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Episode 26 – Devil’s Night

Scene: The Burning Corridors of Hell
Music: Dido – “Thank You” (Deep Dish remix, instrumental)

A white spark was seen heading around these scorching areas and through the brightly lit caverns. A series of magma rivers flew right next to them, with only remains of past beings floating about in it… and were burnt to a crisp. The spark went through a torture centre where many unfortunate souls are being destroyed all at once. Finally it went through a set of burning hot metal doors, where a dark figure was sitting in a throne on the other side. It looked up and stared at the ceiling with its molten-metal yellow eyes. At this stage the spark came to a halt a couple of strides from it, and it soon glowed a bright blue. There was a flash and when it faded out… the black figure was with what seemed like a hologram of the old Tiko! Then the black figure sent out more flames and lit several more torches in the room. It was more strongly lit and the identity of the figure could be seen, and it turned out to be… Satan! The pure devil!

(Music stops)

Satan: You called?
Tiko: Yes sir – I’m now ready to launch the final attack… but I had to go alone. That blasted bandicoot and his chums have taken four of my colleagues back to 2001, two of them back to their side and another is still in their possession, but she won’t be out in a long time.
Satan: I see your incredible crisis. I can also see myself as the most superior being on the planet. However, I can’t leave the red fierceness of my lair.
Tiko: Why not? You can take anything on head on!
Satan: Well, you see, there is one thing that us devils fear the most, and that is… the lights of the Sun and the Moon. I have no choice but to remain down here.
Tiko: (looks disappointed) Awww…
Satan: But there’s no need to worry – the soldiers of Beelzebub could stand anything. But if they spend at the most 5 hours on the skies of Earth then they will fry like rats. Have you found yourself a space fortress, and are you riding high in it?
Tiko: Yes sir!
Satan: Good, because when the time comes, the demons will be by your side. They will reach you by space shuttle within the dawn.
Tiko: Thank you sir! My plan will soon go underway!

(Screen flashes white. Scene changes to a hidden room in a space shuttle. Some Feng Shui music gets played in the background)

Tiko was already floating half way up the room in deep meditation. Then a few seconds later, the spark entered the room and was absorbed into his body. At this stage he slowly opened his eyes and looked out the window, gradually floating back down.

Tiko: (smirks) The time… has arrived.

(Scene changes to the wrecks of the Jupiter Discotheque. Feng Shui music stops)

A beautiful dawn was breaking through the windows, and at this stage Danni, Dingodile, Bash, Coco, Carla, Shen, Sui, Daphne, Rusty and Copper were already up.

Copper: (screams) RUSTY, HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!?

The scream caused Mad, Cortex and Tawna to awaken.

Rusty: How could I what?
Copper: (nearly starts to cry) You’re… YOU’RE THAT ALIEN WHO KILLED MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!
Rusty: Look – it’s all in the past and there’s nothing I can do about it.

The shouting soon caught Shen and Sui’s attention from the bar.

Copper: We’ll see about that, eh Banzai Jack!
Rusty: But it’s not what you think it…

Before he could say any further, Copper gave Rusty a left hook on the chin, sending him up… and back down onto the floor, on top of the campfire.

Rusty: OW!!!!!!! (jumps off it and collapses)
Sui Do Ken: (gasps) Rusty! (starts running over to him)

As she ran over, Shen followed her.

Sui Do Ken: (leans over Rusty’s head and shows three fingers in front of his eyes) How many fingers am I holding up?
Rusty: (painfully and dizzily, and it took him a few seconds to respond) Er… Destiny’s Child?
Shen Lo Ken: (sighs) I now feel regretful for telling him to reveal his secret to Copper…
Sui Do Ken: It’s all not that bad. It’s just that Copper’s still young, and she needs to take some time to understand things.
Shen Lo Ken: I guess you’re right.

As they started walking back to the bar… Sui stepped on Snappy’s tail on purpose.

Snappy: OW!!!!!!!!! MY TAIL!!!!!!!!!
Sui Do Ken: (gasps and lifts her foot off his tail) Sorry!
Snappy: Sui, that was good timing! I was having some strange dream.
Shen Lo Ken: What was it about?
Snappy: I sent in a plan for you guys to use against Tiko… and it worked!
Shen Lo Ken and Sui Do Ken: WHOA!!!!!!!!
Rusty: (gets up) You’ve got to show it us – you could be a winner here!

[Music changes – Modjo – “Lady (Hear Me Tonight)” (Club version intro)]

Quickly, Rusty got out his red light from inside his head and shone it about the room.

Rusty: But we have to be careful this time – he’s in a space fortress orbiting the Earth… and it’s right above us!
Snappy: Oh for goodness sake…
Dingodile: What, your plan didn’t happen in a shuttle?
Snappy: No, but we’ll give it a quick try. Rusty, do you have the plans of the fortress?
Rusty: Well that’s one thing I CAN do.

He opened his mouth and out came a print out of the fortress’s layouts.

Madison: Whoa Rusty – you’ve REALLY focused your energy!
Snappy: (takes the plan) OK, now that we’ve got what we want, here’s how the…
Danni: Wait there. We still need to awaken the otha’s an’ have breakfast.
Snappy: Right…


[Music changes – D12 – “Purple Hills” (Instrumental)]

The whole crew were surrounding Snappy, who showed his plan to everyone.

Snappy: We were split into four teams of either four or five and we had different objectives but the same mission nonetheless. Bash and Copper may end up getting hurt severely in the mission so they will remain inside, with Carla and Brio protecting them. OK?
Carla and Brio: Fine with us!
Snappy: Another team were to try and find the engines, and destroy that, causing it to plummet to Earth. They were Coco, Toby, Daphne, Danni and Dingodile.
Dingodile: Uh-oh…
Snappy: What do you mean “uh-oh”?
Danni: Yeah Cody – now could be the time ta’ come closa’ than eva’ before!
Dingodile: (turns away from Danni) Ah shaddup ya face. I’m just doing this mission for myself.
Danni: Can’t ya at least have some common sense? Ah was as close to you as a motha’ an’ child, an’ ah want to be back down that street…
Dingodile: Who cares, you grobby c…
Snappy: Hey hey, let’s not break into a crisis here! Hmmm… where was I? Ah… the next group were to go into the engines by a different route and destroy the power core. That group were Shen, Sui, Boron and I. The final group were off to fight the big cheese. They were Crash, Mad, Cortex, Rusty and Tawna. (turns to Tawna) You don’t mind, do you?
Tawna: Of course not. My chainsaw could be broken but there’s plenty more where that came from. (gets out a much larger chainsaw in one hand and a bazooka that was larger than Crash’s in the other)

Everyone wolf-whistles at Tawna’s new material.

Snappy: Those things are just perfect for the mission! You’ve got what it takes! (turns to everyone else) Now you guys ready for it or what?
Crash: One final question – what’s the point of doing a mission like that when Cortex or Coco or anyone like that could come up with something better?
Snappy: Well there are gonna be good rewards coming from this one.
Toby: OK. Tell us one of them.
Snappy: A BRAND NEW CAR!!!!!
Everyone else: WHAT?!?!?
Snappy: Sorry… (coughs) …this mission is completely safe so none of us will get hurt!
Cortex: We will see when we get stuck in if it’s good enough. Snappy, if you did us wrong, then that’s our funerals already planned.
Snappy: (starts sweating) I may not be confident… (glares fearlessly into the camera) …but it’s worth a try!

With that everyone started cheering and headed outside chanting. Then the sound of a blasting-off shuttle was heard in the distance.
Episode 27 – Something Familiar

Scene: A space satellite, orbiting the Earth and hovering above the South Pacific
Music: Madonna – “What It Feels Like For A Girl” (Paul Oakenfold club mix, instrumental)

A flock of red flying monsters were hovering from below the satellite, and within no time at all they arrived at the entrance underneath it, through a huge set of double doors under the entrance. A long corridor stretched from there on, until they finally came to the end of it – another set of double doors into a spaceport. They headed in through there and climbed up the walls to the top of the room, where Tiko was waiting. They climbed over the balcony and waited in front of them.

(Music stops)

Tiko: Well well well, what are you guys doing here?
Creature 1: We have come to assist you by orders of Satan and Beelzebub.
Creature 2: We will do everything we can to prevent intruders destroying your plans!
Tiko: (leers at them for a few seconds and then speaks again) You have failed one objective already. You’re 10 minutes late!
Creatures: We’re sorry…
Tiko: You gotta do better than that!
Creatures: (with more heart, although they didn’t have any, and volume) We’re sorry, sir.
Tiko: That’s better.
Creature 1: So what are your plans, sir?
Tiko: Aboard this satellite you shall come across the meanest killing machine yet.
Creature 2: Oh no… not the Zewper Slayian again…
Tiko: No it’s not – it’s been useless to me thrice already, and so I’ve taken it to the scrap yard. However my next machine should be much more powerful than anything else experienced…

Behind him was a curtain, and he pulled it to unveil a familiar looking machine.

Tiko: This… is the Cortex Vortex!
Creatures (except #1): WOW!!!!!!!!!
Creature 1: Hey wait a minute – this was your brother’s machine! That also backfired several times too!
Tiko: Ah, but watch this. This is what I should call the Cortex Vortex – Cerulean Edition. The power in there is thousands more powerful than my N-for-Nitwit brother’s creation, plus the power source for this is Solar energy, so the power will never run out!
Creature 2: And when’s the next solar eclipse?
Tiko: In the year 3050!

The creatures soon started cheering.

Creature 1: We wish you the best with this thing! You’ve done us proud!

And with that they shook hands. Tiko looked up into the skies, awaiting for the future of mankind… to vanish like sugar in water.

[Scene changes back outside. Music changes – Chicane – “Saltwater” (Intro instrumental)]

While all this was going on, a familiar shuttle zoomed across the emptiness that is Space, and as it hovered above in a safe position we see our heroes inside.

Snappy: OK, now we need to drop you guys off in suitable locations. (turns to Rusty) Rusty, you found the Power Core and the engines?
Rusty: Yep – they’re hidden in the back. The Core is in the centre, and the engines are to the left and right, and are much further away.
Snappy: (sighs) Hoo boy… The engine destroying team should stick together so that no one gets lost. The Power Core destroying team should start off with the *ahem* “pesticides”… :o
Crash: It’s OK – we can accept that name.
Snappy: Good. There should be an easy fork for them near the docking bay, and this is where they should split up.
Rusty: Luckily I know about the forks in the area… (looks at the plans) There’s one at the main entrance – one of these being a lengthy route to the depths, and the other being a straight route to the spaceport. Close to the next set of doors there’s an air passage for the Power Core team to hop into.
Carla: How did you know all that?
Rusty: Like I said… (speaks in a girl’s voice) …I’m more than just a pretty face, you know. ;)
Snappy: Now that we’ve been through the mission objectives, I feel that now’s the time to get into action!
Crash: Be sure to guard the kids well, Carla – we’re counting on you and Brio!
Carla: Yes sir!

And with that, the space shuttle went under the satellite and went through the entrances. Once inside, it split itself into four. One remained as it is and headed back outside, the second went to the first turn on the left, the third went up the air passage and fourth made it into the docking bay, where an unexpected surprise awaits them…
Episode 28 – Gone Turbo

Scene: The engine area of Tiko’s space fortress
Music: Destiny’s Child – “Bootylicious” (Instrumental)

The propellers inside the engines continued spinning for a few seconds, until… something started to ignite. A fire was given off and then a metallic panel closed right on top of them. Within no time at all five others peered over a steel barricade to see what was happening.

Daphne: (turns to Dingodile) Did you do that?
Dingodile: No myte – my flamethrowa’s still full.

As that was happening, Coco got out a pair of binoculars and glared at the back of the boosters.

Coco: Hey guys! You are not gonna believe this but we have found the power circuit for this thing!
Toby: (snatches the binoculars from Coco) Let me take a look!

(Camera switches to a view of the booster from the binoculars)

Toby: The Power Core is powering it!

(Camera switches back to normal)

Danni: How can you tell?
Toby: There’s some wires right at the back, dangling down towards the left of the ship. (gets out a copy of the fortress plans) It even states so on here! (shows it to the others)
Daphne: (stunned) You’re right…
Dingodile: Ah don’t think this will take any chances, myte! Everythin’s wrong here! That armour thing can be cleared up – just ya wait an’ see!
Danni: You’re… helpin’ us?
Dingodile: You guys? HA! I wish!

(Music stops)

Danni: (gasps) WHAT?!?
Dingodile: Look – everythin’ I do around here is for mah benefit and mah benefit only! When that thing goes, you will go next!
Daphne: (goes up to him) That’s not very nice of you!
Dingodile: Who in Pete’s sake cares? You’re nothin’ but a lousy girl dog waitin’ for a BBQ! (gets out his flamethrower)

[Music restarts – Papa Rouch – “Last Resort” (Outro instrumental)]

But just before he was about to fire a laser shot split the two. They glanced in its direction and they came across… several of Beelzebub’s soldiers!

Daphne and Dingodile: Grrr… (turn to each other angrily) NOW LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!
Coco: Be careful guys – if we ever have to beat them we have to work as a team!
Dingodile: Who cares? You guys are weak as a team!
Daphne: Then how come we easily thrashed you back at Antarctica? You working alone never seemed to work. Now come on – if you work in a team your life would be much more rewarding.
Danni: (goes up to Dingodile and clutches his hands) Please Cody – it’s not just for your sake, but fer tha’ rest of us.

(Music stops)

Dingodile: Cody? (turns to the monsters) I think she’s talkin’ to one of you guys!

[Music restarts – Atomic Kitten – “Whole Again” (played on piano)]

Danni: (comes closer to him) You know that this is the best chance I can ever get in all of time to bring you back to the sweet charming dingo you were before! Remember your teamwork skills in past ventures with those guys?

Dingo turned back to the others, whom all had concern on their faces.

Danni: Ya imprisoned Tiko in tha’ fall a’ last year…
Daphne: You weren’t even here last year!
Danni: OK… ya imprisoned Tiko in tha’ fall a’ 2000 ratha’.
Daphne: That’s better.
Danni: Ya also helped Crash an’ the others stopped Cortex from goin’ to Tiko’s side as a mindless drone – although he seems like it at times – an’ released Snappy’s ghost back inta’ the world!
Daphne: But he’s alive! What do you mean by his “ghost”?
Coco: He died in the start of the 1990s, and was brought back to life after the start of 2001.
Daphne: Oh…
Danni: An’ anotha’ thing - ya’ also tried ta’ stop Tiko’s sista’s from invadin’ Crash’s ‘ome, was a cool navigata’ for stoppin’ Violet from any of Tiko’s plans…
Dingodile: Ah know ah did all that! Who cares about tha’ past? All ah can say is that ah wanna go alone!

[Music stops with a scratch, and then restarts – Outkast – “So Fresh So Clean” (Fatboy Slim radio edit, outro)]

Dingodile went up to the creatures angrily, with his flamethrower out. The others looked on at how he could cope in such extremes as this one – will he come out alive, or as a thrashed, torched and lifeless hybrid? There was only one way for them to find out, and watch the fight in front of their eyes. Having been given the handicap of too many creatures to take on at once, survival may not happen… but with the amazing amount of guts inside, Dingo now seems awfully confident. And the only way for him to win is… oops – out of room for the episode. :o
Episode 29 – Unexpected Visitors

Scene: The cockpit of Tiko’s fortress
Music: Ian Van Dahl – “Castles In The Sky” (Club version intro)

At this stage, Crash’s party finally entered the area safe and sound after a long and winding journey, and landed safely and quickly too. But as this happens…


A seal for the air vents fell from above and landed right on top of the shuttle’s glass panel and in that direction another hover sound was heard. It lowered itself down and showed itself… as another party! It landed a few metres from Crash’s party, facing it, and as the glass panel opened… they saw Snappy’s crew!

(Music stops)

Crash: Snappy!
Snappy: What?
Madison: I thought you said that you were going to destroy the Power Core with the others…
Shen Lo Ken: We were, but I have a bad feeling that we made a wrong turn back on Junction 23.
Sui Do Ken: In other words… (sighs) We’re lost.

[Music restarts – N-Sync – “It’s Gonna Be Me” (Instrumental)]

Voice: You should consider yourselves lucky!

Everyone gasped and looked up at the top of the room, where a floating platform was moving across from one side of the room to the middle. It came back into the light and reflected glowing red eyes. They stepped back for good precautions. Then he was fully in the light… and Tiko was ready for business, with two of Beelzebub’s soldiers by his side.

Tiko: (laughs lightly) I don’t think you’ll ever beat the Power Core.
Rusty: What makes you say that, blue-dilocks?
Tiko: Everything around here is made of the toughest titanium alloy on the planet! No matter what, nothing can destroy it!
Cortex: As I said earlier, that’s our funerals already planned.
Tawna: It’s not gonna happen! (sighs and turns to Tiko) If you think you can try and wipe ourselves out from head to toe, it’s not gonna work!
Creature 1: Hey boss – she’s pretty bossy for a girl!
Tiko: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!

(Music stops)

Creature 2: I think you should go home now and save your lives before you’re all torched to death!
Cortex: (gets out a laser) I don’t think so!
Creature 1: Well why not, N-ty Martha?

[Music restarts – Rank 1 – “Airwave” (Intro)]

Cortex: Because no matter what way we go, whether we give up or get killed in battle, we have to suffer some terrible consequences. But having you controlling the Earth at the dawn of the 4th millennium is going to be much worse than death! Believe me, I’ve been down that street, and so have Snappy and Boron.

Both Snappy and Boron nodded slightly at the camera.

(Snare starts here)

Creature 2: Oh, we have some gutsy types here, eh? How about you get jiggy with us?
Rusty: You’re on!
Crash: That’s 9 against 3! We’re up for it!
Tiko: Very well then… but we have more reinforcements to come!

(Beat kicks in)

Then a full flock of creatures hovered into the room and stood in a lengthy line.

Tiko: (laughs vilely and sings) Ain’t no stoppin’ us now…
Crash: Bloomin’ eck…
Cortex: Don’t panic – you and Mad should go and make the attack. We’ll do the rest.
Crash: Thanks! :)
Madison: Come to think of it, we’re seeing a familiar incarnation here…
Tiko: Yep! (hops into his new machine)
Crash: Oh no… the Cortex Vortex!
Tiko: Cerulean Edition! This should work a lot better than my sibling’s incarnations!
Crash: Grrr…
Madison: Hang in there myte – I have a plan, although it could be the only thing we can do…
Episode 30 – The Children’s Exile

Scene: Outside Tiko’s fortress

A small shuttle zoomed across the regions of space and came to a stop a few thousand metres from it. Then it turned around and faced it. Sooner enough, we can identify Carla and Brio inside it.

Carla: Are you sure that Snappy’s strategy will work?
Brio: I’m not sure…
Carla: Why not?
Brio: I remember t-t-trying this strategy before…
Carla: Oh DID you now? Well I’m sure for it to be successful, because you guys won’t be here if it wasn’t.
Brio: Ah, but… I h-h-h-have to come c-clean with this…
Carla: Say what?
Brio: Carla… this strategy was used in the f-f-f-fall of 2000, as I should say.
Carla: And what happened?
Brio: Erm… (starts to sweat) …and n-n-near the end, Cortex got killed…
Carla: WHAT?!?!? (sighs) He’s still alive!
Brio: Yes, but he sprung b-back to life halfway through his f-f-funeral. I d-don’t know what happened, Crash didn’t know what happened… n-n-n-no one did!
Carla: (looks panicked) Hoo boy… now I have total concern for the people on the ship.

There was silence.

Carla: Now kids, don’t be frightened. (turns around) Everyone will be… (gasps and turns as white as a sheet)
Brio: Now what?
Carla: The kids… (panics) …they’re gone!!!
Brio: WHAT?!?!?
Carla: (hesitates for a while) What happened to them?????
Brio: Unless they w-w-w-went on the wrong shuttle I have no idea…

(Camera zooms out)

Carla’s screams could be heard for miles, but in space, no one could hear her scream!

[Scene changes to the cockpits of the fortress. Music changes – So Solid Crew – “21 Seconds” (Instrumental)]

Despite the handicap, the match was in good progress and the number of Beelzebub’s soldiers was gradually decreasing by the minute. Crash and Mad, however, started to struggle with Tiko, what with the unlimited power surge, high speed and tough armour. In a pile of dead bodies, two heads poked out from their hiding place – Bash and Copper!

Bash: (looks worried) Now are you sure that taking a ship would be a good idea?
Copper: (looks overconfident) Uh-huh, and when we get inside we’ll be able to find a certain Power Core that needs help in destroying, now that Snappy’s party are stuck.
Bash: And so will we if we get surrounded by those demons…
Copper: Don’t panic about them – they’re weaklings! You can defeat all them in one shot! The Power Core is vulnerable to one thing, and this could be tough to beat. (turns to a nearby space glider) And this may seem like the perfect tool! (grabs Bash’s hand)
Bash: (almost crying) But we’re gonna die…
Copper: No we’re not! Now come on – let’s hop aboard. (pulls him out of the dead bodies)
Bash: No, don’t do it… (falls flat on his face and gets back up) …I don’t wanna die!
Copper: Neither do I, but it’s better than working for Tiko at least. Now come on!

[Music changes – Da Hool – “Meet You At The Love Parade 2001” (Fergie remix)]

And with those words, both of them headed into the shuttle. Copper placed herself in the cockpit, removed her brown detective hat and slipped on a metallic white safety helmet, a pair of goggles and a red and white striped scarf. Bash, however, was cowering in the cargo area.

Copper: (turns on the ignition) You can’t save the world by acting like a coward!
Bash: But I don’t want to!
Copper: (sighs) I know this war stuff’s dangerous, but when we’re against someone as sinister as the Cerulean Wizard, who knows what could happen! Now get your orange and furry torso over here before we…

Before she speaks any further, the ship blasts out of the fortress and both kids screamed their heads off as they broke the sound barrier a couple of seconds later. As soon as it went out it made a detour round the other side of the ship, where their target lies.
Episode 31 – Rust Attack

Scene: The back of Tiko’s space fortress
Music: Dusted – “Always Remember To Honour And Respect Your Mother” (Paul Van Dyk remix, instrumental)

(Camera is turned towards the stars)

As the bright stars twinkle away through the areas of Outer Space, one of them stood out, shining the strongest of them all. Gradually it became bigger, and bigger… and bigger, and before you know it, more colours other than white showed up. It enlarged itself faster… or rather, came towards the camera faster. As it finally zoomed past, black fumes were given off.

(Camera turns around)

Then we finally saw it as the space cruiser that Bash and Copper were travelling in.

(Camera zooms into the cockpit)

Copper: (giggles) After all, this thing is one of a kind!
Bash: (from the cargo area) Are we nearly there yet?
Copper: Just one or two kilometres now.

The ship dipped down towards the engine to the East, where Coco and her party are. While this was happening, Dingodile was trying to free himself from the clutches of Beelzebub’s Soldiers.

Creature 1: BURP!!!!!!!!!
Creature 2: (guffaws) Serves you right for eating his flamethrower!

As the other creatures laughed out loud, this made Dingo’s temper more ferocious, and he tried to force his way out.

Dingodile: (screams) I’LL SHOW YOU FOR EATIN’ MAH…
Danni: No Cody – don’t!
Coco: Yeah! We’ll try and get you out!

The ship’s fumes went down on the floor, blinding everyone. Back on the ship, Copper was taking this to her advantage.

Copper: OK… where are them buttons?

She pressed a couple of buttons above the radar and from under the ship, out came three cannon-like machines. The ship turned around and shot two of them on the engine – a flamethrower and another one giving out white gas. It soon stopped and… the engine has rusted! The third gun locked on… and fired a lime green energy beam from the centre! Once contacted…


…it caused a slight explosion, and when it faded out, the ship then made a direct route for the second one. It did the same thing as it did before – a fire from the flamethrower and a blast of white gas to cause rust, and then the lime green energy beam…


(Music stops)

…and at this stage both engines were destroyed and were nothing more than ash!

Copper: All right! I did it!
Bash: (looks worried) Great, now can we go back to Carla?


Copper: Wait a minute – we have a few problems here.

Right in front of their eyes the back of the fortress toppled down like a see saw, causing a lot of the demons to fall… and some familiar figures!

Copper: (sighs) Bash, you guide the plane down to the creatures. I’ll be on the roof, trying to find your Aunt Coco and the others.
Bash: I can’t do that.
Copper: Why not?
Bash: Because I don’t know how to fly!
Copper: (sighs) Just pull the joystick to go up and push it to go down! Tilt it to the left to go left and…
Bash: …tilt it to the right to go right?
Copper: You got it! Let’s move!

The shuttle dipped down towards the creatures and blurred in with the stars once more.

(Music restarts – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)

A few seconds later… it came back up at the same speed!

(Camera zooms in through the window)

This time around… the whole of Coco’s party were in it, with Bash and Copper with them!

Copper: So what do you say to that?
Dingodile: I won’t say anythin’. (turns away from her)
Toby: Man I’m impressed!
Danni: This is a miracle come true! Thanks fer bein’ there!
Daphne: Ditto! ;)
Coco: That performance was outstanding! (turns to Bash, who was still flying) Especially with my nephew! :)

[Music changes – Faith Hill – “There You’ll Be” (Intro)]

Bash: Who me?
Coco: Yes! If it weren’t for you and Copper, we would be mincemeat!
Bash: (shakes his head) No! Thank Copper for showing me how to fly this thing!
Copper: (giggles) No problem!
Bash: Maybe we should go back to Carla and Brio.
Coco: Good idea! Once they’re on board, we’ll meet the others back on Earth.

The ship blasts off back down to Earth, with the creatures plummeting down to a different location.


(Music changes – Cosmic Gate – “Fire Wire”)

At this stage the battle had paused for a while and everyone was floating in the air. It also seemed like an earthquake was occurring.

Creature 1: Sir, we just heard some news about the engine being destroyed!
Tiko: Who gives the monkey’s nuts about the engines? The Power Core is still running safely!
Creature 2: Yes, but there’s only one way to destroy it and that’s…
Tiko: I don’t want to know! (pushes them both away from him) SCRAM!!!!!!! (grabs the machine and floats along with it) Luckily enough I know where to go with this one!
Crash: Watch out guys – he’s feeling more confident here!
Madison: Leave it to the two of us! We aren’t afraid of anything!
Crash: Say what?
Madison: My steel wings – have you forgot about them already?
Crash: Um... er… sort of.
Madison: This should take us an advantage! Hop onto my back!

Crash pulled himself onto Mad’s back and was about to experience the battle they’ll never forget. The others remained in standby too – Cortex, Rusty, Sui and Snappy drew out jetpacks/jet boards of their own, and the others mantled on top of them, with the exception of Snappy, who’s going it alone. Time is running out – will they land on Earth safely and take down Tiko, or will this be the end for our heroes?
Episode 32 – Down To Earth

Scene: The cockpit of Tiko’s space fortress
Music: Dido – “Thank You” (Deep Dish remix, instrumental)

(Camera is looking out of the window)

At this crucial stage the ship has now broken into the Earth’s stratosphere, and now this will seem like an experience to die for. The remaining nine heroes – being Crash, Mad, Cortex, Boron, Shen, Sui, Rusty, Tawna and Snappy – are now floating high and not too far from Tiko, who’s still in possession with the C.E. Cortex Vortex (as it’s known in short) and is higher up in altitude than the others.

Tiko: So you think you can defeat me with my new found powers?
Crash: Bring it on, Frankenstein!
Tiko: I see that your confidence tells me that you could illuminate me quickly, huh? Well not for long. Even though the engines have failed me, the Power Core is still working perfectly enough for me to gain optimal energy!
Madison: Who cares about your machine?
Tiko: Huh?
Madison: The bigger your powers are, the bigger they smell! (laughs out loud)

[Music changes – Prodigy – “Out Of Space” (Intro)]

This didn’t help at all – immediately it caused him to fire the beams from his machine directly at his enemies, whom quickly flew out of the way and to a higher altitude. Then the machine spun around at a speed of 60 rotations per minute, but luckily they all survived that. Crash and Mad managed to sneak behind Tiko while this was going on.

Madison: (whispers) OK, on the count of three – one, two…


Before the count was done, both of them touched the spinning beam and were being fried to a crisp. The stench of the power started to grow worse as time went. A few seconds later it faded out and both floated back to the others separately, totally black… and lifeless.

Tiko: (laughs vilely) It’s too late Star Katz – now that your leaders are eliminated, there is nothing you can do about it!
Boron: Grrr…
Cortex: Stay behind me Boron – he means nothing but trouble.

The laughing continued for a further few seconds until…


(Music stops. Scene changes to the surface of Earth)

Foggy weather stopped the Midday sun shined down perfectly, and from the blurred distance, through it came nine familiar figures. They finally came into view, being the remaining heroes on Earth. They were calling out the names of the others, in hopes that they could find them. Bash was no exception – he was just about to break into tears.

Daphne: Hey wait – I can see something up ahead!

From this area, something sparkling with gold was just about visible in this weather. It came closer to them and rushed across the ground quickly. What was a wrecked piece of woodland was now what it was before – a beautiful and attractive landscape! Turtle Woods was reborn!

Danni: WHOA!!!!!!! THE LAND’S BACK!!!!!!
Dingodile: Who cares about a place like this?
Carla: Come on people – we gotta check out what’s causing all this!

[Music changes – Dream – “He Loves U Not” (Intro instrumental)]

They started running for quite a distance – except for Dingodile, who was pulled by Copper’s psychic power – across the now fine surface underneath them, until they came across a crater in the middle of it.

Coco: Stand back guys – I’m going in!
Toby: No wait – it’s too dangerous!

But it was already too late – Coco slid down the slopes of the crater… and found Tiko’s space fortress wrecked in bits! She quickly gasped.

(Music stops)

Brio: (from the top) What have you f-f-f-found down there?
Coco: Um… nothing… (thinks) Fib!

She quickly messed about in the ruins trying to find anything she can find… but then she noticed the glittery power shining through her eyes. She placed her arm over to protect herself… and found Tiko in the wrecks, unconscious! The skin colour was no longer green, but a regular peach! She looked at his teeth and they looked as fine as ever! The hair looked like it’s just been washed as well! She opened one of his eyelids and saw that the colour has changed back from a ruby red to the old green colour! Her eyes lit up, but then she turned back to some other areas of the wrecks… but behind her some recognizable figures were standing there! She smiled even further and was about to cry with happiness.

Coco: Crash… and the rest of you… (gasps) YOU’RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!

As Coco cuddled Crash with all her might, Mad tossed one of his time balls at Tiko’s body. This time it never shook!

[Music restarts – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)]

Madison: And to make things better people… (goes up to the ball and picks it up) …WE GOT THE WHOLE LOT!!!!!!!!! (shows the ball to the camera) Mission accomplished!
Crash: WHOA!!!!!! Excellent work!!!!!!

(Music stops)

Madison: (puts the ball back in his pocket) Come to think of it, the Meteorite Glow may have caused a lot of changes here!
Crash: Why?
Sui Do Ken: I heard a legend that it restores life when it’s exposed into the atmosphere for a while. If it gets in the human body it causes horrific effects, in which we’ve seen already.
Cortex: Restoring life? You mean… that the world will be changed back to what it was before?
Rusty: More than just the world, my friend! (claps his hand twice)

[Music restarts – Gabrielle – “Out Of Reach” (Blacksmith rerub mix, chorus)]

After the claps, a whole batch of green aliens came up towards him and surrounded him! Then the remaining eight came down the slopes, and as that happened, Copper’s usual short temper… turned into a happy and bubbly one! Her eyes lit up and she started screaming for happiness.

(Music turns instrumental)

Copper: (screams) GAZMOXIA’S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

The aliens turned towards Copper and cheered on for her.

Danni: What do ya think they’re cheerin’ for?
Toby: It seems like a cheer of victory.
Danni: Fer what?
Toby: For Crash and for Copper!
Danni: Why Coppa’?
Toby: I’m thinking that she represented her home planet well. :) And so did the rest of us.

The cheering continued for a while and Copper was hoisted into the air, shouting like she never shouted before.

(Music stops)


At this time the Space Lab was fixed, good as new. The power box was as good as new and inside, a larger crowd than usual were around the transporter. Two time balls were in there, being transported to another location. Sooner enough, they were gone!

Copper: (turns to Rusty) I never knew that bad aliens turn out as good deeds. Thank you. :)
Rusty: Aw, shucks!
Copper: Without you, this would have never happened! I now feel soooo happy for my parents to be back! (hugs them)
Crash: I feel happy to see a happy ending here!

[Music changes – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Skip the intro, instrumental)]

Shen Lo Ken: But unfortunately, we have to go.
Daphne: But why?
Tawna: I know it’s been a good time here, but we still have a future to wait for.
Rusty: Oh yeah – Cortex’s wedding! (laughs)
Cortex: RUSTY!!!!!!!
Rusty: OK, I’ll stop! (sighs) Blimey, don’t get your underpants in a twist.
Sui Do Ken: Well having seen that you guys have a lot to wait for when you get back, now’s the time to take you back. (types furiously on the keyboard) Once you get inside your time ball you should be taken back to Turtle Woods at your present time.
Snappy: Thanks so much! We’ll miss you guys!
Daphne: Thanks!

Everyone looked cheerful, except for Danni, who seemed disappointed.

Daphne: Danni, I know how much you want your Cody back, but unfortunately we still can’t separate hybrids at this space in time, or change their personalities for that matter.
Danni: (looks into her eyes for a few seconds) I understand.
Daphne: There you go. :)
Danni: Thanks. Someha’ I seem right about all this – good things come to those who wait.
Daphne: Excellent. Some day your Cody will return, but after this venture two days of the wait have gone.

She stepped back and got out eleven time balls.

Madison: Good luck back home, Crash Bandicoot. It was nice knowing you.

(Music kicks into the last few choruses and the music turns vocal.)

All eleven time balls were tossed and within no time at all they went inside with ease. Some of them shook for a while, but remained motionless. They were then placed back in the transporter and a bright light shone down on them. They looked at each other and then they got out a further five time balls. This time, Mad gave them to Copper’s parents. They tossed the balls quickly and within seconds they stayed still. They picked the balls up and placed them inside the machine quickly. As soon as the light faded out… nothing remained inside. The parents glanced at each other with concern… and walked out of the room. The others soon followed them. And after that, no one knew what happened to the Space Lab, but they may never see it for a long time.

(Music stops and the screen turns black for a few seconds. Then a slideshow of the heroes’ venture showed up on the left of the screen and on the right the credits ran alongside Train – “Drops of Jupiter”.)


Credits –

Cast (in order of appearance) –

David Spade as Crash Bandicoot and Nitrous Oxide
Dana Gould as Tiko Cortex
Clancy Brown as Dr. Neo Cortex
Toni Braxton as Deksta Cortex
Edita Brychta as Danni Dingo
William Hootkins as Dingodile
Robert Wicks as Shen Lo Ken
Michael Connor as Komodo Moe
Steven Williams as Snappy Gator and Satan
Vicki Winters as Coco Bandicoot
Claire Danes as Hallie Cortex
LeAnn Rimes as Carla Bandicoot
Neil Morrissey as Lio Cortex and the Creatures
Jake Lloyd as Private Boron
Angelina Jolie as Tawna Bandicoot
Kel Mitchell as Toby Tortoiseshell
Brendan O’ Brian as Dr. Nitrus Brio
Daryl Sabara as Crash “Bash” Bandicoot Jr.
Mel Gibson as Madison Brio
Jennifer Lopez as Daphne Dingo
Otis Burrell as Rusty-R1D8 and/or Banzai Jack
Lucy Liu as Sui Do Ken
Alexa Vega as Copper Oxide

Songs –

“Whole Again” performed by Atomic Kitten
“Salsoul Nugget (If You Wanna)” performed by M&S and sung by The Girl Next Door
“Elevation” (Tomb Raider mix) performed by U2
“No More” performed by 3LW
"Teenage Dirtbag" provided by Wheatus and sung in the story by Jennifer Lopez and Lucy Liu
“Frontier Psychiatrist” performed by the Avalanches
“Karma Hotel” performed by Spooks
“Out Of Reach” (Blacksmith rerub mix) performed by Gabrielle
“Viva Forever” performed by the Spice Girls
“All I Want” (Sunship radio edit) performed by Mis-teeq
“Another Chance” performed by Roger Sanchez
“Tomorrow Comes Today” performed by the Gorillaz
“Another Lover” performed by Dane Bowers
“Castles In The Sky” performed by Ian Van Dahl
“The Way You Loved Me” performed by Faith Hill
“Only For A While” performed by Toploader
“Liquid Dreams” performed by O-Town
“Drops of Jupiter” performed by Train
Piano solos played by Elton John
Instrumental tracks chosen by Bev Wooff (T-Rex)

Special Thanks –

Goku (for reading the story and allowing me to use Shen Lo Ken)
Shazi (for allowing me to use Danni Dingo)
Saskia (for allowing me to use Bash Bandicoot)
Kitty Coot (for placing Kitty Coot as an understudy)
Dr. Neo Cortex (for reading the story)
Lawrence III (for reading the story)
SpencerR (for reading the story)
Frozen Squirrel (for reading the story)

And very special thanks to everyone at Naughty Dog (for creating the Crash characters)

Directed by Bev Wooff (T-Rex)

Dedicated to anyone who has recently been departed from someone special

Sui Do Ken: (gasps) Rusty! (starts running over to him)

As she ran over, Shen followed her.

Sui Do Ken: (leans over Rusty’s head and shows three fingers in front of his eyes) How many fingers am I holding up?
Rusty: (sees stars and sings dizzily) Voulez-vous couchez avec moi se soir…
Sui Do Ken: (blushes) No thanks – I’d rather go alone. (goes off stage, blushing a bolder red)
A flock of red flying monsters were hovering from below the satellite, and within no time at all they arrived at the entrance underneath it, through a huge set of double doors under the entrance. A long corridor stretched from there on, until they finally came to the end of it – another set of double doors into a spaceport. They headed in through there and climbed up the walls to the top of the room… but one of them rode a skateboard to top.

Creature 3: Heehee! Look at me! I’m Tony Hawk!!!!!
Dingodile: Look – everythin’ I do around here is for mah benefit and mah benefit only! When that thing goes, you will go next!
Daphne: (goes up to him) That’s not very nice of you!
Dingodile: Who in Pete’s sake cares? You’re nothin’ but a lousy girl dog waitin’ for a BBQ! (gets out his flamethrower)

But just before he was about to fire a laser shot… cut off some of Daphne’s hair and changed the style completely! Dingodile couldn’t help but laugh.

Daphne: (screams) WHAT?!?!?
Dingodile: MOHICAN!!!!!!!!!! (guffaws)

Daphne got out her pocket mirror and she saw her new mohican hairstyle. She screamed and dashed off-stage, crying.
At this stage, Crash’s party finally entered the area safe and sound after a long and winding journey, and landed safely and quickly too. But as this happens…


A seal for the air vents was hurtled down to the floor, and by accident the glass panel opened and it struck Cortex on the head harshly, bringing him out of the shuttle and onto the floor.

Crash: (gasps and jumps out after him) You OK?
Cortex: OW!!!!!! (sits up, rubs his forehead and speaks painfully) My head…
Snappy: (from above) Sorry! The ship was on autopilot.

The shuttle honked its horn all by itself, cheekily.
Bash: (looks worried) Now are you sure that taking a ship would be a good idea?
Copper: (looks overconfident) Uh-huh, and when we get inside we’ll be able to find a…

A dead body was tossed on top of her unexpectedly. She pushed it back and leered at the camera.

Copper: (sighs) For the last time, I don’t want plastic surgery before filming the final scene! Now bugger off! (turns the camera off)
Copper: OK… where are them buttons?

She pressed a couple of buttons above the radar and from under the ship, out came… the wheels!

Copper: Whoops – I’ve gone a bit lost here.

Copper: OK, that’s its night stuff.

The shoes were drawn back and she pressed two more buttons, and out came… D12, all tied up!

D12: (all sing together) I’ve been so many places
I’ve seen so many faces
But nothing compares to these blue and yellow purple hills…

She drew them back again.

Copper: (sighs) I’m lost. Where are they again?
Shen Lo Ken: But unfortunately, we have to go.
Daphne: But why?
Tawna: I know it’s been a good time here, but we still have a future to wait for.
Rusty: Oh yeah – Cortex’s wedding! (laughs)
Cortex: RUSTY!!!!!!!
Rusty: OK, I’ll stop… (giggles) Sorry – I can’t stop laughin’ at it! (guffaws)
Cortex: Here we go again…

He picks up a baseball bat from the table and was about to hit him when…

(Screen instantly turns black and these words show up in white writing)


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