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Eternity Boxing Council News

EBC Recent News

July 01, 1887

July is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

June 28, 1887

EBC - Brentwood International Centre - Brentwood, England
HW(R4)Jake Kilrain (#3, 32-10-1, 21KO) D12 John P Clow (#7, 19-9-2, 6KO)

Clow scores with a nice right cross early in the 1st, but Kilrain comes back nicely with an uppercut and a right cross that put Clow into trouble. Clow's thinking all defense in the 2nd, but Kilrain still gets some hard shots home in a pretty close round. In round 3 once again the action unfolds slowly right until Kilrain scores with a hard right cross with a few seconds left in the round, but the crowd is still unhappy with the lack of action. Clow flurries early in the 4th, but Jake comes back later in the round to take it on the card clearly. Kilrain lands crisp power punches in the 5th, and Clow cannot keep pace and is outgunned by a fair piece. Clow starts the 6th with a hard uppercut that stuns Jake momentarily, and although Clow outworks Jake in the round, Kilrain still lands a couple of brutal shots in the round. They trade right crosses early in a dull 7th round, and it's Clow with a slim lead in the round. Kilrain lands a crushing right cross a minute into round 8, and that puts Clow on the defensive for the whole round. One minute into the 9th Clow lands a devastating right cross that has Kilrain out on his feet for a few moments. Clow does a good job of getting there first for the rest of the round, but both men look gassed after the round. They trade jabs in the 10th, and although there is some great action neither man clearly takes the round. Clow stays on the back foot, cautiously jabbing while Kilrain comes forward bullish behind body shots mostly to take the round for Jake. Clow gets aggressive in the last round, perhaps sensing he's behind in the scoring, but Kilrain's counters keep him in it. Clow wins the round with his effective aggressiveness until the final bell. The scorecards show a draw scored 115-113 for Clow, 117-113 for Kilrain, and 114-114.

June 27, 1887

EBC - 4 Bears Casino Lodge - New Town ND
HW(R2)John L Sullivan (#1, 30-6-1, 23KO) L12 James R Couper (#12, 18-8-2, 12KO)

Sullivan lands a hook off the very first jab, and Couper is immediately on his backside looking up. Couper rises at the count of 5, and Sullivan turns up the pressure with monstrous right hands. With about 20 seconds left in the opening round, Couper scores with a right hand off the top of the ducking Sullivan's head which stuns John L, but he gets Sully gets one more hard right hand in before the bell. Couper attacks the body in round 2, perhaps noticing the flab around John L's waist during the disrobing. Coup does a good job outhustling the former champion for the rest of the round. In round 3 Couper is the aggressor early and one uppercut in particular leaves Sullivan with glassy eyes and no legs. Sullivan is getting the uppercut going early in the 4th, when Couper scores with a hard right hand that staggers Sullivan again. Couper opens up and Sullivan is in serious trouble when Coup walks right through a couple of Sullivan's hardest punches to land 3 hard power punches that wobble Sully again at the bell. Sullivan is gassed after the round, and Couper starts to land the straight right making John L wish he'd trained. Sullivan lands a hard hook so Couper retaliates with a head butt that puffs up Sullivan's eye, and costs Coup a point. Couper cleans up the rest of round 5 with a deadly accurate right hand, and Sullivan is staggered and out of breath. Couper continues his assault in round 6, and one minute into the round he lands an uppercut that drops Sullivan onto his derriere for a flash knockdown. Sullivan employs some pretty good head movement to stay alive in the 6th, but Sully doesn't even think about throwing a punch. Couper starts the 7th with a hard shot, so Sullivan backs him into a corner and nails Coup with an uppercut that staggers Couper. John L lands a couple more uppercuts, but Couper shakes it off to land a right cross that shakes up John L again. Couper scores with a series of right hands in the 8th, and the last one puts Sullivan down again for an 8 count this time. Couper follows up strong, and the final right hand almost has John L touch a knee down right at the bell. Sully's eye looks a lot worse, and both men hold and rest for the first 2 minutes of the 9th, but then Couper drops John L for a 7 count this time. Early in the 10th Couper catches him again with a right hand, so Sullivan holds trying to stay alive. Sullivan lands a right hand that staggers Couper late in the 10th. Couper cautiously tries to stay away from Sullivan's power in the last 2 rounds, so although John L lands a couple hard shots and authors a dominating 12th round, Couper survives until the final bell with only a swelling eye. The scorecards show a unanimous decision victory for James Robertson Couper by a score of 114-110 twice, and 114-109. Sullivan pays the price for taking Couper lightly and training even more lightly.

June 23, 1887

EBC - Ice World - Totowa, NJ
FW(R3)Tommy Danforth (#1, 28-2-3, 15KO) W12 Jacob Hyams (#5, 10-8-0, 8KO)

Danforth starts off hammering Hyams with right hands upstairs in the 1st, but right at the bell Hyams scores with a huge right cross that hurts Danforth and has him covering up. 30 seconds into the 2nd Hyams nails him with a 5 or 6 punch combination that drops the former champ to the slats for a 5 count. Hyams mauls Danforth to the body for the rest of the round, and the crowd comes alive. Half way through round 3 Danforth returns the favor to Hyams, dropping him with a body punch for a 7 count. Danforth shoe-shines him to the body as Hyams tries to hold on until the bell. After a nice rally early in the 4th, Danforth drops Hyams with a combination, and Hyams rises at the count of 3. It's all Danforth for the rest of the round, and Hyams doesn't land a single punch. Danforth hurts Hyams again to the body with a couple of hooks early in the 5th. Hyams gets the scoring close with his work upstairs, but Danforth still wins it. There isn't much action early in the 6th, but a late Danforth rally hands the round to him. Danforth dominates the 7th, and he drops Hyams with a huge hook with about 30 seconds remaining in the round. Hyams is up at 3, and Tommy tears into him to good effect but Jake survives. Danforth absolutely hammers Hyams in the 8th, and though he doesn't go down Hyams is in bad trouble throughout the round. Round 9 is more of the same, Danforth hitting him over and over, while Hyams doesn't land a single shot all round. Tommy continues trying to get him out of there, and he staggers Jacob early in the 10th with an uppercut. The action slows way down for the last 2 rounds, but Danforth manages to drop him one more time. The uber tough Hyams is up at 5 this time, and Danforth doesn't get his knockout. Tommy Danforth wins the unanimous decision by a country mile.

June 15, 1887

EBC - Azteca Stadium - Mexico City, Mexico
HW(R2-T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 29-2-1, 23KO) KO3 Mike Conley (#9, 12-7-3, 8KO)

Less than a minute into the fight Conley catches the champion with his bread-and-butter punch, the power uppercut and Jackson takes a couple extra steps to right his balance. Conley lands another hard uppercut, but then Jackson lands a pair of right crosses that stagger Conley. Jackson finally finds Conley's button with one of his vicious right crosses and Conley drops like a marionette with the strings cut. Conley is up at 3, and the mandatory 8 count runs out the clock on round 1. After some spirited exchanges, Jackson hurts the challenger with another damaging right hand. Conley holds and tries to come back, but the champion's superior defense makes the round clearly for Peter Jackson. Conley's eye begins to swell, hampering his vision and hurting like the dickens. Just a few seconds into round 3 Jackson lands one hell of a right hand haymaker that floors Conley once again and this time Mike doesn't even move. Peter Jackson successfully defends his EBC Heavyweight crown with a 3rd round knockout of no-hoper Mike Conley.

June 11, 1887

EBC - Belterra Casino Resort - Belterra, IN
FW(R2)Tommy Warren (#7, 8-4-1, 6KO) TKO2 Unknown Hill (#6, 11-13-2, 3KO)

Warren works the jab in round 1, but a minute in he hooks off the jab and it drops Hill for a 5 count. Hill holds but doesn't land a single punch. 15 seconds into the 2nd round Warren scores with an overhand right that drops Hill again, for a 9 count this time. Hill looks pretty hurt, so Warren opens up one more time and Hill drops to the canvas again. This time Hill is up at 9 again, but Warren lands a right cross about 10 seconds later that drops Hill one more time. This time referee Krupenich stops the slaughter before someone gets hurt badly. Tommy Warren scores a savage TKO of outgunned Unknown Hill in 2 violent rounds.

June 09, 1887

EBC - Panthers World of Entertainment - Penrith, Australia
HWGeorge OC Godfrey (#2, 24-11-1, 14KO) W12 Frank Herald (#13, 17-11-0, 13KO)

After a dull start to the 1st round, Herald lands with a thunderbolt of an uppercut that drops Godfrey for a 2 count. Godfrey isn't really hurt so Herald doesn't stand much of a chance of finishing him so early, but he makes a pretty good run at it, scoring with a series of right hand leads. Godfrey's trainer gives him a slap between rounds, and he starts to beat Frank to the punch. Late in the 2nd Godfrey unwraps the right hand, and as he's punishing Frank, Mr Herald scores with another hard uppercut that sees Godfrey trip over his feet for a moment. Herald lands a power left hook early in the 3rd, but Godfrey rips to the body late in the round. Herald lands another viscious right cross late in the round, then one more at the bell to make the round close in scoring. Godfrey opens up first in the 4th round, but he catches a warning for slapping. This pisses Godfrey off so he throws power right hands that wobble Frank, who immediately catches Godfrey with a right hand that floors Godfrey when he gets careless. George is up at 4 and the bell rings right after, so a round that Godfrey would have won FOR SURE becomes a 2 point round for Herald because Godfrey gets sloppy when he loses his temper for a moment. They trade power hooks at ring center early in the 5th, but it's Godfrey who parleys the early action into a flurry of power shots that see Herald wincing in pain. Herald hits him upstairs with not a little desperation late in the 5th, and he lands a right hand lead that has Godfrey in trouble at the bell. Those in attendance shake the rafters with their cheers after that round. Herald presses the attack with an uppercut early in the 6th, and Godfrey hits him low and picks up a warning for it. Half-way through round 6 Godfrey lands a smashing left hook to Frank's jaw, and suddenly Herald is out on his feet for a moment. Round 7 sees Godfrey go to the body with a hard uppercut, and Herald freezes again briefly. Godfrey hurts him again to the body, and it looks as if Herald might have a cracked rib because George cleans up while Frank protects his side. After 2 minutes of snoozing through the 8th, Godfrey outhustles Herald, who by now is showing a swelling on one eye, late in the round to steal it on the cards. Godfrey somewhat cautiously jabs from the outside in the 9th, building up a huge lead in the round. Herald bum-rushes "Old Chocolate" with a hard combination to begin the 10th, but before long George scores with a right hand that snaps Frank's head back violently. Herald finishes the round strong to make it too close to call. Herald's eye looks significantly worse before the 11th, and Godfrey accelerates, as he's able to score more often on the half-blind Frank Herald. Godfrey staggers Herald again with a shot to the body that leaves Frank holding on desperately. Herald lands a right hand that sends George reeling across the ring with a minute left in the fight, but Godfrey shakes his head trying to clear it, and stays on his bike until the final bell rings. George Godfrey gets off the deck twice to win the fight by a much closer than expected score of 115-111 twice and 114-112.

June 01, 1887

EBC - Goresbrook Leisure Centre - Essex, England
MWMike Lucie (#5, 12-6-0, 9KO) KO1 Ed Starlight Rollins (#8, 6-6-0, 3KO)

The action is pretty sparse for most of the 1st round, with Lucie attacking the body listlessly right up until he lands a right hand lead that puts Rollins on the deck. Rollins falls on his face after almost getting up by the count of 9. Mike Lucie wins by sudden and unexpected knockout.

June is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

May 19, 1887

EBC - Club Soda - Montreal, Canada
LWHorace Leeds (#3, 7-5-1, 2KO) L10 Jack Hall (#4, 8-4-0, 5KO)

The 1st is a feeling out round, which includes a warning for holding and hitting to Leeds. There is a bit more action in the 2nd, and Leeds connects with a couple of power hooks. Hall attacks the body in the second half of round 3, and Leeds doesn't like it. Leeds flashes a fast jab in round 4, but Hall responds with a couple of very hard uppercuts inside. Hall attacks the body some more in the middle rounds, but he's pretty tired after the 6th. Leeds has some success attacking downstairs in round 7, and this time Hall is too tired to do anything about it. Hall recovers to take the 9th, again with a thudding body attack. The final round has very little action and certainly not enough to give it convincingly to either man. The final scorecards read 96-95 twice and 97-94 for a unanimous decision victory for Jack Hall.

May 17, 1887

EBC - Grand Plaza Hotel - Houston, TX
FW(R3)Sam Baxter (#6, 8-8-1, 0KO) TKOby4 Harry Mead (#4, 23-10-6, 4KO)

Both men land pretty well on the inside during round 1, and Baxter suffers a cut eyebrow from a Mead hook. They're able to get the cut closed between rounds, leaving Baxter free to resume his crisp inside work. It isn't long before the cut is open again, and you get the impression that that damn cut will dictate the result of this tussle. Mere seconds into the 3rd Baxter's eyebrow is split open with a jab thrown with some nice technique by Mead, and this time the doctor makes a visit. Sam cautiously protects the cut, and round 3 is pretty much even. About a minute into the 4th Mead scores with a hook that starts the eyebrow bleeding yet again, and this time the flow of gore is too much for the doctor to approve further fisticuffs. Harry Mead wins a 4th round cuts TKO.

May 12, 1887

EBC - Foley's Hall - Sydney, Australia
MWHarris Martin (#5, 5-2-0, 3KO) TKOby2 Mike Lucie (#6, 11-6-0, 8KO)

Lucie is the first to get a haymaker home about a minute into round 1, in this battle of knockout artists. A pair of uppercuts leaves Martin reeling and leaning to one side to keep his balance. Lucie continues to punish Harris Martin in a first round that must seem hours long to the young Martin, but really a couple more hooks and one stinging jab is about it. Martin cannot believe a man can hit as hard as he was tagged in the 1st, but 30 seconds into the 2nd Lucie hits him even harder and it puts him on the floor with a right hand lead. Martin eats another right hand at the half way point and Martin suffers a flash knockdown. Lucie wades in shoe-shining Martin to the body first, then he lands a beautiful right hand that makes Martin's eyes roll back in his head while Martin is hung up on ropes. Luckily for Martin referee Arthur Mercante Jr rescues Harris Martin with efficiency and perfect timing. Mike Lucie wins by 2nd round TKO in a down and dirty one.

May 10, 1887

EBC - Dunes Hotel - Las Vegas, NV
LW(R3-T)Jack McAuliffe (Chmp, 20-1-0, 16KO) WDQ2 Barney Donovan (#1, 28-3-0, 24KO)

Donovan scores with a short hook about 30 seconds into round 1 that opens a cut under McAuliffe's left eye, which goads the champion into an unwise early shootout with Donovan, the former champion. McAuliffe has Donovan reeling late in the 2nd, and he continues to rock Barney with big shots upstairs. Donovan tries to sneak in a head butt, and referee Hook immediately disqualifies Donovan for a blatant intentional foul. Champion Jack McAuliffe wins by a disappointing DQ of his opponent.

May 07, 1887

EBC - Alsterdorfer Sporthalle - Hamburg, Germany
FW(T)Young Griffo (Chmp, 8-0-1, 3KO) KO7 Young Pluto (#2, 12-4-0, 5KO)

Both fighters look very light on their feet early, and there's virtually no danger of a power punch appearing until Griffo lands a couple of hard hooks in the 2nd that Pluto easily shakes off. Round 3 starts slowly, but later in the round they throw down right hands at ring center until the crowd comes to their feet. Griffo flashes his lighting fast hands in the 4th, with large sets of jabs with uppercuts off of them quite often when Griffo finally plants his feet. There is very little action in the 5th, and not much more in the 6th as is often the case when two dancing masters get together in a bout. Griffo scores with a power combination early in the 7th, that leaves Pluto rubbery-legged and retreating. With a minute remaining in round 7 Griffo scores with a devastating hook that drops Pluto to the canvas. Pluto blankly stares at the ceiling of Hamburg's Alsterdorfer Sporthalle until the count reaches 10. Young Griffo defends his EBC Featherweight Championship with a clean 7th round knockout. Whispers have already begun about Pluto coming back too soon after his knockout win over Torpedo Billy Murphy a mere 12 days ago.

May 01, 1887

EBC - Leofric Hotel - Coventry, England
HW(R2)Mike Conley (#11, 12-6-3, 8KO) KO8 McHenry Johnson (#9, 19-11-3, 2KO)

Johnson lands a hard hook to Conley's jaw a minute into round 1, Conley rallies through the later part of the round, but McHenry scores repeatedly in the final 30 seconds to thrill those in house. It's all Conley in round 2 as he cleans up on the suddenly passive Johnson, and though McHenry lands a couple shots late it's clearly a Conley round in the 2nd. Both fighters are overcautious for the first half of the 3rd, but Conley scores one hell of a left hook off the bean of the ducking Johnson. Johnson shakes his head and lands a couple of counters, but Conley staggers him again with a few seconds left in the round. Conley intiates what little action there is in round 4, but the "Ithica Giant" has a nice rally in the final seconds of the 4th to keep the crowd from falling asleep. In the second half of round 5 Johnson explodes combinations to the body, until Conley's legs are gone and he's completely gassed while Johnson is relatively fresh. Johnson is trying to parley his success with more body shots early in the 6th, when Conley nails him with a nearly perfect uppercut. They trade uppercuts after that, then they trade right crosses as the crowd goes crazy in a candidate for round of the year. Both guys are cautious in the 7th, but it's Conley who puts together a nice rally in the final minute. A few seconds into the 8th round Conley lands a huge left hook that drops Johnson on his butt. Johnson doesn't even flinch from his sitting position, so Mike Conley wins with a convincing 8th round knockout.

May is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

April 26, 1887

EBC - Osage Million Dollar Elm Casino - Tulsa, OK
FWYoung Pluto (#2, 12-3-0, 5KO) KO5 Torpedo Billy Murphy (#3, 18-8-0, 13KO)

After a feeling out round, Murphy lands a couple of flush hooks to the jaw of Pluto in the 2nd. Pluto goes to the body early in round 3, and he also catches a warning for hitting on the break. In round 4 Murphy tags the Young one low and Padilla gives him a stern warning, Pluto is pretty pissed off but Murphy lowers the boom with a flush right hand immediately after. Pluto lands a couple shots late in the round, but Murphy employs some nice head movement to make Pluto mostly miss so Murphy dominates the scoring for the 4th. A minute into the 5th Pluto sends Murphy reeling across the ring with a nasty left hook upstairs, and Murphy can't land with the jab anymore. With 45 seconds left in the 5th Pluto cranks up a 4 punch combination that finishes with a right hand that sends Murphy down. The count reaches 4 when Murphy gets to one knee. This is as far as Murph can manage, and Pluto wins the clean knockout when Torpedo Billy takes the full 10 count.

April 21, 1887

EBC - Grand Plaza Hotel - Houston, TX
LW(R2)George Lavigne (#2, 6-1-1, 1KO) TKO4 Jack Nicolson (#7, 7-5-2, 4KO)

The former champion Lavigne comes out throwing crisp jabs on the move, and Nicolson has no idea how to deal with it......until he drops Lavigne with a counter right hand for a 2 count just before the bell!!!! Lavigne is embarrassed more than hurt so he comes out cautiously jabbing again in round 2, and he scores with a pair of hooks to the body that Nicolson clearly does not enjoy. George comes foreward behind the uppercut in round 3, and again Nicolson doesn't like the hard punches to the abdomen that Lavigne serves up. 30 seconds into the 4th Lavigne lands a great combination upstairs that topples Nicolson for a 7 count, and the former champ tears into Jack at the midsection in a savage follow up. George is letting his hands go, when Lavigne lands one final right cross that leaves Nicolson hanging grotesquely on the ropes semi-conscious. The referee has no choice but to stop the fight straight away. George Lavigne is on the comeback trail, and wanting a shot at his old title soon, and this time he wins by a viscious 4th round TKO in impressive style.

April 17, 1887

EBC - Hansehalle - Luebeck, Germany
HWPat Killen (#5, 14-6-0, 12KO) TKO8 Joe McAuliffe (#6, 6-2-0, 3KO)

It's Killen who lands the first bomb that wobbles McAuliffe, in this battle of powerful sluggers. Another booming right cross to the kisser leaves Joe with a bruising eye, and Killen continues to lob right hands that cannot miss to dominate the opening round. In round 2 Joe lands a hard combination to the body, and then he backs Pat into a corner. Killen scores with a 3 punch combo that rattles McAuliffe to the core. Then McAuliffe scores with a counter right hand that has Killen suddenly in trouble, but Killen has the last word with another thunderous right hand that has McAuliffe lurching to the ropes to stay up right at the bell ending the 2nd. The crowd obviously goes crazy after that display, but the action slows from its frenetic pace. Still both fighters open up late in the round producing more thrills for a round too close to call, but containing a truckload of action. McAuliffe's eye looks pretty bad before the 4th, but Joe scores to Killen's jaw with a right hand that leaves him badly shaken up early. Then McAuliffe opens up and for the first time Killen goes into a defensive shell holding because he's hurt badly. Killen's defense is very effective in this case, and McAuliffe doesn't land another punch in the 4th. McAuliffe's damaged eye actually looks better before the 5th, and Joe opens up with a solid hook. Then Joe goes to the body which clearly puts Killen in some distress. Joe is just dominating the 5th, when Killen finally lands a bomb of a right hand that snaps Joe's head back and makes his eye look worse. Then things get bizzare for a moment when they trade head butts after the bell as both corners scream at referee Alonso. The referee restores order and the 6th round begins to unfold slowly. Killen lands a nice hook that leaves McAuliffe with a cut on the outside of his left eyebrow. McAuliffe is enraged and bum rushes Killen with a right hand that freezes Killen near the ropes. Killen covers up well, and McAuliffe only scores with one more right cross in the 6th. About 45 seconds into the 7th, Killen lands a straight right hand that leaves Joe suddenly glassy-eyed and vulnerable. Joe smothers Killen's attack by holding, but Killen is a better fighter on the inside so he's able to land a nasty hook. But then suddenly Joe opens up, unlimbering the right hand and not only is Killen wobbled again, but now Pat's right eye sports a shiner after the round. Early in the 8th a Killen jab reopens Joe's cut eye, and the doctor has a look. We resume the bout but both men are pretty gassed, so they mostly hold. Later in the round they bang heads and Killen suffers a cut over his left eye. Killen scores again to McAuliffe's damaged orb, and this time the doctor stops the mayhem. Pat Killen wins a savagely contested bout with our lightweight champion's brother, and the crowd is oh so satisfied after this one.

April 13, 1887

EBC - Mountaineer Race Track & Resort - Chester, WV
MW(T)Bob Fitzsimmons (#1, 13-4-3, 11KO) KO4 Charles Turner (Chmp, 10-4-0, 8KO)

The very first body shot from Fitzsimmons wobbles the champ, but then the action slows until Turner lands a devastating hook to the jaw that staggers Fitz for a couple seconds. Fitz lands to the body again before Turner lands a rocket of an uppercut that rolls "The Fighting Blacksmith's" eyes back in his head at the bell. Fitz starts off the 2nd round with a booming right cross, but then Turner really shakes him up with a hard hook to Fitz's liver. Both rounds are too close to call. Fitzsimmons lands a hard uppercut early in the 3rd, and for the first time Turner has no answer for the powerful punches that are busting him up. 30 seconds into the 4th round Fitz sends Turner to the floor with a huge right cross to the jaw. Turner is up at 7, but Fitz backs him into a corner and starts throwing. Turner is absorbing a horrible beating at this point and Fitz drops him again with a clean short uppercut on the temple. Turner tries his best but just can't get up after extended beating Fitz lays on him. Bob Fitzsimmons wins the EBC Middleweight title with a 4th round knockout of brave Charles Turner.

April 12, 1887

EBC - Arena Gardens - Detroit, MI
FW(R2-T)Young Griffo (Chmp, 7-0-1, 2KO) W15 Jacob Hyams (#5, 10-7-0, 8KO)

There is very little action early, but what action there is is initiated by Griffo in round 1. Round 2 is much too close to call accurately, and round 3 sees Griffo landing the jab with regularity. In the 4th Griffo lands more often, but that is no great feat considering Hyams' one landed punch in the round. Round 5 is shaping up about the same as the last round, but then Griffo has a nice rally in the last 20 seconds to solidily give him the round. The action moves inside in the 6th, and Griffo does some nice work after he pins Hyams in the corner though it is still pretty sparse overall until Griffo rallies again in the last 30 seconds. Hyams has the beginnings of a swollen eye after the round, and Griffo picks up a warning for holding and hitting. Hyams finally scores with a couple of shots in the 7th, but Griffo still outworks him by plenty. Griffo charges out of his corner for the 8th, and the extra effort on his part makes the round another shutout until Hyams throws down a wicked flurry for about the last minute of the round to make the scoring close. Hyams' eye looks much worse after the round, and Griffo changes his tactics, sliding around on the outside while pumping the jab. Hyams again has a big flurry toward the end of the round to make the scoring close. In the 10th Hyams is gassed so Griffo takes advantage, but Hyams goes to the well again to flurry in the last seconds of the round to make it close. The 11th is very close, and Griffo's corner begins to urge him to pick it up on his exhausted foe. They meet at ring center for the 12th, and Griffo flashes fast hands while his footwork is sublime for a man with only 7 fights under his belt. The remaining rounds can be summed up by saying that Hyams is exhausted, and Griffo easily contains his attack while jabbing his face off. The unanimous decision goes to Young Griffo in a near shutout.

April 05, 1887

EBC - Club Europe - Atlanta, GA
HWJames J Corbett (#9, 7-2-0, 2KO) W12 Dick Matthews (#13, 12-12-2, 8KO)

To describe it simply, Corbett jabs while Matthews fouls him in round 1, but Matthews scores with a viscious right cross right at the bell and "Gentleman Jim" almost meets the canvas. Corbett lands a lot better in the 2nd, while Matthews has mounds of trouble catching the fleet-footed Corbett. Matthews is very familiar with Corbett's stinging jab by round 3, and Dick cannot touch Jim with the right hand at all. Dick kicks off the 4th with a sneak uppercut on the inside that lands very solidly, and Corbett staggers having just eaten Matthew's best punch of the night thusfar. Jim keeps jabbing, but Matthews keeps pace this time scoring to the body mostly late in the 4th. Corbett starts to mix power punches into his combinations more often by round 5, but it's Matthews who scores with a terrific shot at the bell leaving James to wonder where he was. Jim goes back to cautiously probing with the jab early in the 6th, but Matthews still finds a way to get some hard punches home. Corbett gets into the spirit of things later in the 6th, landing some hard punches, while Matthews picks up a warning for using his shoulders. There is very little action in the 7th, but late in the round Matthews lands a crushing hook that sees Corbett gasp as the crowd of atlantans boos. Corbett stays at long range in the 8th, but Matthews lands a leaping right cross that freezes James for a moment. Corbett backs Dick into a corner early in the 9th, and he tears into him with both hands, the fastest hands in the heavyweight division. Matthews is gassed after the 9th, so round 10 is more of the same with Corbett dominating the early action with his jab, and both men fouling egregiously. Half-way through the 11th, Matthews scores with his right cross and Corbett almost touches a knee to the canvas. The final round sees Corbett back Matthews into a corner, and start firing the jab as fast as the eye could follow. With a minute left in the bout Corbett stuns Dick with a body shot, and the lightning fast shots upstairs begin to raise a swelling on Matthews' left eye just before the final bell. James J Corbett wins the unanimous decision by a sizeable margin.

April 03, 1887

EBC - Las Vegas Convention Center - Las Vegas, NV
HW(R2-T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 28-2-1, 22KO) TKO3 Paddy Ryan (#11, 17-15-0, 4KO)

20 seconds into the bout Jackson lands a crushing uppercut that makes Ryan take a big step backward, and then a high-low combination that staggers Ryan again and Paddy does an irish jig to stay on his feet. One more spirited exchange and the 1st round is over, clearly taken by the power punching champion. Jackson staggers the challenger with the first punch of round 2, a left hook to the temple before the champ gets a warning for a rabbit punch. Ryan lands a couple nice shots in the 2nd, but Jackson scores a much more damaging shot to the gut and Ryan's legs already look a bit shaky. Jackson gets a couple of uppercuts home early in the 3rd and not only is Ryan stunned but he sports a cut above his left eye. The doctor has a look, terribly early in the bout, and they continue. Jackson lands one more right cross and the referee mysteriously stops the fight. Champion Peter Jackson wins by a somewhat dubious cuts TKO over Paddy Ryan in 3.

EBC - Rhode Island Convention Center - Providence, RI
LW(R3-T)Jack McAuliffe (Chmp, 19-1-0, 16KO) TKO5 Bill Parker (#4, 13-12-1, 2KO)

McAuliffe fights a pressure fight early, and he lands a strong hook with a minute left in the 1st that rattles Parker to the core. A couple more tremendous shots to the jaw at the bell cement a big round for the champion. Parker tries to slow the frantic pace by holding because he couldn't keep up. It's pretty effective and Parker wins the round, flashing fast hands between bouts of holding. After a nice exchange at ring center early in the 3rd, its Parker who follows up well, outshining the champion. A minute into round 4 McAuliffe staggers Parker with a wicked uppercut to the jaw, then the champ backs him into a corner and opens up with short straight punches that Parker is helpless to slip in the corner. McAuliffe starts off the 5th with a pair of right crosses that start Parker's eye swelling. One more right cross floors Parker for a 9 count, but after 2 more shots upstairs Parker topples to the canvas again for another 9 count as Parker takes all the time he can to recover. McAuliffe lands a tremendous shot dead center on his breastbone that floors Parker for the third time in the round which automatically is a TKO. EBC Lightweight Champion Jack McAuliffe scores a brutal TKO over former champion Bill Parker in 5 rounds, 3 of which were competitive.

April 01, 1887

EBC - RSL Club - Southport, Australia
HWJohn L Sullivan (#1, 30-5-1, 23KO) KO10 Duncan McDonald (#4, 16-7-3, 3KO)

There isn't much action in the early going, but about half-way through the 1st Sullivan lands a stiff jab followed by a titanic right cross that drops McDonald to the canvas. McDonald rises at 9 but he looks shakier than a newborn foal, and Duncan does a good job of of putting up a shell that John L cannot penetrate after the knockdown. A minute into the 2nd Sullivan lands a counter combination upstairs that rattles McDonald and sends him retreating. McDonald finally lands a couple of punches late in the 2nd, but it's obvious that Sullivan has him completely outgunned as John L cranks up the hooks to the body. Early in the 3rd Sullivan walks through a jab to land a 4 punch combination that finishes with a lusty hook to the liver, but McDonald shows some real grit and he lands a nice uppercut to make the 3rd round close until Sullivan staggers him with an uppercut late in the round and the aussies in attendance go wild after witnessing some cracking action. Round 4 is shaping up to be a snooze when suddenly half-way through the round John L lands a thudding right cross to the temple that wobbles Duncan. McDonald recovers and starts to land the uppercut with regularity in the 4th, and Sullivan catches a warning for throwing an elbow. Sullivan scores with a couple of lead right hands to kick off the 5th, and then he shakes up McDonald with a shot to the body. McDonald doesn't land a single thing but he's not discouraged, and he shows some pretty good footwork early in the 6th which forces Sullivan to chase. When he catches Duncan a few moments later he drops the right hand flush on the jaw raising a gasp from the crowd, but then Duncan has an impressive rally with some hard uppercuts that make John L cover up for the first time tonight. Early in the 7th McDonald is shaken up pretty badly when Sullivan finds his solar plexus with a right hand, but McDonald fires back this time gritting his teeth and taking it. Sullivan throws a series of right crosses and uppercuts that take all the rest of the starch out of McDonald and old Duncan has no legs at all and a swollen eye by the end of the 7th. McDonald does a lot of holding and backpedaling, but Sullivan again has success attacking the body in round 8. McDonald comes back strong in the 2nd half of round 8 when Sullivan is punched out for a while. McDonald outhustles Sully in the 9th, but Sullivan staggers Duncan with a combination and then an uppercut that makes Duncan's knees buckle. McDonald holds and barely survives the round as the aussies go wild again. They trade blow for blow early in the 10th, but 2 minutes into the round Sully topples Duncan to the slats for the full count with a thunderous right hand. The Great John L Sullivan is bailed out by his power after a fairly listless performance on his part.

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Page last updated on 2016-05-26

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