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MR Army

For God and house Kellewitze


                       The struggle for Helbeth II was if we are honest an economic war to control the mineral riches of the El Marek asteroid belt and hence swell the coffers of the Kellewtitze family whose lances bore the brunt of the fighting.  However we are less concerned here with the roots of the war, than the units that fought in them.  The MR battlegroup consisted of 5 lances of mechs, 3 battalions of infantry and two battalions of armour each having their own integral air units. Their organisation was as follows:-


The knights of Massada

                                       very few new mechs were constructed after the settling, most were salvaged or reconstructed from Terran built mechs.  House Kellewitze had their power base on the important planet of Massada, the first of the planets of the Massadan sector to be colonised during the settling. The house controlled some 40 plus mechs, 5 lances of which were used on Helbeth II. Various designs were used of which the following were typical

!st Massadan Rough riders

Standard Blackhawk 

4 medium pulse lasers, 6 medium lasers, 2 small lasers

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The Blackhawk model looked ungainly to me. I found some pictures of the CBT versions and decided to see what I could do wit a little time and plastic card stock. I am quite pleased with this one. 


3 flamers , rotary cannon

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This was my first mech conversion. I had a spare "Pyro Peterson" and fancied a firestarter with a cannon. This was the result


medium lasers

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No conversion here simply clean up and repaint. quite satisfactory


Gauss rifle, 2 x medium lasers

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I wasn't impressed with the uller miniature so I decided to try to recapture the look of the original BCT model. ie lower and squatter.


1st Shalom armoured battalion

 Below are elements of the vehicles employed by this unit. 

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JESII Missile Carrier

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Behemoth tank
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M1 Marksman tank

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DI Schmitt tank


Next project not sure what to do with it yet.  ?=0)

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