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Eternity Boxing Council News

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January 1, 1883

January is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

December 17, 1882

EBC - Chungmu Art Hall - Seoul, South Korea
HWFrank Slavin (#4, 6-0-0, 5KO) TKO10 James R Couper (#5, 4-2-1, 3KO)

Frank Slavin scores a 10th round knockout of James Robertson Couper in a bit of a mismatch. Slavin does all the work in round 1, and he drops Couper for an 8 count late in round 2. Slavin throws everything but the kitchen sink at Couper after the knockdown, but James stays. Slavin continues to punish Couper with the right hand in round 3, and he drops Couper again for a 4 count as round 4 ends. The 5th is dead even right up until Frank staggers Couper with a right hand late in the round. The 6th is very close, and Couper seems gassed after the round. Slavin absolutely hammers James in the 8th, so Couper slows the pace in the 9th. Slavin continues to pressure Couper in the 10th, and he finally drops Couper late in the round, and Couper cannot rise this time. Frank Slavin wins by 10th round knockout.

December 11, 1882

EBC - Kagoshima Prefectural Gym - Kagoshima, Japan
HWPeter Jackson (#3, 7-0-0, 5KO) TKO7 Jake Kilrain (#1, 21-6-0, 17KO)

Heavyweight Peter Jackson (#3) wins a majority decision over former EBC heavyweight king Jake Kilrain (#1) in 10 action packed rounds. Jackson is masterful and dominating from the opening bell, and Kilrain doesn't even land a solid punch until round 2 is half over. "The Black Prince" is uncannily accurate with the right hand early, but the former champion Kilrain lands a big uppercut as round 3 ends. Kilrain has a great 6th round, after he staggers Jackson with a left hook and an uppercut. The former champ is badly wobbled in the 8th when Jackson unlimbers the right hand for the first time in a while. Jackson is very careful late, but he manages to get one of Jake's eyes swelling by the final bell. The final scorecard reads 95-95, 97-93 and 98-92 for the majority decision victory for Peter "The Black Prince" Jackson in 10 rounds.

December 1, 1882

November is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

November 2, 1882

EBC - Sala Magna del Pueblo Espana - Mallorca, Spain
HW(T)John L Sullivan (Chmp, 22-1-0, 16KO) TKO7 Frank Herald (#7, 3-3-0, 2KO)

Sullivan clearly trains very lightly for this bout, and Herald staggers the champ a few seconds in, and in a shocking turn of events, he drops the champion for an 8 count a few seconds before round 1 ends. Sullivan comes back strong in the 2nd, but the ref tolls off a warning after John L lands a low blow. Both men cautiously work in the 3rd, but they let it fly in round 4 and it's Herald who lands the stronger punches. Frank attacks the champion's body in round 6 and Sullivan is clearly in distress, but round 7 sees a wild throwdown at ring center that leaves the challenger bleeding over his left eye. Sullivan targets the eye for the next minute or so making the cut much worse and he opens a new cut over Herald's right eye to boot. When the doctor comes in to have a look, he immediately stops the fight. John L Sullivan wins a controversial stoppage victory with a few seconds left in round 7 when Frank Herald's eyelid is cut too deeply for him to continue. Sullivan looks past this opponent and he very nearly pays the price.

November 1, 1882

November is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

October 29, 1882

EBC - Cincinnati Music Hall - Cincinnati, OH
HWDominick McCaffrey (#7, 3-5-1, 1KO) D10 Billy Baker (#6, 4-1-1, 0KO)

By round 3 McCaffrey is flashing dominance, so Baker slows the pace with a lot of success for a couple of rounds. McCaffrey takes the ring center shootout in the 6th, but Baker takes the 7th and both men look pretty winded after the round. McCaffrey is clobbering Baker upstairs in the 8th, when Baker desperately throws a low blow and picks up a warning for it. The action continues to be sparse until the final bell, and when the dust settles, the scorecard reads 97-93 for McCaffrey, 97-94 for Baker and 95-95 for a draw.

October 09, 1882

EBC - Salle Wagram - Paris, France
HW(R5)(T)John L Sullivan (Chmp, 21-1-0, 15KO) KO3 George OC Godfrey (#2, 14-6-0, 9KO)

Godfrey does pretty well in the 1st, until Sullivan explodes a haymaker that wobbles Godfrey in round 1. A familiar pattern is set up when Godfrey, masterful boxer, dominates the action right up until Sullivan lands that darn right hand. The viscious right sends Godfrey tottering around the ring until the round ends. Godfrey is doing a good job of matching the Boston butcher punch for punch in the 3rd when he eats a combination that floors the noble black battler for the final count of 10. Sullivan destroys Godfrey for the 5th consecutive time, and the fans still turn out a treat anytime Sullivan fights.

October 01, 1882

October is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

September 10, 1882

EBC - Cesar Palace - Hermosillo, Mexico
HWPeter Jackson (#3, 6-0-0, 4KO) KO2 Prof John Donaldson (#5, 4-9-2, 1KO)
The difference in talent level is obvious from the start, and Jackson begins his mastery right away. Jackson occasionally stuns the Professor with power punches, but for the most part "The Black Prince" is content to outbox Donaldson until he drops the Professor with an uppercut in the 3rd. Donaldson barely stirs, and Peter Jackson wins by knockout.

September 4, 1882

EBC - Ho-Chunk Convention Center - Baraboo, WI
HW(R3)(T)John L Sullivan (#1, 19-1-0, 13KO) vs Jake Kilrain (Chmp, 21-4-0, 17KO)
John L stuns the champ with an uppercut late in the opening round, and Kilrain barely lands a punch in the first. Kilrain looks tired before the 2nd,and both men are staggered in the round, but it's the champion Kilrain who takes the round. Sullivan lands a body shot late in round 3, and Kilrain is in trouble. Jake seems recovered in the 4th, and he hurts Sullivan with an uppercut in a nasty throwdown at ring center. Sullivan wobbles the champ again in round 5, crossing a right hand over a lazy Kilrain jab. In round 6 they again trade at ring center, producing a crowd pleasing flurry, which again the challenger seems to do a bit better. Sullivan staggers the champ again in the 8th, and Jakes right eye begins to balloon up. Round 9 is another shootout at ring center, but neither man blinks. Kilrain is gassed by the 10th, and Sullivan backs him into a corner and blasts away producing a cut above Kilrain's left eye. Round 11 is close, but the cut eyelid tears open and troubles Kilrain again. Jake cautiously jabs in the 12th, but a Sullivan blitzkreig late in the round staggers the cut and swollen champion. Kilrain staggers Sullivan with a right hand early in the 13th, but Sully does a lot of damage with a hook to the liver late in the round. Kilrain's swollen eye is completely shut by the 14th, and Sullivan accepts it as an invitation to savage the champ with left hooks. 30 seconds into the final round, Sullivan scores with a hook that reopens the champ's cut eye. The doctor takes a look, and stops the fight. By 15th round TKO, the winner and new EBC Heavyweight champion, John L Sullivan.

September 1, 1882

September is here! Rankings and schedule soon!

August 28, 1882

EBC - New Daisy Theatre - Memphis, TN
HWJohn L Sullivan (#1, 19-1-0, 13KO) KO1 James R Couper (#4, 4-1-1, 3KO)
1:37 into the fight Sullivan levels Couper with one of his patented right handed haymakers, and though Couper does a pretty good job holding, Sullivan catches him with an uppercut that drops him with 2 seconds left in the round. Couper finds himself on the canvas taking the 10 count well after the bell.

August 1, 1882

August is here! Rankings and schedule here soon. Keep an eye out.
July 15, 1882

EBC - New Daisy Theatre - Memphis, TN
HW(R3)(T)Jake Kilrain (Chmp, 21-4-0, 17KO) W15 Dominick McCaffrey (#4, 3-5-0, 1KO)
Kilrain flurries late in the opening round to claim round 1 in the scoring, and it's Kilrain who staggers the man from Pittsburgh with an uppercut in the 2nd. Jake continues to outgun McCaffrey until Dom traps the champion on the ropes in round 4, and he proceeds to rough up the champ with wild hooks. Though Jake keeps his feet under him, he staggers mightily on the walk to his corner after the round, probably a 10-8 round for the challenger. Kilrain attacks the body with gusto in round 6, and McCaffrey laments letting the champ off the hook for sure. Jake drops him with a nasty right cross, but Dom is up and fighting at 8. McCaffrey hurts the champ again with a counter hook in round 10, and Kilrain's left eye swells very quickly. Jake shows some urgencey after that, throwing devastating shots at the tiring McCaffrey and dropping him in the 12th. Dom is up again at 5, but he is clearly on his last legs. McCaffrey rallies in the 14th, but Kilrain drops Dom again with a right cross as the final 30 seconds of the fight present themselves. Kilrain takes the unanimous decision in 15 by a wide margin. Winner and still champion, Jake Kilrain. The call goes out to the champion: When will you fight Sullivan again?

July 1, 1882

July is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

June 30, 1882

EBC - New Daisy Theatre - Memphis, TN
HW(R4)John L Sullivan (#1, 17-1-0, 12KO) W10 George OC Godfrey (#2, 14-4-0, 9KO)
Heavyweight John L Sullivan defeats rival George "Old Chocolate" Godfrey with a unanimous decision win, his fourth consecutive victory over the Canadian slugger. Sullivan is eager to get Godfrey out of there, and he knocks him down with a right cross late in the opening round. Godfrey rises at 8 and Sullivan lands a couple of stiff right hands before the bell. George staggers the "Boston Strong Boy" with a right hand early in round 2, fighting out of a corner. Godfrey dominates the 3rd, frustrating Sullivan with his movement while keeping Sullivan on the end of his jab. Godfrey eats a huge shot that opens a cut near his left eye early in the 4th, and then Sullivan pushes Godfrey into a corner and opens up. Godfrey slows the pace in round 5 holding incessantly, and Sullivan savages him continuously on the ropes with haymakers. The fighters blast away in the 6th and this time it's the Great John L who is floored for an 8 count. Godfrey carefully jabs in the 7th, but Sullivan catches him with a right hand that drops "Old Chocolate" for an 8 count. John L keeps working on the cut eye and is rewarded with a reopen as well as a swelling on the same eye. Godfrey wobbles Sullivan again with a counter hook in the 9th, and again with an uppercut in the 10th, which sees Sullivan penalized a point for butting. The final scorecard reads 94-91, 94-92 and 93-92 for John L Sullivan. Godfrey just doesn't have the firepower to hang with John L.

June 26, 1882

Gimnasio Nacional - Panama City, Panama
HW(R2)Prof John Donaldson (#6, 4-8-2, 1KO) W10 Morris Grant (#4, 4-6-0, 1KO)
Professor Donaldson (#6) wins a unanimous decision over Morris Grant (#4) in a contest of fringe contenders for Kilrain's belt. Donaldson is in control from the start, and in a contest with no power from either fighter, that's all it takes. Professor John Donaldson by unanimous decision in 10

June 1, 1882

June is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

May 18, 1882

Gimnasio Nacional - Panama City, Panama
HW(R2)(T)Jake Kilrain (Chmp, 20-4-0, 17KO) TKO9 John P Clow (#3, 4-3-1, 0KO)

Clow starts fast, winning round one, but Kilrain snaps Clow's head back with a counter left hook in the 2nd. The champ is having his way in round 3, when he lands a big right hand that opens a bad cut on Clow's nose at the end of the round. The pair go to war at ring center in the 4th, and the crowd goes wild. Clow looks great in the 5th, but Kilrain staggers Clow in the 6th. Kilrain punches himself out late in the 6th, so Clow easily wins round 7 with a series of right hands. Clow seems to win the 8th, but a pair of hooks by Kilrain get Clow's left eye swelling. In round 9 Kilrain lands a pair of jabs that reopens the cut on the challenger's nose. The referee takes a look and calls off the bout. Jake Kilrain again successfully defends the EBC Heavyweight crown.

May 1, 1882

May is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

April 19, 1882

Jarrell's Gym - Atlanta, GA
HW(R2)George OC Godfrey (#2, 14-4-0, 9KO) W15 Morris Grant (#5, 4-5-0, 1KO)

In the first EBC fight without Jake Kilrain (!!!), "Old Chocolate" Godfrey (#2) takes on Morris Grant (#5) in old Atlanta. Godfrey has the fight well in hand by round 4 when Grant's left eye puffs up. The next few rounds are too close to call, but Grant's eye looks pretty bad by the 8th when Godfrey suddenly decks him with an uppercut that Grant never sees. He's up at 7, but the eye swelling actually starts to spread onto Grant's face. Godfrey cautiously pecks from behind a high guard in the final rounds, and he takes the majority decision on ludicrously close scorecards.

April 5, 1882

EBC - Philadelphia Armory - Philadelphia, PA
HW(R2)(T)Jake Kilrain (Chmp, 19-4-0, 16KO) W15 Dominick McCaffrey (#3, 3-4-0, 1KO)

McCaffrey takes the opening round, but champion Kilrain dominates most of the early action. Jake has a big lead by round 10, when McCaffrey has a big rally. Jake has been freely fouling Dom when the ref finally takes a point in the 12th, which Dom was winning anyways. Kilrain opens up in the 13th, but McCaffrey rallys at the bell raising an ugly swelling on the champ's eye. Kilrain takes the final round convincingly to put an exclamation point on the unanimous decision victory 143-141, 145-139 and 145-141.

March 1, 1882

March is here! Schedule and rankings soon. Full reporting by the end of 1882.

EBC - Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino - Altoona, IA
HW(R2)(T)Jake Kilrain (#2, 18-4-0, 16KO) KO10 John L Sullivan (#1, 17-1-0, 12KO)

In a battle of titans, heavyweight Jake Kilrain knocks out fearsome John L Sullivan in 10 rounds for the vacant EBC Heavyweight Crown. Sullivan is dropped twice in the 10th and final round in a savage brawl.

February 14, 1882

EBC - Knox Regional Netball Centre - Victoria, Australia
HWJake Kilrain (#2, 17-4-0, 15KO) TKO7 Paddy Ryan (#6, 2-7-0, 1KO)

Jake Kilrain destroys Paddy Ryan with a 7th round TKO. Jake drops the irishman in round 7, and Ryan never recovers.

February 1, 1882

February is here. In the solitary EBC bout this month, streaking Jake Kilrain takes on Paddy Ryan in Victoria, Australia!

January 29, 1882

EBC - Cirkus Krone - Munich, Germany
HWJake Kilrain (#2, 16-4-0, 14KO) KO10 John P Clow (#4, 4-2-1, 0KO)

Jake Kilrain delivers a sound thrashing to John P Clow in the official inaugural EBC bout.

The all new EBC mk 3 will be something a little different.
The timeline begins in 1879 with everyone whose career began in 1879 in real life. Not surprisingly this is the rookie year of John L Sullivan and Jake Kilrain. The matches will continue in all weight classes according to the original EBC rules in scheduling fights, as clubfights. This occurs until 20 fighters are fighting in 1 weight class. At this point the fighters will be ranked into a top 5 of 20. EBC fights begin at this point with the top 5. I will not be posting any results but in the meantime I will keep a roster with current records. In 1882 the heavyweights will have enough fighters for this to occur. Can't wait for that!
Page last updated on 04-17-2015

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