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Miraculum (Believers)

“This is not God’s world. This is a creation of darkness, a fortress of evil. But stay strong, friend, for He will come for us one day.”

Faith is one of the main reasons a wraith can become a wraith. It is also what sustains some wraiths and keeps them from falling into Oblivion. Some believe so strongly that it manifests itself in this set of Arcanoi. Although some abilities have traits in common with Embody, Intimation, and Pandemonium, the fact these abilities can be triggered without these Arcanoi and purely by faith signals there is a greater power at work.

Heretics are the most likely to be able to use this Arcanoi, but this does not mean it cannot be used by others of faith in the Legion or the Renegades. Likewise, a Heretic is not guarenteed to be able to use this art if they do not truly have faith.

Believers tend to develop markings of religious symbolism. Some have glowing halos around their heads, others have stigmata-type markings on their hands or feet. Those who use Miraculum for darker purposes may develop darker versions of these marks, such as a black halo or hands stained with the blood from their wounds.

If your character has the merit “True Faith” and does not start with this Arcanoi, it will only take 5 points to add it to their list as opposed to 7.

Basic Abilities:

Commandment: This ability allows a wraith to place an idea in the head of the target that relates to faith and will be acted on by the target. The idea can be a Bible (or other religious book) verse, quotes from spiritual people, or a simple virtuous idea. For example, a Quick about to commit murder could have the idea “Thou shalt not kill” placed in their head and will act on that idea by leaving their victim alone. If the idea is not one of faith, this ability cannot be used; however the intentions do not have to be good.
System: Roll Manipulation + Miraculum (difficulty 5). For each success, the user may place one idea in the head of an individual. They may put the idea in the head of more than one person, but not nessicairly the same one.

Prophet: Wraiths with this ability can sense if any wraiths in the immediate area also have “true faith.” Any wraiths with this merit are automatically found, as is any wraith with strong convictions of faith or who is also a Believer.
System: Roll Perception + Miraculum (diffuculty 6). One success is needed to find any Believers and associates.

Level One: Guardian Angel
This art, which has caused much confusion for the Quick for centuries by causing them to mistake Believers for actual angels, allows the user to appear before the Quick for a brief amount of time. The user may say, do, or interact whatever they feel like during this brief period, but they always appear to the Quick as a person emitting a dazzling, blinding white light. This may cause the Quick to be frightened or startled, and also attracts attention from any Wraiths passing by; therefore, this art is best used in emergencies.
System: Roll Appearance + Miraculum (difficulty 6). For each success, the wraith will be visible for roughly one minute. The user will appear suddenly to the Quick, and at the end of the time will quickly fade away.
This art costs 1 Pathos.

Level Two: Crown of Thorns
Once used by wraith mentalists and others with similar arts, this art has been refined by the Believers to help them prove points and point out enemies. This art will enable the user to cause selected the wraiths’ appearance to be tainted so the subject looks grotesque. Skilled Believers have used this art to coerce entire groups of Wraiths into serving their purposes
System: Roll Stamina + Miraculum (difficulty 6). For each success, the user causes a target Wraith to take on an ugly appearance that will be visible to all around her. This effect will last for a scene before wearing off naturally, or if the user chooses to withdraw the art, which they may do without further penalty.
This art costs 1 Pathos and gains the user 1 Angst.

Level Three: Plague
Similar to the arts of Pandemonium, this art allows the user to cause unexplained religious phenomenon in both the Skinlands and Shadowlands. This can be anything from inflicting a Quick with stigmata to causing a plague of blood to rain down. Difficulty depends on the phenomenon being emulated; causing an image of Mary to appear in a stain is much easier than causing hellfire and brimstone to rain down on a city block.
System: Roll Manipulation + Miraculum (difficulty 5 to 9, depending on the phenomenon). Depending on the number of successes is how powerful the effect actually appears. One success may appear as something slighly unusual; five may cause hordes of people to run in fear.
This art gains the user anywhere from 1 to 3 Angst.

Level Four: Baptism
Some Believers have become so strong with faith that they can actually weave fragments of the Tempest into their Corpus without being tainted by the evil. This art causes the Tempest fragments to form extra Corpus for a wraith. However, this effect takes much effort to maintain, and will disappear after a short time.
System: Roll Stamina + Miraculum (difficulty 8). For each success, the user may add 1 Temporary Corpus to their stats for a brief amount of time. This effect lasts roughly a scene, afterwhich, it fades. If the wraith drops below 1 Corpus after this effect wears off, normal effects take place.
This art costs 2 Pathos and 1 WP.

Level Five: Resurrection
One of the most powerful abilities, this difficult art can allow a Beliver to stop someone from entering the wraith world by forcing their spirit back into their body. The target must still be in their caul; if they have been reaped, this ability cannot be used. Those who are in fact “raised from the dead” by this ability will be marked to wraiths as Resurrected, which can be hazardous to them if they are being tracked by someone in the Shadowlands. If the Resurrected become wraiths themselves, the mark disappears. This effect is draining for both the user and the target; although the Believers have attempted mass “raisings” in the fields, they have yet to succeed.
System: Roll Strength + Miraculum (difficulty 9). For each success, the wraith may add a Corpus to the Quick to help restore them. The user may use less Corpus than successes; for example, a Believer may score four successes, but only choose to put two Corpus into the subject. For each Corpus donated, the target is healed one health point in their own body. This exchange is permenent; the user cannot retrieve their Corpus from the target later.
This art costs 4 Pathos and 2 WP, in addition to the spent Corpus.

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