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"I was not here. I was never here. And to make sure, would you mind jumping into that Nihil?"

Attempts at combining Arcanoi have gone on since the beginnings of the Shadowlands. What starts out as an attempt at refining or specializing an art or flat out combining two can result in a brand new Arcanoi that is practically on its own. The Alchemists are one such example, specializing Inhabit with touches of Embody and Outrage to create the art of Flux.

Recently, someone succeeded at a fairly dangerous experiment: combining the art of Puppetry with the art of Intimation, creating the art of Suggestion. Needless to say, the Hierarchy is in an uproar, trying to find the creator while secretly trying to crack the art for their own uses. So far, no one has been fingered as the originator, but at the rate the Hierarchy, Puppeteers, and Solicitors are looking, it won’t be long. Needless to say, this art is so new no real organization has formed around it. Those who practice it keep to themselves as much as possible, fearing what might bear down on them if they reveal themselves. Luckily, this art can be quite handy for keeping them hidden from the public eye.

Occasionally, a Puppeteer or Solicitor may “mutate” their abilities to learn this art. As a result, they may spend five experience points instead of seven to add this art to their abilities. If they have both Puppetry and Intimation, they only need three experience points.

Level One: Phrase
This power allows the user to force someone to say one sentence of the user’s choice. This command must be completed and cannot be ignored.
System: Roll Wits + Suggestion (difficulty target’s WP). One success is all that is needed to make this ability work.
This art gains the user 1 Angst.

Level Two: Action
This power forces another to do one very simple action of the target’s choice, such as walk in a certain direction, bob their head up and down, or sing a bawdy song in public. It cannot be a long-term goal, such as a quest or errand. The target will have a vague memory of performing the action.
System: Roll Wits + Suggestion (difficulty target’s WP). One success is all that is needed to make the target perform the action.
This art gains the user 2 Angst.

Level Three: Command
Similar to Action, but for more complex tasks, such a simple errand or to do something small the user wouldn’t normally do with their wits about them, such as jump into the Tempest. The command must be simply phrased. The target will have a vague memory of performing the action.
System: Roll Manipulation + Suggestion (difficulty target’s WP). You must have as many successes as half of the target’s permanent WP, rounded up.
This art gains the user 3 Angst.

Level Four: Enslave
This art allows the user to completely control one target for an amount of time, and force them to do any number of actions or say anything. When the target is Enslaved, they have no control over themselves or memory of what they did.
System: Roll Manipulation + Suggestion (difficulty target’s WP). Use the chart below to figure out how long Enslave will operate on the target. You may not redo Enslave on a target until the original wears off.
1 Success- 5 minutes
2 Successes- 1 hour
3 Successes- 12 hours
4 Successes- 24 hours
5 Successes- 1 month
6+ Successes- Permanent
This art costs 3 Pathos to use, and each success gains the user an Angst.

Level Five: Possession
This art allows the user to become the target for a limited amount of time through the mind. The user may use their target’s body for any purpose desired with no ill effects. If the body dies, the user’s mind simply returns to their own…unless something interferes.
System: Roll Manipulation + Suggestion (difficulty target’s WP). You must have as many successes as at least half the amount of the target’s permanent WP, rounded up. For each success you may possess that target for a scene. At any time, you may end the Possession with no penalty.
This art costs 2 WP and gains the user 5 Angst.

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