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The Battle of November



When the battle starts in November, when 2 more game consoles are released, the war is on. It is not as simple to say that Microsoft will win or that Sony will win, or the same for Nintendo, but looking at each console, we can see where each one will succeed.

Microsoft will be the last system out on the battlefield, unless Microsoft can make 800,000 xboxes by November 1, 2001, allowing the company to make changes, but not major ones because it is only 3 days after the American launch of the Nintendo Gamecube. You have to look at each console to see where its strengths are and take advantage of them to gain sales over other consoles.

The Xbox will be what you get is final console. There will not be any hardware upgrades for the system, not bad seeing it is the most powerful game system ever made, for now.  The XBOX will be 3 times faster then the PlayStation2 and also, has a network adapter so that high speed users, xDSL, T1, Cable, can play online games. The XBOX also has an 8 gigabyte hard drive, that's 10,000 times larger then 8 MB then the PlayStation2 memory card. You will get all of this from the XBOX for the same price as the PS2, which will be a year old by November and doesn't include a hard drive or broadband adapter, sold separately. The XBOX will be loved by developers because it is easy to develop for because it is very similar to a PC. This has brought over hundred developers worldwide to working for the XBOX.

Sony's PlayStation2 is already out has a strong lead on the other 2 consoles. The games that made PSX so popular have come to the PS2, such as Metal Gear Solid and Gran Turismo, making gamers scream with glee as they can play there favorite games, both PS2 and PSX games on the same console and be able to play with there old memory cards. The question is that will Sony get receive as much support as it had before because the games will not look as they would on the XBOX and also that the PS2 is harder to develop for because of bottlenecks such as the 4 MB of video RAM. Square's Final Fantasy series is said to be heading to the XBOX, disappointing hardcore PS2 fans because they feel that they are losing a PlayStation only game. Sony will be coming out with an Internet adapter allowing either modem users or high speed users Internet access with the PlayStation2. Also, a 10 gigabyte will be released in Fall 2001 allowing PS2 users the ability to same games just like XBOX users. These products will of course will come at a price making the PS2 more expensive either though it is 3 times slower then the XBOX to have the same features as the XBOX. This will be true unless Sony lowers the PS2 to a point where gamers can buy a hard drive and adapter and come to a total of $299.99 (USD) the American price for both the PS2 and XBOX. This though is unlikely because Sony would lose to much money per console and end up like the Sega with the Dreamcast. There of course are some things that make the PS2 the console to buy. The ability to play PSX games, opening the number of games can play on the PS2 from around 100 to over 300. The ability to play DVDs right out of the box with the PS2, this can not be done with the XBOX. You have to buy an attachment that adds the DVD playback feature. This reduces the cost of the XBOX, and raises the price for the PS2.

Last, but not to be thought little of, the Gamecube. Nintendo playing it safe is not trying to get first place but have a more modest second place with its smaller more cubbish console. The Gamecube will be the cheapest next-generation game console but similar to the PS2 where it will have upgrades. The cheapness of the console's price, not capabilities will be from the special DVDs created by Panasonic's mother from Japan. These DVD's are smaller then regular DVDs but can contain more about 1.5 GB of data. Now because the Gamecube uses a smaller DVD, it will not support video DVD playback. Nintendo is dealing with this with a Gamecube with a built-in DVD player which will be on sale after the Gamecube releases on November 5, 2001. The Gamecube will be the best choice console for younger gamers because of games such as Lugi's Mansion where you going looking through a haunted house vacuuming up ghost on the quest to find your brother and a game called Pikman where you have to keep alive these "adorable creatures" in a Mario's creator's garden.

So, there you have it, 2 console lined up for this Fall and 1 that is already out and dominating the market. We will only know who will win by 2002 after seeing who received the most sales during the Holidays. By 2002 Microsoft and Sony's online networks will be in full swing and gamers will enter a new genre where players can enjoy multiplay any time of the day and day of the year.   


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