A bidda histry
Sau wads a furry
a cast of thousands



A whiff of Furry

" My god you guys stink"

"Fank yu das reelie kaind ov yu"

                                  My vision of the Furries grew gradually over the games that I played. They began as small batlike creatures then morphed into small flying apes. i guess it suited the moronic image I had of them. The current version are a race that is the result of a biological experiment that was abandoned on the planet Haum.. At some time in their history an alien life form, lost and in a damaged space ship was marooned on their planet. He was from an almost immortal,  technologically advanced race but found himself marooned in the furrian stone age. His living environment was a chemical mix of elements that vaguely resemble faeces (crap to you!) and biological remains. In this he had the great fortune to discover the Furrian pile. The Furries are nocturnal and like bats sleep hanging from rock ceilings upside down. While asleep they have no control whatsoever over their anal functions and naturally the result of a long days sleep is a badly stained Furry and a very deep large lake at the bottom of the caves into which all of the tribes excrement falls and to which all of their dead are consigned. It was this evil mix that provided the perfect atmosphere in which an "ancient one" might survive.

                                 So it was that  The "ancient one" began his sojourn with the Furries. As they became aware of their semi telepathic tenant , the Furrians transformed him into a god. Appropriately they named him Wadahee Pashid. This page is dedicated to the Furries , their characters and their history. I hope you enjoy them.     


Up A bidda histry Sau wads a furry a cast of thousands