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January 01, 1888

January 1888 is here! Schedule and rankings soon. A hearty welcome is extended to the EBC's rookie class of 1888. Good luck gentlemen.

December 23, 1887

EBC - Mahi Shrine Hotel - Miami, FL
FWYoung Pluto (#4, 13-6-0, 5KO) TKOby6 Tommy Warren (#7, 11-4-1, 9KO)

Pluto spends the first 2 minutes plus just hammering Warren, but then Tommy lands a devastating hook to the ribs and after the follow up the round is all but even. Round 2 the action slows up a bit, and it's Warren who does the better work upstairs. Warren continues to punish Pluto to the body in round 3, but then Pluto flurries again to win the round on the card by a narrow margin. Pluto smashes right through Warren's haphazard defense to hurt him badly after a couple of hooks to the jaw in round 4, though Warren does manage to cut Pluto on an eye with a jab late in the frame. Pluto has the 5th pretty much tucked away in the bank, but then Warren stings him with a hook, then he flurries with about 12 punches that put Pluto on the defensive. In round 6 Warren gets the jump on Pluto again, belting him to the body and freezing the Young one again with a hook to the liver. Warren lands a snapping jab with a few seconds left in round 6, that prompts a doctor's house call to look at Pluto's damaged eye. The doctor halts the proceedings immediately, and Tommy Warren pulls off the mild upset with a TKO on cuts.

December 22, 1887

EBC - Silver Reef Casino - Ferndale, WA
HW(R3)John L Sullivan (#3, 32-6-1, 25KO) TKO3 James R Couper (#4, 18-9-2, 12KO)

Sullivan goes to the body in round 1, and he lands a big left hook that staggers Couper and starts his left eyebrow bleeding. The referee rules that the cut was caused by a head-butt, but a few seconds later the shaken Couper eats a gigantic right hand that floors him for an 8 count. Sullivan lands a couple more terrifying shots when the bell ending round 1 sounds. The action slows way down in round 2, but Sully does manage to land a hook that reopens that cut. Sullivan lands a huge hook to the ribs that puts Couper purely on the defensive. "The Great John L" scores heavily upstairs for the rest of the 2nd, and Couper has trouble staying awake. Early in the 3rd Sully scores with a nasty right hand that has Couper out on his feet and trying to keep his balance. Another series of hooks puts Couper on the run again, and it's only a matter of time before Sullivan hurts him bad enough for a stoppage. John L Sullivan has his sweet revenge over Couper, after suffering a loss to the South African this past June 1887.

December 18, 1887

EBC - Mercia Park - Coventry, England
HWJoe McAuliffe (#10, 7-2-1, 4KO) TKO3 Paddy Ryan (#11, 17-16-0, 4KO)

A few seconds into the opening round McAuliffe launches a right hand lead that blasts Ryan across the ring with his senses suspended. They have a nice exchange half-way through the round, and McAuliffe scores with a couple right crosses that has bad intentions. Joe comes forward behind a right cross and a head butt, for which Joe receives a warning, in a tepid round 2. A minute into the 3rd McAuliffe lands a tremendous right hand to the ribs that topples Ryan to the floor, and Joe really puts Ryan on the run late in the round. McAuliffe tears into Paddy late in the 3rd until referee Green has seen enough. Joe McAuliffe wins a TKO victory over Paddy Ryan in 3 brutal rounds.

December 11, 1887

EBC - Metrodome - Barnsley, England
LWGeorge Lavigne (#5, 8-2-1, 1KO) W12 George Taylor (#6, 20-15-5, 4KO)

The opening round is more or less even, and Lavigne starts to loosen up in the 2nd and score regularly to win it. Lavigne nails him on an eye early in the 3rd, and he's deciding how to proceed on the damaged Taylor, when suddenly Taylor lands a huge right hand that dumps Lavigne onto his backside righteously. Lavigne scores more, but the round belongs to Taylor because of the knockdown. Lavigne pulls his head together early in the 4th, scoring well and showing that he was completely recovered. Early in the 5th Taylor scores with a hook upstairs that cuts Lavigne on his left eyebrow, a bad injury for only the 5th round. This really angers Lavigne and he comes forward behind his famous pivot blow, until Taylor crumbles to the floor for a 6 count this time. Lavigne fires away at Taylor who is experiencing wonderland for himself for the rest of the round. George L continues to punish Taylor in the 6th, and that eye looks worse and worse when Taylor reports for round 7. About 45 seconds into the 7th, Taylor lands a lucky shot that has Lavigne out on his feet staggering and trying to stay standing. Although Lavigne's cut eyebrow looks quite a bit worse, Taylor's roughing up of Lavigne doesn't give him round 7 by much. Taylor goes for Lavigne's body early in the 8th, and Taylor's legs start to go by the end of the round, and Lavigne lands one right cross as the round is ending that has Taylor almost touch a knee down. Taylor is gassed in the 9th, and Lavigne bides his time cautiously working behind an accurate jab, but he hits Taylor low which costs him a point for round 9 which would have been pretty even. Round 10 sees Taylor's eye looking worse and worse, like Taylor was attacked by a thug with a lead pipe or something, but Lavigne is too tired to attack with impunity late in this bout. Both men thrill the crowd in the final two rounds, but it's Lavigne in the final round punishing Taylor upstairs as both men bleed. Lavinge takes the unanimous decision as Taylor surprisingly finishes on his feet.

December 10, 1887

EBC - Bronx Coliseum - Bronx, NY
HW(R2-T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 34-2-1, 28KO) KO9 Pat Killen (#7, 14-8-0, 12KO)

Jackson staggers Killen the first time about a minute into the opening round, and he continues to hammer Killen for the entire round while his legs look gone after the round. Jackson continues to dominate the proceedings in round 2, and Jackson wins the round easily with his nasty uppercut. They trade early in round 3, and it's Jackson who drops Killen about a minute into the round. Killen is up at 8, and Jackson starts to throw more often late in the 3rd. Killen lands a terrific right cross to start the 4th, and Jackson slows way down and his expression is a bit more blank. Jackson does the same thing to Killen late in the 4th, and Killen is taking a lacing at the end. Pat slows things down in the 5th, and by the end Pat has a small lead in the round. Jackson starts to string combinations together in round 6, and Killen is stunned badly by the end of the round which Jackson stows in his hip pocket. Round 7 is deadly dull until Jackson scores with a hard right cross with a minute left. This kicks off a spectacular combination by Jackson and this again hands him the 7th. Killen is gassed after the 7th, so Jackson slows things down even more in the 8th which is very even. Round 9 is an amazing clinic on how to hurt a man by Peter Jackson. Right hands, uppercuts, hooks, Jackson is frightening when he knocks a man out. He's just destroying Killen on the inside when he drops Killen who cannot rise no matter what his manager screams at him. Peter Jackson wins by 9th round knockout.

December 08, 1887

EBC - Ernst Merck Halle - Hamburg, Germany
MW(R8-T)Bob Fitzsimmons (Chmp, 16-4-3, 14KO) KO5 Jack Nonpariel Dempsey (#1, 17-7-2, 10KO)

Dempsey comes out hooking, so Fitzsimmons nails him right on the button for his long distance hooks early. Dempsey comes back strong though, and Fitzsimmons' legs are in bad shape after the 1st. Fitz lands heavily in the 2nd, but then Dempsey does the same in this awesome battle. Early in the 3rd, Fitzsimmons rocks Jack to the body with a couple of nasty hooks. The late round sees Dempsey stumbling backward with a nasty swelling on an eye beginning. Round 4 is a bit lacking in action, but 20 seconds into the 5th Fitzsimmons drops Dempsey to the slats for an 8 count. Fitz scores with a couple of hard uppercuts, and one cuts him near an eye. With a minute left in the 5th Dempsey topples to the floor again and this time he barely stirs so Fitzsimmons has himself a knockout.

December 06, 1887

EBC - St Nicholas Arena - New York, NY
FW(R4-T)Tommy Danforth (#1, 29-2-3, 15KO) W15 Dave Fitzgerald (Chmp, 9-10-5, 2KO)

Danforth hits Fitzgerald low early in round 1, and he receives a warning for such in an otherwise unremarkable round. Fitz goes to the body a couple times early in round 2, and Danforth does absolutely nothing. A minute into round 3 Danforth lands a deep-dish right hand, that almost takes the champion's head off. Danforth continues to apply the pressure through the 3rd, throwing power shots until Fitz's eye is looking severely swollen. Fitz lands a nice combination to start off round 4, then they promptly bang heads which throws everyone off. Danforth lands a tremendous right hand late in the 5th, and the champion staggers to a neutral corner after the round. They spend the early part of round 6 locked up and not throwing, but then half-way through the round the challenger drops Fitzgerald for a 5 count. Tommy keeps missing late in the round, until he drops Fitz again with 15 seconds left. Fitz gets up at 4 and Danforth has no time to follow up on this the second knockdown of the round. The chamnpion's timing is shot in the 7th, and he hits Danforth low again, but then Danforth lands a nasty uppercut that puts the champion back into peril with wobbly legs though the round is overall pretty close. Fitz lands his sweet jab a couple times early in the 8th, and he scores with a couple of hard uppercuts that hand the champion the round and the challenger a swollen eye. Fitz continues to work Danforth upstairs in the 9th, and Danforth does a good job coming back in the 10th when he finally pulls his defense back together. They trade head shots in the 11th, and it's Danforth that staggers Fitz with a right cross that also cuts the champion on his left eye while winning the 11th. Both men have pretty bad swellings on their eye in the 12th, but it's definitely the champion Fitzgerald whose eye looks worse as Danforth reopens that damn cut a few seconds before the bell. Danforth walks away with the last few rounds as the champion cannot land a single punch on the heartily professional challenger. The champion Fitzgerald desperately throws in the final round, but the writing has been on the wall for a long while. The winner and NEW EBC Featherweight champion, Tommy Danforth.

December 02, 1887

EBC - 4 Bears Casino Lodge - New Town ND
HWGeorge OC Godfrey (#2, 25-12-1, 14KO) W10 John P Clow (#8, 19-10-2, 6KO)

Although Clow stikes first, Godfrey has hurt Clow back after a couple minutes and John is in trouble late in the 1st. A minute into round 2 they trade right crosses and both men nearly go down from the power shots. Clow looks out on his feet as the round ends after the pounding that Godfrey has given him. There is quite a bit of holding in the 3rd round, but it's Godfrey again who strikes first. Round 4 sees Godfrey working the uppercut again, with Clow going to the hook, and it's pretty much even at the bell. The action slows down, until Godfrey drops Clow with a combination with 30 seconds left in round 5 for a 7 count. George slams a couple more power jabs home before the bell. Clow goes to the body early in the 6th, cleaning up, and George covers up mostly in the round. They go to war at ring center in the 7th, and Godfrey is just killing him upstairs until Clow lands a huge shot to the abdomen right at the bell. Round 8 is pretty even, and although Clow has a swollen eye he goes to work in the 9th, but right at the bell Godfrey drops him again for a 9 count. "Old Chocolate" dominates the final round, and he's done enough to win the unanimous decision.

December 01, 1887

December is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

November 30, 1887

EBC - St Denis Theatre - Montreal, Canada
HW(R2)John L Sullivan (#4, 31-6-1, 24KO) TKO2 Duncan McDonald (#6, 16-8-4, 3KO)

Sullivan starts off fast, stunning McDonald a couple times in round 1. Then Sullivan starts to really get the right hand going and he pummels McDonald until the referee is force to stop it. John L Sullivan wins by a landslide TKO in 2 rounds.

November 29, 1887

EBC - Kendal GL Isaacs National Gym - Nassau, Bahamas
HW(R2)Mike Conley (#10, 12-8-3, 8KO) L12 Dominick McCaffrey (#9, 24-12-1, 16KO)

They both throw down right from the opening bell, and Conley scores a flash knockdown at the bell which makes the round even. In round 2 they each attack the body, and it's even after a nice exchange that round. Conley works the uppercut in round 3, and McCaffrey is in no small amount of trouble at the round's end. A few seconds into the 4th round Conley lands another crushing uppercut that floors Dom again for a 4 count. Conley opens up in an effort to get McCaffrey out of there, and he staggers Dom again half-way through the round. McCaffrey recovers and gets somewhat of a lead going in the 5th, when suddenly McCaffrey hits Conley to the abdomen dropping Conley for a 6 count. Mike uses the ropes to get up and does a pretty good job of escaping his fate with his legs. 30 seconds into the 6th McCaffrey staggers Conley again with a straight right hand. McCaffrey misses over and over in the round, which makes the round even in the end as the applause flows. Things slow down a bit in the 7th, but McCaffrey does land a couple of thudding uppercuts right at the bell. McCaffrey keeps things slow in the 8th, and he wins the round controlling things with jabs and uppercuts mostly on the inside. 30 seconds into the 9th round McCaffrey lands a tremendous left hook directly on the jaw, sending Conley spinning into a corner and setting up a beautiful flurry that hands McCaffrey yet another round. McCaffrey gets the uppercut working again in the 10th, and he drops Conley late in the round for a 6 count and Conley is lucky the round is almost over. McCaffrey continues to doggedly go to Conley's body in the 11th, but both men are too tired to do anything the crowd enjoys though. Conley attacks Dom's body in the final round, and Conley ends up doing all the punching in round 12 winning it and perhaps giving Conley a 2 point round. The final score is 113-111 for Conley, and 114-110 twice for McCaffrey which is a split decision win for Dominick McCaffrey. McCaffrey shows incredible grit, getting floored twice and really getting his head handed to him for the first third of the fight, only to come back and drop his opponent twice and outwork him the rest of the night.

November 21, 1887

EBC - Rhode Island Auditorium - Providence, RI
HW(T)Peter Jackson (Chmp, 33-2-1, 26KO) TKO5 Mervine Thompson (#14, 14-9-3, 8KO)

A minute in Thompson backs the champion into a corner to land a huge combination that leaves Jackson's head ringing so the champ holds, then he scores with a pair of right hands that make it close. The crowd goes absolutely hog-wild after the round which Thompson probably wins by a small margin. Jackson goes inside early in the 2nd, and he starts to land hooks and right hands on his less experienced opponent. With a minute left in round 2 Jackson lands a combination that topples Thompson to the canvas for a 5 count. A few seconds later Jackson lands a perfect right cross that floors him again. Thompson survives, but referee Montero is looking close just after the round. The punishment continues in round 3, and Jackson staggers him with a series of right hands. Thompson retreats into a corner and Jackson opens up, but then Thompson lands a couple of shots that back the champion off with about 20 seconds remaining in round 3. About a minute into the 4th the champion gets careless and Thompson tags him with a right cross that leave the champion on wobbly legs. Jackson pulls it together and takes it to Thompson for the rest of the round. Early in the 5th Thompson's eye looks a lot worse, so Jackson applies the pressure and opens up with the right hand. After about a minute of this Thompson drops to the floor again for a 7 count. Thompson is in bad trouble and that eye looks really bad, and with 30 seconds remaining in the round Thompson drops again. This time he's up at 9, and the referee is taking a very close look at Thompson, when Jackson puts him on the canvas one more time right at the bell, which automatically stops the bout. EBC Heavyweight Champion Peter Jackson blows out fringe contender Mervine Thompson with a 5th round TKO.

November 19, 1887

EBC - A La Carte Event Pavilion - Tampa, FL
LWAndy Bowen (#5, 6-1-0, 1KO) W12 Bill Parker (#7, 13-13-1, 2KO)

Bowen's footwork is impeccable early, and Parker can't lay a glove on him as Bowen piles up the points. In round 2 Bowen gets the range on the right hand, then he throws and lands it to floor Parker for a 5 count. Parker runs in the 2nd half of the round, so Bowen wins it by a mile. There's a lot of holding in round 3, so very little action in a round that Parker wins. Bowen goes to the body in round 4, but Parker keeps it close with his body attack. Bowen takes the 5th with a flashy jab, and it's starting to look like Andy's night. Bowen starts to connect again with the right hand in round 7, and he drops Parker on his back with a right cross. Bill is up at 4, and there isn't enough time for Bowen to follow up. Parker takes the 8th with a nasty body attack, and Bowen lands some nasty uppercuts in the 9th to win the round clearly. Andy continues to outwork Parker in the 10th, and he cautiously circles while employing a snappy jab in the final 2 rounds. The final cards show a win by a wide margin for Andy Bowen.

November 09, 1887

EBC - St Nicholas Arena - New York, NY
HW(R6)George OC Godfrey (#1, 24-12-1, 14KO) L10 Jake Kilrain (#2, 34-11-1, 21KO)

Godfrey starts fast, popping the jab from a crouch early in round 1. Kilrain uses the shoulder roll to make Godfrey start missing in the second half of the round, while landing the cross repeatedly. Not much happens in the 2nd, but it's Godfrey who leads the light action with his snaking jab late in the round. George scores with a devastating uppercut early in the 3rd, but Kilrain makes the round very close with his headhunting right cross. Late in an even 4th round Jake lands a huge right hand that has Godfrey on the run with no legs to run on. George recovers and starts to unlimber the right hand in round 5 sometimes low, sometimes high until Jake lands a huge right cross on the point of the chin that staggers Godfrey and those in attendance go wild. Jake starts off round 6 with a big uppercut to the abdomen that leaves "Old Chocolate" gasping for air. George begins to swell up on an eye, while Kilrain dominates him with the right hand. Godfrey slows things down in the 7th, probably winning a close round. Round 8 is very close, and Godfrey catches a warning for hitting on the break as well as his eye getting worse. This contributes to George no seeing a right hand 30 seconds into the 9th that puts Godfrey down for an 8 count. Both guys are pretty tired in the 9th, but it's Kilrain who takes it by a narrow margin. Both men have nice tight defenses in the last round, but it's Godfrey who wobbles Jake with a nice combination late in the 10th so George wins the round. The final scorecard shows an upset win for Jake Kilrain 95-94, 96-93 and 96-94.

November 02, 1887

EBC - Club Juventud BBC - Santiago del Esterio, Argentina
MWYoung Mitchell (#4, 8-5-0, 5KO) L10 Harris Martin (#6, 6-3-0, 3KO)

Martin pins Mitchell in a corner in the 1st, banging away downstairs and making the Young one uncomfortable. Round 2 is more of the same, and round 3 Martin continues the assault with the exception of one flush left hook authored by Mitchell with a few seconds remaining in the 3rd. Mitchell finally wakes all the way up in the 4th, producing a dead even round. Mitchell scores heavily to the body early in round 5, so Martin slows things down for the rest of the round. Mitchell attacks the body again in round 6 and Martin's legs look pretty bad, but he attacks with abandon late in the round producing a round of the year candidate that's still dead even. Martin has a swelling eye after the round, and Mitchell comes right after him early in the 8th. He batters Martin for 2 minutes of the 8th before Harris topples to the canvas for a 6 count. Mitchell punishes Martin for the rest of the round, and Martin's eye looks pretty terrible after. Martin recovers pretty quickly to attack well in the 9th, but then Mitchell flurries late in the round to make it more or less even. Mitchell holds to slow the pace in the final round, but Martin does a good job of scoring with combinations late in the round. In the end Harris Martin does enough to sway the judges, and the final tally is 95-94, 96-93 and 96-94 a unanimous decision for Martin.

November 01, 1887

November is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

October 01, 1887

October is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

Page last updated on 2016-07-01

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