Real Name: Ed

Age: 20

Location: He says: UP YO ASS FOO! but it's really... Colorado

Fav Games: Duck Hunt, 4-play, spin the bottle, hide-n-seek.

Fav Genre: FPS (He loves to shoot his load at/on people)

Favorite food: pizza, he says its shaped like a pussy so when he bites into it he goes SNATCH SNATCH SNATCH!! and he likes HOTDOGS!!! Can you guess why eh? lol he doesn't need to explain himself to you.

Favorite Hobbies: (You already know the answer to this) masterbation

Favorite Music: SOAD,GN'R,(OLD)METALLICA(SOME NEW) |\| | |\|, 2pac, DmX (what cha niggers want! wut! wut!) and lots of other shizzle

Known Quotes: "heh" (He says: ok so he jacked it from pepzz! LMAO! but hey, its not copyrighted he DOESN'T SEE NO FUCKIN SYMBOL IMPLYING ITS TM'd BY HEH lol), "w00t 2 dat maffacka!!", (ok so he got 'maffacka' from slim lol what can he say? HE AINT ORIGINAL (coors lights) LMAO!!!)
