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Ciara's Story
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Ciara's Passions and Fetters

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Ciara Aiden
World of Darkness: Dark Ages

“Patience can conquer destiny.” – Irish Proverb

“Lady Aiden,” said the handmaiden quietly. “The party is in full swing, and the guests are waiting for you.”

Ciara looked up at the young girl, who was peering at her nervously through the open door. Ciara’s temper was almost as legendary as her singing abilities. However, Ciara merely regarded her with a small glance.

“Thank you kindly, Beth. I’ll be out shortly.”

The maiden nervously curtsied and closed the door. Ciara sighed, and picked up her lute again.

Her lute…a gift from her beloved father. The only piece of him she had left after running away from that damned mess her mother had created with Lord Brockhurst and that hideous son of his.

Ciara’s hands deftly plucked at the strings; her arms cradled around the instrument. The same arms that had grown strong working the fields on the family farm. The same hands that deftly wielded a heavy broadsword to successfully ward off a band of thieves. Her rich, loose-fitting purple dress covered more than her muscular stature; it covered her past as a poor farmer’s daughter who had nearly been driven to submission.

Her rich voice, colored by her brogue, sounded out the last of the lyrics to the new ballad she had been working on. A story of a mother and child who loved each other, but who were forced apart by circumstances they could not control. After a few more tries, Ciara smiled grimly. She set down her lute, scratched the lyrics into her precious songbook, and paused thoughtfully. Her songs were marvels, fueled by her smashed dreams and fervent wishes. How ironic that her miseries would bring joy to others.

There was another knock at the door. “Lady Aiden,” Beth said quietly.

“I told you I’d be there,” Ciara said impatiently.

“Lady Jane of Scarsbourgh has arrived. She’s ready to sing in your stead.”

A dark frown crossed Ciara’s face. “Bitch,” she muttered. She stood up, straightened her gown, and majestically crossed the room. “Well, then. I’ll simply have to teach Lady Jane a wee lesson, won’t I?”

“Yes ma’am,” said Beth quietly, not fully understanding.

“Then lead me onward, young lass. My audience awaits.”

Ciara Aiden (aka Ciara O'Rielly)
Nature: Survivor
Demeaner: Bravo
Shadow: n/a
Life: Artist
Death: Violence
Regret: Legacy

Physical Stats: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Social Stats: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Mental Stats: Perception 4, Intellegence 1, Wits 2

Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Dodge 4, Expression 2, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1
Skills: Etiquette 1, Melee (Great Sword) 5, Performance 3
Knowledge: Investigation 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine 2, Occult 1, Politics 1
Backgrounds: Eidolon 2, Memorium 3, Ally (Castle servent) 1, Artifact (Emerald ring) 1

Keep my memory alive (Pride) 5
Revenge my death (Anger) 3
Ruin my rival's reputation (Jealousy) 3

Fetters: Father 1, Lute 2, Royal Medal of Honor 2, Jewel Box 2, Songbook 3
Arconoi: Embody 5, Keening 5, Mnemosynis 3, Moliate 2

Starting Corpus: 10
Starting Pathos: 9
Willpower: 6

Age: 25
Apparent Age: 25
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: June 4, 1300
R.I.P: August 13, 1325
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Red and curly
Eyes: Gray
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: Irish
Garb: Purple gown with gilt decorations, slippers, boots, leather braided headband
Other Distingushing Features: None.

Merits: Concentration 1, Eidetic Memory 2
Flaws: Overconfident 1, Intolerance (Poor people) 1, Absent-minded 2, Compulsion (Parties) 1

Secondary Abilites: Singing 3

Equipment: Long sword (Stygian steel), Ring, Light Armor (+1), Green servant dress, Dagger (Yorrick’s Artifact)

Life and Death: Ciara was born to a poor family of farmers, the Reillys, somewhere in Ireland. Her father was quite kindly, managing to get her lessons in reading and writing and encouraging her singing talent. Her mother, on the other hand, was very cruel, constantly putting her down and trying, because of her beauty, to drive her into several arranged marriages with the sons of local lords. She always yearned for a life of freedom away from her tiny village and scheming mother, but at last she was finally engaged to one of the lords’ sons. A week before the wedding, however, her mother died suddenly; Ciara’s father allowed her to “run away” during the chaos and told her to use her talents to make a new life for herself. Changing her last name to avoid her would-be finace, her freedom came hard at first; but her splendid voice and musical talents finally won her a good life. She became a famous bard, and traveled around Europe, singing for nobility and royalty all over, and even winning awards. However, one night, her fiance finally discovered her identity; as soon as she stepped out of the party she had been performing at on to a balcony for fresh air, he stabbed her to death.

Ciara lets nothing stand in her way. She is stubborn and demanding; she can be alluring when she wants to, which is usually when she wants something she can’t get with temper. She has genuine talent and knows it; she doesn’t mind flaunting it and never misses a chance to show off or have her name praised. Her softer side is revealed in the ballads and songs she has written, and her songbook is something of a diary for her, making it her most treasured possession. With the few etiquitte skills her mother taught her, she can blend in enough with nobility, although the trained eye will usually uncover a couple of flaws.


Father (1) – The only parent she truly loved. Since her father always encouraged her talents and abilities, she felt far more affection towards him than her scheming mother. Although she can’t prove it, she feels her father directly had something to do with the death of her mother. Although she loves him deeply, she never visited him because he is an uncomfortable reminder of her old life. Besides, heaven forbid anyone find out about her past.

Lute (2) – Ciara’s lute, a gift from her father, must have cost him a fortune, since it was made by one of the best craftsmen in the world; Ciara suspects he practically sold his soul to give it to her and as a result it is the only reminder of her father she has with her. It has a fine sound, and can be recognized by an intricately carved crown of laurel, painted green, around the sound hole. Although Ciara rarely played it in public, she used it to sketch out her songs and practice before parties.

Royal Medal of Honor (2) – Ciara always uses this as proof of her fine singing abilities. It was given to her by King Charles of France, and since she was the first singer to ever receive an award normally reserved for soldiers and statesmen, she treasures it greatly. She never missed a chance to show it off in life.

Jewel Box (2) – A box filled with the tokens of her admirers and patrons. Ciara developed a taste for the finer things as she toured, and that included her box of baubles, filled with trinkets that were worth more than her father ever made in a year.

Songbook (3) – Ciara’s written work, which also served as a diary of sorts. She poured her thoughts and feelings into her songs, which is what gave them such grace and signifigance. She never wanted any to look in it, but just before her death she wrote several masterworks which she only performed once or not at all. She would like someone to find the book so the songs can be sung, and perhaps even get the book published in some way.


Keep her memory alive (Pride) (4) – When a singer dies in the Dark Ages, very rarely do their talents trancend to other eras. Ciara is desperate to keep her memory from fading away; her father wanted her to succeed, and part of that success, she feels, is to never be forgotten. As a result, she loves to hear people talk about her wonderful voice, and would love to see her book of songs published and performed as standards.

Revenge her death (Anger) (3) – She always loathed her ex-fiance, not just because of his horrible personality, but because he reminds her of her mother. Ciara would love to see him fall out of the wealthy life to which he is accustomed and has continued after her murder. She would love even more to see him drop dead, preferrably at her hands.

Ruin rival’s reputation (Jealousy) (3) – A lofty young nobelwoman named Jane of Scarsborough who had not nearly the talent of Ciara, but almost as much fame. Ciara is not fond of nobels, but she hates ones who think themselves better because they have money. Jane happens to be one of those, and Ciara would love to see her disgraced beyond belief. Plus, she threatens Ciara’s memory with her own songs, written by others and wasted on her.

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