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Episode 17 – Rockets Ahoy!

Scene: The space lab in Australia
Music: Gorillaz – “19-2000” (Instrumental)

Within the vast emptiness of the living room, two figures in the darkest corner were wearing virtual headsets and doing familiar hand gestures. Sooner enough, we see them as Brio and Daphne.

Daphne: Hmmm… (points somewhere in front of her) G7.
Brio: Missed! D2!
Daphne: Drat! Oh well, that’s just one of me cruisers. I bet you can’t find the other one! Heehee… A3.
Brio: W-w-what a naïve shot! F5!

In the background, Boron giggled behind her back in the style of Mutley from “Wacky Races”.

Daphne: (takes off her virtual headset, tosses it to the floor and turns to Boron) What do you think is so funny?

She rolled up one of her sleeves and was about to punch him when…

[Music changes – Storm – “Storm” (Housetrap remix, intro)]


Daphne quickly gasped, dropped her fist and turned to the direction of the basement door. As that happened, Boron sneakily walked off to the transporter and Brio took off his virtual headset, placing them carefully on the coffee table. Then Travel Team 2 rushed into the room from the basement and the others came in from all sorts of directions.

Madison: Hey Daph – we’re glad you’re here!
Daphne: Why?
Madison: Look – not only did we end up with another criminal in our hands but…
Copper: That’s an alien of my breed! I wanna start a new race with him!
Rusty: Copper, I know that you want your race to begin again but the solution will be within the war.
Copper: I don’t understand…
Shen Lo Ken: (grabs Copper by the hand) Maybe I should explain it a bit more to you… (takes her upstairs)
Crash: As Mad was saying, we’ve got Oxide but three casualties came with us. Bash, you’ve seen them with your own eyes. Tell me about them.
Bash: I’m cold, I’m wet and I’ve got an in… in…
Crash: Infection.
Bash: Er… a whatever-it-is here. (shows the others the graze)
Crash: And the others, plus the time ball, are in here.

He tosses the transportation ball and after a bright flash it faded out after a couple of seconds, and in front of their eyes were Coco and Toby in a sound slumber on the sofa. Bash carefully went up to them and reached into Toby’s pocket.

Snappy: What are you doing?
Bash: I knew that he placed it in here somewhere…

He pulls out a bag full of red pollen and then the time ball.

Danni: Nice one! (collects the ball and places it in the transporter)

Within a few seconds a bright flash occurred in there and as it faded out it was gone.

Danni: Four are in Alcatraz and the remaining four should be around here somewhere.
Carla: This may seem tricky…

[Music changes – Modjo – “Lady (Hear Me Tonight)” (Club version intro)]

As Bash handed the red bag with pollen to Mad, Rusty had his red light out again.

Rusty: I’ve found the fifth one!
Everyone else: Where?
Rusty: I don’t know who it is, but this one’s over at Antarctica.
Cortex: Oh here we go again…
Sui Do Ken: What do you mean?
Cortex: I mean that I’ve been there once before with Crash and Brio, not to mention three others.
Sui Do Ken: Look here Cortex – having seen how you’ve coped in temperatures like this, you should have a great deal of experience by now.
Danni: (quietly) Oh brotha’…
Rusty: (lies his hand flat and draws out a compass on top of it, and a map cartridge gets inserted inside his glasses) Consider ourselves lucky – it’s not too far from here! And before you ask about an exact location I’ll be happy to detect it for you!
Daphne: Way to go Rusty!
Rusty: (speaks in a girlish voice) I’m more than just a pretty face, you know. ;)

And with that Travel Team 1 headed out of the door.

(Music stops)

Sui Do Ken: Now that that’s sorted, how about we have a tournament game of Virtual Reality Battleship!
Crash: You’re on!
Madison: Call in the expert!
Crash: What about Toby and Coco?
Madison: I can sort them out while I’m waiting for my turn! That pollen Bash got could be deadly, but not too powerful, so we’re OK… for now.
Sui Do Ken: Right. The first match will be Crash and I. Let’s get it on!
Episode 18 – The Sea of Slush

Scene: A deserted area of Antarctica
Music: Limp Biskit – “My Way” (Intro, instrumental)

A cold draught quickly blew across the area and there was no sign of life anywhere. But there was a sound directly among the horizon and as we come closer we see Travel Team 1, wrapped up in plenty, or too much, snow gear – except for Rusty, who was still busy with the red light on his head scanning the area.

Carla: Have you found anything yet?
Rusty: I’m not sure… I don’t think this works well in these temperatures.
Cortex: Please try Rusty – we’re counting on you!
Rusty: I… I… (puts the light away and starts shivering with his arms close to his body) Man, it’s so cold!
Snappy: Here – try this! (takes off his cardigan and gives it to Rusty)
Rusty: Thanks, but… what about you?
Snappy: Don’t panic – I’ve got cold blood, so I’m pretty much used to it.
Rusty: OK then. (takes the light out again) It’s making it work a lot better – I’ve found the power source at the South Pole!
Everyone else: Not the South Pole!
Rusty: Sorry, but that’s what you get.
Danni: Ah ‘ave a question fer ya – you know when you get so cold an’ you start slowin’ down, right?
Rusty: (after a while) Right…
Danni: What about the shuttle?

(Music stops)

The vehicle made a dip down towards the surface.

Rusty: I think the engine gets busted…

Then everyone began to panic and squeal as the ship hurtled towards the ground, towards the soft snow landing…


[Music restarts – Gorillaz – “Tomorrow Comes Today” (Instrumental)]

…in which was much softer than usual – the shuttle was stuck in it like a jeep in a mud pond! The glass panel opened up, causing some of the snow to fall on top of them.

Daphne: (comes out first) Is it me or does this snow seem a little… slushy?
Brio: (comes out next) You’re n-n-n-not the only one.
Snappy: (comes out next) WOW!!! I’m in a pool of vanilla squishies! (starts eating some of the snow)
Daphne and Brio: Ewww…
Cortex: (comes out next) Snappy, that’s melting snow you’re eating!
Snappy: (comes to a halt) Is it?

Everyone that was currently out nodded.

Snappy: (spits out some of the snow) PCHOOIE! PCHOOIE! (leaves his tongue hanging out in pain) Uuuuuuuugh…

Boron was out next and as soon as he came out he started sniffing at the snow.

Boron: (opens his eyes completely) A-HA!
Danni: What is it, boy?

He continued sniffing around the area, and then he dashed off in the direction of the smell. Within a while, the remaining teammates emerged from the slush and they started following him on a cold, hard journey.

(Music stops)


Danni: Are ya sure the journey was cold an’ hard? The South Pole ain’t far now!
Daphne: No kiddin’! I can see a bright light up ahead!
Carla: Bright red!
Brio: To b-be honest that looks f-f-familiar…

(Music changes – Storm – “Time To Burn”)

They soon came closer to the light within a matter of seconds and when they finally got there they saw a figure shrouded in the light shooting fireballs from some sort of gun. Boron came back to them terrified… and black.

Rusty: YOW! What the heck has been going on?

He pointed right at the mysterious figure, and sooner enough his whole body was visible from the head to the toe.

Danni: (gasps) Ah… don’t… believe it…
Episode 19 – Caved In

Scene: The South Pole, Antarctica
Music: Storm – “Time To Burn” (Club version intro)

The cold draught blew wilder and wilder, as Danni saw a total shock and surprise right in front of her very eyes. Not only that but she also seemed nervous from her head to her toe! Even everyone that was next to her stood there, astounded by the outcome… except for Cortex, who grabbed Rusty and Boron, and hid behind a rock.

Snappy: (looks back and thinks) Scaredy cats!

The light soon faded out and the message was clear to everyone…

Danni: C… C… Co… CODY!
Carla: Cody? I thought he was Dingodile…
Danni: Yes, but… something terrible happened to him. Some mad scientist here changed him into what he was today – a vicious… MONSTER!!!!!!
Daphne: Have you tried reasoning with him?
Danni: Ah tried. Ah really tried, but… (sighs and shakes her head)
Snappy: Don’t panic now – I was a good friend of his in a past life. I’ll try and tempt him to you.
Danni: Thanks. You’re a great pal. ;)

And so Snappy ran off onto the snowy surface towards Dingodile.

(Music stops)

He stopped at his feet and dealt his hand out, waiting for a handshake.

Dingodile: Grrr… GET LOST, YOU TROUT!!!!! (fires his flamethrower at his hand)

[Music changes – Texas – “Inner Smile” (Stonebridge Classic House Mix, instrumental)]

Snappy: OW!!!!!!!!

And the next thing seen was Snappy running back and forth among the snow with a singed hand. But soon enough he placed it in the snow and it went out. Then he remained motionless for a few seconds.

(Music stops too soon)

Snappy: (sings in pain) Burn baby burn, disco inferno… (falls head first into the snow)
Carla: Nice try! (goes up to the dingoes) Remember – having been mind-controlled by Tiko, I don’t think he’d offer for anything nice at the moment. But at least there was a perfect technique used when one of our cadets suffered the effects.
Daphne: And Mad’s taken it into a new dimension!
Brio: Thanks t-t-t-to his ancestor! (points at himself)
Danni and Carla: (stare away from them) Hoo boy…
Daphne: Still, at least you girls know what you’re doing, right?
Danni: Aye Daphne!
Carla: Yes sir! Oh… sir-ette rather…

(Music changes – David Morales presents The Face – “Needin’ U”)

Before they could speak any further a flamethrower shot came right in between them and it made them start running for their lives across the snowy ground underneath them.

Snappy: I’m coming in again with the ol’ Mr. Muscle!
Daphne: No, wait –

But it was already too late! As he charged towards him… the ground caved in and buried Snappy, causing him to scream.

Daphne: (laughs) Hard luck Snappy – what did I tell ya?
Snappy: (pops his head out of the snow) Sorry… (sneezes and then sniffs)

As that was going on, both Carla and Danni had the ground caving in and burying them in an instant! Time was running out for them to escape – with the power of Dingodile’s flamethrower, anything could get burnt to bits! The weapon was pointed down… but at the same time an electric current surrounded him! Looking curious he looked all around it.

Dingodile: (looks puzzled) What the…!
Daphne: (from out of battle) Hehehehehe…

She hit a button on a remote-like device and within no time at all Dingo was fried to a crisp instantly! The dreaded smell of fried hybrid rose into the air, and even Daphne was trying to cough her way out of it!

Daphne: Brio… (coughs) …could you… (wheezes) …try and… rescue… (coughs madly) …the… others… (wheezes madder than she did before)

Brio, armed with an oxygen pack on his back, went up towards the cave-ins and rescued them one by one. At the same time, Daphne got a time ball out from her pocket.

Daphne: (weakly) You’re… in there… (tosses the ball)

Luckily she tossed the ball far enough to touch Dingo’s now paralysed body and captured it safely.

(Music stops)

As soon as it landed on the ground it vibrated madly. At the same time everyone else looked over it, and Cortex and the others came out from their “hiding place”. Then the vibrations cooled down… until it never moved any more.


But the ball started moving, and then it remained still. Then everyone remained silent for a few seconds.

[Music restarts – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)]

Daphne: YIPPEE!!!!!!!!! (goes up to it, picks it up and shows it to the camera) THAT’S ANOTEHR ONE IN THE BAG!!!!! ;)

Danni knelt down into the snow and bowed her head.

Everyone else: (sings) AND IT’S HEIGH-HO SUPER DANNI…
Danni: (sighs) Ah know what you guys want me for, but even so it’s still not gonna work. (looks down even further) Wish I can get Cody back… from this twist a’ fate.

(Music stops)

Rusty: What is she on about?
Cortex: (takes Rusty behind the rock again) I bet you weren’t paying attention, weren’t you?
Rusty: Er…

[Music changes – Outkast – “So Fresh So Clean” (Instrumental)]

Cortex: OK, I’ll tell you one more time and I won’t tell you again. What we have here is a heartbroken dingo. To tell you the truth… (sighs) I was responsible for it.
Rusty: (puts his arm round his should) Aw, don’t feel too bad about yourself – although you HAVE been at times – you can make this miracle come true.
Cortex: That’s the problem – most of my experiments can’t be reversed. But don’t tell Danni though – that would make her worse.
Rusty: You’re right – she’s already happy with a couple of bandicoots anyhow. (sighs) But we can’t just let her suffer forever. I’ll try and think of a solution.
Cortex: I knew I could count on you. Thanks! :)

[Music changes – Roger Sanchez – “Another Chance” (Club version intro)]

They both quickly went out from behind the rock and watched over Snappy’s shoulder, seeing Danni getting close to a loud cry.

Daphne: (strokes her hand into Danni’s hair) Don’t panic Dan – I know that you’re still struggling, but we’ll try our best.
Rusty: But I…

Before he can speak any further, Cortex quickly placed one of his hands over his mouth, preventing sound waves coming from there.

Daphne: What was that?
Rusty: Um… I… thought the secret machine was broken…
Daphne: Good point. It’s been taking us 5 years to fix that thing, and still no luck.

Behind her back, Cortex and Rusty both gave out a sigh of relief. As they did so, Boron barked as mad as he can and he soon left towards the shuttle.

Carla: (giggles) Hey – not so fast!
Danni: Yeah – we wanna take things nice an’ easy! (looks down at the time ball in Daphne’s pocket) An’ that gives enough time to bring me one step closer to the coolest dingo on tha’ planet!

(Beat kicks in, music kicks into the radio edit outro and vocals start)

Within seconds they were gone in a jiffy in the shuttle, and as they left the ground started to freeze again. The slush was no longer slush – it became hardened, solid snow once more. The penguins roamed out from the habitat and made a voyage down to the coasts of the Antarctic, and life was ready to breed once again!
Episode 20 – Surface Tension

Scene: The space lab in Australia
Music: Outkast – “Bombs Over Bagdad” (Instrumental)

A cheering crowd of six stood over a dimly lit coffee table, where two others were sitting there, with their faces in the darkness. They were wearing virtual reality glasses, and were performing what seemed like hand gestures. A karaoke machine was next to them, but it was all voice and no music. Connected to it was a standing microphone that looked relatively smaller and clearer than those in the 21st century – and more advanced too.

Sui Do Ken: (speaks through it very fast, putting on a pair of VR goggles) Ladies and gentlemen, both players are down to just a cruiser each in this crucial final! Both of these are… (microphone backfires)
Coco: Need some help? (gives Sui another microphone)
Sui Do Ken: Thanks. (speaks through it) Both of these are on one hit point left! Who will win this one – will it be Crash “Quicksilver” Bandicoot, or Madison “Bigfoot” Brio?
Toby: Since when did you come up with those names anyway?
Sui Do Ken: (places the microphone down) Look – Mad has big feet, and Crash is a fast spinner!
Toby: O… K…

(Music stops)

Sui Do Ken: (speaks through the microphone quietly) We’re all quaking in our boots for the attack. Even they are shaking from their head to their toes! Be careful people – this could be the move that decides it all.

Toby goes up to the karaoke machine and performs a drum roll with his hands – er, paws rather.

Sui Do Ken: STOP!!!!!
Toby: (stops drumming) But… we don’t have a drum! (looks around and does a quiet drum roll on his lap)

Everyone stood tense in this moment in time – sweat was heavily pouring down everyone’s faces.

Copper: (wipes the sweat from her face) Blimey – it’s so hot!

A silence went on for a further 10 seconds… until one of them spoke. While this was happening, Travel Team 1 sneaked in through the basement.

Crash: C1!
Madison: Missed! A5!

[Music restarts – Craig David – “Rendezvous” (Blacksmith remix, instrumental)]

There was a wild wave of cheers from the viewers. As they cheered on, they both took off their VR goggles calmly and shook hands with each other.

Sui Do Ken: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Madison Brio!
Madison: YEE-HAW!!!!!! (sings) Get the cool… na na na na na… get the cool shoe shine… na na na na na na… *
Sui Do Ken: (giggles) You’re a comic!
Snappy: HEY!!!!!

(Music stops all of a sudden)

The cheering stopped and everyone soon turned around, and saw Travel Team 1 by the transporter.

Snappy: (furiously) I THOUGHT I WAS THE COMIC!!!!!!!
Cortex: I don’t think so – your weird sense of humour doesn’t quite match in this space in time!
Snappy: (in the style of Homer Simpson) D’OH!
Shen Lo Ken: (goes up to Daphne) So I see your team have recovered the next victim.
Daphne: Yes but… we’re keeping him here.
Everyone else: YOU’RE DOING WHAT?!?!?
Danni: It’s true! We’re in a new millennium and the technology is perfect! This is my chance to be reunited!
Toby: (from the back) What are you talking about?

[Music changes – 2-Pac – “Til The End Of Time” (Instrumental)]

Danni: While we were down there we saw that Dingodile was causing all the mess! Now that we have him in our hands we can try and make him back to the dingo he was!

While they spoke, Cortex quickly placed his hand over Rusty’s mouth, just in case.

Daphne: We’ll try our best. Just because we have more advanced technology it doesn’t mean that we can complete the task successfully.
Danni: You’re tellin’ me that you can’t do it?
Daphne: We can only try.

[Music changes – Modjo – “Lady (Hear Me Tonight)” (Club version intro)]

Rusty’s red light came out from his head again. Having seen that, Cortex moved his hand away from his mouth, giving room to speak.

Rusty: (sing song style) I’ve found another! (speaks normally) This one’s over at Miami in Florida!
Cortex: You mean… that Travel Team 2… is going over… to my home state?
Crash: Don’t panic about it – it’ll be cool to go there!
Sui Do Ken: And if you miss that place so much… (gets out a digital camera) I’ll be happy to take some snap shots while we’re there!
Madison: We’ll share them between us all, we promise!
Cortex: Thanks a lot! (looks out of the window) Wonder what’s been going on over there in the past millennium…
Rusty: I have a full timeline in the lab. Come on, let’s go! (grabs Cortex by the arm and pulls him there quickly)
Sui Do Ken: That’s the camera sorted… now it’s up to us to figure out what to do when we get there. We need quick fire strategies.
Crash: Right. If we’re against Tiko, Mad and I will go on the first attack.
Madison: Agreed.
Coco: If we see Deksta causing trouble, Toby and I will take care of her.
Toby: At least she has none of them red spores. How far are we from full analysis?
Daphne: (places the time ball in a machine labelled “restorer” and checks on the machine labelled “examinator”) We’re not too far now. We should have a clear result by the time you come back.
Shen Lo Ken: Finally, if Tawna is around, this is something for Sui and I to take care of.
Bash: Don’t kill her! (cries) I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!! (buries his face into Copper’s chest)
Copper: There, there, don’t cry. I’ve seen worse. I had exactly the same feelings that you had, but a lot stronger.
Sui Do Ken: Right. Now that we know what to do, let’s get to the matter at hand – PRONTO!

Quickly, Travel Team 2 headed out of the building chanting. Within seconds the room remained silent, and the lights suddenly flickered…

(Music stops)

…Then eventually the whole area became darkened out.

Daphne: Looks like Toby’s gonna be in a bad state when he comes back…
Episode 21 – History Repeating

Scene: The city centre of Miami, Florida
Music: Avalanches – “Frontier Psychiatrist” (Intro instrumental)

The sun was only just seen shining on the horizon and the whole of the city was seen as a modernised space zone looking fine and beautiful as it was, except for a few small touches – the once tall stone buildings were now made out of a super steel alloy, the streets were paved in a tough and powerful yet safe plastic and the whole city was covered in a glass dome. But some things remained the same – the gardens were still there, the beaches remained as fine as they were (despite the fact that it was part of a large swimming-pool-with-a-wave-machine that stretches over the horizon) and a stone statue overlooked the city square.

(Camera goes up to the statue and the beat kicks in)

We go up from the toes of the statue up to the head and to some strange surprise it was a statue… of Cortex! No one outside Miami knew how it got there, but the strange thoughts of how still roamed the minds of those who visited the city.

(Chorus kicks in and music turns vocal, despite the fact that they aren’t really vocals – they’re speaking voice samples and scratches. Camera goes behind the statue and goes up one of the streets)

Within the quiet and pedestrian-less streets eight black figures come into view. Their faces are still shrouded in darkness and they came much closer. Sooner enough their bodies finally got recognised in the light, and Travel Team 2 finally arrive onto the scene. Bash was riding on Crash’s shoulder, Coco and Toby glanced around the sites, Copper was listening to music on a modified Walkman and riding on Shen’s shoulder, Madison was writing down with a pointed piece of plastic connected to a digital notepad, onto the mini-screen… and Sui was taking endless pictures of the town with her digital camera.

(Music turns instrumental)

Crash: Whoa… this place has certainly changed even through the travel brochures!
Coco: Maybe it changed so much… (looks back at Sui) …we got a keen vixen waiting to take in the sights!
Sui Do Ken: (stops snapping for a second and faces the group) Heck – you call this too much? I’ve only got a few thousand left to do!
Everyone else: A FEW THOUSAND?!?!?
Sui Do Ken: It’s true! Just save them to file on here and there’s unlimited storage space on here for as many as you like! (aims the camera towards the group and snaps them, causing a big flash)

(Music stops)

The flash faded out and everyone was having stars around them, looking completely blinded!

Sui Do Ken: You know what? You looked kinda cute in that frame! You seemed really nice next to that statue over there!
Madison: Statue? (turns around) Oh… that.

[Music restarts – Red Hot Chilli Peppers – “Under The Bridge” (Instrumental)]

Bash: WOW!!!!!!!!! COOL STATUE!!!!!!!!
Toby: (examines the statue from behind) To be honest he looks very familiar…
Shen Lo Ken: (puts Copper down) Let me take a look… (goes around to the front end of the statue and looks up) Now I feel pretty curious about this one.

Everyone else came around him, with Toby dragging Copper with him.

Coco: (comes around from behind) Pretty curious about wh…

There was silence for a few seconds.

Toby: (sighs) Who in their right minds would put up a statue of Cortex in the middle of a city? (cracks up)
Sui Do Ken: (slaps him on the face) I know why. Over a millennium ago he was a hero there.

Everyone else reacted with a gasp. Copper turned off her stereo and removed the headphones.

Sui Do Ken: He was known here for his heroics against his brother Tiko, and a newfound love.
Crash: This sounds too familiar…
Coco: I thought this occurred over in LA…
Sui Do Ken: No – that was when one of his teammates died from his injuries.
Toby: And he came back to life at the start of the third millennium!
Sui Do Ken: In this one only a resident got killed. I’m not sure who…
Copper: Well that’s for them to know and us not to find out!
Madison: Still, something looks bizarre about that thing – it seems like it’s hiding something…

(Music stops)

A breeze blew and a secret hatch blew open with several squeaks. Once again everyone gasps.

Crash: And I bet that’s from the automatic wind machine, isn’t it?
Madison: Maybe so. (goes up to the hatch) Let me check if someone’s down there… (pulls a long tube from his wrist watch through it)

There were some beeps on his watch after a second or so.

Madison: I’ve found some DNA in there – bandicoot DNA.

[Music changes – Sonique – “I Put A Spell On You” (Intro)]

Crash: (gasps) TAWNA!!!!!!!!!
Bash: (cries) MOMMY!!!!!!!!
Sui Do Ken: (puts away her camera) That’s it! Following the strategy I’m going in with the first charge! (rushes towards the hatch)
Shen Lo Ken: (trips up Sui, causing her to land flat on her face) Wait a minute – you can’t be too careful!
Madison: The DNA levels are strong in there! She’s in!
Shen Lo Ken: Here we go! (goes up to the charge, stepping over Sui as he ran) CHARGE!

As soon as the call was finished, Sui quickly rose from her feet and dashed down the hatch with him.

Crash: Good luck!

(Music stops. Screen goes blank.)

Shen Lo Ken: This place is dustier than Sharon’s wardrobe…
Sui Do Ken: Who’s Sharon?
Shen Lo Ken: She’s my daughter. You never know what she could get up to.
Sui Do Ken: Wonder if I can see her when I travel back in time… but first we need some light down here…

A glow-in-the-dark chord went in front of them.

Sui Do Ken: Oh, thank you! (pulls it)

[Music restarts – Gorillaz – “Clint Eastwood” (Intro instrumental)]

A set of lights was switched on from the underground, and it was like an indoor stadium of some kind. Then a female figure was going down on a platform.

Shen Lo Ken: (looks up at her) Tell me where the citizens of Miami are… or else!

Her face gets illuminated in the darkness and she comes into the room with glowing red eyes. Both foxes stepped back quickly – they could never be too careful.
Episode 22 – Beyond Her Mind

Scene: An underground stadium in Miami
Music: Madonna – “What It Feels Like For A Girl” (Paul Oakenfold remix, intro)

The tilting platform finally touched down onto the floor and the light shone much stronger on her. You guessed it – Tawna has arrived in the arena. She took a strong pace forward and glanced at the two foxes.

Tawna: (viciously) What do you want from us?
Sui Do Ken: Ah, nothing much – just… putting you back in your family.
Tawna: Who wants to live with those freaks? I’m a changed person! Therefore the only people I should ever care about are my loyal teammates Tiko and Deksta.
Shen Lo Ken: But you don’t understand-
Tawna: They sent me on a mission, and that is to wipe the mincemeat out of your bodies! (gets out a chainsaw)

(Music stops)

Both foxes started laughing out loud after a couple of seconds of silence.

Shen Lo Ken: You can’t kill us with just a chainsaw!
Tawna: Wanna bet?

[Music changes – Ian Van Dahl – “Castles In The Sky” (Intro)]

She quickly charged towards them and as she came closer she stuck it through… their collar sleeves and pinned them to the wall! The action of the chainsaw soon cut them free and made them fall flat on their face.

Sui Do Ken: (gasps) No kidding!
Shen Lo Ken: This seems tougher than we thought…
Sui Do Ken: Now we need someone to take the chainsaw, but how?

(Beat stops for a while and the vocals come in)

Before they could speak any further, Tawna made another attack with her chainsaw… and this time she drilled a scar across the chests of the foxes! They started to struggle, and then they dropped to the ground. Within no time at all, the chainsaw came in much closer, this time to their faces.

(Beat kicks back in the chorus)

Both foxes started screaming for help… but suddenly… there was a shatter! A crack appeared right in the middle of the chainsaw and within seconds… it broke into pieces!

(Music kicks into the outro)

Tawna: (stunned) Oh blinkin’ ‘eck…

Meanwhile, while all this was going on, the two foxes tried to stay up, but after a few seconds they passed out onto the floor. Tawna then glanced at the pieces of the chainsaw and smiled.

(Music stops)


Madison: (looks through the gap with a set of binoculars) It seems like she’s gonna do something with that shattered chainsaw. (puts it down and turns to the others) Speaking of which, it can’t have destroyed itself at all.
Copper: Guys, I must confess something.

They glanced over at Copper, directly into her cat-like eyes.

Copper: To tell you the truth… I did it.

Everyone responded with either a gasp or a scream.

Copper: I was born with psychic powers.
Bash: (smirks) Prove it!
Copper: OK!

[Music restarts – D12 – “Purple Hills” (Intro instrumental)]

She glanced into Bash’s chest and soon… he was lifted into the air and was hanging upside down by a hidden force!

Bash: (screams) HELP!!!!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!

The “force” carried him back down to the floor gently.

Bash: W… w… w… (smiles) WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!! (goes up to Copper) You gotta get down there and help the others! We need you at a time like this!
Copper: I don’t know…
Bash: (grabs Copper by the hand) Come on – we gotta make it!

(Music stops)

Within no time at all, Bash jumped down the hole, taking Copper with her, and making a soft landing on top of the two unconscious foxes. Then they saw Tawna in front of them, with the two sharpest pieces of the chainsaw, one in each hand.

Bash: MOMMY!!!!!!!!!

[Music restarts – Eddy Grant – “Electric Avenue” (Ringbang remix, instrumental)]

She didn’t listen. She tossed them both directly at them and quickly they ran out of the way, screaming. Therefore the “daggers” missed and hit the wall.

Copper: Is that the best you’ve got?

She then placed her hands on her forehead and within no time at all the rest of the shattered pieces of the chainsaw were raised in the air. Tawna screamed and started dashing across the room… a bit too early – the first dagger caught her in the stomach. She did a faint scream and fell to the floor unconscious. Bash made a wild scream.

Copper: Sex appeal won’t win this time! (gets out a time ball) You’re mine! (tosses it)


Madison: Copper’s a poet.
Crash: And I didn’t know it.

Everyone had sweat drops by their faces and they sighed at the same time.

(Music stops)


The time ball caught Tawna quickly and it touched down lightly. It shook once. Twice. Three times. And then it stopped.

[Music changes – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)]

Copper: YAY!!!!!!!!!! (goes up to it and picks it up) Hey Bash – we got yer mommy back safe and sound!

Bash was looking tearful in his eyes, almost crying.

Copper: (goes up to him) What’s the matter? (rubs her hand into his hair) You don’t look too happy…
Bash: (sniffs) I don’t want Mommy to die… (cries and buries his face in Copper’s chest)

(Music stops)

Copper: Calm down, my boy – she is in good hands. We will prove that when we get back.
Bash: (crying) I don’t know…
Copper: Someone told me that the same thing happened to Cortex nearly a year ago in their time. If he made a quick recovery, so will your mother.

[Music restarts – Gorillaz – “Tomorrow Comes Today” (Outro)]

Bash raised his head from Copper’s chest and still looked tearful. As that happened, she tossed a transportation ball at Shen and Sui, and captured them both successfully.
Copper: (takes Bash by the hand) Come on Bash. Let’s go home.

A few minutes later, Travel Team 2 walked into the sunrise (comparing it to the coming sunset in Australia) and soon left the Florida capital. When they were gone, a couple of hover cars flew above them, and in no time at all more and more pedestrians and vehicles went around the area. Civilisation had returned!
Episode 23 – Poisoned Past

Scene: The main laboratory in the Australian space lab
Music: Destiny’s Child – “Jumpin’ Jumpin’” (Instrumental)

A furious sound of typing went in one corner, and the small computer screen blackened two faces in the corner. Eventually the faces could be seen as Cortex and Rusty.

Rusty: (stops typing and scrolls the mouse down) And that’s how your statue got there.
Cortex: Hmmm… (rolls his eyes) What could there be next – a family? (laughs)
Rusty: Come to think of it I saw something like that somewhere. Let me load it back up.

[Music changes – Faith Hill – “The Way You Love Me” (Intro, first verse and chorus)]

He began typing on the keyboard again and eventually a newspaper article from the date 29/3/2002 came up. The first two paragraphs read like this –

“It has been over 10 years since they first met, but today saw the day of the marriage of Dr. Neo Cortex and his wife Gadget (née Medulla). Together with thousands of people around Our Lady and St. Peter’s church in Sydney, the ceremony showed up as a complete success when the two tied the knot. Their bridesmaids – his daughter Bianca, aged 12, Monnika Muski, aged 17, and Julia Grizzly, aged 6 – and their pageboys – his son Rocky, also aged 12, Buzz Terrapin, aged 10, and Midget Gator, also aged 10 – were more than happy enough to see them marry and have organised a yet unknown surprise for when they come back from their honeymoon in two weeks time.”

(Music turns instrumental)

Rusty: (cracks up) Cortex and Gadget sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!!! (guffaws)
Cortex: (looks angry) What was THAT in aid of? I mean, how could I possibly meat up with a beautiful girl within so little time? I don’t even know where she is now!
Rusty: She’s dead, you pillock!
Cortex: I mean in 2001.
Rusty: This is gonna be a bit tough… but I have a good feeling that you’ll find out someday. (faintly) Mr and Mrs Cortex… (chuckles quietly to himself)
Cortex: Grrr…
Rusty: Sorry!

(Music stops)

The lights blinked again, and darkness sealed the room again.

Rusty: Oh here we go again…

Snappy: (comes into the lab and shines a flashlight down on them) Hey guys! We just phoned the electricity company again and they’re delivering the power to everyone’s homes successfully!
Cortex: (faintly) Every home but ours…
Snappy: They said that unless a cable got snapped somewhere we should be receiving our current just fine.
Cortex: If only if Teejay was here – he’d detect the source in seconds.
Rusty: Who’s he?
Cortex: He’s my nephew - Tiko’s son. But don’t panic though – he hates him more than I do!
Snappy: Still, we have to detect the bloomin’ power cut ourselves. (attempts to leave)

[Music changes – Modjo – “Lady (Hear Me Tonight)” (Club version intro)]

Within the time, Rusty got out his red light from his head again. Snappy turned around just as he was about to touch the doorknob.

Rusty: Be careful in there – our next suspect is in there!
Cortex: (turns to Rusty) Can you identify him? Or her?
Rusty: Even at this distance I can’t identify the suspect at all. (puts the light back) Stand your guard, Snappy. It’s gonna be dangerous in there.
Snappy: Look here – I’m armed with a six-pack and a… er… (glances at the flashlight) …flashlight, and I’m not afraid to use them!
Cortex: Remember – be careful! If we lose you now we could end up losing the battle.
Snappy: Whatever. (leaves the room)

[Music changes – Avalanches – “Frontier Psychiatrist” (Intro instrumental)]

As he left the room, the next things he saw in the dimly lit living room were torches all over the floor and a muffled yet weak calling. Immediately he rushed into the direction – tripping over a set of torches on the way – and shone his flashlight onto the tied-up victim, who was tied up on the wall. Carla was trying to call out as far out as she can, but she didn’t look too good. He untied the scarf around her mouth, allowing her to speak.

Carla: (faintly) Snappy…
Snappy: Yes… (breathes deeply) …it’s me.
Carla: (faintly) Please… get out while you can… (starts to speak sickly and tiredly) …she’s here…
Snappy: What did she do to you?
Carla: (whispering) She… poisoned… us… all… (passes out)
Snappy: (looks worried) P… p… p… POISON?!?!?!? (echoes)

He looked around, trembling from his head to his toes, and breathing faster than he ever did before. Then he saw a monstrous shadow on the wall.

Voice: I’m so glad you’ve figured it out… (laughs vilely)
Snappy: (turns into the direction of the voice) It’s… (pauses for a few seconds) YOU!!!!!!!!

The person with the voice jumped towards him with a dangerous weapon in her hand, and all that Snappy could do was stand there and scream.
Episode 24 – Unleash The Demon

Scene: The high skies of Australia, about five kilometres from the Space Lab
Music: Rank 1 – “Airwave” (Intro)

The setting sun flirted its pink flag in the distance and the time soon reached 9:30pm on a nearby clock. After a long hour’s drive back, a shuttle from up ahead started slowing down as it headed further towards its destination. Within no time at all we soon realise that it was Travel Team 2 in the ship. As we head in there it seemed awfully quiet. With the exception at Madison taking control in the cockpit and Coco furiously typing away at her desktop, they were all snuggled together, sound asleep, in the back seat.

Coco: (looks at Mad) Gee Mad – you seem exhausted.
Madison: I know… (removes his baseball cap, wipes his forehead and puts it back on)
Coco: Is it OK if I take the controls? You need all the rest you can get for future battles. (looks back at the others) Just like they are doing.
Madison: Thanks, but no thanks. We’re only a few kilometres away - two to be exact.
Coco: Right… (turns back to the laptop)
Madison: (breathes in heavily, breathes out and sings) Home, home on the range…

They soon came close to the space lab and within 30 seconds they landed on the landing pod just outside it. Sooner enough, they both came out. They looked ahead and they saw Boron on the front door step, seeming to be asleep… but a little more. They both came up to him quietly.

(Music stops)

Coco: (whispers in his ear) Pssst! Has there been any trouble here?

She got back to her feet and saw that there wasn’t a response. She then glanced down at his mouth.

Madison: Is he dead?
Coco: No – he’s still breathing, very lightly. (shakes him, but he still didn’t respond) It seemed like he’s in a deep state of unconsciousness.
Madison: Fair enough. Let’s see if we can get inside and find the next…

[Music restarts – Anjelic – “Can’t Keep Me Silent” (Club version intro)]

There was a roar to the left. Both of them turned in that direction and saw Cortex and Rusty jumping down two storeys from the lab window… and luckily landing on the living room’s balcony. From the lab a familiar figure, but now in a demon form, poked its head out of the window. Mad and Coco screamed like girls when it turned to them and made eye contact.

Coco: (looks scared) What’s been going on?
Cortex: There was a power cut, and we tried to find the source of the problem, but half way through she came in and…
Madison: She?
Coco: (gasps) Deksta!
Rusty: She came in and poisoned most of us! We were the only two that were unaffected!
Madison: Did anyone tried to attack her?
Cortex: Snappy made a brave attempt, but he’s now one of her victims.

Deksta made a wild jump from the window and got out a poisonous claw. Everyone stepped back carefully and feared for the worst.

Rusty: I wish we can explain more, but she’s gonna poison US if we’re not too careful!

As they stepped back, Rusty fell on top of Boron and one of his arms drew out a pipette with a potion in it, and it was injected into his body!

Rusty: Call that good timing, I guess.

Within seconds he was pushed off… and Boron was fully revived! As soon as he saw Deksta he screamed and hid behind the others.

Cortex: Do you think we should involve the rest of Travel Team 2 in this? We could stand more of a chance.
Coco: But that means a smaller chance for us when we try to take down the big guy!
Rusty: We need a quick strategy somewhere! Anyone got any ideas?

Everyone shook their heads.

Madison: We can only hope that we’ll take care of her!
Deksta: I don’t think so sucker! Once we thrash you, we will change the future forever and you guys are not gonna be a part of it!

(Beat stops for a while as the strings gets played with the blowing wind)

Within this space in time pure danger has now entered the space lab! It’s all up to Coco, Mad, Cortex, Rusty and Boron to stop her before anything else happens! But even if they use their strength to defeat her they still need to preserve some for the crucial final battle against Tiko, wherever he could be. A desperate struggle has now arrived, and this time it will be much harder to escape.
Episode 25 – An Experience To Die For

Scene: The balcony of the Space Lab
Music: Oxide & Neutrino – “Devil’s Nightmare” (Intro instrumental)

As the sun lowered itself behind the horizon and the floodlights stuck up high glowed down on the balcony, things didn’t look too good for our heroes. Deksta and her monstrous shadow came much closer to them, with the five remaining heroes stepping back as far as they could. Without thinking, Rusty fired a rocket from his arm, struck her on the face and… it didn’t even cause a scratch! She came closer… and they stepped back further. As Madison placed one of his big feet behind himself, he had a curious look on his face. Quickly he lifted it off the grate-like balcony floor… and he saw two electrical cables, both snapped. He looked through the grates and saw the power box directly underneath him.

Madison: (faintly) So THAT must have caused the power cut… (turns to Coco and Rusty, and whispered in their ears, or a hidden microphone in Rusty’s case) Hey guys – I have an idea and I need your help on this one!

Both of then looked at each other and gave in a trustworthy nod. Within no time at all the three of them climbed under the floor and hung tough while swinging over to the power box. Meanwhile, Deksta showed signs of optimal fury.

Cortex: OK guys – on the count of three we go straight for the head, right?

Boron gave out a loud bark.

(Music stops)

Cortex: Wait a minute – what about the others? (turns around and gasps) They’re… gone…

[Music changes – Sisqo – “Dance With Me” (Intro instrumental)]

Boron also turned around, gave out his loudest scream and turned back to Cortex with panic spelt across his face.

Cortex: I know it’s down to us two, but we can still send the idea into practice.

Boron showed an understanding smile…

[Music changes – Azzido Da Bass – “Dooms Night” (Stanton Warriors remix, instrumental)]

…and as soon as he turned back to Deksta he made a quick charge onto her head. He tried to slice it to bits, but she pinned him down before he could even jump off the ground! Time was now crucial for Cortex – after looking at the way she attacked him he started jumping for the window ledge. After 10 or so jumps he finally grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up. Now the only question was, how to sneak behind her from there. Meanwhile, down at the power box…

Coco: Go on Mad – I’m sure you’ll survive this one.
Rusty: Yeah – you were a good enough technician to construct my insides!
Madison: (smirks) This will be too easy!

He pulled down the top of the power box and he saw that the wire colours didn’t match the colours of the sockets. But Coco and Rusty were confident.

Coco: This is just like wiring a plug! Come on Mad – you can do it!
Madison: But I… I can’t…
Rusty: Why not?
Madison: Because the morals for wiring plugs changed in 2384. Matching colours can only show good results now!
Coco: Matching colours?
Rusty: And how can you remember that far back? You got an encyclopaedia where your brain should be?
Madison: Let’s just say that I got a university degree at 3rd Millennium Studies.
Coco: That’s something new.

As that was going on, Cortex unleashed a full-arm body slam on top of Deksta! Having seen that, Boron managed to wiggle free just in time! He then rushed behind the action and sat in a pouncing pause. Finally, Cortex made a back flip onto Boron’s back and landed like a Wild West horse rider.

Cortex: Now for the final curtain!
Boron: WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They took to the air 100 feet from the balcony floor, and Boron stuck one leg out and was ready for a roundhouse kick. Back at the power box…

Coco: Now back to that matching colours thing…
Madison: Ah yes. The wires I have here are blue and green. The sockets that are empty here are white and orange striped and pink with yellow spots.
Coco: So?
Madison: If I match the wrong ones… we’re done for! (gulps)
Rusty: Good luck, myte!

Mad brought out the two wires and he drew the blue one towards the pink yellow-polka-dot socket and the green one towards the white and orange striped power point. At this stage he was shaking like mad, and Cortex and Boron were 50 feet from the floor - twice the size of the space lab – coming down fast! The wires touched.

(Music stops)

Coco: Did it work?
Madison: We’re yet to see…

[Music changes – Sonique – “I Put A Spell On You” (Quo Vadis Sonique Boom remix, instrumental)]

Just then a powerful thunder shock came in and electrocuted not only Mad… but the metal floor conducted the electricity onto Coco, Rusty… and Deksta! Meanwhile, 25 feet in the air…

Cortex: LOOK OUT! SHE’S GONNA BLOW!!!!!!!!!!

Boron panicked again, but within no time at all, Cortex stretched his hand out and within seconds he was hanging from a satellite dish on top of the building, with Boron pulling down on his legs screaming for dear life. Within two minutes the current didn’t stop. Back at the power box the circuit was glowing red and was steaming badly. Then a flame occurred on top of the machine. A few seconds later…

(Music stops)


…a blinding explosion destroyed the power box… and it seemed like it took everyone else down there.

[Music changes – William Orbit – “Barber’s Adagio For Strings” (Intro)]

Cortex: (gasps) HANG ON!!!

Both Cortex and Boron made a 20-ft drop down to the balcony… and landed OK. As they went towards the power box, Cortex tossed a time ball at Deksta, who was right in front of his eyes and is now unconscious. They kept on running up the path, and behind their backs… she went inside the ball it didn’t shake at all. Sooner enough they managed to reach the now destroyed power box, and they saw Coco, Mad and Rusty seeming like they were burnt to ash. Both of them felt a lump in their throat. That was until Cortex went for Mad and Boron dashed towards Coco, both checking for signs of life. Boron tried CPR, but he ended up with ash all over his face and paws during the attempts. Cortex, however, tried to wipe the residue from Mad’s face, and saw that he was still breathing. With that, he gave off a sigh of relief.

(Music stops)

Voice: (faintly) Ow…

Both of them turned in that direction, seeing Rusty, who was struggling to stay up. Then they rushed towards him with sorrow looks on his face.

Rusty: Ow… (speaks faintly) My… my time is up here…
Cortex: No Rusty – you can’t be. You’re a robot, and they can live forever!
Rusty: Listen carefully… (coughs and wheezes) …even though I’m a robot, I still live like a space alien.
Boron: Huh?
Rusty: Please win the battle for me… for the world… for mankind… for the inhabitants of the universe… but most of all… win this battle… for… Copper Oxide…
Cortex: Why Copper?
Rusty: I have a secret to show you before my death… (lifts up his glasses, showing two peculiar looking eyes)
Cortex: (gasps) You… can’t be…

He then had three voices coming, recapping in his head…

*Thought 1*

Copper: (cries) Some nasty alien destroyed my planet. I think he was called Banzai Jack but… (sniffs) I just want him to die at least…

*Thought 2*

Rusty: I can’t remember my name from back then, but I know one of the initials being a “J”. I saw myself as a wicked goon, but in this form I can’t be like that anymore.
(Reality breaks back in)

Rusty: (more faintly than ever) That’s right… for I… was once… Banzai… Jack… of the planet Flamar…
Cortex: What?!?!? No way!

[Music restarts – Toploader – “Only For A While” (Intro)]

Rusty: (puts his glasses back on) I have upset her in the past heavily… so please… if you win… life will be back… but if not…
Cortex: (shows sorrow in his eyes) No… please…
Rusty: I… will… still… be… by… (whispers) …your… siiiiide… (limps on the ground)

(Sound effect – thunderclap. Music kicks into the last two choruses without percussion)

The time was now too late – Rusty’s limp and lifeless robotic body laid as still as a log. At this stage, tears went down their eyes quite heavily, especially Boron, who started sobbing madly into his chest. Rusty-R1D8, or Banzai Jack as he was once known as, has died and is moving on to the afterlife… or will he? A thunderstorm came across the area and they left them behind.

(Music kicks into the outro)

They headed right into the shuttle and blasted off towards the horizon, for a safer location, and while it happened the wind blew the time ball on the floor into the machine. At this stage the storm became much more fierce.

(Music fades out, and the screen flashes white like lightning. Scene changes to the wrecks of the Jupiter Discotheque. Sound effect - thunderclap)

A small wooden campfire was lit in the middle of the dance floor and everyone was in sleeping bags, with a multi-function machine surrounding them. Most of Travel Team 1 had a poison-removing quarter to share between them, Coco and Mad were having the electric flow being removed from their bodies and Rusty had his chest open, with all sorts of broken wires and weak organs sticking out, and a quarter next to him trying to piece them all back together, and replacing the weak organs with finer ones. The others were sleeping peacefully, and in some cases soundly.

(Camera zooms out)

As this happened, a familiar figure watched over the fire and used a flamethrower to keep it alight. He then came into the light… revealing himself as Dingodile!

Woman voice: You didn’t have to spray on THAT many flames!

The woman with the voice dashed towards him quickly, and she was shown as Tawna!

Dingodile: (sighs) I’m sorry. It’s just that it’s so cold in here.
Tawna: Well think about it. Would you rather waste the energy now or ration it out every hour or so? (looks down at the campfire) I think that’s just about enough to spare throughout the night. (glances at her watch, in which now reads 1:15pm) And I guess now’s the time to get some shut-eye.

As the talking went on, Boron’s ears started to twitch.

Dingodile: One question however – how did that machine remove the power from Tiko’s gun, if that’s what it was?
Tawna: Like Cortex said earlier, ANYTHING can happen in this space in time.

Boron’s eyes soon opened and he gave out a big yawn.

Dingodile: (looks down at a time ball on the floor) Mind you, they seemed courageous in catching another one… er… who was it?

He opened the time ball and luckily, they saw Deksta, still paralysed.

Dingodile: YIKES! (tosses the time ball at her, catching her quickly) Hoo boy…

With that sight, Boron’s eyes lit up with happiness. He then looked towards his peacefully sleeping master, and dashed on top of him, licking his face to bits.

Cortex: (tiredly) No Boron… stop that – it’s the middle of the night…

Boron climbed off him and pointed directly at the time ball. In no time at all he sat up and glanced at it, with Tawna and Dingodile in between it.

Dingodile: (looks guilty) Sorry for nearly releasing Deksta…

[Music restarts – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)]

Cortex: Deksta? Wait a minute… WE CAUGHT HER!!!!!!!!!

He leapt out of his sleeping bag and showing himself in black pyjamas with a red trim. Immediately he picked up the ball and showed it to the camera.

Cortex: There was eight to start with and now… there is one remaining!!!!

Boron covered his eyes with his front paws.

Cortex: (limps his arms and bows his head) Too bad it’s going to be much harder, now that Rusty’s gone… or Banzai Jack… or whoever…
Voice: OI YOU!!!!
Cortex: (turns around) What the- (gasps)

[Music changes – O-Town – “Liquid Dreams” (Instrumental)]

Standing in front of him was Rusty… alive and fine again! He nearly tried to shout, but he grabbed him and took him into the males’ toilets. After slamming the door they looked into each other’s faces.

Cortex: RUSTY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rusty: Wow – I’m glad to see myself back on my feet again! One question however – why are we here?
Cortex: The space lab has been destroyed, and there’s nothing we can do about it.
Rusty: Ah, that’s OK – we got a spaceship, a shelter, some breakfast, Dingo and Tawna back on our side… are they?
Cortex: Rusty…
Rusty: Oh… and… er… we’re all here and I could detect Tiko… if I can get my power back…
Cortex: That’s OK. Come tomorrow, we shall see the future for Earth will be in our hands, and so will the future for us.
Rusty: That’s good.
Cortex: But tomorrow… is just around the corner.

(Music turns vocal and the last chorus gets played)

With that, both of them headed out of the toilets and back into the main discotheque. As Cortex said, “tomorrow is just around the corner”, so the dangers ahead could cause the wipe out of the human race. But both Cortex and Rusty were prepared. And hopefully, so will everyone else.

(Music fades out)


Bash: I’m cold, I’m wet and I’ve got an in… in…
Crash: Inf… Infe… sorry – I can’t even say it!
Director: Try it with me – In… fec… tion…
Crash: In… fec… tion… infection!
Director: Better. Now let’s try this scene again.
Cortex: (comes out next) Snappy, that’s melting snow you’re eating!
Snappy: (comes to a halt) Is it?

Everyone that was currently out nodded.

Snappy: (smiles) Hey, it tastes really nice!
Director: (sighs) What did you put in there?
Snappy: It needed a bit of vanilla flavouring in there, so I placed a ton of it in there…
Director: YOU’VE SPOILT THE SET!!!!! CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snappy: I’m coming in again with the ol’ Mr. Muscle!
Daphne: No, wait –

But it was already too late! As he charged towards him… he slipped and knocked Dingodile over like a bowling pin!

Dingodile: OW!!!! (turns to Snappy angrily) Idiot.
Snappy: Oops!
Sui Do Ken: (speaks through the microphone quietly) We’re all quaking in our boots for the attack. Even they are shaking from their head to their toes! Be careful people – this could be the move that decides it all.

Toby goes up to the karaoke machine and performs a drum roll with his hands – er, paws rather. But after a while, the circuit started fizzing… and it was soon destroyed!

Sui Do Ken: Grrr… YOU’VE WRECKED MY MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toby: But… we don’t have a drum!
Sui Do Ken: (stops snapping for a second and faces the group) Heck – you call this too much? I’ve only got a few thousand left to do!
Everyone else: A FEW THOUSAND?!?!?
Sui Do Ken: It’s true! Just save them to file on here and there’s unlimited storage space on here for as many as you like! (aims the camera towards the group and snaps them, but the flash didn’t occur) Hmmm…

She turns the camera into her face but it flashed in front of her, causing her to drop it and for her to look dizzy.

Crash: (picks it up, looks at the taken picture and speaks in a girlish voice) You know what? You looked kinda cute in that frame! You seemed really nice next to that statue over there!
Sui Do Ken: (dizzily) Shut up… (falls on her back)
Copper: I was born with psychic powers.
Bash: (smirks) Prove it!
Copper: OK!

She glanced into Bash’s chest and soon… he was lifted into the air and was hanging upside down by a hidden force!

Bash: (screams) HELP!!!!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!

The “force” dropped him to the floor flat on his face, causing him to scream and cry.

Copper: (looking guilty) My finger slipped.
Rusty: This is gonna be a bit tough… but I have a good feeling that you’ll find out someday. (faintly) Mr and Mrs Cortex… (chuckles quietly to himself)
Cortex: Grrr…

Rusty couldn’t help but laugh a bit more.

Director: CUT!!!!!!!!!!

The laughing grew in volume…

Cortex: (sighs) The idea of me getting married is not funny, metal head!

Rusty soon guffawed madly, leaving everyone else in the room not amused.
Coco: Is it OK if I take the controls? You need all the rest you can get for future battles. (looks back at the others) Just like they are doing.
Madison: Thanks, but no thanks. We’re only a few kilometres away - two to be exact.
Coco: Right… (turns back to the laptop, but then screams)

Everyone else woke up in a flash.

Crash: Now what?
Coco: My battery’s gone flat again!
Cortex: LOOK OUT! SHE’S GONNA BLOW!!!!!!!!!!

Boron panicked again, but within no time at all, Cortex stretched his hand out and within seconds he came in contact with a satellite dish… but he landed on the antenna in the groin.

Cortex: OW!!!!!! MY… D’OOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!

And with that, he fell from it to the surface of the dish, taking Boron with him. ******************************************************* *That lyric was taken by "19-2000" by the Gorillaz. If you want to check it out, you can take a look at their self-titled album, which is having success in the UK and US right now.

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