
Harvester Puzzle Solutions



Puzzle Solutions: Read this section if you are really stuck.

Please Note: If you only do these solutions and nothing more, you will miss more than half the game!

Day 1 - Puzzle Solutions

Open drawer in your bedroom. Get quarter and pen. Get the newspaper from your living room and give it to Jimmy James the paperboy. Go to the burned down newspaper building and get the shovel which is located in the ashes. Use the shovel on the ashes. Get the burned flyer and button. Go to the post office and give the button to Postmaster Boyle. Choose the response, "Cut the crap..."

Go to the General store and give a quarter to Mrs. Phelps to get the dirty magazine. Go to the Police Station and talk to the Sheriff and Deputy Loomis. Leave the Police Station and enter it again. Give the dirty magazine to Deputy Loomis. Open the deputy's drawer and take the evidence room key, note, checkbook ledger, etc. Use the evidence room key on the door to the evidence room. Enter the evidence room and get the sneakers, gas can and camera. Enter the Post office and give the gas can to Postmaster Boyle. Use the pen in your inventory on the blank lodge application. Give the "filled out" lodge application to the Sergeant at Arms.

Day 2 - Puzzle Solutions

Get the newspaper from your living room and give it to Jimmy James the paperboy. Go visit the Sergeant at Arms to receive your first "assignment". Go to the Pottsdam residence (Stephanies house) and talk to Mr. and Mrs. Posstdam. Ask to visit Stephanie. Enter the bathroom and open the medicine cabinet and get the Ora-Lube and other items on the shelf. Go to the Post office and use the Ora-Lube on the manhole cover key which is located in the street. (This will trigger the "day to night animation".)

Night 2 - Puzzle Solutions

Go to Mr. Johnson's house. Use the manhole cover key to open the cover. Enter the manhole. Use the shovel found in the newspaper ruins on the lower right hand corner of the wall. Enter the hole. Walk east through the tunnel and go up the stairs to his garage. Pick up the furniture dolly. Examine the tool bench. Get the Phillips Screwdriver. Use the screwdriver on the car. Leave the garage the same way you entered. Go visit the Sergeant at Arms. (This will trigger the "nightmare animation".)

Day 3 - Puzzle Solutions

Get the newspaper from your living room and give it to Jimmy James the paperboy. Go to Gein Memorial School and break the glass on the fire alarm. Go to the fire station. Get the ladder from the garage. Go to the Meat packing plant. Talk to Pat O’Rielly the butcher. Choose the dialogue; "family business". Choose the word "meat". Select the response "Can I have some meat?" to receive the permission slip. Go to your house. Enter the Living Room. Use the furniture dolly on the bookcase. Turn off the alarm switch. Exit the house to the front yard. Use the phillips head screwdriver on the bars attached to the window. Enter window to Dad’s room. Give the permission slip to Dad. He will sign it. Go back and give the signed permission slip to Pat O’Rielly. He will give you the meat.

(Alternate) If you’re tough enough, try to kill Pat O’Rielly and take the meat by force! But be warned he likes his meat!

Night 3 - Puzzle Solutions

Go to the fire station. Enter the fire station. Give the meat to the dog to stop him barking. Use the ladder on the west wall. Get the "bolt of cloth". (This will trigger the "nightmare animation".)

Day 4 - Puzzle Solutions

Get the newspaper from your living room and give it to Jimmy James the paperboy. Give the "bolt of cloth" to the Sergeant at Arms. Go to the Cemetery. Continue to walk until to reach the picnic area. Get matches. Move the picnic table. Use the shovel on the fresh grave. Pick up the purse. Go to Edna’s Diner. Give purse to Edna. Open the drawer on the left side of the diner. Get the 'flathead' screwdriver. Go to the General Store. Give reward money to Mrs. Phelps. Examine the items on the shelf. Get the tape. (This will trigger the "day to night animation".)

Night 4 - Puzzle Solutions

Go to the Barber Shop. Use the tape on the glass door. Breakdoor with a heavy object from your inventory. Enter the Barber Shop. Operate the left switch on the wall to disable barber pole. Use Flathead Screwdriver on Barber Pole. (This will trigger the "nightmare animation".)

Day 5 - Puzzle Solutions

Get the newspaper from your living room and give it to Jimmy James the paperboy. Give the Barber Pole to the Sergeant at Arms. Go to the Mortuary. Go north through the doors to the main chamber. Walk south to the alter. Use your camera on the casket. Exit to the embalming room also located in the Mortuary. Show photo to Mr. Moynahan. Choose the response; "I’ve got the goods on you..." Choose response; "Glue Huh?..O.K." to get the glue. Leave Mortuary. (This will trigger the "day to night animation".)

Night 5 - Puzzle Solutions

Go to Edna’s Diner. Use the tape on the glass door. Break the door with a heavy object from your inventory. Enter Edna’s Diner. Get the cakedish. Open the drawer on the left side of the room. Get flathead screwdriver from drawer. Use Glue on the cakedish. Use Cakedish on the smoke detector. Turn on the grease fryer. Ignite the fryer with the matches and burn down the diner. Leave immediately or you will be burned. (This will trigger the "nightmare animation".)

Day 6 - Puzzle Solutions

Get the newspaper from your living room and give it to Jimmy James the paperboy. Go visit the Sergeant at Arms. Enter the Pottsdam (Stephanie’s) house. Walk up the stairs. Talk to Mr. Pottsdam. Get lodge invitation. Give lodge invitation to Sergeant at Arms.

Go to the Cemetary. Proceed to the stone crypt. Use your ladder on the crypt. Use your shovel on the skylight glass. Enter the crypt through skylight. Defeat the guard dog. Open the sarcophagus. Get the spinal cord. Exit the crypt via ladder. Present the spinal cord to the Sergeant at Arms to enter the lodge.

Lodge Level 1 - Answers

Talk to Valet

Walk towards the screen, you will fall into the Bowels of the Lodge.

Walk left around bowels and kill the acid monster. Exit bowels through "sphincter".

In the eye room defeat the eyeball monster.

Use your knife on the large eye and exit to the main hall.

From the Main Hall go to the dining room and defeat the devil hound.

Proceed to the bar and drink the "XXX" beer on the shelf.

Defeat your evil reflection and you will get a "bar key".

Use key on cash register and get ALL the money in the drawer.

Go back to the main hall via the dining room.

Enter the cloak room and give $5 to the cloak room attendant to have your clothes cleaned.

Kill the cloakroom attendant and get his shotgun.

Get toga off of the wall and place it on the second to the left peg.

Enter the secret room and get the scythe and shells.

Go to kitchen via dining room.

Get meat chunks and the water glass (water glass is used for the alternate solution). You can also "eat" the sandwich for health.

Go to the cloak room and activate the switch on the wall on the right (unlocks left door).

Go to the left door and enter into game room.

Use either the the sickle or shotgun weapon and kill the "Reacher" monster.

Enter the roman bath and throw a chunk of meat in the water and cross the bridge.

Enter the bathroom and grab the weed killer. (Also, you can fill the glass with water for the alternate solution).

Go back to the roman bath and throw the other chunk of meat in the water.

Go back to the main hall and go through the dining room.

Go through the Bar to the fountain room.

Use your weed killer on the plant to kill the plant monster. Open the gate to the fountain and find the key in the water.

Use the fountain key to open the secret door on the right (look for the small keyhole).

Enter access room and defeat the boss monster to enter 2nd level of lodge.

ALTERNATE After glass of water is filled Take glass to the drawing room.

Throw glass of water on the fire.

Remove the logs and the grate.

Defeat the spider.

Climb up fireplace (Enters the hive on the second floor).

Enter 2nd level of lodge.

Lodge Level 2 - Answers

Locate and defeat the all of the statues. (Especially the "Queen" Nefretiti" statue)

Use the key she gives you on the exit door (one screen to the left)

Go to the ballroom via foyer and kill the maintenance man

Enter the clown room and kill the clown (get his chainsaw, kewpie doll, and clown key)

Proceed to the chess room via the foyer

Defeat the chessmaster at chess, examine his head, and retrieve the key, or lose at chess or refuse to play the chessmaster. If you choose this option or lose At chess, you must defeat the chess piece

Examine the chessmaster's head, and retrieve the key

Go to theater door and use the clown key to unlock door

Again, enter the theater via the foyer

Grab the flagpoles on the stage.

Go backstage through the curtain and take the wooden planks that are lying around

Solve the mask puzzle by rotating the heads until you hear a "clicking" sound

Enter the laundry room and take the boots

Use the chess key to unlock the door to the supply room

Solve the supply/boiler room puzzle by doing the following: pick up ALL the pipes which are lying on the floor (there are 3 of them) Pick up the wrench. Go to the middle screen (the one with the wheel valve) and turn the whell pressure valve wheel to stop steam. Use the wrench on the long stretch of pipe located at the top of the boiler. Assemble a NEW pipe by "dragging" the pipes on top of each other in your inventory. This will create an "S" shaped pipe. Replace the section of pipe you removed with the new "S" pipe in your inventory. Turn the wheel pressure valve to open the locked box. Get key from box to unlock door.

Enter the Generator room and kill the zombie electricians

Enter the lava pit and place the 3 wooden planks in your inventory across each area of the lava pit. Make sure to place them ALL first before you attempt to walk across the planks.

Enter the Jaw;s O' Death room. Place a flagpole on each side to stop the roof from crushing you. The locked door will open.

Exit the room into the 3rd level access room.

Climb the rope into the 3rd level.

Lodge Level 3 - Answers

Mystery of Abstinence

Kill Fat Elvis and authority figure.

Eat hamburgers and exit back door.

Mystery of Motherly Love

Kill the children to pass.

Mystery of Morality

Kill the Vietnam vet.

Mystery of Religion

Answer the priest's questions correctly to pass or kill everyone to pass.

Mystery of Narcissism

Give the "Darkwoman" the mirror from the mystery of lust to exit the room.

Mystery of Flesh

Kill Mr. Pottsdam.

Mystery of Lust

Accept or decline "services".

Mystery of Mercy

Kill the old people or fight the gladiator and then kill the old people! (No way around that one!)

Mystery of Pain

Torture the guy on the table sufficiently enough to exit the room or fight the Inquisitor.

Mystery of Charity

Kill the blind guy.

Mystery of Remote Control

Kill the 3 monsters to exit the room.

Inner Sanctum

Kill the "Grand Poobah".

Chapel of Love

Kill Stephanie and become a "Harvester" or Marry Stephanie.

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