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Eternity Boxing Council News

EBC Recent News

September 01, 1886

September is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

August 29, 1886

EBC - Racquet Club of Chicago - Chicago, IL
LW(R2)(TE)Jack McAuliffe (#1, 14-1-0, 11KO) KO7 Horace Leeds (#2, 7-3-1, 2KO)

This bout is an eliminator to see who faces the champion Donovan next, as any time a #1 contender faces a #2 contender it becomes an titlefight eliminator. Leeds goes to the body early, but late in round, which was shaping up to be even, McAuliffe drops Leeds to the floor with a hard combination. Leeds rises at 8, and McAuliffe doesn't have enough time to finish him this early. McAuliffe staggers him again a minute into the 2nd with a lightning quick combination upstairs, and Leeds takes it pretty well this time and he rallies late in the round to make it reasonably close. Early in the 3rd McAuliffe catches up to Leeds again with an uppercut that staggers Leeds yet again. Suddenly Leeds goes to the liver, and then to the jaw with an uppercut, and McAuliffe's eyes glaze over and he wobbles across the ring. Then McAuliffe lands a right cross with some intent and Leeds holds until the bell as those in attendance go wild. McAuliffe is winning the 4th, when Leeds scores with a combination that has Jack on unsteady legs. McAuliffe recovers to outwork Leeds for the last minute of the 4th. Leeds employs some lateral movement in the 5th, but McAuliffe is so quick he's able to catch Leeds anyway. The round becomes dead even when Leeds staggers Jack again with a shot to the midsection. Jack leads the 6th with a crushing right cross that puts Leeds into trouble again. Sadly both fighters go into a defensive shell after that. Leeds is looking tired in the 7th when McAuliffe corners him, and then shows off the hand speed that made him the #1 contender pasting Horace to the jaw. With 30 seconds remaining in the 7th McAuliffe visciously goes to the temple, and Leeds drops like a gunshot victim. Leeds makes it up to one knee at 6, but then he loses his balance and falls again to take the full 10 count. Jack McAuliffe wins a convincing knockout victory, and he will face EBC champion Barney Donovan before the winter solstice.

August 27, 1886

EBC - ABA Stadium - Auckland, New Zealand
FW(R5)Fred Johnson (#6, 6-8-0, 0KO) L10 Harry Mead (#3, 21-9-6, 3KO)

After a slow round of feeling each other out, Mead authors a nice flurry in the first half of round 2. With a bit under a minute left in the 2nd, Mead lands a body punch that seems to break Johnson in half for a moment. Round 3 is razor close for lack of action, and Round 4 is a carbon copy of the 3rd. In the 5th each man has a nice rally, and they break it down at ring center. Again we have a dead even round, but Johnson suffers a cut eyebrow. Mead opens up in the 6th, and he reopens the cut as well as hurting Fred with a thudding uppercut. Mead rallies again late in the 7th, and again the cut opens with a doctor's visit being the result. Johnson tightens up the defense to protect the cut, so the 8th is another round that is too close to call. Johnson starts to throw the right hand in the 9th, and this time it's Mead who has a cut near his eye. Johnson clearly takes the round, and in the final frame it's all Mead pounding away at Johnson's midsection. Harry Mead takes the unanimous decision 97-93, 98-93 and 96-95.

August 25, 1886

EBC - Barcelo San Jose Palacios - San Jose, Costa Rica
LWMartin E Snee (#5, 14-6-1, 3KO) W12 Bill Mahan (#7, 12-9-0, 7KO)

Mahan staggers Snee with the very first right cross 15 seconds into the opening round, and he drops Snee for a flash knockdown a few seconds later. Mahan lands a huge hook moments later, and Snee is having serious problems staying awake. Snee backs into a corner a few seconds into the 2nd round, and Mahan nails him with a low blow which brings a warning from the referee. Mahan keeps the pressure high during the 2nd and Snee has trouble keeping up, but in the 3rd Snee finally kicks off a round by being aggressive and landing a few punches. Snee shows some flashy footwork in the 4th, but few punches land for either fighter. Snee lands a couple nice jabs, then a combination in the 5th, but then Mahan lands a devastating shot to the abdomen that seems to take some of the starch out of Snee who still wins the round with counters. Half way through the 6th Snee lands a viscious right cross that wobbles Mahan, and while Mahan is trying to come back , tied up on the ropes, Mahan hits Snee on an elbow and he breaks his right hand. There's some pretty good action in the razor close 7th, and both fighters have their moments in a great exchange that brings them to their feet. Both fighters rest after the torrid 7th round, and although it's close Snee seems to do the better work in round 8. Mahan attacks the body with gusto in the 9th, but Snee responds well with a couple hard right hands that get Mahan's right eye looking puffy. There isn't much action in the first half of the 9th, but they bang heads on the inside, luckily with no damage to either fighter. The 10th is all Snee and he abolutely destroys Mahan on the inside, where Mahan seems to not do very well in general. Mahan's eye looks very ugly in the 11th, and Snee tries to target it with his jab. Suddenly with a minute remaining in the 11th round Mahan scores with a deep-dish right hand that has Snee kissing the canvas. Snee rises at the count of 6, but he looks very woozy and Mahan scores upstairs a few more times as Snee's defense collapses. The final round sees both men cautious with Snee landing more often early in the canto. They meet at ring center to go at it in the final minute, and it's Snee who takes the round with a late flurry. The final scorecards favor Snee by a wide margin, and Snee shows some grit by getting off the deck to finish the fight strong.

August 22, 1886

EBC - Honolulu Stadium - Honolulu, HI
HW(R4)(T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 25-2-1, 20KO) TKO14 John L Sullivan (#1, 29-5-1, 22KO)

Half-way through the opening round Sullivan misses a right hand by a mile, and Jackson scores with a counter hook that staggers the former champion. Then Sullivan backs the current champion into a corner and fires right hands at him, and Jackson is reeling after eating several haymakers. 20 seconds into round 2 Jackson lands a nasty straight right hand, but Sullivan nails him with a right uppercut that sees the champion take a couple of ugly steps to stay upright. Sullivan comes forward behind the hook, but after a miss Jackson tags Sullivan to the abdomen and it clearly hurts John L. Sullivan uncharacteristically jabs late in the 2nd, and Jackson's eyes both show a slight swelling. Sullivan goes to the body and Jackson is in trouble, and he staggers badly on his walk back to his corner. Early in the 3rd Sullivan is rattled by a counter uppercut, and the rest of the round Jackson cleans up against Sullivan. John L lands a wicked counter left hook early in the 4th, but Jackson again scores with a counter combination that wobbles Sullivan. The round ends up razor close, and the next round is just as close but only because of the lack of action. Sullivan scores pretty well early in the 6th, but it seems that every time John L misses a punch Jackson lands a slick counter. Late in round 6 Sullivan comes forward moving his head, when he lands a huge hook that makes one of Jackson's swelling eyes worse and also a right hand that leaves Jackson desperately holding on. The champion is half-blind with both eyes swelling shut, and in round 7 Sullivan hammers him upstairs until Jackson blast a right cross down the pipe that staggers John L. Jackson is teeing off on the Boston Strongboy and he cuts Sullivan outside of an eyebrow, and Sullivan wipes the cut to inspect his bloody glove. Sullivan is enraged and he scores with a crushing uppercut, and Jackson staggers backward a couple steps. Peter pulls it together and he scores last after Sullivan misses a couple times, and the crowd goes absolutely crazy after that round. John L scores to the body with the right hand again early in the 8th, but Jackson evens up the scoring and then some scoring with uppercuts and Sullivan's eye starts to look pretty bad too. Sullivan lands a huge right hand early in the 9th, and he follows up to the body which leaves the champion in big trouble. After a slow stretch early in the 10th, Sullivan staggers the champion again and he punishes Jackson along the ropes late in the round easily outpointing the blinder and blinder champ. Both men look pretty tired in the 11th, but it's John L who seems to hustle a little more. Jackson lands a flush hook after the first half of round 12 yields zero punches landed for either fighter. The punch also reopens John L's cut eye, and the doctor has a look. Jackson takes the round while Sullivan fusses with his cut eye. All is calm in the 13th until Jackson flurries in the last minute of the round, and Sullivan's eye looks just as bad as Jackson's two swollen eyes. Jackson does way more early in the 14th, and after Sullivan lands one shot Jackson lands with a hook that reopens Sullivan's cut eyebrow. The doctor comes in again, and he calls the fight over Sullivan's loud protestations. EBC Champion Peter Jackson bites the bullet to win a fight he was probably losing by a late cuts TKO.

August 19, 1886

EBC - Het Klooster - Rotterdam, Netherlands
FWYoung Pluto (#2, 8-2-0, 2KO) W10 Arthur Majesty (#5, 5-5-1, 2KO)

Not much happens in the opening round, but Majesty does receive a warning for a low blow. Pluto lands a thudding combination with a minute left in round 2, and it allows the Young One to jab the wobbly Arthur to pieces. Majesty misses a bunch of shots early in the 3rd, so while he's punched out Pluto opens up with combinations and he takes the round by a mile. Pluto continues to make good use of his educated jab in the 4th, but Majesty rallies to make round 4 about even. Pluto outworks Majesty again in round 5, with quick jabs and combinations too fast to see. Majesty lands a couple nice jabs in the 6th, but Pluto flurries late in the round, including a crushing right cross, to win it. Round 7 is a snooze but Pluto again rallies in the last 30 seconds of the round to win it on the scorecards. Majesty employs lateral movement which begins to frustrate Pluto a bit in the 8th, and round 9 is too close to call. Pluto opens up in the final round, perhaps going for the knockout, and the final scorecards show a predictable unanimous decision for Young Pluto.

August 13, 1886

EBC - Gymnasium Roberto Duran - Panama City, Panama
HWDuncan McDonald (#6, 15-6-3, 2KO) TKO5 Frank Slavin (#9, 10-9-0, 8KO)

McDonald scores with some hard hooks in the 2nd half of round 1, however Slavin starts to land the right hand with 20 seconds left in the round. McDonald is staggered and he suffers a flash knockdown with 2 seconds left in the opening round. McDonald gets a warning for a low blow as round 2 opens, and he bullies Slavin around to win the round with his rough tactics. It's obvious that Slavin throws the harder punches, but McDonald is staying more active in the 3rd to probably take it on the card. McDonald really gets it going in round 4, and he cuts Slavin on the forehead with a slashing left hook which brings the doctor in momentarily. Slavin spends the rest of the round wiping at the cut, and McDonald piles up the points in the 4th. Early in the 5th Slavin lands a hard uppercut that sends McDonald staggering into the ropes, so McDonald tightens up the defense and targets Slavins bad eye until the doctor revisits. This time the doctor calls the fight because of a nasty cut on Slavin's forehead. Duncan McDonald wins by 5th round TKO.

August 01, 1886

August is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

July 31, 1886

EBC - Pando Coliseo Municipal - Pando, Bolivia
LW(R2)Jack McAuliffe (#1, 13-1-0, 10KO) KO4 Jack Hall (#3, 6-3-0, 4KO)

McAuliffe rallies with a minute left in the 1st, bringing them to their feet in the arena. Jack fires hooks early in the 2nd, and he finally drops Hall with a perfect hook and 30 seconds remaining in round 2. Hall rises at 7, and McAuliffe immediately hits him with a nasty uppercut that staggers him again. The bell rescues Hall who was taking a serious beating. McAuliffe continues to batter Hall with hooks upstairs in round 3, and Hall lands exactly one jab. A minute into the 4th round McAuliffe lands a stiff combination that floors Hall. Hall rolls over but he can't get any closer to standing than that. McAuliffe wins by clean knockout.

July 23, 1886

EBC - Fort Hamilton Arena - Brooklyn, NY
HWJohn P Clow (#6, 18-8-1, 5KO) W10 Frank Glover (#9, 8-5-1, 1KO)

There is some decent action early, with both men having their moments, and after a pounding Clow, Glover starts to puff up on his right eye in round 2. Round 3 sees Glover scoring with the right hand, and though Clow makes the round close Glover wins it pretty clearly. Things slow down quite a bit in the 4th, but Clow still wins the round with little trouble. Half-way through round 5 Clow lands a hook to the liver that has Glover trying to catch his breath, and he targets the eye for the rest of the round. In a very close 6th round, both men flurry in the final seconds of the round. Clow backs Glover into a corner early in round 7, and he pounds Frank until he finally escapes. Clow receives a cut on his eyebrow in the 8th, and the doctor has a look, and Clow still wins the round pretty clearly. Clow looks tired early in the 9th, but Glover looks positively finished and his eye is a mess. Clow still takes the 9th, and 30 seconds into the final round Clow drops Glover for a 7 count. Glover doesn't hold this time and Clow savages him on the inside, and Glover's knee almost touches down from Clow's right hand. Clow continues to punish Glover for the rest of the round, and he takes the final round probably by 2 points. John P Clow wins in a near shutout.

July 16, 1886

EBC - Casino - Fall River, MA
MWGeorge LaBlanche (#2, 17-5-1, 11KO) W12 Mike Lucie (#5, 9-5-0, 6KO)

After LaBlanche lands a couple times in the 1st, Lucie attacks George's body to nice effect. George fires a series of right hands upstairs, and Lucie can only cover up in round 2. 20 seconds into round 3 Lucie drops LaBlanche with a nasty right cross, and George rises at the count of 3. Lucie continues to land the right hand on his more experienced foe, and by the time the 3rd ends Lucie has taken the round by a wide margin. LaBlanche recovers well, and he drops Lucie with a nice combination to the jaw with a minute left in the 4th. Lucie rises at 5, and LaBlanche opens up like a windmill. Lucie survives, and he shows no sign of the punishment he's taken thus far. LaBlanche gets a huge hook home a minute into the 5th, and a straight right lands with maybe 20 seconds left in the round that staggers Lucie again. The pace slows a bit in the 6th, but it's still LaBlanche that clearly takes the round with his power punches tearing Lucie up to the head. In the 7th LaBlanche scores with a pair of hard uppercuts and a wicked right cross, and Lucie lands one hard combination at the bell ending the 7th. LaBlanche continues to beat Lucie to the punch in round 8, and it's George's footwork and quickness that Lucie is having trouble dealing with in the 9th. Lucie bull rushes George early in the 10th, but LaBlanche's accurate jabs and hooks clearly give the round to him and as a result Lucie has a puffed up eye after the round. Lucie does a good deal of holding in the 11th, and he lands a tremendous hook to LaBlanche's jaw with a minute left in the round. LaBlanche staggers and blinks and tries to remain standing for about 10 seconds, but George recovers and lands a couple of right hands before the bell. Lucie targets the body in the last round, but LaBlanche drops him with a hook half-way through the 12th. Lucie is up at 4 but the impact on the scoring is clear at this point. George lands a horrific shot to the liver with 30 seconds left in the bout that has Lucie reeling and tripping over his own feet trying to escape. George lands a couple more jabs before the final bell. The scorecards show a unanimous decision victory for George LaBlanche by a wide margin.

July 13, 1886

EBC - Twin River Events Center - Lincoln, RI
FW(R2)(T)Tommy Danforth (Chmp, 26-1-3, 14KO) KO15 Sam Baxter (#5, 7-6-1, 0KO)

After a slow start there is some blistering action at ring center in the opening round, which slightly favors the champion Danforth. In round 2 Danforth attacks the body while Baxter circles away from the champion's lethal right hand, and it's Baxter who lands more often and he also shows better movement in the round. There isn't a lot of action in the 3rd, which ends up pretty even. Baxter shows some very fluid movement and he takes round 4, and the 5th clearly belongs to Danforth who traps Baxter on the ropes and scores with shots to the body. Round 6 sees Baxter with a slight edge in scoring, but Danforth seems to snooze his way through the 7th so Baxter takes it probably unanimously as well as causing a cut near the champ's eye. A minute into the 8th the champion lands a crushing right hand that puts Baxter on the defensive for the rest of the round, as Danforth fires away upstairs raising a swelling on one of Baxter's eyes. Danforth leads in the 9th, but Baxter lands a jab that reopens the cut by Danforth's eye and Baxter's swollen eye gets a lot worse. There is a good deal of holding in the 10th, and Baxter picks up a warning for a rabbit punch, and again it's Danforth who does the better work. Baxter staggers the champ with a couple of combinations upstairs in the 11th, but Danforth comes back strongly later in the round. He stuns Baxter with a nasty uppercut, and that eye gets a whole lot worse this time. Half way through the 12th Danforth finds Baxter's chin with a flush right hand that leaves the challenger with a blank expression on his face. Baxter recovers pretty well and he attacks the body for the rest of the round actually winning it on the unofficial scorecard. In the 13th Danforth resumes hammering Baxter upstairs including another flush right hand at the bell and Sam almost touches a knee when he staggers. Early in the 14th Danforth lands a leaping right hand that buckles Baxter's knees for a moment, but Baxter sneaks a right hand in there that reopens the champions cut eye. When Danforth sees the doctor climb into the ring he goes wide-eyed and white, so after the doctor approves the bout to continue, the champion gets very aggressive in the 14th. The round ends up too close to call, and in the 15th and final round Danforth wades in swinging the right hand with purpose. By the two minute mark Baxter hasn't landed a single punch, and Danforth hammers him all around the ring. With 12 seconds remaining in the bout the champion Danforth scores with a perfect uppercut that puts Baxter on his backside. Baxter doesn't even stir until the count hits 9, and by then it's too late to make it up. EBC Featherweight monarch Tommy Danforth scores a clean knockout, and the challenger Sam Baxter is counted out with 2 seconds remaining on the clock for an insanely dramatic defense of his crown.

July 08, 1886

EBC - Olympia Athletic Club - New York, NY
LWBilly Dacey (#8, 12-8-0, 6KO) TKO5 Jack Nicolson (#4, 5-4-1, 4KO)

Dacey completely dominates the proceedings right from the opening bell, opening a cut on Nicolsons brow, and Nicolson doesn't land a single punch until half-way through round 2. Dacey lands a crushing uppercut late in the 2nd, and Nicolson is in big trouble when the bell rings. A minute into the 3rd Nicolson scores with a right hand down the middle, and Dacey wobbles a bit. Nicolson lands another wild haymaker with 45 seconds left in the 3rd, and Dacey's reaction is to hold this time. Early in the 4th Dacey starts to work the jab, and it reopens the cut on Nicolson's mug bringing a visit from the doctor. The 4th is just as close as the 3rd, and a minute into the 5th Dacey lands a nasty right cross that staggers Nicolson while reopening the cut again. The cut looks a whole lot worse, so this time when the doc makes a house call, he stops the bout. Dacey wins by a cuts TKO in round 5 of the fight.

July 05, 1886

EBC - Octagon, Centre - Sheffield, England
HWJake Kilrain (#3, 30-9-0, 20KO) KO7 Dick Matthews (#14, 10-11-2, 7KO)

There is not a lot of action in the opening round, until Matthews traps Jake in a corner and starts to whale away with right hands and uppercuts. Then with 3 seconds left in the round Kilrain scores a flash knockdown to steal the round from Matthews. Half way through round 2 Matthews lands a big shot that staggers Jake, and then Matthews goes down but it's ruled a slip. Jake goes to the body for the rest of round 2, and Matthews legs already look bad by the end of the round. Matthews lands a couple good punches early in the 3rd, but Jake dominates the second half of the round. Jake drops Matthews again for a flash knockdown with 7 seconds left in the round. Jake cautiously piles up the points in round 4, and though the first half of round 5 has no action, Kilrain flurries in the last minute to convincingly take the round. Early in the 6th it's obvious that Matthews is almost out of gas, so Kilrain unlimbers the right hand a bit more often in a round that ends up even. Jake attacks the body in round 7 to great effect, and with 30 seconds remaining in the round Matthews tastes the canvas again and though he almost gets to his feet at 7 Dick just can't keep his center of balance and topples to the slats again as the referee counts him out. It's a 7th round knockout for the former EBC heavyweight champion Jake Kilrain.

July 01, 1886

July is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

June 30, 1886

EBC - Motor City Arena - Detroit, MI
FW(R2)(T)Tommy Danforth (Chmp, 25-1-3, 13KO) WDQ4 Torpedo Billy Murphy (#2, 17-6-0, 13KO)
LWHorace Leeds (#2, 7-2-1, 2KO) W12 George Powell (#5, 7-4-0, 2KO)

Powell is very aggressive early, scoring repeatedly with right hands, but then Leeds wakes up to stagger Powell with uppercuts and hooks which brings 'em to their feet in the arena. Powell scores with an educated jab in the 2nd, but again Leeds picks it up in the second half of the round to make it close. Powell is working the jab in round 3 when Leeds lands a combination that makes Powell's ears ring and sends him staggering sideways. Then Powell lands a hard uppercut that leaves Leeds wobbly, but then Leeds explodes another big right hand to make the round very close yet again. Both men land light punches early in the 4th, and then they both hold and rest mostly. Early in the 5th Leeds hammers Powell to the midsection, and Powell holds on. The round develops into a showcase for Leeds as he cleans up against Powell, nailing him with hard hooks to the body for the rest of the round. A minute into the 6th Leeds backs George into a corner, and then he tees off to the body. After a few good shots upstairs Powell begins to look puffy on an eye, and Leeds clearly takes the round as well. In round 7 it's Powell who backs Leeds into a corner this time, and Powell outhustles Leeds and shows some nice footwork. Both men catch a rest in the 8th, much to the chagrin of those in attendance. Round 9 is more of the same, as both men dance the dance of the exhausted fighters and Leeds leads. The action remains sparse in the 10th, and this time it's Powell who leads by a hair. Round 11 is even worse, and the crowd begins to head for the beer vendors before the titlefight coming up. 20 seconds into the final frame Leeds lands a beautiful hook to the temple, and Powell drops to the slats for a 5 count. Leeds bangs away, and Powell's eye continues to look worse and worse. Leeds takes the unanimous decision in a surprising squeaker, but they still boo because of the lack of action generally in this bout.

Murphy roars out of his corner to land a nasty hook to the body in the opening round, and he is in mid-flurry when suddenly the champion lands a tremendous right hand to "Torpedo Billy's" body which freezes him for a moment and sets up Danforth's flurry to finish round 1. The action develops very slowly in round 2, but it's Murphy who does the much better work. The slow and cautious pace continues in round 3, until Torpedo Billy Murphy scores with a couple of right hands to the jaw. Murphy lets 3 consecutive punches dip south of the champion's beltline, and surprisingly the referee immediately disqualifies Murphy. Tommy Danforth defends his EBC featherweight title successfully.

June 17, 1886

EBC - Pasadena Convention Center - Pasadena, TX
MW(T)Jack Nonpariel Dempsey (Chmp, 15-5-2, 9KO) KOby7 Young Mitchell (#4, 6-2-0, 4KO)
FWYoung Pluto (#2, 7-2-0, 2KO) TKO6 Tug Wilson (#6, 10-9-3, 3KO)

Pluto is tremendously aggressive in the 1st, kicking off every series with an attack to win the round including a nasty shot to the midsection that sees Wilson grimace in pain. In round 2 Wilson attacks more, but Pluto counters his solar plexus off working the right hand and also working Wilson's gut. Round 3 looks like the other 2 rounds except that Wilson holds and hits to finally come close to winning a round. In the 4th Pluto accelerates, and he lands 3 hard shots to the body that leave Wilson hurt and retreating desperately. Pluto continues to dominate Wilson in the 5th, and he drops Tug scoring with a viscious right hand with a few seconds left in the round for a 3 count. After a drubbing in the early 6th, it gets even worse for Wilson when Pluto lands an uppercut that almost has Wilson touch down a knee with a minute left in the round. Wilson eats a bunch more right hands until finally the referee stops the bout with a few seconds left in round 6. Young Pluto wins a TKO victory over fringe contender Tug Wilson in a one sided destruction.

After circling each other for a minute, Dempsey staggers Mitchell with the very first right hand in the opening round. A minute later Mitchell scores with 3 nasty shots to the abdomen, but Dempsey probably wins the round. 30 seconds into the 2nd Dempsey lands a completely devastating combination upstairs, and suddenly Mitchell's legs don't look so good. Dempsey continues his blitz throughout the 2nd, but Mitchell does find Dempsey's jaw with a couple of haymakers late in the round. Dempsey staggers Mitchell again with a right cross half-way through round 3, but Mitchell lands a series of right hands that put Dempsey in jeopardy and leave him dazed and trying to remain standing. Dempsey manages to land a couple punches on the retreat, and he lasts the round while those in attendance howl their approval. Dempsey starts off the 4th round with a thudding uppercut that staggers the challenger, and when Mitchell traps Dempsey in a corner the champion lands a nasty shot right before they knock heads which cuts Mitchell's left eye with a minute left in the round. The doctor allows the bout to continue, and Dempsey lands 2 more heavy shots before the round ends. Mitchell scores with a pair of devastating shots to the jaw in the 5th, and suddenly Dempsey's legs don't look so good. After a bit of circling they meet at ring center, and Dempsey lands 2 hard shots so Mitchell shoves him into a corner again. With a minute left in the round Mitchell scores with a perfect hook to the liver, which leaves Dempsey on the retreat again. Mitchell drops the right hand on Dempsey's chin with a couple seconds left in the 6th, and Jack staggers and trips once on his journey back to his corner after the bell. Dempsey switches strategies, moving inside trying to not give Mitchell room enough to punch. However a minute into round 7 Mitch lands an uppercut that has the champion in trouble, and he scores with one more left hook that floors Dempsey. "The Nonpariel" doesn't even flinch as the referee counts him out. Mitchell celebrates his victory as they thankfully revive Dempsey a minute or two later. Young Mitchell wins the EBC Middleweight title in Dempsey's first defense.

June 15, 1886

EBC - Waterfront Place Hotel - Morgantown, WV
HW(R2)Duncan McDonald (#7, 14-6-3, 1KO) W10 Paddy Ryan (#5, 17-13-0, 4KO)

The 1st round is too close to call, but McDonald scores with a solid right cross half-way through round 2 that wobbles Ryan temporarily. McDonald completely dominates the rest of the 2nd, and Ryan who suffers a bad cut under an eye in the round barely lands a punch. There isn't much action in the 3rd with the exception of Ryan's eye cut reopening, and the doctor has a look. Round 4 is razor close and features holding by both fighters, and the cut seems to hamper Ryan so McDonald tears into Ryan with power punches in the 5th. Ryan suffers a swelling on his uncut eye, and the cut is still bleeding after the round, and McDonald takes advantage again in the 6th clearly winning the round. The 7th is another close one without a whole lot of action, and Ryan seems to be out of gas after the round. McDonald outworks Ryan convincingly in the 8th, and there is a nice exchange as the round ends. McDonald lands a huge right hand with a minute left in the 9th, and he puts the finishing touches in the final round. McDonald takes the unanimous decision by a country mile.

June 13, 1886

EBC - Waterfront Place Hotel - Morgantown, WV
HW(R2)Duncan McDonald (#7, 14-6-3, 1KO) W10 Paddy Ryan (#5, 17-13-0, 4KO)

The 1st round is too close to call, but McDonald scores with a solid right cross half-way through round 2 that wobbles Ryan temporarily. McDonald completely dominates the rest of the 2nd, and Ryan who suffers a bad cut under an eye in the round barely lands a punch. There isn't much action in the 3rd with the exception of Ryan's eye cut reopening, and the doctor has a look. Round 4 is razor close and features holding by both fighters, and the cut seems to hamper Ryan so McDonald tears into Ryan with power punches in the 5th. Ryan suffers a swelling on his uncut eye, and the cut is still bleeding after the round, and McDonald takes advantage again in the 6th clearly winning the round. The 7th is another close one without a whole lot of action, and Ryan seems to be out of gas after the round. McDonald outworks Ryan convincingly in the 8th, and there is a nice exchange as the round ends. McDonald lands a huge right hand with a minute left in the 9th, and he puts the finishing touches in the final round. McDonald takes the unanimous decision by a country mile.

June 13, 1886

EBC - Waterfront Place Hotel - Morgantown, WV
HWJohn L Sullivan (#1, 29-4-1, 22KO) TD3 George OC Godfrey (#2, 21-10-1, 13KO)

Sullivan scores repeatedly with the jab early in round 1, while Godfrey lands a big right hand that staggers Sullivan with a minute left in the opening round. Sullivan attacks the body in round 2, but Godfrey lands a good right hand half-way through the round. Sullivan continues to attack the body, but Godfrey flurries with about 20 seconds left in the round to make the round even on the unofficial scorecard. Godfrey wobbles Sullivan with another hard right cross a early in the 3rd, and late in the 3rd Sullivan drops the right hand over and over to stagger Godfrey a couple times. With a few seconds remaining in the 3rd they clash heads and Godfrey suffers a horrible cut on his eyelid. The referee stops the bout immediately and because only 3 rounds were on the books this one is a technical draw. A disappointing result in the 9th meeting between these two.

June 11, 1886

EBC - Chungmu Art Hall - Seoul, South Korea
HWJohn P Clow (#8, 17-8-1, 5KO) W12 Jack Ashton (#11, 5-4-0, 0KO)

Ashton staggers Clow with a viscious right cross a minute into the fight, and the rest of the round is spent by Ashton's holding and the round is too close to call. Round 2 is another razor close round, though Clow seems to move his hands more. The 3rd is more of the same, but Ashton lands more often late in the 4th round including a hook at the bell that wobbles Clow badly. Clow scores heavily to the body early in the 5th, and Ashton has trouble catching his breath for a few moments. Clow continues to dominate the 5th, and Ashton has a bit of trouble keeping his hands high enough. Clow unlimbers the right cross again in the 6th, and Clow keeps the action to a minimum late in the round after he piles up some points. Clow continues to hammer Ashton in the 7th, and one right cross in particular has Ashton backpedaling. They trade uppercuts in the 8th, but again it's John P Clow that outscores his opponent in the ring. After a deadly dull 10th round that surprisingly ends in a flash knockdown for Clow, it's all John Clow late as he hammers Ashton in every way possible in the last 2 rounds. Clow not surprisingly takes the unanimous decision going away.

June 10, 1886

EBC - Center Stage Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
HWMike Conley (#10, 11-5-3, 7KO) TKO6 James Robertson Couper (#6, 15-8-2, 10KO)

Both men bring the thunder right away, and by half-way through round 1 neither man has an advantage until Conley lands a humongous left hook that drops Couper for an 8 count. Conley lands high and then low with the hooks but he doesn't have the time to finish Couper. In round 2 Conley lands a nasty hook 30 seconds in that cuts Couper over an eye, and it drips directly into Couper's eye. The doctor has a look and allows the fight to continue. Just a few seconds later Couper scores with an uppercut to the temple that floors Conley for a 7 count. In a fitting symmetry, Couper hasn't the time to knock out Conley in the 2nd. Conley lands a right cross and an uppercut that put Couper on the run again in round 3, but then immediately Couper lands an uppercut that drops Conley to the floor again for a 6 count. After Couper gets a couple shots in Conley rallies late in the 3rd to make the round even on the unofficial scorecards. Couper scores again with the right hand early in round 9, but Conley finally lands a punch with 45 seconds remaining in the 4th. Conley ends up with a cut on his forehead after the 4th, and Couper clearly takes the round outhustling his opponent. A minute into the 5th round Couper scores with a right cross that re-opens the cut over Conley's forehead drawing a doctor's visit. Couper does all the good work in round 5 as Conley blinks and paws at his cut forehead. They get Conley's cut closed, but Conley lands a right hand that re-opens Couper's cut over his eye. The doctor has a look and immediately halts the bout. The winner on a cuts TKO is Mike Conley in a bloody one.

June 01, 1886

June is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

May 31, 1886

EBC - Braehead Arena - Glasgow, Scotland
LW(R5)(T)Barney Donovan (Chmp, 28-1-0, 24KO) TKO3 George Taylor (#4, 16-13-4, 3KO)

Donovan lands a nice power hook in the 1st, but Taylor keeps the round close with his attack to the body. Barney doubles down on the body attack in round 2, and one of his hooks upstairs starts Taylor's eye swelling. Early in the 3rd the champion lands a right hand that staggers Taylor badly, and then Donovan lands a hard right hand and a combination to the abdomen late in round 3. Donovan brings the big finish in the last minute of round 3 and Taylor's half-blind condition allows the champ to land everything he throws right up until the referee saves George Taylor. EBC lightweight champion Barney Donovan is successful defending his crown with a 3rd round TKO.

May 21, 1886

EBC - Braehead Arena - Glasgow, Scotland
HW(T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 24-2-1, 19KO) KO3 Billy Wilson (#14, 7-5-2, 5KO)

Wilson looks to be in bad shape after Jackson tags him with right hands upstairs in the 1st. Jackson hits Billy low early in the 2nd, so the referee gives a stern warning to the champion. Pete works the uppercut late in the round, and Wilson just has no answer for the swarming attack of the champion Jackson which presently causes a cut on Wilson's eyebrow. A minute into the 3rd Jackson scores with an uppercut that leaves Wilson glassy-eyed and retreating, and about 15 seconds later Jackson comes forward winging right hands until Wilson drops to the canvas. Wilson gets about half way up when he tumbles to the floor again and is counted out. EBC heavyweight champion Peter Jackson defends his title in grand and violent style.

May 17, 1886

EBC - International Convention Centre - Birmingham, England
FW(R2)(T)Tommy Danforth (Chmp, 24-1-3, 13KO) TKO8 Jacob Hyams (#4, 10-5-0, 8KO)

Hyams lands well with the jab early, but Danforth lands a crushing uppercut half-way through the 1st round. Hyams returns the favor a moment later, and Jake lands a couple of hard shots at the bell that leave the champion looking woozy on his walk back to his corner. A minute into the 2nd Hyams scores to the body with a bunch of hooks that make Danforth wince in pain. Danforth goes upstairs with nice effect late in the 2nd, with accurate and damaging combinations. There's not a lot of action in the 3rd round, but it's Danforth who's piled up the most points at the bell. There's a lot of holding in the 4th, but it's Hyams who outworks the champion when it goes inside late in the round. When Danforth attacks the body with meaty hooks in the 5th, it's clear which way the momentum is flowing. Danforth lands with a couple of right crosses off the jab in round 6, but Hyams wobbles the champion with an uppercut at the bell to make the round very close. Hyams staggers the champion with another hard uppercut early in the 7th, then he lands one hell of a right hand that sees the champion having trouble staying balanced and on his feet. 30 seconds into the 8th round Danforth steps into an uppercut that drops Hyams for a 6 count, and the rest of the round sees the champion throwing with both hands upstairs trying to finish off his opponent. Half way through the round the champ drops Hyams again with a right hand, for only a 2 count this time. Dnaforth attacks Jake with hooks to the head, until the referee finally rescues the brave challenger at 2:06 of the 8th round. Tommy Danforth is successful in defending his EBC featherweight crown.

May 10, 1886

EBC - Champions Field - Shelby, MT
MW(R6)(T)Bob Fitzsimmons (#1, 9-3-3, 8KO) L15 Jack Nonpariel Dempsey (#2, 15-4-2, 9KO)

"Ruby Bob" lands a big right cross in round 1, and Dempsey staggers for a moment and holds for a few more. Fitz scores again with a right hand counter, and Dempsey almost goes down from the savage blow. Dempsey holds and paws at Fitz's midsection for the rest of the opening round. Dempsey does a great job of beating Fitz to the punch in round 2, and he wobbles Fitz with a couple of shots to the ribcage late in the round. Fitzsimmons lands a solid uppercut early in the 3rd, and another left hook counter leaves Dempsey reeling and reaching for the ropes to hold himself up with. "The Nonpariel" pulls it together in time to rattle Fitz, strafing him with a series of hooks at the bell to make the round more or less even. Fitz lands a series of power jabs, pumping the left home with authority early in the 4th. Dempsey targets the abdomen late in the round, but Fitzsimmons still clearly takes it on the scorecard. Dempsey maneuvers Fitz into a corner early in the 5th, and he lands a nasty high-low combination that staggers Fitz and makes him hold with not a little bit of desperation. Jack fires a gaggle of uppercuts later in the round as Fitz continues to totter around the ring. Dempsey buries the right hand up to the wrist in Fitz's abdomen late in the 5th, and Dempsey takes the round by a mile. Round 6 sees both men holding entirely too much, and Jack soaks up a warning for hitting on the break. Early in the 7th Fitz times the jab to land a huge counter hook that leaves Dempsey glassy-eyed, but he's still with it enough to trade bombs at ring center for most of round 7 with Fitz probably winning the round on the card. Fitzsimmons lands some hard right hands in the 8th, but Dempsey doesn't land a thing. Bob staggers Dempsey with a hard straight right hand early in round 9, and he lands a couple of hooks while Dempsey is trying to get his sea-legs again. Dempsey works his piston-like jab in round 10, while Fitz rests a bit. In round 11 they take turns staggering each other, but Dempsey does the better work by a hair. Fitz is gassed in the 12th, and Dempsey lands a hard shot in a razor close round. Bob scores with a couple crispy uppercuts in the 13th, but Dempsey pumps the jab and Jack clearly takes the round with this strategy. The crowd showers the fighters with appreciation after the 13th. Dempsey is hooking off the jab in the 14th, when he catches Fitz coming in with a right cross that floors "The Fighting Blacksmith" for a 5 count. Dempsey cautiously works the jab after Fitz rises, but after he decides that Fitz is really hurt he fires with both hands upstairs with nice effect on the stunned Fitzsimmons. Bob backs into a corner early in the final round, and Dempsey starts to hook to the body. Dempsey scores with well constructed combinations in the 15th, and he staggers Bob one more time with about 15 seconds remaining in the fight. Bob's left eye swells after the round ends, and the final scorecards show 144-141, 145-140 and 145-141, a unanimous decison victory for the winner and new EBC middleweight champion, Jack "The Nonpariel" Dempsey.

May 01, 1886

May is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

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