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Ted 5-26-01
Well school is now out. Its been a busy year. Mike just reminded me the other day that we even had this website. And what better way to hopefully make some cash than to just work on a website? Please help us out--LINK TO US! Expect some good things in the near future.

Mike 3-25-01
THE WALKTHROUGH IS DONE!!!! Check it out here

Mike 1-25-01
I am working on the temple walkthroughs. I hope to have them all done very soon

Mike 1-6-01
I added lots of stuff to the map and characters pages

Ted 12-29-00
I have uploaded one new file and zipped all the rest of them for easier downloading. Go to Multimedia to check them out. Uploading on a slow-running 56k connection just sucks. Later

Ted 12-28-00
We have finished our switch from angelfire, there are a few bugs to work out (eg. broken links), and we have redone the walkthrough page once again. We hope you will find it easier to navigate. I have a bunch of new multimedia files that I should be uploading, but my connection is so slow that I just havent gotten the urge to do it yet. I need some more server space too. There are some large movie files that you would probably like if I had the space to upload them. My trail version of PSP7 ran out, so I need new graphics software or some money to buy it.

Mike 12-19-00
I did a HUGE update to the songs page, as well as starting the Heart Pieces and moves pages.

Ted 12-17-00
I redid the transformation masks page. I'd like to make an imagemap on the map page linking to dungeons, which needs alot of work. These will be my next project.

Mike 12-16-00
I made a BIG update to the Items and Weapons page.

Ted 11-25-00
I added a new section called multimedia just because we have all this server space and nothing to do with it. Enjoy.

Nelson 11-25-00
I completely redid the masks page and added a new page on the transformation masks.

Nelson and Ted--11-24-00
We added a more user-friendly navigation menu to all of the walkthrough pages, as well as some other work to make the site look better. Some banner ads were added to the bottoms of pages, I hope this does not bother any of you in any way, but its just to increase traffic through here. If for any reason you want to put a banner for our page on your site, you can find it here

MORE WALKTHROUGH CHAPTERS UP! They are not nice and pretty as I did not code them, but they are there nonetheless. It is kind of hard for me to do too much with this nasty webshell interface. I hope to have a chance to sit down and make some major improvments soon. Later

Guess what? Just a stupid, insignificant little update to the songs page. And a wonderful, large update to the story page. I've got a lot going on right now, but should soon be able to do some more...and so should the other guys. (hint,hint)

Ted Hanson--11-5-00
Hey everybody, looks like I finally got my name on this page. I've been helping with the HTML and stuff so you might not see many topical updates from me. All I can say is that I'm working on a Flash version of the site and it should be pretty cool. See ya later.

Invisible Friend--10-09-00
Today in Target, I played a demo of the game, it was REALLY fun, and really cool. I got to see the moon crash into the world. When it happened, the rumble pack was going wild. The move was also very cool

Also, I updated my pages (Dungeons, Weapons, Masks, and the soon-to-be-known-to-the-world walkthrough. Check them all out!!


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