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You cannot possibly document all of the creatures that exist in the Tempest. Darkness has created so many their numbers are virtually impossible to count. There are the well-known kinds; Doppelgangers, Nephwracks, Krackens. And then there are these.

Fight them if you can.


"January 5th: The manipulations of the Spectral matter continue as planned. Six of our original subjects have fallen into Oblivion as a result, but our remaining subjects continue to respond well to the transformation. All seem to be completely normal, with no sign of Shadow interference.

Our next step is to manipulate the Corpus material. Our Masquers have assured us that the introduction of the Spectral matter will not affect the shaping process. The design team has already submitted the final physical plan for our experiments. It is efficient and will allow our subjects to withstand great physical stress.

So far, this experiment has gone perfectly according to plan. Everything I have been presented with leads me to believe that we will be successful in creating the ultimate fighting machines. And yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, something is amiss with these procedures. And it has nothing to do with my damned Shadow..."

--Jennifer Criderson, Head of the Arachnus Project

Sometime in the last decade, about fifteen years after Charon’s disappearance, a misguided soul decided that the Legion needed some sort of alliance with the Spectres. Their plans, of course, failed miserably, but did manage to produce these terrible creatures.

An Arachnus is not a pretty creature. They have the head, torso, and arms of a human. Their faces are usually heavily scarred, pale, extremely wrinkled, grotesque or otherwise deformed in some way. Their skin is usually scaly or furry, and a drab, ugly color. From the waist down is an extremely muscular spider-like body with eight legs, each leg ending in a razor-sharp claw, which is used to fight and climb. Arachnus are trained in weapon use, an ability left over from the Hierarchy, but most use their claws for fighting instead.

These beasts were once ordinary wraith Legionnaires, conned by this small Legion faction into participating in experiments that promised them greater strength, agility, and power. Out of the roughly hundred or so soldiers that participated, nineteen survived the grafting process that mingled their bodies with those of various Tempest dwelling creatures. Much tweaking lead to the creation of the Arachnus. For a while, it seemed as though the process was viable, until the Spectre-half of the abominations took over. What remained was a dangerous combination, half-scheming, trained wraith, half powerful, malevolent Spectre.

Arachnus now make their homes in the Tempest. On occasion, a local Legion dares to make a deal with these creatures to help them wipe out an out-of-control faction, but in every case, the Legion is the one that ends up wiped out…along with the associated Necropolis. Much to the horror of the Legion, it appears the Arachnus have figured out a way to reproduce, creating an ongoing threat to the Shadowlands. They will kidnap wraiths they deem “worthy” and encase them in a sort of Tempest cocoon. If the wraith does not escape within a week, they emerge as an Arachnus. Wraiths who emerge in the middle of the cycle carry a few of the Arachnus features, such as the distorted features, extra limbs, or the claws. These Wraiths are called “Arachnettes” and are usually destroyed by the watchful Legion; it is not known if they have only changed physically or if Oblivion has consumed them like their fully formed siblings.

Combat rules for Arachnus: Arachnus may attack up to 4 times a turn. Each attack can only be from one limb at a time; in other words, an Arachnus cannot sweep their left back leg around and attack two targets in one turn.
Arachnus have an armor equivalent to Stamina + 3
Arachnus’ claws are equal to Strength + 2 (difficulty 7)

Physical: Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 4
Social: Chr 2, Man 2, App 1
Mental: Per 2, Int 2, Wit 4
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 1, Intimidation 3
Skills: Melee 5, Stealth 4
Knowledges: Occult 2
Dark Arcanoi: Tempest-Weaving 1, Hive-Mind 1
Arcanoi: Argos 1, Pandemonium 2, Flux 1
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3
Dark Passions: 7 points
Fetters: 3 Points
Being: Betrayal 5
Corpus: 20
Angst: 15


Possibly the most unusual creature spotted in the Shadowlands, Cetacians are massive creatures that, despite their bulk, glide through the Tempest like birds. Cetacians appear as pale blue oval sacs of plasma. They have transparent green-tinted dorsal and swimming fins that trail delicately through the storm behind them. Nothing else is known about them physically; no one has ever captured one of these strangely beautiful creatures. Unlike their fiercer Spectral cousins, Cetacians are gentle and have been known to help wraiths lost in the storm. Often, their eerie, whale-like songs can be heard from the Tempest amidst the howling and shrieks of the Spectres. Spotting one of these hard-to-find creatures is a sign of good luck among Ferrymen and Harbingers.

Many theorize that Cetacians did not come from the Tempest, but are actually wraiths with spirits too pure for the Tempest to destroy. Others believe them to be lost Harbingers, determined to continue to aid those lost in Oblivion. The more scientific minded think of them as an alternate, less sinister form of the Cerements, but this still does not explain their gentle demeanor.

Physical: Str 7, Dex 5, Sta 12
Social: Chr 5, Man 0, App 4
Mental: Per 6, Int 2, Wit 1
Arcanoi: Keening 2
Willpower: 8
Corpus: 50
Pathos: 15


"But on a sudden, swooping through the clouds, the Harpies with their crooked beaks incessantly snatched the food away from his mouth and hands. And at times not a morsel of food was left, at others but a little, in order that he might live and be tormented. And they poured forth over all a loathsome stench; and no one dared not merely to carry food to his mouth but even to stand at a distance; so foully reeked the remnants of the meal."
--The Hesiod

Loathed among wraiths and Spectres alike, Harpies are a strange phenomena in the Shadowlands. Harpies are a Spectre of sort, but most of their own kind will have nothing to do with them; they will flee as far as possible before they must cross paths with one of these foul creatures.

Harpies, for some reason, are exclusively female. No one knows their motivation, but their method of birth is well documented. They are created when a woman who has known nothing but violence or hatred her entire life is filled with negativity. When she enters the Shadowlands, she will skip being a Wraith or a Spectre. Instead, she simply begins to do the only thing Harpies know how to do: destroy.

A pack of Harpies will destroy anything and everything in its path, including wraiths, Spectres, Necropoli, Krakens, etc. They know only violence and cannot be reasoned with; they have no mental capacity for reason. The only way to survive a pack is get away as quickly as possible. Even Spectres quake with fear when they hear a pack of Harpies has been sighted.

Another strange factor is the appearance of a Harpy. Instead of looking deformed and twisted, most Harpies appear normal, or sometimes even more beautiful than they did when they were alive. Their one difference in appearance is that Harpies have sharp talons on their hands and feet. They use these and their massive strength, which is the secret behind their power. A few Legion officials have talked of capturing a Harpy to study how they pack so much strength into a tiny frame. However, no one has yet to see a single Harpy.

Harpies are rarely seen in packs of less than 10.

Physical: Str 7, Dex 3, Sta 3
Social: Chr 1, Man 1, App 2
Mental: Per 3, Int 2, Wit 3
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 4, Awareness 2, Brawl 5, Dodge 3, Intimidation 5
Skills: Melee 3
Knowledges: None known.
Dark Arcanoi: Hive-Mind 4
Arcanoi: Pandemonium 2, Usury 3
Backgrounds: None
Dark Passions: 3 points per Harpy
Fetters: 1 point
Being: Fury 5
Corpus: 10 per Harpy
Angst: 10 per Harpy


“They'll freeze up your camera shutters,
They'll bite through your aileron wires,
They'll bend and they'll break and they'll batter,
They'll insert toasting forks into your tyres.

And that is the tale of the Gremlins,
As told by the PRU,
(P)retty (R)uddy (U)nlikely to many,
But a fact, none the less, to the few.”
--RAF Alert Order, circa World War II

Pilots in World War II blamed technical difficulties on imaginary creatures they called gremlins. Little did they realize that these creatures actually exist, although they have not always been called by that name. The nickname “gremlin” has stuck to these Spectres who have one purpose in death…destroy any technology they can get their hands on. Sometimes, they can be quite devious about it, rearranging parts here and there. Sometimes they’ll just go in and blow up as much as they can. Either way, they exist to destroy the marvels created by modern man and wraith alike. Gremlins especially like to have fun in the Skinlands, causing all manners of unsolvable crashes, technical difficulties, and havoc in general.

A wraith who is an Artifacter, deals with technology, or hates technology has a great potential of becoming a Gremlin if their Shadow takes over completely. Gremlins have a greenish tint to their Corpus. They are short, but bulky in stature. Their fingers are long and nimble, and frequently Gremlins will have six on one or both hands. Some Gremlins who have been exposed to the Tempest for long periods of time will develop black “wires” running down the length of their hands and arms.

Physical: Str 2, Dex 4, Sta 2
Social: Chr 2, Man 3, App 2
Mental: Per 4, Int 5, Wit 5
Talents: Alertness 4, Awareness 3, Dodge 6, Subterfuge 5
Skills: Drive 4, Etiquette 2, Firearms 3, Repair 5, Stealth 3
Knowledges: Computer 5, Science 4
Arcanoi: Inhabit 3, Outrage 2
Backgrounds: Artifact 3, Notoriety 2
Dark Passions: 8 points
Fetters: None
Being: Destructive 5
Corpus: 8
Angst: 10


One of the smallest, yet fiercest creatures produced by the Tempest. These creatures are about the size of a small hawk, but there, the resemblance to their Skinlands counterpart ends. The Maelhawk appears as a bird made of pure platinum, shining and bright. Their reflective feathers cause them to shine like stars in the waste of the Tempest. However, their beauty is deceptive. Their feathers are razor sharp and thick, forming a protective layer most weapons can’t pierce. In addition, they have two heads sprouting from their neck, each with a beak with sharp fangs and a venom that can kill most anything, especially Wraiths or Spectres.

These creatures usually nest on the shore of the Shadowlands and the River of Death, in the uninhabited places. There are two hawks for every nest, and at least three nests form a “flock.” At these nests, they lay five to ten eggs and roost until the eggs hatch and fledgling Maelhawks, fully grown, fly from the nest. As long as they are left alone, most Maelhawks will ignore any passerby. That would seem the wisest course, but some wraiths can’t leave well enough alone. The feathers of the Maelhawk are prized as a poor man’s Stygian steel armor. The eggs are prized as medicine, and also contain the only known antidote to the Maelhawk venom. In addition, since the nests rest on the edge of the Tempest, small treasures become snagged in the twigs, such as lost relic jewelry, small artifacts, and Opalus.

Special moves:

Swoop- Called shot. Difficulty 6, does Strength + 2 aggravated damage

Bite- Called shot. Allows a Maelhawk to attack twice in one turn. Difficuly 8, does Strength + 1 aggravated damage per head. Wraith who are bitten will lose one Corpus per turn in addition to any battle damage.

Physical: Str 3, Dex 2, Sta 2
Social: Chr 1, Man 1, App 3
Mental: Per 5, Int 1, Wit 2
Talents: Alertness 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Dodge 4
Skills: Stealth 4
Knowledges: None
Backgrounds: None
Dark Passions: None
Fetters: None
Being: Survival 5
Corpus: 8 per Maelhawk


"Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion." --Sir Francis Bacon

Most poltergeists can be easily explained as wraiths who are taking out their aggressions on the living for being wronged in life. However, most wraiths are unaware that creatures called Poltergeists actually exist in the Tempest. These devious kin of the Doppelgangers can create trouble for a wraith, despite their frailty. Poltergeists are sensitive to troubled wraiths; when they find a target, they emulate their appearance and mannerisms in order to wreck havoc on the Quick. This will get the victim in trouble with the Legion while the Poltergeist sits back in amusement and watches the fun unfold. The only reasons Poltergeists are known to exist is they sometimes get the same urges to trouble denizens of the dead rather than the living. Poltergeists are extremely violent and temperamental, and to a certain point, childish. They can never go for very long without causing problems. They also tend to hang out in groups for maximum mischief, even adopting the same visage.

Poltergeists are very small, delicate, and willowy-looking. They will always take on the faces of their targets; no one has ever seen the true face of a Poltergeist. Poltergeists also appear to be very wispy, like they’re not entirely materialized, even in the Shadowlands. It is very easy for them to hide until danger has passed. However, they are not incorporeal and can be hurt if found. Be aware, however, that a Poltergeist is usually backed by not only their friends, but also by a more powerful Spectre, who may take offense to his henchmen being attacked.

Physical: Str 3, Dex 2, Sta 1
Social: Chr 1, Man 4, App 2
Mental: Per 3, Int 3, Wit 5
Talents: Alertness 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 5, Empathy 2, Expression 2, Subterfuge 5
Skills: Melee 2, Performance 3, Repair 3, Stealth 6
Knowledges: Investigation 2, Linguistics 3, Occult 2
Dark Arcanoi: Shroud-Rending 2, Hive-Mind 1
Arcanoi: Embody 2, Moliate 1, Outrage 3, Pandemonium 2
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Notoriety 4
Dark Passions: 8 points
Fetters: 1 to 3 Points
Being: Rage 5
Corpus: 5
Angst: 12


"First thou shalt arrive where the enchanter Sirens dwell, they who seduce men. The imprudent man who draws near them never returns, for the Sirens, lying in the flower-strewn fields, will charm him with sweet song; but around them the bodies of their victioms lie in heaps."

"The sweetness of their voices was such that Odysseus could not have resisted their invitation had he not followed Circe's advice and taken precaution of having himself lashed to the mast of his ship. Thus they escaped the fearful danger. But the human bones scattered over the green fields of the Siren Island bore mute witness to the impridence of former sailors and to the ferocity of these insidious-voiced creatures."
--The Odyssey

Beasts of ancient myth, the Sirens were responsible for the deaths of countless numbers of sailors who threw themselves into the sea at the behest of a beautiful song. As the myth aged, Spectres liked the idea so much that some of their numbers decided to become like the legends of old.

Sirens appear desirable on a wraith by wraith basis. One wraith might see the creatures of old, bird-like creatures with the heads of beautiful women. Still, another might see them as a set of good-looking men in chains. Whatever the wraith’s desires are, the Sirens appear as such.

The Siren “song” is incredibly hard to resist, even by Ferrymen. Sirens usually appear in the Tempest, along routes of travel, but some are daring enough to come into the Shadowlands and use their haunting melodies to inspire others to do their bidding. They are quite formidable opponents, especially in groups.

Should a Siren’s illusion be seen through, then the Sirens become a deformed version of their mythological selves; instead of a woman, their heads appear grotesque and rotted, their mouths become sharp beaks full of teeth. Their bodies become more muscular and the talons on their feet grow ridiculously long and sharp. Their Appearance rating also drops to 1.

When a Siren appears, Willpower rolls have a +2 difficulty added to them.

Physical: Str 4, Dex 3, Sta 4
Social: Chr 4, Man 4, App 5
Mental: Per 2, Int 2, Wit 2
Talents: Awareness 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Empathy 5, Expression 5, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Etiquette 3, Performance 5
Knowledges: Linguistics 5
Dark Arcanoi: Tempest-Weaving 2, Contaminate 2
Arcanoi: Keening 2, Mnemonysis 2
Shade Powers: Talons, Shark's Teeth
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Notoriety 3, Status 1
Dark Passions: 7 points
Fetters: 1 Point
Being: Coercion 5
Corpus: 10
Angst: 10


"Fate has dealt me an ugly hand, friend. I’m forced to follow this stupid woman around all the time. Do you have any clue how insepid she is? I’ve never met anyone so shallow in life or death! I know she’s the only thing keeping me around, but sometimes I’ve though about doing away with just so I won’t have to listen to her screeching voice."
--Henry Borges, Watcher

An unusual type of Spectre found in the Skinlands. Watchers are Spectres who are forced to follow one living person, stay in one place, or see over one thing. Most Watchers are created by deeply religious wraiths or quick. When a wraith makes the transformation into a Spectre, a ritual can be cast at the right moment that performs the binding spell. If the Watcher becomes bound to it, they must remain with it. If it is destroyed, so are they, making it a sort of perverted Fetter. Watchers can be bound to a person, an animal, a Skinlands building, or an object ranging in size from a small jewel to a towering monument. Watchers cannot be bound to wraiths, other Spectres, the Tempest, cities and towns, or places in the Shadowlands. If a person a Watcher is bound to dies, the Watcher dies, whether the person becomes a wraith or not.

Most Watchers become angry and frustrated with their lot in life. Most cannot travel to do debauchery or are forced to go places they’d rather not. Some degenerate into creating trouble around the object or person, while not harming the person or thing itself. Many people, places, and things have developed a cursed reputation due to dealings with a furious Watcher.

Other Watchers, however, become respected for the person or place they follow. They may have knowledge of intimate secrets, or know every detail and crevasse of a highly secretive place. For a price, anyone, even a wraith, can persuade a Watcher into their service; they had better watch their back to make sure they are not turned on. These Watchers also have become at peace with their positions in a sort of way. Many can be reasoned with and will not bother wraiths, unless they cause trouble for their object.

Watchers do have one major strength: due to their constant enforced dealings with the Quick, their Arcanoi levels for crossing the Shroud are very high. A Watcher might be persuaded to teach Arcanoi levels or do favors for payment. Wraiths should make sure they deal with one of the more “settled” Watchers, lest they end up being destroyed for fun.

Physical: Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 3
Social: Chr 2, Man 3, App 2
Mental: Per 4, Int 2, Wit 2
Talents: Alertness 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Empathy 1, Streetwise 2
Skills: Etiquette 1, Melee 2, Stealth 4
Knowledges: Investigation 2, Law 1, Linguistics 2, Politics 1
Dark Arcanoi: Larceny 2, Shroud-Rending 2
Arcanoi: Embody 4, Keening 1, Outrage 4, Pandemonium 3
Backgrounds: None
Dark Passions: 5 points
Fetters: 5 points (Must be the object they are bound to.)
Being: Frustration 5
Corpus: 10
Angst: 10

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