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Efx Player Skins Screenshots

(Click on Pictures for a Bigger Picture)

Here are screenshots of Lehigh's Newest Skins from late august, they are called the 2nd generation, you can download the skins from my main page (link at bottom).  They have been tested and retested so they should work just great.  As always share you comments, reactions on our forum:   Elite Force X Clan Forum

Thank Lehigh for taking the screenshots and TheBuilder  and PenguinKiller for being models, and of course Penguin for spending his time to make this page for you guys.


Allied Army Soldier 2 Front                                                              Allied Army Soldier 2 Back


Axis Africa Masked Man Front                                                      Axis Africa Masked Man Back


    Axis Elite Guard Front                                                                         Axis Elite Guard Back                                                                    

Axis Elite Officer Front (Dr. Death)                                          Axis Elite Officer Back (Dr. Death)


    Axis Elite Soldier Front                                                                    Axis Elite Soldier Back


          Axis Soldier Front                                                                         Axis Soldier Back


   Axis Africa Soldier Front                                                                  Axis Africa Soldier Back


        Allies Airborne Front                                                                        Allies Airborne Back


    Allies Army Soldier 1 Front                                                             Allies Army Soldier 1 Back


   Allies Army Soldier 3 Front                                                             Allies Army Soldier 3 Back


           Allies Ranger Front                                                                              Allies Ranger Back




                                                                         Allies Soldier 1 (Front Only)

Completed, Enjoy!  I had to host that last 5 allies skins on a different server since my main one is loaded for space. Don't overload my site either, lol.


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