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“Darkness is my friend now. It cannot control me; I control it. Sure, others have paid dearly for it, but they are far weaker than I.”

Note: Nephilim was created before the advent of Demon: the Fallen, and so has nothing to do with Demon, despite the name. This art is purely for Spectres and denizens of the Shadowlands, and will not work on any visitng Demons.

No wraith wants to become a Spectre themselves; it means certain second death for them. However, some desire to control the Spectres, for intents known only to them. The long lost art of Nephilim is said to have been practiced only by the original Ferrymen in Charon’s service to allow them passage through the Tempest and to use the Spectres to quash uprisings and enemies. Nephilim is an Arconai that is extremely powerful and closely guarded. It is said only to be practiced among Ferrymen, although a few well- known wraiths of power are known to have cast this art once in a while. This art cannot be bought and paid for by any normal means; rarely will a user of this Arconoi be willing to share their powers. There is no actual Guild for this art either, since such a collection of wraiths would be far too dangerous and powerful, even for themselves.

Antagonists are always identified by an odor of sulfur that follows them everywhere. Some of the most powerful are rumored to sprout horns as well, but this is probably more story than fact.

Note that users of this art, whether they succeed or not, risk incurring the wrath of whatever beasts they force into their bidding. Most who use this art end up destroying themselves with it.

Basic Abilities:

Sinister Intent: This ability is used to sense if there are any Spectres in the nearby area, though you cannot specifically determine who might be one or where they might be hiding. This art does not work in the Tempest due to the huge numbers of Spectres that inhabit it.
System: Roll Perception + Nephilim (difficulty 5) Each success allows you to see if there is a Spectre, hidden or not, somewhere in the area.

Tainted Immunity: Because Antagonists are far more in tune with Spectres than other wraiths, they have developed a certain resistance to some Shade Powers. This effect does not work on attack abilities such as Shark’s Teeth or Talons, or on abilities that do not directly affect the wraith, such as Spectral Scream.
System: Roll Stamina + Nephilim (difficulty 6) Each success allows you to ignore Shade Powers for one turn. Your number of successes may not outweight your Willpower. Immunity is reduced by a turn for each botch.
This ability gains the user 1 Angst.

Level One: Summon Suffering
This art allows a wraith to force a Spectre of their choice to appear before them. This does not have to be a Spectre that the wraith has met previously, and it can be any type the user chooses to call. Wraiths cannot use this art in conjunction with any other arts of Nephilim while the Summoning occurs, even if it is being used by a different Wraith, but can use arts on the Spectre once it is fully summoned.
System: Roll Manipulation + Nephilim (difficulty Spectre’s Being). Only one success is needed to bring the Spectre forth, but any botches and the Summoning will fail.
This art gives the user 1 Angst.

Level Two: Bleak Lullaby
A wraith may use this art to lull nearby Spectres into a state of temporary peace. The Spectres will not attack, move, or think while this art is performed. The wraiths may use the opportunity to run or make a return attack themselves. Once this art wears off, the Spectres will remember nothing of what has happened and continue where they left off.
System: Roll Charisma + Nephilim (difficulty 7) For each success, any Spectres who hear the Bleak Lullaby are placed in a trance for a turn. However, the sound of the Lullaby itself is so horrible that any wraiths who do not cover their ears gain a point of Angst as well.
This art costs 1 Pathos and gives the user 2 Angst.

Level Three: Spiteful Visage
This ability can be used to create an illusion that the user is a Spectre themselves. Both wraiths and Spectres see the Antagonist as a Spectre of the user’s choice. The user does not gain the abilities of those Spectres, however, just the appearance. If the wraith tries to make themselves look like a specific Spectre, the difficulty is increased, even if that Spectre is before them.
System: Roll Appearance + Nephilim (difficulty 6; 8 to look like a specific Spectre). One success allows the user to look like a Spectre for a scene. This effect ends naturally at the end of the scene.
This art costs 2 Pathos and gives the user 3 Angst.

Level Four: Possession of Malevolence
A Spectre under the influence of this art is under the complete control of the user. They must do whatever the user forces them to, including talking, fighting, or moving. However, Spectres Possessed are totally aware of what is being done to them and will not tell secrets or fight another Spectre; if they are forced to, Possession is broken upon completion of the act. And since the Spectre is aware of what is being done to it, odds are it will not be happy when the Antagonist is finished with it…
System: Roll Stamina + Nephilim (difficulty Spectre’s Being + 2) For each success, the wraith may control a Spectre for one turn and may do anything short of what is written above, from dancing to using their Spectral powers. Once the turns are over, the Spectre regains control. Only one Spectre at a time may be Possessed.
This art costs 1 Willpower, and 3 Angst for each use.

Level Five: Dark Mirror
A wraith can use this ability to use a Shade Power of their choice. They may only carry the knowledge of one Shade Power at a time (ie. Miasmal Breath, Talons, Spectral Scream, etc.); anytime they wish to use a different power, they must learn it while slumbering or must be Purified by a wraith with Castigation. The old power, however, is gone and must be relearned if the wraith wants to use it again. Hound the Harrowed, Siphon Emotion, and Stampede cannot be Mirrored. Chameleon Parasite may be used; however, the user does not fall into the Tempest after releasing themselves from it.
System: Roll Willpower + Nephilim (difficulty 8) For each success, a wraith may Mirror the power for a turn.
To learn a new art, the user must spend 2 Willpower after slumber is over; if the user is Purified, this is not necessary. Each attack costs the same as it does for a Spectre to use it, except Angst is gained instead of lost.

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