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Chao Names

Potential names and ideas for chao names are listed below, each under the name of the person that submitted them. I want this list to grow long, so give me any chao names you've got! XD.

Names By Chao Breeder, the Webmistress

I prefer to name my chao funny names that may make absolutely no sense to you, or me, 'cause that's the point. I don't think my chao are currently too thrilled with the names they're given, but what can I do? Some names suit their corresponding chao more than the chao think they do.

Pendant Eclipse 42 1/2 Spatula Noodle? Ignis Vulcan Phro0t NiGHTS Zell
Zidane Squall Shish Cloud Vapor Blitz Booger Tyr Pepper Lumpkin
Reebok Kabob

Names By Redswordsman07

I made up my own chao tradition in my chao gardens, I name all with a "Ch" in front. It's kind of weird but I like it.

Chibi Champ Chrix Charky Chubby

Names By Nancy

Ash Tinisa Luna Tiessa Sabetha Traina Rena Tabetha Linda Betrina
Celina Celia Rita Zetta Winona Anna Carrie Kara Witchy BluBird
AuntBee Tusa Metilla Rozita Pita Sabba Rango Sabath Metro Phoenix
Samath Reno Reo Ren Rio Safire Carrey Evil Spooky Zek
Samsum Treako Mantis Greatch Grim Moto Smither Shamsom Sanford Bunker
Archie Meathed Zelda Snoozer Googal Googa WahWah Grime Hekani FishEye
Weasel Monk Monkie Monkey Bumpkin Rahlo Snizzle Scruple Pathiln Guido
Yuri GarYar YarGar Mitell Snipple Hip-P Gomer Pilez Guaber Ghelthi
Goop'Er Snotty Pimple Frizzle Sninky BlaH Chelsie Romo Ruso Critter
Morkle Poin-T RifRaff Fon-Z Zitz Kullur So-So Wed-G Fred-G ADD
ADHD Math Math'n WamWahn Mehbehl BahGah GahBah Ice Sickly EggChao
EggHead Eggboy Egggal Eggz Fatman Mooky KowBut Roachy Eustace Muriel
Courage Duuh... Lih-Z Cott'n Lodo Lobo Walrus WormRUs Doof-E Klinky
Stinker Stingz Filbert Rocco Heifer Swift'r Tilpy PoiNose Ara-Fat Milkman

Names By MTS MTS

T.K.S. Swill Helix Hailer Pelts Mike Jolts Panda

Names By Silverfang

Taka Rostek Halcyon Kangula Draco Fang Chasm Chacha Cheng Chaz
Quartz Chaorro Nagoshi Echo Dash Dejime Chalulu Spike Chang Kosmo
Chaolin Bubbles Chapon Charo Poupoko

Names By Lyndon

Glitz Hizui Blanki Hytuo Spirk Desertt Samii Calii Booshla