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efX Clan Page by PenguinKiller

This is one of the Efx Clan's Homepages. This is the offical page for all Efx Clan Related Downloads. Here are the offical downloads for the efX Clan Weapons. Enjoy! News on 8/19/02 I have added a sound mod from Rudo, I have not used it but Im sure it is worth it. Its a small file, 600k. I guess we have a few new members, Vance, Xaemot. News on 8/25/02 I have added Lehigh's 2nd generation skins, screenshots are in, leave comments on forum. Overloading my site temp puts it down, try not to re-download anything if you have to. Thank Yardog for setting up another backup link for the skins, same host server. Enjoy! Thanks Pk

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Efx Weapon and Player Skin Downloads

WEAPON Clan Skins as of 3-5-02
NEW Efx player skins, 2nd generation (8-25)
Rudo's Sound Mod He wanted to share
New Efx Player skins, 2nd generation (Second Angelfire Link From Yardog)

Efx Related Pages

EFX Clan Forum
Xaemulor's Efx Page (HOME PAGE FOR EFX)
Lehigh's Efx Page
Flagger's Efx Page
Link To Our home page's member list
Efx Clan's OGL Site

Efx Screenshots

PenguinKiller's Screenshots of Weapon Skins
NEW NEW Screenshots of Lehigh's 2nd Generation Skins (8-25)
Penguin's Picture page of himself (6/12)
Crazy and one of the funniest pictures of Sam
Same Thing, Funny Picture of Sam
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