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Cast: Tails

Tails is no ordinary kid, he was born with 2 tails. He was an orphan. He was teased by other kids because of his 2 tails. But when he met Sonic, his life changed. He hanged out alot with Sonic & learned alot of stuff with him. He then later got into mechanics. So now hes an expert at inventing sh*t. his latest creation was the Cyclone. The Cyclone is the tornado 2, but made "Several" changes. now he made it into a walking, shooting, flying machine. But 1 day while he was inventing something, he went to get a Pepsi & take a break. When he got outside, He saw a demension portal above him & then got sucked in. Just like Sonic he flyied through & came to my world! But now for some reason, since he came here,...He actes like he was gay..but...nahh, he couldn't be! ^_^;; ________________________________________________________________________________________ Comment from Tails: The best damn thing is in this damn comic is DA MAGIC COOL AID!!!!!! YEEAAWW!!!! & that tight ass of Shad- waitwait!! eh-hehe, neva mind,....
