----------------------------------------------------- ------SONIC 1/2/3/SONIC AND KUNCKLES BOSS GUIDE------ ------Written by NickWhiz1 (NickWhiz1@aol.com-------- ------Version 1.21----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Last Updated: August 1, 2000 NOTE: This guide covers: *Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis) *Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis) *Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Genesis/PC [Sonic and Knuckles Collection]) *Sonic and Knuckles (Genesis/PC [Sonic and Knuckles Collection]) Introduction/History Credits Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis) Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Sonic and Knuckles Copyright In Conclusion ---------------------------INTRODUCTION/HISTORY---------------------------- Version 1.21(8/1/00: FAQ-wide update, some tidying up. Version 1.2(5/8/00): Yes, I'm adding another game to this, the original that started it all on Genesis, Sonic the Hedgehog (1). Version 1.1(4/20/00): Oops, I forgot the bosses of Sky Sanctuary (S&K), so those are included. I've made small revisions in a few places. Oh yeah, the bosses of Sonic 2 are here! Version 1.0(4/16/00): It's been a long time since I've sent in an FAQ, so why not make it this one? It currently covers the bosses of Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles. The next update will include the bosses of Sonic 2. ----------------------------------CREDITS---------------------------------- *GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) Hosting this and my other FAQs *NickWhiz1 (NickWhiz1@aol.com) Who do you think wrote this? :P *You (yourmail@yourmail.com) Who do you think is reading this? :P ------------------------SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (GENESIS)----------------------- =========================================================================== GREEN HILLS =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Ball-n-Chain Machine Hits: 8 Ah, the classic. Anyways, jump on one of the ledges. When he first appears, hit him 2-3 times before he brings out his weapon, a ball and chain. The easiest way to defeat him is to hit him when the ball is swinging to the opposite direction, then run under the ledge all the way to the edge of the screen, then when the ball is gone, jump up, hit him again, and repeat. He's a goner after 8 solid hits. =========================================================================== MARBLE =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Fireball Machine Hits: 8 Somewhat difficult. First off, go as far right as you can. When he first appears, hit him from below a couple times. He'll swoop to the other ledge, then shoot a fireball down on it, covering the ledge with fire temporarily. Now, hit him as he swoops towards the ledge, then hit him again, then immediately jump to the other ledge, over the fire-spitting lava pit, as he'll torch the ledge on the right. Repeat and he'll be gone. =========================================================================== SPRING YARD =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Spike Machine Hits: 8 Bah, he's easy. Go all the way to the right, then hit him as he comes on screen. Then, run to the right, as he'll drop down, using a spike under his ship to destroy one of the blocks. There are ten blocks in total, but you'll have plenty of time to hit him. Take the opportunity to hit him while he swoops down to grab a block, making sure not to fall in any holes. As the more blocks go, it gets tougher to maneuver and get in a good shot or two, but you should defeat him quickly with little or no effort. =========================================================================== LABYRINTH =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Water Raiser Ship Hits: 0 I used to hate this guy, because I had no idea what I was doing. Now, he's easy. OK, you don't need to hit him to defeat him. All you have to do is jump up a shaft with some fireball shooters and some tridents. Big deal. The problem is, the water level is STILL rising behind you. This means you'll have to make it snappy getting up the shaft. After reaching the top, he'll run away, ending the fight. =========================================================================== STAR LIGHT =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Spiked Ball Shooter Machine Hits: 8 This guy is really easy. He'll swoop across the screen, stopping to drop spiked balls on the seesaws. You can hit him one of two ways. You can either jump on the seesaw to propel the spiked ball in the air, then run to the other side as it lands there, propelling you up to hit Robotnik, or you can use the spiked balls themselves to hit him. It makes no difference, as 8 hits using either or both methods will defeat him. Scrap Metal has no boss, so I'll jump straight to the final battle. =========================================================================== FINAL =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Smasher Machine Hits: 8 This battle will take a while, so bear with me. First off, run all the way to the right edge of the area. Two of the four smashing devices will come up/down, and Robotnik will be in one of them. If you can, hit the side of the one he's in to hit him. Then, four energy balls will materialize overhead, and drop down. Just do your best to dodge them. Then, the pattern continues. Which smashers come down and which one Robotnik is in is completely random, you just need to be patient until you can get in a shot. 8 hits and the game is over, yay. ----------------------SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 (GENESIS)----------------------- NOTE: The bosses are the same no matter what mode you play (Sonic, Sonic/Tails, Tails), so keep that in mind. =========================================================================== EMERALD HILL =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Tank Hits: 8 This guy is PATHETIC. I'll see if I can come up with a strategy :P. Anyways, he'll fly into his tank, at which point when he's in you deck away. He'll go offscreen, then come back going the other way, doing nothing. Keep hitting him. After 7 hits, he'll shoot the drill on the front off towards you, which you can just jump. After 8 hits, he's done. =========================================================================== CHEMICAL PLANT =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Chemical Machine Hits: 8 Give me a break :P. Anwyays, when he first appears, jump on him and hit him like there's no tomorrow. You can kill him before he finishes filling up his cup of chemical. Otherwise, he'll drop it on you. But honestly, you should have NO problem getting rid of him quickly. Watch out for the receding ledges on the sides, though. =========================================================================== AQUATIC RUIN =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Hammer Machine Hits: 8 These bosses will never get challenging, will they? Anyways, this guy is really easy if you know what you're doing. When the two totem poles rise up at the beginning, jump on one of them so it takes you to the top, then when Robotnik comes down, hit him like crazy, making sure to bounce off of him back to the pole you were on. When his hammer hits either of the poles, that pole will shoot an arrow from one of its openings. You can use these to get back to the top if you fall or missed the chance at the beginning. When his hammer is about to strike the pole you're standing on, jump when he pounds the pole, then go off and go crazy hitting him. 8 hits and he's finished. =========================================================================== CASINO NIGHT =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Electric Cruiser Hits: 8 Finally, a challenge :P. OK, the only way to hit him is to get above him by using the springs, flippers, and the two ramps to the sides. You have to hit him on the head, otherwise you're in for a world of hurt. He'll shoot off small spiked balls down to the ground, which will spilt into small red particles that you must avoid. As long as you don't get caught up in the springs and flippers and all that and you hit him where you're supposed to, he's a cinch. So much for the challenge :P. =========================================================================== HILL TOP =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Lava Tank Hits: 8 This is sort of hard. When he first appears out of the lava, hit him for all you're worth. I can normally knock him out before he recedes back into the lava, but you'll pay for it with your shield or rings. If you don't want to meet that fate (or don't have any way of surviving), stay out. When he comes out, he'll shoot a small fireball, then when he recedes, he'll bring up two fireballs that'll burn up whatever half of the area he was at, but it will only last for about 2 seconds. Then, he'll pick a side, and repeat the pattern. 8 hits and he's gone. =========================================================================== MYSTIC CAVE =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Drilling Machine Hits: 8 Another pathetic battle. Anwyays, when you first reach the hall of doom, you'll see rocks and spines coming from the ceiling. Those spines will hit you, so watch out. While this is going on, Robotnik will come down slowly from the ceiling with his drills. Hit him away from the drills and his flame while he goes to the other end of the screen and goes back up and drills again, and it repeats. You should be able to beat him by the end of the second sequence, hopefully. =========================================================================== OIL OCEAN =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Oil Tank Hits: 8 My goodness. OK, when he pops up, hit him like there's no tomorrow. At least 3-4 hits is pretty good for now. Then, when he dives in, the best thing to do is to hide directly under one of the ledges, that is, jump in the oil. A claw with a chain will be shot toward and over the ledge of your side, then a laser gun will pop up. It will shoot three lasers, either on the ledge (which will create a blue fire ripple) or over it. Of course, if you're below the ledge, you don't have to worry about it :P. Then, when Robotnik pops up again, hit him as many times as you can, and if you don't best him, the pattern continues. Darn it, I need a challenge! Wait, I shouldn't have said that..... =========================================================================== METROPOLIS =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Capsule Clone Machine Hits: 8 Please read this all before you start battling. This guy is probably the most annoying boss in all of Sonic. With a little strategy, though, he can be EASILY beaten, and quickly with a little luck. He'll first drop down with 7 invincible spheres circling him. Let him come down, then jump over him when he comes your way, then jump over him again when he comes back. He'll then go into the middle, swing the spheres around, then put them in such a way you can get under him and hit him. When you do, he'll release a small clone of himself. Hit the clone for Robotnik to repeat his pattern. That's the safe and easy, yet time consuming way. For us experts, there's a tougher, faster way that requires luck. When he first comes down, you'll notice that the way he spins it, he always leaves one of the sides of the bottom of his ship vulnerable. The sides alternate quickly, but one of them is always vulnerable. The trick is, when he's coming down, time you jump so you hit the side that's vulnerable, WHEN it's vulnerable. Destroy the clone, then continue. After all the clones are gone either way, he'll go to one side, then come down, shooting lasers. Just go under him and hit him once for the end. =========================================================================== WING FORTRESS =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Laser Hits: 8 Hmmmm..... Very interesting. OK, when the laser machine first appears, three small spike-bottomed spinning ledges will come down and begin to bounce. You have to use these to get up to the laser machine to hit it. Thing is, you can't hit the darn thing unless it's open. When it's open, you only have a few seconds to hit it before it glows and shoots a vertical beam, heading right for you. You should try to get done with this quickly before the platforms and the laser deal too much damage. =========================================================================== DEATH EGG =========================================================================== Boss: Silver Sonic Hits: 8 You can beat this guy in 15 seconds if you tried. When he first comes down, hit him 1-3 times on the head, AWAY from the spines. Then, he'll spin dash across the room, which you must jump over. Then, he'll stop, allowing you more hitting opportunities. This time, he'll jet across the room, giving you more times to hit him. By now, you should have him finished. If not, you'll deal with more floor dashing, jetting, jump dashing, even a nasty jump dash with an 8-spike shot. The pattern is ALWAYS the same, so you'll figure it out. You can beat this guy in less than 20 seconds, but the next guy is real fun.... Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Giant Egg Robot Hits: 12 He may look invulnerable because of those spiked fists, which will KILL you in one shot because of lack of rings, but about 90% of the time he's vulnerable to attack. During the first walking sequence, I can hit him EIGHT times! OK, no more bragging ;p. OK, when he first comes up, hit him 1-2 times above the spiked fists. When he starts walking, you can hit him IF you get him while both fists are out of harm's way. He'll take four steps, then back up a step, and launch (hit 1-2 times). Then, crosshairs will appear. Stay near the right side, then when they lock on, run left, and when he comes down, try to get a hit in. Then, run to the left side as he'll shoot those darned fists at you. Quickly run and hit him again before he takes off. The crosshairs will appear again, then he'll drop down (hit him 1-2 times). Then, the pattern repeats. If, for some reason, you end up behind him, he'll shoot small Robotnik mines at you. I can actually kill him when he lands before he starts his second complete pattern. This guy can be really easy :). Yay, no more bosses here! ----------------------------SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3--------------------------- NOTE: You can only play as Knuckles on this if you're playing Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles together. =========================================================================== ANGEL ISLAND: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: The Flying Tank Characters: All Hits: 6 You meet up with this guy near the halfway point in the act, where it will burn everything up. This time, you have to battle it. If you have the Fire Shield, just go below him and deck him. If not, wait until it comes down, then hit him a few times. Watch out when he shoots a flame when he comes down, and his 3 missiles he shoots off. Really easy. =========================================================================== ANGEL ISLAND: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Fireball Ship Characters: All Hits: 8 This one is a little tougher than Act 1. After the ship scene, cross the bridge, and Robotnik will appear. Run back across the bridge and get in 1-2 hits before he burns down the bridge. Then, he'll disappear behind the waterfall and reappear (look for the darker blue outlining). He'll be shooting fireballs while he's vulnerable, so if you don't have the Fire Shield, be a little more cautious. After 8 solid hits, Robotnik will surrender. Hit the cage to free the animals and finish the zone. =========================================================================== HYDROCITY: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: The Spinning Machine Characters: All Hits: 6 This is an annoying little sucker that will bug you from here to Sonic 4. Anyways, you can't hit him until he attaches himself to the thing in the middle, so you'll have to avoid him. When he goes up, stay in the middle. When he comes down, spin the opposite direction and jump off the wall, over him. After 2 swoops, he'll connect himself to the thing in the middle. Hit him as many times as you can (2-4), then he'll make the water spin and you with it. After he stops, try to get in more hits before he flys off again. Repeat this until he is gone. =========================================================================== HYDROCITY: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Twister Machine Characters: All Hits: 8 OK, there is a little bit of difference between Sonic/Tails's battle and Knuckles's battle, so: Sonic/Tails: When he first appears, he'll drop down to the water, then rise back up, with his spinning thing creating a tornado, sucking you in while you stand in the water. Hit him while he's coming down, then when the tornado is going down, jump on top of it and hit him. Knuckles: The Robotnik clone will not come down in the water, so you'll have to wait until he stops the tornado, then jump on it and hit him. After this, it's the same. Robotnik will drop bombs into the water. The trick is, jump into the water/steam the bomb causes when it blows up and it will propel you up to Robotnik for a couple easy hits. He will then repeat the pattern. After 8 hits, he'll surrender. =========================================================================== MARBLE GARDEN: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: The Drill Machine Characters: All Hits: 6 One of the easier bosses. Again, there are some differences: Sonic/Tails: Go to the right and deck him a few times, then get ready to dodge a couple small falling spikes as the machine drills (if you have the Fire/Lightning shields, they'll bounce off). Then, he'll come back down (move if it tries to come down on you), then he'll be vulnerable to attack. Deck him a few times, dodging the drills, and if you don't finish him off, he'll go drill some more. 6 hits kills him. Knuckles: Same thing, except when he comes down after drilling, he'll be too high to hit, so jump on the spinning spike column so you can get the required altitude to hit him. =========================================================================== MARBLE GARDEN: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Drill Machine Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 Oooohhh.... This is a tough one. OK, when he first drops down, hit him like there's no tomorrow. Using the added bouncing power of the Lightning Shield, I can get in about 3-6 hits, but you should try to get in at least 2. Then, he'll drill through the ground (hit him NOW!), and you'll drop with the ground. Then, it's time for a high-flying adventure as either Sonic being carried by Tails or Tails flying solo (depending on who you are). If you're playing as Sonic, you'll need to jump off of Tails to hit Robotnik, AWAY from the drill and flames. If you're playing as Tails, you'll need to use your spinning tails to hit him from below, dodging the drill and flames. Either way, when he goes off screen, he'll be in the background, switching angles, which he'll either go up, down, or across the screen. I highly suggest holding off on hitting him until he's flying horizontal across the screen. This is one of the toughest bosses in Sonic 3, but he's beatable. Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Spiked Chain Machine Characters: Knuckles Hits: 8 OK, this one is easier than Sonic/Tails's adventure. He'll start by shooting his drill down, then at an angle, leaving behind a spiked chain, Then, he'll come down, following the chain, which will give you a chance to hit him a couple times. For each subsequent attack, he'll randomly stick the drill and chain through the screen, so stay alert. BTW, don't touch the spiked chain, but you probably figured that out anyways =). Anyways, 8 hits will kill him. =========================================================================== CARNIVAL NIGHT: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: The Electric/Spinning Disk Machine Characters: All Hits: 4 This is an unusual boss. When the electric machine shoots off the spiked disk, while it's not electrically charged, hit it so its bottom part sticks out. If you're lucky, the disk will hit the machine, causing a hit. While you're doing this, the disk is breaking up the blocks below you, so you have to get rid of this machine quick before you run out of spots to stand on. If worse comes the worse, jump on the disk itself for a free ride =). 4 hits and he's history. =========================================================================== CARNIVAL NIGHT: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Electric Ball Machine Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 I hate this guy, I hate this guy, wait, you're probably running close to 9:59, because this stage is so frigging long, so I'll get to the point. When he appears, don't hit him, quite yet. When he drops the ball, hit him from below between the small green conductors, without hitting the ball. When he makes it over to the ball, his conductors will start spinning. Run for the hills, as he will create an electric twister, pulling you in (can't he come up with something original?). When he drops down to pick up the ball, hit him a couple times, then the pattern will repeat. The ball will never drop straight down, it'll go to the left/right and bounce a little, giving you more time to hit Robotnik/run away. After 8 hits, he's toast. To be honest, one time I finished this stage with a time of 9:57 or 9:58. Isn't that cutting it a little close? =) Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Animal Cage Characters: Knuckles Hits: 1 When you reach the cage, hit the plunger at the top to free the animals and beat the zone. Boy, how pathetic :P. Anyways, it isn't really a boss at all :). =========================================================================== ICE CAP: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: The Ice Machine Characters: All Hits: 6 This guy reminds me of Robotnik from Metropolis Zone in Sonic 2 (I love Sonic 2). Anyways, when you first enter battle, he'll appear, then bring blocks of ice to spin around him. He will then dive once ot twice, stop on one of the sides, then the blocks will fly up. At this point, get in 1-2 hits, then get ready to dodge five of the blocks that will fall. This is basically his pattern, so follow the same sequence to beat him. =========================================================================== ICE CAP: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Freezer Ship Characters: All Hits: 8 This guy is pretty hard :(. When he comes down, he'll let the gray thing on the bottom of his ship come down, then sprays of ice will start coming out. You know what happens when you get frozen :(. Anyways, you have to jump onto the gray thing to hit him, WHILE avoiding the downward spray that will come if your timing is off. After 6 hits, the gray thing will break off and he'll just sputter back and forth with 2 sprays coming out from the bottom and behind him. Hit him twice more to defeat him. =========================================================================== LAUNCH BASE: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: The Spinning Spike-Thing(s) Characters: All Hits: 6 (12 for Knuckles) This is an easy battle. When it comes down, after swinging its spiked arms, hit it on its side, between the spiked balls. After three hits, one of its arms will break off, making it easier to avoid it and hit it. After six hits, he's gone. If you're playing as Knuckles, you have to defeat two of them at the same time, but it's pretty easy. =========================================================================== LAUNCH BASE: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Black Ball Machine Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 Oh boy, this is fun. When it starts out, a small ledge will appear out of the wall, and a black ball will shoot from above it. Jump on the ledge, and hit Robotnik 1-2 times before it comes back down. Then, stand against the wall and let the ledge carry you up, because a ball will shoot from below the ledge. Again, hit him. The pattern it pretty much up, down, up, down, except occasionally he'll shoot two consecutive from the top. You may have to avoid the balls if they roll back towards the wall by jumping. 8 hits and he's gone. Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Laser Machine Characters: All Hits: 9 This is a lot easier than the previous foe. When he comes up, jump immediately as he'll shoot a laser right along the ground. When he comes back down, hit him on the top of the ship, ONLY if the little spiked ball isn't in the way. When he comes up, with luck, you can get in quite a few hits (I think I've gotten in 5-6 before). All the while, his machine is shooting lasers, which almost never come close to hitting you. After four hits, one of the laser layers will fall off. After eight hits, the other laser layer will come off. Just hit him one more time to defeat him. That's the last boss, isn't it? Nope..... Final Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Grabber Machine Characters: Sonic/Knuckles Hits: 8 For some reason, this seems like an easy boss. OK, after he drops off the screen, he'll start swooping at you. To hit him, you must hit between the arms on the bottom and the spikes at the top, so your jump must be accurate. If you get stuck in the hands, he'll pound you into the ground, then continue. After two swoops (4 for Knuckles), he'll appear at the top of the screen. He'll go back and forth, then drop, then go back and forth. You'll need to jump over him, because the spikes WILL hit you. Then, he'll fly off the screen, and the pattern will continue. Get in 8 hits and it's over. -----------------------------SONIC AND KNUCKLES---------------------------- NOTE: You can only play as Tails on this if you're playing Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles together. =========================================================================== MUSHROOM HILL: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: The Lumberjack Machine Characters: All Hits: 6 Easy, easy, easy :). Anyways, the Fire Shield will come in handy here. When he first appears, run up and deck him (watching out for the flames if you're lacking a Fire Shield, of course). (Knuckles players will have to wait). Then, head for the next screen, get under him, and deck away (again, if not fireproof, watch out for his flames). The logs that shoot outwards won't hurt you if you're under him. 6 hits and he's gone. =========================================================================== MUSHROOM HILL: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Racing Machine Characters: All Hits: 8 I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a better name :P. Anyways, first off, hit the satellite (this doesn't count as a hit), then Robotnik pops up. Hit him as much as you can (one time I got in 5 hits :) ). Then, it's off to the races as you must run toward him and hit him, dodging the flames he has out occasionally if you don't have the Fire Shield, AND you must dodge the spiked "hurdles" that you pass by. If you can get him 8 times total, you're in the clear. =========================================================================== FLYING BATTERY: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: A Machine in Disguise :P Characters: All Hits: 6 Hmmm.... We're at the end of the stage. There's an animal cage there. No boss to be seen. I guess I'll open the cage and end the level. What's this? Two eyes open and it draws out two ball-and-chains? What am I going to do?..... You get the point. To actually damage him, you have to get one of his spiked balls to hit the plunger on top. To do this, wait until one of them is flashing, then run RIGHT towards it, getting under it and on the ground while he takes a hit. The pattern continues, so you need to do it 6 times to win. =========================================================================== FLYING BATTERY: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Laser v2.0 Characters: All Hits: 7 If you guys remember the laser machine he used in Sonic 2 (Wing Fortress), this is a reincarnation of it. The problem is, no matter how many times you hit it, if you can, it won't die. What's there to do? You can't reach him because there's no platforms, and if you can, it doesn't do any good. To win, let the laser strike the floor below (IOW, dodge it). When it hits the floor, it hits some small boxes below the floor, damaging it and bringing the gates in a little. Don't worry, after 7 missed attempts by the laser, it'll be gone. The problem is, it's not over..... Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Swinging Machine Characters: All Hits: 8 With a little luck, and not playing as Knuckles, you can beat this guy quickly. Anyways, when the ledge reaches its pinnacle, Robotnik will come down from the sky in the middle. Then, he'll scoot towards you. When you jump over him, he'll shoot a flame. Eventually, he'll start swinging. Each time he comes over the ledge, he'll be vulnerable to up to 2 hits. Considering he swings 4 times before stopping, 4x2=8. Simple math :). Knuckles players need to be a little more cautious, as Robotnik will continuously shoot flames up, so you must be careful when jumping over him AND hitting him. Just 8 hits and he's gone. =========================================================================== SANDOPOLIS: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: The Walking Statue Characters: All Hits: 0 (?!) You must be thinking "Is NickWhiz1 crazy?!" right now. Well, I'm not. The object is to lure the statue into the sandpit on the left. If you do decide to hit it, it'll stop it for a few seconds, but you don't need it. Just stand on the far left edge of the sand and he'll jump right into it. Piece of cake. =========================================================================== SANDOPOLIS: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Ancient Statue Characters: All Hits: 8 This is a bit tougher than the boss of Act 1, but not too bad. When Robotnik comes out of his cubby hole, jump on the arm closest to you when it is out, then hit the head. Robotnik will reveal himself, but the head will come back, so get in 1-2 hits. If the green eye is glowing, get him quickly or dodge the small laser he shoots. You have to do this quick, because there is a wall a few screens to the left, so hurry up. 8 hits do him in. =========================================================================== LAVA REEF: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: Giant Hand/2 Spinning Wheels Characters: All Hits: 8/6 each This is an interesting boss. First, the wheels will come up, so hit them when they're coming up or going down. Then, the hand will come, and go over you, then try to smash you. When it stops, quickly jump. It'll pound the ground and you should get in 1-2 hits. Repeat this until this series of enemies are gone. Oh yeah, dodge the small orange projectiles from the wheels. =========================================================================== LAVA REEF: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Lava Tank Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 14 When you finally make it down to the bottom, on the one solitary ledge, Robotnik will pop up, and the lava will flow on a slope towards him. You must jump up the ledges to avoid going in the lava (unless you have the Fire Shield) AND you must avoid the spiked balls he shoots. When you go up to him and hit him, it'll do no good, except you'll lose your shield/rings/life. The object is for the spiked balls to roll down and hit him. When he drops down in the lava, jump on the small ledge closest to the middle, because he'll appear from the other side and start his routine. 14 spiked balls will be enough to kill him. Boss: The Invisible Boss Characters: Knuckles Hits: 0 There is no boss for Knuckles :P. =========================================================================== HIDDEN PALACE =========================================================================== Boss: Knuckles Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 This is an easy fight. When he's standing, deck him. Then he'll either roll on the ground, or glide. Dodge him when he's rolling, and hit him from below when he's gliding. 8 hits and he's done. Boss: The Evil Teleporter Characters: Knuckles Hits: 1 Just jump on it once and it'll teleport you to your doom.... ahem, Sky Sanctuary :P. =========================================================================== SKY SANCTUARY =========================================================================== Since there are a lot of bosses here, I'll do Sonic/Tails's bosses first, then Knuckles. Boss: Mecha Sonic Deja Vu: The First Ever Robotnik Boss Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 If you read the name of this boss I came up with, you'll know it's the first boss from the original Sonic game. It's the one with the swinging ball and chain. This is really easy. Stand on one of the ledges, hit it when it heads for the other platform, then jump and hit it WHEN the ball is about to go over the ledge you're on, and with luck, you won't get it. He's easier than ever. Boss: Mecha Sonic Deja Vu: The Most Annoying Robotnik Boss IMO Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 If you didn't think this boss was from Metropolis Zone of Sonic 2, prepare to die :P. Anwyays, this is MUCH easier than before. Let him come down, then jump over him when he comes your way, then jump over him again when he comes back. He'll then go into the middle, swing the spheres around, then put them in such a way you can get under him and hit him. When you do, he'll release a small clone of himself. The trick is, do not hit the clone immediately. Instead, unlike the original, you can jump up and hit him again while he's waiting, so if you can keep at least one clone intact at all times, you can hit him until all seven clones are gone. When they are all gone and popped, he'll come down and try to shoot lasers at you. Run under him and hit him once to finish him. Boss: Mecha Sonic Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 This guy is similar to the Silver Sonic from Sonic 2, but this one's somewhat faster. He has four different attacks. He'll jump and air dash to the other side, jump, then "bounce" off the ground and jump again, jump once, then spin dash on the ground, and jet from one side to the other. There is a pattern, but I'll put that later. Anyways, hit him whenever he's not in his spiked rolling form. 8 hits and he's toast. Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Grabber Ship Characters: Knuckles Hits: 0 He'll just grab you and take you to the next screen :P. Boss: Mecha Sonic Characters: Knuckles Hits: 8 He's exactly the same as Sonic and Tails's version. No explanation. Boss: Super Mecha Sonic Characters: Knuckles Hits: 8 This guy, for some reason, is actually easier than he seems. After you destroy him the first time, he'll rush on and power up with the Master Emerald, turning him invincible. While flying from one side to the other, he has two possible attacks. One attack is to swoop down, most likely hitting you, so always keep at least one of the three rings from the beginning. The other is to shoot 3 energy balls at you. When he does, he'll run short on power. Before he drops to the ground and spins, hit him. Follow him to the emerald and get in 1-2 more hits before he transforms again. After 6 hits, he'll really power up with the emerald and start another sequence. This time, he'll hover in the air, and occasionally, he'll stop and shoot 8 rings in different directions. Keep with him, as sometimes he'll turn back to normal very briefly, at which point you hit him ONCE, no more, and hopefully no less. 8 total hits and the game is over for Knuckles. =========================================================================== DEATH EGG: ACT 1 =========================================================================== Boss: The Core of the Ship Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 16 This is a hard one. First, run to one of the sides, and let the spheres circling the eye come down, then hit it for a hit, which will blow up one of the spheres. Bounce off of the eye to get back to your side to dodge the sphere's expanding circle, then hit it again. After 8 hits, and all of the spheres are gone, the eye will break away and stand on its own, with 2 spinning platforms. Jump on one of the platforms, and hit the eye. When you do, he'll go crazy and shoot a laser, while heading right for you. When he is done, he'll "jump up", then come back down. Repeat this process for 8 more hits, making a total of 16, defeating it. =========================================================================== DEATH EGG: ACT 2 =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Shielded Sphere Machine Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 Plenty of fun here. OK, first off, you can't hit it yourself, because of the rotating shield. The trick is, let the sphere shoot off some spiked tanks, then when a spiked tank and the sphere are just about in alignment, run into the machine to reverse the gravity, pulling the spiked tank up and hopefully creating a hit. When the tank hits, or stops and blows, it'll shoot off little spikes to dodge. Remember, you can only hit it with the spiked side of the tanks, so keep that in mind. 8 hits and it's over, or is it?...... Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Giant Robot: The Hands Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 18 (3 per finger) The first line of duty against this titan is to destroy its fingers. The best way is to get in the gap where the hands are apart, then when they drop, spin and bounce off of them, hitting/destroying them. Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Giant Robot: The Big Thing Itself Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 This can be very easy if you do it right, and nearly impossible if you have no idea what you're doing. OK, when you start running for your life, it'll appear behind you. Hit the nose to reveal the emerald. Hit the emerald once, then go back right. When it glows, it's about to shoot a beam. Jump the beam, then hurry and hit it again before it closes again. Dodge the fire the nose spits, then hit it and repeat the process. 8 hits and it's over. Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Escape Ship :P Characters: Sonic/Tails Hits: 8 After destroying his giant robot, he'll run for it with the Master Emerald. The trick is to run up and hit him, while making sure to keep ahead of the collapsing ledge behind you. If you get in 8 hits, he'll give up the emerald, and the game is over. But, if you're Sonic and have all the emeralds..... =========================================================================== THE DOOMSDAY =========================================================================== Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Giant Robot Ship Characters: Super/Hyper Sonic Hits: 8 You need to hurry up in beating this guy. First off, charge towards the front of the ship, dodging the small projectiles he's shooting. When you make it to the front, he'll shoot off 3 missles that'll home in on you. The trick is to trick the missiles into hitting the head of the robot in the front of the ship. Keep in mind if you're hit by the projectiles or missiles, you'll be pushed back towards the rear of the ship. If you can get 8 missiles to hit the head, it's over, right? Nope.... Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Giant Robot Characters: Super/Hyper Sonic Hits: 8 This time, you can collect rings while battling him, so it makes it easier. He'll pull far ahead of you at the start. Charge forward and run right into him. You'll be pushed back a little, but you can make it up. Watch out for the missiles he'll shoot at you while you're charging towards him. If you can get him 8 times before your rings run out, you've finally beaten the game 100%! ---------------------------------COPYRIGHT--------------------------------- This FAQ is (c)2000 NickWhiz1 (NickWhiz1@aol.com) Any parts of this relating to names or such inside the game is (c) that company, since I'm too lazy to put them myself... Any parts of this that was submitted or borrowed from another source (player's guide, other FAQs, word of mouth or e-mail, etc...) is (c) of that source. Now, some dos and don'ts: DON'T: -Place this fine piece of writing ON your website directly. -Link DIRECTLY to this file (in other words, not the .txt file) -Ask me if it's OK to put this on your website (that bugged me so bad) -E-mail any questions about the game if it is already answered in these hallowed words -Anything else along these lines (stupid e-mails, threats, profanity, etc...) -Ask me about my personal life -Ask for a joint FAQ with me -Sell it for any profit, unless it comes to me -Keep e-mailing me about my incomplete FAQs DO -Use this the way it was intended to be used, to help you beat the game you are using the FAQ for -Link INDIRECTLY to this file (to the .html page, not the .txt file) -Encourage other people to use this to help them -Let me know of any sites with my FAQs or directly linking to them -Make me your role model, learning to make FAQs like me. -Worship Pokemon and tape every episode of the TV show (I'm close) -Be patient on recieving replies. I ACTUALLY get e-mail, and quite a bit too... -Print out copies and give them to your friends -Send me any new hints or codes that come along -------------------------------IN CONCLUSION------------------------------- Every so often I will add a game to this Boss Guide. Eventually, it might become the Ultimate Sonic Boss Guide!