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Eternity Boxing Council News

EBC Recent News

January 01, 1886

January is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

December 19, 1885

EBC - George Carnall Leisure Center - Manchester, England
HWJohn P Clow (#11, 16-8-1, 5KO) TKO4 Dominick McCaffrey (#8, 18-11-1, 12KO)

Clow uncharacteristically comes out firing the right hand in round 1, but McCaffrey responds well landing a huge left hook at the bell finishing a thrilling frame. Clow is methodically taking round 2, when he lands a huge right cross that snaps McCaffrey's head back and cuts him on the left eyelid which is a bad place for a cut. They get the cut to stop bleeding between rounds, and Clow proceeds with outhustling McCaffrey when the action goes inside. A minute into round 4 McCaffrey lands a beauty of a right cross that staggers Clow and cuts him under an eye. Just 30 seconds later Clow lands an uppercut that reopens McCaffrey's nasty looking cut. The doctor comes in to take a look, and he immediately stops the fight. John Clow wins on a cuts TKO in round 4 of their bout.

December 06, 1885

EBC - LaLaguna Auditorium - Torreon, Mexico
LW(T)Barney Donovan (Chmp, 26-1-0, 22KO) KO11 George Powell (#5, 7-3-0, 2KO)

Powell looks great landing a hard uppercut in the 1st that stuns the champion for a moment, and Powell is winning the 2nd too but Donovan flurries in the final seconds of round 2 to make the round close. Donovan explodes a right hand on Powell's jaw which freezes the challenger, and Donovan clearly takes the 3rd round with the effective and economical follow up to the big shot. Donovan scores big again with the right hand in round 4, but Powell meets him at ring center to make the round an amazing display of top notch action with the champion having a slight edge. Donovan lets his hands go again in the 5th, and Powell has no answer this time. Donovan traps Powell in a corner early in round 6, but the inside fight features holding and wrestling mostly. Powell picks up a warning for an alleged low blow in round 7, and both men again meet at ring center to trade power shots. Donovan takes the round as Powell just doesn't have the firepower to hang in a slugfest with the powerful champion. Both men go to the body early in the 8th, and then Donovan lands some beautiful right hands in the second half of the round. Powell begins to swell on his left eye, and round 9 sees Powell rediscover his jab and Donovan walloping him to the body at the bell. Powell takes the 10th with the jab, and a couple of hard uppercuts late in the round. 30 seconds into round 11 Donovan lands the perfect left hook counter, and Powell tastes the canvas. He's up at 6, but he's back down from an uppercut about 10 seconds later. This time Powell cannot beat the count. EBC Lightweight champion Barney Donovan defends his title with an 11th round knockout.

December 05, 1885

EBC - Doncaster Dome - Doncaster, England
HWPat Killen (#4, 12-4-0, 10KO) W10 Mike Conley (#6, 10-5-3, 6KO)

Killen fires away at Conley's midsection in the 1st, and he lands repeatedly and Conley finds himself in trouble in the closing seconds of the round. Killen scores with a hook that cuts Conley near his right eye in round 2, and after hammering Conley to the body Killen drops him with a right cross and a minute left in round 2. Mike rises at 3 none the worse for wear, and he uses his feet to escape any further damage in the 2nd. They stop the bleeding in Conley's corner, and Conley opens up to stagger Killen with a series of uppercuts in round 3. The 4th round is shaping up to be a resting round, when abruptly with a minute remaining in the round Killen drops Conley again with a nasty combination. Conley is up at the count of 8, but his legs look bad this time. Killen punishes him with hooks upstairs for the rest of the round, and Conley's other eye puffs up a bit after the round. A minute into the 5th Killen floors him again with a body shot, and he's up at 8 this time. One more perfect right cross drops Conley AGAIN in the 5th, with a minute left in the round. Once more Conley springs up at the count of 8, but he looks helpless as Killen hammers him some more. Killen staggers Mike again 40 seconds into round 6, but this time Mike tightens up the defense and goes toe-to-toe with Killen for the rest of the round bringing them to their feet again. Killen has him in trouble again after landing an uppercut to the jaw in the 7th, and although Conley isn't hurt this time his cut re-opens and the swelling worsens. A minute into round 8 Killen drops him again with an uppercut, but Conley is up at 3 and ready to fight. Killen is a bit wild after this, the 5th knockdown of Conley so both men survive to round 9. Killen is pretty much punched out, so Conley wins round 9 by a narrow margin. They trade right hands early in the final round, and it's Conley who staggers Killen this time with a pair of uppercuts. It's too little, too late for Conley, and the final bell rings with both men on their feet. Obviously Pat Killen wins the unanimous decision going away on the strength of 5 knockdowns. The severely injured Conley is not expected to fight until next summer.

December 02, 1885

EBC - Casino - Fall River, MA
HWHorace Leeds (#4, 5-1-1, 2KO) KO1 Paddy Smith (#2, 7-3-0, 1KO)

Leeds drops Smith with the very first lead right hand, and though Smith makes a show of shaking his head to clear it he cannot beat the count. Horace Leeds wins a short one by knockout in the 1st round.

December 01, 1885

December is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

November 30, 1885

EBC - Ariake Coliseum - Tokyo, Japan
HW(R3)(T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 21-2-1, 16KO) TKO11 George OC Godfrey (#2, 21-10-0, 13KO)
FW(R2)Sam Baxter (#4, 6-4-1, 0KO) KOby2 Harry Mead (#5, 19-8-6, 3KO)

After a tepid feeling out round, Mead brings the thunder in the form of a right hand that knocks Baxter unconscious early in round 2. Harry Mead wins by knockout.

Jackson outhustles his older opponent in the 1st, and he scores with a hard right hand as round 2 begins. The right hand of Jackson is very much in evidence in the 2nd, as Godfrey eats a plateful of them as "The Black Prince" pours on the punishment. Godfrey is badly fatigued in the 3rd from Jackson's attack, and he's wobbled twice from Jackson's power right hands. Jackson snaps George's head back with a hard jab early in the 4th, and then Jackson lands a series of right hands that nearly decapitate Godfrey. Suddenly with 45 seconds left in the 4th, Godfrey lands a hook to the midsection that leaves Jackson gasping for air. Peter recovers and even wins the round. In round 5 it's the same old story with Jackson pounding out the pain on the older former champion. It starts to get ugly in the 6th as Godfrey cannot keep pace with the amazing slugging machine in front of him, and Godfrey is cut on an eyelid. Godfrey starts to work the jab late in the 6th, but Jackson walks through most of them. Godfrey holds to slow the pace in the 7th, but Jackson still takes the round and Godfrey's legs look gone as he wobbles back to his corner after the round. They get Godfrey's cut closed, but Jackson hammers away and Godfrey finally starts to stagger regularly. Godfrey is in serious trouble at the end of round 8, and the bell cannot arrive soon enough for Godfrey. George nails him with a hard uppercut that staggers the champion early in the 9th, and you can hear everyone gasp as Jackson struggles to find his balance. It's a temporary setback, and Jackson scores pretty well in the second half of round 9 to make it close. 20 seconds into the 10th Jackson lands a right hand that stuns Godfrey and sends him staggering across the ring, and Godfrey can barely keep his hands up so Jackson punishes him with uppercuts and right crosses for the rest of the round. The badly gassed Godfrey's cut eye swells after the 10th, while Jackson looks fresh as a daisy. Jackson scores with a lead right early in the 11th that cuts Godfrey on his other eye on the inside of the brow. Jackson works on the new cut for about 20 seconds before referee Cole stops the fight for Godfrey's safety. Peter Jackson successfully defends the EBC heavyweight title with an 11th round TKO of former champ George Godfrey.

November 26, 1885

EBC - Cesar Palace - Hermosillo, Mexico
LW(R2)Jack McAuliffe (#1, 11-1-0, 9KO) TKO4 Jack Hall (#3, 5-2-0, 3KO)

There is only light action in the 1st, with Hall scoring a couple times more than McAuliffe. Then McAuliffe drops Hall half-way through the 2nd for a 4 count, and Jack M scores heavily in the follow up too. McAuliffe hammers Hall all over the ring in the 3rd, and the 4th also is a savage beating until referee Ortega stops the slaughter. Jack McAuliffe wins by 4th round TKO.

November 17, 1885

EBC - Ice World - Totowa, NJ
LW(R3)Bill Mahan (#4, 12-6-0, 7KO) W12 Billy Dacey (#6, 9-7-0, 4KO)

30 seconds into the opening round Mahan scores with an uppercut that wobbles Dacey badly, but Dacey tries to fight him off instead of holding and he pays the price eating many shots. In the 2nd both boys catch a rest early, then it's Mahan with some snappy jabs late. Dacey comes on strong in the 3rd and after building a nice lead he stuns Mahan with a left hook, and he keeps Mahan at bay for the rest of the round. Round 4 is shaping up to be even when suddenly Mahan scores with a right cross that snaps Dacey's head back as well as drawing first blood from Dacey's mouth. Round 5 has just started when Mahan drops Dacey like he shot him, and although Dacey rises at 6 he looks pretty dazed. Mahan attacks with high and low combinations which flummoxes Dacey and stacks the points for Mahan. It's a little eerie how much the 6th resembles the 5th, as Mahan drops him again 30 seconds in and Dacey gets up at 6. Dacey sports the beginnings of a swelling on his eye before the 7th, and he works very hard to keep pace with the man who's been hammering him and he comes away with a slight lead in the round. The next round is pretty close and each man lands well. Dacey is completely gassed after the round, but he does land one hard right hand in the 9th. Mahan comes back to win the round, and in round 10 Mahan commences laying a whipping on Dacey which finishes with big style when Dacey eats an uppercut that drops him for an 8 count. Round 11 features some nasty infighting by both men, and Mahan again stuns Dacey with a shot to the jaw late in the round. Mahan scores with a big hook early in the final round, and Dacey wobbles again with that swelling growing worse with each passing second. Mahan hammers him again with a right hand that floors Dacey again for a 6 count. Mahan scores a few more times, but he can't log the knockout. Obviously Bill Mahan wins the unanimous decision going away. For the second time in 3 weeks Mahan is victorious over Dacey and this time he really punishes Dacey.

November 12, 1885

EBC - 4th and B - San Diego, CA
LWPaddy Smith (#2, 7-2-0, 1KO) W10 Bill Parker (#7, 8-10-0, 1KO)

The action is crisp in the opening round, as both men have their chances and each lands frequently. Smith starts to tear him down with combinations in round 2, and in round 3 Smith unsheaths the right hand and Parker is stunned pretty good once. Parker jumps on his bicycle so Smith doesn't land much in round 4, but Parker has the start of a shiner by the end of the round. The action tails off in round 5, and Parker barely leads in the 6th. Round 7 has some great action and it's Paddy Smith who intiates most of it. Round 8 is boooorrrrring, as Parker slows the pace even more. Smith takes over in the 9th, throwing right crosses of his jabs expertly. Paddy Smith clearly wins the final round, and the scorecards read 97-93, 98-93 and 96-94.

November 04, 1885

EBC - Fitzgeralds Casino - Tunica, MS
HWDuncan McDonald (#9, 12-6-3, 1KO) D10 Mike Conley (#6, 10-4-3, 6KO)

Conley comes into the ring bone dry, and McDonald takes full advantage sticking and moving while Conley comes up empty in round 1. Conley lands a pair of hard uppercuts half-way through round 2, and late in the round Conley scores to the body well. Although Duncan lands a couple shots in the 3rd, it's mostly a demonstration of wrestling. Conley probably takes round 4 with couple of uppercuts, and round 5 is clearly Conley's round with a mix of uppercuts and hooks off the jab. Both men tire in the 6th, but the result is more action and less defense and it brings them to their feet. McDonald gets the better of some excellent action in the 7th, and Conley is looking very tired after the round. In round 8 Conley literally doesn't land a punch to repeat his 1st round output, while McDonald scores quite often without getting crazy. McDonald knows he's way ahead so the last 2 rounds are spent behind a high guard while Conley swells on his right eye late. The audience can hardly believe their ears when the bout is called a draw!

November 01, 1885

November is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

October 31, 1885

EBC - Piazza Risorgemento - Avezzano, Italy
LW(R3)Billy Dacey (#2, 9-6-0, 4KO) KOby7 Bill Mahan (#7, 11-6-0, 7KO)

The opening round is a feeling out round that makes those in attendance restless, but Mahan attacks with right handed haymakers in the 2nd scoring several times. Dacey flurries early in the 3rd, but Mahan does it right back later in the round producing an even round. Round 4 is more of the same, with evenly matched fighters fighting very close rounds. Late in round 5 Dacey walks him down into a corner, but it's Mahan who scores more often with some clean counterpunches. Mahan lands a thudding uppercut that stuns Dacey early in round 6, but Dacey tightens up the D and Mahan can't do much with his opportunity. There's obviously some lingering effects from that uppercut, because Mahan nails him with a right cross 20 seconds into the 7th that floors Dacey for the full 10 count. Mahan is the winner by 7th round KO.

October 22, 1885

EBC - Pando Coliseo Municipal - Pando, Switzerland
HWPaddy Ryan (#6, 16-12-0, 3KO) W12 Mervine Thompson (#8, 8-6-1, 2KO)

30 seconds into the bout Thompson lands a left hook to the liver that floors Ryan whose face is twisted in pain. He rises grudgingly at 3 and the bout continues. Thompson nails him with an uppercut half way through round 1, and Ryan wobbles into a corner trying to keep his hands up. Thompson lands a few more shots but Ryan isn't really hurt that bad. A minute into the 2nd, Thompson lands an uppercut that buckles Ryans knees and returns him to desperate defensive mode. Ryan starts to jab, and he lands a nice power shot to the ribs that stop Thompson dead in his tracks at the bell. In the 3rd Thompson scores with a hook to the body, then they trade light punches at ring center and Ryan takes a very slight lead in the round back to his corner. Thompson does a good job of beating his more experienced opponent to the punch in the 4th, and still early in the round Thompson lands a nasty right cross that sees Ryan again retreating full steam. Late in round 5, Paddy Ryan lands a perfect right cross and Thompson tastes the canvas. Mervine is up at 8, and Ryan tears into him upstairs until the bell. Thompson is pretty gassed before round 6, and half-way through the round Ryan lands a picture-perfect left hook flush on Thompson's chin. Thompson walks right through it and he lands an uppercut that sees Ryan trying desperately to remain standing at the bell. Round 7 is a lukewarm yawner until Ryan flurries in the last 45 seconds, and round 8 sees tepid action and holding only. Round 9 brings 'em to their feet as Thompson empties the guns one more time. Ryan catches him at the bell with some nice right hands. Thompson continues to struggle with his stamina late, while the fresh-as-a-daisy Ryan puts away the rounds in methodical fashion since Thompson tired in the 6th. By the 11th Thompson has a shiner, and he has no chance in the final round of catching Ryan who has superior technique to the crude slugger from Cleveland. Paddy Ryan takes a marginally close but unanimous decision 116-111 and 115-112 twice by winning 6 of the last 8 rounds on the cards.

October 19, 1885

EBC - Burg Waechter Castello - Dusseldorf, Germany
HW(T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 20-2-1, 15KO) KO9 Jack Ashton (#7, 5-2-0, 0KO)

After being roundly decried in wide circles, this mismatch is allowed to take Germany. Jackson flashes a fast jab early in the 1st, but he hangs a couple right hands on Ashton's beard late in round 1 and Ashton's legs already look pretty bad. Jackson continues to be deadly accurate with the right hand in round 2, and Ashton turns ashen after absorbing a huge shot to the abdomen at the bell. Jackson continues to score at will with the right hand in the 3rd, and he attacks the body with a nasty efficiency in the 4th. Early in the 5th they trade right hands, but Jackson first loads up right hands, then the combinations fly late in the round. A minute into the 6th Jackson finally gets some impact from all the right hands and Ashton goes into full retreat, but as Jackson lands a bunch of shots Ashton scores with one nasty right hand that staggers the champ for 2 seconds. Jackson punishes Ashton, scoring again and again with the right hand on Ashton's now proven sturdy chin in the 7th. As round 8 begins a swelling starts to show on Ashton's left eye, and Jackson continues to employ his very successful strategy of lobbing right hands until that eye looks pretty bad. Ashton has trouble keeping his arms up in the 9th, and Jackson methodically tears him down with right hands in the 9th until finally, sickeningly Ashton goes to the canvas with 6 seconds remaining in the 9th. Jack gets to his knees at the count of 7, but he pitches forward again. Heavyweight king Peter Jackson impresses no one by taking 9 full rounds to demolish a clubfighter. Ashton's eye is a hideous mess and may require surgery after the fight. The final punchstats favor Jackson 414 to 44!!!

October 12, 1885

EBC - Azalea Taisho - Osaka, Japan
FW(R3)Jacob Hyams (#1, 10-3-0, 8KO) KOby7 Torpedo Billy Murphy (#5, 15-5-0, 11KO)

The opening round is too close to call, but Murphy takes over the action in the 2nd when he stings Hyams to the body and he fouls his younger foe soaking up 2 warnings. Murphy's greater experience shows in the 3rd, with Murphy moving in and out while Hyams misses mostly. Hyams corners him in the 4th, but as Hyams attacks Murphy counters with an uppercut that floors Hyams for a 7 count. Murphy hurts him again as the 4th ends, and round 5 is more of the same as Murphy more and more takes control of the fight. Round 6 sees both fighters landing hard punches, but neither man clearly wins the round. In the 7th Murphy comes forward behind a snapping jab until he nails Hyams with a hook that drops Jake. Although he makes a gallant effort, Hyams cannot rise. Murphy is the victor by 7th round knockout.

October 11, 1885

EBC - Cancha Revolucion - Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico
HWPat Killen (#5, 11-4-0, 10KO) KO1 Billy Wilson (#10, 6-4-1, 5KO)

In a very short one, Killen blitzes Wilson into a corner and floors him with a hard uppercut. Wilson is so shell-shocked he cannot rise. Pat Killen wins by knockout in a minute and a half.

October 01, 1885

October is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

September 30, 1885

EBC - Point Theatre - Dublin, Ireland
HW(R3)(T)Peter Jackson (#1, 19-2-1, 14KO) TKO15 John L Sullivan (Chmp, 27-4-0, 20KO)
FWSam Baxter (#5, 6-3-1, 0KO) W12 Harry Mead (#3, 18-8-6, 2KO)

Mead wins a unanimous decision that isn't close. Baxter floors Mead and cuts him on an eye in taking a unanimous decision.

Jackson scores with a hard right cross with 30 seconds remaining in the opening round, but the sturdy champion takes the punch without much trouble. Sullivan lands with a power combination upstairs late in the round, and suddenly Jackson looks very vulnerable. Sullivan touches Jackson with a nasty uppercut a minute into round 2, and John L takes the round. "The Black Prince" scores with a right hand lead as round 3 begins, and Sullivan misses again and again in the round. 20 seconds into the 4th Jackson lands a pretty lead right hand, but Sullivan comes right back with a right hand of his own that stuns Jackson and after a counter combination Peter is in serious trouble. Jackson rocks Sullivan at the bell ending the 4th. Sullivan lands a couple of stiff right hands early in the 5th, and once again Jackson finds himself in trouble. Jackson does a good job of tightening his defense, and he lands a shot to the body that sees Sullivan almost bend in half. Jackson staggers Sullivan one more time, and the crowd goes wild. Looking like a sleek gleaming black panther, Jackson smoothly punishes Sullivan with combinations in the 6th, but Sullivan comes back with a right hand lead that wobbles Jackson with 2 minutes remaining in the 6th. "The Great John L" lands a series of right hands that puts Jackson at risk again, but Peter hangs tough and he comes back to make the round more or less even. Peter backs into a corner in the 7th, and Sullivan blasts away to the body staggering Jackson again. Sullivan lands right hand after right hand in the 7th, and Jackson is in big trouble. Although Jackson had taken a beating for the last couple rounds, his great defense and chin results in the champion being gassed first, from pursuing the wily Jackson. Peter easily takes the 8th, when they trade at ring center with very little defense this time. Jackson attacks the body early in round 9, but Sullivan lands 6 or 7 right hands in a row and Jackson staggers again. Peter Jackson lands the lead right hand first in round 10, and he takes most of the remaining starch out of Sullivan with a nasty uppercut that leaves John L with glassy eyes and no legs left. Jackson lands a huge left hook at the bell ending round 10, and Sullivan's knee almost touches down. John L looks like he has nothing left, and Jackson cautiously jabs in the 11th. Early in the 12th, in a first time occurance in any fight I've seen, Sullivan is penalized a point for biting Jackson's ear!!! Sullivan lands a pair of right hands later in the round, and Jackson rests behind a high guard until he hits Sullivan with a jab that cuts John L on an eyebrow. Jackson targets the eye, and Sullivan's cut gets worse prompting a visit from the doctor with a minute left in the 13th. Sullivan is allowed to fight on, if only to take more punishment. Jackson doesn't rest in the final 2 rounds, and he unleashes a torrent of power punches trying to finish off Sullivan. Finally with 1:50 remaining in the 15th, referee Roman stops the fight because of the horrific cut above the now former champion Sullivan's eye. Peter Jackson reclaims his crown with a 15th round cuts TKO.

September 24, 1885

EBC - The Castle - Boston, MA
FW(T)Young Pluto (#2, 6-1-0, 1KO) TKOby5 Tommy Danforth (Chmp, 22-1-3, 11KO)
HWPat Killen (#12, 10-4-0, 9KO) TKO3 Frank Slavin (#7, 8-7-0, 7KO)

Slavin staggers Killen with a right cross 2 minutes into the fight, but Killen fires back late in the round. Slavin gets very aggressive in the 2nd, and he's punishing Killen on the inside when Killen lands a right hook that drops Slavin. Frank rises at 4, and once again the round turns out about even except for the knockdown. Killen knows that Slavin is in distress so he keeps the pressure up in the 3rd, and Slavin cannot deal with it. Killen drops Slavin 3 times in the 3rd to end it on a TKO victory for Pat Killen.

Round 1 is dead even, while round 2 sees a very slight lead for Danforth so these rounds could go either way. Young Pluto lands a nasty uppercut just as round 3 ends, and he drops the champion for a 9 count and Danforth is quite fortunate that the bell sounds before the action can resume. Early in the 4th Danforth lands a brutal uppercut to give Pluto a taste of his own medicine. Overall round 4 is a return to the even rounds we saw earlier. Round 5 sees Danforth taking total control of the bout from his less experienced foe, and Pluto loses the round and he begins to bleed over the left eye. Danforth targets the eye, and about a minute later the referee stops the bout because of Pluto's ever worse cut eye. Tommy Danforth defends his title successfully with a 5th round TKO of talented but green Young Pluto.

September 07, 1885

EBC - St Dominics - Lewiston, ME
LW(T)Jack McAuliffe (#1, 10-1-0, 8KO) KOby11 Barney Donovan (Chmp, 25-1-0, 21KO)
HW(R2)Jack Ashton (#11, 5-1-0, 0KO) W12 Morris Grant (#10, 14-12-1, 7KO)

In rather a mismatch Jack Ashton wins in 12 over veteran gatekeeper Morris Grant, who was dropped on the way to the unanimous loss 115-112 twice and 114-112.

In the main event EBC Lightweight Champion Barney Donovan has his hands full against Jack McAuliffe early. Barney comes out hooking, but Jack lands a couple of right hand leads a minute in that put the champion on the defensive. McAuliffe backs him into a corner in round 2 and he pummels Donovan for almost the whole round and referee Donovan, no relation, is looking more and more like he wants to stop it. Barney finally looks like he's got a rally going early in the 3rd, but McAuliffe starts to land power punches half-way through the round. The champion is resilient though, and he nails Jack with an uppercut that sees him on unsteady legs for a moment. The wily champion slows the action down in round 4, but the crowd doesn't like it. In the 5th Donovan lands a lead right that sees McAuliffe staggering for a few seconds. McAuliffe scores to the body late in the round and Donovan fights off the back foot for the rest of the round. McAuliffe again attacks Donovan's body in round 6, but Donovan stuns him again with an uppercut right down the middle. With 40 seconds left in round 6 Donovan drops his challenger with another uppercut for an 8 count. McAuliffe hangs tough and he gets the chance to wobble the champ again with a nasty body punch that seems to fold Donovan in half for a second. Late in the 7th the champion staggers McAuliffe with yet another viscious uppercut. Donovan eats a nasty combination that sees him nearly off his feet, and McAuliffe dominates the action for the rest of the round. A little desperate, the champion hits McAuliffe low early in the 8th and catches a warning for it. Donovan scores well late in the round, so his illegal ploy works as the now much slowed down McAuliffe can't hold him off. McAuliffe is winning the 10th by a country mile but the champion staggers McAuliffe again with a right hand at the bell. A few seconds into the 11th Donovan lands a thudding shot to the ribs that causes McAliffe to crumble to the canvas and McAuliffe can only sit there with nothing left as the referee tolls off the full 10. Champion Barney Donovan, who played the unfamiliar role of underdog, survives a couple of gut checks to overall manhandle his most talented challenger yet with an 11th round knockout.

September 02, 1885

EBC - Knox Regional Netball Centre - Victoria, Australia
HWMike Conley (#6, 10-4-2, 6KO) W10 Tommy Chandler (#5, 5-2-1, 1KO)

Conley completely dominates his less experienced opponent in the 1st, continually stunning him with right hands and after the round Chandler sports a small swelling on his left eye. Chandler wakes up in the 2nd, producing a round too close to call right up until Conley drops Chandler at the bell for a 3 count. Round 3 is close, but it seems every time Conley lands a shot, Chandler spends a few seconds getting his bearings. Conley punishes Chandler in the 4th, and Chandler's other eye suddenly balloons up in just a few seconds after eating a hard right hand lead. Chandler finally convincingly wins a round after he traps Conley in a corner for most of round 5, jabbing and crossing off the jab well, but Tommy looks worn around the edges after the round. Half way through the 6th Tommy gets a little sloppy from weariness and Conley drops him for a 6 count. The referee takes a close look at Chandler between rounds, but the fight continues. Both boys are pretty tired here, and the next two rounds are devoid of action for the most part. Conley decides to go on defense and coast the rest of the way in round 9, but Conley takes the last round when the inexperienced Tommy Chandler can't cut off the ring on Conley. The final scorecards show a rightly fought unanimous decision in 10 for Mike Conley.

September 01, 1885

September is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

August 29, 1885

EBC - Isleta Casino & Resort - Albuquerque, NM
HWPeter Jackson (#1, 18-2-1, 13KO) TKO8 Jake Kilrain (#2, 29-8-0, 19KO)

Jackson's very first right cross off the jab stuns Kilrain a minute into the bout, and Kilrain doesn't land even one punch as Jackson cleans up against Jake. Round 2 is more of the same, and Jake's face reflects that as Jake has a swollen eye, as Jackson belts him around the ring. Kilrain finally lands a decent shot in round 3, and Jackson lands some nice shots when he recovers after a few seconds. Kilrain lands a nice shot in the closing seconds of round 3 and Jackson almost goes down, but in the end the only thing affecting the fight is Kilrains ballooning eye. Jackson continues to punish Kilrain in the 4th, and that swollen eye looks worse and worse. Jackson's dominance continues in round 5 and Kilrain's eye looks downright ugly. Kilrain lands a nice hook in round 6, staggering Jackson. Round 7 sees the action slow way down, but Jackson still takes it. Jackson targets Kilrain's damaged eye in the 8th, until the referee rescues Jake from taking further damage. Peter Jackson wins by 8th round TKO.

August 25, 1885

EBC - Hanns Martin Schleyer Halle - Stuttgart, Germany
HWJohn P Clow (#4, 15-8-1, 4KO) L12 Tommy Chandler (#12, 5-1-1, 1KO)

Clow flashes a nice jab early, and he nails Chandler to the midsection with a minute left in the 1st. Chandler stuns Clow with a nice combination at the bell ending the 1st. Chandler stands Clow up with an uppercut and then he wobbles him severely with a crushing hook late in round 2. Clow is jabbing in the 3rd when suddenly Chandler lands a right haymaker and Clow drops for a 3 count. Chandler follows up pretty well with uppercuts, and Clow lands a hard right hand lead at the bell. Clow is still rocky in the 4th so they meet at ring center and war until Chandler drops him again late in round 4 for a 6 count. Chandler continues to hammer Clow upstairs and by the time round 5 ends Clow has a slightly swollen eye. Round 6 sees the action slow down, but Clow flurrys in the last 30 seconds to take the round. Clow gets very aggressive in round 7 and he scores repeatedly on Chandler who barely throws a punch in the 7th. Chandler looks gassed in the 8th, and Clow does a nice job taking full advantage. Round 9 is too close to call, but Clow's swollen orb looks worse after. Round 10 is just as close as both men tire, and round 11 sees Clow rediscover his jab to great effect. Chandler attacks the body in the final round, and Clow tries desperately to get something going. Tommy Chandler wins an upset unanimous decison.

August 20, 1885

EBC - Fight Coliseum - Salt Lake City, UT
FWYoung Pluto (#2, 6-0-0, 1KO) KO9 Fred Johnson (#4, 4-5-0, 0KO)

Pluto scores with a hard right cross first in round 1, but the round ends up even. Pluto scores with a big uppercut in round 2, and Johnson topples to the resined canvas for a 6 count. Pluto has great killer instinct and he lights up Johnson for the rest of the round. Johnson is winning the 3rd when Pluto nails him with a right cross that staggers Fred. Pluto takes round 4, but Johnson makes the round close with a flurry in the last 30 seconds of the round. Pluto leads off the 5th with a right cross that makes Johnson take a stutter step to stay upright. Johnson retreats into a corner, and Pluto savages him to the body for the rest of the round. The pace slows for a while, until Pluto lands a pair of uppercuts that stagger, and then drop Johnson for a 7 count, late in the 7th. In round 8 Johnson makes Pluto chase him while he jabs to keep Young Pluto at bay. Early in the 9th Pluto lands a poking left that cuts Johnson under an eye. Fred is obviously bothered by the cut because Pluto drops him with a right hand lead half-way through the round. Johnson doesn't even flinch once he's on the floor, and the referee counts him out. Young Pluto wins by 9th round knockout.

August 16, 1885

EBC - Parque Revolucion - Culiacan, Mexico
LWBilly Dacey (#2, 9-5-0, 4KO) W10 Sam Bittle (#7, 12-8-4, 5KO)

No feeling out process is employed by either man, and each stings the other late in the 1st round. Dacey scores with a hard combination in the 2nd, and Bittle is reeling after a few more of those. Dacey scores repeatedly in the 3rd while Bittle has no answer to keep up, while round 4 the action slows way down. Dacey takes over in round 5 and after he bangs a few combinations off his head, Bittle is staggered with a ringing head. Dacey hurts him with a right hook in the 7th, and he looks to put Bittle away after a few screaming uppercuts. Round 8 is close, and Dacey hits him low and catches a warning for it. Bittle sports a puffy eye after the 9th, and the 10th is close with no clear winner. The judge's scorecards read a unanimous decision victory for Billy Dacey.

August 15, 1885

EBC - Deerfoot Inn and Casino - Calgary, Canada
LW(R2)Jack McAuliffe (#1, 10-0-0, 8KO) KO3 Bill Parker (#4, 8-9-0, 1KO)

McAuliffe lands a series of power punches in round 1, and he drops Parker with a shot to the navel a minute into the 2nd. Parker is up at 3 and Jack hammers him the rest of the round. Early in the 3rd McAuliffe backs Parker into a corner and he fires away until Parker goes down for another 3 count late in the round. McAuliffe floors him for the full count of 10 with a few seconds left. Jack McAuliffe will meet Barney Donovan before the end of the year for Donovan's EBC Lightweight championship.

Page last updated on 12-14-2015

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