Names By Chao Breeder, the Webmistress
I prefer to name my chao funny names that may make absolutely no sense to you, or me, 'cause that's the point. I don't think my chao are currently too thrilled with the names they're given, but what can I do? Some names suit their corresponding chao more than the chao think they do.
Pendant |
Eclipse |
42 1/2 |
Spatula |
Noodle? |
Ignis |
Vulcan |
Phro0t |
Zell |
Zidane |
Squall |
Shish |
Cloud |
Vapor |
Blitz |
Booger |
Tyr |
Pepper |
Reebok |
Kabob |
Names By Redswordsman07
I made up my own chao tradition in my chao gardens, I name all with a "Ch" in front. It's kind of weird but I like it.
Chibi |
Champ |
Chrix |
Charky |
Chubby |
Names By Nancy
Ash |
Tinisa |
Luna |
Tiessa |
Sabetha |
Traina |
Rena |
Tabetha |
Linda |
Betrina |
Celina |
Celia |
Rita |
Zetta |
Winona |
Anna |
Carrie |
Kara |
Witchy |
BluBird |
AuntBee |
Tusa |
Metilla |
Rozita |
Pita |
Sabba |
Rango |
Sabath |
Metro |
Phoenix |
Samath |
Reno |
Reo |
Ren |
Rio |
Safire |
Carrey |
Evil |
Spooky |
Zek |
Samsum |
Treako |
Mantis |
Greatch |
Grim |
Moto |
Smither |
Shamsom |
Sanford |
Bunker |
Archie |
Meathed |
Zelda |
Snoozer |
Googal |
Googa |
WahWah |
Grime |
Hekani |
FishEye |
Weasel |
Monk |
Monkie |
Monkey |
Bumpkin |
Rahlo |
Snizzle |
Scruple |
Pathiln |
Guido |
Yuri |
GarYar |
YarGar |
Mitell |
Snipple |
Hip-P |
Gomer |
Pilez |
Guaber |
Ghelthi |
Goop'Er |
Snotty |
Pimple |
Frizzle |
Sninky |
BlaH |
Chelsie |
Romo |
Ruso |
Critter |
Morkle |
Poin-T |
RifRaff |
Fon-Z |
Zitz |
Kullur |
So-So |
Wed-G |
Fred-G |
Math |
Math'n |
WamWahn |
Mehbehl |
BahGah |
GahBah |
Ice |
Sickly |
EggChao |
EggHead |
Eggboy |
Egggal |
Eggz |
Fatman |
Mooky |
KowBut |
Roachy |
Eustace |
Muriel |
Courage |
Duuh... |
Lih-Z |
Cott'n |
Lodo |
Lobo |
Walrus |
WormRUs |
Doof-E |
Klinky |
Stinker |
Stingz |
Filbert |
Rocco |
Heifer |
Swift'r |
Tilpy |
PoiNose |
Ara-Fat |
Milkman |
Names By MTS MTS
T.K.S. |
Swill |
Helix |
Hailer |
Pelts |
Mike |
Jolts |
Panda |
Names By Silverfang
Taka |
Rostek |
Halcyon |
Kangula |
Draco |
Fang |
Chasm |
Chacha |
Cheng |
Chaz |
Quartz |
Chaorro |
Nagoshi |
Echo |
Dash |
Dejime |
Chalulu |
Spike |
Chang |
Chaolin |
Bubbles |
Chapon |
Charo |
Poupoko |
Names By Lyndon
Glitz |
Hizui |
Blanki |
Hytuo |
Spirk |
Desertt |
Samii |
Calii |
Booshla |