
IRC Help
Chat commands you should know:

* Note you *DO NOT PUT* the parenthesys symbols, those are just there to show you where to put the info needed.

-Change nicknames: /nick (new name here)

-Join a channel: /join #(channel name)

-Main channels on are:

and join #vf
and I hang out in #battlearena

- To kick a person- /kick (nickname)
*Must have OP in channel

-To ban a person- /ban (nickname)
* Must have OP and this type of ban can be easily evaded, it's better if you ban his HOST:

You do a /whois command on the nick you want to, for example my nickname is [krill], if i'm bugging you type /whois [krill]

The /whois form is "nick!user@host" which something like this should come up:

[krill] is * blah
[krill] is a registered nick
[krill] on @#VF
[krill] using Dreamcast IRC Server
[krill] has been idle 2min 8sec, signed on Sun Jun 24 22:55:07
[krill] End of /WHOIS list.
*Since /ban (nickname) will only ban the "nick" part, you can just change nicks and rejoin the channel


Now for a serious ban you should type:

/ban *!~krill_2k@* <-- that will ban the Username ~krill_2k which I must now have to change my Username in order to come back to that channel.


/ban *!*

that will ban my Host, I must reconnect in order to evade that ban. if you type: /ban *!*@* you will ban every anyone who is on chat using SegaNet or any other isp in the "dialinx block"

the * are wildcards, which means that any user with that will be banned. so if you type: /ban *!*@* EVERYONE will be banned from that channel.

Hope that wasn't too confusing.

-Unban- /unban (nickname)
or as we learned
/unban *!(username)@(host)

-Leave a channel: /leave

-Registering a nickname: /msg nickserv register (your password) (your email)

*Now everytime you use that nick you will have to IDENTIFY with NickServ, you do this by typing: /msg nickserv identify (your password)

** If you need help type: /msg nickserv help

-Sending Memos

* The nickname you will send a memo to must be registered, and make sure HE/SHE is the person you want to send a memo, I mean probably the nickname LOBO is used by another person already, so sending a memo to the nickname LOBO will result in sending to THAT person instead of RICK, which will suck.

-Sending memos: /msg memoserv send (nickname) (the things u want to say)

* You will be notified when you have new memos when you IDENTIFY with NickServ

-Reading New Memos: /msg memoserv read new

-Reading Old Memos: /msg memoserv read ##

* ## means the number of the memo, memos are categorized in numbers, 1 being the first memo you received and up to 20 memos can be stored with memoserv w/ your own nickname.

-Listing all the memos you have received: /msg memoserv list

-Deleting memos: /msg memoserv del ##

-To delete all memos type: /msg memoserv clear

* And again if you need help type: /msg memoserv help


* To register your own channel, you must enter an NON Registered channel and be IDENTIFIED with NickServ

- You should have ops when you enter the channel.
- Now type: /msg chanserv register #(channel name) (password) (Description of the channel)
- To add someone to your channel auto OP list type: /msg chanserv access #(channel) (add) (nickname) (level)
- Setting an Entry Message- /msg chanserv set #(channel) entrymsg (entry message here)
* EntryMSG is a message ChanServ will PM any user that joins your channel.

-Changing Topic: /topic (new topic)

* Type: -/msg chanserv help- for all other commands I cannot cover everything since there are tons of commands.
**** Most of these commands will also work with mIRC or any other IRC Client ***

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