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Sabin Da Fae
Wraith: The Oblivion

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Sabin Da Fae
Nature: Child
Demeaner: Conniver
Shadow: The Victim
Life: Disestablishmentarianism
Death: Car accident
Regret: Missed Chances

Physical Stats: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social Stats: Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Mental Stats: Perception 2, Intellegence 4, Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl (Martial Arts) 5, Dodge 4, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Drive 1, Firearms 2, Leadership 1, Melee (Bo staff) 5, Repair 3
Knowledge: Computer 4, Law 1
Backgrounds: Allies 1, Artifact (Staff of Synaester) 1, Contact 1, Haunt 2, Old Soul 1, Status 3

Undermining authority (Arrogence) 3
Learning new abilities (Pride) 3
Finding the perfect girlfriend (Desire) 2
Fixing things (Wisdom) 2
Finding happiness (Hope) 2

Fetters: High school crush 4, Local hangout 3, Engagement ring 2, National Art Gallery 1
Arconoi: Argos 3, Inhabit 4, Pandemonium 4

Starting Corpus: 10
Starting Pathos: 10
Willpower: 8

Age: 79
Apparent Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1923
R.I.P: 1940
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair: Dark blonde, short and straight
Eyes: Pale blue
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: French/American
Garb: Black leather vest and pants, black shirt, black cloak, black mask, boots
Other Distingushing Features: None.

Merits: Ambidextrous 1, Computer Aptitude 1, Mechanical Aptitude 1
Flaws: Intolerance (Stupidity) 1, Curiousity 2, Dark Secret 1, Driving Goal (Marry Soulmate) 3, Absent-Minded 3, Overconfident 1, Phobia (Horses) 3

Secondary Abilites: Acrobatics 3, Computer Hacking 2, Demolitions 3

Equipment: Clothes, Staff of Synaester (artifact), 2 daggers, Legion insignia necklace, Legion cloak, Light revolver, Mask, 30 oboli, 5 soul jars, 5 manicles, Armor (soak +3)

Psyche: Sabin
Archetype: The Victim

Dark Passions:
Taking over the world (Power-hungry) 3
Abusing abilties (Sadism) 3
Screwing things randomly (Lust) 2
Breaking things (Destructive) 1
Making people sad (Cruelity) 1

Mirror, Mirror

Life: Sabin was as a shy, ordinary high school student from Washington, D.C, who always felt life was passing him by. He also had a major crush on Kyra, a young lady who was one of the most popular girls at his school. One day, he decided to stop letting oppertunities pass him, and in a great show of bravado, asked Kyra to the prom. Much to his surprise, she said yes, and so they went, where they fell deeply in love. They had a wonderful time, ending with a quiet night gazing at the Reflecting Pool. For some reason, Sabin found himself asking Kyra to marry him after graduation, and much to his shock, Kyra again said yes.

Death: Kyra and Sabin continued about their student lives as normal. Sabin also had the added difficulty of trying to scrape together enough money to buy Kyra an engagement ring. He also fended off his parents, who claimed he and Kyra were too young to get married. At long last, Sabin managed to buy a modest ring for Kyra. However, a friend told him that Kyra was in the hospital; she had been thrown off her horse during a riding lesson. She was going to be okay, but was shaken and upset. Deciding to cheer her up, Sabin started driving towards the hospital with the ring. Unfortunately, on a small road, another car pushed him off the road and over a cliff. The car flipped, and ended up landing upside-down, crushing Sabin underneath.

Rebirth: Sabin was reaped, and acclimated to the Shadowlands rather quickly. Sensing a great amount of determination in him, Sabin was quickly recruited into the Emerald Legion, where he served as a Legionnaire. Although he did as he was told, he persisted in doing it in his own way. Many of his fellow co-workers, including his boss, thought him brilliant, but those in charge were not amused by his antics. As a result, he was passed over for promotions several times. Eventually, he proved himself on a major case and was promoted to Marshall, alongside one of his rivals.

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