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January 1, 1884

January is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

December 10, 1883

EBC - Leofric Hotel - Coventry, England
HWJohn L Sullivan (#1, 23-2-0, 17KO) TKO6 Pat Killen (#7, 5-2-0, 4KO)

Sullivan sticks some hooks to the body in round 1, and the Great John L goes about the business of hammering the expatriot Irishman to the body for a couple of rounds. The former champion goes head-hunting in round 4, and Killen is staggered once and he sports a shiner after the round. Killen staggers Sully at the opening of the 5th, but with one minute left in the round Sullivan throws a nasty right cross that Killen doesn't slip even though it's telegraphed from Boston, and Killen goes down like a sack of potatoes. Killen rises at 8, but his legs are gone and that bad eye swells up even worse. Sullivan can't miss with the right hand in the follow up, and he drops Killen again for a flash knockdown at the bell. When round 6 commences Sullivan scores with a booming uppercut that floors the irishman again, but he lurches to his feet at the count of 4. Killen crashes to the floor again from a body shot and this time Killen is erect at 2. Sullivan rains right hands onto Killen, and this time when Killen goes down referee Kenny Bayless waves off the fight. John L Sullivan, the "Boston Strong Boy" scores a terrifying TKO of young Pat Killen in 6.

December 1, 1883

December is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

November 20, 1883

EBC - Estadio Municipal - Santiago, Chile
HWGeorge OC Godfrey (#3, 16-7-0, 10KO) KO11 Mervine Thompson (#4, 5-1-0, 2KO)

Heavyweight George "Old Chocolate" Godfrey (#3) scores an 11th round knockout of young Mervine Thompson (#4) who's too brave for his own good. The opening round is a feeling-out round, but Thompson opens the 2nd with a flush right hand. Godfrey lands occasionally in the 2nd round, but everytime Thompson touches him with the right hand Godfrey staggers. George lands a series of light punches in the 3rd, looking for the range, and then they trade power left hooks as round 3 ends. Godfrey wins the round and Thompson's eye puffs up a bit. Godfrey works a snappy jab in the 4th, and soon both of Thompson's eyes are looking swollen. In a tough break for Thompson, they bang heads early in the 5th, and Thompson's right eye suddenly looks a whole lot worse. Thompson blindly lands a right hand lead late in the 5th, but "Old Chocolate" lands a hard left hook that wobbles Thompson again at the bell. Mervine holds in the 6th, and Godfrey cautiously jabs. They trade at ring center in round 7, but it's Godfrey who staggers the "Cleveland Thunderbolt" with a pretty uppercut as the round expires. At 1:45 of the 8th round Godfrey lands a flush haymaker that drops Thompson for a 4 count. Late in the 8th, exhausted and mostly blind, Thompson eats a right hand from Godfrey that floors him again for an 8 count. Godfrey is totally punched out in the 9th, but with 5 seconds left in the round he drops Thompson again for a 5 count. Thompson begins the 10th by scoring with a hard right hand, so Godfrey attacks the body of the suddenly live Thompson, and Mervine looks out of breath and his right eye swells almost all the way shut by the end of the 10th. At 2:08 of the 11th Godfrey mercifully lowers the boom one last time on Thompson and Mervine goes down and out. Godfrey really has to work to knock out heavyweight rookie Thompson in 11 violent rounds.

November 1, 1883

November is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

October 14, 1883

EBC - Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY
HW(R2)(T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 13-0-0, 9KO) W15 Jake Kilrain (#2, 24-7-0, 17KO)

Jackson easily outworks the slower-footed Kilrain in round 1, but Jake staggers the champion with a pair of uppercuts in round 2. The 3rd round is pretty much even, but it features more action than round 4 which is a yawner. Half way through round 5 Jackson lands a thudding right hand, and Kilrain becomes enraged and he scores with a perfect right hand that drops the champion for a 5 count. Kilrain scores with a couple of good right hands before the bell, but Jackson makes a full recovery and he plays possum a bit to catch Jake with a huge uppercut that has Jake desperately covering up. Kilrain lands a big right hand in the 7th that sends Jackson tottering side-ways on the ropes. Jackson looks pretty winded to open the 8th, and Peter fights in spurts to save energy. Jackson scores with a huge left hook in the 9th that would have put Kilrain down except for the ropes and then they trade shots to the body late in the round. The champion hits Jake low to open round 10 and the usually clean boxing champ catches a warning. They go to the inside for the rest of round 10, and Kilrain is showing a nasty eye swelling by the end of the round. Jackson does almost all the punching in the 11th, as Kilrain spends most of his time pawing at his damaged eye with hardly a thought to Jackson. The champion's left eye begins to puff up during round 12, and both men are almost half-blind for the rest of the fight. Jackson lands a lead right early in the 13th, and he wobbles the challenger with a left hook late in the round. The 14th features some savage infighting, but no clear scoring leader. Jackson wobbles Kilrain again with about 20 seconds remaining in the fight. The scorecards show that Peter Jackson wins the majority decision 143-142, 142-142 and 145-140 for the winner and still champion Peter Jackson.

October 5, 1883

EBC - Gimnasio Chico de Hierro - Cartagena, Colombia
HW(R2)George OC Godfrey (#3, 15-7-0, 9KO) W10 Dominick McCaffrey (#7, 7-7-1, 5KO)

Godfrey lands a hard left hook in the opening round, and both men are staggered in the 2nd when the right hands come out. Late in round 4 Godfrey lands about as perfect an uppercut as you can throw, and McCaffrey tastes the canvas but he's up at the count of 5. McCaffrey still looks pretty spry, so Godfrey attacks the body for the rest of the round. Dom eats another huge uppercut that wobbles him in the 5th, and not even doubling the jab bothers George when McCaffrey tries it. McCaffrey has his mouth hanging open from fatigue, and he wings right hands in the 6th while panting up a storm. McCaffrey traps him on the ropes late in the 6th, but Godfrey spins him and leaves him with a series of hooks to the head for his temerity. Half way through round 7 Godfrey lands a high-low combination that sends McCaffrey spinning to the floor. Once again Dominick is up at the count of 5, and though Godfrey has no problem landing the jab his back hand seems to miss every time George throws it. Godfrey attacks the body with gusto in round 8, and McCaffrey winces in pain more than once. McCaffrey holds in the 9th, slowing the action, and although Godfrey lands some winging right hands in the final round Dom is standing at the finish. The final scorecards show Godfrey ahead by a Colombian mile.

October 1, 1883

October is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

September 30, 1883

EBC - Charlotte Convention Center - Charlotte, NC
HW(T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 12-0-0, 9KO) KO6 James R Couper (#5, 6-4-1, 3KO)

In round 1 Couper gets in a very hard shot to the abdomen of the magnificently trained champion, and follows with a blistering uppercut that staggers the champion Jackson. Peter holds to survive, and he even hits Couper low for which referee Mercante penalizes the hapless champion a point. Jackson rips a series of jabs late in a round 1 that seems very long for "The Black Prince." Couper scores heavily in the 3rd with a prolonged body attack, but late in round 4 the champion Jackson lands a beautiful left hook with an elbow after that drops Couper for a 4 count. The knockdown takes all the starch out of Couper and Jackson has his way with him hammering away in the 5th, and finally in round 6 he floors Couper and James can't beat the count. After a few anxious moments Jackson retains his precious title with a 6th round knockout.

September 1, 1883

September is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

August 7, 1883

EBC - Deerfoot Inn and Casino - Calgary, Canad
HWFrank Herald (#7, 5-5-0, 4KO) KOby3 James R Couper (#6, 6-3-1, 3KO)

Heavyweight James Robertson Couper (#6) scores a 3rd round knockout of Frank Herald (#7). Herald starts to get down to brass tacks in round 2, when he staggers Couper with a pair of right hands. However early in the 3rd Couper times Herald's jab to land an absolutely perfect right hand that drops Frank for the full 10 count.

August 1, 1883

August is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

July 21, 1883

EBC - Pando Coliseo Municipal - Pando, Switzerland
HW(R3)Jake Kilrain (#2, 24-6-0, 17KO) W12 John P Clow (#7, 8-5-1, 2KO)

One minute into the fight Kilrain nails him with a clean right cross to the temple that floors Clow for a 4 count, and Clow leaps up with a sheepish smile on his face. Kilrain tears into him for the remainder of round 1, but then he's a bit punched out and Clow scores repeatedly in the 2nd. Clow catches a warning for using his shoulder in the 3rd, and Kilrain drops him again with a wicked uppercut on the inside during round 4. Kilrain continues to apply lots of pressure and Clow is almost dropped again as the 4th expires. Clow is winning the 5th, but Kilrain again brings his power to bear producing a couple of great rounds of action. There isn't much action late until Kilrain goes on the attack in the final round. Clow covers up in the corner, doing what it takes to survive. The final scorecards are not close, and Jake Kilrain takes the unanimous decision by a mile.

July 1, 1883

July is here! Schedule and rankings are here. The EBC has sanctioned exactly 300 bouts thus far in the newest EBC era.

June 25, 1883

EBC - Azalea Taisho - Osaka, Japan
HWJake Kilrain (#2, 23-6-0, 17KO) W12 James R Couper (#5, 5-3-1, 3KO)

Former EBC heavyweight champ Jake Kilrain (#2) wins a unanimous decision in 12 rounds over James Robertson Couper (#5). The Kilrain blitzkrieg begins 20 seconds into the fight with a nasty uppercut that drops Couper for a 7 count, but Jake gets excited and misses about 20 punches late in the 1st. Couper wobbles the former champ with a shot to the liver, but then Jake lands a thudding left hook upstairs that freezes Couper for a moment. Late in round 3 Couper attacks the body, and Kilrain grimaces from the pain. The action moves to the inside in round 4, and Couper seems to do some of his best work in the fight. Kilrain scores with a power uppercut, and a particularly devastating right cross in round 5. Kilrain controls the action for a couple of rounds, but the former champ's vaunted power is missing so Couper is able to hang punch-for-punch with Kilrain. They trade bombs at ring center in the 8th, and first Couper then Kilrain falls into the ropes just to stay upright. Kilrain scores heavily to the body in round 9, and he lands a booming right cross that almost has Couper touch a knee to the canvas. J R is completely exhausted by round 10, but he has a decent rally early in the 11th when suddenly Kilrain looks weary and vulnerable. But finally it's Kilrain who scores a flash knockdown as round 11 expires. Couper bum-rushes the former champ with a haymaker and suddenly Kilrains legs are gone and he's holding desperately. Couper lands one final uppercut that has Kilrain reeling around the ring, but Jake is standing at the final bell. Kilrain easily takes the unanimous decision, and he lets out a visible sigh of relief upon the announcement of the score.

June 1, 1883

June is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

May 27, 1883

EBC - Desert Diamond Casino - Tuscon, AZ
HWPeter Jackson (Chmp, 11-0-0, 8KO) KO8 George OC Godfrey (#3, 14-7-0, 9KO)

EBC heavyweight champion Peter Jackson gets off the deck to score a brutal knockout of veteran contender George "Old Chocolate" Godfrey in 8 rounds. Jackson comes into the ring without a sweat on him, raising speculation that he may have over-trained for this opponent. Jackson tears into Godfrey in round 1 like a lion taking down it's prey, and the referee is looking close to stopping it as early as the final minute of round 2. Jackson staggers Godfrey with a concussive uppercut in the 3rd, and Old Chocolate's left eye swells very quickly after another big uppercut in round 4. But then.....early in round 5 Godfrey times a right hand to land an absolutely devastating right cross, that floors the champion for a 9 count, and brings the howling masses to their feet. Jackson survives the thudding body shots that Godfrey follows up with. Peter lands a nice uppercut half-way through round 6, but Godfrey flurries late in the round and Jackson's legs are all but gone afterward. Early in the 7th, Jackson lands an uppercut that snaps Godfrey's head all the way back and Godfrey blinks a few times after. Jackson really starts firing power shots late in the round and he drops Old Chocolate for a 5 count. Godfrey barely survives, but his legs are gone gone gone. Godfrey slows the pace by holding in the 8th, but Jackson staggers him with a right cross midway through the round, and it makes Godfrey's ballooning eyelid look even worse. With a minute left in round 8 Jackson lands a huge uppercut that floors Godfrey again, and he just cannot rise this time. Peter Jackson retains the EBC Heavyweight championship again with a devastating knockout win.

May 7, 1883

EBC - 115 Bourbon Street - Merrionete Park, IL
HWJake Kilrain (#2, 22-6-0, 17KO) TD8 Frank Slavin (#4, 6-2-0, 5KO)

Former EBC heavyweight champion Jake Kilrain wins a technical decision victory over Frank Slavin in 8 bloody rounds. Jake wobbles Slavin with the very first left hook, and just after that there is a clash of heads which results in a cut high on Slavin's forehead. Slavin gets very aggressive after the cut, and he attacks the former champion's body with gusto in the 2nd producing a crowd pleasing round. Slavin is giving Kilrain all he can handle in the 3rd, when Jake lands a perfect uppercut that sees Frank almost touch a knee to the canvas. Frank recovers well and puts the exclamation point on the round which may have been a 2 point round. Kilrain really hammers him in round 4, and Frank's cut reopens during the barrage. Kilrain lands a nasty uppercut to open round 5, and the follow-up flurry that he puts together drops Frank for a 9 count. Slavin survives the big offensive by the former champ, and he staggers Kilrain early in the 6th with a right cross. Kilrain immediately launches a huge uppercut that drops Slavin for the second time. Frank is up at 2, but Kilrain savages him upstairs for the rest of the round. Slavin returns to his corner with the cut looking worse than ever, and a large swelling on the same eye. Kilrain opens up again in the 7th, and Slavin goes down a minute into the round. Frank is up at 9 but he's badly wobbled, but Kilrain can't finish him. In round 8 Kilrain drops him again for a 6 count, and the cut from round 1 that was caused by a clash of heads reopens in the ugliest way possible. Referee finally stops the fight with 1:46 remaining in round 8. Former champion Jake Kilrain dispenses a savage beatdown, featuring 4 knockdowns, to relative newcomer Frank Slavin. Technical decision in 8 for Kilrain.

May 1, 1883

May is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

April 18, 1883

EBC - Orlando Community Hall - Soweto, South Africa
HW(R2)(T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 10-0-0, 7KO) KO7 Dominick McCaffrey (#5, 7-6-1, 5KO)

Jackson entices McCaffrey into a streetfight early, and Dom has a swollen eye after only 1 round. Dom staggers the champ again with an uppercut in the 2nd, and they trade flush right hands in the 3rd and McCaffrey looks the worse for wear after the round. Round 4 is a goof as both fighters rest, and McCaffrey lands nary a single punch in round 5 allowing the champion to dominate with light punches. Jackson hammers the challenger with right hand leads until McCaffrey finally drops to the canvas. McCaffrey is up at 9 but he's in serious trouble as the Black Prince stalks the wounded irishman until the bell. McCaffrey holds early in the 7th, which though a good idea, is just not enough and Jackson knocks Dominick cold with 2 minutes expired in round 7.

April 3, 1883

EBC - Elland Road - Leeds, England
HWJames R Couper (#6, 5-2-1, 3KO) W10 Billy Baker (#7, 4-3-1, 0KO)

There isn't much action in the 1st as both men go through the feeling out process, and then commences one beautiful exchange in the 2nd which sees both men staggering and throwing bombs at each other while Baker takes the round. Couper lands a crushing left hook early in round 3, and he absolutely hammers Baker when Billy covers up. Baker holds a lot in the middle rounds, but Baker lands a beauty of an uppercut with seconds left in round 5 that floors Couper for an 8 count. James actually gets up after the bell, so Baker has no chance to follow up. Couper bounces back very well in the 6th, and Baker's left eye swells dangerously. Couper lowers the boom again in round 8 and Baker wobbles into a corner for most of the round. Both fighters are gassed late, and there is more holding than punching in the final 2 rounds. James Robertson Couper wins a hotly disputed split decision 97-94, 94-95 and 95-94.

April 1, 1883

April is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

March 24, 1883

EBC - Center Stage Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
HWDuncan McDonald (#7, 4-3-0, 0KO) KOby8 Dominick McCaffrey (#6, 7-5-1, 5KO)

Dominick McCaffrey (#6) defeats Duncan McDonald (#7) with an 8th round one-punch knockout. The action is light, and completely even in the early going. McCaffrey lands a tremendous right hand in the 4th, and McDonald is forced to cover up. Dom staggers McDonald again in the 5th, and McDonald stays behind a high guard without a thought to offense for the next couple rounds. McDonald starts to show a puffy eye in the 7th, and McCaffrey drops Duncan with an uppercut early in round 8. McCaffrey tries valiantly but he cannot rise and takes the full count.

March 20, 1883

EBC - Cobo Hall - Detroit, MI
HW(T)John L Sullivan (Chmp, 22-2-0, 16KO) TKOby11 Peter Jackson (#1, 9-0-0, 6KO)

Heavyweight Peter Jackson (#1) defeats the "Boston Strong Boy", EBC heavyweight champion John L Sullivan (Chmp), to lift Sullivan's crown. The champ staggers Jackson briefly in the opening canto, so Jackson fires back in kind resulting in a crowd pleasing sortie at close range. Sullivan seems to get the best of the early action, though Peter does time the right hand to land several hard shots late in the 3rd. Jackson clearly controls the 4th with his jab, and he lands several hard right hands that stagger the champion in round 5. Jackson clearly takes the middle rounds as well, leaving the befuddled champion punching at air while landing the right hand time after time. By round 8 the Great John L is showing a swelling under both eyes, and late in round 9 Jackson floors the now bleeding champ with a right hand for a 3 count. Sullivan starts to hold a fair bit, which slows the action late. Jackson tires of this quickly, so he starts to throw right handed haymakers at the now supine champion. Jackson grimly goes to work late in the 11th, and he floors the champion with right hands 3 times before referee Pabon rescues the once mighty John L. Peter Jackson, "The Black Prince", is the new EBC heavyweight champion! Sullivan is not expected to fight until October 1883 at the earliest.

January 29, 1883

EBC - Discoteca Mad - Santa Cruz, Bolivia 1883-01-29
HWPeter Jackson (#1, 8-0-0, 5KO) KO9 Frank Slavin (#3, 6-1-0, 5KO)

Undefeated top contender Peter Jackson (#1) looks fantastic scoring an 8th round TKO over Frank Slavin (#3) in a bloody one. Slavin aggressively tears into Jackson in round 1, but then Jackson drops the irishman for a flash knockdown just before the bell. Jackson breaks out the awesome defense in round 2, and although round 3 is very close, Slavin suffers a cut on his mouth. Jackson hurts Slavin with another stiff shot to the mouth in round 4, Slavin nails him with an uppercut in the 5th, and so Jackson stops with the nicities and hammers Slavin with a truckload of jabs in round 6, maybe resulting in a 2 point round. Jackson lands a pair of awesome hooks in round 7, and Slavin staggers with his eyes crossed for several seconds. By round 8 Slavin is completely gassed and almost helpless to find the amazing black phantom before him with any solid punches. Late in the 8th Slavin suffers a cut eyelid, so now with his opponent half blind, Jackson nails him with some short hooks inside, and the referee finally rescues the bloody mess of a fighter. Peter Jackson wins a relentless 8th round TKO victory.

January 9, 1883

EBC - Emperors Palace Casino - Kempton Park, South Africa
HWDominick McCaffrey (#7, 6-5-1, 4KO) KO9 Billy Baker (#5, 4-2-1, 0KO)

In a battle of fringe contenders, Dominick McCaffrey (#7) scores a 10th round knockout of Billy Baker (#5) in a walkover. Late in the very first round McCaffrey nails Baker with an uppercut that sends him staggering across the ring, and a pair of uppercuts in the 2nd. Baker slows the action for a couple rounds, and he takes the 4th when he traps McCaffrey on the ropes. McCaffrey wobbles Baker with a right hand just as the 5th ends, and this triggers an amazing exchange at ring center that brings those in attendance to their feet. McCaffrey starts to pull away in the scoring, and Dom scores with another one of those crushing uppercuts and suddenly Baker finds himself on the canvas taking the full count. Dominick McCaffrey wins by 9th round knockout.

January 1, 1883

January is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

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