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Question of the Week

TBA 2002

Live a life based on ancient principles

Welcome to the World of 180 ADE (after Christ era) where you can relive the the life of either a Roman, slave or free person. The major aspects of this game is that it is huge. The map is scaled to be the size of Europe with a bit of North Africa and the Middle East too. It will take you days to travel from London to Rome on foot or horseback like it would if you were living during this era. The best thing about this huge online game that allows you to chose between living a passive life as a fisher or vineyard keeper or as a gladiator in Rome, pleasing your Emperor. Or even better, trying to take over Rome. The game is entirely free, no online subscription like other massive online games, just the sweet feeling that you can do what the Romans did all over again.

I will be updating this page repeatedly as it is the first game we are checking on the first wave that we truly would love to play. Pics will be displayed when released.    -check it out for more details. Oh I hope we can get an Interview


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