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          After a lot of thought on how to approach a campaign and after rejecting grandiose ideas of reproducing most of the known Universe I decided to abstract most of the Golgotha sub sectors for now and reproduce only the Golgotha prime sub sector that includes the imperial base and the rebel shipyards of Massada.

        The map was fairly easy . It had to show  the main planetary systems , the inner zones of the systems that I use to abstract in system movement and the warp channels and their entry points. On map counters would be restricted to fleet and army counters. All fleet and army composition would be recorded on separate charts as would the economics of each system and its planets.. more of this later.


This is a general map view showing the layout of the map and the game turns. its about half full size. however as its held in the computer the size is irrelevant. The game is split into roughly week long phases. 12 phases to a turn , four turns to a year. The green lines are warp channels

boardvw.gif (24104 bytes)


  Each system is split into four zones they travel inwardsa as you move round them in an anti clockwise direction. the system is entered from the warp channel to the light blue sector and you can then travel ACW to the red and then CW to blue to leave again..

A typical system with a ship yard looks like this

system.gif (6123 bytes)



A system in play with naval bases etc. would appear as below

base.gif (8562 bytes)


More on the campaign will follow