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Episode 8 – Capital Punishment

Scene: A living room, in a space lab above Australia
Music: 3LW – “No More” (Instrumental)

As the scene begins we see Crash sound asleep on the sofa, Shen and Sui in a training battle and Coco typing furiously on her laptop. The sound of a drill could be heard from here. But in one of the bedrooms…

(Scene changes to Copper’s room)

A small globe showing the planet Gazmoxia can be seen in the windowsill, and Copper was watching over it. She started to have tears in her eyes, and started to sob some away. The crying was easily heard by Bash, who came into the room curiously.

(Music fades away)

Bash: Copper…

She turned around, showing her troubled face.

Bash: Why are you crying?
Copper: (sniffs) It’s something that I don’t want to tell you.
Bash: Please! I can take it!
Copper: (sobs) No – it just makes me feel worse.
Bash: Come on Copper – please tell me!
Copper: (sighs and sniffs) All right, but it’s heart breaking. (turns to the statuette) This was my home planet Gazmoxia. It was my pride and glory, until something terrible happened a couple of years ago.

[Music restarts – Cardigans – “My Favourite Game” (Instrumental)]

The whole planet was one big parking lot filled with mad racers alike. Then something fast came across the area.

Voice: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The vehicle zoomed right past the camera and headed further along the road.

(Camera shows a window view of who’s in the vehicle)

We can now see Copper zooming across the area at five times the speed of a cheetah!

Announcer: And here comes young Copper Oxide, the fastest racer on the planet! The crowd is cheering madly for her! She’s gone in the last chicane in the final lap…

But just then there was a disturbance in her engine, like a smoking sound…


The engine blew up and sent her into the last corner, and she crashed in the side of the wall just before she finishes the lap.


And someone from another planet crosses the line a few seconds later.

(Music stops)

Announcer: Aaaaaaand the winner is… BANZAI JACK!!!!!!!!

The car comes to a halt and out came a Japanese yet evil-looking monster. He then steps onto the podium to claim his prize.

Announcer: Remember sir that you can go for any wish you want!
Jack: OK, as part of the planet Flamar I shall destroy this planet. You’ve all been giving me a headache.

[Music restarts – Rank 1 – “Airwave” (Intro)]

Everyone gasped, especially Copper.

Jack: AND I SHALL DO IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Copper screamed and jumped into his car, accelerating as high as she could. As she headed out of the atmosphere Jack emerged away as he can from the planet and got out a laser. She was soon out of sight and she could hear a boom in the distance. She also began sobbing as mad as she possibly could. As she turned around, nothing was left, except for rubble. Even Jack wasn’t seen here.

(Music stops)
Copper: (sniffs) And then my planet… (sniffs) …was no more… (sobs)

Bash started crying with her, until Toby came into the room.

Toby: What are you guys crying about?
Bash: (sobs) She told me about the end of her planet…
Toby: (cuddles them both) Please don’t cry. I know for sure that there would be someone around that could help you get your race back. Even I was separated when I was younger, and just recently I found my brother and my father. So your relations could still be alive.
Bash: (sniffs) Thanks for telling me…
Toby: Now do you guys feel any better?
Copper: (sniffs) I suppose so…
Toby: Good. Now we just heard that the others are back and they will be proud to see you!


[Music restarts – Gorillaz – “19-2000” (Instrumental)]

The time ball was in some sort of a transporting machine and sooner enough faded.

Danni: So where exactly should it be taken to?
Daphne: According to my calculations this should be taken to the prison of Alcatraz in San Fransisco, in the year 2001. They should be kept in there for a while.
Snappy: (speaks sickly, pushes Crash off the sofa and lies on it) One more thing – how can you tell the difference between the transportation ball and the time ball?
Rusty: The time balls are much smaller, so they can fit in the deposit chute a lot easier.
Carla: That’s one down and seven to go. Wonder where the next one is…

[Music changes – Modjo – “Lady (Hear Me Tonight)” (Club version intro)]

Just then Rusty got out the same light from in his head and it shone around the area. As he did so Toby came down with Bash and Copper.

Rusty: I have just located the next scum! This one is over in the New Great Wall of China…
Cortex: What happened to the old?
Sui Do Ken: In the past few centuries it was corroded by acid rain and was eventually destroyed. The new one was built in 2865, and it showed all the unique features of the old wall.
Snappy: (sickly) Thanks for telling us that – I mean, I never knew so much could happen in the space of just one millennia…
Shen Lo Ken: It just did!
Coco: Now it looks like Travel Team 2 is on the case. Which are… (counts on her fingers) …Crash, Mad, Shen, Sui, Bash, Copper, Toby and me.
Bash: What if one of us gets killed in battle?
Copper: Stop being a scaredy cat – I’ve seen worse.
Bash: OK then!
Madison: (comes in the room from the basement) What’s better, I’ve managed to upgrade your engine a bit, so you can be able to get there much faster.
Crash: (stands up) Thanks a lot! Looks like we’re in for the next kill!

The eight of them headed out of the room; ready to face the next of Tiko’s comrades, whoever it should be. Meanwhile, the remaining eight remained in the lab. Daphne and Brio went into some sort of recording studio, Cortex started oiling Rusty ready for the next encounter, Carla, Boron and Danni went outside for training, and Snappy lied himself on the sofa and drifted into a light sleep.
Episode 9 – Over The Bridge

Scene: The New Great Wall of China, on the borders of China and Russia
Music: Dido – “Thank You” (Deep Dish remix, instrumental)

There was a wild flash of lightning from above, and a few small drops of rain collided towards the wall, which was shining a metallic silver. They landed, and they bounced right off it. Lurking from the depths of the wall lie two pairs of strange yellow eyes, leering out into the darkness. The sun could only just be seen over the horizon, reflecting off the pupils.

Voice: If nothing can dessssstroy the planet, no one can. (cackles lightly)

Within a few seconds a steel white object came out from the darkness. It was raised to its highest point, and then it started hurtling down to the part of the wall… but just as when he was about to touch it… he stopped. He drew it back and looked directly in the sky, trying to make out one black dot.

Voice: I ssssssensssssse a disssssssturbanccccccce in the forcccccce… (comes out, but his face isn’t shown yet) …and a dissssssturbanccccccce mussssst be brought to ressssst.

[Camera goes over to the “dot”. Music changes – Blue – “All Rise” (Instrumental)]

As we come closer a red surface and a clear holding can be seen. Then as it comes much closer no more or less than eight living beings could be seen inside, and they could be instantly recognisable.

Bash and Copper: Are we nearly there yet?
Everyone else: (rolls their eyes) Hoo boy…
Madison: Come to think of it you guys are lucky. I can make out the wall from where I’m sitting.
Toby: Excellent! Once we step aboard it’s time to kick their butts!
Crash: Maybe so but we never know what could be lying there, and where on the wall it is. It goes around China’s border.
Toby: That’s a simple task.
Coco: No it’s not – that’s the equivalent to going across this continent… on foot.
Toby: (looks down) For the love of Pete…
Shen Lo Ken: Aww, cheer up. We can still be able to find the critter easily.
Toby: Oh. And who says?
Sui Do Ken: Don’t you know yet? (attempts to punch him)
Coco: (holds it back) Don’t do that! We need him for the journey… (looks out) …and our target isn’t far now!

(Music changes – Moby – “Theme from Mission: Impossible”)

As the shuttle touches down on the wall it begins slowing down.

Crash: Now all we have to do is to find the…


The squash caused the shuttle to fly up… and then back down again, causing no damage. Then it stopped all of a sudden.

(Music stops)

Toby: (looks back at the mess) It’s more like we were riding a raging bull in a china shop, or in this case, a china wall! (jumps out and examines the mess) Wait a minute – this is our suspect, right?

He was looking down at Komodo Moe, looking gored and bruised.

Crash: It kinda looks like it…

[Music restarts – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)]

Toby: WE GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!! (steals a time ball from Sui)
Sui Do Ken: HEY!
Toby: (tosses it) 2 DOWN, 6 TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Music suddenly changes halfway through the intro – Faithless – “We Come 1” (Club version intro)]

But as the ball was about to touch him… he glowed and reformed himself back to normal health! Everyone screamed, especially Bash and Copper, whom were hugging their selves tightly.

Copper: This guy’s tougher than I thought!
Bash: (goes back into the ship) Tell me when it’s over!

As Bash cowered in the ship, the others stood face to face with the newfound demon. Komodo Moe now stood there with more power than ever before and the ability to recover. Having seen Toby’s strategy gone down the drain the way for this one would be much more tougher. Only united strength between the crew can put an end for him, and how they will attack is still pretty much on the horizon. The fate of the Chinese future… is in their hands!
Episode 10 – Poison Ivy

Scene: The New Great Wall of China, on the China/Russia border
Music: Mauro Picotto – “Komodo”

Seven of our brave heroes stood face to face with a now more powerful Komodo Moe, now armed with the ability to recover. He looked on at them with a wicked smile upon his face, and his steel blade armed at the ready.

Toby: OK - do any of you have any ideas?
Sui Do Ken: I think I do!

(Music stops all of a sudden)

They huddled up quickly, while Sui drew out a syringe with some sort of liqueur inside.

Sui Do Ken: Having focused my energy onto looking inside his body it seemed like the recovery power comes from one area of the body – the heart.
Copper: So what are we gonna do about it?
Madison: Just look at the syringe. I can see that the liqueur inside it goes directly for the heart.
Sui Do Ken: How did you know that?
Madison: I saw one of those things at the execution of John Kennedy XVII.
Coco: XVII?
Crash: I think we kinda missed out on the first 16…
Sui Do Ken: OK, now we need someone to charge towards the Komodo dragon and inject it. Shen, you’re perfect!
Shen Lo Ken: But his steel blade – I’ve suffered from that before I came into this time travelling frenzy!
Sui Do Ken: Don’t panic! I’ll try and destroy his blade and then you make the move. The rest of you do the rest.
Everyone else: YES MA’AM!!!!!!!!!
Sui Do Ken: OK, let’s go!

(Music restarts – David Morales presents The Face – “Needin’ U”)

They split up from the huddle, and immediately Crash, Coco, Mad, Copper and Toby went straight for Moe.

Moe: Ssssssssssssssso, you really think you’ll get away thissssssssssss eassssssssssy, do you?
Madison: (gets out his laser) CHOP THIS!!!!!!!!!

Mad quickly fired his laser at him but the shot was reflected! Crash tried his bazooka and one of the missiles hit his groin and cause him to fall on the floor. Then they went and pinned him down onto the floor. As that happened, Sui came and grabbed hold of the sword…


…and smashed it!

Sui Do Ken: (looks at one of the pieces, in which had bits of gravel on it) And I thought they called it “stainless steel”.

(Sound effect – a snare drum followed by a cymbal)

This caused Moe to get furious and he immediately got up and threw everyone from off his back, towards the shuttle! This not only gave them all bumps and bruises, but it also tipped the shuttle upside down!

Crash: (gasps) BASH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sui Do Ken: Calm down – just rest. I’ll try and get him out. (turns to Shen) We’re counting on you! (gives him the syringe)
Shen Lo Ken: I’ll try! (turns to Moe)

As Sui tries to roll the shuttle the right side up, Shen came towards Moe with the syringe in his hand.


Immediately Moe came with the counter attack as Shen tried to place the poison inside his body… but the arm movements made things difficult to see, and eventually, after a few seconds of martial arts style fighting… he was pinned down!

(Music stops)

Crash: (gasps) SHEN!!!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: (painfully) Ugh… get me outta here…
Moe: (laughs out madly) Now for the final curtain…

He was about to punch him into the head, but as he got ready his arm started to shake, and his eyelids started to drop.

Toby: (whispers to the others) I think it’s working!

Then eventually, the arm went down to his waist, and he started to lose his balance, with his vision looking like a typical day in the middle of the Sahara desert. Finally, he swayed backwards and forwards and attempted to land on top of Shen, who fortunately rolled out of the way just in time. Back at the shuttle, Sui managed to tip it the right way up and headed back to the scene. She picked up the time ball Toby tossed earlier and looked on with a proud smile.

[Music restarts – Tomba Vira – “The Sound Of: Oh Yeah” (Middle 8)]

Sui Do Ken: (tosses the ball) IN YOU GO, ME OLD CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ball hit Moe strongly on the back and was caught inside it. This time… it never even shook at all!

[Music changes – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)]

Sui Do Ken: (laughs happily and goes to the ball, picking it up) WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! (shows the ball to everyone) NOW IT’S 2 DOWN AND 6 TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: (weakly) Nice one…

Sui’s smiling face turned to a curious one, as she turned back to Shen, who was still on the floor, struggling to get up. Then he passed out a couple of seconds later.

(Music stops)

Sui Do Ken: (gasps) SHEN!!!!!!!!!!!! (rushes towards him quickly and places her ear on his heart)
Coco: What’s gonna happen to him? Will he be OK?
Sui Do Ken: Come to think of it he has a high fitness rating so he should be all right. He should recover within a couple of hours or so. (gets out another syringe, this time filled with a green liqueur) Within the time his heartbeat should soon be restored… (injects the fluid in his body) …and he should be fighting fit.
Copper: What do you think caused it?
Sui Do Ken: I think somewhere he placed the liqueur in himself. But don’t panic – he’ll be fine. (gets out a transportation ball and puts him inside)
Crash: One more question – will Bash survive?
Bash: (pops up from inside the shuttle, screaming) DADDY!!!!!!!

[Music restarts – Atomic Kitten – “Whole Again” (Instrumental)]

Crash: (gasps) YES!!!!!!!!!!!

Crash dashed towards his son as fast as he could and sooner enough he went inside the vehicle, and started cuddling him to bits. Bash’s tears of fright soon became tears of happiness, and he continued looking towards him, forgetting over the crisis that occurred.

Crash: (quietly) No matter what, you’ll always be in my heart.

Everyone else went into the shuttle after him. Crash went into the cockpit and placed on his helmet, scarf and goggles.

Crash: Now it looks like we’re gonna leave this behind and move on to the next culprit! (starts the engine)
Madison: Let’s hope Rusty has located the next one already.
Sui Do Ken: We can only hope.

(Music turns vocal and the final chorus occurs)

The fire in the shuttle charged up, and within a few seconds it blasted off at twice the speed of sound, occurring a loud sonic boom. Then the area remained quiet, and the only things that moved were the flags on top of the towers, scattered along the New Great Wall of China.
Episode 11 – In His Past

Scene: A living room in a space lab above Australia
Music: 3LW – “No More” (Instrumental)

The room was pretty much left the same way as we left it, but the only sounds that could be heard were Snappy sound asleep on the sofa, and the squeaks of oil in the corner, where Rusty was still getting oiled. Soon enough, his happy and chirpy face went down to a more depressed one.

Cortex: (puts the oil can down) Let me guess – you don’t need any more oil.
Rusty: No, it’s not that. You see… do you have any friends that you made yourself?
Cortex: Well some of them are not exactly “true” friends, but I did make minions out of those that didn’t escape.
Rusty: I’m glad you know all about it. Daphne made me into what I am today.
Cortex: You mean you had a past life?
Rusty: More than that – I can remember some bits of it.

He prints out a photograph of a familiar looking alien.

Rusty: This was my past self. Too bad I can’t remember my name from back then, but I know one of the initials being a “J”. I saw myself as a wicked goon, but in this form I can’t be like that anymore.
Cortex: I see how depressed you are, but the main thing is that you’re out of that form. Somehow I’ll try and erase the memory of your past life.
Rusty: Thanks. ;)

[Music changes – Gorillaz – “19-2000” (Soulchild remix, instrumental)]

Just then the others came in quickly.

Toby: WE GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (places the time ball into the transportation machine)
Cortex: (rises) Excellent! Who is it this time?
Sui Do Ken: We got the Komodo dragon in there! To be honest he seemed much tougher than we thought.

As they talked, Snappy started to wake up and then he pulled the sheet over his head, and the time ball vanished in the machine at the same time.

Rusty: What do you mean, tougher than we thought?
Bash: He can get his power back!!!
Copper: Yeah, and he nearly tried to kill us!
Coco: And during the encounter, he even knocked Shen out!
Cortex and Rusty: Whoa!
Sui Do Ken: (gets out the transportation ball) We’ll try and give him full treatment sooner enough.

[Music changes – Modjo – “Lady (Hear Me Tonight)” (Club version intro)]

Rusty: Hang on – I got another signal coming!

He gets out the light from inside his head and shone it around the area.

Rusty: I found another one over at London in the UK.
Crash: That’s… nearly the other side of the world!
Daphne: (comes out from the recording studio) Say what?

Everyone else came back into the room and saw what was going on. Snappy finally stood up and went to them, giving out a large yawn on the way there.

Rusty: While Travel Team 2 give treatment to Shenny-boy, we, as Travel Team 1, shall go over to England for that encounter. Is everything clear?
Everyone else: YES SIR!!!!!!!!
Rusty: Muy excellente! (grabs Snappy by the tail) Let’s move! (heads out of the building)
Snappy: Hey, off me tail! It’s my most valuable possession!

(Music stops)

So Travel Team 1 headed out of the building quickly and within seconds they were already on the horizon.

Sui Do Ken: Whoa, they were fast!
Madison: You can say that again!

And the remaining people split themselves up about the house. But Copper remained there, looking through the windows towards the sky.

Copper: (faintly) At least my parents didn’t live to see this…
Episode 12 – A Monkey In The Jungle

Scene: London Zoo, London, England
Music: Mis-teeq – “All I Want” (Sunship radio edit, from the intro to the second chorus)

From this view we can see a vast array of animals getting on well with each other, in a beautiful botanical garden high above the ground. The elephants provided the showers for the wild cats, the penguins swam gracefully across the chilled pond, and the parrots, owls, toucans and other tropical birds squawked in a beautiful tone together. But just then a black figure emerged and started attacking them all, with a stretched item still shrouded without light. It went back a bit further, and it pinned a helpless lion cub down to the ground, and there was an evil cackle from her – a female cackle. The whole area was now deserted. Meanwhile, at the edge of the zoo, our heroes came into the parking lot and the door closed behind them, but the animals tried to escape. Quickly, Cortex, having ended up in the cockpit, tried to steer the shuttle out of the way dodging all obstacles in his path. As the craft ended up right in front of an African elephant, he quickly steered out of its way… and the back of it rammed into a statue of a fawn, and it smashed onto the ground.

(Music stops with the smash)

Cortex: D’OH!
Carla: A deer!!!
Daphne: A female deer.

The glass protection opened up and Rusty was the first to evacuate the vehicle. He looked towards the back and opened the panel, and as soon as he opened it a vast amount of steam went up into the air, and he tried to waft it away from his face. It soon started to fade out, giving him the chance to look at the engine.

[Music restarts – Radiohead – “Pyramid Song” (Instrumental)]

Rusty: I sense a bad disturbance in this place.
Danni: (comes out next) What is it this time?
Rusty: (looks down at the exhausts) I’m afraid that we’ve rammed the engine into a priceless work of art, and I think it cost this thing hundreds of dollars of damage.
Danni: But don’t panic – you know what happened last time! Brio repaired it fer us.
Rusty: Yes, but the crash immediately knocked him out cold.

Then they saw his body falling down from the seat down to the floor.

Rusty: See?
Danni: Yup. Now it looks like we need a betta’ mechanic to get through this one.
Snappy: (comes out next) I have a good question here – what was with the animals coming out from here?
Rusty: Maybe one of the tigers went beserk…
Snappy: Or it could be that they left for the Animal Circus at the other side of the city.
Danni: No way – I think it must be poacha’s!
Rusty and Snappy: Poachers?
Danni: Look – this is the only thing that animals are afraid a! I’m afraid a them, and so were you guys when you were normal creacha’s!
Snappy: Good point, but I’m not sure if I [i]was[/i] a normal creature. I can’t remember.
Rusty: And my past life was ruined by an atomic blast and I never knew what happened next.
Danni: OK, we need to gatha’ everyone here…

Everyone else came out sooner enough.

Danni: …quickly?
Daphne: I think we’re seeing a crisis going on. (looks under herself) Brio’s out cold…
Cortex: (in the middle of wrestling with a cobra) …something’s wrong with the animal society…
Rusty: …and the engine’s busted! Man, we need a quick plan here!
Carla: I’ll try and find the problem for the animals.
Danni: Ah’m with her on this one!
Daphne: Ditto!
Cortex: (tosses the snake across the parking lot) I’ll try and repair the engine.
Rusty: I’ll give you a bit of help! (sighs) So this leaves Boron and Snappy in the medical area.
Snappy: We’re on it!
Boron: WHOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Rusty: Great! Let’s go!

[Music changes – Pepe Deluxe – “Before You Leave” (Instrumental)]

So they split up towards their battle stations quickly and fluently. 10 minutes into it Carla and the dingoes are already in a sticky situation…

Carla: (looks down) Mud on the floor, too many trees and the stench of animal droppings – no wonder why tourists aren’t allowed in this area.
Danni: Ah’m actually copin’ with it jes’ fine!
Carla: I’m not! (speaks in a high pitched voice) It’s spoiling my outfit!

Both dingoes had a sweat drop down the side of their faces.

Daphne: Maybe next time you can borrow some of my combat clothing. They’re sensitive to the skin and are essential for survival!
Carla: But green is not my colour!
Daphne: You’ve got green eyes, so you’re happy with it!
Carla: I prefer brown to green. I need red contact lenses.

(Music stops)

Just then a wild roar was heard.

Carla: I guess SHE needs them more than I do.

[Music restarts – ATB – “9pm (Till I Come)”]

A blade of blonde hair came past her and then a familiar looking demon came right towards her.

Daphne: (screams) SHE’S HORRIBLE!!!!!!
Carla: No she isn’t – she’s… Hallie!

She attacked with her whip and the group were all separated, running for their lives. Then she started glowing and she formed two multiple copies of herself! One of them went for Danni, who had no problem, because her speed gave her an advantage, the other made an attack straight at Daphne, looking armed and dangerous, and the final one went for Carla. Unsure about which one could be the real one, there is no rest for the wicked!
Episode 13 – Seeing Triple

Scene: The terra firma of London Zoo
Music: Dream – “He Loves U Not” (Middle 8 instrumental)

Within no time at all Carla and the dingoes were all surrounded by Hallie and a couple of her clones. With no chance of breaking free, they are just left to one last resort.

Daphne: Let me give her a shock for her life!

She got a buzzer from out of her pocket, turned it up to 200,000v and aimed it directly at her opponent.

Carla: Be careful with that! I nearly got killed by one of them things!
Daphne: Don’t panic – I’m a trained professional!

She sends out an electric current from there towards her… but her body fizzed into thin air - she was against a clone! Meanwhile, the others were just three centimetres away from their opponents… and they were right on top of them!

Carla: (screams) Be careful – we’re close to death here!

As Carla suffered, Danni had no problem. She was just looking into its eyes angrily.

Danni: Girly, you’ve just struck out!

She gave her a roundhouse kick to the head… but that body fizzed into thin air too!

Danni: YOWL!
Carla: I guess that leaves me! Hee hee! This’ll be easy!

She got out her sword and attempted to slash her… and she caused a scar on her hip, causing a few drops of blood to seek out!

(Music stops)

Carla: (screams) IT’S THE REAL THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hallie: Sure it is – why won’t it be, though? Now that you’ve found the right one… (gets out her whip) It’s curtains for you!

[Music changes – Fragma – “You Are Alive” (Club mix)]

She aimed her whip directly at Carla. She gulped, knowing about the recent fight with her. The attack was launched… but suddenly the dingoes came up from behind and jumped on top of her, causing her to scream, pull herself back and to try and drag them off. Then Carla tried to go back, but sooner enough, she was grabbed back on her necklace.

Hallie: Now for your final few heartbeats!

Carla looked back and she saw the dingoes suffering behind her, looking bruised and too hurt to fight! She looked around, and nothing at all was around here, aside from the frightened lion cub in the corner. Everything went too quiet, and there was not a breeze in sight.

(The action starts to run in slow motion)

Everything was hopeless, and the whip came charging down towards her, causing her to tremble, and then she started screaming madder than she did before. As it happened, a cloud of smoke went into the area and caused them both to linger by the poison! The effects caused Hallie to go completely off-target, and then they both looked into each other madly. Then the enemy fainted all too soon!

(Music stops)

Voice: Here, you’ll need this!

The person with the voice handed her a time ball and a potion. Immediately she drank it and her body glew a bright green.

Carla: (turns to the person with the voice) I told you green is not my colour!
Voice: It doesn’t matter! Now toss the ball quickly!
Carla: Here goes! (tosses the ball) COME ON IN!!!!!!!!

The ball caught her inside, and then it started shaking for longer this time. After 10 seconds it remained still.

[(Music restarts – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)]

Carla: YES!!!!!!!!!!!! (laughs happily and goes towards the ball) THIS ONE’S MINE!!!!!! (shows it to the camera) WE’RE ON OUR WAY!!!!!!!!!!
Voice: YEE-HAH!!!!!
Carla: (puts the ball in her rucksack) Whoever you are, I want to thank you for your help. I mean, where would we be without you?
Voice: D-d-don’t ask me!

(Music stops)

Carla looked confused into the glowing brown eyes in the darkness. Then that person emerged from there in great grace – and that person was Brio!!!

Carla: (stunned) Brio?
Brio: Yes, it’s me! I thought you n-n-n-needed a bit of help back there.
Carla: I thought you were knocked out in that car crash…
Brio: Don’t p-panic – I got back on my feet soon enough.
Carla: Well, thanks!

[Music restarts – Roger Sanchez – “Another Chance” (Instrumental)]

They continued starring at each other in the eye. As they did so, the animals returned to their habitats. The frightened lion cub went back to its parents and purred happily. Then a couple of the tropical birds flew down to the dingoes and started squawking.

Carla: Oh… thanks.
Daphne: Ow…
Carla: Don’t panic – we’ll get you outta here in no time.

Both of them took one dingo each and headed out of the area. Then five minutes later they were already gone over the horizon looking towards the next encounter. The animals were back in a paradise habitat, and as that happened the remains of the fawn statue glowed and reformed itself. A rainbow shone across the sky and through the glass prism containing the terra firma. Now at this minute, paradise has been restored.
Episode 14 – A Picture Of It

Scene: The same space lab in Australia
Music: 3LW – “No More” (Intro)

The lab seemed terribly quiet, and the only sounds that ever could be heard were a few gentle strokes in another area of the room.

(Scene changes to Copper’s room. Music kicks into chorus)

In this area, Copper had a pallet with 12 different paints, a glass of dirty water next to her and an A3 piece of paper placed carefully onto a wooden stand. She looked on at her painting carefully and added in a few more touches to it.

(Camera shows the painting from behind Copper’s back)

But the painting seemed much more different than any other child of her age had done – it was a professional portrait of a Gazmoxian alien! As she made progress a few steps were heard coming into the room. She put her paints down and looked over her picture, to see Shen coming towards her curiously.

(Music turns instrumental)

Copper: Oh boy! You wanna see my painting?
Shen Lo Ken: (sighs) I’ll take a look at it later when I have more time. (picks up a fencing sword from her desktop) For now I have some training to do.
Copper: PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: Well…
Copper: Here you go! (turns her painting towards Shen)
Shen Lo Ken: (gasps) You’re pretty good for a girl of your age! That looks professional!
Copper: Thank you!
Shen Lo Ken: Mind you, the alien you drew in there seemed awfully familiar…
Copper: Familiar in what way?
Shen Lo Ken: He looked just like one of the vicious ones of the past millennia.
Copper: But I thought my species lived together in harmony…
Shen Lo Ken: Well not every world is perfect, you know. That one could have been the mishap of your planet.
Copper: You really think so?
Voice: HEY!!!!!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: Let’s just call it a yes for now. In the meantime it’s our turn to fight!

[Scene changes to the living room. Music changes – Modjo – “Lady (Hear Me Tonight)” (Club version intro)]

In the transporter, the time ball fizzed away, while Rusty had a red light on his head shining about the room. As they did so, Shen and Copper came down quickly.

Rusty: I found another one coming from the Amazon jungles of Brazil in South America!
Snappy: (picks up a couple of maracas and dances in a Spanish style) ARRIBA!!!!!
Sui Do Ken: And arriba is right – we need more than we can chew here! Ever since it’s hotter over there we need to take some extra water with us.
Crash: But it’s a rainforest, so there’s plenty of water!
Everyone else: Crash!
Crash: What?
Madison: You should think more carefully about what they are like. And besides, you can’t drink rain!
Crash: Oh yeah… um… (scratches his head) I forgot…
Madison: There you go then. (looks around) Looks like this is ours for the taking! Come on Travel Team 2 – we have some business to take care of!

They quickly headed out of the room and ten seconds later there was the sound of a blast off.

(Music stops)

Danni: (glances at Cortex behind his back) An’ I thought he was bad enough…
Daphne: Maybe, maybe not. For now, we are sure to make a quick recovery. ;)
Episode 15 – Two In A Million

Scene: The Brazilian side of the Amazon, in South America
Music: Safri Duo – “Played-A-Live” (Club version intro)

The beautiful surroundings of this picturesque rainforest stood there as beautiful as ever, and the paradise birds that roamed through this area flew together in perfect harmony. But that was until a…


…was heard, and a laser quickly struck the first tree, turning it into ash. Then came a few more shots and the next few trees faced the same fate.

(Camera rushes to the right)

The marauder that caused it all was still shrouded in darkness, as he, or she, continued firing madly destroying much more of the environment.

(Scene changes to our heroes’ shuttle. Music stops)

Meanwhile, up here, the only sound that could be heard is the sound of bongos on a fast tempo, and they are from Toby in the back seat. There was silence in the others for five seconds.

Crash: (sighs) Toby, can you please stop the bongo playing now?
Coco: Please! We’re losing concentration in the cockpit here…

The nose of the shuttle dipped down towards the ground like a seesaw, causing everyone to scream. Within the next five seconds, Toby played on the bongos much slower, until it finally stopped. Then the position of the vehicle was restored.

Madison: Thank you! Now I have one more question to ask – why did you want to play the bongos so loudly?
Toby: CAUSE I’M EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: About… what?
Toby: (peers over the side) The jungles are beauti… ful… (his looks turn depressing)

[Music restarts – Artful Dodger – “Think About Me” (Instrumental)]

Sui Do Ken: Let me take a wild guess – something seems very fishy right now.
Toby: It’s not just fishy, but fruity, spicy and beefy right now!
Bash: (peers over the side and then screams) WHERE’S THE TREES?????
Toby: See? The whole rainforest has gone!
Copper: If that’s the case then I can sense something terrible down there. Someone must have been here.
Madison: Precisely – we’re going down!

[Music changes – Blink 182 – “The Rock Show” (Instrumental)]

Everyone else (except for Bash): (sing) Down down, deeper and down… (repeatedly)

The ship then dived down towards the ground and hurtled directly towards an empty space on the ground, touching down safely. Within a few more seconds it came to a sudden stop and everyone headed onto the dry soil and sand below.

(Music stops)

Toby: (wipes his forehead) Crikey – it’s like a desert out here.
Coco: You could be right there – I’ve been to South America before.
Crash: So have I!
Shen Lo Ken: (slowly shakes his head) Too bad it’s not as beautiful as it once was…
Copper: Wonder what caused it.
Bash: (steps back towards the ship) That’s for it to know and us not to find out!

Just then there was a thud from ahead.

[Music changes – Outkast – “So Fresh So Clean” (Fatboy Slim remix, instrumental)]

Madison: Um… (turns to Sui) Did you do that?
Sui Do Ken: I could if I wanted to.

The same mysterious shadow came towards them, and it soon headed into the light, with everyone reacting with a gasp. There in front of them… was Nitrous Oxide!

Copper: WOW! MY SPCEIES IS STILL ALIVE!!!!!!! (goes up to him)
Crash: No Copper, don’t – he’s too dangerous!
Copper: (stops at Oxide’s foot) I can’t believe that you survived the blast!
Oxide: Huh?
Copper: When I’m big and strong, like you, we’ll start a new race together!
Oxide: GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!! (picks up Copper and tosses her back to the heroes)

(Music stops)

Coco: Are you OK?
Copper: (has tears in her eyes) I don’t know… wait – yeah I do – I painted a picture of him!

(Camera then shows Copper painting the picture of the Gazmoxian alien, in which in actual fact, ended up being Oxide. The flashback changes to when Shen was talking to her)

Copper: But I thought my species lived together in harmony…
Shen Lo Ken: Well not every world is perfect, you know. That one could have been the mishap of your planet.

[Camera switches back to the present event. Music restarts – Armaud Van Helden – “Koochy” (Instrumental)]

Copper: This could be the mishap that Shen was talking about!

Just before they could say anything else, Oxide leapt up towards them, in what seemed like a rage. There was no chance for escaping this one, as Oxide’s speed was much faster than anyone else has experienced before. Can they survive this one, and how?
Episode 16 – Out In The Cold

Scene: The now destroyed areas of the Brazilian side of the Amazon
Music: Outkast – “So Fresh So Clean” (Fatboy Slim remix, intro)

(Everything is still running in slow motion)

At this point, Oxide is now just half a metre away from his enemies, leaving the others nowhere to run to. All they could do is remain as they were, ready to suffer. He soon closed in on them to just 25 centimetres, and this was when Bash started shaking and put up his arms for defence. As he did so, Oxide landed right on top of them at the same time.

(Music stops)

Oxide: Oops…

(Everything turns back to normal)

Without realising it, Bash managed to lift Oxide high and made him fall in a crumpled heap to the ground…


Toby: (opens one eye) What was that?
Madison: (sighs) Pay attention, scaredy cat!

[Music restarts – Da Hool – “Meet Her At The Love Parade 2001” (Fergie remix)]

Toby growled and looked over his shoulder, to see their opponent right behind them!

Toby: WOW!!!!!! THANKS SHEN!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: But I didn’t do it.
Toby: Um… Sui?
Sui Do Ken: Nope.
Toby: Crash? Coco? Mad?
Crash, Coco and Madison: It wasn’t me either.
Toby: (looks down at Bash and Copper) Surely you guys must have…
Bash and Copper: No way!
Oxide: YES WAY!!!!!

Everyone quickly turned back to him.

Oxide: (goes up towards Bash) The reward for such a tackle like that, young man, will be… (starts speaking in a lower tone) …a slow and painful death!
Everyone: Bash?!?!?
Madison: I very much doubt it – I mean, how can a toddler defeat such a strong creature from Outer Space?

Just as he finished speaking, Oxide grabbed Bash tightly round the neck and suspended him five feet from the ground. He tried to scream, but he can’t get any sound out at all. The only thing he could do was to get choked.

Coco: (gets out her ice bazooka) I’ll handle this one…
Madison: No, wait – you don’t seem to understand-

[Music changes – Scanty Sandwich – “Because Of You” (Instrumental)]

Coco: Bash is my nephew and I can’t let this pig take him away from me!
Toby: He doesn’t look like a pig to me…

Everyone turned to Toby angrily.

Coco: Very well, I’ve no time to lose!

And with that she heads into the open. Behind Oxide’s back, she fired an ice bazooka right towards them… but it missed him and headed onto Bash, freezing HIM solid!

(Music stops)

Coco: Darn…
Oxide: (turns around) Thank you missy! Now this boy will freeze to death! (laughs vilely)

As he attempts to put him down, he then notices… that one of his arms were frozen too!

(Music restarts – York – “On The Beach”)

Coco: Serves you right for sticking your limbs into our business!

His eyes soon glowed an angry red and with a mad call he did something that he never could do before – he launched a powerful red spore onto Coco! She started to suffer, and eventually she collapsed onto the ground, on the front. From there she gave off a light grunting sound during her unconsciousness. Now the time seemed much worse for them – Oxide came up to her and got out his laser, and was about to fire when…


(Music changes – David Morales presents The Face – “Needin’ U”)

There was a sharp pain from right behind him, and he too also fell to the ground in an unconscious state! A black shadow came out from behind, and stepped into the light.

Toby: (talks like Arnold Schwartzneger) Hasta la vista, baby!

He then turned towards Bash, who may still be frozen but the ice is melting off very quickly. He removed him from Oxide’s arm and placed him out of the way.

Toby: (wipes his head) Call that some serious heat wave…

He then rooted into one of his trouser pockets and pulled out… a time ball!

Toby: (tosses the ball) ADIOS SUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Music stops)

The time ball quickly touched down on Oxide, and this time… the ball remained still!

[Music changes – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)]

Toby: (jumps up and down) YIPPEE!!!!!!!! (goes up to the ball, picks it up and then shows it to the camera) COME ON PEOPLE, WE’RE HALFWAY THERE!!!!!!!!!!
Coco: Zzzzz…
Toby: Huh? (goes up to her)

He then knelt down and opened one eye. The pupil remained as still as ever. After closing it again there was no change. He saw some remains of the spore spread on her back. Immediately he picked some up on his hand and as he placed it into a plastic bag he breathed some of it in. He gave out a light yawn.

(Music stops)

Toby: (tiredly) This may seem perfect for Bash at bedtime…
Bash: AUNTIE COCO!!!!!!!!!

[Music restarts – Gorillaz – “Tomorrow Comes Today” (Instrumental)]

The shout made him turn towards Bash, who is now defrosted and dripping in water.

Toby: (tiredly) Oh, are you OK?
Bash: (shakes his head and starts shivering) I’m all cold and wet…
Toby: (tiredly) Don’t panic… (yawns a bit heavier) …it’ll soon dry off in the sun.
Bash: What about Auntie Coco? Is she d…
Toby: (tiredly) No she’s not. She’s just in the land of dreams at the moment. Speaking of which… (yawns heavily at the same time) I feel the effects on me as well. (gives him a transportation ball) Toss this on both of us… (lies down) …we’ll be… (starts to close his eyes) …alright…
Bash: But I don’t know how to use it! Please teach me!
Toby: (yawns at his heaviest and closes his eyes) Just… toss… zzzzz…
Bash: Toby?

(Music turns vocal and kicks into the second verse)

From then on, Toby’s snores were the only sounds that could be heard. With a slight bit of hesitation he threw the ball on top of them, and both of them went inside. After looking down with a dodgy expression he picked up the ball and then turned around and ran as fast as he could, but as he did so he tripped over an old tree root and grazed his elbow. Within 20 seconds he finally met up with Crash and the others.

(Music kicks into the outro and turns back to instrumental)

Crash: WOW BASH – YOU’RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!
Bash: DADDY!!!

He continued running towards him, but just when he was just half a metre from him he fell onto the ground.

(Music stops)

Crash: (goes up to him and picks him up) Where’s the others? Hoo boy… you’re so cold!
Copper: Don’t panic – that’s what you always get after being in temperatures below zero.
Crash: Oh…

[Music restarts – Dane Bowers – “Another Lover” (Instrumental)]

Bash: (gives them the transportation ball) They’re… here… (moans with pain)
Crash: Oh, looks like you’ve done a lot for us – thank you! (looks at his graze) Yikes – let me try and sort that out…
Sui Do Ken: Stupid question time – now that you’ve got your little boy with an injury, who’s going in the cockpit?
Crash: Hey Mad – you don’t mind flying us back, do you?
Madison: Not at all, mate!
Crash: (turns back to Bash, who was clinching his elbow in pain) Calm down, my boy – we have a first aid kit in the back and we’re going to use it.

(Music kicks into the final two choruses)

With that everyone heads into the vehicle. But Shen Lo Ken, with a small camcorder in his hand, had some sort of strange expression on his face and stood there in deep thought. After a few seconds he climbed into the back seat and the shuttle soon took off. They are now halfway there – who knows what could happen next!


Toby: What are you guys crying about?
Bash: (sobs) She told me about the end of her planet…
Toby: (cuddles them both) Please don’t cry… (sniffs) …I know for sure… (sniffs) …sorry – I feel I might cry with them… (a tear comes down his face)
As the shuttle touches down on the wall it begins slowing down.

Crash: Now all we have to do is to find the…


The shuttle went flying up into the sky and it hurtled back on the wall, upside down.

Toby: (looks back) I think we accidentally stepped on one of the springboards from the Crash 3 set.
Snappy: (from off-stage) Sorry – I did it! I wanted to see if pigs could fly or not!

Everyone else shared rolled eyes with each other.
Sui Do Ken: (looks at one of the pieces, in which had bits of gravel on it) And I thought they called it “stainless steel”.

(Sound effect – a snare drum followed by a cymbal)

This caused Moe to get furious and he immediately got up and threw everyone from off his back, but they ended up anywhere else but the shuttle! Crash knocked a flag pole out of the way and took its place, Mad got caught in one of the flags and got tied up in knots, Coco was sent flying towards a window and shattered it, Copper knocked herself into the camera causing it to tilt 180 degrees from where it was, and Toby went on top of the shuttle and crashed on top of the cockpit, causing it to start moving across the studio and towards the director and cameramen!

Toby: (presses all the buttons panicking) WHERE’S THE HANDBRAKE???????????
Rusty: Do you have any friends that you made yourself?
Cortex: Well about half of them are not exactly “true” friends…
Snappy: Zzzzz… I wanna ride a pony… zzzzz…
Director: Hoo boy… Snappy, you’re supposed to pretend to nap, not have one altogether!
Snappy: Zzzzz…
Cortex: (turns back to Rusty) See what I mean?
Rusty: I think so, myte.
Daphne: I think we’re seeing a crisis going on. (looks under herself) Brio’s out cold…
Cortex: (in the middle of wrestling with a cobra) …something’s wrong with the…


Cortex: OW!!!!!!!!!!!

Danni: (grabs the cobra and tosses it to the other side of the studio) Well thank goodness it’s poison free.

As she spoke, Cortex looked faint from behind her back and eventually fell to the ground. The thud made everyone turn to him.

Cortex: (faintly) It’s OK – it’s just a hot flush…
Carla and Brio continued starring at each other in the eye. As they did so, the animals returned to their habitats. The frightened lion cub went back to its parents and purred happily. Then a couple of the penguins flew down on the dingoes!

Director: CUT! (sighs) PENGUINS CAN’T FLY!!!

They take off their helmets, revealing themselves as a couple of woodpeckers.

Woodpecker 1: But this is the only set of outfits we can find!
Woodpecker 2: Yeah! Blame it on the costume designer.
Carla and Brio: (both sigh) Hoo boy…
Rusty: I found another one coming from the Amazon jungles of Brazil in South America!
Snappy: (picks up a couple of maracas and dances in a Spanish style) ARRIB… (steps on his tail) OW!!!!!!!!!!!
Director: SNAPPY!!!!!

Snappy grabbed hold of his tail, which was now throbbing a pale red.
Sui Do Ken: Let me take a wild guess – something seems very fishy right now.
Toby: It’s not just fishy, but fruity, spicy and beefy right now!
Bash: (peers over the side and then screams) WHERE’S THE TREES?????
Toby: See? The whole rainforest was eaten!
Director: CUT!
Toby: But after that fishy line, I feel soooooooooooooooo hungry!!!!!! (rubs his stomach repeatedly)
Toby: (tiredly) Oh, are you OK? Bash: (shakes his head and starts shivering) I’m all cold and… (sneezes) …no, I’m more than cold and wet.
Toby: (speaks normally) Say what?
Bash: (falls on his back) I think I caught the flu…
Director: I knew I shouldn’t have filmed this all in one do… CUT!

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