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Wraith Essays

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Looking for adventure? Daring? Acts of bravery?

You've probably come to the wrong place.

But if you're looking for fun, ideas, or a last-minute campaign because one of your people is running late and can't get off work and you have to come up with something to keep the others occupied because one of your plot twists runs around said missing character, and ARRRGGGHHHH!

We feel your pain. Here are our campaigns and battle stories for you to enjoy, borrow, or scream in terror at. Your choice.


Escape From the Maelstrom- Our first campaign, in which characters are mutilated, politics are upheaved, and Krakens and kitties are best friends!

England in Darkness- Vampires, wraiths, and Caine. Oh my! Medieval madness for all.

Spiritual Fortitude The ST is God. Do not anger the ST. Oops...too late. Here comes Badas Mofo...

Pauper's Infiltration Watch out for them palmetto bugs. A mini-campaign to enjoy.

Wraith Essays

Essay #1: "Where in Hell Are We?" or How to build a Necropolis in four easy steps

Essay #2: Underworld Transit Authority: Transportation in the Shadowlands

Essay #3: Be All That You Can Be: How to be a Good Player

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