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Rom Section

Super Dense World 2: A Mario To The Past


For anybody who might make an editor/hack the rom,

Here is the info, found by Weasel, Emuz and others:             

Level header background palettes and pictures
Tested in level 1-1, changing the third byte to any of the values listed below.

35 Castle Stonewall
4A Tall Mountains
60-7F Blank. No background
A3 Lighter palette of "Colored Hills" Background
A9 Dark Hills
AD Original 1-1 Background; "Colored Hills"
B6 Brown "Chocolate" colored hills
CE Big Pine Trees (Autumn)
D1 Big Pine Trees (Dark)
EF Dark Baby Bowser Room


Layer 3 Options, 7th byte in header...tested for level 1-1
00 Made animated clouds in sky screwed up
01 Nothing
02 Crash
03 "
04 "
05 "
06 "
07 "
08 Same as 00
09 Nothing
0A Crash
0B "
0C "
0D "
0E "
0F "
After that is a repeating pattern
Level Header Information gathered from 1-1
These are my experiments I did when looking at the level header.
by Weasel
Object set Palette Background/BG palette layer 3 Layer 4 Enemy GFX Layer options weird music settings

The header is 9 bytes as far as I can tell...unless someone knows something I don't
In 1-1
Bytes starting at B03C7
Change D6 to E6. Changes background color
First part of byte D6($B03C7) is background (sky) color. Second part is object set.

Second byte is 27 (should be palette?) I think the first part of the byte is ground color and the second is background. I may be wrong though...
Changed 27 to 37. The ground became ice colored...
07 Dark Yellow and brown ground
17 Grey with green flowers
27 Normal yellow colored ground.
37 Light blue-ish ice colors
47 Dark red and brown (Kafuka colors...)
57 blue and Grey
67 Nighttime blue colors...ah...so peaceful 
77 Another funny Grey palette...weird and cool
Everything after 77 made graphic glitches and looks bad. These eight choices are the only palettes available to a Flower-type level.
I now tried changing the byte 27 into 29. It created another palette choice (blue and purple) but with a seriously screwed up background image. The colored hills were replaces with stars, flashing x's and pasty white background. Here's my results:
20 Made ground purple and background was replaced with tree background.
21 Same as 20...hmmm.....
22 Same ground color as 20 but the background is now mountains (very messed up colors though)
23 It seems that I'm wrong. This changes the ground purple and the background is normal again(colored hills)
24 Normal colored ground (yellow) with tree background.
The original byte was 27. This color of ground is yellow. Also, 24, 25, 26, and 27 are all yellow ground with different backgrounds. So:
These are the palette options:
00-03, 04-07, 08 to 0B, 0C to to 0F. Change the 0's in the first part of the bytes to make more changes. I will not go into full detail on this subject as of now but I will complete the list later.
The third byte is AD, which, by using the pattern of the Pipe in 1-1, should be something to do with the Background/BG palette.
Changed AD to BD. Results: The colored hills turned red and yellow. looks like fire. The background colors changed.
Further results:
BD: Fire colored...cool
AF: Hills turned dark colored. Almost completely black.
AE: Weird
B0: Weird...not recommended because it looks so messed up
B1: Weird (by this time, I think all of the other palettes for backgrounds are weird. None look to good except BD and AF)
B2: Very bad weird...
Maybe good palettes come from the last part of the byte being D. I'll now test this theory...
0D: The background changed into a deep jungle background with odd colors
1D: It's the jungle background again, this time with red and yellow colors...another Kafuka looking thing it is 
2D: Castle background with WHACKED out colors...looks like there's something in there that can be good stuff.
3D: Orange and yellow castle bg.
I should've come to the conclusion long ago that there are 16 palettes usable for the backgrounds. Also, this is not only bg palettes, it's the bg itself!!! I will list all of the backgrounds (all 256 of them ) in a file, sold separately.
Fourth byte is a B6. It should alter Layer 3...I don't quite know what that means, but what the heck...I'll work on it 
Started by changing B6 to C6 (the usual thing I start out with is increase the first part by 1)
Results: I now know what it means...layer 3...duh.... It changed the foreground (flowers) into some funky cloud thing with goony birds in the distance....Kind of weird... I'll do only 1 more change to this. B6 to B8. Results: Some strange thing...I don't know what it is 
Fifth byte, which is 9E, should be Layer 4. Odd because I don't know where the layer 4 is used in the level. I'll change it to AE to start.
results: The layer 3 object (flowers) turned a different color. I don't think this byte is layer 4 anything. Actually, it could be layer 3 palette...let's just see though...
90: Definitely layer 3 palette...wait a second!!! It also turned the flower enemies into messed up graphic thingies....hmmmm..
I think this is the palette for layer 3 objects, not layer 4 properties and such. That is my conclusion...
Now for the sixth byte: 20. What does it do, I wonder...it should be enemy graphic set. Let's find out...
20 becomes 30 and does: I was expecting to see Shyguys turned into something like koopas. Not so. Actually, the flower beanstalk had graphics messed up. In fact, they looked like a freaked out Yoshi. The flower at the top was a Kamek flunkie, called Toadie.
Not I'm confused.....but I must proceed. Now I'll change some more stuff....I'm changing the bytes to other numbers. Starting with 00.
00: The beanstalk was still weird but now the bottom of the man-eating plants were weird too.
01: Same as above.....I'll try in groups of ten...see if that helps...
10: No...nothing different....
40: No difference here again....I'm confused for now. Next byte!!!
Numero Siete, number 7. It is a 29 that should have something to do with layer options or something else. I will not mess with this one just yet. Maybe later when I've finished with the rest of the header.
Number 8 byte is 60. It is weird. It was suggested that it has to do with palettes or music...or both. Let's change 60 to 70 and see what happens.....Results: Well that is certainly weird. I didn't see anything having to do with music. The colors did change to a blue-ish tint to them. how weird. I do not know what to think about this...
Level Header Information gathered from 1-1
These are my experiments I did when looking at the level header.
by Weasel
Object set Palette Background/BG palette layer 3 Layer 4 Enemy GFX Layer options weird music settings

The header is 9 bytes as far as I can tell...unless someone knows something I don't
In 1-1
Bytes starting at B03C7
Change D6 to E6. Changes background color
First part of byte D6($B03C7) is background (sky) color. Second part is object set.
Second byte is 27 (should be palette?) I think the first part of the byte is ground color and the second is background. I may be wrong though...
Changed 27 to 37. The ground became ice colored...
07 Dark Yellow and brown ground
17 Grey with green flowers
27 Normal yellow colored ground.
37 Light blue-ish ice colors
47 Dark red and brown (Kafuka colors...)
57 blue and Grey
67 Nighttime blue colors...ah...so peaceful 
77 Another funny Grey palette...weird and cool
Everything after 77 made graphic glitches and looks bad. These eight choices are the only palettes available to a Flower-type level.
I now tried changing the byte 27 into 29. It created another palette choice (blue and purple) but with a seriously screwed up background image. The colored hills were replaces with stars, flashing x's and pasty white background. Here's my results:
20 Made ground purple and background was replaced with tree background.
21 Same as 20...hmmm.....
22 Same ground color as 20 but the background is now mountains (very messed up colors though)
23 It seems that I'm wrong. This changes the ground purple and the background is normal again(colored hills)
24 Normal colored ground (yellow) with tree background.
The original byte was 27. This color of ground is yellow. Also, 24, 25, 26, and 27 are all yellow ground with different backgrounds. So:
These are the palette options:
00-03, 04-07, 08 to 0B, 0C to 0F. Change the 0's in the first part of the bytes to make more changes. I will not go into full detail on this subject as of now but I will complete the list later.
The third byte is AD, which, by using the pattern of the Pipe in 1-1, should be something to do with the Background/BG palette.
Changed AD to BD. Results: The colored hills turned red and yellow. looks like fire. The background colors changed.
Further results:
BD: Fire colored...cool
AF: Hills turned dark colored. Almost completely black.
AE: Weird
B0: Weird...not recommended because it looks so messed up
B1: Weird (by this time, I think all of the other palettes for backgrounds are weird. None look to good except BD and AF)
B2: Very bad weird...
Maybe good palettes come from the last part of the byte being D. I'll now test this theory...
0D: The background changed into a deep jungle background with odd colors
1D: It's the jungle background again, this time with red and yellow colors...another Kafuka looking thing it is 
2D: Castle background with WHACKED out colors...looks like there's something in there that can be good stuff.
3D: Orange and yellow castle bg.
I should've come to the conclusion long ago that there are 16 palettes usable for the backgrounds. Also, this is not only bg palettes, it's the bg itself!!! I will list all of the backgrounds (all 256 of them ) in a file, sold separately.
Fourth byte is a B6. It should alter Layer 3...I don't quite know what that means, but what the heck...I'll work on it 
Started by changing B6 to C6 (the usual thing I start out with is increase the first part by 1)
Results: I now know what it means...layer 3...duh.... It changed the foreground (flowers) into some funky cloud thing with goony birds in the distance....Kind of weird... I'll do only 1 more change to this. B6 to B8. Results: Some strange thing...I don't know what it is 
Fifth byte, which is 9E, should be Layer 4. Odd because I don't know where the layer 4 is used in the level. I'll change it to AE to start.
results: The layer 3 object (flowers) turned a different color. I don't think this byte is layer 4 anything. Actually, it could be layer 3 palette...let's just see though...
90: Definitely layer 3 palette...wait a second!!! It also turned the flower enemies into messed up graphic thingies....hmmmm..
I think this is the palette for layer 3 objects, not layer 4 properties and such. That is my conclusion...
Now for the sixth byte: 20. What does it do, I wonder...it should be enemy graphic set. Let's find out...
20 becomes 30 and does: I was expecting to see Shyguys turned into something like koopas. Not so. Actually, the flower beanstalk had graphics messed up. In fact, they looked like a freaked out Yoshi. The flower at the top was a Kamek flunkie, called Toadie.
Not I'm confused.....but I must proceed. Now I'll change some more stuff....I'm changing the bytes to other numbers. Starting with 00.
00: The beanstalk was still weird but now the bottom of the man-eating plants were weird too.
01: Same as above.....I'll try in groups of ten...see if that helps...
10: No...nothing different....
40: No difference here again....I'm confused for now. Next byte!!!
Numero Siete, number 7. It is a 29 that should have something to do with layer options or something else. I will not mess with this one just yet. Maybe later when I've finished with the rest of the header.
Number 8 byte is 60. It is weird. It was suggested that it has to do with palettes or music...or both. Let's change 60 to 70 and see what happens.....Results: Well that is certainly weird. I didn't see anything having to do with music. The colors did change to a blue-ish tint to them. how weird. I do not know what to think about this...

Level header background palettes and pictures
Tested in level 1-1, changing the third byte to any of the values listed below.

35 Castle Stonewall
4A Tall Mountains
60-7F Blank. No background
A3 Lighter palette of "Colored Hills" Background
A9 Dark Hills
AD Original 1-1 Background; "Colored Hills"
B6 Brown "Chocolate" colored hills
CE Big Pine Trees (Autumn)
D1 Big Pine Trees (Dark)
EF Dark Baby Bowser Room



$B03C8 and B03C9, (27 AD)
The palette and background work together. The byte 27 can be changed into anything with the second nibble as a 3, 7, B, or D. For example, the byte can be 03, 17, 2B, or 3D. The only thing to remember is that the first nibble in the Palette byte must not exceed 7. Anything 8 or above crashes the game. The second byte (for backgrounds) can be any of the choices listed above.
Enemy bites...er...I mean bytes 
List of enemies
10000-20000 enemy data and a little of level date apparently..
15000-16000 changed one of the flower guys to white(nothing apparent)
17000-18000 changed most of the flower guys white.. what the fuck? hehe (nothing apparent)
18000-19000 map pointers, level data, or ASM for same.
19900-20000 hmm.. 
100000-200000 umm well fucks up just about everything (of course I'm just doing a general corruption
20000-25000 asm code crashes game on level load
25000-30000 asm code.. killed yoshi's eating ability
30000-40000 asm... who knows
40000-50000 ASM object editing, graphics, and death
50000-60000 ASM objects.. yoshi moves right all the time for no reason. Also changes sounds for objects (I got yoshi's jump sound changed)
60000-70000 who knows
70000-80000 ASM and etc.. (made moving a rock crash)
80000-90000 ASM and maybe level data... many drawing routines in this section
100000-110000 ASM and etc.. kills map and island intro.
110000-120000 umm.. who knows?
120000-130000 Sprite and background mapping graphics.. who knows what else
130000-140000 nothing
140000-150000 "
150000-160000 "
160000-170000 "
170000-180000 "
180000-190000 graphics
190000-200000 massive into, map, background maps, and etc editing.. possible level storage..
199000-200000 map properties.. maybe level info headers and graphics...

0x20200 -maybe start of level data? 
0x20200 - 0x3102E map pointers in here
120200 - start of graphics
1fbd14 - 1ffee4 pallets (1F9580 last known possible start for them)
1bfc42 - 1f9580 Compressed graphics, ASM controls for buttons, save loading, and maybe levels.. 
1ceed2 - still affects graphics, save loading and looks like header..
1e2ed2 - umm.. well.. still has a little bit of map graphics compression, and cause nice pointer table corruption style effects also effects save rams
1e5ed2- outside the box.. 
1e4ed2 - definitely part of the table
1e3ed2 - corrupted file loading program.
1e4000 - same
1e3000-1e3a00 map16
weasel85weasel: This text is for when the yoshis have gathered around Mario and are taking him around. 11045A and I don't know the end
Well..I know that between 101FF and 1024E the yoshi's Palettes may be in there somewhere. I corrupted that section and the Yoshi's were all crazy colors. One was completely black and another looked like he was on fire. I'll work on this some more....just to keep you posted.
Well, I think anyway. I did this and the first level was a blank area with the boss music playing. I made Yoshi hover so I could hear the music. It seemed to corrupt lots of level headers too. Here's the range:
$7DB60 to $7ED5F
You try it too and see what comes up.
0x7E646 - table number for world 1-1
0x7E6D1 - another table.. doesn't effect start point
0x7E6D2 - starting point in level X Coord
0x7E6D3 - starting point in level Y Coord
0x7E9f1 - 0x7Ea23 somewhere in here is level 1-1 I got it to change backgrounds and everything... or may be pointer tables
weasel85weasel: There's a big area between $7DB5C and $11045A, which is where text areas are.
0x10204E - 0x11045A intro
0x80D05 - Object set, or background. Makes crash.. 1-1
0x80D06 - part two
0x521DD - Baby Mario setting?
0xB03D1 - Noteworthy addy. level data maybe..
0xB06BB - pointer table for bonus level or similar
0xB06BB - Level Number
0xB06BC - X Coord Exit
0xB06BD - Y Coord Exit
0xB06BE - Exit Type
0x7EB66 - Pointer table.. (This is kind of smack dab in the middle so we'll need to go up. 3 byte object, 3 byte enemy
0x7EA22 - Start of Pointer table
0xA80C4 - Object level data for 2nd pipe 1-1
0xA8183 - Sprite data for 2nd pipe 1-1
0xA80C4 - Object Set
0xA80C5 - Palette 
0xA80C6 - Background and BG palette... 
0xA80C7 - Layer 3
0xA80C8 - Layer 4
0xA80C9 - Enemy Graphic set
0xA80CA - Layering options or something
0xA80CB - makes things ice colored or some shit. Also has to do with music..
0xA80CC - Music setting..
00 - Flower Garden
01 - Castle
02 - Underground
03 - Bonus
04 - Kamek
05 - Athletic
00 - Kamek
E0 - Final Boss
00 - Jungle
E0 - Powerful Infant

E0 - Room before boss
weasel85weasel: I haven't confirmed anything for the object data but at A80D0, there's a byte 43. Change it to 45 or higher to move the pipe background thing right a little. Change it to 41 or lower to move it left.
weasel85weasel: (this is enemy here) offset A8183 looks like 1E 1E 0B. It's three bytes. The first is unknown...the second is the enemy pic and the third is the X coordinate.
weasel85weasel: I think the first byte is Y coordinates. I may have this wrong though...
weasel85weasel: If you change the second 1E into a 00, you get a red shyguy
weasel85weasel: I did get one thing. Objects in the pipe are 4 bytes...and for the music, o6 has no music and 07 gets werid stuff...but it's not important
0xB03C7 0xB0783 - level 1 Obj Ene
BoUcHeAn BoUcHe: ok the music setting
BoUcHeAn BoUcHe: is actually ?M
Emuz: it's the last nybble
Emuz: yeah I know
Emuz: ;-)
BoUcHeAn BoUcHe: only the right nibble changes the music
byte 0x01 : GGGGGGBB

GG = Ground Color/Set
BB = Background
00 - forest trees
01 - starry bg 
10 - Pointed Hill BG
11 - hill background
weasel85weasel: B1 is the object itself, 00 makes it go to the right REALLY far, A6 is X coordinate, and 03 is length (apparently endless)
Acmlm: B1 to B3 made it disappear again
Acmlm: Changing it to B0 makes the game get stuck there
Acmlm: Changing A6 to B6 moved it down
Acmlm: I got it, hehe
Emuz: ;-)
Acmlm: Same byte for X and Y
Acmlm: Try the first part of the second byte for enemys
Acmlm: Seems to be it
X COORD - 0x20 = Y Coord up, X COORD + 0x20 = Y Coord down .. more latter..
0xB6E55 A Pinf Level
- well object set byte is more than just an objectset byte
Emuz: the byte before the music in the YI header
Emuz: setting the last nybble to 5 gives you the missing songs.. so far.. I got pinf and 'athletic'
weasel85weasel: change the byte at $B03C8 from 27 t0 20. It looks cool
0x7EA46 - pointer to fuzzys hehe 0x9491F real object addy, 0x9511D enemy
weasel85weasel: B1 is the object itself, 00 makes it go to the right REALLY far, A6 is X coordinate, and 03 is length (apparently endless)
Temple Knight Blades: (10:58 PM) I changed the 94 at B03D3 for 44, It changed 2 blocs near the end (just before the bean tree)
Temple Knight Blades: (11:45 PM) now, I changed 2 bytes, only difference, in 1-1, The brown borders (where there are shyguy and stuff), I can't jump through them !
0xA80F7 testing of this object
note: this is based on the pipe's objectset
00 - Goofy Purple hole
01 - Crash
02 - Some kind of structural object, graphics messed..
03 - See 02
04 - Crash
05 - ""
06 - ""
07 - ""
08 - ""
09 - ""
0A - Similar object to 02... 
0B - Similar 0A
0C - Poundable Log...
0D - Platform Object.. need to test in another graphic environment to get specifics..
0E - Looks to be a unfunctoning lift..
0F - Same as 0F facing right
10 - Crash
11 - ""
12 - ""
13 - Looks to be a background item Edges appear above sprites.. 
14 - Crash
15 - Cloud platform...
16 - Crash
17 - ""
18 - ""
19 - ""
1A - Platform, wrong graphicset
1B - Vertical pole
1C - I beam
1D - Background item, long horiz. bar or similar
1E - Another background item
1F - Crash
-- NOTE: to save time I'll just X the Crashes..
20 - X
21 - X
22 - Flower G. Style hill.. <
23 - Flower G. Style hill .. >
24 - X
25 - Water Ground part
26 - Wet Hill
27 - X
28 - X
29 - X
2A - X
2B - Stampable log
2C - Immovable Block
2D - Vertical bar, top tile shows over yoshi
2E - same as 2D, only with a hanging part on the right..
2F - T like background (It's a flippin' tree.. object set 0x02)
30 - another tree I guess
31 - again tree I guess..
32 - X
33 - X
34 - Strange foreground/background object
35 - X
36 - I think it will be a large tree
37 - red line bridge
38 - X
39 - X
3A - X
3B - X
3C - Working Down pipe
3D - Object you can't land on
3E - Vertical Object, pass through..
3F - Vertical Object, safe on top, death on sides..
40 - Similar to 3F
41 - Horz. Ground
42 - Vert. Decrotive item
43 - similar to 42
44 - X
45 - X
46 - X
47 - X
48 - X
49 - 2 block wide Vert. Decrotive object.
4A - Vert. Decrotive object
4B - Big ground object
4C - similar to 4B
4D - Larger version of 4B
4E - X
4F - X
weasel85weasel: Alright, I got it
weasel85weasel: $10200 is where it starts

Rather a lot, isn't it? Rather good info though.

Screenshots of what I have done so far

To talk about anything on Yoshi's Island Hacking, got to the Yoshi's Island Hacking section on the Forum.

Last modified: May 24, 2002