
The army of Carthage was a natural choice as I had already modelled it in 15mm for DBM and enjoyed the variety and versatility of the army. I was quite surprised at the amount of individual detail the figures carried and brought it out to the best of my abilities by using dry brushing techniques. 

The following gallery contains an example of each of the various elemental choices available to the Carthaginian DBA list.

reghc.jpg (31061 bytes) reghc2.jpg (36852 bytes) spears1.jpg (28523 bytes) spears2.jpg (22204 bytes)
elephs1.jpg (27971 bytes) elephs2.jpg (34876 bytes) regpsil1.jpg (19235 bytes) regpsil2.jpg (22846 bytes)
thureo1.jpg (20456 bytes) thureo2.jpg (25898 bytes) warband1.jpg (22792 bytes) warband2.jpg (26840 bytes)
irreghc1.jpg (31810 bytes) irreghc2.jpg (31901 bytes) irreglc.jpg (34292 bytes) irreglc2.jpg (33010 bytes)
psiloi1.jpg (27018 bytes) psiloi2.jpg (30494 bytes)    


