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Eternity Boxing Council News

EBC Recent News

April 01, 1887

April is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

March 28, 1887

EBC - Cut Off Youth Center - Cut Off, LA
FW(R2)Young Pluto (#3, 10-3-0, 3KO) 12x3 Unknown Hill (#6, 11-11-2, 3KO)

Pluto lands very little in the 1st, but Hill lands absolutely zip. In round 2 it's Hill who posts a narrow lead in the round, staggering Pluto with a right hand lead at the bell. Pluto scores several times early in the 3rd, and then he buries his right hand up to the wrist into Hill's abdomen producing a grimace from Hill. It's the Unknown one who scores well early in the 4th, while Pluto takes a small lead with a flurry at the bell. Pluto jabs and moves early in the 5th, but Hill keeps it close despite a crushing hook with a few seconds left in the round. Round 6 sees very little action, but it's probably Pluto with a slight lead. Hill is pretty much gassed after the 6th, and it's Pluto who takes over in the 7th, dictating the action with an educated jab. Pluto gets overly cautious in the 8th, perhaps thinking he has the fight wrapped up. Pluto it turns out was resting because he opens up in the 9th, punishing Hill upstairs until Hill goes down half-way through the round. He rises at 8 and Pluto picks it up hoping to finish Hill but Unknown finishes the round on his feet. Hill does a good job getting off first in the 10th, but again Pluto has a big rally as the round ends. Pluto staggers Hill again in the 11th with a lead right, then he drops Hill with an uppercut to the temple with 20 seconds left in the round. Hill rolls over, but that's it. Young Pluto wins an 11th round knockout.

March 22, 1887

EBC - Robarts Arena - Sarasota, FL
LW(T)Jack McAuliffe (Chmp, 18-1-0, 15KO) KO4 Martin E Snee (#7, 14-8-1, 3KO)

Snee lands well early in the 1st, including a hard right hand that makes the champion blink. McAuliffe comes back with a nasty uppercut and a tremendous right cross that leave Snee trying to keep his balance. Jack flashes fast hands in the 2nd, and Snee simply cannot keep pace with the very skilled champion. In round 3 McAuliffe plants his feet to land a series of hooks upstairs that leave Snee unsure of his own name. Martin is standing at the conclusion of round 3, but his legs are already gone. 30 seconds into the 4th the champion explodes a hook off of Snee's jaw, and the challenger drops like a hippie in an acid factory. Snee manages to get to his knees by the 9 count, but he cannot beat the final 10 count. EBC Lightweight champion Jack McAuliffe defends his title with a 4th round knockout of overmatched Martin E Snee.

March 16, 1887

EBC - Discoteca Mad - Santa Cruz, Bolivia
MWBob Fitzsimmons (#1, 12-4-3, 10KO) KO10 Young Mitchell (#4, 6-4-0, 4KO)

Mitchell jabs and moves early and it's looking like he's going to win the 1st round when Fitzsimmons suddenly unleashes 2 body shots that freeze the Young one as well as giving a slight lead to "The Fighting Blacksmith". They trade viscious body shots early in the 2nd, and Fitzsimmons unwraps the uppercut after that staggering Mitchell. Fitz tears into Mitchell for the rest of the round, but Mitchell blocks or dodges every single punch. Mitchell nails him with a couple of uppercuts early in the 3rd, and Fitzsimmons has great difficulty staying upright. Round 4 sees Fitz open with a left hook and then a right cross that causes Mitchell to cover up stunned. Fitz keeps firing the hook, but Mitchell lands a powerful shot flush on the jaw. Fitz shrugs it off and fires the right hand until the bell. They wrestle on the inside in round 5, and the much stronger Fitzsimmons outguns Mitchell and has his way for most of the round. In the 6th Fitz attacks Mitchell downstairs and Mitchell winces in pain, then "Ruby Bob" lands an overhand right to the jaw that leaves Mitchell with no legs. Round 7 the action slows until Fitz lands a huge shot to the waist that sees Mitchell crab walking to the ropes to stay upright, then Mitchell recovers and shoe shines Fitz to the body until he actually probably wins the round. Fitz is gassed first before the 8th, but he grits his teeth and starts throwing the right hand including a shot that might have broken a rib or two. Mitchell retreats onto the ropes where Fitz roughs him up until the 8th round ends. Half-way through the 9th Fitz lands a terrifying shot to the temple, and Mitchell's eye balloons up really quickly. Fitz scores with a couple more right hands and Mitchell doesn't score with much at all. The final round sees Fitz score downstairs with a heavy combination, which staggers Mitchell and opens up the way for more hard right hands. Fitz has him reeling in the final minute, and with 30 seconds left he finally drops Mitchell with an uppercut to the chin. Mitchell tries his best, but he simply cannot get any further upright than on one knee. Bob Fitzsimmons wins by a horribly violent one punch knockout over Young Mitchell.

March 12, 1887

EBC - Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre - Bristol, England
LWSam Bittle (#8, 17-11-4, 7KO) L12 Jack Nicolson (#9, 7-4-2, 4KO)

Nicolson outworks Bittle in the 1st as Sam comes into the ring cold, and in round 2 Bittle warms up and they produce a round too close to call. After gaining a solid lead in round 3, Bittle lands a crushing right hand that has Nicolson almost touch a knee to the slats. Nicolson eats right hands for most of the 4th, but he recovers and the 5th is very close again. Nicolson has a great 6th round, using his jab to walk Bittle down. The 7th is another razor close round, and Nicolson takes a slight lead in the 8th with the uppercut. Jack is winning the 9th when he suddenly is gassed, and Bittle catches up to him in the scoring for the round. Bittle stuns Nicolson in the 10th with an uppercut, and Bittle just accelerates from there winning the last couple of rounds from the defensive minded Nicolson. The final scorecard shows a surprising 115-114 twice and 114-115 for a split decision victory for Jack Nicolson.

March 09, 1887

EBC - Cow Palace - Daly City, CA
HW(R3-T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 27-2-1, 21KO) TKO8 Dominick McCaffrey (#7, 23-12-1, 16KO)

The champion comes out jabbing, and with a minute left in the 1st he lands a hard right cross that stuns McCaffrey. Dominick walks him down in the first half of round 2, and he lands the right hand a couple of times which gives the challenger the round. Jackson nails Dom with an uppercut that sends him reeling onto the ropes, and a leaping right cross to the chin floors McCaffrey for a 5 count. Jackson scores to the body in the 4th, and his quick hands keep McCaffrey at bay for the entire round. In the 5th Peter lands a nice right cross and an uppercut that leave McCaffrey with swollen glazed eyes and no legs. Jackson keeps the pressure up, and though McCaffrey scores with some counters "The Black Prince" wins the 6th. In round 7 McCaffrey scores well upstairs, but Jackson lands a right hand that almost floors Dom at the bell to make the round closer. The champion begins with a couple of right crosses that send McCaffrey dizzily retreating in the 8th. Jackson keeps landing the right throughout the round, both McCaffrey's eyes are nearly swelled shut and Peter drops him for an 8 count late in the 8th. Jackson keeps the pressure high and he drops Dom again at the bell ending the 8th. This time McCaffrey cannot beat the count. EBC Heavyweight Champion Peter Jackson destroys old rival Dominick McCaffrey with an 8th round clean knockout.

March 01, 1887

EBC - Cafe Royal - London, England
MWHarris Martin (#7, 5-1-0, 3KO) W10 John Laurie (#5, 5-2-0, 3KO)

Martin lets the bombs fly in the 1st, knocking down Laurie a minute and a half into the bout for a 5 count. Martin again fires at will, but he doesn't have the time to finish the New Zealander. Laurie slows things down greatly in the 2nd, but in the 3rd Martin drops Laurie again for a 3 count this time. Martin lets him off the hook again, but he has a shutout round in the 4th while Laurie misses every single punch he throws. Laurie finally lands a couple shots in the 6th, but Martin still clearly wins the round with his powerful shots. After another shutout round for Martin in the 7th, Laurie scores with a devastating hook early in the 8th which puts Martin on the canvas for a 5 count. Martin is out on his feet, but by the end of the round he's recovered for the most part. Early in the 9th Martin scores with a lead right to the temple which drops John again for a 6 count this time. A few seconds later Martin lands an uppercut that floors him again for a 5 count. Laurie holds and runs for the rest of the round to survive. Laurie goes down 2 more times in the final round, but somehow is on his feet at the final bell. The scorecards show Harris Martin as the unanimous decision victor after 10 rounds.

March is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

February 25, 1887

EBC - Caird Hall - Dundee, Scotland
FW(R3)Torpedo Billy Murphy (#2, 18-7-0, 13KO) W12 Tommy Warren (#8, 7-4-1, 5KO)

30 seconds in Murphy lands a right cross off the jab that staggers Warren badly for so early in the fight. A minute later Murphy starts Warren's eye swelling, again really early, and Murphy continues to hammer Warren until the bell. In round 2 Murphy lands a hard right hand, then as he flurries trying to get Warren out of there Warren lands a tremendous hook to the body that suddenly staggers Murphy and turns the momentum around. Warren attacks upstairs with hooks for the rest of the round, but Tommy's eye looks a lot worse from the few shots that Murphy landed in that round. Murphy lands a nice sharp combination a minute into the 3rd, and Warren is badly stunned. Murphy works the body for the rest of the round, but Warren lands a perfect straight left at the bell. Warren is cleaning up early in the 4th with a series of viscious left hooks, when Warren lands a right cross that sends Murphy into a little dance to stay upright and also worsens the swelling on Murphy's eye. Tommy gets pretty desperate and as the round ends he has a nice flurry. The action slows down in the 5th, but Warren clearly wins it with a late rally. Murphy starts off the 6th with a nice series of combinations upstairs, and it's enough to give him the round as Warren has no answer. Murphy starts to land the jab while making Warren miss with his exemplary footwork in round 7. Murphy gets a little careless after landing a hard hook at the beginning of round 8, and Warren drops him with a hook for a 9 count. Murphy runs and holds for the rest of the round, while Warren is too heavy of foot to catch up to him. About a minute into the 9th round "Torpedo Billy" lands a huge right cross that drops Warren to the slats for a 9 count. Murph punishes Warren for the rest of the round, and Warren's eye looks worse and worse. Murphy staggers him again with a lead right about a minute into the 10th, and Warren is way outgunned for the rest of the round as Murph stalks him. Murphy lands a bunch of jabs, then a right cross off a jab that floors Warren again for a 6 count. Warren is staggered again a few seconds before the bell, and the referee takes a close look, almost stopping the bout. Murphy cautiously puts the last round in the bank, and Warren's wheels are too worked to catch him. Torpedo Billy Murphy wins by unanimous decision in a fight that was more or less even until the second knockdown.

February 24, 1887

EBC - Expo Garden Hotel - Kunming, China
HWJames J Corbett (#5, 6-2-0, 2KO) LDQ8 Joe McAuliffe (#9, 6-1-0, 3KO)

Both men give it their all in the very close 1st, with no feeling out process whatsoever. Corbett starts jabbing and moving after planting his feet and trading in round 1, and McAuliffe who suffers a swollen eye socket, has no idea how to touch him with the right hand. At the end of the 2nd, the referee takes a point away from Gentleman Jim for hitting with an elbow. Although Jim lost the round, he has McAuliffe all but figured out, and Joe has trouble reaching him with anything after that, and Corbett takes full advantage in the 3rd. About a minute into the 4th, Corbett nails him with a right hand to the jaw and Joe is stunned badly for a few seconds. Although Jim wins the 4th, McAuliffe manages to get a hook home that starts Corbett's eye swelling a bit. The 5th starts the same way the last few rounds began, but then McAuliffe lands a right hand that puts Corbett in full-defensive mode and the round even. Corbett does a good job of tightening the D for the first half of the 6th, but then McAuliffe lands a pair of right hands that stuns Jim again. By the second half of round 7, Corbett is fully recovered finally, and he scores with a couple perfect jabs at the bell. In round 8 Corbett is winning big time, when Corbett hits him low, about the 10th foul that Not so Gentleman Jim has authored. Referee Kimmons disqualifies Corbett and McAuliffe wins by 8th round disqualification.

February 23, 1887

EBC - Royal Square - Bangkok, Thailand
LW(R2)Billy Dacey (#6, 13-9-1, 6KO) D12 Jack Nicolson (#8, 6-4-2, 4KO)

Round 1 is a feeling out round, straight up. A minute into round 2 Dacey scores with an uppercut that wobbles Nicolson, and Billy has Nicolson in some anount of trouble in the round. Nicolson out-jabs Dacey in the 3rd, and the 4th sees the momentum swing Dacey's way once again. In the 5th round Dacey nails him repeatedly with hooks to the body, while Dacey posts a slight lead after the 6th. Nicolson scores more in the 7th round by a little bit, and Dacey backs him into a corner late in the 8th while peppering him with jabs then a couple hard hooks later. Nicolson is doing a good job of keeping Dacey's hands full in round 9, when Jack drops the one-time EBC Lightweight champion with a nasty uppercut for a 6 count producing a swollen eye. Dacey looks pretty woozy after he receives the treatment from Nicolson, and by the end of the round both men's legs are gone. In round 10 it's Dacey who works up a small lead, right up until Nicolson drops Dacey again for a 7 count with a flashy combination half-way through the round. Dacey is barely able to convince the ref that he can continue after the knockdown in the 10th. Nicolson is unable to land even one punch in the 11th or 12th after emptying his guns on Dacey's head in the 10th. The scorecards show a final score of 113-113 twice and 114-112 for Billy Dacey, for a majority draw over 12 rounds.

February 18, 1887

EBC - Mercia Park - Coventry, England
FWYoung Pluto (#3, 10-3-0, 3KO) KO1 Sam Baxter (#5, 8-7-1, 0KO)

Pluto swarms his opponent with right hands until Baxter goes down with 1 minute left in the 1st round. Baxter is finished and cannot get up resulting in a quick knockout victory for Young Pluto.

February 13, 1887

EBC - Wonderland Arena - London, England
MW(R2-T)George LaBlanche (Chmp, 19-6-1, 12KO) TKOby8 Charles Turner (#2, 9-3-0, 7KO)

LaBlanche scores repeatedly with the right hand in round 1, but later in the round it's Turner who traps the champion on the ropes while unlimbering the right hand to great effect. A minute into the 2nd Turner lands a huge body shot that sees LaBlanche stagger across the ring covering up. Turner dictates the action for the rest of the round, except that George rallies with about 15 seconds left in the round to make it pretty much even. Turner flashes fast hands early in round 3, and LaBlanche covers up. Late in the round Turner has captured a large lead, but then LaBlanche flurries to make it closer but still clearly Turner's. It starts to get ugly in round 4 when both men hold, and it slows way down as a result though again Turner clearly takes the round. The champion jabs and moves early in the 5th, and they trade smashing right hands late in the round which scores out pretty much even. George gets his second wind in the 6th, and the attack to Turner's body puts him in a bit of trouble. Turner finally wakes up half-way through the 6th, and he lands several lead rights that have the champion doing odd dance steps to remain standing. The round is pretty close after all has been said and done, and in round 7 Turner opens a cut on the champion's right eyebrow. Turner's eyes get wide and he attacks the cut eyebrow making it worse almost immediately, and Turner lands a stiff combination right at the bell that leaves no doubt on the scoring. They get the cut to stop bleeding before the 8th, but Turner scores with a clean hook and a flush right cross that floor the champion a minute into round 8 for a 2 count. Charles lands a short clean right cross that reopens the cut and draws the doctor into the ring. LaBlanche is allowed to continue but his legs look pretty bad. Turner scores with 2 more right hands right away, and the cut gets even worse. The doctor revisits the ring, and this time he rules that LaBlanche cannot continue because of the horrible cut on his eyebrow. Charles Turner manages to parley a couple of impressive wins into a streak that sees him win the EBC Middleweight Championship which apparently cannot be held for very long by anyone. Stay tuned.

February 08, 1887

EBC - Estadio Fab - Buenos Aires, Argentina
MW(R3)Jack Nonpariel Dempsey (#3, 16-6-2, 9KO) W10 Billy Leedam (#8, 14-11-3, 3KO)

Dempsey is a bit overcautious early, so it's Leedam who does most of the throwing in round 1. Billy is winning the 2nd, when Dempsey lands a crushing uppercut that backs Leedam off for the rest of the round. The action is even in the first half of round 3, but Leedam seems to have a small lead by the round's end. Early in the 4th Dempsey unlimbers the hook, and Leedam staggers backward to a corner. Dempsey lands a couple of tremendous body shots putting Leedam in even more jeopardy late in the 4th. The action unfolds slowly in the 5th, and it's Dempsey who takes advantage late, snapping Leedam's head back with a right cross that also cuts Billy under his left eye. Dempsey hits Leedam low early in the 6th, and the referee gives him a severe warning. Dempsey keeps concentrating his attack to the body despite the danger, and Leedam is in bad trouble at the end of the 6th. Leedam pulls it together, and they have a very close 7th round though Billy is looking very tired. After a razor close 8th round, Dempsey drops Leedam for an 8 count a few seconds before the bell. The 9th is another dominant one for Dempsey, and Leedam begins to swell on an eye during the round. Leedam is in no shape to fight Dempsey in the final round, and Dempsey rocks him several times before the final bell. "The Nonpariel" Jack Dempsey wins the unanimous decision by a long long way.

February 01, 1887

February is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

January 24, 1887

EBC - Heart of St Charles Center - St Charles, MO
MW(R2)Charles Turner (#3, 9-3-0, 7KO) TKO2 Ted Perry (#8, 8-7-0, 3KO)

Turner just blitzes Perry in the 1st, and right at the bell Ted is stopped cold by a hard uppercut that starts his eye swelling. Turner continues to flash lightning fast hands until he finally drops Perry with a minute left in the 2nd. He barely beats the count and Turner lands a couple more flush right hands before referee Pabon rescues Perry........all this before Perry lands even 1 punch! Charles Turner puts on an amazing show, pitching a no-hitter while scoring a 2nd round TKO on the shell-shocked Perry.

January 23, 1887

EBC - Galveston City Auditorium - Galveston, TX
LW(R3)Bill Mahan (#9, 13-10-0, 7KO) KOby4 Bill Parker (#7, 13-11-1, 2KO)

The action is very lacking in the early going, but by the end of round 1 Parker rallies to a slim lead in the round. Half-way through round 2 Mahan lands a crushing hook to the temple that sends Parker reeling across the ring, and he follows up with a nasty combination that almost puts Parker down. Mahan has Parker covering up early in the 3rd when he lands a combination of about 5 punches that puts Parker on the deck. Bill rises at 8 and Mahan pours it on for the rest of the round, staggering him a couple more times. The next round sees very little action, right up until Parker floors Mahan with 5 seconds left in the round. Mahan sits up, but it's clear that he won't be rising from the way he has trouble focusing his eyes. Bill Parker gets off the floor to win the bout by 4th round knockout.

January 20, 1887

EBC - Robert Treat Hotel - Newark, NJ
FWYoung Pluto (#4, 9-3-0, 2KO) W12 Harry Mead (#2, 22-10-6, 3KO)

Both men are free swinging sluggers by trade, and it's Young Pluto who is the more aggressive fighter in the 1st and he outworks Mead. Harry attacks the body to good effect in the 2nd round, and Pluto has trouble with his accuracy when Mead makes the adjustment from the first round. Both men attack the body in round 3, and the round is very close with a slight edge going to Mead. The 4th is too close to call, while Mead is staggered at the bell. In round 5 Pluto posts a small lead by the end of the round made possible by his late rally. In round 6, Pluto scores with a tremendous right hand to the body that freezes Mead and wobbles him pretty badly. Retreating behind a high guard, Mead is able to keep him off with his jab, right up until Pluto visciously head-butts Mead as round 6 ends. In round 7 Mead seems gassed though he continues to pop the jab, while Pluto mostly just misses with his more powerful punches, round 7 couldn't be called accurately without a microscope, it was so close. Mead suddenly gets very aggressive in the 8th round, landing repeatedly after finding a chink in Pluto's defense. Round 9 sees the action move inside, and Pluto lands pretty well including an uppercut that staggers Mead right at the bell. Mead does a fair amount of holding in the 10th to slow things down, but it's Pluto who scores regularly on his british opponent. In round 11 Mead controls things with his jab, while Pluto mostly just misses. The final round is tooooo close to call. The scorecards show a close split decision victory for Young Pluto 114-116, 116-115 and 116-114.

January 18, 1887

EBC - Mercia Park - Coventry, England
LWGeorge Lavigne (#2, 5-1-1, 0KO) W12 Martin E Snee (#5, 14-7-1, 3KO)

Lavigne is a tremendously better boxer than Snee, and he punishes Martin as early as round 1 with shots upstairs. Later in round 2 Lavigne gets a hook home that staggers Martin, but Lavigne doesn't have the time to wrap it up. Lavigne goes hard to the body early in the 3rd, but this round is closer and Snee tags him upstairs producing a cut over George's left eye. 30 seconds into round 4 Lavigne feints, then lands a perfect combination that drops Snee for a 3 count. Snee tightens up his defense and Lavigne doesn't land much in the follow up but Snee reopens George's cut right at the bell with a jab. Round 5 is a snoozer, but Lavigne rallies late to win the round. Lavigne traps Snee in a corner, and he starts to fire uppercuts, but Snee does a pretty good job of trying to keep up posting a winner after round 6. Lavigne seems to go into a snooze in the 7th, and Snee takes full advantage, steadily scoring upstairs while Lavigne won't let his hands go. Round 8 is too close to call, with some amazing action that the crowd acknowledges by going hog-wild at the bell. Lavigne is gassed by round 9, but he fights in spurts to win the round from his less talented opponent by a few points. Lavigne goes to the body and even lower in round 10, and George catches a warning while winning the round. Round 11 is very close, though Snee takes it with a quick jab. Snee traps him in a corner, and lands a shot that reopens Lavigne's cut a few seconds into the 12th. Snee lands a nice variety of punches while George paws at his cut, trying to wipe the blood away. The final scorecards show George Lavigne winning a very close though unanimous decision 114-113 and 115-112 twice.

January 17, 1887

EBC - The Palladium - Denver, CO
HWJake Kilrain (#3, 32-10-0, 21KO) W10 Mike Conley (#9, 11-6-3, 7KO)

Kilrain lands a couple shots early, but then Conley lands a right hand that almost takes Jake's head off and Jake wobbles to the ropes. Jake is trying to hold on and their heads come together violently, and Jake recovers to do a bunch of damage to Conley. Mike scores with a viscious uppercut and a nasty snarl besides, and he attacks the body as well as Jake's size large jaw and Conley takes the round by a wide margin. Seconds into round 3 Conley scores with another uppercut to the chin which puts Kilrain into a bunch of trouble. At the 1:30 mark Conley scores with a nasty right cross that floors Kilrain for a 6 count. Conley has great power and Kilrain feels every bit of it during the time remaining in round 3, while landing zero punches himself. Kilrain, a little desperate, scores with an uppercut and a right hand that blast Conley across the ring 30 seconds into round 4. Jake continues to fire hooks at the suddenly vulnerable Conley, and Jake has him on the run late in the round. Conley is totally gassed before round 5, and Kilrain out hustles him soundly including a huge right cross that stuns Mike and starts his eye swelling a minute into the round. Kilrain goes to the body late in the 5th, and then he lands a couple good shots when he targets Conley's eye. Kilrain outscores Conley in the 6th while both men foul each other. They trade powerful hooks at ring center early in the 7th round, and though Jake dominates the early action Conley comes back like a freight train late in the round to make it even. Kilrain punishes Conley with the right hand in round 8, and just before the bell rings Jake connects with a combination that has Conley out on his feet with a badly swollen eye. Early in the 9th Conley catches Jake coming in with an uppercut, and Kilrain's legs are suddenly gone. Jake fires back an uppercut of his own and suddenly both guys are so hurt that they're both hanging onto each other just to stay standing. Kilrain opens up late in the round, and at the end of his rally, Kilrain hurts his right hand on Conley's elbow. Luckily it happens late in the fight, so Kilrain sucks it up and wins the last round scoring with lighter punches until the final bell. Kilrain wins the unanimous decision by a wide margin.

January 14, 1887

EBC - Center Stage Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
HWFrank Glover (#14, 9-6-1, 2KO) L12 McHenry Johnson (#12, 19-10-3, 2KO)

After two and a half minutes of very light action, Glover lands a nice combination that staggers McHenry. Johnson outworks Glover in the 2nd, but Glover nails him with an uppercut that wobbles Johnson to make the round even. Johnson keeps a slight edge in round 3, keeping a pretty tight defense. Johnson hits him with a nice right cross, and Glover staggers backwards to a corner late in the 4th. Round 5 is too close to call, but it's Glover who wins round 6 with a nice rally early in the round. Again round 7 is much too close to call accurately, while the 8th is more of the same. Glover works very hard to get inside, and he lands a crushing right hand that puts Johnson on the defensive in the 9th. Glover continues to punish Johnson in the 10th, in defiance of his own endurance which is long gone. For some reason Johnson just won't let his hands go late in the bout, and Glover outworks his reluctant foe with ease. In the final round Glover finally runs out of gas for real, and Johnson scores over and over and he finally drops Glover with 30 seconds left in the fight. Glover rises at 7, and Johnson punishes him until the final bell. The scorecards show a split decision for McHenry Johnson 114-113 on all 3 cards. Johnson cements the win with seconds left in their 12 rounder.

January 09, 1887

EBC - Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino - Lemoore, CA
FW(T)Young Griffo (#1, 6-0-1, 2KO) W15 Tommy Danforth (Chmp, 27-2-3, 15KO)

The first two rounds have very little action, and are really too close to call with any certainty. Round 3 sees Griffo flashing his lightning fast fists on the champion, but Danforth comes back strongly in the 4th, doing a good job of outworking the more talented challenger. Round 5 sees limited action early, and it's Griffo who is winning the round until Danforth drops him for a flash knockdown at the bell. Surprisingly it's Griffo who scores every punch in the 6th, while Danforth misses repeatedly. Griffo is as slick as a frozen lake and Danforth has trouble getting to him but late in the 7th he cuts Griffo under his right eye. Griffo looks like he's walking away with the 8th round, but the champion flurries late and the round is too close to call in the end. In the 9th Griffo lands very light punches mostly, but he lands about five to one on the slow-footed champion. Griffo takes the 10th with little effort, but Danforth lands a couple hard shots late in the round. By the end of round 11, which Griffo wins handily, Danforth is pretty gassed and he can't cut off the ring on the fleet footed Young one. Griffo slows things down even more in the 12th, and surprisingly Danforth gets a little second wind and turns in a dead even round in the 13th. Griffo hammers the champion with right hands in the 14th, and Danforth switches things to an inside attack but gets no results. Danforth gives it his all in the final round, but the deciding factor turns out to be Griffo hitting the champion low and getting penalized a point in a round Griffo was winning decisively. In the end it doesn't matter, and Young Griffo lifts Danforth's crown with a unanimous decision victory 143-140, 145-138 and 144-139.

January 01, 1887

January 1887 is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

Page last updated on 2017-03-31

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