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July 01, 1884

July is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

June 15, 1884

EBC - Fort Smith Convention Center - Fort Smith, AR
HWFrank Herald (#6, 8-6-0, 7KO) TKOby7 Paddy Ryan (#9, 13-11-0, 3KO)

There isn't a lot of action early, but Herald lands a right hand lead just as round 1 ends that makes Ryan blink. Ryan lands a hook in round 2 that cuts Herald deeply on an eyebrow, and he keeps the pressure up in the 3rd scoring heavily to the body. There's a lot of holding in the 4th, but Herald lands 2 devastating uppercuts and Ryan's on the run again. Ryan sees the fight slipping away, so he eschews defense in the 5th producing a wild shootout at ring center that staggers both men and brings 'em to their feet in the house. Ryan lands an uppercut that reopens Herald's eyebrow, and as the doctor has a squint at the cut, Frank looks worried. Late in the 7th Frank gets a lead right home, and suddenly Ryan is glassy eyed and staggering around the ring. As Ryan desperately holds, he lands a lonely little jab that opens that damn cut again. The doctor takes another look and this time he stops the bout. Herald protests mightily, but he loses a pint of blood while he does it. Paddy Ryan pulls the fat out of the fire with a 7th round TKO.

June 14, 1884

EBC - Hansehalle - Luebeck, Germany
LWGeorge Taylor (#3, 11-8-4, 1KO) W12 Bill Parker (#2, 7-6-0, 0KO)

Taylor attacks the body with gusto in the 1st round, and then George launches a couple of good uppercuts in the 2nd. Taylor continues to outwork Parker in the 3rd and 4th, and round 5 is actually too close to call when the action moves inside. Parker has no answer as Taylor dominates the middle rounds, and it starts to look like a shutout for the slick boxing Taylor. As if Taylor wasn't giving him enough problems, Parker is cut on his left eyebrow from an unintentional head butt in the 8th. Parker is looking very tired in the 9th, so Taylor opens up with hooks upstairs to soundly take the round. The 10th is very close, but Parker's eyebrow once again starts to drip gore into Bill's eye. Taylor puts an exclamation point on the fight with a great 12th round, punishing Parker with hooks upstairs. The judges reward Taylor with a near shutout on the scorecards.

June 01, 1884

June is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

June 01, 1884

June is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

May 27, 1884

EBC - Cardiff International Arena - Cardiff, Wales
HW(R2)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 14-1-0, 9KO) L15 George OC Godfrey (#2, 19-7-0, 11KO)

Godfrey charges out the corner to land a swarming combination that floors the champion 30 seconds in, and though Jackson gets up at 9, Godfrey attacks and Jackson can't deal with Godfrey's hand speed. The champ shows an eye swelling after the very first round. Godfrey's blitz continues in the 2nd, and he floors the champion with a left hook for a 6 count. Godfrey hammers the champ with right hands, and Jackson lands a hook that cuts Godfrey on an eyebrow as round 2 ends. Jackson lands a hard right hand that sees Godfrey retreat early in the 3rd, and before the 4th they stop Godfrey's bleeding. Jackson lands a powerful combination in round 4, and late in the round Jackson lands a lead right that cuts Godfrey under his left eye and almost floors him to boot. They close the new cut on Godfrey after the round, and George strings together some right hands early in the 5th which puts Jackson on the run. The champ's eye continues to balloon up, and in round 6 the action slows up until the Jackson flurries to steal the round in the last 30 seconds. Again they stop Godfrey's bleeding after the 6th, and Godfrey gets a huge uppercut home early in round 7 that staggers the champion yet again. The second half of round seven can only be described in terms of savage beauty, which drives those in attendance wild though neither man clearly takes the round. Jackson lands a hook early in the 8th which reopens the cut under the eye of the challenger, but then Godfrey lands a hook that buries his fist into Jackson's midsection. Jackson is clearly hurt, but he does a good job of countering and holding to survive round 8. Godfrey lands a couple hard shots early in the 9th, and Jackson's eye looks worse and worse. Suddenly referee Mickey Vann takes a point from Godfrey in the 9th for leaning on Jackson's neck and the crowd starts to get ugly. Jackson staggers George again early in the 10th, but then Godfrey lands a crushing right hand that sees Jackson glassy eyed and desperate. "Old Chocolate" scores with a lead right that wobbles Jackson again in round 11, but then Jackson reopens Godfrey's cut over the right eye, which brings the doctor on to have a look. All is well for the fight to continue, and Jackson traps Godfrey in a corner late in the 11th. The half-blind champion misses everything he throws, and Godfrey follows up with a nasty body attack in the 12th. Godfrey begins to take over the 12th, when referee Vann takes another point for a low blow from Godfrey. Godfrey is in a rage for the rest of round 12, and Jackson has no answer for the hurricane of violence before him. Godfrey lands some nice shots in the 13th, and Jackson holds and looks for the right haymaker. Late in the 14th Godfrey floors him with a right hand lead, and the champ rises at 3 this time but Godfrey only has about 10 seconds left in the round. In the final round Jackson backs Godfrey into a corner and fires right hands until the cut over Godfrey's eye is bleeding freely again. The doctor comes again to look, and though he approves of Godfrey continuing, George has a look of terror when the doc shows up. Both men are cautious the rest of the way, and it goes to the scorecards. George "Old Chocolate" Godfrey the new EBC heavyweight champion wins the unanimous decison despite the fouls that took 2 points from the new champion.

May 23, 1884

EBC - Broadway Auditorium - Buffalo, NY
LW(R4)(T)Barney Donovan (Chmp, 21-0-0, 19KO) KO4 Bill Mahan (#1, 10-4-0, 6KO)

Donovan attacks the body early, and then he wobbles Mahan with a right hand just as round 1 ends. Donovan continues to effectively use body punches in the 2nd and he cuts Mahan on an eyelid, but then Mahan drops the champion with a swarm of shots upstairs. Donovan is up at 8, but his legs look pretty bad when the round ends. Mahan corners the champ in the 3rd, but Donovan fights well off the ropes, and the crowd goes wild after the fast trading. Mahan's cut is closed before the 4th, but he shows a swelling on an eye also after the 3rd. In round 4 the champion scores with a perfect right cross that drops Mahan for a 9 count, and Mahan is lucky the round is almost over. They cautiously trade jabs in the 5th, and Mahan's swollen occular gets worse. They trade body shots early in the 6th, and the champion staggers, but Mahan goes down again only to rise at a 6 count. Donovan has lots of time, and after a wild flurry Mahan is down again with 15 seconds left in the 6th. Mahan rises at 8, but his eye is bleeding really badly again. Mahan holds in the 7th, but Donovan still takes the round. Donovan starts to show some puffiness around his left eye, while Mahan is gassed after the round. Donovan lands a powerful cross early in round 8 and Mahan's eye begins to get pretty gruesome. The doctor takes a look and stops the fight with 1:23 left in round 8. Donovan retains his title with a cuts TKO over Bill Mahan.

May 16, 1884

EBC - Estadio Fab - Buenos Aires, Argentina
HW(R2)Frank Herald (#9, 8-5-0, 7KO) KO4 James R Couper (#6, 7-6-1, 4KO)

In this battle of fringe heavyweight contenders there is sparse action early, and the crowd gets on the two "exciting heavyweights" for a lack thereof. Couper lands a hard left hook as round 2 ends, but Herald unlimbers the right hand in round 3 which staggers Couper a couple times. Herald stays on Couper in the 4th, and one of those hard right hands drops Couper, and he doesn't have the werewithal to beat the count. Frank Herald scores an impressive 4th round knockout.

May 01, 1884

EBC - ABC Sports Complex - Springfield, VA
LW(R3) Billy Dacey (#5, 2-4-0, 1KO) L10 George Taylor (#4, 10-8-4, 1KO)

Dacey does some good work in round 1, but Taylor staggers him with 20 seconds left to more or less make the round even. Taylor has Dacey in trouble for most of the 2nd, but Dacey scores with a huge right hand late. The action slows a bit, and no one clearly wins a round until Taylor wins round 5 with a series of uppercuts that has Dacey backpedaling. Dacey's workrate slows in the 6th, which allows Taylor to step it up when he scores with a powerful hook. Dacey clearly takes the 7th, when Taylor finds himself punched out and he can't keep pace. Taylor resumes his mastery of the less experienced Dacey in the 8th, and Dacey is gassed really bad. Dacey fruitlessly chases Taylor in the 9th, and Taylor counters his ears off. Taylor takes the last round even though he unwisely meets Dacey at ring center for the finale. George Taylor takes the closer than expected split decision 98-92, 97-93 and 94-96.

May is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

April 28, 1884

EBC - Gimnasio Alexis Arguello - Managua, Nicuragua
HWDominick McCaffrey (#6, 9-8-1, 6KO) L12 James R Couper (#8, 7-5-1, 4KO)

The first half of round 1 is for feeling out, but McCaffrey opens up to win the round in the last 30 seconds. Couper lands a couple of hard combinations early in the 2nd, then he backs McCaffrey into a corner to unload a right hand that floors Dominick for a 7 count. McCaffrey recovers well to stick and move in round 3, and Couper's chance to end it early evaporates. They trade power punches late in the 5th, and both men are staggered though McCaffrey clearly takes the round. The pace slows but Couper lands a perfect right hand as the 7th ends, and again McCaffrey's knee almost touches down. McCaffrey eats a 4 punch combination late in the 9th that drops him for a 7 count, and though he survives the legs are completely gone. In the 10th McCaffrey feels it slipping away, so he starts winging haymakers and he lands a couple big ones that have Couper covering up at the bell. Couper reverses the trend, hammering McCaffrey to the body in the 11th with gusto. Couper appears to take the final round, but it was closer than unanimous. The final scorecards read 114-112, 113-113 and 114-112 for James Robertson Couper.

April 08, 1884

EBC - Piazza Risorgemento - Avezzano, Italy
HWJake Kilrain (#3, 25-7-0, 17KO) W10 Mervine Thompson (#5, 5-2-0, 2KO)

The opening round is a feeling out round, but then Thompson scores with a brutal shot to the abdomen at the bell. Kilrain doesn't much like getting hit to the body, so he backs Thompson into a corner and opens up with crosses and uppercuts while Thompson's only answer is to cover up. Kilrain starts round 3 with a nice left hook upstairs, and they remain locked together like bull mooses in a rut, and it's Kilrain who takes the round with his experience on the inside. Thompson is gassed by the 4th, and Kilrain starts to tear him down with body work and the occasional uppercut. Round 5 is shaping up to be more of the same, when suddenly Thompson snaps the former champion's head back with an uppercut that opens a horrible cut on an eyelid at the bell. They get the cut closed, and Kilrain opens the 6th with a renewed sense of urgency. 40 seconds in Kilrain drops the rookie with a tremendous shot to the ribcage that drops Thompson for a 9 count. Kilrain scores with combinations upstairs for most of the rest of round 6. Round 7 is too close to call with the time being split between each man without a jab in sight. Jake absolutely hammers Thompson in the 8th, and it's amazing that Thompson stays on his feet throughout the brutal assault. Thompson lands a nice thudding uppercut early in the 9th, but Kilrain soon makes up the difference in volume punching. Kilrain lands a sneak right hand 20 seconds into the final round, and Thompson suffers a flash knockdown for a 3 count. A minute into the fnal round Kilrain lands a hook to the body that drops Thompson for a 9 count this time. Kilrain does some great work on the inside trying to finish Thompson, but he has enough ring saavy to hang on for dear life most of the final round. The final scorecards make Jake Kilrain the winner by unanimous decision.

April 1, 1884

April is here! Schedule and rankings soon, no foolin'.

March 29, 1884

EBC - Kezar Pavilion - San Francisco, CA
LW(R4)(T)Barney Donovan (Chmp, 20-0-0, 18KO) KO4 Sam Bittle (#3, 10-6-4, 5KO)

The bout begins at a pedestrian pace, but Donovan scores with a picture perfect uppercut with a minute left in the 1st, that leaves Bittle trying to get his legs under himself. In the 2nd both start wrestling and it's an ugly foul-filled affair for a while. In round 3 Donovan wastes no time, scoring with a big uppercut early in the round, and then he just savages Bittle for about 2 minutes 30 with a varied and awesome attack. Somehow Bittle who sports a damaged eye, survives the round, but Donvan knocks him down with a right cross at 1:40 of the 4th. Bittle rises at 4, and again Donovan just hammers Bittle finishing it with a right cross that floors Sam with 30 seconds remaining in round 4. Bittle tries with all his might, but he just can't beat the count. The champion Donovan looks awesome delivering a brutally impressive knockout in defense of his EBC lightweight crown.

March 11, 1884

EBC - St Joseph Civic Arena - St Joseph, MO
HW(R6)John L Sullivan (#1, 23-3-0, 17KO) L9 George OC Godfrey (#3, 18-7-0, 11KO)

Godfrey does a good job with the footwork early, and he clearly takes the 2nd as Sullivan pursues in vain. Sullivan staggers "Old Chocolate" early in the 3rd, but by holding and some nice work inside, the round is virtually even at the bell. The pair trades power punches in the 4th and Sullivan finally looks like he should be in there with the smooth boxing Canadian staggering him late in the round with a right cross. Then something weird happens. Sullivan finds himself exhausted and wishing he'd trained harder in round 5, and late in the round Godfrey catches him with the cleanest right hand he's ever thrown and Sullivan goes down for a 6 count. Luckily for John L theres only 20 seconds left in round 5, and he does a good job of outworking Godfrey in the 6th scoring with right hands. But something's just missing from Sullivan's usually viscious attacks, and Godfrey slickly keeps him off balance. Godfrey is barely sweating in the 8th, and Sullivan puffs and wheezes. Sullivan lands a huge right hand a minute into round 8, but Godfrey takes it and then lands his own right hand that drops Sullivan again for a 4 count this time. Godfrey follows up his advantage with a series of lightning fast combinations forcing the Boston Strong Boy to cover up. They knock heads and Sullivan starts to stream blood from an eyebrow as the disastrous 8th round concludes. They stop the bleeding but Sullivan stops cutting off the ring and pursues again letting Godfrey do pretty much anything he wants while moving away. A minute into round 9 Godfrey lands a thudding uppercut that staggers John, and Godfrey launches a great attack and he can't miss with his right hand. The cut reopens and the doctor takes a look with 30 seconds left in round 9, and just to add insult to injury the referee penalizes Sullivan a point for holding. In round 10 Godfrey continues his assault which reopens the cut again at 1:20 of the 10th round. Since it was caused by an accidental clash of heads they go to the scorecards, which read 87-81 twice and 88-81 for George "Old Chocolate" Godfrey. The Great John L has his streak of 5 victories over Godfrey broken which may have an effect on the rankings.

March 01, 1884

March is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

February 21, 1884

Centro Recreacional Yesterday - Turmero, Venezuela
HWDominick McCaffrey (#6, 9-7-1, 6KO) W12 Morris Grant (#10, 10-11-0, 4KO)

There is very little action and much holding early, but Grant scores with hard uppercuts in round 3. McCaffrey does some nice work in round 4, but the holding commences again in round 5. Dominick hammers him to the body in rounds 6 and 7, and the toll on Grant's legs is obvious. Grant tries to slow the pace of the bout with holding and movement, and it works to a degree. Half way through round 9 McCaffrey switches his attack to upstairs and Grant's left eye balloons up after the round. Both fighters are gassed by the 11th, and McCaffrey's superior footwork is in evidence. McCaffrey traps Grant on the ropes in the final round, and he whales away to the head and Dom obviously wins the round. McCaffrey takes the razor close majority decision 115-113, 114-114 and 116-112 for Dominick McCaffrey.

February 09, 1884

EBC - Light Guard Armory - Detroit, MI
HW(R2)(T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 14-0-0, 9KO) W15 Frank Slavin (#4, 6-3-0, 5KO)

Slavin stuns the champion with a right haymaker half-way through round 1, and he scores several more times with the right in the opening canto. Jackson seems to be having problems with Slavin's defense, so late in the 2nd he puts his hands at his sides and hangs his chin out, and Slavin stings him in the kisser and the champ wobbles again. Slavin scores with a monstrous uppercut to start round 3, but "The Black Prince" scores with a big right hand off the ropes a few seconds later. Peter scores with a series of uppercuts that leaves Slavin in terrible trouble but he survives. Slavin lands with right hands that stagger the champion again early in the 4th, and those in attendance rise and roar their approval. Slavin is punched out in the 5th, and the champion does a good job with the jab and Frank's right eye swells a bit. Jackson starts to attack from the outside in round 6, and by the 8th Slavin's eye is a mess and he is completely gassed. Slavin staggers the champ when he returns to power punches and though the round is even Jackson looks good in the face of adversity. Jackson does all the work in the 10th, but in round 11 Jackson breaks his right hand and Slavin starts to throw. Round 12 sees Jackson jabbing and moving while Slavin blinks his badly swollen eye. Jackson continues to outwork Slavin despite the broken hand, but Slavin takes the final round when the champ, thinking he has it won, plays defense exclusively in the 15th. It turns out that Jackson is right, and he takes the unanimous decision by a tally of 144-141, 144-142 and 145-140 for the winner and still EBC heavyweight champion, Peter Jackson!

February 03, 1884

EBC - National Sporting Club - London, England
LW(R2)(T)Barney Donovan (#1, 19-0-0, 17KO) KO1 Bill Parker (7-5-0, 0KO)

A minute into the bout Donovan lands a deadly accurate uppercut that floors Parker. Although it seems that Bill will rise, he just misses getting up in time. Barney Donovan wins the EBC Lightweight Championship by sudden and unexpected knockout.

February 01, 1884

February is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

January 29, 1884

EBC - Doncaster Dome - Doncaster, England
HWGeorge OC Godfrey (#3, 17-7-0, 11KO) KO3 James R Couper (#6, 6-5-1, 4KO)

The first round sees a high-speed shootout with Godfrey on top, but round 2 features a couple of nasty head butts for which Godfrey is warned. Early in the 3rd round "Old Chocolate" times a jab to land a counter hook that puts Couper into a lovely slumber. George Godfrey by 3rd round knockout.

January 27, 1884

EBC - Coliseo Pedro Julio Nolasco - LaRomana, Dominican Republic
HWMike Conley (#9, 4-3-0, 3KO) KOby5 Frank Herald (#10, 7-5-0, 6KO)

Both men eschew the jab in round 1 producing a cut eye for Conley, and those in attendance come to their feet in appreciation of the power punch. Round 2 was proceding at a pedestrian pace when suddenly Conley drops Herald for a 3 count with a right hand lead just as the round ends. The knockdown really shakes up Herald and Conley lands every punch in the 3rd, but half way through the 4th Frank lands a shot that sends Conley staggering across the ring. In round 5 Herald parleys his advantage with a series of right hand leads that finally sees Conley on the deck taking the full 10 count. Frank Herald gets off the deck to deliver a thrilling knockout in 5 completely violent rounds.

January 23, 1884

EBC - Carousel Casino - Temba, South Africa
LW(R3)Barney Donovan (#1, 18-0-0, 16KO) TKO4 Bill Mahan (#2, 10-3-0, 6KO)

Top lightweight contender Barney Donovan (#1) scores a 4th round TKO of Bill Mahan (#2)in a thriller. Mahan outhustles the heavily favored Donovan early, but Barney opens the 2nd with a concussive uppercut that stuns Mahan. In round 3 the pace slows as both men box cautiously, but in the 4th Donovan wobbles Billy with an uppercut, then drops him for a 4 count with a right cross. Donovan throws right hands exclusively in the follow up, and he finally gets referee Saugmann to stop the fight with a few seconds remaining in round 4.

January 04, 1884

EBC - Burlington Hotel - Birmingham, England
LW(R3)Martin E Snee (#5, 5-4-0, 3KO) L10 Bill Parker (#3, 7-4-0, 0KO)

Lightweight Bill Parker (#3) wins a split decision from Martin E Snee (#5). Snee employs some good movement in the 1st, but Parker just outhustles him. Snee lands a thudding left hook in the 2nd, and he continues to apply pressure to the light hitting Parker in the 3rd. Parker traps Snee on the ropes early in the 4th, and he unloads a couple of thudding body shots that see Snee in considerable pain. After the 5th, Snee has a stamina crisis and Parker takes full advantage. Martin finally comes around in the 8th, and he has Parker covering up after some nasty combinations. While there's plenty of clinching late, very little action occurs. When the final scorecards are tallied they show a split decision victory for Bill Parker 96-94 twice and a shocking 98-93 for Snee on the third card. Bill Parker will face the winner of the Barney Donovan vs Bill Mahan scrap for the vacant EBC Lightweight Championship by March 1884 at the latest.

January 1, 1884

January is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

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