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Eternity Boxing Council News

EBC Recent News

January 01, 1887

January 1887 is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

December 30, 1886

EBC - Morongo Casino - Cabazon, CA
MW(R3-T)Bob Fitzsimmons (#1, 11-4-3, 9KO) KOby10 George LaBlanche (Chmp, 19-5-1, 12KO)

Fitzsimmons stuns the champion with the very first right cross, and he badly staggers LaBlanche again with a minute left in the 1st round. Then LaBlanche eats 2 heavy body shots, and George doesn't land much at all. In the first half of round 2 Fitz lands a couple light punches, but then LaBlanche nails him with a right handed blast that knocks Bob across the ring. Fitz recovers to hit him with a pair of hard uppercuts that has George doing a little dance, and Bob has the final word in the round also with a solid body punch. In round 3 They spend a fair amount of time holding, and neither man is innocent of this one. Then they trade big right hands with a minute left, and LaBlanche cements the round with a body attack that sees Bob retreating. LaBlanche strikes first in the 4th, attacking the challenger's body with arcing hooks. They continue to trade with no clear winner in the round, but with 7 seconds left in the 4th Fitz drops the champion with a hook to the temple for a flash knockdown. George recovers to control the action in the 5th with right hand leads, but then Fitzsimmons scores repeatedly with his own right hands producing the best round of the fight. In the 6th the challenger backs LaBlanche into a corner and tags him with the right hand again and again until the bell. Fitz cranks up the hook early in round 7 and LaBlanche's knees buckle and both his eyes swell, and he keeps up the pressure for the rest of the round and the crowd starts to think they're going to see a title change hands tonight. In the 8th LaBlanche lands a couple good shots early in the round, and Fitz doesn't seem to want any that round. First thing in round 9 Fitzsimmons blasts the champ across the ring with a huge uppercut, but half-way through the round the champ catches "The Fighting Blacksmith" with a giant-sized right hand that drops Fitz to the slats for an 8 count. LaBlanche traps the challenger in a corner and shoe-shines him to the body, until Bob gets the champ to back off with a couple hard right hand leads. Early in the 10th LaBlanche stings Bob again with an overhand right to the jaw, and it really has an effect on Fitzsimmons who can barely keep his feet underneath him. With 1:20 left in the 10th LaBlanche drops him again with an uppercut to the point of the chin. Bob's eyes roll back in his head, and he just stays put on his backside. EBC Middleweight Champion George LaBlanche defends his title from the stiff challenge of Bob Fitzsimmons by way of 10th round knockout.

December 20, 1886

EBC - Sydney Stadium - Sydney, Australia
HW(R4-T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 26-2-1, 20KO) W15 George OC Godfrey (#2, 23-11-1, 14KO)
FW(R3)Harry Mead (#2, 22-9-6, 3KO) W12 Unknown Hill (#4, 11-11-2, 3KO)

Round 1 is a feeling out round without a whole lot of action, but in the 2nd Mead starts to work the uppercut on the inside to nice effect. Mead lands a nice hook in the 3rd, and Hill just has no answer as Mead walks right through Hill's light punches. Mead scores with a really nice right cross to the body about half-way through the 4th round, and Mead breaks out the right hand big time in round 5 which staggers Hill at least twice. Hill stays out of range mostly in the 6th, only engaging a couple of times but maybe winning the round. Hill doesn't have much left after the round, and Mead lands a series of right hands that badly wobbles Hill about a minute into the 7th. Mead traps Hill in a corner and lands a few more good shots before the 7th ends. Mead goes to the body in the 8th, but overall both men are too tired to do much. Mead continues to outwork Hill to a great degree in the 9th until the end of the fight. Obviously Harry Mead wins by unanimous decision.

Half-way through the opening round they trade ferocious hooks and both men are wobbled, but then Jackson lands three consecutive right hands and Godfrey is in trouble. Jackson hammers Godfrey for the rest of round 1 and Godfrey almost falls over walking back to his corner. The action begins slowly in the 2nd, but half-way through Godfrey touches Jackson with the right hand and Peter staggers across the ring into the ropes. Jackson tightens up the defense to score with several shots, but then Godfrey lands an uppercut that decks the champion. Pete gets up at the count of 2, but Godfrey only has a few seconds to follow up. Both fighters attack the body in round 3, and it's Jackson who does the better work downstairs. Seconds into round 4 Jackson scores with a right cross that wobbles Godfrey again, but then Godfrey trades with the champion at ring center somewhat unwisely and the round ends up pretty close when Godfrey lands a couple power punches late in the round and those in the partisan crowd go wild for their champion. In the 5th they exchange light punches at ring center, and it's Godfrey who lands the first power punch in the round so Jackson staggers to a corner covering up. Godfrey takes the 5th, and in round 6 they knock heads but no damage. The champion rocks Godfrey later in the round with a series of right hands, and George doesn't land a single punch in the 6th round. Early in the 7th Jackson walks right through a Godfrey jab to land a right cross that badly stuns "Old Chocolate". Early in round 7 with the champion trapped on the ropes they trade, and it's Jackson who scores with a brutal body shot that has Godfrey protecting his rib cage instead of throwing punches. Godfrey, who begins to foul incessantly, is fatigued in the 8th so he looks to load up the right hand, but it's Jackson who controls the action with his educated jab. A few seconds into round 9 Godfrey lands a nice right hand to the body that backs the champion up. "The Black Prince" lands a right hand that makes Godfrey pretty loopy with a minute left in the 9th. Later Jackson lands a shot to the body that they hear even in the back row, and Godfrey struggles to breathe. Jackson lands a pin-point accurate right hand early in round 10, and Godfrey can barely keep his arms up in his world of hurt. Jackson continues to find George's chin with power punches, and Godfrey's defense fairly crumbles. Godfrey recovers with about 30 seconds left in the round, and although he has a nice flurry the champion Jackson still wins the round. Jackson goes for it in round 11, and after a wild flurry he drops Godfrey with a right cross to the temple. George is up at the count of 2, and Jackson lobs the right hand in with impunity for the rest of the round. Jackson hurts his right hand right at the bell, so he throws it a lot less in the remaining rounds. Half-way through round 12, Jackson lands a right hand to the body that sees Godfrey in full retreat covering up again. Jackson finally catches him about 30 seconds later with a right cross that floors the challenger again. This time he rises at 5, but Jackson is too tired to finish him. In the lucky 13th round Jackson again scores to the body which hurts George, and then Jackson unleashes a blistering flurry and Godfrey looks pretty much finished but he lands one hard right hand late in the round. 30 seconds into round 14 Jackson lands a right hand that again floors Godfrey, and although he's up at 8 he really has nothing left. With a minute left in the 14th Jackson drops him again with a body shot, and this time he's up at 4. In the final round Jackson backs into a corner and lands a series of left hooks, and somehow Godfrey survives until the final bell. Peter Jackson takes the unanimous decision by several country miles to successfully defend his EBC Heavyweight crown.

December 18, 1886

EBC - Lincoln Theater - Washington DC
HWJames J Corbett (#8, 6-1-0, 2KO) TKO9 Jack Ashton (#13, 7-5-0, 2KO)

Ashton comes out firing power punches, but Corbett is far too slick when he's fresh and Ashton only rarely hits him early. Corbett continues to be elusive as hell in the 2nd, and Ashton has more and more trouble reaching the slippery Corbett who is jabbing Ashton to pieces. In round 3 Corbett inexplicably plants his feet to trade with Ashton at ring center, and the thrilling razor close round it produces brings the crowd to their feet. Round 4 sees Corbett outslick Ashton, jabbing him to pieces and cutting him on an eyebrow, and though Ashton lands a smashing hook that staggers Corbett early in round 5, James recovers and wins the round with a quick jab and amazing footwork. James hurts Ashton with an uppercut early in the 6th, which reopens Ashton's cut and draws a doctor's house call. Corbett dominates the slower and partially blind Ashton in the 7th fouling him as well, and by round 8 Ashton has nothing left except a second cut and a swelling near his other eye. Corbett is fianlly throwing the right hand with regularity, and a minute into round 9 he reopens the first cut and the doctor has another look. This time the sawbones stops the bout. James J Corbett wins by a 9th round cuts TKO.

December 12, 1886

EBC - Lincoln Theater - Washington DC
LW(R3-T)Jack McAuliffe (Chmp, 17-1-0, 14KO) KO4 Jack Hall (#2, 7-4-0, 5KO)

McAuliffe just savages Hall for the two minutes fifty eight, and then he drops him with 2 seconds remaining in round 1 for a flash knockdown. McAuliffe continues his merciless assault, flooring Hall again 45 seconds into round 2. Hall is up at 8, but he hasn't landed a single punch yet. McAuliffe finishes the round strong and Hall finally lands a punch as round 2 is ending. McAuliffe scores with a hard combination half-way through round 3, and again with a beautiful right cross late in the round. The champion lands a flush left hook that sees Hall do a stutter step just to stay standing, and McAuliffe lands a very high percentage of his power punches in the round culminating in another knockdown with a few seconds left in the round. This time Hall doesn't even flinch, and Jack McAuliffe is awarded the knockout victory in round 4 with the referee counting 10 after the bell.

December 11, 1886

EBC - Robin Park Arena - Wigan, England
LWGeorge Lavigne (#6, 4-1-1, 0KO) W12 Billy Dacey (#3, 13-9-0, 6KO)

Late in the opening round Lavigne pins Dacey in a corner and whales away with the right hand right until the bell. Dacey keeps the defense tight early in round 2, but Lavigne lands a series of uppercuts that make the round razor close. The action slows way down in the 3rd as both men cautiously proceed, and Lavigne keeps Dacey missing in the 4th while landing cracking counters that see Dacey staggered with a puffy eye. Dacey recovers to hurt Lavigne with right crosses in the 5th, and Lavigne does land to the body some. Lavigne takes a very close round 6, and both men defend admirably with some nice technique. Dacey hits him to the abdomen in round 8, and it slows Lavigne considerably and starts him thinking more about defense. Dacey's eye looks a bit worse in the 9th, but Lavigne eats a couple pretty nasty flurries in the closing seconds. Lavigne unleashes a torrent of hooks upstairs in the 10th round, while Dacey seems totally gassed and bothered by his swollen eye. In the 11th both men catch a rest, and in the final round it's all Lavigne. George Lavigne wins by unanimous decision.

December 01, 1886

December is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

November 30, 1886

EBC - Cesar Palace - Hermosillo, Mexico
MW(R3)Charles Turner (#4, 8-3-0, 6KO) TKO6 Mike Lucie (#5, 10-6-0, 7KO)

Lucie is deadly accurate with his right hand leads in round 1, and Turner staggers to the ropes staying upright with great difficulty. Turner tries to keep him off with the jab, and late in the round he digs to the body with a lightning fast flurry that definitely gives Chuck the round. Early in round 2 Turner splits the gloves with an uppercut that leaves Lucie dazed, so Chuck leads him over to the corner and then he starts to fire. Lucie looks overwhelmed by the torrent of punches headed his way so he tries shoving Turner off of him twice late in the round, but it's still all Turner in round 2. Lucie finally gets the right hand home with some authority again early in the 3rd, and Turner freezes for a few seconds. Chuck pulls it together and scores with a pair of right hands that buckle Turner's knees, and then he pins Lucie in the corner and attacks the body very effectively. They trade hooks to the body early in the 4th, and it's hard to say who did the most damage. Turner is winning the round and scoring with much more accurate punches than Lucie, but Lucie scores with a perfect right cross counter that puts Turner down for a flash knockdown with 10 seconds left in the 4th round. Turner stays the course despite his setback, scoring heavily to Lucie's body while Mike can do little more than cover and hold. Lucie lands a couple powerful shots right at the bell, but round 5 clearly belongs to Turner. Lucie is gassed before round 6, and Turner just blows him away with right hands, dropping him thrice in the round which is a TKO. Charles Turner wins by 6th round TKO.

November 28, 1886

EBC - Club Juventud BBC - Santiago del Esterio, Argentina
HWJack Hall (#4, 7-3-0, 5KO) TKO6 Paddy Smith (#7, 7-5-0, 1KO)

The action is very light in round 1, right up until Hall drops Smith with a brutal right cross for an 8 count. Smith looks pretty hurt, but Hall doesn't have the time to finish him although Hall turns in a shutout round. Hall drops him to the canvas again in round 2, and again he's up at 8. Smith's legs look pretty bad, and Hall lands a few more times on the damaged Smith which causes a cut eyebrow on Smith. An early doctor's visit results in the fight continuing. Smith finally wakes up in round 3, scoring well with the right hand. Smith lands pretty well in the 4th, and suddenly Hall looks like he's wearing cement shoes plodding around the ring. Round 5 is too close to call, and in round 6 Hall scores with a stinging jab that reopens Smith's cut eyebrow. The referee stops the fight from the freely flowing cut. Jack Hall wins by cuts TKO in 6 rounds.

November 27, 1886

EBC - Leofric Hotel - Coventry, England
HWGeorge OC Godfrey (#2, 22-10-1, 14KO) KO2 Pat Killen (#5, 13-6-0, 11KO)

Godfrey outworks Killeen in round 1, nailing him with a good right hand and many jabs and Killeen starts to swell on an eye. Godfrey scores with a hard right hand and a nice hook and Killeen is in big trouble suddenly early in the 2nd. Godfrey lands two more digging shots to the body and Killeen drops to the slats with a minute remaining in the 2nd. Killeen simply cannot get any more erect than to one knee. George Godfrey takes it by 2nd round knockout.

November 22, 1886

EBC - Discoteca Mad - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
FWYoung Griffo (#1, 5-0-1, 2KO) TKO7 Jacob Hyams (#6, 10-6-0, 8KO)

Late in round 1 Griffo traps Jake in a corner and jabs his face off for the rest of the round. Griffo continues to outwork Hyams in every way possible for round 2, and Griffo also catches a warning for the constant fouling that is a feature of Griffo's attack. Hyams is more competitive in round 3, scoring with the jab, and he hurts Griffo bad with an uppercut and a right cross to the body. The round, which shapes up to be even, brings them to their feet with all the action. Griffo resumes his mastery of Hyams in round 4, cutting him on an eyebrow in a horrible wound that draws a doctor's house call after the bell. Griffo goes to the body early in round 5, and Hyams does the same. After a nasty right hand from Griffo, the doctor comes in again, and again he approves the fight continuing. Griffo scores to the jaw as round 5 ends and Hyams staggers across the ring trying to get back to his corner. There isn't much action in round 6, as Hyams plays pure defense trying to protect his damaged eyebrow. In round 7 Griffo out and out attacks that eyebrow, eventually reopening the cut with a right cross. The doctor comes in again, and this time he calls it. Young Griffo wins by 7th round cuts TKO.

November 05, 1886

EBC - Complexe Sportif - Brussels, Belgium
HWJames J Corbett (#10, 5-1-0, 1KO) W12 Frank Herald (#12, 16-10-0, 12KO)

Corbett scores repeatedly with the jab early in round 1, but a minute in Herald lands a sweet uppercut that snaps Corbett's head back. Herald lands a brutal combination and Corbett looks pretty dazed for the opening round, and he staggers backward into a corner where Herald pins him. Herald lands one more bomb of an uppercut that sees Corbett pop out of the corner not looking very balanced at all at the bell. Corbett pulls it together between rounds and he starts dancing and jabbing, while Herald has a bunch of trouble catching up to the elusive ghost that is jabbing his face off. Round 3 is shaping up to be even as Corbett grabs a rest, and just after Corbett lands a very hard hook, Herald buckles Corbett's knees with another pin-point accurate uppercut to the chin. Frank snaps Corbett's head side-ways with a thudding right cross early in round 4, and Corbett keeps jabbing to make it close while he starts to close one of Herald's eyes with sudden puffiness, and eventually Corbett outworks Herald in the round. Corbett's jab starts to land like a power punch in round 5, doing just as much damage as Herald's haymakers and landing about five or six times as often. By round 6 Herald is more or less half blind and gassed as Corbett boxes crisply, while landing the fastest jab in the division. Herald continues to fight by feel and not sight in round 7, and he catches Corbett a little flat footed with a right cross that freezes "Gentleman Jim" for a few seconds. Corbett is boxing beautifully in the 8th, moving in and out while scoring with a snapping jab, but Herald nails James with an uppercut and a pair of right crosses that ring Corbett's bell yet again at the actual bell and even up the scoring in the round. Corbett continues to target Herald's damaged eye, and Herald has all sorts of trouble cutting off the ring on the unbelievably slick Corbett late in the fight. Once again Corbett dominates for two and a half minutes until Herald lands a lucky overhand right that wobbles Corbett in round 10. Herald misses continuously because he can't even see the elusive Corbett in front of him, and James cautiously works from behind a very high guard hoping to avoid the inevitable late bum rush from Herald which is the case for round 11 and 12. Herald's eye is a hideous mess after the bout, and Corbett takes the bout on the scorecard by a lopsided count. James J Corbett wins by unanimous decision.

November 04, 1886

EBC - Kezar Pavilion - San Francisco, CA
LW(R3-T)Jack McAuliffe (Chmp, 16-1-0, 13KO) KO7 Horace Leeds (#2, 7-4-1, 2KO)

The champion outworks Leeds in round 1, landing a couple good right hands while Leeds tries to keep him off with the jab. Jack just accelerates from there, nailing Leeds with repeated right hands that wobble the challenger in the 2nd. Leeds slows the action greatly in round 3, taking it with a combination of holding and working on the inside. Leeds goes to the body in round 4, to nice effect while Jack quietly tries to wear him down a bit with the result being a slightly swollen eye for Leeds. A few seconds into the 5th Jack nails him with a perfect uppercut that drops Leeds to the canvas, but Leeds rises at the count of 8. McAuliffe fires with both hands, shoe-shining Leeds to the abdomen until Leeds suffers a flash knockdown at the bell. Leeds' left eye looks much worse after the round, but Leeds comes out doggedly jabbing away in round 6 while Jack misses over and over. Jack finally lands a couple shots late in the 6th, and Leeds' nose begins to bleed. He's in pretty serious trouble as Jack has his way with the damaged challenger, and the referee starts to look like he wants to stop it. 30 seconds into the 7th McAuliffe scores with a really hard hook that staggers Leeds and reopens his cut nose and the sawbones visits the ring and allows it to continue. Later in the round the champion nails him with a perfect uppercut that puts Leeds on the deck again, and though Horace rises at the count of 9 he looks like a zombie shuffling around the ring. McAuliffe pulls out all the stops trying to finish Leeds before the 7th ends, and he finally drops him with a nice right cross with 10 seconds remaining. Leeds pops to his feet at the count of 2, but then falls flat on his face again to take the full ten. EBC Lightweight Champion Jack McAuliffe successfully defends his title with a savage blowout of Horace Leeds by 7th round knockout.

November 01, 1886

EBC - Royal Square - Bangkok, Thailand
HW(R2)John P Clow (#6, 19-9-1, 6KO) TKOby9 Dominick McCaffrey (#9, 23-11-1, 16KO)

After exchanging light punches at ring center for the first 2 minutes of round 1 McCaffrey nails him to the body with a combination, and to the chin with an uppercut which makes Clow hold for the rest of round 1. Clow lands a series of punches half-way through the round and McCaffrey winces in pain, but McCaffrey methodically goes to the body again which freezes Clow for a moment. Late in the round Clow eats a shot to get inside on McCaffrey to land a huge right cross that stuns McCaffrey for the rest of the 2nd round. They trade slick jabs in the 3rd at ring center, until the power shots come out later in the round. Clow stuns McCaffrey with an uppercut, but then McCaffrey lands a right cross that cuts Clow on an eyebrow, but this round as well as the last are dead even. The action slows early in the 4th, but then McCaffrey hammers Clow upstairs which makes Clow stagger to his left into the ropes. Then Clow recovers to author a brilliant rally that takes the round and sees McCaffrey dazed and unable to catch the suddenly savage dervish before him. A minute into round 5 McCaffrey scores with a wild overhand right and suddenly Clow's legs look bad. Dom backs him into a corner and lets him have it while Clow attempts to hold. McCaffrey comes out throwing the lead right in round 6, but then Clow lands a violent right hand that has McCaffrey protecting his liver. Dom hits him with a jab that reopens the cut a few seconds later, and McCaffrey proceeds to lay into his now very distracted opponent. The action gets a little sloppy in the 7th, and Clow scores with a right hand that gives McCaffrey the exact same cut that John suffered earlier. The 7th ends up razor close, and both men have the bleeding stopped by the time they post for the 8th round. Clow's superior jab is dictating the action in round 8 when Clow hits him with a right hand. Clow's other eye begins to swell from one of McCaffrey's right hands, but Clow still obviously wins round 8. McCaffrey's first jab in round 9 pops John's cut open again, and this time the doctor has a look. In the first 2 minutes of round 9 McCaffrey cleans up against Clow, hammering him with right hands upstairs. Clow staggers and the cut worsens from the punishment, and the doctor has another look. This time the doctor cannot approve Clow's continuance. Dominick McCaffrey wins a 9th round cuts TKO in a bloody one.

November is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

October 26, 1886

EBC - Mansfield Civic Centre - Mansfield, England
LW(R6)Billy Dacey (#5, 13-8-0, 6KO) W12 George Taylor (#6, 16-14-4, 3KO)

Both fighters tag the other with stiff power punches in the opening round, and the crowd goes absolutely ape-shit after the round. In round 2 Dacey hammers him with uppercuts early, and he wobbles Taylor later in the round with a couple of right hands while Taylor just covers up. Billy continues to punish Taylor until about 30 seconds left in the 3rd when Taylor drops Dacey with a combination for a 7 count. Taylor nails him with a couple more uppercuts on the inside to take round 4 by a wide margin. The 5th is very close as Dacey starts to recover finally, and by round 6 Dacey is unlimbering the right hand like he was earlier in the fight. He staggers Taylor with a right hand that leaves him with no legs at all, and Dacey takes the 6th round clearly on the cards. With a minute remaining in a deadly dull 7th round, Dacey lands a nasty hook to the body in a round that's very close for lack of action. Taylor attacks the body in round 8, but both fighters are too tired to turn in much action. A minute into round 9 Dacey puts together a flurry of power punches that drop Taylor for a 9 count. Dacey fires away after the knockdown, and Taylor's eye starts to puff up suddenly, but in general Dacey can't catch up to the defensive minded Taylor. Early in the 10th round Dacey lands an uppercut that floors Taylor again for a 5 count, and Taylor is in bad shape again. Taylor gets on his bicycle and survives the round. Taylor holds mostly in round 11, and the final round sees Dacey scoring with right hands and making that swollen eye much worse. In the end Billy Dacey wins the unanimous decision by quite a bit.

October 24, 1886

EBC - Energia Sporthall - Narva, Estonia
MW(R7-TE)Bob Fitzsimmons (#1, 11-3-3, 9KO) W12 Jack Nonpariel Dempsey (#2, 15-6-2, 9KO)

Dempsey hits Fitz to the body early in the opening round, and he staggers him with a hook. "The Nonpariel" nails him with a hook to the body half-way through the round, but a few seconds later Fitzsimmons drops him with a right hand lead. Although Dempsey rises by the count of 5, he's in serious trouble as Fitz tries to catch him. Dempsey backs him into a corner early in the 2nd, and a minute into the round Fitzsimmons staggers Jack again with a straight right hand. After eating another hard right cross, Dempsey holds the rest of the round, much to the chagrin of those in attendance. After 2 minutes and change of dullness in round 3, Dempsey nails him with a right cross that sees Fitz almost touching down a knee. Early in the 4th Dempsey hurts him with a couple body punches, but with a minute left in the round Fitz drops him again with a nasty combination for a 9 count. Fitz lands a couple more shots, but Dempsey survives. Early in the 5th, Fitzsimmons staggers Dempsey again with a pair of right hands to the body. After a right handed haymaker that travels about a meter Dempsey is in big trouble. Dempsey jabs to keep Fitz off of him, and Jack hits him low and catches a warning about it before the bell. In round 6 they trade uppercuts at ring center early, and "Ruby Bob" backs Dempsey into a corner and he throws right hands to the jaw late in the round dazing Dempsey badly. Fitz drops him again with a minute left in round 6, and though he gets up at the count of 6 the writing is clearly on the wall by now. With 10 seconds remaining in the pivotal 6th round Fitzsimmons floors Dempsey one more time and "The Nonpariel" rises at 7 this time. Incredibly after 4 knockdowns, Dempsey doesn't have a mark on his face at the beginning of round 7. Fitz staggers him again with a right cross a minute into the 7th, and a nasty combination later in the round. The crowd wants the fight stopped, but Fitz again wallops Dempsey with right hands early in round 8. Suddenly with a minute remaining in round 8 Dempsey almost takes Fitzsimmon's head off with a right cross, and the momentum swings toward Dempsey for the first time tonight. Fitz scores with another long right hand lead to begin the 9th round, and though Dempsey lands a couple nice uppercuts, Bob attacks the body in the 9th and it gives him the round. Fitz scores with a devastating right cross early in the 10th, and Dempsey tries to comeback with power shots of his own, but the gas tank is too near empty so Fitz takes the round again. Dempsey holds in the 11th, trying to survive, but Bob hammers him with an uppercut a minute into the round that wobbles Dempsey. Jack looks out of it, and Fitz turns up the pressure even more, and finally Dempsey has a shiner after the round. A minute into the final round Fitz lands an uppercut that staggers Dempsey and makes him cover the body, and both men are just too tired to finish strongly. Jack survives to the final bell, though the winner by a freakin' country mile is Bob Fitzsimmons, and the cards read 118-106, 118-105 and 116-107 for "The Fighting Blacksmith". The series between Fitzsimmons and Dempsey now stands at 4 wins for Fitzsimmons, 2 wins for Dempsey and 1 draw in this thrilling series. Fitzsimmons will face George LaBlanche for the EBC Middleweight Championship by January.

October 18, 1886

EBC - Boston Arena - Boston, MA
FW(R3-T)Torpedo Billy Murphy (#1, 17-7-0, 13KO) TKOby7 Tommy Danforth (Chmp, 27-1-3, 15KO)

Danforth does the better work in round 1, but Murphy thumbs him and Tommy's eye begins to swell early in this fight. Danforth is pretty pissed off about the thumbing so he tears into Murphy with right hands and uppercuts for the rest of the round. Just a few seconds into the 2nd round Murphy lands one hell of an overhand right that lands flush on the champion's jaw, and Tommy wobbles to one side into the ropes. Later in round 2 Murphy scores with a couple right hand leads, and he misses with a few as well but Danforth only lands one punch, a body shot. By the beginning of round 3 the champion's eye looks terrible, especially for so early in a 15 round tussle. Late in the 3rd Danforth lands a counter hook that seriously staggers the challenger, and he opens up to punish Murphy for the rest of the 3rd. Murphy cautiously keeps his distance in the early 4th round, but later he hammers the champion upstairs in an effort to damage Danforth's eye some more. Early in the 5th they knock heads, and Danforth's swollen eye takes the hit and looks way worse after this. It's Murphy again who dictates the action in round 5, damaging him with some hard uppercuts and knocking heads again though Danforth rallies with 209 seconds left in the round. A minute into the 6th, the champion Danforth lands a nasty right hand lead that badly staggers Murphy. Murphy shows some angles as he tries to run some time off the clock, and his educated jab is a problem for Danforth. Tommy's swollen eye actually looks better before round 7, and now that he can see better the champ drops a right hand that lands on Murphy's jaw. Murphy staggers all the way across the ring trying to retrieve his balance, and about 30 seconds later Danforth lands a pretty right cross that snaps the challenger's head back and starts Murphy's eye swelling. Sensing his chance Danforth really piles on the punishment, and all Murphy can do is cover up. After several seconds of Danforth just killing Murphy on the inside before the referee Roman calls off the bout. Tommy Danforth successfully defends his crown again to remain the one and only EBC Featherweight Champion.

October 14, 1886

EBC - Chungmu Art Hall - Seoul, South Korea
HWDuncan McDonald (#6, 16-6-3, 3KO) TKO8 Joe McAuliffe (#7, 5-1-0, 3KO)

McAuliffe scores with a brutal combination just 15 seconds into the fight, and McDonald staggers fitfully. McAuliffe also hurts McDonald right at the bell with a shot to the bread basket. Joe outworks McDonald quite well in the 2nd, but he does pick up a warning for holding and hitting. In the 3rd McDonald lands a hook that opens a cut on McAuliffe's right eyebrow, and McAuliffe fires a straight right to the body in return and McDonald almost takes a knee. McDonald's first right cross in round 4 reopens the cut which looks a piece worse than before, and Duncan tries his best to get inside on the shifty youngster but is largely unsuccessful. Right at the end of the 4th McDonald lands a shot that has McAuliffe reeling to the ropes, and there is a sloppy but thrilling exchange at ring center until the bell rings and the crowd rises to their feet in appreciation. McAuliffe really takes over in round 5, staggering McDonald with a pair of uppercuts and a shot to the liver that makes McDonald wince and groan. McDonald picks it up in round 6, but he mostly misses Joe. McAuliffe lands a crushing hook that cracks a rib right at the bell, and McDonald looks out of it wobbling back to his corner. The action goes back inside in round 7, but again it's McAuliffe who outworks his more experienced foe including a couple shots that leave Duncan with no legs left at all and his staggering to the ropes is all that keeps him standing. Early in the 8th McDonald lands a double jab that reopens the cut eyebrow, this time warranting a visit from the doctor who approves the fight to resume. McDonald lands another shot that makes the cut even worse, and the doctor comes back only a minute after the first visit, but again all is well to continue. McDonald scores with a couple more shots upstairs before the doctor visits for the 3rd time in the round, this time ending the fight for McAuliffe's safety. Duncan McDonald scores an 8th round TKO on cuts over Joe McAuliffe, who was ahead on the scorecards by a mile.

October 13, 1886

EBC - Coney Island Athletic Club - Brooklyn, NY
HW(R4)George OC Godfrey (#3, 22-10-1, 13KO) W10 Jake Kilrain (#2, 31-10-0, 21KO)

Kilrain has done a bit more work in the 1st, when Godfrey lands a crippling right to the temple which sends Kilrain reeling across the ring at the bell and evens the round. Late in the 2nd Kilrain scores with a huge right hand, and he scores with a couple more shots before round 2 ends. Godfrey takes the 3rd with his stinging jab, and hooks to the liver and Kilrain can only hurt in response. Kilrain comes forward behind hooks to the body in the 4th, but half-way through the round Godfrey lands the left hook flush on the jaw and Kilrain feels it. Kilrain eats another bit shot to the abdomen, but then he lands a terrific right hand to the jaw and Godfrey staggers dazed to the ropes at the bell and again, the round is even. The 5th is more of the same, both of them hammering each other but even in the end. Godfrey gets a couple uppercuts home in the 6th round, but again Kilrain makes it close with his bombs on the inside. Godfrey scores early in the 7th, but Kilrain looks very tired by the end of the round, though he's able to even it up on the scorecard. Godfrey hammers him to the body in the 8th, and Jake looks worse and worse in a hurry from the pounding. Late in the 8th round Godfrey lands a perfect uppercut that floors Kilrain for a flash knockdown. Godfrey is punched out in the 9th round, so it's all Kilrain in the 9th, and he staggers Godfrey late in the round with an uppercut. Godfrey lands a big shot just as the 9th is ending, which makes the round very close. In the 10th both fighters are so shot that both of them look like they may fall over at any time. The final scorecard shows George "Old Chocolate" Godfrey is the unanimous decision winner by a landslide.

October 08, 1886

EBC - Charter Hall - Nairobi, Kenya
MWMike Lucie (#5, 10-5-0, 7KO) KO3 Ted Perry (#6, 8-6-0, 3KO)

Perry opens the fight by launching an leaping uppercut that makes both fighters leave their feet for a moment, and Lucie is staggered badly for being 15 seconds into a bout. With a minute left in the 1st Perry is warned for a pretty blatant low blow, and the now enraged Mike Lucie throws a couple of hooks upstairs at the bell to make the round even. Round 2 features way too much holding by both fighters early, but Lucie steps it up later in the round and he staggers Perry with an uppercut at the bell. Half-way through the 3rd Lucie scores with a perfect right hand lead that floors Perry like he saw an honest election. Perry tries very little to rise, and the count goes by without Perry's rising. Mike Lucie wins the 3rd round knockout.

October 04, 1886

EBC - Foley's Hall - Sydney, Australia
HW(R2)Dominick McCaffrey (#13, 22-11-1, 15KO) KO10 Morris Grant (#14, 16-14-1, 8KO)

McCaffrey's very first uppercut staggers Grant, and glazes his eyes over in round 1 and in the action that follows there isn't a single jab and just power punches while the action favors McCaffrey greatly. The action slows quite a bit in round 2, and again it's Dominick who comes out on top. In round 3 McCaffrey returns to his domination of Grant, who looks pretty used up at this point in his career. He does pretty well in the 4th, hanging punch for punch with the prime Dominick McCaffrey. Grant looks completely out of gas after the 4th, and McCaffrey takes full advantage pounding Grant upstairs while nary a punch comes back his way. Grant does a stand-up job in round 6 of defending McCaffrey's wild attacks, while trying not to use up much more energy. Grant hangs pretty well with McCaffrey in the 7th, but McCaffrey still takes the round. A minute into the 8th McCaffrey scores with a brutal combination that leaves Grant looking out on his feet. Grant does another good job of recovering but Dom takes the round by a solid margin. Morris is totally gassed after the 9th, so Dom starts to throw a little more often. About 40 seconds into the final round, Dom nails him with a combination right on the chin and Grant goes down to the canvas. He gets as far as his knees trying to rise, but he ultimately fails. Dominick McCaffrey wins by 10th round knockout.

October 01, 1886

October is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

September 27, 1886

EBC - Izgern Sporthalle - Izegern, Belgium
FWYoung Pluto (#2, 8-3-0, 2KO) TKOby8 Unknown Hill (#6, 11-10-2, 3KO)

Pluto scores with a couple hard right hands upstairs in the opening round, but Hill comes back late in the round to make it a bit closer. Hill stuns Pluto with a left hook half-way through round 2, and Hill pastes him after trapping Pluto in a corner. Pluto gets the jump on Hill in round 3, nailing him with a hook to the head that wobbles the Unknown one. Hill lands a couple times, but Pluto takes the round with a couple more uppercuts that hurt Hill. Pluto lands a few light punches in the first half of the 4th, and the action is about even the second half. The Young one continues to hammer Hill in the 5th, and Hill can only eat the punches including a paralyzing right cross 30 seconds before the round ends that staggers Hill. Pluto starts with a nice right hand in round 6, and he keeps outworking Hill until the final minute when Hill authors a beautiful rally that buries Pluto for the round. In round 7 neither fighter lands a punch for the first half of the round, and only one shot from Pluto in the second half. Pluto opens up in the 8th, rocking Hill upstairs with hooks and crosses. Hill scores with a nasty hook that opens a cut above one of Pluto's eyes, and the doctor has a look. The doctor calls the fight immediately over Young Pluto's protestations. Unknown Hill wins the 8th round TKO.

September 22, 1886

EBC - Goresbrook Leisure Centre - Essex, England
HW(R4)Jake Kilrain (#3, 31-9-0, 21KO) TKO10 Paddy Ryan (#7, 17-14-0, 4KO)

The action goes inside in the opening round, and it's Kilrain who benefits the most from the close quarters in round 1. Kilrain cranks up the hooks in round 2, and Ryan can only hold and stay in his defensive shell. In round 3 Kilrain just outguns Ryan and again Paddy has no idea how to hang with his former opponent again. Kilrain lands a popping right hand early in the 4th, and another uppercut leaves Ryan reeling. Ryan eats many right hands as Kilrain absolutely destroys Ryan in the 4th. The action slows a bit, but then Kilrain lands a screaming right hand half way through the round that wobbles Ryan yet again. Ryan comes back decently, but then Kilrain explodes the right hand on his jaw a couple times to solidly give Jake the round. Half way through round 6 Jake hits him with the right hand again, only this time Ryan's mouth is cut and blood starts to go everywhere. Ryan scores a couple times early in the 7th, but then Kilrain lands a wicked hook that leaves Ryan trying his best to remain on his feet. Both men attack the body late in round 7, and Ryan also suffers a cut under his left eye in this round. There is a complete lack of action as both men tire suddenly in round 8, but Kilrain hits him in the mouth to open a cut in Ryan's mouth and so the doctor has a look. Kilrain finishes the round strong, while round 9 sees Kilrain walking down the weakend irishman with right hands to the body. Late in the 9th Ryan has a tremendous rally, raining light punches on Kilrain to make the round even. A minute into the 10th sees Kilrain teeing off on the completely supine Ryan, and by half way through the round Kilrain staggers him twice with uppercuts while Ryan paws at his cut eye. Suddenly the doctor makes a visit, and he rules that Ryan cannot continue because of the terrible cuts he's sustained. Jake Kilrain wins this bout by 10th round TKO.

September 18, 1886

EBC - Joplin Memorial Hall - Joplin, MO
MW(R2)Young Mitchell (Chmp, 6-3-0, 4KO) L13 George LaBlanche (#2, 18-5-1, 11KO)

LaBlanche comes out jabbing, but Mitchell nails him hard to the body and then a nasty combination upstairs sends LaBlanche staggering. LaBlanche starts to land the right late in the round and the crowd is pretty fired up after round 1. Mitchell roars out of his corner with a wild haymaker that nails LaBlanche right on the chin, and down he goes. George is up at 6, and then Mitchell throws to the body while LaBlanche doesn't do much of anything. LaBlanche recovers and at the 45 second mark of the 3rd he lands a devastating uppercut that leaves Mitchell with no legs suddenly. LaBlanche continues to hook and uppercut to Mitchell's body and the young champion can't do much early in round 3. Mitchell's eye starts to look puffy so Mitchell starts to throw, and he lands a couple good shots to the body late in the 3rd. The action slows early in the 4th, but later in the round LaBlanche gets Mitchell's eye looking worse, and his fading eyesight allows George to land where he wouldn't have earlier. Suddenly at the 2 minute mark of round 4 Mitchell drops LaBlanche again, and this time he is up at the count of 9 but Mitchell doesn't do much to capitalize. Mitchell opens the 5th with a shot to the body that makes LaBlanche, and everyone else in the Joplin Memorial Hall, wince in pain. LaBlanche attacks the body after that, and one violent straight right wobbles the champion. With one minute left there is a furious exchange at ring center that will be in the running for round of the year, and then George lands a crushing hook at the end of the round as they go absolutely wild. Mitchell lands one hard jab early in the 6th, and after a couple of tame exchanges they hammer each other with hard punches to the head until the bell. Early in the 7th LaBlanche scores with a hard left hook on Mitchell's blind side, and then George clinches and works the body with one arm. Then George traps him on the ropes to score with several light punches and a nice flurry on the move, while Mitchell doesn't land even 1 punch in the round. In the 8th Mitchell catches up to LaBlanche with a right hand that sees George with glazed over eyes and his legs looking bad. LaBlanche walks backward with his hands down, but Mitchell doesn't land a thing until George recovers. After Mitchell buries a left hook in LaBlanche's belly, George lands an uppercut before a head butt that starts Mitchell's eyebrow a'bleedin. After one more flurry from LaBlanche, the 8th ends up dead even. LaBlanche easily takes the 9th when Mitchell shows up gassed, and one lead right makes that eye swell alarmingly on Mitchell's mug. The 10th develops slowly, and it's Mitchell who attacks the body early. LaBlanche starts to rally with 40 seconds left, and after a few hard shots to the body George goes upstairs with a combination that floors the champion. Mitchell is up at 9, and there isn't enough time for them to engage at ring center in round 10. They trade jabs early in the 11th, but with a minute remaining in the round LaBlanche lands a powerful uppercut that puts Mitch into bad trouble again. LaBlanche reopens Mitchell's cut eye a few seconds into the 12th, and then he piles up the points while Mitchell mostly paws at his cut eyebrow. in round 13 LaBlanche also sees damage accrue on the swelling which happens to be on the same eye as the cut, while Mitchell doesn't do anything. Suddenly with a few seconds left in round 13 LaBlanche floors Mitchell with a shot to the temple. He is up at the count of 3 and the bell rings before the referee can get to 8. LaBlanche continues to badly outclass Mitchell on the inside, hurting him both to the body and head before he drops Mitch again for a 9 count this time with 40 seconds remaining in the 14th. Mitchell gets up, but the cut looks much worse than it did before the knockdown. The referee stops the bout, and because the cut was caused by an accidental head butt they go to the scorecards. The 14th round and it's knockdown are nullified by the circumstance of the decision. The final scores are 123-119 and 125-118 twice for the winner and NEW EBC champion George LaBlanche!

September 16, 1886

EBC - Discoteca Mad - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
MW(R4)Bob Fitzsimmons (#1, 10-3-3, 9KO) KO6 Billy Leedam (#6, 14-10-3, 3KO)

Fitz scores nicely to the body, then a huge shot right on the button forces Leedam to retreat early in the 1st. Leedam eats a couple more power punches before he finally lands a punch of his own with a minute left in round 1, and by the end of the round Fitz obviously has taken it. Fitzsimmons continues to outgun his opponent with thudding power punches to the body mostly in round 2. 30 seconds into the 3rd Fitz scores with a winging right hand that stuns Leedam badly, and then Fitz lands a power hook to the liver and another hard uppercut that leaves Leedam all but running away from the Welsh Blacksmith. Fitz opens the 4th with an uppercut that almost puts Billy down, but there isn't much action late in the round as Bob looks a little punched out. Fitz scores with some hooks upstairs early in round 5, and he stuns Leedam for a second with a really nasty uppercut later in the round which leaves Billy with a swelling eye and Fitz with a possible 10-8 round after the drubbing that Fitz puts on him. They trade jabs early in the 6th, but with 1:15 remaining in the 6th Fitz lands a terrific uppercut that drops Leedam to the slats. Leedam tries his best, but he cannot beat the count. Fitzsimmons wins by way of 6th round knockout.

September 14, 1886

EBC - Gimnasio Club Mexico - Santiago, Chile
HWFrank Herald (#13, 16-9-0, 12KO) W10 Jack Bubbles Davis (#11, 13-11-4, 4KO)

Herald lands a nice right hand half-way through the 1st, but Davis fights back hard and he staggers Herald at the bell with a hook upstairs to thrill the crowd. It happens again in the 2nd when Davis is staggered by a left hook half-way through the round, and again Davis rallies to excite those in attendance, although Herald comes out on top in the scoring this time. Neither man does a whole lot in round 3, but Davis scores with a hard right cross that stagger Herald with a few seconds left. In the 4th Davis is rocking a lead, when Herald flurries with a couple hard right hands to stagger "Bubbles". Herald opens with a huge right hand in round 5, and Davis is doing a good job of coming back when Frank lands a nasty right cross down the middle and Davis holds to survive. All of this sets up an unbelievable exchange as round 5 is ending where both men are hurt and landing huge right hands, and those in attendance explode from seeing such an amazing sequence. Frank snaps his head back with a perfect jab a minute into the 6th, and he follows with a power left hook that leaves Davis glassy-eyed and woozy with a swelling eye. Herald just cleans up against Davis for the 6th, and in round 7 they trade uppercuts and both men wobble. Herald again flurries at the end of the round to take it on the card, but both men look gassed after the round. Herald cautiously scores with the jab, and three nasty right crosses that stagger Davis early in the 8th. The ref is looking pretty closely at Davis, and thinking of stopping it late in round 8 as Herald hits the gas and hammers Davis over and over. Davis is winning round 9 when Herald scores a good right hand to even the round up just before both men hold. The 10th sees Davis desperately throwing the right hand, trying to land heavy, and though he wins the round the result is pretty clear at this point. The winner by unanimous decision is Frank Herald in one that wasn't close.

September 05, 1886

EBC - Krylia Sovetov - Moscow, Russia
LW(R2)(T)Jack McAuliffe (#1, 15-1-0, 12KO) KO6 Barney Donovan (Chmp, 28-2-0, 24KO)

At the 45 second mark of round 1 the champion Donovan floors McAuliffe with a crashing right hand, and he rises at the count of 4. McAuliffe lands well after that, but McAuliffe lands one terrific right hand near the end of the opening round. McAuliffe scores with a crashing hook in the 2nd round, and he probably takes the scoring with his attack upstairs. There is a total lack of action in the 3rd, but the round 4 sees McAuliffe on the offensive, throwing destructive right hands that put the champion in big trouble by the end of the round. The 5th is an amazing display of boxing violence at ring center, and though the round is dead even no one walks away disappointed. In round 6 McAuliffe throws everything but the kitchen sink at Donovan and the champion finally goes down after a flurry of perhaps twelve punches. Donovan tries his best but he cannot rise in time to beat the count. Jack McAuliffe captures the EBC Lightweight Championship from now former champ Barney Donovan with a 6th round knockout, and Donovan's ploy of scheduling the bout as soon (a week after his last bout) as possible doesn't work.

September 04, 1886

EBC - Pabellon la Solidaridad - Fuenlabrada, Spain
HWJohn P Clow (#6, 19-8-1, 6KO) TKO10 Jack Fallon (#14, 7-3-0, 3KO)

Clow is outworking Fallon in the opening round, when with minute left in round 1 Clow drops Fallon for a 4 count. Clow wobbles him again at the bell, and Fallon doesn't land a single punch in the 1st. Clow lands a devastating combination 20 seconds into round 2, and he continues to blow him away with hooks for the rest of the round. In round 3 Clow scores with a crushing right hand 30 seconds in, and Fallon holds. Clow continues to hammer Fallon for the rest of round 3, and Fallon has no answers for Clow's attack. Clow hammers him with right hands again in the 4th, but this time Fallon lands a couple of light punches in response. Fallon finally wakes up fully in the 5th, landing well and opening a cut near one of Clow's eyes. John resumes his domination in the 6th, but Fallon lands the jab a couple times. Before round 7 Fallon looks exhausted, but Clow doesn't do a whole lot to take advantage in the round producing an even one. Early in the 8th Fallon backs into a corner, and he fights very well off the ropes, but with 10 seconds left in the round Clow floors Fallon again for a 5 count this time and the bell rings before Fallon rises. John retires to his defensive shell in round 9, because it's pretty clear that he has the fight won if he can stand up. Clow lands a couple of hard shots just before the bell, and 30 seconds into round 10 he drops Fallon for a third time. He's up at 4 this time, and Clow attacks the body afterward. The end finally comes with 1 second remaining in round 10, and referee Mercante Jr finally stops the slaughter. John P Clow is victorious by way of a 10th round TKO.

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