Kaizer's head.

Kaizer: Greeting my friends... and hello Vector Yamazaki.
Danni: Who's that?!
Vector: Kaizer...
Crash: That's Kaizer?
Vector: Yeah, I don't know how strong he is... maybe too strong.
Coco: Kaizer you'll be washed up when we’re through with you!
Kaizer: Well than if you want to fight then do it at the beach but I won't be there - someone else will do the job.

The hologram disappeared and the C Fighters started to think if they should go or not.

Danni: Do we have a choice, mates?
Vector: Yes, we'll have to do it - one of the Dark Jesters might be there.

Everyone walks to the beach.
Meanwhile at the beach, Thunder Seadragon was waiting for them while he was in the water.

Thunder Seadragon: They're heading straight into my trap!!! When they get there it's goodbye Vector and his friends!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone made it to the beach but no one or one of the Dark Jesters was there.

Casey: I don't believe that good for nothing Kaizer tricked us!!!!
Vector: Maybe not, I mean it's someone that's waiting for us. Anyway, let's relax and wait.
Yarra: Well I'm going swimming okay Mom?
Danni: Okay but don't go out to far.
Vector: Hold on a minute... I think I see something.
Kitsume: What is it?
Vector: I recognize that armoured tail before!!!

Vector got out his beam sabre and stuck it through this armoured tail. Then this armoured sea dragon came out of the ocean.

Danni: Blimey! What is that thing?!?!?!
Yarra: Mom I'm scared!!!
Crash: Don't worry Yarra. Your Mom and I will finish him off.
Vector: No Crash, you and I will finish him off as a team.
Danni: Yeah but what is that thing?
Vector: That's Thunder Seadrgon - ruler of the ocean and one of the Dark Jesters.

Thunder Seadragon looked at Vector in a very angered mood!

Sarnie: Boy this guy has a problem.
Vector: You ready Crash?
Crash: You got it partner.

Crash and Vector glided towards Thunder Seadragon but the evil Dark Jester shot electricity out of his eyes.

Thunder Seadragon: GIGA LIGHTNING SHOCK!!!!!!
Coco (worried) Oh no not again!!! Just like Volt Catfish did to him.
Crash: (nervous) Looks like this is the end for me. My kids won't have a father to look up to.

Vector came to save Crash and generated a force field to absorb the electricity.

Yarra: All right Dad's safe!!!!
Crash: Wait a minute. Vector, you saved my life?
Vector: (smiling at Crash) Hey I can't let my friends down.

Thunder Seadragon popped out behind Crash and got him into his mouth and everyone was watching.

Thunder Seadragon: Now I got you!!!! Say goodbye!!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: Don't worry Crash... I'm coming!!!!!

Shen Lo Ken took off his shirt and dived into the water. Crash was still holding on and Thunder Seadragon was about to eat Crash.

Thunder Seadragon: PREPARE TO DIE BANDICOOT!!!!
Vector: I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prepare to get your energy absorbed... ENERGY DRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector got his sharp fangs into Thunder Seadragon's armour and absorbed some of his energy.

Shen Lo Ken: Wow... Vector's a maniac to do that kind of thing.
Vector: Crash, get out now!!!!
Crash: Well I'm stuck at the moment.
Vector: Not anymore partner.

Vector tackled Thunder Seadragon by the eye to let Crash out. The mighty sea dragon roared in pain with Vector's tackle.

Sarnie: All right, Crash is okay now thanks to Vector!!!
Thunder Seadragon: It's not over yet!!! PRESSURE OF LIGHTNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vector: Crash, combine your powers with mine to take down this lunatic.
Crash: No problem.

Vector and Crash put their hands together to perform the ultimate technique.

Vector: Now Crash!!!
Crash: Okay!!!!

Now the two warriors are ready to do the ultimate technique ever!

Crash & Vector: REFLECTOR WALL!!!!!!!!
Thunder Seadragon: WHAT?!?! That bandicoot and his friend reflected my attack! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The evil Thunder Seadragon was vaporized by his own attack . The gang was teleported to a new area.
On top of Doom Mountain, the ocean started to dissolve in a spiral and Kaizer said something about Thunder Seadragon for not winning.

Kaizer: That Thunder Seadragon was a weakling but no matter that was the beginning.
Brainiac: Well Master Kaizer, since Thunder Seadragon failed I'll be the one to go next your greatness.
Kaizer: Don't fail me Brainiac, your the strongest one we got and don't end up like Thunder Seadragon.
Brainiac: Don't worry I won't fail you Master Kaizer.

Brainiac teleported out of the fortress.

Machine Rex: You think he has a chance?
Kaizer: Of once he does. When it comes to battling enemies, he's on it!
Mean while, Crash and the others are in a creepy swamp.

Yarra: Thanks for saving my Dad, Vector!!!
Vector: No problem, it was a snap.
Danni: That Thunder Seadragon was no match for us mates.
Shen Lo Ken: Everyone look.

Everyone looks at Doom Mountain to see that Thunder Seadragon's domain is gone.

Vector: Good, the fourth domain is gone.
Crash: So what does that mean?
Vector: Well it means that we defeated one of the Dark Jesters so there's three more left.
Casey: All right, those wimpy Dark Jesters don't stand a chance against us!
Sarnie: This fog is moving in! Quick - let's move.
In the underground lair of Brainiac in the swamp Brainiac was planning an attack.

Brainiac: When we come face to face you simpletons I'll destroy you once and for all!!!
Crash: That Thunder Seadragon was a piece of cake!
Vector: Crash, the Dark Jesters aren't gonna be easy to defeat. We’re gonna be coming face to face with Kaizer soon enough when were finished with Brainiac and Machine who are gonna be tough to beat.
Kitsume: Vector's right... they're very powerful enemies that we never faced before. I have a feeling that the first one is the weakest and the next two are very powerful!
In the underground lair of Brainiac, he was set to battle the C Fighters and lead his army of mutant crocodiles.

Brainiac: This is it, the final moment we come for... to defeat our enemies, now move out!!!!

Brainiac and his mutant crocs sent out to battle our heroes!!!
Danni had a funny feeling that someone was watching them.

Coco: What is it Danni?
Danni: I have a feeling we’re being watched by someone.
Voice: Well we have a winner.
Shen Lo Ken: Who's there?

The figure showed himself and it was Brainiac and he was sitting on top of a tree.

Brainiac: Why it is I, The Great Brainiac!!!!
Sarnie: Come out of that tree and fight us!!!
Brainiac: Love to Sarn but I prefer to stay up here. You’re about to face my army of mutant crocodiles to destroy you all.
Sarnie: Come down here and tell me what you called me.
Crash: Now isn't a good time Sarnie. The mutant crocodiles are about to eat us!!!

Everyone starts to attack the mutant crocodiles and defeat them easily by shooting energy beams.

Brainiac: I got to fly now and I'll see ya later. TTFN, ta ta fer now.
Sarnie: Get back here shorty!
Brainiac: What did you call me?!
Sarnie: Good! You got my attention. Let's fight!
Brainiac: Okay bobcat! You asked fer it!!! BRAINIAC BAZOOKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brainiac shot multiple tracking missiles at Sarnie but she dodged them. Then she grabbed Brainiac's rocket - on his left side he got eliminated easily.

Brainiac: Oh boy, Master Kaizer isn't going to love this.
Shen Lo Ken: Be quiet Brainiac.

Shen Lo Ken shot a large beam at Brainiac eliminating him and the swamp. Now the gang was teleported once again.
Mean while on top of Doom Mountain, Kaizer had a fit since Brainiac failed so easily.

Kaizer: They're ruining my plans. Machine Rex, come here.
Machine Rex: Yes Master Kaizer?
Kaizer: When Crash and the others make it to the city, finish them.
Machine Rex: Yes sir... I have the most massive army of robots that will get rid of them!!!!!
Crash and the others are in the city where it is deserted and no one is there. But now they’re in a hotel - in the swimming pool.

Sarnie: Guys, I think were going to be able to defeat those Dark Jesters.
Crash: I agree because defeating the first two was too easy.
Kitsume: I'm not so sure Crash... but were going to face one of the next Dark Jesters.
Coco: Yeah, so far Machine Rex and Kaizer are the only two Dark Jesters left.

Vector came inside the swimming pool room with his clothes on and he had no interest in swimming. Danni came up to him asked him what he was thinking about.

Danni: Vector, tell me what you’re thinking about so I can help you.
Vector: Well, you promise not to freak out?
Danni: No problem... what is it?
Vector: I'm the ultimate experiment of Dr. Cortex.
Yarra: Your creator is Cortex.
Vector: Yeah, he made me to battle the Dark Jesters before he died but I was able to keep him alive but he went somewhere that I don't even know about.
Danni: Don't worry Vector, we'll help you defeat Kaizer and find Cortex fer ya mate.
Vector: (smiling at Danni) Thanks a lot Danni.

Vector gives Danni a hug for what she said to encourage him. Then the gang heard a loud noise.

Shen Lo Ken: What the heck was that?

All of them got their clothes on to see what's happening out there. They ran out of the hotel and there they saw Machine Rex!

Casey: Is that Machine Rex leading some kind of weird army?
Vector: Your right, that's Machine Rex and his army of robots on the ground and in the air.
Crash: Then who are those two guys with him?
Vector: Those are Machine Rex's rat generals that he's in charge of.
Danni: Kids, get inside the hotel quick.

Casey and Yarra got inside the big hotel while the others fight.

Vector: Danni, take out Machine Rex!
Danni: Why can't you... he's too big to fight.
Vector: Remember the old saying the bigger they are the harder they fall!!!!!

Danni rushed over to Machine Rex but Machine Rex used his hand to grab her and squish her with pain.

Crash: Danni!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Machine Rex: Now for my ultimate attack... Thunder Claw!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danni: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector pulled out his beam sabre and came dashing at Machine Rex but his rat generals were blocking the way.

Rat Generals: Stop where you are!!!!!!!!!!
Vector: Out of my way rodents!!!!!!

Vector jumped into the air and blasted the rat generals for good. He raised his beam sabre.

Machine Rex: Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector sliced off Machine Rex's right arm to free Danni.

Danni: Let me at him!!!!
Machine Rex: Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danni: Okay then!!!!

Danni used her boomerang as a weapon to defeat Machine Rex but he was still standing.
Machine Rex: Now to finish you off for good.
Danni: I can't believe my boomerang didn't go through him.
Vector: I don't think so, there's a few loose parts. Observe, my good Danni!

Vector saw Machine Rex's face was sliced in half and the android dinosaur's whole body fell off. Now the whole army of robots started to malfunction. Now the city was starting to dissolve and now the gang was teleported to the last area of Doom Mountain.
Meanwhile on Doom Mountain, Kaizer was glad that Machine Rex failed so that he could battle the C Fighters.

Kaizer: With Machine Rex out of the way, I'll be the one to battle Vector and his friends.
Now Vector and the others were now on top of the mountain and they spotted Kaizer's fortress that looked like Dr. Wheelo's from DBZ. The gang was waiting for Kaizer to come outside of the castle.

Vector: We made it.
Crash: Now all we have to do is defeat Kaizer and we go home free.
Vector: You’re right - this is the point where there is no turning back.
Crash: So we come face to face with the leader of the Dark Jesters.
Danni: Neva' knew we made it this far mates.
Shen Lo Ken: Wonder if this place has any traps?
Kitsume: By the looks of it, we'll be able to find Kaizer on the top of the castle!!
Coco: Just like every villain plans to do!
Sarnie: Let's just head in.
Vector: Hold it... what about the kids? They hafta be somewhere save.
Yarra: We'll stay outta trouble.
Casey: I'll watch Yarra outside of the fortress while the seven of you fight Kaizer!
Danni: You two are coming and besides, maybe some creepy henchmen of Kaizer might kidnap you.

Just then the doors open and everyone walked into the fortress.
In the main room of the fortress, Kaizer was sitting in his throne looking at the C Fighters through his crystal ball.

Kaizer: I'd never imagine Vector and his friends would get this far. Too bad Thunder Seadragon, Brainiac, and Machine Rex couldn't defeat them. Those three aren't near as powerful as me!!! Out of all the Dark Jesters, I am the strongest super being of them all!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The C Fighters see a door in front of them. Yarra and Casey hide in a room while the gang battles Kaizer. Vector starts to think to himself.

Vector: (thinks to himself)*I never knew this moment would come so fast! Out of all the Dark Jesters... Kaizer is way beyond the strongest. I might be able to beat him since I’ve done all that training while I was in Crash's past!!*
Kitsume: Stand back... I'm going to blast the door down with my magic!

Kitsume starts to glow pink and shoots a powerful pink blade. It blows up the door to a million pieces. When our heroes run in they see...

Crash: Kaizer...
Kaizer: So we meet at last! I hope you’re ready because I am.

Kaizer points his finger at Crash, Coco, Danni, Kitsume, Sarnie, & Shen Lo Ken turning them into dolls. He takes the dolls by using his magic and puts them on a glass jar.

Kaizer: I want to battle you Vector!! I knew you would want to battle me... now here's your change to defeat me.
Vector: All right Kaizer! I'm ready!!!!!!!

Kaizer raises his hands and yells out a technique of his.

Kaizer: CRIMSON MIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Purple smoke comes out of his hands and it covered the whole room. Vector couldn't see Kaizer... just then a large blue fireball came towards Vector. The fireball goes right through Vector. Kaizer's Crimson Mist technique starts to dissolve. Kaizer yells out another technique.

Kaizer: TERROR SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaizer launches four swords at him but Vector grabs all four of them and crushes them to pieces.

Vector: That's strike one Kaizer!
Kaizer: I hop your ready for some more action! MYSTIC DEATH BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A large ball of energy comes out of Kaizer's hand and launches it at Vector. Vector grabs the ball and kicks it out of the fortress leaving a large hole.

Vector: Strike two...
Kaizer: Now you’re really asking for it!!!!!! MIGHTMARE KAISER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaizer points his finger up and green beams filled with electricity came out of the ground. It started coming towards Vector but he absorbs it.

Vector: Strike three and yer out!!! Now it's my turn... FINAL FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector fires a large yellow beam and it hits Kaizer. Kaizer was trapped in the attack and he was screaming for his life. Crash and others were turned back to normal.

Danni: All right!!!!! I'm back ta me old self again!
Sarnie: I'm ready to kick that Kaizer's butt!!!
Vector: Too late Sarn - I already defeated him.
Sarnie: What did you call me?!
Vector: Nothing... we'd better go get Yarra and Casey.

The gang ran to the room where Casey and Yarra were hiding. The C Fighters left the fortress and Vector shot a large beam destroying the fortress.

Shen Lo Ken: That's the last of the Dark Jesters!
Kitsume: So Vector... since we defeated the Dark Jesters... are you going to stay here?
Vector: No, I'll be staying with you guys.
Crash: Great! You can always live with Danni and I.
Vector: That'll be fine.
Yarra: I stil wanna know what the N on the right side of your jacket for?
Casey: Yeah, spill the beans already!
Vector: I work for Cortex's secret organization where I hunt down androids to protect the city from the evil forces of Dr. Andross.
Crash: We could use your help in the past to battle the androids that were made by Dr. Sai Borg.

Vector looked at Crash in a serious way.

Vector: Did you say Dr. Sai Borg?
Crash: Yeah I did... why do you ask?
Vector: He's a threat to my future. He broke out of prison and escaped. You wouldn't happen to fight any androids that were named Storm Eagle, Sting Chameleon, Neon Tiger, Boomer Kuwanger, Toxic Seahorse, Volt Catfish, Launch Octopus, Frost Walrus, & Slash Beast?
Danni: We did...
Vector: I'll explain their main jobs to you. Toxic Seahorse worked for a nuclear power plant, Boomer Kuwanger was part of the android hunting squad I was on, Volt Catfish was worked for an electric company, Launch Octopus was a coast guard of the Navi, Sting Chameleon and Neon Tiger were designed to protect the forest from hunters, Slash Beast is the captain of the military, & Frost Walrus makes weapons for the Neo Corps which is owned by Dr. Cortex.
Sarnie: So looks like Sai Borg reprogrammed those androids ta do bad stuff!
Crash: Looks like you know your androids very well! Just ta let ya know that Sai Borg is in our timeline. What about the one called Magma Dragoon?
Vector: I heard rumours that he's suppose to be Sai Borg's ultimate android that's top secret. I'll teleport us to the time machine.

Vector teleported the gang and himself to the time machine.
The gang went into the time machine except for Vector who had to do something important. He got out his cell phone and called someone.

Voice: (speaking through the cell phone) Dr. Cortex speaking...
Vector: Mission completed... now we know where Sai Borg is!
Cortex: Where?
Vector: In the year 2000! I'll be heading into the past with them to battle Sai Borg and the androids!!
Cortex: Good. Just take a long vacation in the past... you deserve it!
Vector: Okay Cortex, as an android hunter, I must protect the Earth from the androids. Make sure that the other android hunters battle the androids and find a way to cure them by destroying the virus that makes them evil.
Cortex: Okay!!! Cortex signing off!!!!!

Vector puts away his cell phone and heads to the time machine and starts the engines.
The next day at Crash's house, Crash seems curious about Vector.

Crash: (thinks to himself)*How could Vector get rid of Kaizer so easily? Was he meant to be Cortex's ultimate experiment to protect the people? All I know is that he's on our side! He's more than just an ally, he's one hell of a friend.*
Danni: Hey Vector!
Vector: Yeah Danni?
Danni: Want some pancakes?
Vector: Don't mind if I do.

Vector walks over to the table and starts eating the pancakes that Danni made. Just then, Vector sees Casey & Yarra fighting over a prize from the cereal box.

Casey: I want the prize!!!!!
Yarra: No, I want it!!!!!!!
Vector: Why don't you both share it?

Casey & Yarra still fight over the prize. Vector takes the cereal box from them and puts his hand inside it.

Vector: Not only is there one prize in here but... two prizes!

Yarra & Casey jump in joy to see they both got cool decoder rings that had their names on.

Danni: Thanks for stopping them arguing Vector! You’re a true friend mate.
Crash: Yeah, witout ya we'd be nothing.

Vector was proud to be part of Crash's family. Each day he started training with the others to battle the androids. Vector seemed very curious about how Sai Borg broke out of jail. He knew that his job as an android hunter was to stop Sai Borg and bring him to justice for good.

The End

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