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June 20, 1888

EBC - Michaels Eighth Avenue - Glen Burnie, MD
LWBill Mahan (#2, 20-10-0, 10KO) W10 Andy Bowen (#3, 8-2-0, 1KO)

Mahan has a crowd pleasing flurry late in the 1st, and Bowen has trouble keeping pace. After 2 minutes of round 2 Mahan scores regularly and repeatedly while Bowen has an 0-fer, and Bowen won't keep pace with those results. Early in the 3rd round Bowen scores with a hard uppercut that floors Mahan for an 8 count. Bowen is nursing a small lead in the 4th, when Mahan lands a flush right hand that almost has Bowen touch a knee down. Bowen scores heavily in the 5th, and Mahan backs him into a corner late in the round. Mahan attacks the body in round 7, and Bowen again flurries to make it close. In the 8th Mahan finally clearly takes a round on the scorecards. Half-way through a tepid round 9, Mahan lands a hell of a right hand that floors Bowen for a 6 count late. Mahan scores with a couple of hooks that cut Bowen near an eye in the 10th, but Bowen hits back with a couple hard uppercuts before the final bell. Bill Mahan wins the unanimous decision by a couple of points.

June 12, 1888

EBC - Energia Sporthall - Narva, Estonia
HW(R2)John P Clow (#10, 20-10-2, 7KO) KO11 McHenry Johnson (#12, 20-12-3 2KO)

Clow attacks visciously from the opening bell, but Johnson has a nice flurry that brings them to their feet producing a thrilling but dead even round. Johnson continues the momentum and keeps the pressure high in the 2nd to take the round on the cards. Suddenly at 1:45 of the 3rd Clow scores a flash knockdown on Johnson, and Clow keeps his hands moving well the rest of the round. In round 4 they trade at ring center, and Johnson's eye looks worse and worse with a fresh cut after the round and once again those in attendance go crazy from the high level of violence in the round. Clow wins a largely unremarkable 5th round, and round 6 is a turkey without much action. Round 7 sees more action, but again the round is dead even and too close to call. In rounds 8 and 9 Johnson gets much more accurate with the right hand, and Clow eats some big shots. Clow recovers pretty well and he turns in a shutout round in the 10th when Johnson catches a rest. Just a few seconds into round 11 Clow lands a deep-dish right hand that drops Clow to his knees for an 8 count. It's bombs away for Clow in that 11th round, and he floors Clow again with a few seconds left in the round. Finally Johnson takes the full count with 4 seconds left in the bout. John P Clow wins by 11th round knockout.

June 10, 1888

EBC - Maple Leaf Gardens - Toronto, Canada
LW(R5-T)Jack McAuliffe (Chmp, 25-1-0, 20KO) KO2 Barney Donovan (#1, 29-6-0, 25KO)

Jack starts off with a pair of flush shots to the jaw, which puts Donovan on the run for the entire round. Barney comes back strong in the 2nd, staggering the champ with a shot to the point of the chin. But then McAuliffe drops Donovan to the floor with a nasty combination with slightly more than a minute remaining in the second. Barney doesn't make much of an effort, and he cannot rise in the end. Jack McAuliffe defends his championship with a 2nd round knockout, and Donovan wonders how he can regain his title after losing 4 in a row to McAuliffe.

June 09, 1888

EBC - Sunnyside Gardens - New York, NY
FW(T)Young Griffo (Chmp, 15-1-1, 4KO) W15 Dal Hawkins (#3, 5-2-1, 3KO)

The opening round is pretty close, until Griffo has a lightning fast flurry in the final minute that hands him round 1. A minute into the 2nd round Griffo lands a paralyzing shot to Hawkins' temple, and though he recovers pretty well Hawkins has trouble cutting off the ring opening the door for Griffo to have his way in the 2nd round. The champion continues to outwork Hawkins, landing at a rate of about five to one on his young challenger in the 3rd. The 4th starts off just like the 3rd, but Hawkins scores with 2 very hard shots to the body that see Griffo reeling around the ring until Hawkins has the round won. Griff recovers and has a shutout round in round 5, showing some very skillful footwork in the round. Round 6 is more of the same as Griffo just accelerates, punishing the challenger mostly to the body. Hawkins finally starts throwing again in the 7th, but Griffo still easily takes the round. Hawkins staggers the champion early in round 8, but again he's just too weary to take advantage so Griffo comes back to win the round. Hawkins staggers Griff with a shot to the body early in the 9th, and Hawkins keeps the pressure up for the rest of the round as Griff hides behind a high guard. After Hawkins' high work rate in the 9th he is completely punched out in the 10th, so Griffo hammers his leaky defense with shots upstairs mostly until Hawkins drops from a power uppercut. He's up at 8 but clearly Hawkins is still in big trouble, and he eats shots upstairs until the bell. Round 11 is a stinker, but the champion still manages to get enough done to clearly take it on the cards. The 12th sees Hawkins flurry, perhaps for the last time in the fight, in a mostly even round. The champion resumes control in round 13, lancing Hawkins with a quick jab. Griffo finally decides that Hawkins is finished before round 14, so he goes on he attack and he hammers the challenger producing a puffy eye before the round ends. The champ easily takes the final round, and he wins the unanimous decision by a huge margin. Young Griffo defends his crown by unanimous decision.

June 05, 1888

EBC - Kursall - Bern, Switzerland
FW(R2)Young Pluto (#5, 13-7-0, 5KO) L10 Tommy Warren (#8, 12-6-1, 9KO)

Each fighter lands one hard shot during the 1st, but then they settle down for an even round. Pluto outworks Tommy on the inside in round 2, and although Pluto out hustles Tommy again in the 3rd, it is a closer round than the 2nd. The action slows way down in the 4th, and Warren suffers a cut near his left eye. The 5th sees Pluto log a big lead in the round, but Warren has a sweet flurry in the last 15 seconds of the round to make it close. Warren starts off the 6th with a really nasty body shot that seems to fold Pluto in half absorbing it, and Warren keeps the pressure high in the round to clearly take it on the cards. Half way through round 7 Warren lands a devastating shot to the abdomen that Pluto doesn't take well, and Warren punishes Pluto for the rest of the round although Young Pluto manages to reopen the cut under Warren's eye. Pluto is looking pretty gassed in the 8th, but he opens the 8th round with a really hard right cross that freezes Warren for several seconds. Warren recovers and does the same thing to Pluto, but Pluto goes down from the exceptionally nasty shot to the temple. Pluto rises at 7, and Warren puts the screws to Pluto for the rest of the 8th. Pluto tightens up his defense in the 9th, and though Tommy still wins the round it isn't by much. Warren cautiously works behind a high guard in the final round, so Pluto takes the opportunity to take the round with hooks upstairs and some nice footwork. In the end Tommy Warren wins the unanimous decision by a couple points in a close one on the cards.

June 01, 1888

June is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

May 31, 1888

EBC - Rivergate Auditorium - New Orleans, LA
FW(R3-T)Young Griffo (Chmp, 14-1-1, 4KO) W8 Tommy Danforth (#1, 29-4-3, 15KO)

Griffo turns in a shutout opening round, and Danforth suffers a terrible cut over his right eye. A minute into round 2 Danforth lands a crushing right cross that the wunderkind Griffo shrugs off, and both men continue to throw lusty right hands until the round end, and Danforth has a slight lead at the bell. two minutes into the 3rd sees Danforth land a nasty shot to the abdomen that puts the champion on the defensive, and Tommy ends the round with a tremendous uppercut that staggers the champion yet again. Griff has a nice comeback in the 4th, landing power shots to the chin several times early. The champion reopens Danforth's cut right at the bell, and it affects his walk back to the corner it's so bad this time. The doctor has a look, and Danforth is allowed to continue. Griffo has another shutout round in the 5th, but the cut stays closed in spite of the champion targeting it, and Tommy has a swelling after the round. The action slows in the middle rounds when Danforth thinks defense more and more. Griffo is badly staggered in the 8th round, so he starts moving and throwing on the half-blind Danforth reopening the cut with a nasty head butt. The doctor makes another house call, and this time he calls off the fight. Champion Young Griffo scores an 8th round unanimous decision on Tommy Danforth to defend his title.

May 25, 1888

EBC - Kewadin Casino - Sault St Marie, MI
HW(R4-T)John L Sullivan (Chmp, 34-6-1, 26KO) KO3 James R Couper (#5, 18-9-2, 12KO)

Sullivan authors a brutal opening round, a shutout in fact, scoring all over the great target that Couper represents and leaving him with a swollen eye. 18 seconds into the 2nd round Sullivan scores with as perfect a right hand as he's ever thrown, and Couper wallows around the ring on wobbly legs. When Sullivan tries to follow up Couper lands a similar right hand that puts Sullivan's balance into a condition of being wrecked. Then answering again, Sullivan hammers him with a right haymaker that sends Couper 20 feet into the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. Sullivan ends up winning the see-saw round 2. Sullivan dominates the 3rd, making every bit of the action happen. Then Sullivan backs him into a corner, to throw a giant hook upstairs that floors Sullivan's hapless counterpart and Couper does not even flinch during the count. John L Sullivan defeats James Robertson Couper again, in fact it is the 4th time they have fought and the 3rd Sullivan victory.

May 24, 1888

EBC - Ynares Plaza - Rizal, Philippines
HWJames J Corbett (#3, 9-3-0, 2KO) L10 George OC Godfrey (#2, 26-12-1, 14KO)

Round 1 is a feeling out round, and round 2 sees Godfrey eating uppercuts from the young James Corbett. Godfrey lands a bunch of uppercuts in the 3rd, and Corbett's knees buckle once. Corbett hooks off the jab in round 4, and with a minute left in the 4th Godfrey lands heavily to the body. After a see-saw battle Godfrey takes a small lead home in the 5th round. Early in the 6th, Corbett lands a couple of hard right crosses, but Godfrey comes back strong to take the round, leaving Corbett out on his feet for several seconds. A minute into the 8th, Corbett hits him low and he's penalized a point in what was a dead even round. The 9th is also too close to call, and with a minute left in the 10th, Corbett suffers a badly cut eyelid. It might be bad enough to stop it if it weren't so late in the fight. George Old Chocolate Godfrey wins by split decision.

May 22, 1888

EBC - Knox Regional Netball Centre - Victoria, Australia
MW(R3)George LaBlanche (#1, 21-7-1, 13KO) KO1 Charles Turner (#3, 11-7-0, 8KO)

After exactly one minute of the first, LaBlanche cranks up the right cross, and Turner goes down and way out. George LaBlanche by 1st round KO.

May 16, 1888

EBC - Foley's Hall - Sydney, Australia
FWFred Bogan (#2, 7-0-1, 3KO) W10 Dave Fitzgerald (#5, 9-11-5, 2KO)

After a feeling out round, Bogan hammers Fitzgerald on the ropes and to the body in a round 2 that was not close. Round 3 sees Fitzgerald countering what he'd been seeing in the previous round, and he outworks Bogan by a small margin. Fred goes low early in the 4th, and after he soaks up a lecture from the ref, he proceeds to put a hurting on Fitz who has no answer for Bogan's great power in the 4th. In a close 5th, Fitzgerald finally wins a round even if it's a tiny margin. Not much happens in the 6th, but a minute twenty into round 7 Bogan scores with a blockbuster of a right hand that puts Fitz on his back for a 3 count. Bogan is dominating the rest of the 7th, when he lands another booming right hand that puts Fitz on the defensive for virtually the whole round. In a shocking developement Fitzgerald lands a huge uppercut that drops Bogan 20 seconds into the 8th for an 8 count, and after leading for most of the fight Bogan is eating big shots while staggering in the dreaded 8th round. Both fighters are shot by the 9th round, but somehow Fitz lands a few more and the momentum appears to be turning his way. Dave clearly takes the 9th but the final round sees Bogan put Fitzgerald on the floor for a 3 count right at the final bell. Dave rises after he's saved by the bell and the scorecards show a unanimous decision for Fred Bogan in 10 rounds.

May 11, 1888

EBC - Mansfield Civic Centre - Mansfield, England
MW(R2)Harris Martin (#4, 9-3-0, 6KO) KO1 John Laurie (#8, 5-5-0, 3KO)

The action flows hot and heavy from the opening seconds, and at the 2 minute mark of the opening round Martin savagely drops Laurie with an uppercut after backing him into a corner. Laurie is only able to get to one knee before the referee counts him out. It's a quick sudden knockout victory for Harris Martin.

May 08, 1888

EBC - Radisson SAS Falconer Hotel - Copenhagen, Denmark
LW(R5-T)Jack McAuliffe (Chmp, 24-1-0, 19KO) TKO9 Horace Leeds (#7, 10-8-1, 2KO)

Leeds enters the ring having had to shed 3 pounds before a second weigh in, so he's a bit drained with his stamina. Leeds however gambles in the 1st after seeing the magnificent shape the champion is in, and he scores with a devastating shot to the jaw that has McAuliffe on shaky legs right away. Although McAuliffe recovers pretty well, and works an educated jab later in the round, Leeds clearly wins the 1st round. In the 2nd McAuliffe is extremely cautious, so the action slows a whole lot. Jack takes the 3rd after he traps Leeds in a corner and peppers him again with that quick jab. About a minute into the 4th the champion scores with an uppercut that freezes Leeds for several seconds, but when Leeds goes into a defensive shell he prevents Jack from scoring again in the round. They go to war toe-to-toe at ring center in round 5, and though neither man clearly takes the round, those in attendance are going wild by the bell. The champion touches Leeds with his powerful right cross again in the 6th, and Horace has a tough time staying on his feet. Jack hammers him the rest of the round, and Leeds' right eye shows a suddenly large and dangerous swelling after the round. McAuliffe starts to accelerate from there, as Leeds starts to feel the effects of his slimming down session before the fight. After wobbling all over the ring Leeds does land a powerful uppercut with a few seconds left that sees the champion on his bicycle. McAuliffe lands the straight right hand over and over early in round 8, and Leeds' eye looks bloody awful after the round. Jack targets the eye in round 8, and although he has a great round, Leeds lands to the abdomen and it clearly hurts the champion to the core. Round 9 McAuliffe has Leeds in a world of pain, with a closed right eye which just makes the champ's world class jab even more accurate. McAuliffe sees his chance so he flurries big late in the 9th, and the referee finally stops the contest with one second remaining in the round. Jack McAuliffe defends his title with a great performance against his main rival Horace Leeds in a 9th round TKO.

May 04, 1888

EBC - Club Nova - Newcastle, Australia
HWFrank Slavin (#10, 15-11-0, 12KO) KOby5 Joe McAuliffe (#12, 8-3-1, 5KO)

There's some great action in the 1st, and it's Slavin who takes the round by a narrow margin. A minute into round 2 Slavin lands one hell of a haymaker that staggers McAuliffe pretty badly. Joe holds, another minute sees Slavin blast an uppercut that almost puts Joe down. Late in the round Slavin hammers home a left hook that not only staggers McAuliffe, but starts his left eye swelling. The action is more sparse in the 3rd, until Slavin drops Joe with a sweet flurry. McAuliffe rises at 6, but Frank keeps up the pressure for the rest of the round. Joe attacks Slavin's body in round 4, and outworks him the entire round as Slavin is a bit punched out. McAuliffe moves inside in round 5, and he lands a tremendous power combination that puts Slavin on his back for the full count. Joe McAuliffe wins a sizeable upset by 5th round KO.

May 03, 1888

EBC - Reno Hilton - Reno, NV
MW(R5-T)Bob Fitzsimmons (Chmp, 19-4-3, 17KO) TKO8 Billy Leedam (#6, 17-12-3, 3KO)

After about 2 minutes of Leedam on the offensive, Fitzsimmons staggers him with a combination. The champion goes to the body for the rest of the opening round. Fitz outworks Leedam in the 2nd, and round 3 is too close to call when Leedam slows the action down. Late in round 4 "Ruby Bob" explodes a huge right hand onto Leedam's jaw, which sees him stunned for the rest of the round while Fitz has his way with the challenger. Round 5 has some compelling action, but neither man clearly takes it. Leedam does a really good job of keeping pace in the 6th, and in round 7 as most of the fight so far, the round is close but Fitz's amazing power gives him the round. 30 seconds into round 8 Fitzsimmons lands a right hand uppercut that topples Leedam to the slats. Leedam is up at 6, but after a couple more shots from the champ he is on very shaky legs. Half-way through the same round the champion dumps Leedam on his ass again for another 8 count. Leedam rises and gets on his bicycle, but with a bit less than 40 seconds left in the 8th the referee rescues him from further punishment. Bob Fitzsimmons wins by completely brutal TKO in the 8th round.

May 01, 1888

May is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

April 23, 1888

EBC - Olympic Sports Complex - Minsk, Belarus
HW(R4)Peter Jackson (#1, 35-3-1, 29KO) TKO9 Dominick McCaffrey (#7, 24-13-1, 16KO)

Both fighters are very wild in round 1, with both missing most of the punches thrown. Jackson looks like he's going to win round 2, when McCaffrey nails Peter with a huge hook that wobbles the former champion. Jackson comes roaring back in round 3, and he staggers McCaffrey with a series of hard right hands. Jackson is slightly ahead in round 4, when suddenly McCaffrey wobbles "The Black Prince" again with right hands of his own. Half-way through round 5 Jackson lands a couple of devastating shots, and McCaffrey can only retreat until he drops the former champion with a perfect uppercut that snaps Jackson's head back and deposits him on the canvas. Jackson rises at the count of 8, but his legs are gone. Jackson lets his hands go early in round 6, and he easily wins the round by a wide margin as McCaffrey fades. Jackson is dominating the 7th easily, and he really starts to pull away in the scoring. Dom suffers a cut, as well as a swelling on one of his eyes in the 8th. Two minutes into round 9, Jackson finally catches Dominick with a power hook that drops McCaffrey for an 8 count. Although McCaffrey beats the count, the referee stops the fight immediately after the knockdown because he looks just awful after catching the former champ's best power punches. Peter Jackson wins by 9th round TKO.

April 21, 1888

EBC - Everton Park Sports Centre - Liverpool, England
FWDal Hawkins (#6, 5-1-1, 3KO) KO3 Harry Mead (#3, 24-12-6, 4KO)

The action develops slowly in the opening round, but Hawkins lands a power uppercut that almost topples Mead late in the round. A minute into the 2nd Hawkins has a beautiful flurry, but the final right hand hits Mead low and the referee penalizes Hawkins a point. A few seconds into the 3rd round Hawkins lands a left hook to the body that drops Mead to the canvas. Mead gets to his knees, but that is as far as he gets. 3rd round knockout for Dal Hawkins.

April 17, 1888

EBC - Heart of St Charles Center - St Charles, MO
LW(R2)Bill Parker (#8, 14-14-1, 2KO) KOby1 George Taylor (#9, 21-15-5, 5KO)

The bout opens quite slowly, right until Taylor hits Bill Parker with a right hand that lands as if Taylor had a baseball bat in his hands, toppling Parker to the canvas. The crowd erupts, but even if he could hear the count Parker is unable to rise and he takes the 10 count actually after the bell ending round 1. George Taylor takes him out in a single round by clean knockout.

April 16, 1888

EBC - Riviera Hotel & Casino - Las Vegas, NV
HW(R5-T)John L Sullivan (Chmp, 34-6-1, 26KO) KO1 Jake Kilrain (#4, 34-13-1, 21KO)

Kilrain lands the first heavy blow a few seconds into round 1, but instead of being driven back Sullivan screws his face into a nasty snarl and drops a heavy right hand on Kilrain's temple and down Jake goes. Kilrain gets to a sitting position but that's as far as it goes. The Great John L Sullivan knocks out his greatest rival inside of one minute in this their fifth meeting.

April 08, 1888

EBC - Dudley Concert Hall - Dudley, England
LWAndy Bowen (#3, 8-1-0, 1KO) W12 Billy Myer (#6, 4-2-2, 0KO)

Bowen scores with a lucky haymaker 10 seconds into the fight, but then Myer wakes up and goes into a defensive shell until the end of the round. The 2nd sees less action and Bowen again rocks Myer once. Bowen goes to the body in the 3rd, and the fight really starts to look like it's a mismatch as Bowen piles up points. In round 4 Bowen really starts to pound on Myer, but he gets a little careless so Myer lands a pair of crushing hooks that have Bowen stagger to his corner at the bell. So although Bowen clearly wins the round Myer has him on legs that a foal would be ashamed to have, and Myer's eye starts to puff up a bit. Myer has him going pretty good in round 5, but Myer is exhausted after the round. Myer is having trouble seeing in the 5th, so Bowen again cranks up the right hands upstairs which wobbles Myer more than once. Bowen outworks Billy again in round 6, but Myer lands more power shots and Bowen is staggered a couple of times. Bowen fires him up when Myer is gassed in round 7, and Myer has tremendous difficulty cutting off the ring resulting in a shutout round for Bowen. Myer is reluctant to engage in round 8, and Bowen pounds away in familiar fashion. Myer can only hold late as Bowen looks for a way to finish off his more experienced opponent. The final round is actually about even as Myer throws all he has left at Bowen. Andy Bowen clearly wins almost every round in the fight.

April 06, 1888

EBC - Buffalo Run Casino - Miami, OK
FW(R2)Sam Baxter (#9, 11-11-1, 0KO) L10 Torpedo Billy Murphy (#7, 20-9-0, 14KO)

There isn't much action early in the 1st, but Murphy has a pretty rally late in the round and Baxter's head almost spins around trying to keep up. In round 2 Baxter gets it going and he drops the former champion with a combination out of nowhere for a 9 count. "Torpedo Billy" holds and slides away from Baxter for the rest of the round to barely survive. Obviously Murphy concentrates on defense mostly for a time, and Baxter has trouble getting through Bill's guard. Murphy goes back on the attack in the middle rounds, and he seriously busts up one of Baxter's eyes. Although Baxter has decent power and occasionally hurts Murphy, his lack of defense gives Murphy a tremendous advantage. By round 8 Baxter can no longer protect his completely closed eye, and Murph really opens up. With 45 seconds remaining in the 8th, Murphy lands a thunderbolt of a right hand that floors Baxter for a long 9 count and Baxter barely knows where he is afterward. Murphy opens a bad cut on Baxter's eyebrow in the 9th, and Sam holds even more. Murphy hits him in the abdomen in the final round, but Sam finishes the fight on his feet. Torpedo Billy Murphy wins the fight by unanimous decision, and it isn't close.

April 05, 1888

EBC - Estadio Municipal - Santiago, Chile
MW(R2)Young Mitchell (#5, 9-6-0, 6KO) KOby4 Harris Martin (#4, 8-3-0, 5KO)

They cautiously circle each other in the opening round and Martin scores with a right cross that wobbles the Young one at the bell. Round 2 plays out about the same, but it's Young Mitchell who hangs a big right hand that comes close to dropping Martin at the bell. Round 3 unfolds slowly, but again Mitchell scores with a couple heavy shots. Martin goes on the attack in the 4th, and just before the bell Martin lands a right hand that has the impact of a stick of dynamite, so Young Mitchell drops to the slats and he doesn't come close to beating the count. Harris Martin scores a sudden, clean knockout in 4 rounds.

April 01, 1888

EBC - Bucheon University - Bucheon, South Korea
LW(R2)Horace Leeds (#10, 10-7-1, 2KO) W10 Tommy Williams (#11, 8-6-4, 1KO)

Although Leeds strikes first with a nasty hook upstairs, Williams patiently works the jab for the rest of the round which gives Tommy a narrow lead at the end of round 1. Leeds really gets the jab going in round 2, though he catches a warning for using his shoulder on the inside. Leeds very much dominates the 3rd when he traps Williams in a corner and opens up. Although Williams tries to avoid Leeds' offensive with movement at the waist, but Leeds lands nearly every shot after the half-way mark. The 4th sees a nearly identical pattern to the 3rd, but this time both fighers open up prodigiously producing a thrilling, though dead even 4th round. The 5th is shaping up to be pretty close, when Leeds scores with a right hand to the jaw so Williams retreats while covering up as Leeds helps himself to a quite easy target for the rest of the round. The next few rounds are too close to call, but by the 8th Williams has figured out that Leeds is easy to hit with shots to the body. About 2 minutes into round 9 Leeds pole-axes Warren with a series of tremendous right hands until Tommy finally topples to the slats with a little under a minute remaining in the 9th. Warren rises after a 4 count, and although Leeds opens up Warren remains standing at the end of round 9. The final round the action slows way down, but it's Leeds who flurries at the end of the round while Warren turns in a shutout. The final scorecards show a unanimous decision for Horace Leeds with a wide margin of victory.

April is here! Schedule and rankings soon.

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