Videogamer’s Sonic 3D Blast FAQ This is my first FAQ, so please bear with me on this. I noticed that there is a request for an FAQ for it on the request list so I decided that I’d make this FAQ. if you want to use this FAQ on your site, you have to contact me for permission first. This FAQ is copyright 1999, 2000 Videogamer, Sonic and all related characters are property of Sega of America. Contents (version 1.9) 1) Legal disclaimer (above) 2) Some basic tips 3) Walkthrough 4) Reader Contributions 5) Miscellaneous (codes, Game Genie, ECT.) Version History: Version 1.0: Added all the tips from the manual, and the walkthrough for Green Grove act 1 through Volcano Valley act 1 Version 1.1: I completed the walkthrough (with the things I know). Version 1.2: I had a big reader contribution (see ch. 4). Version 1.3: I got a small contribution of codes, they’re in the reader contribution section. Version 1.4: I got another small contribution of codes, they’re in the reader contribution section. Version 1.5: I got some tips, they’re in the reader contribution section. Version 1.6: I got some more tips, they’re in the reader contribution section. Version 1.7: I got even more tips, they're in the reader contribution section. Version 1.8: I got more tips again, they're in the reader contribution section. Version 1.9: I got some information on a difference between the Genesis and Saturn versions of the game, it's in the reader contribution section. Some basic tips to remember 1) Remember to take it slow in unfamiliar territory. 2) On your first time through the game, don’t worry about the emeralds, it’s hard enough just finding and holding on to the flickies while finishing the game within two hours. 3) Remember that when you get the gold shield, you can push jump twice to home in on enemies. 4) With a few exceptions, it’s best to do the slow roll instead of jumping on to the robots. 5) To regain control on ice, jump and land in place. 6) There are many hidden passages in the game, look everywhere. 7) In my opinion, the Knuckles bonus stages are easier than the Tails bonus stages. The Walkthrough Please note that I’m not going to tell you where every flicky is, but I will tell you where Tails and Knuckles are in each level, where the helpful secrets are, and how to kick Robotnick’s booty. Green Grove Zone act 1 This level mainly gives you an introduction to the game. Every springboard has a purpose, so be sure to jump on them all. After the first steep hill that requires a launcher, break through the part of the wall with the odd texture to find rings, a gold shield, and a cannon that takes you to Knuckles. Tails is found by going down the steep hill after you go through the portal, then going right until you reach another hill. Go down that to get to tails. Green Grove Zone act 2 This level is slightly more difficult, but you shouldn’t have much trouble with it. To find Knuckles, go to the lower left corner of the area you appear in after putting the flickies in the first big ring. Tails is behind the big rock that you spin dash through in the second section of the level. Near the second big ring, there’s a breakable part of the wall that has a gold shield and extra life behind it. Green Grove zone act 3 Just hit him as he comes down to pick up the spike ball. There are rings in the corners for protection. Rusty Ruin Zone act 1 Now here is where the game starts to get tricky. Remember that you can break the columns by standing on the spinning things, then running into them. To get to Tails, you have to use the spinner, then go around counter clockwise, to get to Tails. Sorry, but I’ve never been able to find Knuckles here. Rusty Ruin Zone act 2 The designers of the game must have been too busy making this level difficult, because I couldn’t find Tails, Knuckles, or any secrets at all. Rusty Ruin Zone act 3 When he slams his paw against the ground, jump on it, and then ride it up and hit Robotnick’s ship. It’s not too hard, as long as you avoid the gun. Spring Stadium zone act 1 This level is definitely a relief after Rusty Ruin act 2. It’s not too hard, just avoid the spikes. Tails is in the area between the first big ring and the loop going into the second section. Go right after the loop near Tails, and go right to the steep hill. Knuckles is at the bottom. Spring Stadium Zone act 2 This one is more difficult, but all you can do is sweat it out. Tails and Knuckles are in the same place in this level. After coming out of the loop after the first big ring, go directly to your right. Spring Stadium Zone act 3 Hit Robotnick’s ship when he comes down to pound the ground. Be sure to avoid his arms, even when he’s in the air. Diamond Dust Zone act 1 I’m not sure why, but this is my favorite level. It’s not particularly difficult, and it’s big with a lot of secrets. Go up the first Ice River and go to the left to find Knuckles. Tails is at the bottom left of the second ice river. There is a 1-up through a tunnel blocked by a breakable ice crystal. Diamond dust Zone act 2 This isn’t quit as easy as act 1, but it’s nothing compared to Volcano valley. Tails is hiding behind a lot of ice crystals after the slide following the first big ring. When the path splits near Tails, take the icier path, unless you like getting pelted with snowballs. You can navigate the ice easier if you slow roll on the ice. Knuckles isn’t far after the second big ring, be sure to get the 1-up behind him. Diamond Dust zone act 3 Hit him when he comes down. Be sure to avoid the freezing gas and snowmen. Volcano Valley Zone act 1 This is where the game starts to get difficult. You’ll have a really difficult time here if you can’t find and keep the fire shield. There are a few fire shields hidden in secret passages hidden by the breakable stones. Be sure to break all the stones. I’ve seen Tails and Knuckles in this level, but I have no idea how to get to them. Volcano Valley Zone act 2 More of the same, but this one’s a little shorter. Get the fire shield at the beginning you’ll have an extremely difficult time here. Be sure to break all the stones, since there are secret tunnels under some of them. As far as I can tell, you won’t find Tails or Knuckles anywhere from here to the end of the game. Volcano Valley Zone act 3 This is the first really tough boss in the game. You have to jump on his pipes in the middle of the lava and jump up to hit him while avoiding the fire that comes out of the pipes, and the fire snake that he occasionally shoots out. It’s not easy. Gene Gadget Zone act 1 This level isn’t exactly easy; there are lots of hazards such as automated guns and electrical floor panels. Just remember that the fans are there to help you, and remember that you can run across the electrical floor panels, but you can’t stand on them if you don’t have a shield. Gene Gadget Zone act 2 This is pretty much more of the same, just hang in there, you’re almost finished with the game. Watch out for the spikes, they can be nasty. Also, at the part where you have to jump from platform to platform, fall and go down the slide once since there’s a flicky down there. Gene Gadget Zone act 3 In my opinion, this boss is easier than the last one. All you have to do is avoid the spikes, and hit him when he comes down to shoot you with missiles. Panic Puppet Zone act 1 I’ll give you the flicky locations here since they’re not robots and they are in tricky places. The first flicky is in the first part, before you go down the first conveyor belt. The second one is to the right of where there’s a split where half is electric panels and the other half is fans. When you get to the steep hill, just go right instead of going up it since you’ll find a flicky to the right of the steep hill. Go around the hill and you’ll find a both flickies near the top of the steep hill. Panic Puppet Zone act 2 Ah, now this brings me back to the days of the old 2D Sonic games. Just follow the linear path to Robotnick’s nose and go in it. Don’t worry about flickies or secrets because there aren’t any. Panic Puppet Zone act 3 This battle is difficult, but it’s nothing compared to the next one. The battle starts easy enough, just go under one of his mallets, so he’ll slam it on the ground, then hit the flashing blue light. Repeat as necessary. Next, he’ll shoot a moving flame around the battlefield, hit the flashing blue light. The flamethrowers will alternate and shoot automatically. Finally, he’ll shoot balls from his things on the next level. To avoid the balls easier, I suggest staying with one of them at a time and stand in a position where you can avoid the balls and hit the flashing blue light at the same time. The Final Battle You can only come here if you have all the emeralds; otherwise, you’ll get the “Try Again” ending after panic puppet act 3. Anyway, on with the battle. First, I suggest that you only get 3 of the rings at the start, since you will be coming back there. First, the robot will shoot finger lasers at you, just avoid them and hit him when he moves forward into the platform. Next, you’ll have to avoid three flame-throwers, then hit him the same way. Third, you’ll have to avoid his hands that will try to ram and crush Sonic, then hit him in the same way. Fourth, just avoid the missiles he shoots, and hit him. Fifth, he’ll shoot balls with his gun. I find it easier to stand and jump in the upper left corner to avoid the balls, then hit him when he moves forward. Now just do all five of those steps again and watch the credits roll. Reader Contributions and Credits A big thanks to Andrea for these tips on how to find Tails and Knuckles. Rusty Ruin Zone 1 Knuckles is in Stage 3. When you start in stage 3, follow the path to the left, walk through the spinning spikes, once you’re safely through, stand in front of the door you see near the spikes, use Sonic Spin Ball to blast through it. It leads you to Knuckles. But he's blocked, so you must go back the way you came till you get to the spinning things, jump on one an spin all the way back to Knuckles...make sure you don't get hit by the spinning spikes then go through the door and blast the blockers. Rusty Ruin Zone 2 Knuckles is in Stage 1. Go all the way down to the end of the stage where the big gold ring is, get on those spinning things and go left. Blast through the blockers. Then jump on your shield. Next go towards the door, use Sonic Spin Ball to blast though it and it will lead you to Knuckles. To find Tails will be a bit harder to explain. Tails is in Stage 1 but you must complete 2 and half of 3 to do so. First just play the game as you would. When you get to Stage 3 at the part where the spinning spikes are and where those 3 steps are hanging in the air and below them there should be a spring. Go down there, jump on the spinning thing and spin down the steps and go along the path, you should still be spinning. Then spin into the little blocker and you will fall into a hole leading you to Stage 1 where Tails is. Volcano Valley 1 To find Tails you must go to Stage 2, follow the path to where you jump on the blocks to a hole. Once you go to the next island, run towards the spring. Follow that path up to the blue spin thing. Get on it and Sonic Spin your way up to the small area. Jump on that small area. Go to the right and face the wall and Sonic Spin into it and you will find Tails. Volcano Valley Zone 2 You'll find Knuckles here. This will be much harder to explain. He is in Stage 1 but you must go through 2 to get to him. When you start out on Stage 2 make SURE you have a fire shield and try to keep it through the whole stage. Continue going down the path until you reach the balls of fire in a line looping in circles. Pass that, you should see a spring and a path leading down. Go down that path into the lava and jump up on the little island. Jump on the blocks, go through the hole and walk down the short path. Knuckles should be there. I’ve also got a couple codes thanks to J. V. 1.. The Level Skip Once you have entered the level select code choose any level. Any time whilst your playing, press START+A. When you get up to Panic Puppet Zone - Act 3, when you press START+A you will view a cutscene but at the end of it the credits will come up. 2. Easy Emeralds Once you have entered the level select code, choose a level that has 'Tails' & Knuckles in the stage. Collect at least 50 Rings and run into 'Tails'/Knuckles. When your at the special stage, press START+A when the special stage starts for the Emerald.(NOTE: This code doesn't work on all versions!!!) Here are a few tips from Gregory Here are some more tricks I've learned for Sega 3D: There are spikes and springs in spring stadium act 3.Don't bother with the springs--they will just lead you to the spikes, which will make you lose your rings. Don't try to go for the electric blockade near the dimension ring in gene gadget. There is a special flicky in volcano valley. Pop a vampire-bat and a red flicky (it doesn't bounce) will appear. It will look like a small red shield. Even more tips form Gregory Well here's how to find Knuckles in Volcano Valley Act 1. He is in Stage 1 but I suggest getting a red shield first. When you get to where that bird robot and ring icon are, pass the lava and you will find a bat-like robot and invincible icon. Near the invincible icon there are 2 doors. Blast into the cracked one with the spin dash. Go through the door and you will find Knuckles. Here are some other tips: -In panic puppet act 3, quickly get under one of the mallets on Robotnik's machine, or he will shoot white balls from his cannons that cause you to lose your rings/ -In Rusty Ruin act 2, here's a tip for avoiding the moving platform that takes you to the fire cannons. Just get on spring near the moving platform be sure to pick up the sonic icon and you will reach the other side easily if you get the D-pad arrows in northwest direction. -A warning: In Diamond Dust do not try to go with the flow in ice rivers because if you do so you will run into icicles and the rings will go flying. Instead, jump in the direction you want to go every time you land in the ice to avoid being caught in the current. -I know where Tails is in Volcano Valley act 2. He is in stage 2. When you come out of the doorway near that big gold ring with the red handle, jump from platform to platform. Avoid the lava [unless you have a red shield]. Go to the corner, blast into the cracked part, zig-zag through, and you will find Tails. -In Diamond Dust, if you pop a snowman that shoots snowballs in all directions, all you will get is an ice cube. Pop it, and you will get the flicky. -In Volcano valley act 2, there is a passageway. When you start the act, go through the passageway with the spikes. Pop the bird robot, blast the cracked part, and you will find a spring and invincible icon. Be sure to pop the icon and the bat robot. Get on the island and quickly pop the red shield before Sonic's invincible time is over. And even more tips from Gregory: In the final fight, I had hit the robot in the second part. The passageway appeared, but I didn't take the passageway. Instead, I stayed on the platform until the bonging got faster and faster. When that happened, Sonic died. I pressed the Reset button on my game console and the game congratulated me on finding a secret Level Select. The "continue" music was playing, and I saw the Level Select screen appear. There is another interesting thing. In Rusty Ruin, Act 1, in stage 3, just get on the spinning thing and blast into the blockers. You can pop the shield if you like. Then blast into the door and you'll move into Stage 2, near the dimension ring. Gregory contributes even more I have another tip: -There are 2 ways to get to the dimension ring in stage 2. You might have seen those blockers, which are right next to the spinners. There are 2 ways to blast the blockers. One way is to take the path to the dimension ring (that is not what I am talking about.) When you get there go northwest and you will find rings and stairs. When you are all the way up get on the spinning thing, then bump into the blockers to destroy them. The other way is tougher, especially if you don't have a red shield [there is a fire cannon there.] Get on the spinners and go AWAY from the spinning spikes, but remember that the chains can get Sonic, too. When you do that, avoid the spikes on the wall, then go destroy the blockers. I also have ANOTHER tip [whew! there is a LOAD of things hidden in this game!] In Rusty Ruin Act 2 when you get to the moving platform, use my tip or any way you like to get through it then go through the fire cannons and go north of the giant ruin, (you may need to back up a little.) When you are in the right spot, another spinning sonic will be earned and that is handy for continuing, but I don't know yet exactly how many you need to earn one. I also figured out how many hits you need to defeat nasty Ivo Robotnik and his crazy machines. Green Grove:5 hits Rusty Ruin:5 hits Spring Stadium:8 hits Diamond Dust:8 hits Volcano Valley:8 hits Gene Gadget:8 hits Panic Puppet:24 hits Final Fight:10 hits A little information from Armadillo: I recently bought Sonic 3D Blast for the Saturn andI just wanted to make note of the difference between the Volcano Valley boss in the two versions. All he does in the Saturn version is shoot the fire snake. Miscellaneous I’ve found a few game genie codes, here they are Non-stop Demo: AJCA-AABY Freeze animations: AJLA-AACG Level selection menu always appears at level start: AJNA-AA32 (you’ll need to turn this off after the level select comes up) Invisible Sonic (except for shadow): AJNA-AA32 To get a level select without the Game Genie press B,A,Right,A,C,Up,Down,A, then press start on the “press start” screen. Here’s a small reader contribution to the code section. In Final Fight, pause, and press A+B+C. It's a quick ending. If anyone can add to this section, e-mail me at I’ll put your contribution in the reader contribution section.