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Blitz Chao

I call this chao the "Blitz" chao because my friend (who was the first person I know to get this chao) named her "Blitz" chao Blitz. It took me a while to get one because I had no idea how to, but the results were worth it!

The chao resembles a dark chao very closely, all except the colors. Instead of the feet, head, tail, and arms being pink, they're blue and white. And the body is more of a black color than an extremely dark brown. Here's an image of one:

This chao is not very hard to get. The only thing you require is luck. The steps are listed below.

Step 1: I've only tried this on one type of egg color. So go to the market and buy a white or shiny white egg when the store has the eggs in stock. Hatch the chao and raise it normally until it metamorphosizes.

Step 2: If you already have a normal chao that has metamorphosized, good. If not, obtain one. Then grow it to adulthood.

Step 3: Buy two or more (may need LOTS of these) heart fruits and feed them to the two chao. Let them mate. Hatch the egg. If the chao is white, either keep it or say bye to it and try again. Keep feeding the normal and white chao heart fruits. Let them dance and create new eggs until you hatch a normal-looking blue/yellow chao. Note: If it's a shiny blue/yellow chao and you want it, go ahead and keep it. The chao will still look like the Blitz chao when it metamorphosizes... only it'll be shiny.

Step 4: Take care of the baby chao normally, but only use dark characters and fruits. If you wish to use chaos drives, then keep the levels even. The chao will metamorphosize into a Blitz chao!

Bonus: I bet you can raise these chao to be other different types rather than just normal ones (like a normal dark, hero, or neutral type). My friend has also gotten a white and purple neutral flying type. Other than looking slightly diseased, the variation in color really makes it look cool. What can you guys come up with?