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The List

Citadel Island
Glen of Embrace
Hanging Gardens Casino
Legion of Pauper's Headquarters
Spectral Cathedral
"Toreador" Necropolis

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Well, now that you're here, I suppose you want to know about the nifty places you can hang out now. I guess you can think of this as a twisted travel guide of sorts. Just don't blame us for anything that might happen once you go there. And don't drink the River water.

Citadel Island

This was supposed to be a location in one of our last campaigns before things got changed around. Rather than waste the location, we've posted the map here for anyone in need of a map and/or idea to use.

This is Citadel Island, a hidden base for the Legion in the Tempest. A number of lost Heretic and Renegade refugees have somehow come to the island and inhabit the northwest districts. They have gathered into a loose organization that wants to topple the control of the Hiearchy and use the Citadel and island as a Heretic and Renegade base instead.

Glen of Embrace

Tales have been told for ages about undiscovered islands hidden within the storm of the Tempest. As the storm reshapes itself again and again, wearing away the stability around it, it has been known to open and close new and old roads that lead to places undiscovered by the kingdoms. Many exist only in myth, but a scant few are real.

The Glen of Embrace is a tiny island, approxiamately halfway between Stygia and the Shadowlands. Those who journey to it are surprised to find that the island is a healthy, living place. The place where the Tempest touches the island looks like clear, deep blue water brushing against a warm sandy beach. The Glen is covered in thick green forests, flowered meadows, and sparkling streams. Exotic birds and animals scamper through the underbrush and soar through the trees. Even the Tempest swirling above seems to be thinner and brighter than anywhere else in the Shadowlands.

Anyone who dares to venture further onto the island will find other wraiths, peacefully sleeping by streams and under trees. Any attempts to wake them are fruitless; even falling into Oblivion will not wake a sleeping wraith here.

The island has a small hill in the very center, where an awesome and terrifying sight greats visitors. A massive temple, pyramid-like, shines on the top of the hill. Upon closer examination, one finds that the temple is made of sleeping wraiths; these wraiths are in one piece, but have been roughly welded into the building. They still sleep like their counterparts in the forest, unable to wake.

The sole waking inhabitant of the Glen of Embrace lives in this temple. She is called simply the Delphi, and appears for all intents and purposes to be an ordinary wraith. She is the guardian of the Temple and the long lost cult waiting for ascension that once worshipped in the Glen. The cult, having a hard time in Stygia, fled and found this amazing island. They knew not why it was a mirror of life in the world of darkness, but they lived on it, rejoicing in their miracle. But over time, their very prescence on the island began to cause the Glen to decay.

Despairing over their fortune disappearing, the cult begged their god to be destroyed so they would not have to endure the pain any longer. Instead, they simply and mysteriously began to drop off into sleep. As more slept, the island grew greener, until all but one wraith was asleep, and the island was in pristine condition once again. Apparently, the energies of the sleepers gave and sustained the life on the island. The Delphi, the only not chosen to sleep, began to use the “will” of their God in the form of a holy staff to sort the worth from the unworthy; the worthy are left in the forest to sleep until ascension, but the unworthy are welded into the temple, which will be destroyed in Ascension Day. Any newcomers to the island are sorted in the same way.

Those who disobey, disagree, or anger the Delphi will have those exotic animals foisted on them; they are cleverly disguised Spectres who are controlled by the Delphi. Worse yet, they will be put to sleep themselves and forced to become part of the evergrowing temple. It is easy to set foot on this mystical island, but not so easy to escape it.

Hanging Gardens Casino

Main Lobby
Balcony Area

2nd-24th floors

Blank images of the Main Lobby and Balcony.

These are maps we used for a campaign we did with the Hanging Gardens Casino, originally mentioned in the Haunts supplement book. These were drawn by us and are not based on any actual casinos in existance. Our plans have been altered slightly from the description in the book for our own evil intents and purposes. This building will also will work great for a generic hotel or motel map.

For more info on the Hanging Gardens themselves, pick up a copy of Haunts. It is explained much better in there than we could ever try. ^_^

Legion of Pauper's Headquarters

Map Locations
1. Armory
2. Security Room
3. Marshall's Office
4. Marshall's Office
5. Regent's Office
6. Reception Lobby
7. Conference Room
8. Entrance Lobby
9. Jail Cells

There is also a blank map of the building availaible here .

This particular Legion of Pauper's headquarters is located in Charleston, South Carolina. It was used in one of our campaigns as a mini-adventure. The building is fairly versitile in its uses and arrangements; create your own arrangement to fill in the blanks. This particular arrangment suited our purposes the best during our mini-campaign. More details on the building itself are on the appropriate Campaign page.

Spectral Cathedrals

A fairly unique phenomena, found only in Stygia itself. Spectral cathedrals is a term given to massive churches, temples, and other houses of worship that were built by wealthy benefactors for the benefit of the wraiths. Or so it would seem.

Actually, spectral cathedrals are marvelously built devices used by Spectres and others manipulated by the Malfeans to create loyal armies of Spectres for a future war against Stygia. The Zealots of Lethe are the most notorious offenders, but there are other factions allied with or run by Spectres that have been known to use them on occasion.

The walls of the building serve as a massive battery that somehow absorbs energy from any wraith who enters the cathedral. In addition, the walls also send out an addictive effect whenever someone is drained so that they are drawn into returning to make more “donations.” Most wraiths who undergo this effect only feel a bit lightheaded at first, but gradually become ill and sickly looking. In addition, their Shadows become quite prevalent, and will frequently ally themselves with those who run the cathedral.

The religious figures who run the church are usually Doppelgangers, although a few may be wraiths with twisted passions to destroy. The monks, priests, rabbis, etc. can control the amount of willpower being drained in order to coerce a figure of power or get rid of a troublesome wraith. Wraiths who are drained of willpower and become Spectres usually return to work for the cathedral where they met their doom.

Willpower collected in the battery is stored beneath the cathedral in a giant glass-like urn. It is often used to “feed” wraiths whom they do not yet want to control completely, or for wraiths who work at the cathedral. This willpower battery is immensely powerful, and a greedy or destruction-crazed wraith would love to get their hands on it.

How to use a Spectral Cathedral: When your PCs enter the building, have them make a willpower check. Each wraith loses a willpower for each one they roll. For every “ten minutes” the wraiths remain, continue doing willpower checks in the manner described above. Willpower may also be drained at the “will” of a priest who works in the building.

"Toreador" Necropolis

Map Locations:
Kolonis District
1. Legion Headquarters
2. Legion Headquarters
3. Legion Prison
4. "Soho" Clubs
5. Church of Our Lady
6. Chapel of Resurrection
7. Kolonis Marketplace
8. Martyr's Cathedral
9. Sandmen Theatre
10. Main Heretic offices
11. Necropolis Library

Berrin District
12. The Marketplace

Welarc District
13. Graumm's Cathedral
14. The Zealots of Lethe Offices
15. Welarc Park

There is also a blank map of the Necropolis availaible here.

The name has nothing to do with the Vampire clan of the same name; it is simply a way to distinguish this district of Stygia from the rest.

The Toreador Necropolis is a small district of Stygia, set on a small peninsula on the edge of civilization. This Necropolis is more orderly than most, no thanks in small part to a series of Regents who kept a tight control over the events in this place. Toreador is composed of four distinct districts: Kolonis, Berrin, Welark, and Nogdia. Each of these four districts hosts a different walk of life; although people from all places mix to a degree in each of these places, especially Kolonis, wraiths who end up at this place very rarely mingle with those from another district.

Kolonis is the “major” district, in the northern part of the Necropolis. This place crawls thick with the Legion, who make their headquarters in two colossal towers near the northernmost edge of the city and next to the walls of a colossal Citadel that belongs to the next Necropolis over. The Prison for this Necropolis is down the street, nestled in the most northeastern corner of the Necropolis. Despite the heavy Legion infulence, the Heretics have put down roots here as well. This place is also home to the colossal Martyr’s Cathedral, a monolith that puts any gothic European cathedral to shame. The offices of several Heretic sects share a building a couple of blocks over. There is also a small marketplace, several small churches and temples, a number of small specialty shops and clubs, and clusters of tiny studio apartments, where many Legion grunts keep themselves in their off time.

Berrin is the district in the southeast corner of the Necropolis, known for being the center of Toreador trade, as well as the main social center of the Necropolis. There is an enormous marketplace in the center, from which a number of streets spin outward like spokes on a wheel, giving the district the nickname “Wheel of Fortune.” The Marketplace staggers the mind; if you can dream it, it can be found there, but usually for a large price. A number of smaller shops surround the Marketplace, as well as old Victorian-style townhouse Haunts shared by wraiths. Most of the citizens in Berrin are “middle-class” Heretics and Renegades. The Legion has a regular patrol here, but due to the erratic and confusing nature of the Marketplace itself, Heretics and Renegades exchange ideas freely among the stalls without danger of being caught. In addition, the main Ferry landing to cross the River is located at the southern-most point of Berrin. Most any wraith who ends up at Toreador will find themsleves here at some point in their travels.

Nogdia is a small, long strip in-between Welark and Berrin that runs to the edge of the Necropolis to the south and into Kolonis in the north. Berrin and Welark, the district to the west, are pressing together to form a chasm; Nogdia lies cramped in this tiny space, full of broken buildings, run-down ghettos, and Spectres. The Tempest actually meets with some of the buildings in the southernmost part; unwary wraiths may suddenly find themselves literally walking off the end of the Necropolis. This neighborhood is the closest thing to the inner city in Toreador. It is usually referred to as “The Alley” by locals. The Legion refuses to endanger its officers by sending them into patrols in Nogdia. Only the roughest Renegades, usually those with no other choice, take refuge in this district and survive for very long.

Welarc, the southwestern-most district, mostly consists of Haunts, and large ones at that. Wealthy wraiths of all ages usually settle in Welark, usually kept nice and quiet due to numerous Legion patrols. Even with a Legion prescence, Welark also serves as home to several small organizations, several rumored to be trouble, as well as a small cathedral.

This Necropolis is the setting for the Spiritual Fortitude campaign.

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