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April 29, 1885

EBC - Farm Bureau Building - Indianapolis, IN
LWJack McAuliffe (#1, 9-0-0, 7KO) KO2 Bill Parker (#2, 8-8-0, 1KO)

After a slow start, McAuliffe pins the former champ into a corner to rally the last half of the opening round. Round 2 is looking identical, when McAuliffe lands a deep dish uppercut that floors Parker for the full count with a mere 3 seconds left in round 2. Jack McAuliffe is the winner by 2nd round knockout.

April 24, 1885

EBC - Discoteca Mad - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
HW(R2)Frank Slavin (#5, 7-6-0, 6KO) L12 John P Clow (#10, 14-7-1, 4KO)

In round 1 defense is just a word and both men land frightful power punches but Clow's better accuracy takes the round to open, and Slavin catches a warning for leaning on the shorter Clow's neck. Round 2 is pretty even until Slavin lands a right cross a few seconds before the bell that makes Clow take a few steps to keep his balance. Slavin attacks the body with gusto in round 3,until Clow scores with a right uppercut that sends the woozy Slavin skidding on the ropes. Slavin catches Clow with a flush right hand lead in the early 4th, so John holds mostly in the 4th until a two-way rally thrills them for the final 40 seconds or so. Slavin roars across the ring to open round 5, scoring with a monster of a left hook the sees Clow stunned and wincing from the pain. Slavin pours on the punishment for the rest of the round, and Clow shows a puffy eye and possibly a two-point round. Clow outhustles Slavin, who looks pretty punched out, for the whole of round 6 and 7. Frank recovers and he starts to connect to Clow's body, and all of this triggers a beautiful exchange at ring center that once again brings the fight fans to their feet at the bell ending round 8. Slavin opens the 9th with a nasty right hand lead that staggers Clow again, and it's pretty obvious that both guys are pretty exhausted. Two minutes into round 9, Slavin lands with a combination that has Clow in serious trouble with no legs at all. Clow holds and scores with a couple jabs at the end of the round. Slavin lands with a nice right hand to the jaw half way through round 10, but Clow and his snappy jab control the rest of round 10. Clow's eye looks pretty bad as round 11 begins, but neither fighter obviously takes the round. Clow is doing a neat job of controlling round 12 with his jab, when suddenly with 15 seconds left in the bout, Clow lands a perfect leaping right cross that floors Frank Slavin for a 5 count! Slavin survives until the final bell after rising, but the final scorecard shows 114-113 for Slavin, 116-111 for Clow and 115-112 for the winner by split decision John P Clow!

April 20, 1885

EBC - Discoteca Mad - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
HWPat Killen (#7, 9-3-0, 6KO) TKO2 Tom Lees (#6, 6-2-1, 3KO)

Lees gets a hard right hand lead home 30 seconds into the very 1st round, Lees breaks out a very effective program of combinations until Killen unloads a right hand that has Lees hearing voices until the end of round 1. Killen is totally punched-out in the 2nd, so Lees recovers to easily take the round. Killen unleashes a nasty body attack in the 3rd, and Lees lands nary one punch. Early in round 4 Lees scores with a left hook that cuts Killen on an eyelid, Pat paws at the cut, looks at blood on his glove, and then throws a majestic right hand lead that drops right on Lees' chin putting him down and out. The winner by clean knockout in round 4 is Pat Killen.

April 02, 1885

EBC - Everton Park Sports Centre - Liverpool, England
HW(R2)Peter Jackson (#2, 17-2-0, 11KO) TKO2 Paddy Ryan (#4, 15-12-0, 3KO)

Jackson flashes a fast jab, and Ryan has a cut under his right eye after the round, and early in round 2 Jackson lands a body shot that visibly deflates Ryan. While Jackson is following up Ryan eats an uppercut that hurts him bad and Ryan's eye begins to bleed again. Jackson keeps up the pressure and he lands a huge uppercut that wobbles Ryan and forces referee Krupenich to stop the fight. Peter Jackson wins by 2nd round TKO.

April 01, 1885

April is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

March 28, 1885

EBC - Everton Park Sports Centre - Liverpool, England
HW(R2)Joe Lannon (#13, 5-3-1, 0KO) L12 Tom Lees (#8, 6-1-1, 3KO)

Lees lands about the most perfect left hook anyone's ever seen half-way through the round, and only by holding is Lannon able to survive the 1st. Lannon holds and leans on Lees' neck for which he receives a warning in round 2. Lannon slows the pace a bit in the 3rd, and in round 4 Lees scores with a right hand lead that almost takes Lannon's head off. The rest of round 4 sees Lees hammering Lannon upstairs with hooks and uppercuts before Lannon recovers. Lannon remembers his jab in round 5, and uses it to pretty good effect in a close round. Lees puts together a rally at the end of round 6 to take the round, he pulls the same trick at the end of the 7th and Lees' trainer Fritz Sdunek is seen tearing hair from his head from the high action round. Round 8 is another round with dense action, and Lannon barely scores better overall. Lannon clearly takes round 9 with an aggressive attack downstairs. The 10th is once again Lannon's for the taking, but not much occurs in round 11. A minute into the final round Lees backs Lannon in a corner and fires away. It wasn't a definitive rally, but it may have swung a judge over in the round. The final scorecard reads 116-112 twice and 115-113 for Tom Lees!

March 16, 1885

EBC - Everton Park Sports Centre - Liverpool, England
HW(R2)Pat Killen (#9. 8-3-0, 7KO) KO3 Dick Matthews (#7, 8-9-1, 5KO)

Both fighters seem unwilling to mix it up in the 1st, but then Killen drops him with a lead right hand for a 3 count. Killen clubs Matthew to the canvas with another wild right hand. Matthews rises at 6, and Killen bum rushes him with a couple more of those deadly right hands at the bell. Matthews gets his revenge in the next round when he nails Killen to the body, and Pat's footwork is noticeably slower after round 2. In round 3 both men seem reluctant to mix it up, until Killen lands a combination to the chin and drops Dick at the 1:30 mark of round 3. Matthews tries his best, but he cannot beat the count. Winner by clean knockout is Pat Killen.

March 13, 1885

EBC - Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino - Rochester, WA
LW(R3)(T)Barney Donovan (#1, 22-1-0, 19KO) W15 George Taylor (Chmp, 13-10-4, 2KO)

The action unfolds slowly right up until Donovan drops the first right hand on Taylor's jaw half-way through the 1st, but then Taylor scores with a brutal left hook counter that staggers Donovan. Barney takes control of the bout in the 2nd, scoring heavily with the uppercut. The action slows in the 3rd, until Donovan lands the uppercut again and the champion Taylor wobbles again and then they knock heads which cuts Taylor near an eye. The 4th and 5th are both yawners with a slight edge to Donovan, and Barney attacks the body with a nice right hand, and Taylor is in full retreat with a swollen eye the rest of round 6. Early in the 7th Donovan staggers him with a left hook, which makes Taylor slow down the pace for the rest of the round pretty effectively. Donovan clearly takes round 8 with his footwork and a nice jab, and both men open up in round 9 with again Donovan clearly taking the round and reopening the cut by Taylor's eye. Both boxers are very cautious in the 10th, with Donovan scoring a hard shot to the top of Taylor's head just at the bell. Donovan is taking the 11th when he breaks his right hand, allowing Taylor to make up some ground in the round. Taylor's eye is nearly shut before the 12th, so Taylor slows the action by holding and neither fighter lands until 2 minutes are gone from the round. Donovan lands a couple nice right hands at the bell. A minute into round 13 Donovan lands a wild overhand right that floors Taylor for 3 count and Donovan reacts with pain in his hand. Donovan opens up for the rest of the round and Taylor's eye is closed. Taylor's corner does a good job with the swollen eye, but in the 14th Donovan just continues to beat up on the exhausted champion. Predictably Donovan does all the work in the final round, but Taylor survives til the end. The scorecards show Donovan the unanimous winner going away. Barney Donovan recaptures his crown.

EBC - Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino - Rochester, WA
LWJack McAuliffe (#2, 8-0-0, 6KO) TKO1 Paddy Smith (#3, 5-1-0, 1KO)

The very first punch that McAuliffe lands drops Smith for a 4 count about 35 seconds into the bout, and he exerts an awesome pressure on Smith, but then McAuliffe shakes his right hand after landing on Smith's forehead. McAuliffe switches to the left hook, and with 45 seconds left in the very first round he drops Smith again. Smith rises at 8, but then McAuliffe tears into him, eager to finish the fight before his injured hand can be a factor. He lands a pair of hard left hooks before referee Saugmann stops the fight with 35 seconds left in the very first round.

March 03, 1885

EBC - Thistle Heathrow Park Hotel - London, England
HW(R2)Peter Jackson (#1, 16-2-0, 11KO) TKO10 Jack Bubbles Davis (#10, 9-9-4, 2KO)

The first is a feeling out round for starters, but it's obvious that Jackson was taking the measure of Davis as he lands devastating shot after shot in the early 2nd, but Jackson still seems much more interested in defense than taking Davis out. Jackson is still listless, and the crowd lets them know it in the 3rd round. A minute into the 4th Davis lands a huge uppercut that has Jackson backing away and wobbly, but Jackson comes back strong when he lands a concussive uppercut with 45 seconds left in the 4th. Jackson tears into the stunned Davis, and he barely is able to last the round after Jackson cuts loose like he hadn't in this fight. Early in the 5th Jackson moves Davis into a corner, and he lands some nice shots while Davis tries to free himself. Davis lands a big right hand that has Jackson reaching for the ropes to hold himself up, but luckily for Jackson there's only 20 seconds left in the 5th. Jackson opens up big time in the 6th round, dropping Davis for a 9 count with a viscious right hand lead. Jackson tears into the reeling Davis with a little less than 2 minutes left in the 6th, and Davis holds like a movie starlet to survive the 6th. Jackson continues his drubbing of Davis in round 7, but Davis slows things down in the 8th holding and looking for the haymaker. Peter lands a nasty combination a minute into the 9th, and Davis covers up and runs. Jackson staggers him with a nice uppercut and Davis can't do anything in return, and referee Roman almost jumps in to stop it as the 9th expires. Both men come out swinging in the final round, and Jackson continues to beat up Davis until FINALLY with 25 seconds left in the bout the referee stops the bout. Although Bubbles Davis makes a heroic stand, Peter Jackson takes him out in the 10th round by TKO.

March 01, 1884

March is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

February 21, 1885

EBC - Motor Square Garden - Pittsburgh, PA
HW(R6)(T)John L Sullivan (#2, 25-3-0, 18KO) TKO6 George OC Godfrey (Chmp, 21-8-0, 13KO)

Sullivan starts the fight easily reaching the usually slippery Godfrey, and Godfrey wobbles more than once. Godfrey rallies in the last 30 seconds of the opening round, and the first 2 frames are more or less even. Godfrey staggers Sullivan late in round 2, he throws until the round ends. Godfrey attacks Sullivan's slight paunch, and he scores well enough to take the round. Sullivan lands a huge haymaker at the beginning of round 4, and a right hand that puts the champion on the run late in the 4th. Sullivan drops a big uppercut onto Godfrey's chin with a minute left in the 5th, and Godfrey reaches for the ropes to avoid going down, and he's also cut. Sullivan makes the cut a lot worse with a right hand at the end of round 5, and the doctor has a look. Round 6 sees Sullivan attacking Godfrey's nose where the cut is, and it's not long before there's a stream of blood on Godfrey's face. The doctor again has a look half-way through the round, and this time he stops the fight for Godfrey's safety. John L Sullivan regains the EBC Heavyweight Title by TKO in 6!

February 11, 1885

EBC - La Villita - San Antonio, TX
HWMike Conley (#4 ,9-4-1, 6KO) L12 Paddy Ryan (#6, 15-11-0, 3KO)

After a big start by Conley, Ryan gives an amazing display of raw aggression, hammering Conley until he drops for a 3 count in the 1st round. Ryan keeps the pressure up in round 2, staggering him with an uppercut. Ryan chases Conley in the 3rd with some success with the right hand, but Conley comes roaring back in round 4 hammering him with uppercuts and right hand leads including a right hand at the bell that almost drops Ryan. A minute into round 5 Ryan lands a wicked left hook counter that drops Conley with a freshly swollen eye for a 6 count. A minute into round 6 Conley staggers Ryan with a right hand, and a particularly sweet uppercut and Ryan looks like a man ready to quit. Ryan rallies in the 7th, targeting a rapidly swelling eye, and he staggers Conley with a perfect right cross as the round ends. Ryan uses some brilliant footwork and a sound defense to shutout Conley in the 8th round, and Conley is staggered twice in round 8. Ryan bum-rushes Conley at the beginning of round 9, dropping him with an uppercut for a 3 count. Ryan continues his mastery for the rest of round 9, and Conley barely scores a punch in the 9th. 45 seconds into round 10 Conley lands a devastating right hand that has Ryan trying to regain his balance. Ryan recovers and they go toe-to-toe at ring center for the rest of the 10th bringing them to their feet. Ryan's eye shows a swelling after the 10th, and it slows Ryan down in the 11th though he still wins the round clearly. Ryan cautiously works from behind a peek-a-boo defense in the final round, and Conley takes the round. The final scorecard shows 117-109 twice and 118-109 for Paddy Ryan!

February 05, 1885

EBC - Club Nova - Newcastle, Australia
FWTommy Danforth (#3, 20-1-3, 10KO) KO4 Sam Baxter (#5, 4-3-1, 0KO)

Baxter lands a nice right cross at the 40 second mark, which enrages Danforth who throws a thunderous uppercut that drops the englishman for a 3 count. Danforth lands a few good shots in the follow up, but Baxter survives until the end of round 1 at least. Baxter does a good job of keeping his feet moving in round 2, and he lands some nice shots while Danforth looks for the haymaker with no results in round 3. In round 4 Danforth switches to a body attack, and it is very effective in slowing Baxter's feet until Baxter walks into an uppercut that drops him. Though he makes a gallant attempt, Baxter cannot rise to beat the count. Tommy Danforth is the winner by 4th round knockout, and he will meet a fighter to be named for the vacant EBC featherweight title.

February 01, 1885

February is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

January 27, 1885

EBC - Octagon, Centre - Sheffield, England
HWJake Kilrain (#3, 27-7-0, 18KO) W12 Patsy Cardiff (#10, 3-2-2, 1KO)

Kilrain is wild in round 1, and although Cardiff makes him miss mostly, Patsy barely lands a punch at all himself. Cardiff opens the 2nd with an uppercut that even those in the back row of attendance heard crash into Jake's noggin, and Patsy does all the work in the round. Half-way through the 4th Kilrain scores with a series of jabs and one right hand, but round 5 sees almost no action at all. Kilrain finally catches a couple warnings for leaning on Cardiff's neck in the 6th, and in the 7th round Cardiff scores with a wicked right cross that sees Kilrain stagger blindly across the ring at the end of the round. Cardiff looks gassed at the beginning of the 8th, so Kilrain picks up the pace attacking on the inside with hooks and uppercuts. Cardiff takes the 9th with some aggressive work upstairs, but Kilrain just punishes the canadian in round 10 and Cardiff's eye swells up after the round. Both men fire wild haymakers that mostly miss because of Cardiff's increasing blindness in the final 2 rounds. The final scorecard reads 117-112 for Kilrain, 115-114 for Cardiff and 116-114 for the winner by split decision Jake Kilrain!

January 19, 1885

EBC - Knox Regional Netball Centre - Victoria, Australia
HW(R2)Peter Jackson (#2, 15-2-0, 10KO) KO4 Frank Slavin (#5, 7-5-0, 6KO)

In the biggest night in Australian boxing history thusfar, a former champion battles a former title challenger, both at home. Jackson lands the very first lead right hand and it hurts Slavin bad, and Jackson scores consistently with power shots in the opening round until Slavin wobbles him with a body shot at the bell. Frank launches a leaping uppercut that scores early in the 2nd, and after a modest follow up Jackson scores heavily to the body resulting in an even frame. 10 seconds into round 3 the former champion lands a right cross that floors Slavin for a 4 count, and he lays into Slavin with body punches while Frank covers up and holds for the rest of the round. A the beginning of round 4 "The Black Prince" maneuvers Slavin into a corner, and then he drops Frank with a lead right hand for the full count of 10. Former EBC heavyweight boss Peter Jackson scores a 4th round knockout of Frank Slavin, a much more decisive result than Jackson's unanimous decision over Slavin in 15 rounds in February of 1884.

January 16, 1885

EBC - Fitzgeralds Casino - Tunica, MS
HWJohn L Sullivan (#1, 25-3-0, 18KO) TKO5 Frank Herald (#8, 10-7-0, 7KO)

Herald is staggered in the opening minute, and the best Frank can do is to cover up as Sullivan hammers him with right hands. In the 2nd Sullivan attacks the body early, and he scores with some uppercuts upstairs late while Herald lands almost nothing at all. Herald does better in round 3, when both men continue to attack the body. Sullivan scores with some nice right hands off his jab in round 4, and early in round 5 Herald lands a hard right hand which staggers and then infuriates Sullivan. John L immediately lands a right hand that floors Herald for a 4 count, and then with a minute left in the round he drops Herald again for a 7 count. Sullivan swarms the man with punches, and the referee stops the fight with 20 seconds left in round 5. John L Sullivan wins by TKO in the 5th round.

January 12, 1885

EBC - International Convention Centre - Birmingham, England
LW(R5)(T)Billy Dacey (Chmp, 6-5-0, 4KO) L15 George Taylor (#5, 13-9-4, 1KO)

The action unfolds slowly in the early going, and it's the champion Dacey who comes out first with a pretty good 3rd round featuring Dacey's uppercut. The glacial pace resumes in the 4th, and it's not until round 6 that Taylor staggers the champ with a nasty body attack that commences late in the round. Round 7 sees Taylor scoring to the body again, but then he goes a bit too low and referee Shiavone takes a point from George. Round 8 is a great action round and it's Taylor and his late rally that takes it, and by this point Dacey is gassed and George begins to take full advantage in the 9th headhunting with his excellent uppercut. The action slows by the 11th when the exhausted Dacey holds and fights in spurts, but Taylor continues to do just a bit more round after round late. Taylor logs a bunch more body work in a pretty spectacular rally in the final round, and Dacey's legs are totally gone at this point. George Taylor takes Dacey's EBC crown by way of one-sided unanimous decision.

January 01, 1885

January is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

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