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Garden Glitches

Dark Garden
Disappearing Ball: If you throw the ball (found in the garden after beating the second hero race) behind the tree you find to your right, it will disappear. The tree is the one with the birdcage hanging from it. Throw the ball in the spot where the tree and fence come together.

Chao Head: Face the tree with the bird cage hanging from a branch, get your chao and go to the side of the tree that doesn't have a bird cage on it, and run up as close to the fence as you can go. With the chao facing the fence, set him down, the chaos body will then dissapear leaving only its head.

Information submitted by: SlashX30

Chao Garden

Fall out of the Garden (or get stuck): In the area on the far side of the garden covered in trees, Sonic or Shadow can perform their homing attacks and fall out of the garden. You're going to have to get your characters to perform the homing attack multiple time before the glitch works.

Dig into the Wall: You can dig into the wall left of the entrance with either Rouge or Knuckles. Jump and hit "B" while tilting the control stick forwards. This trick'll work better you hit B RIGHT after you hit "A", with as little time between buttons as possible. Otherwise you can just keep trying and you'll get it eventually.

Climb up a Wall: There's a "glitchy" wall to the left of the entrance in this garden, where you can also perform the trick above. Another thing that's cool about it is that both Sonic and Shadow can run up and down the wall without losing traction and falling.

Climb a ledge: As rouge or knux, you can climb on the smaller ledges in the garden, its hard to do, but glide in a circle and then aim straight for a small ledge when above the right height, bad news is no diggin'.

Information submitted by: "Nancy Shorts"

Hero Garden

Make a Chao Crawl up a Wall: I've only been able to do this once, and it was unintentional. You're going to have to make your chao really mad by getting them to absolutely hate your character. And this chao shouldn't be able to swim. So, after torturing the chao a bit by throwing, slapping, stepping on, hitting, etc. it, grab the chao and walk into the pool of water. Face directly to the left of the fountain of water (in that little nook between the fountain and land) and throw the chao in that direction. The chao should begin straining to swim AWAY from you, and he will manage to. The chao will then grab onto the wall and begin climbimg it a few yards before letting go and falling back into the water. Kinda creepy.

Do the Moonwalk: You can make knuckles or rouge do the moonwalk on top of the gaezebo in the hero garden .Make them do drill claw or drill drive on top. It's fun!

Information submitted by: Rotten Chao

Disappearing/Reappearing Animals: When I was playing in the Chao garden on my friends GCN, I went to go find chao drives for my chao, and ONLY chao drives. When I accidently got a sea otter, I took my drives and otter back to the garden and got mad at it that I jumped up and threw it, But it was gone! I saw a small black dot crawling where it landed and it went towards the pond then the otter appeard at the pond! You have to jump and throw the otter once you come in the hero garden. Try with other animals!

Information submitted by: Jayceeville Chao Breeder

The Exorcist: Wake your chao up. Go left to the pillar. On the side facing the fruit tress, go to the center of the pillar (not on top of it.)Ok, if you dont know how to walk, you gentaly tilt the controller,this will come in handy. On the angle of the pillars tilt, take five steps, im pretty sure you brought your chao, right? set your chao down, when it falls asleep, it will float.

Information submitted by: SlashX30

Moonwalk 2: Go on to the roof of the little chapple and stand in the middle. Walk in a direction and the character will go the oppisite way, and if you get it so the tip of there toes is the onlly thing touching, turn the camera angle so it is looking at there face, gently tap L or R and it will look like there floating.

Information submitted by: SlashX30

Tap Dancing: Get a character on top of the arch thing (the highest point in the garden), and very lightly press the control stick in a direction. If it's working right, the character will move backwards (wait for it, more to come). Anyway, hold it like that and eventually the character should go off of the building. It wont go far, but if you continue holding the control stick, the character (I used Sonic) will try to fall and will land as if they had fell. The glitchy part is, they will continue doing this over and over until you release the control stick. Since I used Sonic, it looked like he was trying to fly like in the cartoons where they go off of a cliff, stay in mid-air for a couple of seconds and then fall.

Information submitted by: Chibi Kakarot

Other Glitches/Tricks

Re-Usable Chaos Drive Trick: This trick REALLY helps if you want your chao to be leveled up quickly without having to go back to the action stages and refill. Here's how it works: 1) Go and get as many chaos drives as you want (up to 10) from any action stage and enter the garden area. 2) Pick up the chao you want leveled up and bring it near the drives. Make sure it is facing you. 3) Put the chao down and pet it to make sure it stays still and doesn't walk off. 4) Pick up a chaos drive and take it to the chao. Face the chao, and leave about a character's width in between the chao and you. Now, put the chaos drive down in the empty space. Your chao should take it. Instead of the chao using it, making it disappear, it'll bounce back. You can pick up the drive again and do the steps over. This trick can also be done with small animals. It'll take some time to get used to it, but it really does work!
Get Infinite Rings: To get as many rings as you want, first save up as many rings as you can. Once you have about 20,000 (any number will do, actually), go and buy the most expensive item you can at the black market and put the item in one of the gardens. MAKE SURE THE ITEM IS EITHER A HAT OR some other item that doesn't disappear or... do something else, like an egg or a fruit. Okay. I prefer to use the black wool hat. Now, go back to your garden and pick up the black wool hat. Sell it at the kindergarden's black market. But this is the "trick" part: Once you sell your item, DO NOT EXIT THE CHAO KINDERGARDEN! Just reset your GCN. You'll still have the black wool hat (or other random item), plus the rings you got for selling it. Repeat to get as many rings as you want.